The Astrology Guide To Finding Your Most Compatible Partner

finding love astrology

When it comes to finding deep connections in your love life, using Astrology as a tool can be a bit tricky. You’ll find all manner of articles out there telling you about the best partners to choose based on your zodiac sign, but astrologers know that there is so much more to compatibility than your sun sign. Astrology isn’t straightforward – your birth chart alone has placements for every planet in our solar system (plus a few bonuses, like asteroids!) – so finding your most compatible partner based on Astrology is no easy task.

The Spiritual Advisors at Keen are available 24-7 to help you navigate your dream goals, including finding your dream partner. Instead of listening to advice telling you a Sagittarius should never date a Gemini (seriously, skip those… sincerely, a Sag happily married to a Gemini), it’s best to have a conversation with an experienced astrologer who can help you uncover the details of your birth chart and what they mean for your relationships. Want to learn more about your love compatibility? Here are a few signs to keep in mind.

Moon Signs

First, look into your partner’s and your moon signs. The moon’s placement in your chart says a lot about what you need in order to feel safe and secure, as well as how you react to emotional stimuli. While someone with an Aries moon might crave independence and address tense situations head-first (perhaps a little too passionately), someone with a Cancer moon will feel the safest and most secure in a relationship that prioritizes mutual care, steadfastness, and nurturance. That’s not to say someone with a Cancer moon shouldn’t date someone with an Aries moon, but it does suggest that you’ll probably need to work a little harder than other couples on nurturing each other’s love languages.

The most compatible pairings will be those with Moon signs of the same element, or of complementary elements. Earth and water signs pair well with each other, as do fire and air. The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn; the water signs are Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio; the air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, and the fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.


Next, you’ll want to take a look at where Venus falls in your birth chart. Venus says a lot about how you relate to other people, so it’s a very important placement for relationship compatibility. Much like your Moon sign, you can tell if your Venus signs are compatible based on the element associated with the sign Venus is in.

7th House

Another factor to consider: the sign on the cusp of your 7th house. In Astrology, every birth chart is broken up into 12 sections, or houses, that represent different areas of your life. The 7th house represents marriage, long-term partnerships, and close connections, so it’s a very important source of information for gauging relationship needs and patterns.

To learn more about your long-term partnership needs, take a look at the sign you see in the 7th house of your partner’s and your birth charts. Again, the element associated with that sign will be a good indicator of compatibility, but there are other things to look for too. If your 7th house sign falls directly next to the sign that rules your partner’s 7th house, that’s an indication there may be some incompatibility you need to work on. A sign opposite your partner’s 7th house sign may also signify some challenges, as may signs that are three houses apart.

These are just a couple of factors to consider if you’re trying to determine your compatibility with a love interest based on Astrology. Keen’s experienced, fully vetted Advisors offer readings that can help guide you as you navigate complex relationships, so if you’re ready to dive deeper into knowing your compatibility factors, they can help you find the clarity you’re seeking and the love you want.

As September rolls in, kiss summer goodbye with those last few warm nights and get ready for the comforts of fall. Imagine sipping on a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte, lighting an apple cinnamon-scented candle, slipping into a pair of Mary Jane shoes, or rocking a chic French bob haircut. This month invites us to indulge our senses and embrace the new seasonal shift with open arms. As the leaves begin to turn and the days grow shorter, the cosmos offers us a fresh rhythm to align with, filled with transformative energies and reflective opportunities. From September 2nd to the 8th, these planetary events encourage us to set new intentions, navigate challenges, and refine our paths. Let’s dive into this week’s celestial highlights and discover how to make the most of this magical week. Here's your weekly horoscope!

Weekly Horoscope Themes For September 2-8

Aygline Justafre

We start the week with a powerful New Moon in Virgo on Monday, September 2. This lunar phase marks the beginning of a new cycle, offering a fresh slate for setting intentions related to organization, health, self-care, and service. The New Moon in Virgo is an ideal time to focus on practical goals, improve your daily routines, and embrace a mindset of meticulous attention to detail. It’s also a great time to rock a new haircut, refine your style, clean and declutter your closet — you'll be way more focused. Coupled with Mercury trine Chiron, this alignment brings a harmonious flow to communication and healing. It’s a great day to address past wounds through dialogue or journaling, as insights and breakthroughs are more readily accessible.

