15 Things We NEED to Happen In “And Just Like That” Season 3

and just like that season 3

I think about Sex and the City a lot. It’s more than just my favorite show; it’s a way of life — a guidebook, if you will — of what to do and what not to do. As a serial re-watcher and Carrie stan, I see a lot of myself in our heroine. I too have made fashion faux pas, dated the wrong men, and tried to cobble together my interests and hobbies into some semblance of a career. I’ve quoted Carrie et all too many times to count, and took her voiceovers as a form of gospel. And I’m sure a lot of other NYC-based, fashion-loving millennials can relate.

Suffice it to say, I was pretty stoked when And Just Like That was announced. And while I can understand the collective disappointment of what seems to be all womankind, I’ve actually quite enjoyed having Carrie & co (minus Samantha) back in my life for the sequel series. However, the hard truth is that AJLT would be fine as a standalone show...but it isn't strong enough to match the cultural significance of its predecessor.

However, as a New York City-based writer and content creator who happens to be the exact age Carrie was at the start of the series, I’d like to believe that I have pretty good insight into what resonates with the OG fanbase. So, here are 15 plot lines I'd love to see on And Just Like Thatseason 3. HBO writers, take note and feel free to use any ideas in this open letter as you draft future episodes. 😉

Amalita Amalfi Visits New York Again


We met Amalita Amalfi in Season 1, described both as "an international party girl" and "a hooker with a passport." She introduces Carrie to a few "friends," who help her out when Carrie is short on cash. We never see Amalita again, which is a shame, because she seems like a interesting woman who's lived an exciting life. I'd love to see Carrie dial back her judgement (she's now twenty-five years older, after all) and run into Amalita the next time she's in NYC. Present day Carrie could use some fun, and TBH — Amalita is more entertaining than all of our new characters put together.

Carrie Reconnects With ​Mike Singer


Mike Singer is Carrie's longtime friend from Season 1, who she's never slept with. When we meet him, he's been dating Libby, a woman who he deems below him and is therefore embarrassed to be seen with her. Luckily, Libby meets someone else and dumps him. We're left to believe that Mike learned his lesson, but it's hard to say, because we never see or hear from him again.

While Mike was certainly no gem, there was something nice about Carrie having a male friend who is straight and totally platonic. This friendship was good for her, and I enjoyed seeing how comfortable she was with him. It's unfortunate she never found that type of friendship again.

Carrie's Reunited With Her Stolen Shoes


I love Tatum O'Neal, but hated her on Sex and the City. And that hatred still hasn't gone away, twenty years later. Why? Because her character, Kyra, is one of the most maddening humans in the entire series.

In one of the most iconic episodes, "A Woman's Right To Shoes," Carrie's invited to a birthday party for one of Kyra's multiple children. She's expected to give a gift, of course, and does so with a smile. During the party, Carrie's shoes are stolen from Kyra's home, and she proceeds to blame Carrie for spending so much money on shoes and "not having a real life." Carrie put it best when she said, "she shoe-shamed me!"

By the end of the episode, Kyra's put in her place and replaces Carrie's pricy (yet beautiful) Manolos, but it's not an easy road to get there. This episode made so many good points and truly stood the test of time, and I'd really like to see some of that same magic come back to And Just Like That. Naturally, I have a few ideas of how we can make it happen:

  1. Carrie finally tracks down the mysterious Jessica, who Kyra noted as the likely culprit.
  2. Allegra, Kyra's daughter, confesses to have stolen the shoes during the party. After all, they're shiny and she's old enough to know how to answer a phone, so I'm sure she could have swiped them for a game of dress up.
  3. Kyra gets annoyed after everyone else in her friend group starts having babies, thereby requiring her to subsidize their lifestyle. She finally realizes just how much of a burden she's been putting on her friends all along, and finally gives Carrie the heartfelt apology she deserves.

Carrie's Reunited With Her (Other) Stolen Shoes


Carrie Bradshaw may be a lot of things, but a woman who can can keep track of her footwear she is not. My heart hurt for Carrie when she got mugged and no one seemed to care (although I did enjoy seeing Miranda get the hot guy, for once). As we know, Carrie loves nothing quite like her Manolos, and these were limited edition that she bought at a sample sale. We also know that Carrie's a little rough with her wardrobe (let's just call it well-loved), as evidenced by the lining of her Dior clutch in Paris.

