Alyah Baker's Unapologetic Style, Joyful Living, and Community Roots

Alyah Baker

Anjelika Temple here, artist, fellow connector of creative humans, and co-founder of Brit + Co. I'd like you to meet Alyah Baker, dancer, designer, and owner of Show & Tell, a concept shop that stands for unapologetic style, joyful living, and community roots. Started as a brick-and-mortar store in Oakland, Show & Tell was built around Alyah's mission to create a space that amplifies and celebrates identity, provides BIPOC, Queer, Trans, low-income and women makers with solid ground to create community, and fosters creativity in all its many forms. And over the past 10 years, Alyah has done just that.

I had the privilege of virtually sitting down with Alyah to learn about the 10-years-ago impetus for Show & Tell, how she’s shifted her concept shop from brick-and-mortar to online marketplace, and how her identity as a dancer, advocate, and Black Queer Woman informs everything she does. Read the full interview below.

Anj: Let’s kick things off with your beginnings. Tell us about the where, what, and why that’s brought you to this moment.

Alyah: I am from the East Coast, I was born in New Jersey, but really grew up, up and down the Eastern seaboard, mostly in North Carolina. But, I'm a ballet dancer in my other life. I went away for school for a bit in Pennsylvania and New York and danced there, came back to North Carolina for college, graduated from college, got a dance scholarship to go to San Francisco for a couple of months and then ended up staying in the Bay Area for 16 years. I didn't leave after I got there.

At 21, I was in a great place to start to fully step into myself as an adult. Something about the Bay Area resonated, I landed in Oakland and from the jump I was in the East Bay, rather than in San Francisco. I just responded to the people and the culture and the fact that it was a little bit warmer on that side of the Bay. Just everything kind of took root from there. After being there for maybe two months, I called my mom and I was like, "I think I'm staying".

Everything sprung from there. I had primarily worked as a professional dancer for a while, then worked in a corporate career with Gap Inc. I'd worked on and off with Gap Inc. since high school, in the store and then started my corporate career with them. From there, I took the leap into being an entrepreneur because I wasn't seeing the self I was growing into represented in my work with corporate America. That's kind of how Show & Tell got started. I was like, "Let me take these skills that I have." I've been working in retail for a long time, I was a merchandiser, I was doing product development and design. I thought, "What happens if I curate an assortment that actually has the things that I feel like represent me, represent my community, represent the people that I don't feel get a lot of shine in the mainstream?" That's how we ended up with Show & Tell.

Before we get into more about Show & Tell, let’s hear more about you. You describe yourself as a multi-genre creative. Tell us more about what this means for you. What do you love about expressing creativity?

If I think back to my earliest dreams of what I wanted to be, when I was four, I knew I was going to be a fashion designer and a dancer. I always knew I was going to be dancing, that was from early on, a passion and a love. I'm finally starting to feel like I can integrate all of the parts of my creativity and that they really are an extension of the same thing. It's about self expression and how I am able to connect with other people. Dancing, and movement in general, is a way that most people are able to communicate and express things without a lot of words associated with it and other humans and things on the planet can pick up on these movements without a lot of explanation. I think that fashion and style do a similar thing. You're able to make a choice, even sometimes a not super conscious choice – like the subconscious choices we make about what we are putting on our bodies can actually communicate a lot about how we feel on that day and what our values are.

I know in the life of a creative entrepreneur, it can be difficult to carve out time for your own creativity because your work *is* your creativity. What does expression and creativity look like for you now on a day to day basis?

That's such a good question because even today I'm having one of those moments where I'm not feeling super tapped into my creative impulse or inspiration. The last year has been interesting because I've had to relearn how to be creative in a different way, the pandemic kind of forced me to make some pivots and changes and explore creativity in a different way. I think that parts of it were great, like having a little bit of that slow down to say, "What if I want to try this kind of creative practice? Or, what if I want to think about collections this way or start taking my own pictures and styling and doing stuff like that?" I had more time than I did when I used to sit in a brick and mortar, eight, 10 hours a day. That's what's happening in terms of Show & Tell and the creative business.

I've started doing more to try to share my creative ideas and visions with my customers in a different way, but I'm also still dancing. The reason that I'm in North Carolina was actually because I got into a dance MFA program. I decided right before the pandemic that I was going to move back across the country, not necessarily to be here permanently, but to take two years to really fully invest in myself as a creative person and dancer.

I closed both Show & Tell locations and moved everything online, and started the dance program in the fall of 2019. It was a minor miracle because I don't even know what I would've done had I still been in Oakland full time with two brick-and-mortars. My experience of having a brick-and-mortar for eight years in Oakland was that it's a grind, it's a hustle, and it really required in-person attendance and presence every day. When March 2020 happened and then the whole world shifted, turns out it was a kind of blessing in disguise that I made that decision a few months earlier and already started to navigate online before it was an absolute necessity to do it.

Which brings us elegantly to your business! What is Show & Tell? How did it start? 10 years in, we would love to hear how it's evolved and what's next.

As I mentioned, the initial impulse was a response to the corporate world I was working in. As I came into myself and my identity and really got in touch with Black history and the history of the community in Oakland and my Queer identity, some of the things that a corporate environment tries to force you into, the boxes they try to put you into just weren't really fitting for me anymore and at a certain point just became a cultural mismatch. I didn't experience any sort of explicit discrimination, but there were definitely microaggressions all the time.There were not that many Black or Brown women in the decision-making in that corporate environment. There were just some things that started to become more apparent to me. Then, there was a major life event, my brother passed away at 40.

I took time off, and my boss at the time... this is going really into the nitty gritty of the details of the story, but my boss was really giving me a hard time about taking time off to fly across the country for his funeral. “You need to get back and figure out which of these white T-shirts is the best one to have in the store.” I was like, “ No, I don't... my values don't say that's the most important thing to focus on.” Yes, it's a big business and it's a lot of money, but this time with my family to grieve is actually way more important. That kind of shook me up a little bit. I realized, "I need to jump ship and do my own thing because this space is not going to be the space for me to really spread my wings and grow." That feeling of you only live once. He passed so young, I thought, "I can't really play small anymore. I have to just go after the things I really want."

I followed the impulse to create something that was still in my wheelhouse, still in retail, but really looking at my identity and how I could amplify other people who have shared identity points, and then also other people I was coming into contact with in downtown Oakland where I lived. That's how Show & Tell started. I opened it with my partner at the time who was also an ex-Gapper. Occupy Oakland was happening at the time, and the 99% message was super big for us. We wanted to curate smaller-run items, things made ethically and sustainably, things that actually represent our community by being able to connect them with makers that share experiences with them and really having a story behind each item.

That's why it's called Show & Tell. Each item has a story, a reason, and a meaning to be in the shop and there's a real person behind it. It's not a big machine or an algorithm, that wasn't even a thing we were talking about back in 2011. It also happened to be the time in the military that the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" rule was being discussed, they were going to overturn it. As two Queer women, we were like, "We're Show & Tell. We're about wearing your values out loud, up front so people know what it is and putting your dollars behind the things that you stand for." That was the impulse to start it.

We called it a concept shop because it was curated around a couple of different key concepts and key values that were important to us. We wanted everyone to feel like they were able to come in and be welcome in the space. We started primarily with a lot of local California-based makers, people in Oakland, a lot of people who were just starting to make items or had small runs of their assortment. At that point it was 90% things that we bought off of other people's lines and then 10% of stuff we made in house. Over the years, that mix has shifted and now we're probably 75% things that we curate and make or partner with other people to make and then 25% things that we buy off of the lines of brands that we know and love. That's been the shift, store-wise.

Over the years, I've learned even more about the power of community to sustain a business and how the entrepreneurial road can look glamorous from the outside, but it's a lot of work. But it helps, having that creative community around you, a community of customers. A lot of the folks who have shopped with us over the years I’ve gotten to know them and know their families. A partner would come buy something for someone and I'd see the other person out and they'd be like, "They picked this out and it was the perfect thing for me" because I knew that person. It just became a really beautiful way to connect with people, which I think is ultimately what I wanted to do anyways. I really want people to be connected to the pieces they're buying, connected to the makers, connected to us as a business and what we're standing for.

That happened pretty organically in Oakland, and I think Oakland in particular is just a really special place to be a small business, especially the kind that we are. I can't imagine having built it anywhere else. The ethos and the grind and the hustle, but also the desire for joy and the desire for giving back, all of that stuff comes from having grown the business in Oakland with all of that rich culture.

You're creating community, you're curating, you're creating stuff, and all of it has shifted online. What is coming next for Show & Tell?