On Tuesday, September 3, Mars forms a challenging square with Neptune. This aspect may stir confusion or disillusionment in your drive and ambitions. You might encounter obstacles or misunderstandings, especially in your actions and motivations. It's crucial to remain grounded and avoid making impulsive decisions.

Take time to reflect and ensure your goals align with your desires rather than being influenced by illusions or unrealistic expectations.

The energy shifts as Mars enters Cancer on Wednesday, September 4. Mars in Cancer creates a new tempo in channeling our energy, moving from external assertiveness to a more emotionally driven approach. This placement encourages us to nurture and protect our personal spaces, and it’s a crucial time to focus on home and family matters.

Use this period to align your actions with your emotional needs and invest in creating a supportive environment.

By Saturday, September 7, Mercury squares Uranus, manifesting mental stimulation and potential disruptions. This transit can lead to unexpected insights or communication blunders if not discerning. While it might feel like things are in flux, this is also an opportunity to break free from old patterns and step out of your comfort zone.

Stay flexible and open to new ways of thinking, but be mindful of potential misunderstandings or sudden changes.

The week concludes with the Sun opposing Saturn on Sunday, September 8. This planetary event highlights themes of responsibility and structure, often bringing a reality check or confrontation with limitations. You may feel challenged to balance your desires with practical constraints. It’s a day to assess your long-term goals and commitments and to make adjustments as needed.

Use this time to confront any barriers or limiting thoughts standing in the way of your progress and to solidify your plans with a renewed sense of discipline.

This week, Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, and Capricorn will feel the strongest effects. Virgo’s New Moon starts a fresh chapter for personal growth and goal-setting, while the Sun’s clash with Saturn calls for serious self-reflection. Pisces will focus on improving relationships and tackling any confusion in projects. Sagittarius is set for significant changes in their career and public life. Meanwhile, Capricorn will need to balance career ambitions with practical needs. These signs are in for a week of important shifts and adjustments that will shape their personal and professional paths. Read on for your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign to learn what is in store for you this week.

Key Dates To Remember For Your Weekly Horoscope

Gwyneth Fiona Cataquez

  • Monday, 9/2 New Moon in Virgo, Mercury trine Chiron
  • Tuesday, 9/3 Mars square Neptune
  • Wednesday, 9/4 Mars enters Cancer
  • Saturday, 9/7 Mercury square Uranus
  • Sunday, 9/8 Sun opposite Saturn

​Read Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs For Your Weekly Horoscope

Sierra White

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Get ready for a week of transformative changes and exciting opportunities. Monday’s New Moon inspires you to set fresh personal goals and embrace new directions. Mercury trine Chiron brings valuable insights and healing to your interactions. On Tuesday, Mars squares Neptune, which might cause confusion or miscommunications, so stay vigilant. Wednesday’s shift of Mars into your home life will attract movement regarding domestic-related needs. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus square may introduce unexpected developments in your love life. State your peace with honesty, and the rest will follow. The week wraps up with the Sun opposite Saturn, prompting a reevaluation of your long-term objectives at work and how they align with your inner needs. Work-life balance, self-care, and resolution must be prioritized.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Expect a week filled with personal growth and reflective moments. Monday’s New Moon encourages you to focus on financial goals and values, opening doors for new initiatives. Mercury’s trine with Chiron enhances your ability to gain clarity and healing in your home life and family. On Tuesday, Mars squares Neptune, which could lead to misunderstandings or obstacles, particularly in your professional networks or friendship circles—proceed mindfully. By Wednesday, success awaits as Mars will shift its focus to your communication sector, giving you the power to voice your passions and get your message across. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus square might bring sudden insights or shifts in your intimate connections. Hold your ground and be patient. Conclude the week with the Sun opposing Saturn, highlighting the need to address your creative potential among the groups while maintaining individuality.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Prepare for a week rich in personal insights and transformative energy. Monday’s New Moon highlights opportunities for growth in communication and learning. Mercury trine Chiron brings clarity and healing to your friendships. On Tuesday, Mars squares Neptune, which may lead to confusion or challenges in your home life—stay grounded. By Wednesday, Mars shifts focus to your financial goals. Line up your priorities with future long-term ventures by learning how to budget. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus square could bring unexpected revelations or disruptions in your social circle. The week ends with the Sun opposing Saturn, allowing you to reassess how your ambitions align with your family responsibilities.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Anticipate a week of intense focus and personal development. Monday’s New Moon encourages fresh starts in managing shared resources and personal growth. Mercury’s trine with Chiron supports healing and clarity in your relationships. On Tuesday, Mars squares Neptune, which might create confusion or conflicts in your creative pursuits—remain centered. By Wednesday, Mars shifting to your sign will bring renewed energy and momentum to the body. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus square can attract communication blunders with friends or an extended shopping spree. Be mindful of impulsivity and your wallet. The week wraps up with the Sun opposing Saturn, prompting you to reassess how your personal growth interacts with your practical commitments.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Brace yourself for a week of new beginnings and introspective shifts. Monday’s New Moon energizes your financial goals and personal values, making it an ideal time for setting new plans. Mercury trine Chiron offers clarity and healing in your professional endeavors. On Tuesday, Mars squares Neptune is potentially causing misunderstanding in your home life. Be patient and address this later. By Wednesday, Mars moving into Cancer focuses on the need for reflection and rest. It's a perfect opportunity to revamp your spiritual practice. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus square might bring unexpected developments or insights into your work environment. The week concludes with the Sun opposing Saturn, encouraging you to realign your ambitions with your daily responsibilities.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

