Because marathons aren’t just for the runners.
These 9 Inspiring Marathon Signs Are Real AF

With the New York marathon coming up this weekend, runners all over the country have been training every day to get ready to crush 26.2 miles. But whether you’re prepping for your first marathon or only have plans to crush a Gilmore Girls marathon, we can all agree that one of the best parts of a race — as a runner or a spectator — are the motivational signs lining up the course. We’ve rounded up a handful that speak some serious truth juice. Scroll on to see them all.
1. Real Talk: Sure, there are plenty of men running the race who might not appreciate this sign, but try and find a woman who runs by it and doesn’t immediately think, “PREACH.”
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2. Getting Galactic: Not a bad strategy. When you start to look at things in light years, miles don’t seem so bad.
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3. Truth Bomb: Pretty sure this picture speaks for itself.
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4. Never Gets Old: Say what you will about Chuck Norris jokes (childish, so mid-2000’s), but they will never not be funny. Plus, it can’t hurt to channel your inner Chuck those last few miles.
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5. Tinder Nightmares IRL: Just when you thought that terrible Tinder date you went on last weekend was behind you, BAM, your bestie on the sidelines reminds you they could literally be behind you.
6. Kids Say the Darndest Things: We don’t whose child this is, but we applaud you. Serious #momgoals here.
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7. Positive Thinking: There’s something to be said about self-fulfilling prophecies. Honestly, you’re in this deep, you might as well enjoy the ride!
8. Train Like a Kardashian: Sure, we know it’s been over five years since the infamous blink-and-you-might-miss-it marriage, but when you’re wondering if it’s all worth it, a little reminder of all your hard work can’t hurt.
9. Stating the Obvious: Marathons are long. Like, hours of running. And exhausting as they may be, coming up with a clever AND unique sign can be tough too. Sometimes, keeping it simple is the best idea.
Are you running the NY (or any) marathon? Tweet us your favorite race sign @BritandCo!
(Featured photo via Getty)