With our 10 year anniversary coming up in November, we’re celebrating by curating a gift shop featuring goods from Black-owned brands from around the country – so be sure to check it out online at Show & Tell Oakland.

I'm happy being online primarily now, but I really do miss in-person so much. I think the next step, once it’s safer to go out into public again and gather, is looking into more ways to connect with people in-person, maybe longer term pop-ups and potentially coming back to a brick and mortar experience at some point. For right now, I'm navigating learning what it means to be online. The silver lining is that we were so entrenched in one community and that can maybe keep you small in a certain way. Now I branch out and get to reach people from all over the country.

It's beautiful to see that there are people who want to support us from around the country and folks that resonate with our mission and our products across all 50 states. That's been amazing to see. It shows me that there's also potential for what we're doing beyond Oakland. I can keep my roots in Oakland and keep those relationships strong, and then also take the people from my eight years there that I really love with me and we all continue to grow up together.

I'm so grateful that people will still support me if I'm in-person there or if I'm not, so that's really amazing. But it's also been an opportunity to, like I said, shift the assortment and really focus on making even more of Show & Tell branded stuff and that's where we're going. There's a whole different piece of my creative brain that I'm getting to exercise as we build into what Show & Tell as a brand stands for. The tagline we've been using is "Unapologetic style and joyful living" because that's what we've always been about. Being who you are boldly in the world and then having a good ass time while you do it -- curating a life that really brings you as much joy as possible each day.

I know that creating community and opportunities for BIPOC, Queer, Trans, low income, and women artisans and folks is a key part of what you do and why you do it. Talk to me more about the importance of representation and advocacy in your work.

It's really working with people who look like the communities we want to serve and who are designing with these communities in mind. I think a lot of people saw last year, particularly after all of the traumatic events that happened in the summer, that there are a ton of Black entrepreneurs out there that are offering something that's different than every other boutique that's not assorting for Black folks and Queer folks. There are people who are designing with Trans and non-binary folks in mind. There are people who are tapping into things that are literally, as they say, for the culture, that speaks to Black American experience and the Black diaspora more generally.

It's always been important for me to have that in my store so that when people walk in, they see themselves reflected in the clothes, from various different vantage points. I don't want to have only things in the shop that are at this inaccessible luxury price point. I don't want to have things in the store that feel like they're asking people to be different than who they are or that they can't fully express who they are, that don't come in sizes that are for a variety of bodies. That's always been important to me. How do I get a mix of products? It's a store that's constantly changing and constantly evolving with a bunch of different types of ideas going on. Again, that's the concept piece, I try to curate it season by season around something different.

I've also had to narrow it down [during the pandemic] but I’m really focusing on Black culture and Queer culture as the things that I want to stand behind, to work with those makers and to sell products that speak to those experiences. It doesn't mean that I don’t want allies, of course, to be shopping with us. We know clothes don't have a race and clothes don't have a gender. A lot of these items anyone could buy, but I'm specifically curating with that point of view in mind. I'm learning, that usually helps customers who get it to find you, if you're really curating with their taste and sensibility in mind. It's a balancing act of digging into things that I really love and feel like represent me, and also things that represent my chosen family. They might have a slightly different experience than me, but still can't find the things that they're looking for in other shops.

Do you consider yourself an activist?

That's another one of those terms like we talked about in the beginning that I'm definitely a little more comfortable with after time in Oakland. I think that being adjacent to activist communities in Oakland who are locking themselves to the jail and shutting down the bridge and being so badass and amazing and really putting their whole self on the line for what's right, makes it so that claiming the term activist doesn't necessarily sit with me super comfortably. But, I think there is a type of activism in the work that I'm doing.

I've always seen myself as going about it in a different way. I go to rallies and marches and stuff, but I'm not going to be the one who's up at six o'clock in the morning to go and do a direct action. But I am going to be the person who keeps my shop open so people can meet there afterwards, or sends care packages to people or reminds folks that we need to be in the street, we need to advocate, we need to be angry and feel that rage and Also, we need to tap into the things that just make us feel like full human beings. We can be joyful and celebrate who we are so that it's not only about trauma, but it is about the fullness of a life. Trauma and joy go hand in hand. For a lot of the products that I make, both of those things are at play.

There is a history, a cultural ancestry that I'm thinking about when I make something. And I'm also thinking about the people now who can take this product and be proud of who they are and feel like that item can speak to their experience, what they've come through and maybe make them feel good.

On the topic of activism and advocacy, we want to encourage our readers to take action on the daily! Please share any organizations we should learn about and support, and one other action you recommend our readers take.

Oakland Black Pride (featured in the photoshoot) was founded in 2020 and hosted its first major event during Pride Month in June 2021. OBP is committed to advocacy, empowerment, and providing resources for Black LGBTQ+ folks through intersectional and creative solutions to the social challenges impacting these communities.

In my book, it's super important for folks to support Black and LGBTQ+ communities year-round and not just during the peak months of Pride and Black History Month.

MuvaBoard and JustBe (both in the shoot). Both orgs are helping to equip BIPOC entrepreneurial communities, especially Women in these communities, with the business and wellness resources needed to grow and thrive.

Watch the new Eyes on the Prize Hallowed Ground and be sure to watch or revisit the original Eyes on the Prize, too.

What stories would you like to see covered in the media that you haven’t seen enough of?

I'd like to see a progress report on how Black-owned businesses are doing after the surge of attention and sales last year. Also, all the people who pledged to support Black businesses and work towards equity and dismantling white supremacy, I'm curious to know if that is still happening or has this support died down now that the protest and high profile deaths are no longer in the media.

Who are some artists/artisans/makers the REP CO audience should know about and support?

Some of my faves from the shoot:

  • Candid Art Accessories and Candid Art Kids: I've known and worked with Candice for years. Her jewelry is on regular rotation in my wardrobe and the new kid's line is incredibly chic and cute
  • Natty Belle: I love their earrings and accessories and their jackets are beautiful statement pieces to invest in and love for a lifetime.

Other faves not in the shoot but available at Show & Tell this holiday season:

  • Iyoba: They make the most amazing all-natural handmade bath and body products.
  • Bright Black Candle: Candles that honor the brilliance of Black people and Culture. They helped us create our signature collection of candles

Finally, when you are in a creative block or moment of self doubt or you're just f*cking tired but you have to get it together, what does your self pep talk sound like?

Wow, that's so close to home today. I think what I have learned is to just allow myself actually to go through that lull of feeling and not have to be like, "I'm going to turn it on today and I'm going to pretend like everything's okay." For instance, I went to bed a little stressed about the business. I woke up this morning and I was still feeling a little heavy, I didn't sleep well and I decided to share this feeling with my community via Instagram: "I'm going to be real with you. Amazing things have happened this year and it's also really hard to do this business. I don't know what's going on with the algorithm, I don't know if anyone's seeing the post. I'm not sure if folks are connecting." I put that all out there and just the response you get from people from being real is... it's amazing.

They can see my humanity. That's the piece that I have been holding onto, that I don't have to be superhuman. I don't have to pretend like I'm doing it perfectly and I figured it all out after 10 years. I make mistakes often, I'm still primarily a solopreneur and I'm juggling a lot of different things. There are a lot of things I'm not an expert at, I could have much better pictures on my website or I could have something else be shinier and... if I had the budget of a huge company, maybe it would be that way, but I'm getting okay with my humanity. I'm a person behind this business, not a machine.

That it's okay, and it's probably a good idea if I'm feeling super down to tell somebody and give them an opportunity to reflect back at me, things that I might not be able to see in that moment. That's been really powerful all through last year. That's it's been us, the community of Black women, Black Queer folks that have really been the folks who step up and lend a hand or give you the pep talk or tell you, "No, actually you are doing a dope thing even if it feels like nobody cares about it. People do care and this is the way that you're impacting folks." They remind you, your group of folks reminds you when you can't actually see that because you're, in my case, too stressed out or too tired.

That's why the community is so big to me, because then you don't have to hold those things by yourself. As a parent, I'm sure you really know what that's like. It's not easy, it can be challenging. It can be so rewarding. At the end of the day, am I doing it with integrity? Am I putting things into the world that I really want to stand behind and that I love? Am I doing it with people that I love and who support me? 10 years later, if I only learned one thing, that's it.

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If I'm completely honest, there are very few celebrity couples I care about the way I care about Tom Holland and Zendaya. Aside from the fact this couple is like a walking friends-to-lovers plotline IRL, and are both power houses on their own, these two actors and philanthropists are just unstoppable together. And Zendaya also showed up to the 2025 Golden Globes rocking a new ring on THAT finger. These two keep their relationship pretty private, so here's the latest news on it.