This week invites you to embrace personal transformation and new perspectives. Monday’s New Moon offers a chance for renewal in your personal life, inspiring new goals. Mercury’s trine with Chiron supports clarity and healing in your work routine. On Tuesday, Mars’ square with Neptune might bring challenges or confusion in your home environment—stay alert. By Wednesday, Mars’ shift focuses on your networks and how much impact you desire moving forward involving long-term dreams. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus square could lead to sudden changes in communication. The week ends with the Sun opposing Saturn, allowing you to address discrepancies between your desires and your partnerships.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Prepare for a week that blends introspection with fresh opportunities. Monday’s New Moon invites new beginnings in your private life, perfect for setting personal goals. Mercury’s trine with Chiron supports meaningful insights and healing in your relationships. On Tuesday, Mars squares Neptune, potentially causing confusion or obstacles in your work—be mindful. By Wednesday, Mars shifts focus to your long-term dreams at work, driving you to tackle tasks with renewed energy. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus square could bring unexpected changes or insights in your communication. The week concludes with the Sun opposing Saturn, prompting you to find harmony between personal reflection and practical responsibilities.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Get ready for a week of deep transformation and impactful shifts. Monday’s New Moon encourages new goals for personal and financial growth. Mercury’s trine with Chiron facilitates breakthroughs and healing in your professional life. On Tuesday, Mars squares Neptune, which might bring confusion in creative projects or relationships—stay grounded. Mars in Cancer highlights aspirations by Wednesday, driving you to pursue meaningful changes. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus square may bring sudden revelations or disruptions in your work. The week wraps up with the Sun opposing Saturn, urging you to align your passion projects and make your dreams take root. Let go of the need for validation.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Look forward to a week brimming with opportunities and adjustments. Monday’s New Moon energizes your career goals and public image, setting the stage for new achievements. Mercury’s trine with Chiron supports insights and healing related to your passions. On Tuesday, Mars’ square with Neptune may confuse home matters—remain clear. By Wednesday, Mars narrows the focus to personal development and to connect with others by becoming vulnerable. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus square might introduce unexpected changes in your work life. The week ends with the Sun opposing Saturn, prompting you to reconsider how your career ambitions interact with your emotional needs. Prioritize your passion and let go of external expectations.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Expect a week rich with growth and self-improvement opportunities. Monday’s New Moon invites you to set new intentions for your career and public image. Mercury’s trine with Chiron offers clarity and healing in your professional matters. On Tuesday, Mars squares Neptune, which could lead to challenges or confusion in your daily routines—stay focused. By Wednesday, Mars’ shift brings attention to personal transformations and financial matters. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus square may spark unexpected insights or disruptions in your routine. The week concludes with the Sun opposing Saturn, encouraging you to tie loose ends regarding your dreams--ask for input.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Get set for a week that encourages innovation and self-discovery. Monday’s New Moon opens doors for growth in shared resources and personal development. Mercury’s trine with Chiron enhances your ability to heal and gain clarity in your relationships. On Tuesday, Mars squares Neptune, which might create confusion or challenges in your finances—stay alert. Mars focuses on your health and wellness by Wednesday, encouraging a new approach to caring for your body. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus square may bring unexpected insights or disruptions in your career. The week ends with the Sun opposing Saturn, enabling you to analyze your accumulated resources and learn how to attract wealth by looking into investment opportunities. Get out of your comfort zone and explore.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

