Another month, another round of innovations in the world of 3D printing. From disposable underwear (WTF) to angel wings and vinyl records, the latest in 3D printing is guaranteed to blow your mind. Let’s dig in!
Newsflash! 9 New 3D Printing Innovations That Are Making Our Jaws Drop

Another month, another round of innovations in the world of 3D printing. From disposable underwear (WTF) to angel wings and vinyl records, the latest in 3D printing is guaranteed to blow your mind. Let’s dig in!
3D Printed Chess Set
2. 3D Printed Batteries: A materials scientist at Harvard has figured out a way to print lithium-ion batteries. By inventing inks that can “solidify into batteries and simple components, including electrodes, wires, and antennas,” she’s been able to print a one millimeter square battery. This is more than groundbreaking, since lithium-ion batteries pretty much power everything from cars to laptops and iPhones. Her work is still in development. Stay tuned for more.
3. 3D Printed Jet Parts: Aerospace is going 3D, y’all. GE has announced that it plans to produce 100,000 3D printed components for its GE9X and Leap jet engines. 3D printing will allow for faster and cheaper production of jet engine parts, as well as lighter components overall. Could 3D printed planes be next?
3D Printed Flexible Jewelry
Disposable Underwear
6. Victoria’s Secret Goes 3D: On November 13th, dozens of Victoria’s Secret models strutted their stuff for the annual VS Fashion Show. The kicker? This year, one of the angels wore 3D printed wings. Lindsay Ellingson walked the runway in a custom-fit snowflake motif. Architect Bradley Rothenberg designed the wings, which were then printed by Shapeways and encrusted with Swarovski crystals. We’re impressed.
7. GE 3D Printing Day: In case you missed it, GE recently gave 3D printing its own holiday. In celebration of this cool technology, December 3rd was declared 3D printing day. The brand’s followers were asked to choose a 3D prototype and tweet for a chance to win a customized holiday gift with the hashtag #3DPrintMyGift. Big brands embracing 3D printing and innovation? We’re in.
8. Vinyl Goes 3D: Newsflash: Vinyl is back. It’s time to break out the record player and throw on a… 3D printed track? Get this: Kele Okereke, the lead singer of Bloc Party, will release his newest track on a 3D printed record. So awesome. Set to retail at a pop-up in London on December 13th and 14th, the record is the first official full-length track to make use of 3D technology. Proceeds from the sales will go to charity.