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This Company Will Help You Travel the World for a Year While You Keep Your Job

This Company Will Help You Travel the World for a Year While You Keep Your Job

Here’s the deal: You love your work. You love to travel. Unfortunately, you can’t always have the best of both worlds (at least not with out a major career change) – but what about when you can? Enter: Remote Year, a company that will essentially arrange a trip around the world for you while you work remotely.

Woman with travel bag in the old city

Remote Year selects 75 professionals from across the globe to spend a year working, travelling and exploring 12 international cities. You’ll spend one month in each place. That way you’ll actually have time to connect with the local culture and business ecosystem. You’ll start in Spain, then move on to Portugal, Morocco, Bulgaria, Turkey, Vietnam, Malaysia, Bolivia, two spots in Argentina and Chile. There is one additional location that’s still TBD.

Before you dig up your passport, it’s important to note that Remote Year cannot find a remote job for you. You’ll need to have one where that is already a reality or possibility. Remote Year will, however, arrange all your accommodations throughout the year with your own room (no hostel shenanigans). Every location will also have a common workspace with centrally located Internet that’s available 24 hours a day. As a final kicker, the program also arranges fun activities and events you can participate in while traveling.

Here’s a look at where some of the current members of the program have worked so far, according to Work Remotely’s Instagram


Now, let’s chat about…. money. If accepted, you’ll need $5k for a down payment. $2K is then required every month for the first 11 months ($27K in total). It’s not cheap, but if you’re already residing in one of the most expensive cities in the US, it might be worth it to compare this number with what your total yearly spending is in your current location (rent, utilities and transportation costs, for starters).

The next year-long trip is set to depart in June of 2016. So if you’re ready to hop on board, we suggest you get your application submitted ASAP.

Do you have an awesome remote job? We want to hear what you do! Share with us on Twitter @britandco.

(Photos via @remoteyear and Getty)