This week promises a blend of reflection and relationship development. Monday’s New Moon inspires new beginnings in partnerships, making it a great time to set goals for improving connections. Mercury’s trine with Chiron supports healing and clarity in your daily routines. On Tuesday, Mars squares Neptune, potentially leading to confusion or conflicts in your projects—stay grounded. By Wednesday, Mars’ transition will shift intentions on creative pursuits, fueling inspiration. Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus square might lead to sudden insights or disruptions in communication. The week concludes with the Sun opposing Saturn, highlighting what is lacking in your business or romantic connections--clarity will set as you reflectively listen to your partner.

Looking for more astrological advice? Be sure to submit a question to Lumi here!

Header image via Brit+Co

Move aside Travis Kelce, because Blake Lively & Taylor Swift’s friendship is the true love story here (music reference intended). The duo have been inseparable for years, with Lively being a constant in the Midnights singer's iconic girl squads over the years, just like Selena Gomez and Emma Stone!

Lively and Swift go as far back as 2015, which makes their most recent paparazzi snaps at the 2024 Super Bowl all the more nostalgic. The Gossip Girl star was photographed in the VIP area with Swift the entire game — looking as stylish as ever — but how did they end up there? We did some VERY necessary research on their relationship so you don’t have to.

Blake Lively & Taylor Swift's Friendship Timeline

Andreas Rentz/Getty Images

December 6, 2015 – Taylor Swift and Blake Lively Spotted on a Theme Park Outing

After Blake Lively posted a star-studded pic for a L’Oréal campaign in September 2015, Lively and Swift's connection began with some rumored shade about Swift’s latest hit: "Bad Blood" from 1989. Per E! News, the since-deleted post said "...soooo, turns out this WASN'T a video shoot for John Legend's cover of Bad Blood @lorealparisofficial blew it out for this one. My #pinkobsession is exposed now Ok your turn. I won't tell!"

However, the beef rumors were squashed when Lively confirmed she's a total Swiftie, joking that she has a “Taylor Swift Please Be My Wife Voo Doo Doll.” The duo then met up in Queensland, Australia at the Warner Bros. Movie World Gold Coast Theme Park. Here’s the adorable photos to prove it!

Taylor Swift/Instagram

July 4, 2016 – Blake Lively Attends Taylor Swift’s July 4th Party

There’s nothing like a Taylor Swift party — and her annual Fourth of July parties (which she brought back in 2023 thank goodness) were one for the Instagram books. In 2016, the crew celebrated the American holiday back when Swift and Tom Hiddleston were an item (AKA before Reputation gave us "Getaway Car"). How could anyone forget that iconic couple?

UMG/Taylor Swift

November 10, 2017– Blake Lively’s Daughter Is Featured On Reputation

Speaking of Reputation — Taylor Swift's "Gorgeous” (circa November 2017 when the album dropped) features one of Blake Lively’s kids talking! The A Simple Favoractress was spotted jumping for joy with her hubby, Ryan Reynolds, when they heard their daughter’s voice being played at Taylor Swift’s concert.

Taylor Swift/Instagram

December 13, 2019 – Blake Lively Attends Taylor Swift’s 30th Birthday

Reynolds and Lively also made an appearance at the Red singer's 30th birthday — a celebration that flooded our socials — and they were having a good ‘ol time. "Honestly spending my 30th with the fans who have made my life what it is at jingle ball, then throwing the most aggressive holiday party known to womankind," Taylor Swift says in her Instagram caption, "I just..seriously feel so lucky for you all and will spend forever trying to find ways to say thank you. *cries in Christmas tree*"

UMG/Taylor Swift

July 24, 2020 – Taylor Swift Includes Blake Lively’s Kids' Names On Folklore

In July 2020, Taylor Swift dropped a track named “Betty” (featured on Folklore) which includes a nod to her famous friend’s children: James, Inez, and Betty. In addition to the subject of the song, Swift sings, “You heard the rumors from Inez / You can't believe a word she says" and “She said ‘James, get in, let's drive.’” We hadn't known Blake Lively's third baby name until then, which is also why Swifties think Lively's fourth baby could be named Daisy Mae — the name mentioned on Midnights!

