5 Ways to Know If a Side Hustle Will Fit into Your Life

Years ago, one of my mentors shared some advice that would change my life: “99 percent is hard. 100 percent is easy.” Kind of confusing at first, right? But stay with me. Most people live in the 99 percent. They really want more money, more freedom, more passion, more fulfillment, more impact, and more meaning. But they haven’t fully committed to doing anything about it yet. They’re only at 99 percent. This makes committing time to a side hustle hard. Here are five ways to know if a side hustle will fit into your life.

1. You want it 100 percent. If you’re already committed to the idea of making your side hustle a reality, you eliminate the mental stress and anxiety that comes with making the big decision to just make it happen.Because there’s no more gray area, it’s clear what you need to do — say, building a professional website for your new biz or drafting a freelance work contract. Instead of moving a little bit in many different directions, when you’re at 100 percent, you direct your energy toward making huge strides in one direction. After watching my clients build successful side hustles, I learned that success ultimately comes down to two things: commitment and action. That’s what living in the 100 percent is all about.

2. You’ve been thinking about it for a long time. Chances are, if you’ve been thinking about a side hustle for 12 months or more, you are truly ready for one. When something has been filling up mental space over time, it’s a big sign that you’ll make it work, because it becomes too painful to NOT do it. When you make the decision to go after your passion project, the time previously spent procrastinating becomes time spent creating.

3. You’re productive. Are you a go-getter? Do you get stuff done? Are you always striving for better? When you care about productivity, efficiency, and making stuff happen, a side hustle will slide into your life like any other project.

4. You’re a planner. Dr. Stephen Covey, educator, speaker, and author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, once said, “Don’t prioritize your schedule, schedule your priorities.” Is this you? Do you plan ahead? Do you keep a tight calendar? If so, you’re already a step ahead. Your stellar planning skills will come in handy when running a side biz.

5. You’re a doer. When you’re 100 percent in, you’re devoted to making your careers goals a reality.But when you’re only 99 percent there, it can be hard to put your side hustle first. There’s still some gray area when your friend invites you to her son’s birthday party, even though you planned to email some potential clients. Or there’s a Big Little Lies marathon on HBO, even though you should be writing articles to pitch media outlets. Or your boss offers you a promotion that’ll mean more hours and less fulfilling work, but it’s nothing more than a slightly better job title.

When you’re 99 percent in, you’re not sure what to do. There’s wiggle room to go to the party, binge HBO, take the promotion, do the things that won’t really bring you long-term happiness. But when you’re at 100 percent? There’s no alternative. You do what it takes to make your dreams a reality. Period. Because you DO.

Did you recently decide to launch a side hustle? Tweet us about it @BritandCo!

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We know it's not uncommon to find yourself a little strapped for cash in the summer. And it's definitely not uncommon to want to work for an additional line of income to fund an upcoming big trip or to be able to afford that one-bedroom apartment you've been eyeing and retire from living life with roommates. Getting yourself a side hustle is the best way to put some supplemental money in your pockets. It's not always fun or easy, but it can definitely be rewarding.

With summer in full swing, starting a side hustle is as appealing as ever. Have a beach vacation planned but low on funds? Get a side hustle. Want to be able to take a few Fridays off but worried about missing out on the income from your nine-to-five? Get a side hustle. Going to one too many rooftops for after-work drinks with coworkers? Get a side hustle to pad your wallet, and use budgeting apps like Mint to track your progress. If you share finances with a partner, you can even see where your household could benefit from some added earnings by using Turbo's Household Income feature.

Here are some popular side hustles you can start this summer and smart ways to make those dollars work for you.

1. Become best friends with your neighbor's dog. With dog-walking apps on the rise, it's becoming more and more popular to help out your fellow neighbors by walking their dog when they need it most. Whether it be early in the morning, during the middle of the day when you're working from home already, or for an extended weekend, you can likely find some time into your day-to-day schedule. With tools like Rover and Wag, you can sign up to be a dog walker when it's convenient for you (good for in between classes and after work). A 30-minute stroll through the park costs a pup's human $20 (sometimes more in larger cities), and an hour costs $30.

