Adobe’s Creative Cloud launched earlier this year and all of us who use Photoshop, Illustrator or anything else in the Adobe family have since celebrated being able to move between programs and computers (from work to home and back again!) with ease. Any Type As (there might be a few of us here at Brit + Co…) know how important digital file storage and cloud organization are to your workflow/sanity. Whether you’re a busy bee blogger, a new maker in the B+C shop, a photographer, designer or just someone who Photoshops for fun, Adobe is about to make your online life easier. At today’s annual Adobe MAX conference, Adobe launched a cloud-based Creative Profile, that makes keeping track of your files with USB drives, or even Dropbox seem like ancient history.
With your Creative Profile you can create libraries of assets for any project you’re working on. That includes your photos, fonts, colors… all of it! Not only is this going to streamline your files, we’re pretty sure you’re going to use way less sticky notes.
If you’re designing wedding invitations in Photoshop, you can create a library with your color scheme along with any photos and fonts you’re using. Then with your fancy schmancy “Wedding” library, you can access those same fonts and colors when you’re creating your wedding place cards in Illustrator, or even your wedding website in Dreamweaver.
It’s a new, totally seamless creative experience for you, and it only gets better if you need to collaborate with teammates, because (wait for it) all of these libraries are sharable. You can share your assets with your clients and team members to ensure that everyone is referencing the same resources! Are you jumping up and down with glee? If not, we’ll wait because this is a really big deal, you guys.
Say your blog or business wants to update your color palette or the fonts you use. Your designer can share a library with the entire team and, since it’s all connected on the cloud, if you decide tomorrow you want to go classic, old school Comic Sans across the board (lolololol) then that change will be reflected in the library instantly (barring any network interruptions). Better yet, if you have a Creative Cloud account, you can start using your Creative Profile today. Technology blows our minds and gets our creative juices flowing yet again.
How would you use the Creative Profile? Let us know if you’ve used Adobe’s Creative Cloud to make your work-life better in the comments!