Here's everything you need to know about Hollywood It-couple Tom Holland & Zendaya.

Tom Holland And Zendaya's Relationship Timeline

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney

July 2016 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Join Spider-Man: Homecoming

Tom Holland and Zendaya met and became friends when they were cast in the MCU's Spider-Man: Homecoming. Tom had already made an appearance in Captain America: Civil War, but the new Spider-Man movie was a huge deal for both Marvel fans and the couple themselves! Not only did Tom Holland and Zendaya spend time together on set, but they also hung out at the pool together during their free timeand goofed around during San Diego Comic Con.

Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images

November 2016 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Are On The Cover Of The Hollywood Reporter

Tom Holland and Zendaya basically broke the internet when they graced the cover of The Hollywood Reporter's Nov. 2016 issue. The shoot was filled with plenty of classic Hollywood throwbacks, but I have always *loved* the blue dress Z wears on the cover. "Over the moon with my first cover," Tom writes on Instagram. "So grateful that I got to share it with the one and only @zendaya. Thanks mate for helping me out."

"Honored to share it with the very best...Spider-Man himself @tomholland2013," Zendaya says in her post. "Thank you for this beautiful cover @THR."

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

May 7, 2017 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Attend The MTV Movie And TV Awards

At the 2017 MTV Movie And TV Awards, Tom Holland and Zendaya premiered a clip from Spider-Man: Homecoming...and Tom did a flip onstage and then asked Zendaya to homecoming.

Robert Marquardt/Getty Images for Sony Pictures

July 13, 2017 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Are Reportedly Dating

In July 2017, a source seemingly confirmed what many fans had been wondering for months: that Tom Holland and Zendaya had been dating. Considering the two other sets of Spider-Man leads (Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst and Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield) both dated, it felt like this was one relationship that was bound to happen.

"They started seeing each other while they were filming Spider-Man," the insider tells People. "They've been super careful to keep it private and out of the public eye but they've gone on vacations with each other and try and spend as much time as possible with one another."

"They're both really ambitious and they challenge each other — but, most importantly, they make each other crack up," says another insider. "They seem to have a really similar sense of humor and love joking around together."

Tom Holland and Zendaya actually took to Twitter (now X) to tackle the rumors. "Wait favorite is when it says we go on vacations together HA! I haven't been on a vacation in years!" Zendaya says, to which Tomreplies, "Does the press tour count[?]"

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

August 8, 2017 — Zendaya Shuts Down Dating Rumors

"We are friends," Zendaya tells Variety. "He's a great dude. He's literally one of my best friends. This past how many months we've had to do press tours together. There's very few people that will understand what that's like at 20 years old."

Noam Galai/Getty Images for New York Magazine

May 8, 2018 — Tom Holland Supports Zendaya's Iconic Met Gala Appearance

Zendaya showed up to the 2018 Met Gala (which had the theme Heavenly Bodies) as Joan of Arc, and it's quickly become one of her most iconic and recognizable carpet looks. Tom loved it just as much as we did and wrote on Instagram, "All hail the queen. Killing it mate."

Theo Wargo/Getty Images

July 2019 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Have A Very Chaotic Press Tour For Spider-Man: Far From Home

For Spider-Man: Far From Home in 2019, Tom Holland, Zendaya, and Jacob Batalon did dozens of junkets together, and many of the interviews have gone viral — like Tom and Jacob finally meeting their favorite Watch Mojo hostandthe cast playing games with Jimmy Kimmel. Junkets are always fun to watch, and this one is no exception!

Cindy Ord/Getty Images for SiriusXM

July 2, 2021 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Are Seen Kissing

After years of denying they were dating, Tom Holland and Zendaya really and truly broke the internet when pictures of them kissing in a car showed up on social media. This was such a vital moment that I remember exactly where I was when I found out.

"THEY ARE END GAME DREAM COUPLE," one X user tweeted. "I don't know if I want to be Tom Holland to kiss Zendaya or be Zendaya to kiss Tom Holland," another user joked.

Tom Holland and Zendaya were later seen attending a friend's wedding...and sitting very close to each other.

Tom Holland/Instagram

September 1, 2021 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Make Their Relationship Instagram Official

On Zendaya's 25th birthday, Tom Holland posted the sweetest picture from the Spider-Man makeup trailer on Instagram. "My MJ, have the happiest of birthdays," he says in the caption. "Gimme a call when [you're] up xxx."

Michael Loccisano/Getty Images

November 17, 2021 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Open Up About Their Relationship

In an interview with GQ, Tom Holland opened up about his relationship with Zendaya and how their relationship to fame has impacted everything. "One of the downsides of our fame is that privacy isn’t really in our control anymore, and a moment that you think is between two people that love each other very much is now a moment that is shared with the entire world,” he says of their July 2 kiss. “I’ve always been really adamant to keep my private life private, because I share so much of my life with the world anyway...We sort of felt robbed of our privacy.”

“It was quite strange and weird and confusing and invasive,” Zendaya agrees. “I think loving someone is a sacred thing and a special thing and something that you want to deal with and go through and experience and enjoy amongst the two people that love each other."

“Our relationship is something that we are incredibly protective of and we want to keep as sacred as possible," Tom later told The Hollywood Reporter. "We don’t think that we owe it to anyone, it’s our thing, and it has nothing to do with our careers.”

Emma McIntyre/Getty Images

December 15, 2021 — Zendaya Posts A Tribute To Tom Holland As Spider-Man

Before Spider-Man: No Way Home hit theaters, Zendaya posted a pair of photos featuring Tom in his superhero costume on set, and in a costume as a kid. "My Spider-Man," the caption reads. "I’m so proud of you, some things never change and good thing♥️." Adorable!

Aurelien Meunier/Getty Images

February 22, 2022 — Tom Holland Says He'd Love To Be In Euphoria

Zendaya shattered records when she became the youngest person to win the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series for Rue in Euphoria. Tom also made headlines related to Euphoria when he said he'd be interested in making a cameo in the series. "I would be in Euphoria. I think I would be a really good Maddy," he jokes during a BuzzFeed puppy interview. "I'm a big Euphoria fan. I love the show and I love season 2. I visited a lot while they were shooting it and I really, really enjoyed it...I would love to guest star or just be an extra in it. Or maybe I am and you just don't know."

Momodu Mansaray/Getty Images

April 20, 2022 — Zendaya Talks About Tom Holland's Support During Euphoria

"I think it's great to have that support and love around you, because you need that," Zendaya tells Entertainment Tonightduring Euphoria's Emmy For Your Consideration event. "This isn't an easy job, so it's good to have that to free you up from it every now and then."

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for TIME and Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images

June 1, 2022 — Zendaya Celebrates Tom Holland's Birthday

For Tom's 26th birthday, Zendaya posted a rare photo of her with Tom, captioning the post, "Happiest of birthdays to the one who makes me the happiest <3."

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

March 20, 2023 — Zendaya Wears A Ring With Tom Holland's Initials

I am always in favor of cute, meaningful, and minimalist jewelry, and apparently, Zendaya is too! When Zendaya's nail artist posted a video of the actress' new ballet pink manicure, fans quickly noticed the "TH" ring Z was wearing.

Ethan Miller/Getty Images

April 27, 2023 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Go To An Usher Concert

2023 was the year of concerts for everyone, including celebrities! While Zendaya attended CinemaCon to promote Dune 2, she also went to an Usher concert with Tom Holland. "Childhood dreams come true, going to an @usher concert," Zendaya said on her Instagram story (via People).

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images and Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

May 4, 2023 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Attend An NBA Game

Tom Holland and Zendaya had another date night in May, complete with the perfect athleisure, popcorn, and relaxed smiles.

Xavi Torrent/Getty Images

January 12, 2024 — Tom Holland Confirms His Relationship With Zendaya Is Still Going Strong

After Zendaya unfollowed everyone on Instagram ahead of her new movie Challengers (Blake Lively pulled a similar move before her film A Simple Favor, as did Taylor Swift before Reputation), rumors started swirling that the pair had called it quits. When asked whether they had broken up, Tom says (via TMZ), "No, absolutely not."