In AJLT, I would love to see Carrie find her stolen Manolos as a vintage or second hand shop. In typical Carrie fashion, there will be a pen mark or a small tear that she instantly recognizes as her own. She will proceed to buy back her shoes and obsess over how to find the culprit decades later.

We Get An Update From Smith


I love Smith Jerrod, and I'm not the only one. He's the perfect boyfriend on paper, his only flaw to Samanthais that he got too successful. I never liked how things ended with them, and I know Smith doesn't make sense as a main cast member without Samantha, but there are still a few ways to include him. Maybe we see the girls attending one of his movie premieres, where he shares an update on his golden life. Or perhaps he's a big enough star now that he hires Carrie to ghostwrite his autobiography. Wherever you are, Smith, I hope you're happy.

Charlotte Embraces Her Horse Girl Energy


In Season 2's "Ex and the City," Charlotte overcomes her past trauma and finds love in riding horses once again. While there are some factual errors here — notably, Charlotte riding a horse on a Central Park jogging path — I can't get over the sheer brilliance of Charlotte being a horse girl. It's so on brand and so ahead of the time, making it wild that AJLT isn't tapping into this sitcom gold.

In And Just Like That, Charlotte is clearly starved for something to do. She doesn't have much going on and then annoys every other character with all her endless free time. I'm glad that she went back to work in Season 2, but a hobby (outside of and unrelated to her family life) wouldn't hurt either. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with the things you do for pure enjoyment, especially as competing priorities come into play, but this is one very real challenge that I'd love to see Charlotte take on.

Victoria Becomes A Successful Handbag Designer At Long Last


We last saw Jennifer Coolidge's Victoria at her "purse party," where she tried to hawk her terrible handbags at unsuspecting friends after a divorce ("I CUT UP MY BEDSPREAD FOR THIS!"). Fashion trends in 2024 are nothing if not unexpected, thanks to the world of short-lived TikTok aesthetics. Victoria's bizarre designs fit right in with the maximalist micro-trends du jour, and TBH I'd love to see her become a success after the bags start trending. She's been through a lot, and she deserves it! There's even a petition to bring back Jennifer Coolidge in the reboot.

​Carries Curls Come Back In Full Force


While Sarah Jessica Parker looks stunning with any hairstyle, something about the straight blowout just doesn't feel very Carrie. While her waves make a few brief appearances, they're a far cry from the carefree curls of yesteryear. Even if they can't come back forever, I would love to at least see Carrie's signature curls make an appearance. Maybe a night out on the town with the girls?

​Jeremy And Carrie Get Some Closure


Jeremy, Carrie's high school sweetheart, was definitely one of her better boyfriends. Unfortunately, their brief reconciliation was cut short when he needed more time to work on his mental health (very fair and responsible!). But I couldn't help but wonder, what is he up to now? Did he make it out of Juno Spears? Did he get his life back on track and find love post-divorce? If not, I want these two to give it a shot. After all, we're already dealing with blasts from dating past, and TBH I’d rather take a walk down memory lane with Jeremy over Aidan any day!

ADHD Jazz Musician Is A Success


Ray King is introduced during Carrie and Mr. Big's night out (remember when they tried to be "just friends"?). He's charming and spontaneous, but has ADHD, which was apparently a dating dealbreaker during Y2K. In retrospect, Carrie and Big were meant to be, and it wasn't going to work out with anyone else while he was alive.

Post-Pelotongate, there's renewed hope for Carrie to find a healthy relationship. Imagine if present day Carrie stumbles into a jazz club and it happens to be one of Ray's shows. The vibe is good, the music is great, and these two take a moment to reconnect. I'd love to see Ray get on Adderall, find a partner who understands his ADHD, and live his best life.

A "Sex and the City" Movie Gets Made, The Right Way


Love them or hate them, the LA episodes are iconic. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Matthew McConaughey guest star in an effort to turn Carrie's column into a movie. Although their pitch isn't quite the right fit (McConaughey was coming on pretty strong), I'd love to see Carrie give it another shot.

Gellar's on board to make it happen as well, telling Entertainment Tonight, "I feel like the [film development] girl, which is what she was then, is probably running her own studio now. Michael Patrick King, are you listening?!"

