Prosthetics that finally live up to the good-looking people wearing them.
These Beautiful Prosthetics Are Total Game Changers

These days, you can customize almost everything and while the world of prosthetics hasn’t given way to major design innovation until recently, people are on the fast track to extreme style and new-found confidence thanks to designs from Alleles Design Studio.
By thinking of the prosthetic less like a medical object and more like a fashionable one, Alleles set out to create prosthetic covers for lower limb amputees that easily snap off and on of their existing prosthetic so people can pick designs that go with their outfits.
Some of the more feminine designs mimic fishnets (except they’re way cooler) or even lace-up boots. More gender-neutral designs are equally intricate, amping up the tech factor or going more sporty.
These prosthectics are striking statement pieces that aren’t meant to be hidden away and they certainly aren’t meant to look like an extension of your skin. By making pieces that stand out from a person’s body rather than blending into it while keeping with a person’s natural silhouette, Alleles is making pieces that are surprisingly way more human than what we’re used to seeing. The studio even plans to release new styles with each season just like fashion houses. Next up, a prosthetic runway show?
What kind of designs would you like to see in prosthetics?