Disney #OOTD all day, ‘errday.
Adults Are Disneybounding to Get Around This Strict Disney Parks Rule

Even though we’re *technically* adults now, we’re always down for an awesome adventure at one of the magical Disney Parks (especially since Disney World got a whole lot boozier last year too, so… yeah). But while Walt Disney himself originally said that Disneyland is supposed to be a place both kiddos and adults can enjoy equally, there’s still one rule that keeps us grown ups from truly embracing our inner child. According to the Disney website, guests over 14 years old are not allowed to wear costumes at any of the Disney Parks.
We totally understand why Disney officials would create a rule like this (nobody wants their child going up to a total stranger dressed as Tinkerbell and thinking she’s their favorite character IRL), but it’s still a big bummer for those looking to showcase their creativity and broadcast their Disney spirit during a magical vacation. To sneak around this unfortunate rule while respecting its intent, a bunch of extremely creative Disney fans decided to create a phenomenon they called Disneybounding — AKA using normal clothes and accessories from your closet to give the impression of a character without going into full cosplay mode. Because we loved the idea so much, we decided to showcase some of the best recent Disneybounds we could find on Instagram.
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1. Belle: Using simply a denim dress and a long-sleeve white tee, a young Disney fan completely transforms into this beloved Disney character just in time for the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast.
2. Minnie Mouse: A pair of gorgeous kicks, an iconic polka-dot dress, and matching Minnie ears make this Disneybound as sweet as can be.
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3. Perdita and Pongo: The classic 101 Dalmatians gets a Disney Parks upgrade with these two stunning ladies rocking some killer polka dots and matching collars… er, we mean chokers.
4. Gus-Gus: A yellow turtleneck and a sweet teal headband transforms this stylish chick into our favorite Disney mouse. We agree, Brynne: Gus was totally the real hero of Cinderella.
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5. Mad Hatter: We’re mad for this adorable Alice in Wonderland Disneybound from Briana. Seriously, can we wear this colorful #OOTD every day of the week please?!
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6. Gaston and Lefou: This gender-bending Disneybound of Beauty and the Beast characters is definitely one of the best we’ve seen all week. (Eating five dozen eggs before you leave for the parks is encouraged but not required.)
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7. Ellie: If you haven’t already fallen head over heels for this sweet Up character, maybe an adorable Disneybound will change your mind. Plus, we love that this look is super-simple to create with the clothes that you already have in your closet.
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8. The Beast: This outfit is so stylin’ that it*actually* makes us want to burst out into song (“Tale As Old As Time,” obviously) and re-watch the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast in theaters. You go, girl!
Would you consider Disneybounding on your next magical vacation? Tweet us by mentioning @BritandCo.
(Featured photo via @Brianamatopoeia)