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

January 14, 2024 — Tom Holland Says He Loves Watching Spider-Man: Homecoming With Zendaya

During the 2024 Critics Choice Awards, Tom Holland told Extra how much he loves rewatching his first Spider-Man movie, especially when he watches it with Z. "Zendaya and I will, every now and then, watch Spider-Man 1 and reminisce about being 19 and making those movies again," he says. "I love those movies, and I love savoring those moments, so I try not to watch them as often as I would maybe like to because it’s so special. It's such a luxury, such a gift to be able to sit down and sort of relive your youth.”

Tom Holland/Instagram

January 23, 2024 — Tom Holland Shows Zendaya Some Love

Since Tom Holland and Zendaya are very private, they don't often post about their relationship on social media. But when Zendaya debuted a new look at Paris Fashion Week, Tom Holland couldn't help but post a pic of Z to his Instagram story with three heart-eye emojis. We share the same sentiment, Tom, what a coincidence!

Joe Maher/Getty Images

February 15, 2023 — Tom Holland Supports Zendaya's Dune 2

The London premiere of Dune 2 was very eventful. Zendaya basically broke the internet by wearing a Mugler "Machinenmensch" robot suit (before changing into this chic black dress from Mugler by Casey Cadwallader), a certain actress spoiled her appearance in the movie by showing up to the carpet, and Tom Holland and Zendaya were spotted at the afterparty together. I love the care and attention Tom shows Zendaya (I, too, would be overwhelmed if I was surrounded by paparazzi like in this video of the couple), and I hope they got to unwind after a crazy night!

Tom Holland/Instagram

February 21, 2024 — Tom Holland Also Supports Zendaya's Challengers

After the new trailer for Challengers dropped, Tom Holland shared it to his Instagram story, promising the movie looks just as good as we're hoping. "You ain't ready for this one!" he says alongside the trailer.

Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images

February 21, 2024 — Zendaya Says Tom Holland Has The Best "Rizz"

When asked who has the best "rizz" (short for charisma) in the Dune 2 cast, Zendaya immediately pivots and makes the answer more personal! "Everybody's kind of got their own [rizz]," she tells Buzzfeed. "I think someone who has beautiful charisma, not on the Dune cast, works for me, is Mr. Tom Holland."

"I'm more shy and kind of quiet, so it takes a little bit more to pull me out of my shell but he's great at just talking to people and getting to know people," she continues. "He's just naturally very good at that. Or as for me, I've definitely had to pull it out of me a little bit. He's got that natural gift."

Matthew Stockman/Getty Images

March 17, 2024 — Tom Holland And Zendaya Watch A Tennis Game

Ahead of Zendaya's spring movie Challengers (in which she plays a tennis pro-turned-coach opposite Mike Faist and Josh O'Connor), she watched the BNP Paribas Open Men's Final at Indian Wells Tennis Garden. Alongside Tom Holland and her assistant Darnell Appling, who she frequently calls her brother, Zendaya got comfy in a cream-colored tennis skirt, tank top, and zip-up hoodie ensemble. Spring really is here!! My favorite part of the afternoon is when Tom Holland and Zendaya sang along with Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance With Somebody."

James Gourley/Getty Images

April 9, 2024 — Zendaya Raves About Tom Holland

In her Vogue cover story for May 2024, Zendaya talks a lot about how fame has affected both her life and Tom Holland's. “His [career] changed overnight. One day you’re a kid and you’re at the pub with your friends, and then the next day you’re Spider-Man,” she says. “I definitely watched his life kind of change in front of him. But he handled it really beautifully.”

That star power was evident in 2022, when Tom Holland and Zendaya spent the afternoon at the Louvre in Paris...and almost broke the internet. “You just kind of get used to the fact that, 'Oh, I’m also one of these art pieces you’re going to take a picture of. I just gotta be totally cool with it and just live my life,'" Zendaya continues. (She also says that when the museum let them walk around after-hours, "it was like Night at the Museum.”)

This spring, Zendaya can't wait to see Tom Holland in his London production of Romeo & Juliet: "[I] could not be more proud. I’m going to try to see as many shows as I possibly can.”

Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images

April 10, 2024 — Challengers Premieres In London

Tom Holland showed up for the London premiere of Challengers, and got to support Zendaya in the sweetest way. In this video captured at the premiere, you can see Tom and Z share a hug and a kiss on the cheek during the evening. Even the smallest gesture can mean a lot during a busy night, and I love how in sync Tom Holland and Zendaya are!

The latest viral clip about Tom Holland and Zendaya also has to do with Challengers. During another Challengers press tour stop, Zendaya's overjoyed to be presented with a bouquet of gardenias. “These are my favorite flowers!” she exclaims. When asked if Tom Holland buys her flowers, she points at the camera and jokes, “I hope he's watching!”

While not every girlfriend necessarily wants a bouquet, every couple definitely has to figure out each other's love languages so they can get to know each other better — and apparently A-listers are the exact same!

Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images for LVMH x Vogue x NBC

August 31, 2024 — Zendaya And Tom Holland Match On A Day Date

After a summer starring in Romeo and Juliet, Tom Holland took a late-summer stroll with Zendaya in Calabasas, California. They also ended up wearing matching white tanks (Zendaya styled hers with trousers and ballet flats, while Tom opted for cargo-esque joggers and white sneakers) for the ultimate twinning moment.


October 15, 2024 — Tom Holland Launches A New Company With Unexpected Help From Zendaya

After going sober in 2022, Tom Holland announced on October 15 he was launching a non-alcoholic drink company called Bero. “When I got sober, I started exploring the world of non-alcoholic beers and realized there was space for me to fit in,” Tom says in an interview with Forbes. “My first year sober was really difficult, and had I had Bero, I think it would have been easier.”

“Zendaya hates beer, like, absolutely hates beer," he continues. And when she helped with the taste testing, a joke helped guide the overall brand. "She does not drink beer at all, and the first round of testing she was like, ‘Wow, these are really tasty’, and I was like, ‘Well, that's probably not a good sign.'"

And at the launch event for Bero in New York City, Tom and Zendaya wore matching shades of burgundy! Z stunned in a floor-length leather dress while Tom paired a short sleeve sweater with black trousers.


October 15, 2024 — Zendaya Reveals Why She'd Never Take A Dance Class With Tom Holland

While speaking to Teen Vogue for her partnership with On, Zendaya reveals she'd probably avoid dance classes with Tom Holland because "he's too good, it would piss me off," she jokes. "I would want to take someone who could be equally as bad as me."

"Kayaking, I would choose Tom because I think that, if I can remember correctly, with the kayak, you have to be in sync with the person," she continues. "And I think it would be hilarious because we are both very controlling and we both want to be in charge. So it would be funny to watch us be like, no, we're going to go this way. No, we're going to go that way. And I think it would be a good story after the fact."

October 31, 2024 — Tom Holland Reveals Googling Zendaya Eases His Anxiety

While appearing on an episode of Samah Dada’s On the Menu podcast, Tom Holland spoke about how protective he gets over Zendaya, which, if you ask me, is pretty clear after that viral video of her getting swarmed by paparazzi — and him physically getting in the middle.

“I’m not on socials, and I delete [the apps] when I’m not using [them],” he tells Samah. “So sometimes I — it’s more of a bit of an anxiety thing...I just give it a little Google, look [through] the news, and I’m like, ‘She’s good. We’re fine.'"

Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

November 13, 2024 — Zendaya Reveals Working With Tom Holland Is "Like Second Nature"

In Vanity Fair's new Hollywood 2025 issue, Zendaya opened up on what it's like to work with her partner, and reveals "it’s actually strangely comfortable."

"It’s like second nature, if anything," she says. "You feel extra safe with the person you’re acting beside. I love working with him. He’s so talented, and so passionate about what he does. He always gives things one thousand percent, even if he’s absolutely worn down. I really appreciate that about him. It feels pretty normal. That’s how we met. Literally, at a chemistry read."

I'm sure that was one heck of a chemistry read!

Tom Holland/Instagram

November 24, 2024 — Tom Holland & Zendaya Have A Cozy Date Night

Tom and Zendaya went out for a pint to wrap up the weekend, heading to Foxhole to sample Bero "in the wild," according to Tom himself (via Instagram stories). And the actor ended up sharing a super cute photo of Zendaya in a red top with a gold necklace, a menu, and her cell phone covered in a grippy phone mount that a lot of TikTokers use to attach their phones to the wall. Does this mean there's a backlog of Zendaya TikToks?!

One People sourcealso reports the couple was "very relaxed and very chatty together" at Trident Booksellers & Cafe in Boston during a Friday morning breakfast. Sweet!