Blake Lively/Instagram

December 13, 2020 — Blake Lively Celebrates Taylor Swift's Birthday

Lively referenced Evermore in her December 2020 birthday post for Swift. "There was happiness because of you," she says. "Happy happy birthday. Thank you for#Evermore. Absolutely nothing better than getting presents on other people’s birthdays. love you.” If that isn’t friendship goals, we don’t know what is.

UMG/Taylor Swift

November 15, 2021 – Blake Lively Directs Taylor Swift’s “I Bet You Think About Me” Music Video

In 2021, Blake Lively directed the “I Bet You Think About Me” music video (which is arguably one of Swift’s best ones yet). "Not a lot going on at the moment," Lively jokes in an Instagram post from set.

"The reddest video EVER is out now," Taylor Swift says in her official Twitter announcement. "Directed by Blake Lively who SMASHED it just like I smashed this cake.” The video dropped on November 15, 2021 and was actually Lively’s directorial debut.

Blake Lively/Instagram

December 2, 2023 – Taylor Swift and Blake Lively Attend The Renaissance Tour Film Premiere

Taylor Swift and Blake Lively bonded over the one person that makes everyone starstruck: Beyoncé. During the Renaissance Tour film premiere, Lively took backstage pictures with the “Texas Hold ‘Em” singer herself and posted a sweet sentiment about lifting each other, as women, up.

"When I grew up, women were always pit against one another," Lively says on Instagram. "It took me until adulthood to see that the instinct for women to lift each other up to their highest potential is the norm not the exception. Most of my best friends are women who would’ve been packaged to me as threats or competition. It’s our job to show younger generations the power in aligning rather than dividing. All this to say, @beyonce and @taylorswift neither of you have to be threatened by my pop stardom. There’s space for us all."

Blake Lively/Instagram

December 17, 2023 — Blake Lively Posts For Taylor Swift's Birthday

A short few weeks later, Lively then shared the cutest photos from Taylors 34th birthday bash with the caption, “Somehow, she’s even better in real life. Happy, happy birthday to the one and only.” In case anyone can’t attend the next Taylor Swift birthday party, we’d be happy to step in!

Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

February 11, 2024 – Taylor Swift and Blake Lively Watch The Super Bowl From The VIP Box

The Betty Buzz founder joined Taylor Swift for multiple games during the NFL season, including the 2024 Super Bowl. The duo cheered on the Kansas City Chiefs — and Taylor’s new NFL BF Travis Kelce. We love an old fashioned girls' night out, and according to Lively in an Instagram post, she left her kids for the “first time ever” for the game!

Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Tiffany & Co.

May 29, 2024 — Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Attend The Eras Tour In Spain

While in Madrid, Blake and Ryan brought their three oldest daughters, James, Inez, and Betty, to the Eras Tour and it gave us the cutest moments EVER. The family attended two nights of the tour, and during both concerts, Blake shared super sweet moments with her daughters during "Betty," which features her girls' names! She filmed — horizontally, might I add — and danced around when Inez was mentioned, which are two classic mom moves. And I love her for that!

Steph Chambers/Getty Images

August 25, 2024 — Blake Lively Celebrates Her 37th Birthday With Taylor Swift And Friends

At the end of August, Taylor Swift hosted Travis Kelce, Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Gigi Hadid, Bradley Cooper, Jason and Kylie Kelce, and Patrick and Brittany Mahomes for one monumental house party in Rhode Island. When your friend group is celebrating a birthday, the end of a tour leg, and the beginning of the NFL season, I suppose the only thing left to do is party — even amid the viral It Ends With Us drama.

What's your favorite Taylor Swift & Blake Lively moment? Follow us on Facebook for more pop culture news!

Lead images via Amy Sussman/Getty Images/Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

This post has been updated.

Meeting your partner's family for the first time can be nerve-wracking because you're never sure what to expect. Even the most confident person may start asking themselves, "Do I have something in my teeth?" or "What if their grandma thinks I'm a clown?" Trust me, no one wants to get on grandma's bad side.

Take it from someone who's witnessed a few 'Meet The Family' moments when I say there are embarrassing things you never want to do when the time comes. First impressions aren't always everything, but it doesn't mean your partner's family won't judge you if you do something that's awkward or inappropriate.

But, don't worry! Psychotherapist Rachel Goldberg, LMFT, PMH-C works with her own clients on preparing for these milestone moments, and she's ready to share some tips with you! As the founder of Rachel Goldberg Therapy in Los Angeles, CA, she specializes in things like eating disorders, family counseling, anxiety, and depression — so she knows what she's talking about!

