Take a deep breath, because you are about to let out one very protracted awwww. We’re gushing over this art installation by Adam Parker Smith, simply titled, “Proposal.” It reads, “Will u marry me” and is made entirely of woven friendship bracelets. Awwwwwwwww!!!!
We <3 This Friendship Bracelet Wall Art

Take a deep breath, because you are about to let out one very protracted awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. We’re gushing over this art installation by Adam Parker Smith, simply titled, “Proposal.” It reads, “Will u marry me” and is made entirely of woven friendship bracelets. Awwwwwwwww!!!!
Marrying your best friend is really something we should all be so lucky to do. It’s likely that Smith didn’t use this piece to make his own proposal, as in his artist’s statement he says, “I feel like so many of my ideas start out as jokes, for better or worse.” But regardless, his intent doesn’t affect our initial, squee-filled reaction.
This piece is part of Smith’s larger exhibition entitled “Forever 21,” which will be showing in San Francisco at Ever Gold Gallery starting November 9th. He uses a wide range of objects in his work to create what he calls “a mixture of animated and static painting,” like a Ferris Bueller movie poster behind a frame of condensation and some window blinds cut into the shape of sunglasses, but by far our favorite pieces are the ones with the woven friendship bracelets. If you love “Proposal” even more than we do, you can buy it here.
What other messages would you want to see spelled out in friendship bracelets? Share!