This Instagram Artist Is Turning Stretch Marks into Real-Life Art

As the movement for self love continues, the latest comes from an artist who has taken to Instagram to change the perspective of what is considered a flaw in a woman’s body, in the most creative and beautiful way.

Spanish artist Cinta Tort Cartró uses paint and glitter to highlight features of the female body that society has said needs to be “fixed.” She makes beautiful rainbow works on real women’s bodies (as well as other mediums), showing artistic versions of things like stretch marks, period stains, and cellulite. Through social media, her work has already gained the attention of over 14K followers.

The 21-year-old didn’t initially plan on making such a big statement with her art. As she told Yahoo Beauty, she was initially inspired the way many artists are. “It all started as a form of expression, but it quickly turned into social commentary of the male-dominated culture we live in,” she said. “There are many things happening in my town that I couldn’t be silent on, such as the male microaggression toward the female body. I know there are countries that have it worse than here in Spain, but I couldn’t stay silent.”

Now, she is using her work to both bring awareness to, expose, and destigmatize topics like menstruation. She has a series now where she paints underwear with color and uses the hashtag #manchoynomedoyasco. The phrase translates roughly to, “I stain myself but I am not disgusted.”

Her goal is for women to embrace the unique features of their different bodies, and to stop seeing these differences as flaws. “I grew up feeling sometimes out of place. I’m tall and big, so it’s important for me to state in my art that everyone is beautiful and those ‘flaws’ are not that. They make us unique and special,” she said.

What do you think of Cinta Tort Cartró’s powerful work? Tell us your favorite feminist artist @BritandCo!

(h/t Cosmopolitan; photo via Tim P. Whitby/Getty)

I have an unpopular opinion — the Millennials Vs. Gen Z debate shouldn't exist. I know it's fun to talk about how different each generation is, but the idea that we're so different or can't get along is confusing.

The debate may initially stem may from the fact everyone seems to lump Millennials into a forever state of twenty-something — á la our Gen Z counterparts — but that's not true, and seemingly only pits us against each other. Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996, while Gen Z covers the period between 1997 and 2012 (via Beresford Research). Both generations are younger than the Gen X and Baby Boomers that precede us, but we're each in our own phases of life, bringing a unique mix of experiences and perspectives to younger adults across the world.

My sister and I are both Millennials, which was shocking to learn given that she was born in 1984 and I was born in 1991. Technically this puts me on the cusp of being a Zillennial which covers the years a smaller 10-year period, according to CNN— making me a Millennial with slightly more Gen Z-coded tendencies compared to my sister. Still, any differences I've noticed aren't enough for there to be such divisive conversations between us. More or less, we feel about the same!

If you want to break it down, of course it's going to be a little harder for someone in their 40s to completely relate to a teen or even someone in their mid-20s — that's a given. But, I still think there's more similarities between Millennials and Gen Z than society has spoon-fed us. If you're still not convinced, here's are five reasons I think the Millennials vs Gen Z debate isn't actually that big of a deal.

Millennials And Gen Z Are Both Living In A Digital Age

Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels

Millennials grew up during a time when the digital age didn't exist, but we watched it unfold and change the way the world communicates. The internet launched in 1993 and connected people to each other in a way no one could've expected (via NPR).

I remember when MySpace, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, LTK, Snapchat, and more popular apps launched — literally started from the beginning. Growing during as the digital age became what we know it as today, I can confidently say that Millennials and Gen Z are still finding our footing with all of the technology — and constant connection — at our disposal.

We both watched as social media and the algorithm change the way we think. We saw the rise of content creators and heavy politicized messages filtered to us. We doom scrolled and curated and shared and liked and kept trying to find the balance that would finally feel just right.

We're all in this very online experience together at the end of the day.

Millennials And Gen Z Value Flexibility

William Fortunato/Pexels

Going from my 20sto my 30s has seriously made me realize the flexibility I crave as a Millennial. It seems like I was born to look at certain parts of traditional ideals and go, "That's not going to work for me." It's even more evident now that I'm older and have found that my approach to my career and family life doesn't completely match what I was taught. And it's not that different for Gen Z either — check it out!

Approach To Careers

Over 80% of both Millennials and Gen Z believe it's important to work somewhere that gives us a sense of purpose. According to Deloitte, both generations also value work/life balance that doesn't require us to pretend that we don't have a life or other obligations outside of our jobs.

As a mom, this was one of the biggest issues I faced because I realized how much society doesn't make room for working parents. The amount of times I heard a random stranger say, "Parents should plan for one person to be at home" as if that solves the problem is ridiculous.