December 2, 2024 — Tom Holland & Zendaya Are Reportedly Ready To Settle Down

We all know that Tom and Zendaya are homebodies, and it appears they're only getting cozier the farther they get into their relationship — especially as friends like Robert Pattinson start their own families! “As Tom and Zendaya move closer to having a wedding next year, basically living like a husband and wife already, and continuing to book multiple film projects together, Rob is cheering them on,” a source tells Life & Style. "If things keep going in this direction, Rob is going to figure into their wedding as a best man or groomsman and he absolutely wants the new, little families they are starting to be close going forward."

“For Tom’s part, he’s seen up close how settling down, getting serious and having kids has changed Rob,” they continue. “Tom wants that life for himself and Zendaya, sooner rather than later.”

If Tom and Zendaya really are planning on getting married, and Robert Pattinson ends up in the wedding, I'll cry! And I just know Zendaya's wedding dress is going to be THE look of the decade.

Amy Sussman/Getty Images

January 6, 2025 — Tom Holland & Zendaya Spark More Engagement Rumors

Zendaya showed up to the 2025 Golden Globes wearing a brand new diamond ring — and the internet is convinced her and Tom are engaged. When an LA Times reporter asked if the actress was engaged, Z reportedly "smiled coyly and shrugged her shoulders mysteriously."

Keep checking back here for the latest news on Tom Holland and Zendaya's relationship, and see what Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are up to as well!

This post has been updated.

In the age of prestige TV (hey The Bear!), I have really become a TV person. I love keeping up with the same characters throughout the course of multiple episodes (and in the cast of The Last of Us and The Summer I Turned Pretty, multiple weeks), and then over multiple years. And there are plenty of incredible TV shows premiering and returning in 2025 — and some of these January TV shows have already dropped!

Here are 25 new TV shows we can't wait to see in 2025.

Lockerbie: A Search for Truth — On Peacock Now

Graeme Hunter/SKY/Carnival

Dr. Jim Swire (Colin Firth) is mourning the loss of his daughter Flora after Pan Am Flight 103 explodes, when he becomes the spokesperson for all the UK victims. But the more he fights for justice for all the families, the more he realizes just how unjust the system is.

Lockerbie is on Peacock now and stars Colin Firth, Catherine McCormack, Sam Troughton, Mark Bonnar, Ardalan Esmaili, Mudar Abbara, Guy Henry, Nabil Al Raee, and Jemma Carlton.

Small Town Setup — On Hallmark+


Consider this new TV show like living in a Hallmark movie IRL. When a single searching for love returns home, they're presented with dating options handpicked by people in their hometown. "All is revealed at a big town hall event, full of heart, warmth, and a few laughs along the way."

Small Town Setup is on Hallmark+ and is hosted by Ashley Williams.

When Calls The Heart Season 12 — On Hallmark Channel Now

Hallmark Channel

Our comfort show is back! When Calls The Heart season 12 brings Elizabeth and Hope Valley into the 1920s — and the parties, romance, and eventual financial troubles that come.

When Calls The Heart season 12 is on Hallmark Channel and stars Erin Krakow, Kevin McGarry, Melissa Gilbert, Pascale Hutton, Jack Wagner, Chris McNally, Kavan Smith, and Viv Leacock.

Doc — On Fox Now


Dr. Amy Elias is chief of internal medicine, but doesn't remember anything from the last eight years of patients, work drama, and even her own divorce thanks to a traumatic brain injury. This is one medical drama you'll definitely want to check out.

Doc is on Fox and stars Molly Parker, Omar Metwally, Jon-Michael Ecker, Anya Banerjee, Scott Wolf, Amirah Vann, and Conni Miu.

The Traitors Season 3 — On Peacock January 9, 2025

Chris Haston/NBC

This is the reality show for people who aren't so sure about reality TV. Alan Cumming, a Scottish castle, and a crazy murder mystery game? Yes please!

The Traitors season 3 premieres January 9 and stars Alan Cumming, Wells Adams, Sam Asghari, Chanel Ayan, Bob the Drag Queen, Dolores Catania, Jeremy Collins, Robyn Dixon, Dylan Efron, Nikki Garcia, Bob Harper, Britney Haynes, "Boston" Rob Mariano, Dorinda Medley, Ciara Miller, Royal Lord Ivar Mountbatten, Danielle Reyes, Tom Sandoval, Chrishell Stause, Tony Vlachos, Carolyn Wiger, and Gabby Windey.

On Call — On Prime Video January 9, 2025

Prime Video

In this new TV show, veteran officer Traci (Troian Bellisario) and rookie (Brandon Larracuente) go on patrols around Long Beach, California. California beaches might be pretty laidback, but Traci is definitely in for plenty of challenges.

On Call premieres January 9 and stars Troian Bellisario, Brandon Larracuente, Lori Loughlin, Rich Ting, and Eriq La Salle.

With Love, Meghan — On Netflix January 15, 2025


This new TV show follows the Meghan Markle on a cooking, gardening, and hosting journey! This is one home I'd love to step into, TBH.

With Love, Meghan hits Netflix on January 15 and is hosted by Meghan Markle, alongside guests like Mindy Kaling.

XO, Kitty Season 2 — On Netflix January 16, 2025


In XO, Kitty season 2, Kitty (Anna Cathcart) wants nothing more than to just date casually. But a letter from her mom's past opens up new adventures, relationships, and opportunities — and the return of Peter Kavinsky (Noah Centineo)!!!

XO, Kitty season 2 stars Anna Cathcart, Audrey Huynh, Sasha Bhasin, Joshua Lee, Minyeong Choi, Gia Kim, Sang Heon Lee, Anthony Keyvan, Peter Thurnwald, and Regan Aliyah.

Severance Season 2 — On Apple TV+ January 17, 2025

Apple TV+

Relationships and identity will always be timely TV themes (try saying that five times fast), and in Severance season 2, Mark (Adam Scott) running around his office, and running from his problems, in the Severance season 2 teaser trailer is the most relatable thing I've seen. all day. After a full season of his work and personal lives being, well, severed, Mark is in for a lot of surprises this time around. Completely separating your career from the rest of your life might sound ideal, but this January TV show is going to show us why that's simply not the case.

Severance season 2 premieres on January 17, and stars Adam Scott, Patricia Arquette, John Turturro, Christopher Walken, Zach Cherry, Britt Lower, Tramell Tillman, Jen Tullock, Dichen Lachman, Michael Chernus, Gwendoline Christie, Bob Balaban, Merritt Wever, Alia Shawkat, Robby Benson, Stefano Carannante, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, and John Noble.

Prime Target — On Apple TV+ January 22, 2025

Apple TV+

Edward (Leo Woodall) is about to make a major breakthrough, meaning he (and any other genius) could have access to every computer in the world. Now he's teaming up with a National Security Agent (Quintessa Swindell) to keep it safe.

Prime Target premieres on January 22 and stars Leo Woodall, Quintessa Swindell, Stephen Rea, David Morrissey, Martha Plimpton, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Jason Flemyng, Harry Lloyd, Ali Suliman, Fra Fee, and Joseph Mydell.

The Night Agent Season 2 — on Netflix January 23, 2025


These new TV shows are just proving that 2025 is going to be another year of hot men. And in The Night Agent season 2, Peter Sutherland (Gabriel Basso) is finally an official Night Agent after saving the President's life — and he is, once again, in way over his head.

The Night Agent season 2 premieres on January 23 and stars Gabriel Basso, Luciane Buchanan, Fola Evans-Akingbola, Sarah Desjardins, and Enrique Murciano.

Sweet Magnolias Season 4 — On Netflix February 6, 2025


It's finally time to head back to Serenity and catch up with all our Sweet Magnolias! And it sounds like their friendship is about to be put to the test. Season 4 will examine "the twists and turns of romance, the complexity of friendship, the surprises that pop up in life," showrunner Sheryl J. Anderson tells TUDUM, "and how all these things make us more grateful for the people who love us."

Sweet Magnolias season 4 premieres February 6 and stars JoAnna Garcia Swisher, Brooke Elliott, and Heather Headley.

The White Lotus Season 3 — On HBO and Max February 16, 2025

Fabio Lovino/HBO

White Lotus season 3 is (somehow) spicier than ever before. This year we're headed to Thailand to meet some new characters...and see some familiar faces too. And just like the trailer teases, we're in for a crazy dose of both pain and pleasure.

The White Lotus season 3 premieres February 16 and will star Leslie Bibb, Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, Carrie Coon, Parker Posey, Patrick Schwarzenegger and Blackpink’s Lisa Manobal.

