Get Your Man a Broquet for Valentine’s Day
But wait, what exactly is a broquet? It looks like croquet, sounds like bouquet, and… that’s right. It’s a bouquet for a bro.
Let’s be real. Dudes like gift baskets almost as much as ladies, but edible arrangements don’t quite fit the bill. The bonsai tree was cool that one time, but now it’s just a rectangle filled with dirt. Lucky for us, the Broquet was invented.
Created with the woodsman, the pioneer, and the bacon-lover in mind, there’s a broquet perfect for any man in your life.
Each broquet comes in a galvanized stell bucket wrapped lovingly in fish net, from an actual fishing boat used off the coast of Louisiana. Packaging is made of wood and paper – no plastic, styrofoam, or any of that colorful stuff. Here are 3 of our favorite broquet picks.
The Woodsman ($84): This one comes with a sport axe, log carrier, 20-pack of fire lights, a crazy pyro-powered light show, and, of course, a steel bucket.
The Smokehouse ($49): Bacon, bacon, and more bacon! This kit legit has 6 ways for you to get your bacon fill. Bacon jerky, a dark chocolate bacon bar, bacon chocolate chip pancake mix, bacon hot sauce, bacon salt, and bacon peanut brittle. Ham on.
The Bonfire ($54): Inspired by California-style grilling, this kit is all about smokey barbecues. We particularly love the Black Cherry a-fire Grilling Planks.