Whether we have families to raise, hobbies to juggle, or anything in between, it's clear that Millennials and Gen Z crave balance in their careers.

Views Of The Nuclear Family

Speaking of motherhood, I like to think Millennials and Gen Z aren't so different when it comes to our perspective of the nuclear family. Studies via Pew Research Center show we're not as judgmental about single-parent homes than prior generations, and that only 44% of Millennials were married in 2019.

This idea that families are supposed to look a certain way in order to be legit is something Millennials and Gen Z continue to raise their eyebrows at — and even scoffed at — but not because we don't value family. We're just less likely to stress ourselves out believing we're failing or behind because we don't have or want the traditional nuclear family model. Both generations approach relationships and family on our own terms.

Millennials And Gen Z Gravitate Towards The Same Pop Culture

Artem Podrez/Pexels

Did you know almost half of Millennials love listening to music in our spare time (via Spotify), while 43% of Gen Z loves to stream it (via EMarketer) as well? It seems like music still makes the world go around.

Besides that, Millennials and Gen Z are still the driving force behind what's considered in or out in pop culture. Gen Z is usually regarded as being tastemakers on TikTok, but reporting from Ad Newsshows that Millennials are "...2.3 times more likely to be the ones fueling this online content engine by posting videos and tagging brands."

Basically, we're both moving the pop culture needle forward, consuming and driving the trends across platforms! So remind me, how different are we again?

Millennials And Gen Z Value Diversity And Inclusivity

RDNE Stock project/Pexels

I grew up during a time where certain internal biases were stated as facts and it was always handful of weird pills to swallow. I couldn't understand why I'd hear "Love thy neighnor" in church only to watch some of the same people blatantly treat the LGBTQ+ community in hellish ways. We could talk about what's in the Bible all day long, but I've never been a fan of picking and choosing who's worthy of being treated with love and respect.

It's clear I'm not the only one who rejects those notions, though. First of all, more young adults are identifying as queer than ever. In 2022, 19.7% of Gen Z and 11.2% of Millennials identified as part of the LGBT community compared to 3.3% of Generation X and 2.7% of Baby Boomers (Gallup).

Outside of sexual identity, there's also the racial aspect of how accepting Millennials and Gen Z are. According to reporting from Built In, 48% of Gen Z are racially diverse, and Millennials are 19% more racially diverse than Baby Boomers. This leads me to believe that both generations know that the world doesn't look a singular way — and therefore respect and understand that diversity even more than previous generations.

These shared qualities and values are just another way that Gen Z and Millennials are more similar than they are different at the end of the day. But in the ways we are different — well both generations would know how to celebrate that diversity, now wouldn't they? 😉

Millennials And Gen Z Aren't Fans Of Injustice

RDNE Stock project/Pexels

Compared to prior generations, Millennials and Gen Z have found ways to speak out against injustice. Both generations believe that systemic racism is still an issue in society (via Forbes) with 92% of Gen Z willing to be a part of public protests (via Oliver Wyman Forum). Despite the higher number of Gen Z that are actively participating in protests, Millennials have changed their tune.

Social justice organization, Points of Light discovered that 50% more of Millennials believe in civic engagement now that we're living in a post-pandemic era, which isn't hard to believe. We're in the midst of a great political, racial, and social reckoning that's causing more younger people to speak up than before.

A part of me is keeping hope alive that this Millennials vs. Gen Z debate doesn't take away from all of the ways we can align to continue changing outdated ideals and policies. It seems like together, we can create a positive change in the world around us.

I know social media loves to create division about so much, but there's no reason why the Millennials vs. Gen Z debate should be so huge. We can all learn something from each other to help make society and the world better places to live.

Besides, you have to admit — we both have a sense of humor that's totally unmatched. 😉 So here's to Millennials and Gen Z coming together, one shared meme at a time.

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Header image via Antonius Ferret/Pexels

Numerous rumors about potentially-contaminated Girl Scout cookies have been floating around, and Girl Scouts of the USA is finally addressing them.

Sources reported the presence of toxic metals and glyphosate in the popular cookies and noted that it poses “profound ethical and public health concerns.” Here’s what Girl Scouts had to say.

Scroll on to learn more about what’s going on with the latest Girl Scout cookie contamination news.

Girl Scouts of the USA

The idea that Girl Scout cookies might be contaminated first arose in December 2024 when GMOScience and Moms Across America released a joint-commissioned reporttitled “Danger in the Dough: Unveiling the Toxic Contaminants in Girl Scout Cookies.”