Yellowjackets Season 3 — On SHOWTIME And Paramount+ February 16, 2025


This season of Yellowjackets is sure to answer lots of questions — and probably give us even more than we had in the beginning. "How do you change while you are in your core, in your essence, the same person you always were?" creator Ashley Lyle tells Vanity Fair, teasing the merging the characters' past and present selves. "How much are you hiding that, and how long are you able to do that, is a question that we’re playing with this season."

Yellowjackets season 3 premieres February 16 and stars Melanie Lynskey, Christina Ricci, Tawny Cypress, Lauren Ambrose, Sophie Nélisse, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Sophie Thatcher, Samantha Hanratty, Courtney Eaton, Liv Hewson, Steven Krueger, Warren Kole, Kevin Alves, Sarah Desjardins, Simone Kessell, Elijah Wood, Joel McHale, and Hilary Swank.

1923 Season 2 — On Paramount+ February 23, 2025

Lo Smith/Paramount+

1923 season 2 is going to be all kinds of chaotic as the Dutton family fights to get back to one another: Jacob and Cara remain on the Yellowstone ranch, Spencer's making his way across the country, and Alex has to figure out a way to get off that dang ship.

1923 season 2 premieres February 23 andthe cast includes Julia Schlaepfer, Harrison Ford, Helen Mirren, Brandon Sklenar, Michelle Randolph, Darren Mann, Jerome Flynn, Aminah Nieves, and Isabel May.

The Last of Us Season 2 — On HBO and Max April 2025


The Last of Us season 2 is going to be more intense, more emotional, and more explosive than ever — especially when Ellie figures out the huge secret Joel's been keeping from her. I'm ready to cry, TBH.

The Last of Us season 2 will star Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Gabriel Luna, Rutina Wesley, Kaitlyn Dever, Isabela Merced, Young Mazino, Spencer Lord, Danny Ramirez, Catherine O'Hara, Jeffrey Wright, Tati Gabrielle and Ariela Barer.

Running Point — On Netflix In 2025


In this new TV show, Isla Gordon becomes President of the LA Waves basketball team after a scandal costs her brother the job. And Isla will have to prove to everyone around her that she can balance work AND play (although maybe a little more work than play, ammirite?)

Running Point is coming to Netflix soon and stars Kate Hudson, Brenda Song, Drew Tarver, Scott MacArthur, Fabrizio Guido, Toby Sandeman, Chet Hanks, Max Greenfield, Keyla Monterroso Mejia, Roberto Sanchez, Uche Agada, and Dane DiLiegro.

The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 3 — On Prime Video In 2025

Peter Taylor/Prime Video

Not only does our third trip to Cousins Beachfeature three extra episodes, but it'll also pick up smack dab in the middle of the Belly-Conrad-Jeremiah love triangle. Here's hoping we're getting a spinoff so we can see these characters as many times as possible!

The Summer I Turned Pretty season 3 premieres in 2025 and stars Lola Tung, Christopher Briney, Gavin Casalegno, Sean Kaufman, Rain Spencer, Jackie Chung, and Rachel Blanchard.

Stranger Things Season 5 — On Netflix in 2025

Tina Rowden/Netflix

This year, longtime fans of this series will finally get to see how the story ends. The show is bringing us into 1987 and last time we saw the Hawkins crew, they were face-to-face with the Upside Down infiltrating our world.

Stranger Things 5 is coming to Netflix soon and stars Millie Bobby Brown, Noah Schnapp, Finn Wolfhard, Caleb McLaughlin, Gaten Matarazzo, Natalia Dyer, Charlie Heaton, Sadie Sink, Maya Hawke, Joe Keery, David Harbour, Winona Ryder, Amybeth McNulty, and Priah Ferguson.

The Bear Season 4 — On FX And Hulu In 2025


The Bear season 3, in my opinion, was only the first half of the story. I'm excited to see how season 4 wraps it all up — including the restaurant's review and Carmy's effect on Sydney...

The Bear season 4 is coming to FX in 2025 and stars Jeremy Allen White, Ayo Edebiri, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Lionel Boyce, Liza Colón-Zayas, Abby Elliott, and Matty Matheson.

Wednesday Season 2 — On Netflix in 2025

Bernard Walsh/Netflix

Wednesday season 2 is taking us back to Nevermore Academy alongside Jenna Ortega — and Lady Gaga? We don't know much about the plot just yet but this cast is all I need to convince me to watch.

Wednesday season 2 is coming to Netflix soon and stars Jenna Ortega, Lady Gaga, Georgie Farmer, Victor Dorobantu, Luyanda Unati Lewis-Nayo, Joy Sunday, Owen Painter, Emma Myers, Billie Piper, Evie Templeton, Luis Guzmán, Isaac Ordonez, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Alfred Gough, Noah Taylor, Miles Millar, Tim Burton, Steve Buscemi, Moosa Mostafa, and Hunter Doohan.

Sullivan's Crossing Season 3 — On The CW In 2025

CTV/Fremantle/The CW

Sullivan's Crossing season 2 was full of twists and turns — and season 3 is going to be just as wild (and cozy). “We are so excited to return to Sullivan’s Crossing next year for a third season,” Brad Schwartz, CW's President, tells Deadline. "Roma [Downey], this talented cast, and the entire creative team have built an incredible world full of emotionally charged storytelling that has resonated with viewers over the last two years."

Sullivan's Crossing season 3 is coming in 2025 and stars Morgan Kohan, Chad Michael Murray, and Scott Patterson.

Only Murders In The Building Season 5 — On Hulu Soon

Patrick Harbron/Disney

We don't have an official release date for season 5 yet, but we've gotten a new installment every year since its premiere so I'm feeling hopeful! This year Mabel, Oliver, and Charles will have to solve Chester's murder (I'M HEARTBROKEN) and might even deal with some mob bosses.

Only Murders in the Building season 5 is coming soon and stars Selena Gomez, Martin Short, Steve Martin, and Téa Leoni.

Virgin River Season 7 — On Netflix Soon


If you've already binged all of Virgin River season 6, don't worry — there's another season coming! And showrunner Patrick Sean Smith says it'll “explore the honeymoon phase for them as they’re building their lives on the farm, which can come with its own obstacles.”

Virgin River season 7 is coming soon and stars Alexandra Breckenridge, Martin Henderson, Annette O'Toole, Tim Matheson, Colin Lawrence, Kandyse McClure, Sarah Dugdale, and Kai Bradbury.

Nobody Wants This Season 2 — On Netflix Soon

Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Nobody Wants This became an immediate classic when it premiered in 2024, and we can't wait to see Noah and Joanne navigate their relationship and family drama in season 2.

Nobody Wants This season 2 is coming to Netflix soon and stars Kristen Bell, Adam Brody, Justine Lupe, Timothy Simons, Stephanie Faracy, Tovah Feldshuh, Paul Ben-Victor, Michael Hitchcock, Jackie Tohn, Sherry Cola, Shiloh Bearman, and Emily Arlook.

Which new TV show are you excited to see in 2025? Sound off in the comments and check out the amazing 2025 movies headed our way!

If there’s any holiday where you’re encouraged to take shots, it’s New Year’s Eve. But, that doesn’t mean you should limit your NYE party beverages to champagne. These sparkly, glittery and all-around enticing shots are sure to please and won’t induce any bad-idea hangovers from too manytequila drinks. You can let your resolution ideas start when the calendar reads 2025. Meanwhile, cheers to enjoying these shots you’ll actually want to make (and take) this New Year’s Eve.

The 14 Best New Year's Eve Shots To Throw Back For 2025!

