Take your breakfast game to a whole new colorful level.
How to DIY a Valentine’s Day Breakfast in Bed Tray

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, you might be racking your brain for V-Day gift ideas that don’t require a three-month advance reservation. Well, you know how they say the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his belly? (We’d say this is true for women too :) This Valentine’s Day, we’re keeping it simple and delicious. If you’re spending the holiday of love with your guy or gal, wake them up with fresh affogato coffee, breakfast and maybe a pastry served up on a painted platter. We’re showing you how to make an abstract painted DIY Valentine’s Day Breakfast in Bed Tray. After all, we eat with our eyes first!
For this project, you don’t need any painting experience — beginners are welcome. But if you want to sharpen your painting skills, check out this Acrylic Painting Online Class taught by the talented Courtney Pilgrim. Your partner will be blown away by your painting skills, and they’ll never know it was SO easy! The best part about abstract painting is that you can’t make a mistake — anything goes. So channel your inner Jackson Pollock and make a colorful mess!
- — acrylic paint
- — clear sealer
- — tray (ours is from IKEA)
— paintbrush
— screwdriver
1. Unscrew the side panels from the bottom tray. If your tray doesn’t have screws, simply use painter’s tape to tape around the edge of the tray.
2. Lay a sheet or old newspaper underneath the tray so you can make a big mess.
3. With a medium-sized brush, swipe your paint across the board smoothly and quickly.
4. Once you’ve painted a few colors, let the paint dry. Once dry, layer more brushstrokes on top, letting the paint overlap and criss cross. Keep going until all the white of the board is covered up or you are happy with the result.
5. Now we’ll add some paint splatter. Load your brush with a bit of paint and tap the brush handle gently with your finger.
6. Leave the painting to dry. Once dry, spray the surface with a clear coat to finish.
7. With a screwdriver, attach the four side panels of the tray to the bottom and you’re done!
Depending on the tray you have (we got ours from IKEA), unscrew the side panels so you can paint the bottom tray without messing up the sides. If your tray doesn’t have screws, simply use painter’s tape to tape around the edge of the tray. Before you begin painting, lay a sheet or newspaper underneath the tray so you can make a big mess. You’ll want to paint on a surface that you can clean up easily (not your grandma’s antique table).
With a medium-sized brush, swipe your paint across the board smoothly and quickly. You don’t need to overthink it, because we want it to look painterly, not mechanical. It looks best if most of the brushstrokes are in a similar direction with just a few at different angles for a natural flow. Don’t strive for perfection here; we’ll be layering the paint, so you can easily cover up anything you don’t like.
Once you’ve painted a few colors, let the paint dry. Once dry, layer more brushstrokes on top, letting the paint overlap and criss cross. Keep going until all the white of the board is covered up or you are happy with the results.
To really make it seem like an abstract painting, you’ll want to add some paint splatter. Again, make sure your painting is on top of old newspaper, because paint splatters make a mess. Make a 50/50 mixture of paint and water. It should be opaque but still a little runny. Load your brush with a bit of paint and tap the brush handle with your finger. Do a few test runs if you want to get used to creating paint drips.
Leave the painting to dry. Once dry, spray the surface with a clear coat for a glossy finish that’s also easy to wipe clean after breakfast!
With a screwdriver, attach the four side panels of the tray to the bottom, and that’s it!
Restaurants are for rookies. Spend this Valentine’s Day chowing down from the comfort of your bed!
True love is a weekend brunching in bed and binge-watching Netflix for far too long, am I right?
What are some creative ways you’ll show your love on Valentines Day? Show us your project by tagging us on Instagram and using the hashtag #iamcreative.