So there you have it! SMG's Debbie could return as an industry power player, and have the resources to create a film adaptation of Sex and the City from a female perspective (á la Reese Witherspoon's Hello Sunshine). It would be fun and super meta, especially since we now have not one, but two SATC movies. This would also give Carrie something to do, now that book sales are down and her lame podcast has finally ended. A win-win!

Carrie Gives Therapy Another Shot


Carrie gets persuaded by her friends to go to therapy in Season 2. Of course, she starts dating Seth (Bon Jovi), a fellow patient, and is too embarrassed to go back for more sessions. This is disappointing because not only does Carrie need therapy, but she herself admits that the therapist made some good points, and quits when she finally starts making progress.

Since then, she's gone through a lot but has never stepped foot in a therapist's office again. AJLT saw Miranda, Steve, and Brady go to therapy — which was very much needed, but I hated that whole storyline so much. Carrie's the one who I’d like to see her dig deeper, and I think the character could benefit from some depth as well.

Carrie Finds Support In Wallis Wysel


In Season 2, we meet Wallis Wysel, Carrie's dream mother figure and mentor — in another timeline, at least. Unfortunately, her emotionally immature son Vaughn (Justin Theroux) ruined what could have been, and Carrie and Wallis were both equally broken up about it. Breakups can be rough, and it makes sense that Carrie didn't keep in touch with her ex's mother. But now, two decades later, I'd love to see these two kindred spirits reconnect. Perhaps at one of those "Women In The Arts" luncheons? Carrie could definitely use a strong female presence like Wallis — someone who has been there, done that, and will cheer her on — at this point in her life.

The Great Nina Katz Mystery Is Finally Solved


Season 5 brought us Nina Katz, AKA "the face girl," AKA the bane of Carrie's existence for about 23 minutes. Initially, she felt some type of way about Carrie, given that she dated Aidan right after their second disastrous breakup — hence the face. Carrie took it upon herself to track Nina down (!) and confront her (!!).

Unhinged behavior all around, but I kind of get it. After all, Nina only heard one side of the story, and Aidan was probably still pretty devastated over their broken engagement. She was reacting to the only information she had — which wasn't much — and Carrie was still carrying around guilt, which is why she let a passing look from a stranger get under her skin like this.

According to Samantha, Heather Graham, and pretty much everyone else this episode, Nina Katz is a cool person with an extremely cool job. I wouldn't be surprised if this was out of character for her, and I could see her hitting it off with Carrie if they ran into each other in present day.

Also, I really need to know what went down between Nina and Aidan. By the time she pops up in Season 5, she's no longer with Aidan. Maybe she did something equally as bad as Carrie. Maybe she learned to stop being so judgmental over the years. Or maybe she and Carrie can just laugh about how after all this time, Aidan still expects the women in his life to compromise who they are and fit into his narrative.

Carrie's Family Appears, Or Is At Least Mentioned

The CW

Now I fully understand that I may have been the only person to watch The Carrie Diaries (SATC's ill-fated prequel), but there were certain aspects of it that worked: Carrie getting her start in New York, meeting Samantha, and her sweet family dynamic. There are a few plot holes between the short-lived series and its predecessor — for instance, Prequel Carrie was raised by a loving father after her mother's death, but OG Series Carrie tells a heartbreaking story of her dad "quitting" her and her mom during early childhood during a therapy session. However, I'd be willing to ignore all of this if we got any type of mention or nod to Carrie's actual, cannon-approved family in AJLT. Or even a Dorrit appearance. IYKYK.

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I enjoy every single aspect of a vacation: planning, packing, even the journey itself. But there are few things I love more than settling into a flight with my favorite snacks and a movie. Figuring out exactly what to watch can feel like a hassle when there are dozens of movies to pick from, which is exactly why the Brit + Co team rounded up our favorite airplane movies to watch when you jet off on your own vacay!

Crazy Rich Asians

Warner Bros. Entertainment

Crazy Rich Asians is arguably the best airplane movie of all time (even if some airplanes have started removing it — a travesty!). The story follows Rachel, who joins her boyfriend Nick in Singapore for a wedding...then realizes he's the country's most eligible bachelor. It's got everything we want in our own holiday, including romance, travel, and incredible food.