To help prep you for the big day, here are 10 things you definitely want to avoid doing when you first meet your partner's family! With these tips in tow, you'll be ready for anything, be it that big annual barbecue, or an intimate family dinner.

1. Putting On A Front

RDNE Stock project

Just like no one likes when someone is rude or passive-aggressive, people also don't like when it seems like you're being overly nice or fake to win them over. Goldberg says, "When meeting a romantic partner's family for the first time, first it's important to be genuine. Putting on a front sets unrealistic expectations moving forward." No matter what you do, your true personality and characteristics are going to shine through eventually.

You may not want to hear this, but she also says it might not be a good idea to introduce your family to someone who should come with a "shock factor" warning. "If someone has a tendency toward crudeness or is passionate about controversial topics, they should keep that at bay for the time being."

2. Dressing Inappropriately 

Rachel Claire

"Dressing appropriately for the occasion, while staying true to their personal style, is important," says Goldberg. I'm one of the most open-minded people you'll ever meet, but I'm telling you now that you're going to get a ton of side eyes if you show up to a family dinner wearing something that would make someone clutch their imaginary pearls. Stay away from the deep v-necks, short skirts, and sheer materials — you'll thank me later!

3. Calling Your Partner A Suggestive Nickname

Ba Tik

Sigh. There's plenty of discourse about whether or not you should call your partner 'Daddy' in the first place, but please don't call your partner this — or any other suggestive nickname — in front of their family. Some people may offer a knowing smirk, or think it's funny, but it doesn't make it any less embarrassing. There are plenty of nicknames and cute pet names you can use, but when in doubt: be very mindful and demure.

4. Being Critical Of The Cooking

Mister Mister

If you're going to a barbecue or holiday gathering at your partner's family's home, it's possible the menu may not be your favorite. The food may even be served potluck style, so should you come across a dish that doesn't look appetizing...don't let your intrusive thoughts win by asking who made it.

Everyone knows what it means if a person asks that, and it won't make the cook in question feel very good. For all you know, your partner's mom may have been trying something new and was already nervous about it. No matter who actually prepared what, it's easier to politely decline something instead of being rude about it. "Criticism of the environment or their partner should be kept in check," says Goldberg.

Instead, she says you can offer to "help with tasks like setting up the table or cleaning up." This will leave a much better impression!

5. Purposely Bringing Up Controversial Topics

Timur Weber

Every family is different, from their religion to their political beliefs to how they play Monopoly. While you may dig into those differences further down the line in your relationship, it's probably best to keep it light the first time you meet them.

Goldbeg says, "Maintaining a positive attitude is another key component. They should avoid making underhanded comments about their partner or bringing up issues they are unhappy with. Controversial topics, especially politics or culturally sensitive matters, should be avoided till the relationships are better established or in some cases should never be brought up."

IF someone else brings up a controversial topic that makes you feel uncomfortable, you can excuse yourself from the table so you can collect your thoughts. However, don't be the one to start an awkward conversation about religion, politics, or otherwise — it'll save you from a lot of potential awkwardness later.

5. Drinking Too Much


If you want to enjoy a drink or two, that's fine! Chances are someone will be doing the same, so that's not embarrassing. Getting drunk until you're slurring your speech or stumbling all over the place is a completely different story, though. All it'll do is signal that you're unable to know when you've had enough, and this could make your partner's family think you're irresponsible. You can have a good time, but just be sure to be mindful and pace yourself!

7. Refusing To Talk To Anyone Unless Your Partner Is In The Room 

Askar Abayev

I get it. Your nerves may be bad or you might hate small talk. But, you can't get to know your partner's family and vice versa unless you talk to them. People will notice if you and your partner or only comfortable talking to each other.

And if your partner does decide to join in on the conversation, make sure you don't make jokes that poke fun at them too much — it may fall flat. "They should be mindful of making jokes at their partner's expense, such as "oh now I see where they get that from." These can be fun and light, but it's always best to be more of an observer at that first meeting than taking the lead and potentially leaving a bad impression," Goldberg advises.

Want to truly make a good impression? She encourages you to talk to "as many family members as possible" instead of zoning in on one person, or no one at all.

8. Saying You Hate Kids — Especially If They're Present

Gustavo Fring

I respect anyone who chooses to be child-free, but making it a part of your personality every chance you get means you're bound to say something that rubs your partner's family the wrong way.

