As we say goodbye to 2014, we’re saying hello to a brand new year filled with awesome Kickstarters that are making us do some serious rubbernecking. Some of the tech we’ve listed here may seem so futuristic that you’ll be surprised to find they’ll be available in the coming year. From the world’s first hoverboard (we seriously can get over this!) to a phone scanner that prints your pictures as Polaroids, you’re not going to want to miss out on any of these.
1. Gmail for Mac: If you haven’t noticed — we love Gmail and how it totally switched up the email game. There are great Gmail apps for our mobile devices, but there isn’t an app that integrates our Gmail with our desktops. That’s why the programmers at Zive created Gmail for Mac, an app that stands on its own. It has its own drop-down bar so you can see a quick overview of multiple accounts and access whatever you need efficiently. You can even send huge files because Zive flawlessly integrated Google Drive as well. Oh and for those times when you just can’t bare to look at all those messages piling up, you can click Zen Mode to keep it all on standby. Although their Kickstarter campaign has ended, you can still get the app for only $5. But hurry because after their pre-order period, the regular price will be $10.

2. Impossible: If someone told you that this electric bike could fit into their backpack, you might call that Impossible — and you’re right. Well, kind of. It’s called Impossible, but it is actually possible to fit the bike into a backpack. Assembly is quickly with just four simple steps. Riding it is an even a bigger breeze: You don’t even need to pedal. It can ride up to 12 mph for 45 minutes on just a single charge, and with a $450 pledge, you can have the Impossible.
3. SnapJet: Polaroid has come a long way since their first instant cam, constantly adapting to changes in technology. First, they came out with their Z340 that let you preview your photos before printing them out. Then they released the Z2300, which prints out your selfies with an adhesive backing. But this Kickstarter is taking Polaroids to the next level. Using Polaroid 300 and Fuji Instax Mini Film, SnapJet allows you to scan and instantly print any pictures that you’ve taken on your phone. You can easily print high-quality photos with filter or #nofilter and decorate, make and keep memories in an old-school way with new-school tech. If you scrub your photos under water, your Polaroids will turn into transparencies for some additional fun. You can get your own SnapJet for $129 on their Kickstarter today.
4. MAGE: Code your own iOS, Android and Ubuntu apps with this app. You don’t even need any coding or programming knowledge to use it. The UI is beyond user friendly and great for both beginners and advanced app developers alike. If you’re a business owner with a website, you can create the perfect app by having MAGE scan through your site and pull pictures and text from it. You can even make your own fitness app or game. Will you create the next viral app? You can by pledging anywhere from $99 to $299 on their Kickstarter.
5. Hendo Hoverboard: Yup, it’s real. And yeah, we’re freaking out too. The world’s first HOVERBOARD is on Kickstarter, and its hover technology makes it seem like hovercars aren’t too far from reality either. Underneath the board, there are four hover engines that create an opposing magnetic field, causing the board to lift. The Kickstarter was just funded, but during its run, you could cop a hoverboard for $10,000.
6. Hush Smart Earplugs: Party next door? Got a boo who’s a loud snorer? Sometimes you just want to turn down the volume of everything around you. Sure there are earplugs, but sometimes they don’t do their job well enough. That’s where Hush comes in. Made of comfortable memory foam and mini circuit boards, these smart earplugs block out the noise outside while letting you hear important notifications and the alarms of your choosing. The app also has the option to play soothing sounds — to really drown out the “unce-unce” bass from the neighbor’s party — or to play binaural beats. You can save $35 off the retail price on their Kickstarter by pledging $115.
7. Flux All-in-One 3D Printer: Real talk: This printer can do it all. With interchangeable modules, the Flux All-in-One 3D Printer is a 3D printer, 3D scanner and a laser engraver, all in one. You can design your own projects through the FLUX Studio app. The app is versatile in that it caters to a wide range of design levels. What’s more? New modules will constantly be released. The ones currently being developed are a dual extruder, ceramics extruder and a pastry extruder!
8. GoGlove: Have you ever run into a friend with earbuds in, music blasting and hands too full to do anything about it? Have you ever wanted to turn your music down while you were exercising without having to take out your phone and toggle through the music app? GoGlove is a pair of thin, Bluetooth-enabled gloves that use AirTap technology. You can turn your music down by having your thumb tap your pinky and you can control your GoPro by tapping your index finger. Its thin fabric lets you wear thicker gloves over it without having it be too bulky. So if you’re washing dishes, skiing down slopes or wearing some cute knit gloves, you can freely and seamlessly control your music. You can get a pair for $49 as an early bird special on their Kickstarter.
9. Point: For those times when you want to keep an eye on your house without having to install intrusive cameras and hidden sensors, there’s Point. Point is a smart house sitter that can gauge noise levels, identify gas or cigarette smoke, monitor abnormal temperature levels and even listen for sounds of shattering windows. Just stick the smoke-detector-like device onto a wall and any unusual activity will trigger a notification via the Point app. This smart house sitter is great for softly monitoring your house whether you’re gone for a long vacation or leasing out your apartment. Point raised over quadruple their pledged amount on their Kickstarter. You can still pre-order one here.
10. Swiftpoint GT: With tablets and touchscreen devices running rampant, we’re wondering how a mouse like the Swiftpoint GT hasn’t been invented until now. Scrolling through apps and accessing swipe functions require you to use both your mouse and your fingers. When you’re working on your Macbook Pro in bed, there’s no way for you to use your mouse comfortably. But with the Swiftpoint GT, Windows 7, 8, 10 and other touchscreen devices can be navigated with the stylus-like pointer along the side of the mouse. Its compact size allows it to fit perfectly on the bare corners of your laptops. And it’s comfortable for anyone thanks to an ergonomic, pen-like grip. The Kickstarter has successfully been funded seven times over their $25,000 goal. You can pre-order your Swiftpoint GT for $93 here.
Which Kickstarter became a 2015 must-have? Talk to us in the comments!