Brit + Co

Apple Cider Shooter

That caramel vodka you bought on a whim once can finally be put to good use with this spiked apple cider shooter. Whip it up as a shot or a large punch that will last all night long. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Root Beer Float Shooter

This soda shop classic gets an adult upgrade with ROOT, a traditional alcoholic Native American tea. And tea is healthy, right? ;) (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Rainbow Shots

Meet your new party trick! All five of these shots come out of one shaker. Prepare to amaze your guests with your bartending skills this NYE. (via Brit + Co)

Sprinkle Bakes

Champagne Chantilly Shooters

Be sure to add these cake-inspired shooters to your after-holiday to-do list to start 2016 with a little bit of deliciousness. (via Sprinkle Bakes)

Feast + West

Champagne Jell-O Shots

Turn your champagne into a shot! If you’re hosting a large party, these are a way more affordable option than a case of champagne. (via Feast + West)

Dine and Dish

Blackberry Gin Shooters

This shooter is *almost* too pretty to drink. Plus, we can all pretend that the blackberries are doing you some good. (via Dine and Dish)

A Year of Cocktails

Butternut Rum Lifesaver

A shot that tastes like candy is a sweet way to start your year off right. (via A Year of Cocktails)

Holly's Cheat Day

Tipsy Spritzer Shots

Not every shot needs to be super strong. If you’re looking for something you can enjoy throughout the night, this sweet, bubbly and tart “spritzer” shot is low in alcohol content and big on flavor. (via Holly’s Cheat Day)

Bubbly Nation Creations

Sparkling Jello Jigglers

Swap out champagne for the grape juice in this recipe to make a fancy, adult version of a JELL-O jiggler. Sprinkles and edible gold stars required. (via Bubbly Nation Creations)

Broma Bakery

Champagne Jello Shots

Awww, Jello Shots are all grown up in this festive recipe. They have a nice flavor that won’t leave you wincing afterwards. (via Broma Bakery)

The First Year

White Chocolate Champagne Cheesecake Shooters

This shot is delicious enough to be dessert. Top yours with edible glitter sprinkles to get even more festive. (via The First Year)

Cookin' Canuck

Cranberry Kamikaze Shots

NYE calls for a fancier drink than a go-to beer or wine. Ring in the new year with cranberry kamikaze shots that look pretty and taste delicious (via Cookin' Canuck)


Banana Split Shooters

This shot requires five ingredients that'll send your taste buds soaring. I mean, what could be better than taking a shot of something that tastes like dessert? (via Tablespoon)

Something Swanky

Sparkling Cider Jello Shots (Non-Alcoholic)

If you want to be extra careful not to induce a hangover when you wake up in 2024, your best bet are these sparkling cider jello shots. They're made with unflavored gelatin, distilled water, cider and your choice of berries, cherries, or gummies! (via Something Swanky)

Looking for more NYE recipe or drink ideas? Check out Brit + Co on Pinterest and check out our New Year's Eve dinner ideas for more inspiration.This post has been updated.

Valentine's Day is next month, so it's time for a little tough love. Are you ready? Deep breath... You're not going to get far in your relationship by wondering, "What are we doing?" anymore. For such a simple question, it carries the weight of being vague and loaded. It's not that you shouldn't want to know where your relationship is headed, but there are better questions to ask your boyfriend.

From my first relationship to being engaged with an energetic toddler, I know a thing or two about how to broach certain topics. But, I'm no one's expert so I turned to Sean O'Neill, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Clinical Director at Maple Moon Recovery, to help you figure out how to get to the heart of your relationship.

Scroll to see which deep questions to ask your boyfriend for a better, healthier relationship!

Andres Ayrton

1. Questions To Ask If You're In The 'Honeymoon' Stage

Whenever we finally move from flirting with our crushes to being in a relationship with them, it's typically followed by a period of euphoria. You and your boyfriend likely can't get enough of each other right now which is probably making your friends playfully roll their eyes. Since everything is brand new, you can still keep it light though.

O'Neill suggests asking "open-ending questions that prompt curiosity and connection:"

  • What's one dream you've never let me in on?
  • What's one little gesture that can make you feel valued?

"These couple of queries facilitate bonding while generating enthusiasm for the goals and interests of each other," he says.

Budgeron Bach

2. Questions To Ask After Your First Big Fight

Even if you and your boyfriend are super tuned in to each other, a disagreement or argument is bound to happen. In case you're worried, your relationship isn't on thin ice because you're not seeing eye-to-eye on something. O'Neill says you can ask:

  • How do you think we handled the argument?
  • What could we do differently next time to make our future fights more productive?

His reasoning is that these questions "promote growth and empathy" so "disagreements are transformed into stronger communication opportunities."

Note: Disagreements should never turn physical. It's not okay for you and your boyfriend to become physically aggressive with each other. If you're concerned about domestic violence, dial the National Domestic Hotline at 1(800) 799-7233.

Keira Burton

3. Questions To Ask Before Introducing Your Boyfriend To Your Parents

Introducing your boyfriend to your parents is a huge step that can be scary and exciting. I was terrified when my parents first met my fiancé because they couldn't stand my ex. But, the conversation between them flowed and everyone always looks for him to be at family events.

If you're ready for introductions to be made, O'Neill wants you to "encourage the normality of preplanned talks" by asking:

  • What is something about me that you think my parents would really love to hear about?

By doing this, he says it'll "help alleviate anxiety and ensure both spouses feel comfortable and attuned before meeting the parents."

Mikhail Nilov

4. Questions To Ask If You Or Your Boyfriend Have An Illness

It's never easy to experience illnesses or health scares, but it can be terrifying if you don't know how to help your partner manage if something unexpected happens. O'Neill says to "nurture insights with queries such as:"

  • What is one thing I could to assist you better when ill?
  • Are there any aspects concerning your healthy that haven't been discussed which make you anxious?

"The conversations provide a safe space for airing concerns while building up mutual support through health difficulties," he adds.

Mikhail Nilov

5. Questions To Ask If You're Worried About Boyfriend's Spending Habits

Financial red flags are always a cause for concern when dating someone — especially when it seems like your boyfriend doesn't care about his spending habits may affect your household if you live together. O'Neill suggests asking:

  • What are your financial goals?
  • How do you see us working towards them together?
  • How do you feel about budgeting as a team?

This will "make goal alignment stronger" because "effective communication about finances can prevent misunderstandings," he says. Also, this helps "lay the foundation for a shared vision of the future."

Bethany Ferr

6. Questions To Ask To Deepen Vulnerability With Each Other

Being vulnerable isn't easy for everyone, let alone two people in a relationship. It took me years to feel comfortable expressing my sadness or fears to my fiancé because I was afraid he'd think I was 'weak.' However, this can cause more harm than good because it becomes difficult for our partners to know what's going on with us if we don't open up.

O'Neill says you can ask:

  • What's one fear or concern you've hesitated to share with anyone before?
  • How can I help you feel safe sharing with me?
These questions "create room for openness and trust between partners" which aids in "helping them connect emotionally," according to him.

Katerina Holmes

7. Questions To Help Move The Relationship Forward

If you're still wondering "what are we doing" after asking some of the above questions, you focus on asking the following "future-oriented questions," according to O'Neill:

  • Where do you see us in 5 years?
  • What's something you envision us doing together as a couple in the future?
"Thinking about what is ahead strengthens commitment to the relationship and brings both partners' goals into line," he says.
Even though my fiancé and I have been together for a while, we still have conversations about our goals, health, raising our son, and more. It helps us to either stay aligned or see what needs to be addressed as opposed to letting physical attraction guide the way we feel 95% of the time.

But that's not all! We have more advice about relationships if you're looking to build a deeper connection yourself, friends, or family in 2025!

Prioritizing self-care is a great way to elevate your daily routine, and we've put together a list of 43 products to help you do just that. Whether you're looking to add relaxation to your everyday routine or implement self-care without extra effort, this list has something sure to make a difference. From self-love exercises to ambient lighting, each of these finds is a perfect way to upgrade your daily life.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

A Cozy and Chic Weighted Blanket


Upgrade your self-care days with this faux fur weighted blanket. It features a plush, soft material and comes in both throw and full-bed sizes to suit your needs.

See it on Amazon

Smart Bulbs That Work With Alexa


Seamlessly transition your home from a bright ambiance during the day to a warm, relaxing atmosphere in the evening with these smart bulbs. They come in a set of four and can be easily controlled through an app on your smartphone.

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A Rose Quartz Roller That Helps Prevent Wrinkles


Give your skin some TLC with this rose quartz roller. The cooling sensation promotes circulation and helps relax your facial muscles, providing a soothing experience after a long day.

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A Sheet Mask You'll Want to Use Daily


This aloe-infused sheet mask is the perfect way to hydrate your skin while feeling pampered. Made with soothing cucumber and aloe gel, it helps calm irritation and locks in moisture, leaving your skin refreshed and glowing.

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A Bathtub Tray With Everything You Could Need


Elevate your favorite self-care activity with this expandable bathtub tray. It holds your favorite book, a glass of wine, or a candle, allowing you to fully unwind during your bath.

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A Facial Steamer That Comes With Facial Tools


Give your pores the deep clean they deserve with this facial steamer. It features a 3-in-1 design to unclog pores, remove blackheads, and provide a spa-like experience right at home.

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A Foot Spa With Massaging Modes


Give yourself a relaxing, cost-effective pedicure at home with this foot spa. Its splash-proof design keeps the bubbles contained, letting you enjoy a soothing foot soak without the mess while treating yourself to a spa-like experience.