2. Turn that brain into money. Whether you're a recent graduate looking for extra cash or looking to give back academically, there is definitely money to be made. Colleges are becoming more and more selective in who they admit, making parents more motivated to shell out for tutors across all subjects. Tutoring in specific topics can make you good money, but parents are willing to pay the big bucks for SAT/ACT tutors. If you did well on either of those tests, you can leverage that into charging anywhere from $50-$100 an hour.

3. Have car, will travel. If you look at the apps on your or your best friend's phone, you're more than likely to see an entire folder dedicated to transportation, e.g., Lyft, Uber, Curb, and Via. The trend of ridesharing and on-demand cars is all the rage, so why not capitalize on it? It's easy to sign up for Lyft and Uber, with one catch: You do need a car. Once you're signed up and ready to hit the road, you're able to turn on the app and pick up passengers whenever it makes sense for your schedule.

4. Be your own boss and start your (fill in the blank) blog. It's not a simple task to start your own blog and gain a strong following, but if you are a subject matter expert in a certain industry (design, travel, fashion, etc.) and have a passion to share your story, it can be very lucrative. If you're passionate about writing in general, you can also look for freelance postings at your local newspaper or an online publication you follow religiously.

Do you have any tips for earning some summer money? Share them with us @BritandCo.

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Costco just restocked a very famous Starbucks drink, so if you’re a big fan of their Refreshers, you’re going to want to make a beeline to your nearest store ASAP.

Scroll on for all the details about shopping the Starbucks Pink Drink at Costco!


That’s right – Costco just added the bottled version of Starbucks’ Pink Drink to their shelves! This ready-to-drink version has the same “fruity and refreshing” effect you’d expect from the cafe favorite, as it’s made with the chain’s Strawberry Acai Refresher base and accented with coconut milk.


Each 8-ounce bottle is dairy-free, vegan, and has only 90 calories. The pack Costco is selling comes complete with 12 bottles, so you can easily stock your fridge with a fun little sip.


Costco fan account @costcobuys shared the newly-restocked Pink Drink with their Instagram followers and highlighted that their Costco location had the item listed for $16.99.

However, Costco’s website lists the 12-pack for $19.99, so the exact price may vary based on where you live.


Regardless, that puts each bottle of the Starbucks drink at around $2 each, which is significantly less money than what you’d spend for a freshly-made bev at a Starbucks location.

The Starbucks Pink Drink typically goes for around $5, plus tax. If you want to save on your Starbies habit, this new Costco find is a must!


Costco also carries many more Starbucks items in bulk like instant coffee, whole coffee beans, Nespresso pods, and even hot cocoa mix.

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Is this the year you make the leap and become your own boss? Having a side hustle could be the way you do it. So if you love to cook for a crowd, know how to bake killer cookies, or want to bottle the salsa that friends and coworkers all say you should sell, jam on. To help you get started or take your business to the next level, we tapped five female entrepreneurs in the food industry to share their best tips for creating a successful side hustle.

Start slow

Getting to the point where your side hustle is your main source of income takes time. Megan Gordon, founder of Marge Granola, says, “Honestly, unless you have an impressive financial cushion, give yourself a break and start slow (preferably even while working for someone else to ensure you have some solid income). I see a lot of under-funded businesses and struggling small businesses, and making smart fiscal decisions for the company can become really hard if you’re in a desperate spot yourself.” Gordon started her granola company in 2010 after making a transition from teaching in a high school to food writing and catering. She sold Marge Granola in 2017, all the while writing about food for income and as a creative outlet. Gordon stresses the importance of keeping an eye on finances. “While it’s awesome following your passion and seeing a dream through, it’s important to realize you may not pay yourself for at least a year (I waited two years), so as unsexy as it is to think through the financial reality, it is really critical,” she says.

