Summer was made for binge-reading.
13 New Books in August to Put on Your Summer Reading List

By Ashley MaceyAug 04, 2018
Ashley Macey
Ashley Macey is a lifestyle freelance writer who loves all things fitness, wellness, and creativity. When she's not exploring her home in the Pacific Northwest with her dog Max, you'll probably find her curled up with a good book and some hot tea. Follow her daily jaunts on Twitter.
Every morning you wake up excited to receive a push notification from the countdown app on your phone saying how many work days you have left until it’s time to jet off to your summer vacation. And today the countdown finally reached single digits! So now that your trip is fast approaching, it’s time to stop procrastinating and actually get your luggage out of storage, all of the travel essentials packed, and set your vacation OOTDs. It’s also time to start the hunt for the perfect read to stash in your carry-on and beach bag. Whether you’re looking for a thought-provoking poetry collection or a bingeable thriller, here are 13 new books coming out in August that are vacation must-haves.
<em>If They Come for Us</em>
<em>Goodbye, Paris</em>
<em>Nothing Good Can Come from This</em>
<em>The Prisoner in the Castle</em>
<em>Maeve in America</em>
<em>Pieces of Her</em>
<em>French Exit</em>
<em>Trust Me</em>
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