We are so excited to see that more and more 3D technology is being produced with the intention of mass use, and it seems like we’re not the only ones craving the accessibility. A new Kickstarter project that has surpassed its funding goal by more than double promises to make 3D footage possible for anyone with an iPhone and $49 to spare on the device that makes it happen.
Transform Your iPhone into a 3D Camera with Poppy

We are so excited to see that more and more 3D technology is being produced with the intention of mass use, and it seems like we’re not the only ones craving the accessibility. A personal 3D printer will soon exist in the homes and offices of thousands, and now a new Kickstarter project that has surpassed its funding goal by more than double promises to make 3D footage possible for anyone with an iPhone and $49 to spare on the device that makes it happen.
Meet Poppy, a retro-looking gadget that tag teams with an iPhone to capture your life in 3D. Viewing crisp three-dimensional photos or videos through Poppy makes it feel like you’re reliving the experience of that rad concert encore, game-winning goal or married couple’s first kiss. And you can share your footage with others anywhere that you can see 3D with those iconic red-blue 3D glasses, like online or on a 3D TV.
Just like the View-Masters of childhoods past, Poppy uses optics to transform any photos or video taken with your smartphone into high-quality captivating images. Its built-in mirrors capture two distinct “right eye” and “left eye” images of what you record and merge them into one three-dimensional image. Neat, huh?
To use Poppy, simply pop your iPhone 4, 4S, 5 or fifth generation iPod Touch into the device and give the front part a twist to open the viewfinder. Designed to easily incorporate the next generation of phones, Poppy is built to be versatile. While its own app is in the works, Poppy is totally compatible with the photo and video apps you already use like Vine or Camera Plus. Maybe the best part about Poppy is that it’s totally free of electronics – that means no chargers or batteries necessary!
The images you capture with Poppy can be viewed anywhere you can see in 3D with traditional 3D glasses like the ones you get at IMAX movies. Or use Poppy’s viewfinder to watch your own original content or tons of existing 3D videos on YouTube. Sure you may look a little goofy in your primary-colored glasses, but you’ll be too riveted by Poppy’s compelling 3D images pulled from everyday life to notice one bit.
What would you capture with a 3D camera? Let us know in the comments below!