It's one thing to be sure you don't want to have kids, but talking about how much you hate children — especially if they're around and very much a part of the family — is beyond cringe. You're bound to not only shock your partner's family, but you'll also piss someone off. If you don't want someone to judge you for choosing not to have kids, don't judge them for choosing the opposite.

9. Looking At Your Phone The Entire Time

Anna Tarazevich

The family is definitely gonna want to chat with you or your partner, but it'll be hard if you're too focused on your phone. Goldberg says, "It's important to stay off their phone and be fully present during this first meeting."

Your partner's family will either think you're rude or too nervous to try to get to know them. Either way, it's pretty embarrassing! Instead, I'd put my phone on 'Do Not Disturb' and try to be more in the moment!

Looking for more relationship advice? Be sure to sign up for our newsletter!

Header image via Askar Abayev

It's not quite time to press play on our annual The Holidayrewatch (unless, like me, you consider all year to be The Holiday season), but Cameron Diaz' new Netflix movie has the best connection to the iconic romance. In Back in Action, Diaz plays a CIA operative called, well, back into action with her husband (played by Jamie Foxx) after their cover gets blown. While this seems like a far cry from the early 2000s rom-coms she's known for, it actually reminded me of the 2005 flick for one simple reason: her The Holiday character Amanda is a movie trailer editor, putting together action-packed previews (like for a fictional Lindsay Lohan x James Franco movie), and this time, it's her turn to be the hero! We haven't seen Cameron Diaz star in a movie since 2014's Annie, a movie that also starred Jamie Foxx, meaning Back in Action will be her first role in 10 years! Here's everything you need to know about Back in Action.

​What is the plot of Back in Action?


Back in Action Plot

Emily and Matt (Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx) gave up their careers as CIA agents years ago so they could settle down and start a family. But when their cover is blown, they have to give up their suburban existence, and their Little League coaching gear, to head back into the field.

​Where can I watch the movie Back in Action?


Back in Action Release Date

Back in Action will hit Netflix January 17, 2025. The movie was originally scheduled for November 15, 2024 before being delayed two months.

​Who's in the cast of Back in Action?


Back in Action Cast

In addition to Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz, Back in Action stars Kyle Chandler, Glenn Close, Andrew Scott, Jamie Demetriou, McKenna Roberts, and Rylan Jackson.

Can you believe this is the first Cameron Diaz movie we've had in 10 years? Our team was shocked! Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and check out The Most-Anticipated New Movies Coming In 2025.

Lead image via Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images

There are few celebrity breakups as infamous as those of the 2000s — just looks at Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears, and Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck! But when Ben and Jen (or Bennifer, as fans like to call them) got back together in 2021, it felt like a literal movie. In Jennifer Lopez' new documentary The Greatest Love Story Never Told, the couple finally reveals why they actually broke up in the first place: "the massive amount of scrutiny around our private life." Here's everything you need to know about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, in the 2000s and now.

Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck's Relationship Timeline

Image via Columbia Pictures

Winter 2002 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Meet On The Set Of Gigli

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck first met while filming their 2003 movie Gigli. "The first time meeting him on that film was at the read-through," Jennifer tells Variety. "I remember kind of just walking in and I think he was outside, smoking a cigarette...I don't remember a whole bunch more about it, but I remember being on the set with him every day and loving it."

Image via Vinnie Zuffante/Getty Images

November 2002 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Announce Their Engagement

During an interview with Diane Sawyer at the end of 2002, Jennifer Lopez showed off the engagement ring from Ben Affleck. The platinum band + pink diamond combo is absolutely beautiful, just like the proposal itself. "[It was] traditional, but also in a very spectacular way, as of course Ben would do it," Jennifer says, via ABC News.

"He is brilliantly smart, loving, charming, affectionate," she continues. "And I just admire him in every way. I respect him. I feel like he teaches me things."

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Early 2003 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Experience The Tabloids Firsthand

Before the age of iPhones and TikTok, celebs constantly dealt with the tabloids — even more than they do now. And as one of the hottest couples in the world, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez constantly faced paparazzi and tabloids. “We didn’t try to have a public relationship,” Jennifer Lopez tells PEOPLE in 2016. “We just happened to be together at the birth of the tabloids, and it was like ‘Oh my God.’ It was just a lot of pressure.”