The report found that 100% of the Girl Scout cookie samples they tested were positive for glyphosate and toxic metals and 88% of samples were positive for all 5 toxic metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury), with significant percentages of the samples testing positive for cadmium and lead.

Girl Scouts of the USA

In the report, both groups said that the continual sale of Girl Scout cookies poses “profound ethical and public health concerns,” and slightly called out Girl Scouts of the USA for not allocating more money towards “better ingredients."

The GMOScience and Moms Across America report also cited a lack of government oversight when it comes to food safety and that entities like the FDA and EPA “have not fulfilled their commitment.”

Girl Scouts of the USA

Despite the reports about contamination, Girl Scouts of the USA says Girl Scout Cookies are “safe to consume.” In an official statement, they assured the public that their cookies comply with FDA and EPA food safety standards. They also noted that heavy metals are not purposefully added to their cookies.

Girl Scouts of the USA

Girl Scouts of the USA made sure to note that “environmental contaminants” like heavy metals and glyphosate can occur naturally in soil, though in very small, trace amounts.

The FDA verified this, saying naturally-occurring heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury are just a “reality about our food supply.”

Girl Scouts of the USA

Girl Scouts of the USA highlighted that their cookie suppliers “continue to ensure the integrity of [their] recipes and the safety of all Girl Scout Cookie products in accordance with federal regulations and Global Food Safety initiative standards.”

Girl Scouts of the USA

The real issue at hand is not just Girl Scout cookies – it’s that our frameworks for food safety have plenty of wiggle room for toxic metals and chemicals to be present in our food.

In fact, it’s become so common that we tend to forget all about it – likely why cookie lovers were up in arms about the contamination news.

Girl Scouts of the USA

GMOScience and Moms Across America echoed this exact sentiment in their report, calling for the development of organic and regenerative farming to eradicate potential contamination altogether.

They also called on Girl Scouts of the USA to play a larger role in “transforming our food and farming system.”

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Blake Lively's known for many things — her illustrious career (come on, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants), her hilarious husband, her gorgeous kids — but I love how much value she places on her female friendships. She's a well-known Taylor Swift bestie, but she's no clout chaser. Blake values — and seemingly adds value to — all her beautiful friendships with other women.

And while I could gush about that all day, she recently solidified this admirable character trait in an Instagram post. Keep reading to see what miss Serena van der Woodsen herself had to say!

The iconic actress wrote that she recently got "maybe the best compliment" of her life. She explained that someone called her a "crown straightener," or "A woman going around straightening all the women’s crowns around her."

As a queen herself, it's clear this was incredibly impactful. Blake wrote, "It meant so much to me because it’s those invisible things people see that make us all feel best. I learned that we’re all sparkling leaders 👑, stronger together, from ALL the women in my life, blood and chosen. I am surrounded by crown straighteners. This weekend alone was packed with that empowering female energy. When I looked back at these pics, I saw it all in action. And it made me feel so lucky and loved."

She continued celebrating the women around her in the caption, shouting out It Ends With Usauthor Colleen Hoover, novelist Tarryn Fisher, her mother-in-law Tammy Stewart Reynolds, and more! She even managed to shoutout the men "who show up for us too." It's clear that Blake was feeling — and sharing — the love!

Friends and fans alike took notice of this moment, sharing love and comments galore. Fellow actress, Mary Steenburgen wrote, "People who know you know that your extraordinary exterior doesn't even compare to your kind, generous and hilarious soul." I may not actually know Blake, but that's all I really need to know to understand the kind of friend she really is!

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The Kansas City Chiefs suffered a Super Bowl tough loss on February 9, 2025, and there's one major thing on everyone's mind now — is Travis Kelce retiring? The subject's come up multiple times throughout the 2024-2025 NFL season, but much like his brother Jason the previous year, Travis hasn't given a definitive answer on the matter. Amid everything from Taylor Swift wedding rumors to starring TV roles (anyone else watch Grotequerie?!), the Chiefs tight end definitely has a lot going on right now. Could all this — plus an overall great football season, sans the Super Bowl loss — add up to the end of his NFL career? Here's what we know so far.

Scroll to find out everything we know about if Travis Kelce's retiring.

On February 12, 2025, Travis Kelce opened up about his potential retirement on the New Heights podcast. "I know everybody wants to know whether or not I'm playing next year, and right now, I'm just kicking everything down the road," he said. "I'm not making any crazy decisions."

Travis shared that the Super Bowl loss a "tough pill to swallow" and a "tough reality," but also noted that the Chiefs team is focused on "being there" for each other in the aftermath.