Ocean's Eight

Warner Bros. Entertainment

I've lost count of how many times I've seen this movie, and it's always a good choice when you want a fun watch! Powerhouse women who team up for the ultimate New York City heist? The Met Gala? Rihanna, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, and Mindy Kaling? Count me in.

Eat Pray Love

Sony Pictures Releasing/Columbia Pictures

Even if your summer vacation doesn't include a trip to Italy, your airplane movie can. Eat Pray Love stars Julia Roberts as Liz, a woman who heads to the other side of the world for some soul searching after she realizes how loveless her marriage is. As expected, there's some very tasty food.

Mamma Mia!

Universal Pictures

Mamma Mia really is the gift that keeps on giving. It's an incredible birthday movie, bachelorette party movie, and airplane movie, all in one. The story follows Sophie, who invites all three of her mother's exes to her wedding to figure out which one is her father. And, naturally, they all sing ABBA the entire time.

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Warner Bros. Entertainment/Dungaree Productions

For a nostalgic movie that's all about friendship, growing up, and learning how to stick up for yourself, you HAVE to watch The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, which follows Bri, Carmen, Tibby, and Lena. The girls send a single pair of jeans to one another during their first-ever summer apart.

Under the Tuscan Sun

Touchstone Pictures

Diane Lane stars as Frances, a writer who's in serious need of inspiration after her divorce. But instead of going on her own vacation or trying a new dish, she decides to buy a house in Tuscany for a change of scenery. No big deal!

The Devil Wears Prada

20th Century Studios

Fashion, New York City, and the '00s are always a recipe for success, which is why The Devil Wears Prada is one of my favorite airplane movies. Anne Hathaway stars as Andy, whose life get turned upside down when she starts working for magazine mogul Miranda Priestly.


Warner Bros. Entertainment

Margot Robbie's Barbie movie follows the titular doll, who has to navigate the real world when her life in Barbieland starts falling apart. Not only did it become THE movie moment of 2023, but it's also an emotional, fun, and colorful summer movie we want to watch all the time.

Crazy, Stupid, Love

Warner Bros. Entertainment

If you want to laugh out loud on your flight, then Crazy, Stupid, Love is definitely the airplane movie you want to choose! It perfectly executes its multiple storylines, and the ensemble cast (which includes Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling, and Steve Carrell) are pure magic together.

Harry Potter​

Warner Bros. Entertainment

There are few things more comforting than Harry Potter, so if you suffer from in-flight nerves (you're not alone TBH!!), then opt for this classic story about a boy who learns he's a wizard.

What are your favorite airplane movies to watch when you travel? Let us know on Facebook!

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POV: You're on day 5 of your hair wash routine, and you're trying to decide whether to dry shampoo, or just try to do a slick back bun that you know will take you forever to get right. With option A, you're left with talc-like texture and heavy buildup in your hair, and option B, you're left nervous that the tight hairstyle might not help your hair thinning.

But what if I told you there were dry shampoos that didn't leave behind all that that heavy residue and buildup? What if there were a dry shampoo that felt lightweight and easy, so you could get ready in 5 minutes? Believe it or not, these actually exist, so you don't have to worry about resorting to that hour-long slick back bun process anymore! I've tried and tested these dry shampoos — some of them being completely talc-free — to give you the easiest hair routine in the morning! Here are the 8 I recommend.

Crown Affair

Crown Affair Dry Shampoo

I was gifted this product a few weeks ago, but I can say that I genuinely have fallen in love with it, and I can't wait to purchase it as it runs out. It's a nontoxic, refillable dry shampoo that comes in powder form. This dry shampoo is incredibly lightweight and blends into my roots seamlessly — so much so, that I forgot I even used it! One of my favorite dry shampoos I've used in recent years. Plus, it's an Allure Best Beauty Product Award-Winner, so you know it's good! Definitely worth the hype!


Vegamour Dry Shampoo

This product is an award-winning dry shampoo, not only because of it's ability to make your hair looks freshly washed, but also because of all the volume it adds to your hair. It makes your roots look fuller and more lifted than before, so you'll get a refreshed do with a little height for the day! It's a great product if you're looking for more volume in your roots alongside a more typical dry shampoo.


Batiste Dry Shampoo

This dry shampoo is extremely effective and extremely affordable — it's only $6! I've been using this for years because I go through my dry shampoo really fast, so it's nice to have a cheaper alternative that I can go through quickly and not worry about it being too expensive. Plus, it smells amazing! You'll have fresh hair in no time!


