Happy Black Friday folks! We trust that your bellies are full and your minds are relaxing over this cozy holiday weekend. Here are 10 morsels of goodness to keep you giggling all weekend long.
The BritList: The Infinite Jukebox, Chocolate Sofa + More
Happy Black Friday folks! We trust that your bellies are full and your minds are relaxing over this cozy holiday weekend. Here are 10 morsels of goodness to keep you giggling all weekend long.
1. Chocolate Armchair + Chaise: A sofa that looks delicious enough to eat?
2. The Infinite Jukebox: You know those days when you want to listen to Call Me Maybe on repeat for an entire day? The Infinite Jukebox turns any song into an infinite song. Try. This. Now.
3. Puzzle Piece Cookie Cutter: Love these cookie cutters!!
4. Executive Pinstripe Hoodie: The new executive in town, especially here in Silicon Valley, is a hoodie-wearing latte-drinking guy or gal. But young entrepreneurs still need to look fancy.
5. Lego Kitchenware: Note: add to our upcoming Geeky Foodies gift guide!
6. Wallet Trackr: Misplace your wallet more than you’d like to admit? Place a credit card size chip in your wallet and it will be tracked all day and all night via your phone.
Yield Picnic Bag / Blanket
This bag is a tote and a blanket!! Amazing.8. Pac-Man Ghost Egg Cups: Boo!
9. Virtual Keychain Keyboard: The laser projection keyboard has gone even more micro.
10. Projecteo: This project turns your Instagram photos into teeny tiny slides and projects them onto a screen. New school going old school? Sign us up.