Fulfill a need

“Today there are hundreds of gluten-free mix companies alone,” says Beth Hillson. When she started Gluten-Free Pantry in 1992, none of that existed. She’d been recently diagnosed with celiac disease and that diagnosis kick-started her packaged mix company, which she ran from her basement for the first three years so she could keep costs down and take care of her son until he became school-aged. It took two years to make it her primary business, and she eventually sold the company in 2005. Over time and as a result of building a customer base, she found community with her customers too. “Gluten Free Pantry filled an important need for them. As Gluten Free Pantry grew, our relationships grew stronger. Our customers became my best sales force,” Hillson says.

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Allow yourself freedom to pivot

Gordon didn’t start with granola as the focus of her company. Instead, Marge began as a baked goods company which offered pies, cookies, and brownies. “I narrowed it down to just granola a few years in as it was extremely popular and shelf-stable, and I could see a way to market to wholesale clients (pie is hard!),” says Gordon. “Plus, I became tired of all the overly sweet granola and cereal on store shelves, and knew I could make a superior product.”

Be a part of your customer market

Jules Shepard of gfJules says, “This business is too hard, too time consuming, [and] too draining to do it because you think you’re going to make a buck. You may, or may not, but your heart has to be in it to get you through the tough times, and the best way I know to have your heart in it is to be a part of the group you’re serving.” Shepard started her original flour company in 2008 before dissolving it over a disagreement with investors and later creating gfJules, a gluten-free flour company, in 2014. She currently augments her flour business by writing and working as associate editor at Gluten-Free & More magazine, as well as consulting on recipe projects.

Phone a friend

Gordon says that when you’re in the planning stages of starting a new business, it’s key to talk to people who are in the field you want to be in. “Don’t be afraid to reach out! You’d be surprised how many people will be willing to talk with you about their journey — or even field specific questions,” says Gordon. She’s paid it forward and finds it inspiring when others reach out with food business questions, as it reminds her of when she started out and the people who helped her.

Keep your head

While she was a full-time graduate student in 2013, Jessica Hilbert co-founded Red Duck Foods, a line of ketchups and BBQ sauces. She and her collaborators wanted to start a company from the ground up, be their own bosses, and set their own schedules. Since then, she’s learned that there’s no way to get around the fact that running your own business is hard. “There will absolutely be times when the water seems like it’s continuing to rise at such a fast rate that you aren’t sure if you can keep your face above its surface,” Hilbert says. “But then you have a really good day and that water level falls just as fast as it seemed to rise.” For the first two years after co-founding the company, she worked there part-time, working several “odds and ends jobs” on the side as well for about three years before being solely at Red Duck. Hilbert also emphasizes the importance of sharing the wins and losses of running your own company. “I learned how important it is to really like and respect your team (no matter how big or small) as people first and foremost because it makes the highs taste that much sweeter and the lows that much less bitter,” she says.

Be Patient

Tenacity goes a long way. Many people quit. It’s the ones who hang on who make it,” says Cybele Pascal of Cybele’s Free to Eat, a food-allergy-friendly pasta and cookie company started in 2012 that grew out of her cookbooks and subsequent reader requests. It took her two to three years after conception for her company to become her main thing. “It’s really true that success, the kind that sticks, usually takes a long time to build. Be patient. Know there are cycles. And things shift quickly,” Pascal says. She suggests finding a mentor or two who have been where you want to go and can provide insights about what they’ve learned.

Create lasting relationships

To make her granola company great, Gordon discovered the secret sauce came down to cultivating good relationships across the board. “Food trends come and go, but to really hang in there and become a strong regional (and even national brand), you’ve got to put in your time and connect with people,” she says. By the time she sold her company, Marge Granola, her granola was available in Whole Foods in the Pacific Northwest, as well as in regional grocery chains and nationwide via her website. For her, that meant connecting with customers personally online, [and] strengthening ties in-store with grocery team members knowing “who to call at a particular store if there was an issue and [being able to] chat with them about the weather or their mom’s health.” Connecting in-person when possible with her maple supplier forged a friendship and also helped her better understand the sourcing of the ingredient.

Don’t try to do everything yourself

Begin to delegate functions to others so you can free yourself to focus on growing the business,” Beth Hillson says. By the time she sold her company, it had national distribution in natural food and grocery stores, along with international coverage. Growing and scaling her business didn’t mean necessarily adding to the head count, but rather entailed smart thinking about where she could outsource. “Every day hundreds of problems and distractions come up,” she says. “The more you can build resources like a payroll service, co-packer, [and] sales team, the more you can stay focused on the primary goals of the company.”