Amika Perk Up Dry Shampoo

Amika Perk Up Dry Shampoo is completely talc-free, so it doesn't have the annoying buildup that a lot of dry shampoos cause. It's designed to completely get rid of excess oil that may accumulate in your hair and on your scalp. It's a great, lightweight option that won't weigh your hair down.


Moroccan Oil Dry Shampoo

This dry shampoo is designed with lighter toned-hair in mind! It helps to blend in seamlessly with your lighter hair color, so you don't have traces of dry shampoo left behind for everyone to see. An added bonus with this one? It protects against UV damage! This is a huge plus for me as someone who is very sensitive to UV rays — especially on my scalp. The scent of this dry shampoo is just divine, as well! Grab this one to be protected, look fresh, and smell nice while you're at it.


Living Proof Perfect Hair Day

Not only does this eliminate any oil, smell, or buildup, but it's also silicone-free, paraben-free, phthalate-free and cruelty-free — which is very rare in beauty products these days. Add this dry shampoo to your cart immediately to get the job done in a safe and sustainable way, because this product really cleans your hair.


Dryer Detox Dry Shampoo

Anyone can use this product because it works effectively for all hair types! It smells so good, and genuinely cleanses your hair. I love to use it on my blowouts because it helps to make my hair looks clean, but also give it that voluminous, bouncy curls that I'm looking for. This one is a favorite of mine that I savor for more special occasions!


Kristin Ess Dry Shampoo

We've got an option for all my ladies with darker tones as well, don't you worry! Another amazing aspect to this one is that it's infused with Vitamin C oil which is good for shine, making your hair look healthy, and keeping it from appearing too chalky. Lucious locks are on the way with this dry shampoo!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Lead image via Crown Affair

TV can be the ultimate escape — especially when it features an insane plotline you'd likely never find yourself in IRL. That's the case for Netflix's new dark comedy Sirens, a limited series that dives into the world of socialites, scandal, and power struggles. And the best part is that it all takes place on a HUGE beach property. It's basically Gossip Girl meets The O.C. meets The White Lotus, which totally promises to give us the unhinged drama TV has been missing. Here's everything you need to know about the new TV show— andWhere To Stream The Best New TV Shows Of 2024 (So Far).

What is Sirens on Netflix?

Roberto Nickson/Unsplash

Sirens is a limited series coming to Netflix soon. The new TV show follows Devon, who is more than concerned with the relationship between her little sister Simone and Simone's boss, socialite Michaela Kell. But when Devon finds herself at the Kells' beach estate one weekend (with the intention of getting Simone out of there), she realizes Michaela might be more powerful than she expected.

The series is based on Maid showrunner Molly Smith Metzler’s play Elemeno Pea.

When is Sirens coming out?

Mollie Sivaram/Unsplash

Sirens is currently in pre-production, so we don't have an official release date quite yet. Check back here to find out when it'll hit Netflix!

Who's in the Sirens cast?

Fabio Lovino/HBO

The cast of Sirens is out of this world. So far, we know we'll see Julianne Moore, Meghann Fahy, Milly Alcock, Kevin Bacon, and Glenn Howerton. We'll keep you updated on any additions to the cast, but one thing's for sure: they're going to knock it out of the park.

Stay tuned here, and our Facebook, for the latest news on Sirens, and read up on The Most-Anticipated Summer TV Shows Of 2024.

Lead image via Fabio Lovino/HBO

If you’re eating according to the Mediterranean diet, sometimes it can be hard to sneak a snack in here and there without having to track down something that abides by the diet’s guidelines first. Luckily, there are a ton of Mediterranean diet-friendly snacks out there that you can simply buy from the store and enjoy on-the-go easily!

These 10 snacks will totally transform your snacking game – from savory to sweet, these picks satisfy any kind of craving while keeping it all healthy and delicious, per the Mediterranean diet.


Mariani Mediterranean Dried Apricots

These dried apricot bites make the perfect sweet treat to snack on during the workday. They're nutritious, but also so delicious.

Whole Foods

Cedar's Foods Feta Dip

Cedar's Foods carries tons of tasty Mediterranean dips, but their Feta Dip reigns supreme for me. It's just the right amount of tangy and cheesy and goes wonderfully with some crisp pita chips!


