These Insta fridges somehow make everything feel right in the world.
14 Organized Refrigerators That Are Strangely Satisfying

There’s something about gazing upon a beautifully curated fridge that feels like you just hired someone to come and de-clutter the chaos in your brain. Maybe it’s the bright lighting, maybe it’s all of the rainbow colors or perhaps it’s the simple fact that delicious food is getting the proper presentation it deserves. No matter the reason, if you could use a satisfying exhale, take a gander at these sanity-making refrigerators. These refrigerators on Instagram are so perfectly organized that just a glimpse is likely to evoke a big ol’ sigh of relief.
1. Clever Containers: As it turns out, refrigerator drawers are there for a reason. Pair ’em with clear containers and what you’ll find is nothing short of organizational perfection.
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2. Color Coated: It’s no secret that La Croix is the epitome of delicious sparkling refreshment. But when those cans are all lined up by their candy-coated colors, they go from killer thirst-quencher to magical fridge decor.
View this post on InstagramOrganizing your own refrigerator can be just as gratifying as organizing a client's! #sundayfunday
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3. Pretty Produce: Proving that the prettiest treasures come from nature, this bright and vibrant produce tells a colorful story. Give your produce the platform it deserves by creating a powerful drawer display.
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4. Maximize Space: As any good eater knows, the refrigerator can fill up fast. But with a little thoughtful grouping and arranging, chaos can quickly become clean satisfaction.
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5. Front-End Design: To make the most of your fridge and the contents in it, arrange all of the items to display at the front of the shelves. Just like a big closet, the items at the back can be easily forgotten, becoming no longer useful when you finally remember they’re there.
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6. Everything Has Its Place: Drawers, Tupperware and beverage dispensers, oh my! With the right storage, you’ll never be attacked by a rogue can or bottle when you open the fridge again. This happens to other people, right?
7. Organize-by-Color: Subscribing to the paint-by-number philosophy you learned in grade school can make magic in your refrigerator. Keeping similar foods among similar containers will save you a few seconds of that precious early-morning brain power.
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8. Label It: Labels make it easier to retrieve what you want, let you know what you’re missing and take about six seconds to make. Basically, there’s no good reason not to make them a part of your life.
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9. Simple and Sweet: Even if you tend to eat the same three or four things most of the time, spending a little time grouping them together can make a big difference. Stay clean and balanced by keeping your food families together.
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10. Meal Prep: An OCD fridge shines its brightest when it comes to meal prep. Having your meals and ingredients paired off and ready to go can be magic-making when it comes to cooking motivation.
11. Clean Lines: Rather than grouping items in blocks, consider the power of a clean line. With a line-up, more items will take center stage and you’ll know exactly when it’s time for refill.
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12. Power of Presentation: If you ever find it a struggle to eat your daily veggies, try presenting them in a more inviting fashion. With proper presentation, they’re mighty difficult to ignore.
13. Balanced Beverages: Business on top, party on the bottom. Keeping your beverages balanced and organized will ensure you always have the right drink at the right time.
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14. Cover All Your Bases: This refrigerator has it all. Perfect use of drawers? Check. Clear containers? Check. Organizational magic to make your heart sing and stomach growl? Check, check.
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