"I'm gonna take some time to figure it out. And, I think I owe it to my teammates that if I do come back, it's a wholehearted decision," he said. "I'm not half-a--ing it, and I'm fully here for them."

- YouTube

During the 2025 Super Bowl, Travis only made four catches, resulting in a gain of 39 yards — his "lowest postseason output since 2019" according to The Athletic. Still, USA Todayreported that he broke Jerry Rice's record of 35 career Super Bowl catches. However, it was pretty clear that even a record-breaking performance wasn't enough to bolster Travis's mood.

The football star didn't hold a larger post-game conference, but he noted that they "haven't played that bad all year" and said that the Chiefs "couldn’t get it going offensively" to a few reporters. He acknowledged, "You don't lose like that without everything going bad," before leaving for the night.

Still, Chiefs quarterback, Patrick Mahomes was asked about what comes next for Travis's career. "I'll let Travis make that decision on his own," Patrick said. "He's given so much to this team and to the NFL, and he's been such a joy, not only for me to work with, but for people to watch."

Mahomes notes Travis "still has a lot of football left in him" and that he "always makes plays in the biggest moments." He said, "But I know he still has a love for the game, and he’ll get to spend some time with his family and make that decision on his own."

Patrick reassured everyone, "He knows he’ll come back here with open arms. We love that guy not only for the football player, but for who he is every single day."

Travis made his way to the suite with Taylor and his family after the tough Chiefs loss. It was a stark contrast from his "fight for your right to party" vibes of last year, so we hope we was able to find some comfort among his loved ones. And as for if Travis is actually retiring, we'll definitely keep an eye out for what he says and does next. 👀

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We can always count on our favorite streamers to give us the best content, like, ever. In addition to The Best New TV Shows Coming To Netflix In February, there are some truly stellar titles on Max this month — including a few you can already watch! We might have to wait a few more months for The Last of Us season 2, but these new TV shows make that wait a little easier.

Here are the 8 best TV shows on Max in February 2025.

1. The White Lotus Season 3 — Stream on Max February 16, 2025

Fabio Lovino/HBO

Start your spring break early by joining the new White Lotus cast in Thailand. This season, which debuts new episodes every week at 9PM EST, explores all things pleasure and pain, and trust me: you'll be on the edge of your seat the whole time.

The White Lotus season 3 stars Leslie Bibb, Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, Carrie Coon, Parker Posey, Patrick Schwarzenegger and Blackpink’s Lisa Manobal.

2. Eyes on the Prize III: We Who Believe In Freedom Cannot Rest — Stream on Max February 25, 2025

Daily Express/Pictorial Parade/Archive Photos/Getty Images

This 6-episode docuseries tells the story of the racial justice communities and leaders working today, following the birth of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s.

3.The Pitt — Stream new episodes on Max every Thursday

Warrick Page/Max

This entire 15-episode drama takes place over the course of a single shift at Pittsburgh Trauma Medical Hospital’s emergency room, broken down into 15 one-hour segments. I'm hooked!

The Pitt stars Noah Wyle, Tracey Ifeachor, Patrick Ball, Supriya Ganesh, Fiona Dourif, Taylor Dearden, Isa Briones, Gerran Howell, Shabana Azeez, and Katherine LaNasa.

4. Baylen Out Loud — Stream new episodes on Max every Monday


This new TV show follows Baylen Dupree, who's making her way through love and life in West Virginia with extreme Tourette Syndrome.

Baylen Out Loud stars Baylen Dupree.

5. 90 Day: The Last Resort — Stream all episodes on Max now


These 90 Day duos are facing reality while at a group couples retreat — and they have to figure out if they're going to continue their happily ever after or go home on their own.

90 Day: The Last Resort stars Ed Brown, Yara Zaya, Angela Deem, Jovi Dufren, and Kalani Faagata.

6. The Takedown: American Aryans — Stream all episodes on Max now


This documentary show follows the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas over the last 20+ years — and the murder of a young woman that changes everything.

The Takedown: American Aryans is directed and produced by Neil Rawles.

7. The Fall of Diddy — Stream all episodes on Max now


True crime fans will want to tune into this series, which examines the allegations against rapper and executive Sean Combs.

8. The West Wing — Stream on Max now


Get your old school TV kick with the OG political drama, which follows the lives of the people working inside the White House.

The West Wing stars Martin Sheen, Rob Lowe, Allison Janney, John Spencer, Bradley Whitford, Janel Moloney, and Richard Schiff.

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