Bros + braids = swoon.
The Latest Men’s Hair Trend Is the New Man Bun

Men’s hair has gone through a rapid evolution over the past few years. For a lot of men, gone are the days of a simple buzzcut or fade. These days men’s hairstyles are starting to look just as diverse as the ladies’. From the various man bun styles (grown men + lil dudes) to pastel merman hair colors, guys are taking control over the way their hair is presented in an ever-creative way. The latest trend in the dude ‘do world makes it apparent men have figured out what using their hands and hair together creates because, whether you like it or not, the man braid is now a thing.
While the ladies have owned the braid game for years, creating endless ways to style those intertwined locks, men are starting to learn the arrangement of those twists and turns and heading to Instagram to show off those trendy results through the hashtag #manbraid.
In a majority of the photos, it appears that a lot of these guys are styling their hair back as they grow out those man buns as a way to keep the awkward-lengthed hair out of their eyes/face. But there are definitely those rocking Jared Leto-like tresses that are styling their longer-than-shoulder-length hair with a massive French braid or just tightly braided, intricately designed looks. Both ways deserve a dozen praise hands emoji from us.
As a guy letting his own hair grow into a man bun, I have definitely let my coworker, DIY Editor Kelly, do braid work on my hair a couple of times. Though it’s still gaining in inches, the short (and probably challenging) braid result did look impressive — and cute — enough to rock for the rest of the afternoon both times she styled it.
So, whether you’re a lover of men with long hair or totally averse to the lengthy locks and find them repulsive, you can’t be mad at the fact that men are finding a new outlet for creativity. Even if the result is kinda not cute sometimes. A for effort, right? ;)
What are your thoughts on the man braid (we’re sure you have plenty)? Do you prefer the braid or the bun? Let us know in the comments.
(h/t Elite Daily, photos via @brockergo, @michael_yonce, @chrishairartist, @chelseahcollings, @mccartneylee, @williampforni, @thebarberysalon, @jamierourke + @arboshah)