Don’t let Monday claim your Sunday.
7 Smart Ways to Overcome the Sunday Blues

Ah, the Sunday Scaries. You’re probably familiar with them — that dreaded anxiety when you realize your weekend of Instagram-worthy brunching is coming to a close, and Monday morning (and responsibility!) is just around the corner. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to deal that not only will make you feel less stressed but might also help you enjoy your weekend more overall. Try one (or all) of these seven tricks to claim back your relaxing Sunday.
1. Break up with your phone for the day. Much of the stress you feel on a Sunday comes from being reminded of your endless list of tasks for the week ahead. If you can keep yourself from checking your emails, Facebook newsfeed and texts from your coworkers, you’ll be less reminded of what’s waiting for you in the office tomorrow. Besides, a day off from your device probably wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world — science says that high engagement with cell phones is linked to both anxiety and depression, two feelings you definitely get from the Scaries.
2. Do the day trip thing. There’s no better way to make the most of your Sunday than to do something exciting, like getting out of town. Explore a nearby city, hit an orchard for some fall apple-picking or check out some hiking trails in your area (since we know that hiking makes you happier!) The change of scenery will work wonders for your state of mind, and Monday morning at the office will seem totally far away.
3. Get your mindfulness on. Using your remaining weekend day to truly relax is key, says Jennifer Yeko, Founder & Career Coach at Ninja Recruiting in Los Angeles. “Consider meditating before bed and end the night with a nice cup of herbal tea.” You’re sure to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the week ahead if you can get your mind right on Sunday night. And according to Yeko, you get extra points for stopping by a yoga class — sweating it out helps reduce stress and amps up endorphins.
4. Do something really different. Do you stare at your computer all day at work? Guess what: Staring at your computer all day on a Sunday will make you more anxious about dreaded Monday. Are you on your feet 24/7 at your job? Try relaxing on the couch with a great book for a few hours. Engaging in activities that are nearly opposite to what you do at your job will make you feel refreshed and ready to tackle your week, no matter how crazy it’s going to be.
5. Put in an extra half hour Friday evening. Before you leave the office on a Friday, take 30 minutes to get organized for the following week. Prioritize your inbox, look over your schedule and note any meetings you need to prep for. Highlight any due dates you have in the coming weeks and consider when you’ll have time to get your projects or assignments done. If you want to get *crazy* organized, you can actually designate blocks of work time on your calendar for various tasks. Write a to-do list and leave it on your desk for Monday, along with a motivational note like “You’ve got this!” because obviously, you do.
6. Phone a friend. Better yet, get on FaceTime or see one in person. Spending some QT with a bestie, partner or family member will 100 percent distract you from the fact that it’s Sunday, and distraction is a key coping technique when it comes to the Sunday Scaries. The more you think about it, the worse it is, so being with another person will help put it out of your mind.
7. Channel your nervous energy. Another distraction technique is working on something specific, which can help alleviate anxiety by allowing you to focus on something else. In other words, make your Sunday all about a particular project. If you never have time to cook during the week, dedicate your day to making an awesome Sunday night feast or brunch situation — and of course, invite your friends. If your apartment or house is a mess, whip it into shape. There’s nothing better than a freshly reorganized closet, clean laundry and zero dirty dishes to start your week off on the right foot. Take note: The key to making this strategy work is to plan ahead. A spur of the moment decision to take on a big project might make you feel more stressed than relaxed.
What’s your Sunday night routine? Tell us about it @BritandCo!
(Photos via Getty)