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Sick Of Your Bed? Try The Human Dog Bed


Are you jealous of the luxuriousness of your pup's bed? Now, you can experience the same level of comfort with the Oval Human Dog Bed. This amazing bed is the perfect size for humans and is filled with thick, high-density foam for ultimate comfort. Plus, the removable plush faux fur cover is machine washable for easy cleaning. Get ready for the most comfortable night's sleep of your life.

See it on Amazon

Essential Oils Rollers You Can Bring Wherever You Go


These essential oil rollers are the perfect way to relieve stress and unwind on the go. The pack includes four rollers with a variety of essential oil blends designed to help you soothe, renew, calm, and breathe deeply whenever you need a moment of peace.

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Satin Pillowcases for Hair and Skin Health


Adding these satin pillowcases to your bed is a simple way to prioritize self-care. They help prevent skin irritation and promote healthier hair, ensuring a more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

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A Scalp Massager That Promotes Hair Health


Not only does this scalp massager feel incredible, but it also promotes healthy hair growth. Use it in the shower with your shampoo to remove product buildup or outside the shower with your favorite hair growth serums for a relaxing and effective treatment.

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Eucalyptus Stems for Your Shower


Adding these eucalyptus stems to your shower head is a great way to promote relaxation and enjoy added health benefits in your daily routine. They help purify the air, making it easier to breathe.

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Brew Perfect Espresso With the Café Bellissimo Espresso Machine


Make perfect espresso at home with the Café Bellissimo Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine. This WiFi-connected espresso machine includes a built-in bean grinder, 15-bar pump, milk frother, and a 95-ounce water reservoir, perfect for any coffee enthusiast.

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A Satin Bonnet to Eliminate Frizz and Breakage


This satin bonnet makes prioritizing your hair health easier than ever. Simply wear it while you sleep to prevent breakage and damage. Plus, it helps you wake up with perfect hair every day.

See it on Amazon

Relax Outside With This Inflatable Hot Tub


Have you always wanted a hot tub time machine? Jokes aside, you can actually purchase your very own inflatable hot tub directly from Amazon. It's easy to set up and so much fun to use!

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Wool Lined House Slippers for Indoor and Outdoor Use


Small details like having a cozy pair of house slippers are a great way to prioritize self-care in your everyday routine. These slippers feature a chenille lining and memory foam soles to keep you cozy all day long.

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A Light Therapy Wand for Your Skincare Routine


Wind down at the end of the day and give your face a relaxing massage with this light therapy wand. It offers a variety of color modes to target different skincare concerns while enhancing your natural bone structure.

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A Water Flosser With Interchangeable Tips


Upgrade your dental hygiene routine with minimal effort using this cordless water flosser. It makes flossing easier than ever, so you can effortlessly add it to your daily routine.

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A Fluffy Microfiber Headband Set


Remove the hassle and mess while washing your face with this headband set. It includes a regular headband to keep your hair out of your face, plus two wristbands to prevent water from running down your arms.

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An Exfoliating Scrub With a Delicious Coco Colada Scent


Add exfoliating to your shower routine with this effortless exfoliating scrub. It's easy to use and can replace your body wash to remove dead skin cells, leaving your skin feeling silky smooth.

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A Bathtub Pillow With a Quick-Drying Material


Nothing says self-care like a relaxing bath, and this bathtub pillow will enhance every experience. It offers neck and back support with a breathable mesh fabric that's easy to install using convenient suction cups.

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A Sunset Lamp With 360-Degree Rotation


Mood lighting is a great way to set the tone for self-care routines, and this sunset lamp is perfect for achieving it. With a variety of color combinations to project onto your wall or ceiling, it can be easily controlled through an app on your smartphone.

See it on Amazon

A Blanket Hoodie With the Softest Material


Staying comfy and cozy at home is key to self-care, and this blanket hoodie is perfect for it. With its lightweight yet warm material, it’s ideal for snuggling up with a good book or watching your favorite show.

See it on Amazon

Shower Steamers for Stress Relief While You Shower


Make every shower a relaxing experience with these aromatherapy shower steamers. This pack of eight features a variety of natural essential oils, perfect for helping you unwind.

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Pimples Patches to Promote Clear Skin


Remove blemishes and breakouts with minimal effort by adding these pimple patches to your self-care routine. Perfect for wearing overnight to wake up with clearer skin or throughout the day to minimize irritation.

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A Clay Mask That's a K-Beauty Favorite


Minimize your pores and detoxify your skin with this relaxing clay mask. Infused with volcanic clusters, its formula exfoliates dead skin cells and purifies them, all while providing a soothing sensation as you apply it.

See it on Amazon

An Ice Roller for Your Morning Routine


Add this ice roller to your morning routine to depuff and sculpt your face. Its customizable design lets you add your favorite essential oils, enhancing your skincare routine while providing a refreshing boost.

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Calming Sleep Spray That Comes in a 3-Pack


Enhance your nighttime routine with this sleep spray. Infused with melatonin and essential oils, it creates a calming environment perfect for winding down. Simply spray it on your bed and let the soothing scents work their magic.

See it on Amazon

Self-Care Cards for a Lighthearted Activity


If journaling isn't your thing, but you still want a meaningful self-care activity, these self-care cards are a great choice. With 52 affirmation cards, each one is filled with empowering messages and pearls of wisdom to help inspire and uplift you every day.

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A Scented Candle to Enhance Self-Care Time


Set the mood for relaxation with this scented candle. Made from a natural soy wax blend, it has a citrusy volcanic fragrance that burns for up to 85 hours, creating the perfect atmosphere for unwinding.

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A Shiatsu Massager That's Easy to Use


Remove tension from your neck and shoulders instantly with this shiatsu massager. It offers a variety of deep kneading settings, and you can even add heat to warm up and fully relax.

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A Face Mask That Removes Puffiness


Depuff and soothe your skin simultaneously with this face mask. It includes a variety of masks to target different areas of your face, or you can deep puff them all at once. It’s the perfect solution to relieve stubborn headaches or give your face a refreshing morning boost.

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A Tea Sampler for Any Mood


Winding down at the end of the day with a stress-relief herbal tea is a great way to prioritize your self-care routine. This tea sampler includes a year’s worth of herbal mixes and 32 teabags and is designed to promote overall wellness.

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A Sleeping Mask for Extra Hydration


Keep your lips hydrated and soothed with this sleeping mask. Infused with relaxing lavender and vanilla scents, along with hyaluronic acid, it intensely hydrates overnight for soft, smooth lips by morning.

See it on Amazon

An Eye Roller to Prevent Puffy Eyes and Wrinkles


This eye roller is a great way to elevate your eye serum routine into a relaxing and pleasant experience. Its cooling metal material boosts circulation for a healthy, refreshed glow.

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A Humidifier to Keep Your Skin Hydrated


Keep your skin hydrated and glowing all night long with this humidifier. It emits a soothing sound similar to white noise, helping you drift off quickly at the end of the day. You can even add your favorite calming essential oil for an extra touch of relaxation.

See it on Amazon

A Calming White Noise Machine With Timer Settings


Cure insomnia or just create a relaxing atmosphere throughout your home with this white noise machine. With 20 different sounds, including a variety of nature-inspired options, it's perfect for both adults and kids looking to unwind or sleep better.

See it on Amazon

A Head Massager You'll be Obsessed With


Nothing beats a good head massage to boost your self-care routine. This head massager has 20 prongs that work to improve scalp circulation, promoting healthy hair growth while offering a relaxing, stress-relieving experience.

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A Self-Heating Eye Mask


Improve your nighttime routine with this heated eye mask. Designed to soothe and unwind, this eye mask uses a steaming effect to help you relax before bedtime. The gentle, compressed heat is perfect for relieving tired or strained eyes after a long day of work.

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A Foot Massager That Even Works on Your Calves


Treat your feet and relax with this deep tissue foot massager. It provides soothing heat therapy while massaging to relieve tension, making it perfect after a long day.

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An Aromatherapy Diffuser Necklace to De-Stress On the Go


Create the ultimate relaxation experience with this aromatherapy diffuser necklace. It allows you to carry your favorite essential oils with you, promoting calm and stress relief throughout the day.

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A Rainfall Shower Head With a Detachable Arm


Add a touch of luxury and relaxation to your daily routine with this rainfall shower head. The two-in-one combo has impressive water pressure with seven different spray settings.

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A Galaxy Projector With a Convenient Remote Control


Sit back, relax, and watch the stars on your ceiling anytime with this galaxy projector. It offers 33 different lighting effects, perfect for setting the mood for relaxation and self-care.

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