Simple Mills Veggie Pita Crackers

These pita crackers are made from a unique vegetable-based flour to deliver a third of your daily recommended intake of veggies in a single serving. They hit any crunchy craving with ease, while still being healthy for you!


Kitchen & Love Chocolate Covered Almond Stuffed Dates

These dates are stuffed with almonds then coated in a decadent layer of 85% dark chocolate that balances everything out beautifully. You're gonna have a hard time not downing the whole bag in one sitting.


Oloves Natural Whole Pitted Olives Variety Pack

Olives are undeniably Mediterranean, and these little packs make snacking on them on-the-go super easy. They come in flavors like Basil & Garlic, Lemon & Rosemary, and Chili & Oregano to keep your snack rotation lively.


Good & Gather Red Pepper Hummus

Don't forget the hummus! It's always a great Mediterranean diet snack to have in the fridge since it's flavorful and filling, thanks to protein-rich chickpeas. This Target pick is flavored with red pepper, but you can find all sorts of different tastes at any grocery store.


Brami Lupini Beans Snack Variety Pack

Think of lupini beans as the very-Mediterranean take on edamame. These crunchy, dried snacking legumes are slightly pickled and seasoned before being packaged, so you get all that good flavor when it's finally time to dig in. Every serving is 0 calories and has 0 grams of net carbs, so you're not sacrificing a single thing with this selection.


Stretch Island Black Forest Fruit Strips

Since the Mediterranean diet is all about getting in tons of veggies and fruits, these purely fruity strips will fit right in. They're low-calorie and low-sugar, so you can ideally enjoy a few of 'em during each snack sesh.


DeLallo Greek Feta Salad

This feta cheese salad incorporates two types of olives, oil, and spices, so it's a little bit heartier. I've eaten it as a pre-dinner snack many times. It goes super well with crispy toasted bread, or you could even enjoy it on its own if really briny foods are your vibe.


365 by Whole Foods Market Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil + Sea Salt Popcorn

Olive oil plays a big role in the Mediterranean diet, whether it's used as a cooking agent or a topping. In this case, it's used to pop some amazingly light popcorn that's finished off with the ideal amount of sea salt. Yum!

Subscribe to our newsletter to get more Mediterranean diet recipes + food ideas sent straight to your inbox!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Remember your first 4th of July fireworks show? You sat mesmerized looking at the beautiful lights that glittered the sky. You could feel the deep booming noise in your belly and your eyes watered as you tried not to blink. What an amazing moment! As fireworks lovers, we are getting giddy for the upcoming 4th of July festivities. To celebrate Independence Day, we're taking inspiration from Say Yes and making sparkler alternatives that are perfect for your little ones to play with in between rounds of their favorite lawn game. These DIY paper + glitter sparklers sparkle without the sparks!

Brit + Co


Brit + Co

– paper

– straws

– glitter


– paper cutter (or scissors)

– spray adhesive

– glue stick


Brit + Co

If you don’t have a paper cutter, that is a-okay. Scissors work just as well. Cut your paper in half lengthwise. Then cut slits along one of the long edges to create fringe. Now cut this piece in half. Add a layer of spray adhesive to the tips of the fringe. Do this on both sides of the paper.

Brit + Co

  1. Cut your piece of paper in half lengthwise. Fringe one of the long ends, then cut this piece in half.
  2. Coat the tips of the fringe with spray adhesive, covering the front and the back of the paper. Sprinkle the paper with glitter.
  3. Roll your paper tightly and then add glue to the end. Insert the glued end into your straw.
  4. Separate the fringe and give your sparkler shape.

Brit + Co

Normally we would wait until the adhesive was tacky, but we found that for this project it worked better to add the glitter right away. Separate the fringe if it is sticking together. Then roll your paper tightly like it’s a mini yoga mat.

Brit + Co

Add glue to the end and file it into the straw.

Brit + Co

Separate the fringe to make your sparkler come to life!

Brit + Co

Though flameless, they are still super fun :) They look like mini versions of the huge ones that light up the sky!

Brit + Co

Not only are they great for kids, but they are also perfect photo booth props or park accessories!

Brit + Co

Have you made any faux sparklers for the 4th of July? Share your pics with us on Instagram!