Consider this your go-to summer festival look.
2 Ways to DIY Colored Mascara + 6 Ways To Rock It

Colored mascara is everywhere these days, and it’s also SOLD OUT everywhere, or at least it was when I went out to try and see what the big fuss was. Truth: This was a blessing in disguise for all of us! I was determined to achieve colorful fluttering lashes without the actual product. So what’s a gal to do when she can’t buy? Yup, DIY! And that’s exactly what you can do after scrolling through.
Primer + Liquid Eyeliner Hack Step 1: Apply Mascara Primer
Apply a few coats of the your choice of mascara primer — I am using MAC Prep + Prime Mascara ($16). Not only will this pump up your lashes, creating a more voluminous hold, but it will also help the pigments really pop on your lashes.
Pick your choice of colored liquid eyeliner and then just paint it on your lashes! This step may seem a little intimidating, but it is actually a lot easier than you think: just use the brush at the end of the wand to paint over the tops and bottoms of your primed eyelashes.
Step 2: Apply Colored Liquid Eyeliner
: If you have darker hair, the brighter the liner color — like the vibrant
Wand + Loose Pigment Hack
Step 1: Pour Out Pigment
Roll your mascara primer around in the pigment to lap up all that color. Once it’s fully covered, gently tap the brush on your hand to make sure any loose powder falls onto the sheet instead of onto your face.
Step 2: Add Pigment To Mascara Wand
Apply your new colored mascara to your lashes like normal. To get the most coverage, start the wand at the base of your lashes and gently wiggle back and forth until you reach the ends of your eyelashes. You can do more coats of primer to set your makeup if you like, but be sure to rinse the wand completely by running it under lukewarm water first. You don’t want any of the colored pigment to get inside the tube of prep mascara.