If you’ve been following us for a while, you know we know how to repurpose just about everything, turn most desserts into spiked sweets and style just about any garment in 10 different ways, but what about all the secret skills happening behind the scenes here at Brit HQ? From recently launched app features to crazy yoga tricks, here are 20 things you never know Brit + Co. could do.
The Harlem Shake
2. Recreate Gangnam Style: Did you miss this GIF in our Halloween series? Not only did we dress Brit up just like Psy, we got into it on the dance floor too.
Have your Designer Pose Every Single Day in the Same Place
4. Star an Article as One of Your Favorites: What are your favorite articles on Brit.co? Did you know that you can star them and save them in your profile as favorites? This is a great way to keep your to-make list fresh with new ideas.
5. Turn Zippers into Bracelets: Okay, maybe you knew about this one but we still think it’s pretty dang cool. Turns out, a lot of you think so too – it’s our most popular style post of all time!
6. Channel Our Inner Will Smith: If you’re a new follower, you might not already know that our founder Brit has a side career as a rapper…
7. Do Crazy Yoga Moves: Misty, our production manager and stylist extraordinaire, also happens to be an accomplished yogi. Namaste ;)
8. Open a Beer with a Wedding Band: Speaking of super awesome skills, Brit + Co. PM and engineer Mike can open a beer bottle with his wedding band. Now that is a strong piece of bling.
Turn Brit Kits Packaging into Biceps
Be Unimpressed
Print 3D Accessories
12. Pop Up a Random Article When You Shake Your iPhone: Scrolling through our mobile app and looking for something different? If you shake your phone, a random article from our archive will pop right up.
13. Use a Hair Straightener to Iron Collars: One of our favorite clever hacks for the home, this has come in handy more than a few times when getting ready for a photo shoot.
Launch a “Wellness” Category
15. Serve up 10 Rules for Men’s Jeans: We know you dudes are ready for more men’s content, but at least we’ve shown you how to wear your jeans just right.
17. Have Not 1, Not 2, But 3 Official Mascots: Meet Bodie, Riley, and Pixel, the official pups of Brit + Co.