Know your worth

Over the years of working in the food business, Shepard has learned a valuable lesson: “You have to stand up for yourself and not allow yourself to be put down. You know what you’re capable of, and never let anyone take that from you.”

Hire other women

Female-led businesses have better success rates. So I’ve been told,” says Pascal. “I have an all-female team except for my sales manager. And he grew up with four sisters and a single mother.” Above all, Jessica Hilbert keeps it real. “Don’t forget to laugh. At the end of the day, it’s just ketchup and BBQ sauce. Or cupcakes. Or granola. Or whatever your food business ends up being,” she says.

Find ideas for starting your own side hustle by following us on Instagram!

(Photo via Brittany Griffin / Brit + Co)

Gisele Bündchen is officially a mom of three! The supermodel gave birth to the newest member of her family (and her first baby with BF Joaquim Valente) "recently," according to TMZ, who first reported the birth. I love any and all baby news, so I couldn't help myself from digging for details when I first saw the report!

Here's everything we know about Gisele Bündchen's new baby with Joaquim Valente, her first since split from Tom Brady.

Joaquim Valente and Gisele Bündchen's baby is here!

Gisele Bündchen shares two kids with ex-husband Tom Brady, a 15-year-old son named Benjamin Rein and 12-year-old daughter Vivian Lake. According to TMZ, while we haven't gotten an official birthday yet, the baby was born recently, and "mom and the baby are healthy." That's the best news yet!

Gisele and Joaquim were also waiting until giving birth to find out the baby's gender, and a source tells People the couple welcomed a baby boy. Stay tuned from an official announcement from the couple — if they choose to share, of course. The source also reveals the baby's middle name is River, which continues the tradition of Gisele choosing water-related middle names for her kids!

"Gisele and Joaquim are happy for this new chapter in their life and they're looking forward to creating a peaceful and loving environment for the whole family," a source told People in the fall of 2024.

Just a week ago, Gisele was active on Instagram, posting a video compilation that's set to Nate Broskii's "Memories Don't Fade Away" and features multiple clips, including a gorgeous beach sunset. "Happiness is an inside job," she says in the caption. "Remember, you are the only one who has the power to create the life you want to live."

We can't wait to see how Gisele's next chapter unfolds! Because if there's anyone who can inspire us to create our dream life, it's her.

Congratulations to Gisele Bündchen and Joaquim Valente on their new baby! Check out the latest news on Lily Collins and Charlie McDowell's new baby while you're at it.

This post has been updated.

As the New Year begins to settle, it's officially time to turn your New Year's resolutions into your reality. Whether you've decided that 2025 is the year you live a healthier lifestyle, budget your morning, or boost your productivity, we've rounded up 41 Amazon gems that will help you stick to your goals. From at-home fitness finds to chic planners and budget guides, this list of Amazon must-haves will set you up for success. Make 2025 your year with these products that your future self will thank you for.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

These Adjustable Dumbells Come in a Set of 2


The easiest way to prep your home gym is with these adjustable dumbells. They serve as a space-saving gem that allows you to effortlessly switch between five different weights, all with a simple twist.

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This Label Maker With a Compatible App


Follow through on your plan to stay organized in 2025 with this label maker. This gadget seamlessly connects to your smart device via Bluetooth, allowing you to customize and level anything from pantry items to office files.

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This Cordless Jump Rope Tracks Your Progress


Get your cardio on with this cordless jump rope that tracks your jumps, calories burned, and workout time. This gadget keeps you accountable, making it the perfect option for a last-minute sweat.

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This Budget Binder Organizes Your Expenses


Build responsible financial habits with this budget binder that is perfect for tracking spending and setting saving goals. This stylish binder includes cash envelopes and other accessories that make it easy to organize and manage your money.

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This Yoga Mat With an Inch of Cushioning


Improve your balance and your mindset in the new year with this yoga mat that has an extra thick design. The non-slip, moisture-resistant material is perfect for anyone with sweaty palms, ensuring you stay in place throughout your workout.

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This Fitness Ring With a Long-Lasting Battery


Prioritize your health in 2025 with this fitness ring that can track your sleep, fitness, and health. This lightweight ring can monitor your heart rate, movement, temperature, and more, providing you with insight into your health each day.

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This Hat Organizer Saves a Ton of Space


If you're officially ready to clean up your closet, this hat organizer is for you. It can hold up to 25 hats and offers a neat and classy way to store your baseball caps, belts, ties, and more.

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This Planner for the Entire Year


A New Year calls for a fresh start. This planner is the perfect place to begin, designed to help you map out your entire year. With monthly and weekly spreads, you have plenty of space to track and monitor your plans and goals.

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These Storage Bins Are Stackable


Declutter your space with these storage bins that TikTokers swear by. They have four tiers and a stackable design, leaving you plenty of room to hold supplies, shoes, or other accessories.

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This Alarm Clock With 13 Soothing Sounds


Become an early riser in the new year, thanks to this alarm clock that gradually simulates a sunrise, offering a soft, natural light each morning. It also includes 13 nature sounds, creating a relaxing experience that you will love.

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This Storage Rack With a Ton of Compartments


Create a dedicated workout space in your home with this storage rack that can neatly organize your yoga mats, foam rollers, dumbells, and more. It has multiple storage compartments that will organize all of your belongings.

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This Thigh Master With Comfort Grips


The best part about this thigh master is that it can be used anywhere, at any time. It serves as a small but strong workout accessory that can be used to target your legs, arms, core, or glutes.

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These Glass Containers With Air-Tight Lids


Stay on track with your meal prep when you have these glass containers that are a game-changer in the kitchen. They are a must-have for portion control and have a microwave-safe and oven-safe design.

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This Challenge Box With a Smash-to-Open Design


This challenge box is the perfect accessory for anyone looking to save money this year. This cash vault has a smash-to-open design, meaning you can't access the money you saved until you've hit your goal.

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This Mini Stair Stepper With Built-in Resistance Bands


There's no need to go to the gym when you have this mini stair stepper in the comfort of your home. This accessory is made with hydraulic resistance technology, providing a smooth and reliable workout for all fitness levels.

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This Workout Planner Tracks Your Progress


This workout planner is perfect for anyone who likes to stay accountable. Designed with daily workout tracking, progress charts, and goal-setting pages, this planner offers everything you need to track your workouts and monitor your growth.

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This Back Stretcher With Adjustable Levels


If your goal is to improve your posture, this back stretcher is for you. Not only does it decompress the spine, but it's also known to promote a better posture and relieve lower back pain.

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This Water Bottle Reminds You to Drink More


Drinking enough water is the easiest way to improve your health. This water bottle makes it easy to stay on track throughout the day, providing you with motivational time markers to remind you when it's time for your next sip.

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This Pill Organizer Shaped Like a Heart


Stay consistent with your supplements and medications with this pill organizer that simplifies the process. Designed with cute pastel shades, this organizer is a functional and chic accessory that has plenty of room for all of your pills.

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These Food Containers With Reusable Labels


Create the pantry of your dreams with these food containers that include 24 reusable labels and airtight locking lids. These containers come in multiple sizes, making them perfect for anything from dry ingredients to your favorite snacks.

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This Memory Puzzle Book for the Problem-Solver


Keep your brain sharp through the new year with this memory puzzle book filled with over 175 brain-boosting activities. This book is designed for adults looking to challenge their memory and boost their mental agility and is accessible for all vision levels.

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These Spending Tracker Sheets Come in a Pack of 60


Take control of your finances in 2025 with these spending tracker sheets that come in a set of 60. The minimalist design makes it easy to categorize whether you're paying off debt or just trying to cut back on unnecessary purchases.

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This Duffel Bag With Hidden Compartments


Prepare for the gym with this duffel bag that has a hidden shoe compartment and other storage spaces. The lightweight design makes it easy to carry, perfect for a trip to the gym or a weekend getaway.

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This Electric Lunch Box With an Insulated Carrying Bag


Cut back on fast food and enjoy your favorite homemade meals at work with this electric lunch box. The adjustable temperature setting allows you to heat your food throughout the day while the complimentary fork and spoon keep you prepared.

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This Gardening Tool Set for a New Hobby


If gardening is on your 2025 bucket list, this garden tool set is a must-have Amazon gem. It includes eight pieces for both beginners and experienced gardeners.

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This Toner Hydrates the Skin


Prioritize your skincare in the new year, starting with this toner that has a luxurious formula and a refillable design. Infused with nourishing ingredients like ceramides and amino acids, this skincare gem leaves your skin plump and radiant with each use.

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This Journal Promotes Mindfulness


Practice daily gratitude with this journal that helps you set goals, embrace gratitude, and create positive daily habits. With a variety of different sections, this journal helps you focus on goal tracking, affirmations, and reflecting.

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This Sunscreen With a Tinted Formula


Practice protecting your skin with this sunscreen that doubles as a tinted moisturizer. This skincare product offers a natural glow, perfect for daily wear. Plus, it has a non-greasy formula that stays in place all day.

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This Jumpsuit With a Breathable Fabric


Feel good and look good at the gym with this jumpsuit that comes in a ton of fun colors to choose from. With a tummy-control design and sculpting fit, this one-piece outfit moves with you through yoga, errands, and all of your other plans in the new year.

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This Microwave Steamer With an Adjustable Design


Eat more veggies in 2025, thanks to this microwave steamer that is designed to steam vegetables, fish, and even grains. The adjustable steam release vent allows you to control the moisture levels, offering perfectly cooked meals with each use.

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This Amazon Kindle Holds Thousands of Books


Pick up reading in the new year with this Amazon Kindle that offers a 7-inch glare-free display. This reading accessory allows you to store thousands of books in one place, making it perfect for following your favorite stories on the go.

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This Fitness Plate Improves Balance


Enjoy an at-home workout with this fitness plate that uses high-frequency vibrations to activate your muscles. The adjustable intensity settings let you customize workouts, perfect for beginners and advanced users alike.

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These Running Shoes With Intense Cushioning


Boost your cardio with these running shoes that are a must-have for your fitness journey. Designed with ultra-cushioned midsoles and cloud-like support, these shoes will enhance your performance in no time.

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This Password Book With a Compact Design


Never forget a password again, thanks to this password book that includes alphabetical tabs. The hardcover design adds a chic touch, while the compact size ensures it can fit in any drawer or bag.

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This Vegetable Chopper Saves Time


Healthy habits start with this vegetable chopper that can effortlessly chop up onions, peppers, carrots, and more. It seamlessly catches chopped ingredients and simplifies meal prep.

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These Under-the-Sink Organizers With a Pull-Out Design


Organize your kitchen in one simple step with these under-the-sink organizers that come in a pack of two. Each organizer has a double-tier design, leaving plenty of room for supplies, toiletries, and more.

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This Wall Calendar Covers 18 Months


This wall calendar is the perfect accessory for staying organized in the new year. This accessory offers eight months of planning, covering everything from appointments to vacations.

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This Thinking Jar Keeps You Motivated


Practice positivity with this thinking jar, which contains motivational notes and affirmations designed to boost your mood daily. These encouraging notes are perfect for stressful, unmotivated days when you just need an extra push.

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This Air Fryer Includes a Cookbook


Enjoy more at-home meals this year with this air fryer that is the perfect cooking companion for beginners. This cooking gadget includes quick, easy, and delicious recipes, making it easier than ever to create flavorful meals with less oil.

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These Positive Cards Complete With a Wooden Display


Stay grateful and motivated in 2025 with these positive cards that come in a pack of 52. Each card seamlessly fits in the wooden display stand, allowing you to show off a new motivating card each day.

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This Portable Treadmill With an LED Display


Get your steps in this year thanks to this portable treadmill with a foldable design and a compact size. It's made with comfortable handles and an LED display, allowing you to customize your experience each day.

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