"People were so f*cking mean about her," Ben Affleck says on The Hollywood Reporter's Awards Chatter podcastin 2021. "Sexist, racist. Ugly, vicious sh*t was written about her in ways that if you wrote it now you would literally be fired for saying those things you said...Now it's like, she's lionized and respected for the work she did, where she came from, what she accomplished — as well she f*cking should be!"

Image via Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

September 10, 2003 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Call Off Their Wedding

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were supposed to be married on September 14, 2003, but four days before their wedding, they postponed the ceremony. "Due to the excessive media attention surrounding our wedding, we have decided to postpone the date," the couple says in their official statement, via PEOPLE. "When we found ourselves seriously contemplating hiring three separate 'decoy brides' at three different locations, we realized that something was awry."

"It was so painful after we broke up," Jennifer tells Apple Music's Zane Lowe in 2024. "Once we called off that wedding 20 years ago, it was the biggest heartbreak of my life. I honestly felt like I was going to die. It sent me on a spiral for the next 18 years where I just couldn't get it right. But now, 20 years later, it does have a happy ending. It has the most would-never-happen-in-Hollywood ending."

Image via Barbara Nitke/Courtesy of STXfilms

February 18, 2020 — Ben Affleck Supports Jennifer Lopez In Hustlers

At the beginning of 2020, in an interview with The New York Times, Ben Affleck voiced his support for Jennifer Lopez. "She should have been nominated [for Hustlers]," he says. "She's the real thing. I keep in touch periodically with her and have a lot of respect for her. How awesome is it that she had her biggest hit movie at 50? That's f*cking baller."

Image via Amy Sussman/Getty Images

May 10, 2021 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Take A Trip Together

After Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez broke up in the spring of 2021, J.Lo was seen hanging out with Ben Affleck around Los Angeles. "[Jennifer] spent several days with Ben out of town," a source tells PEOPLE. "They have a strong connection. It's all been quick and intense, but Jennifer is happy."

Image via Amy Sussman/Getty Images

July 24, 2021 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Make Their Relationship Instagram Official

Hidden at the end of an Instagram carousel, Jennifer Lopez posted a photo of her kissing Ben Affleck. "5 2 … what it do …" the caption reads.

Image via Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images

September 10, 2021 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Walk The Red Carpet

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck attended the premiere of his film The Last Duel at the 2021 Venice Film Festival. They both looked amazing in old school glam!

Image via Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

April 8, 2022 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Announce Their Second Engagement

PEOPLE confirmed that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were engaged again in the spring of 2022. Jennifer also revealed the news via email and on social media. "So I have a really exciting and special story to share," she said on Twitter.

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images

July 16, 2022 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Finally Get Married!

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck finally tied the knot in July of 2022. Jennifer shared the details about the "best night ever" via On The JLo newsletter (via PEOPLE) the next day. The couple later had a larger ceremony in Georgia.

"It's a beautiful outcome that this has happened in this way at this time in our lives where we can really appreciate and celebrate each other and respect each other," she says. "We always did, but we have even more of an appreciation because we know that life can take you in different directions."

"[Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck] were attentive only to each other, didn't have eyes for anything else," a PEOPLE source said after spotting the couple on their honeymoon in Lake Como, Italy.

Image via Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

February 14, 2023 — Jennifer Lopez Reveals Her Tattoo With Ben Affleck

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck showed off their coordinating tattoos on J.Lo's Instagram. The tattoos (hers of an arrow through an infinity sign on her ribcage and his of two arrows tied to one another) are super cute together!

"Commitment," Jennifer says in her Instagram post. "Happy Valentine’s Day my love."

Image via Monica Schipper/Getty Images

May 3, 2023 — Jennifer Lopez Calls Ben Affleck A "Wonderful Father"

When she was on the Today Show (via Twitter) at the beginning of May 2023, Jennifer Lopez had high praise for Ben Affleck's relationship with all their kids. Jennifer has twins, Max and Emme, with Marc Anthony, while Ben Affleck shares three kids, Samuel, Seraphina, and Violet, with Jennifer Garner.

"He's a wonderful, wonderful father," J.Lo says in the interview. "And a father figure to [Max and Emme] as well, because he has his own three beautiful children, and then there's us...They love him. And they appreciate him, and so do I."

Image via Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

August 21, 2023 — Jennifer Lopez Celebrates Her One Year Anniversary With Ben Affleck

In honor of their first wedding anniversary, Jennifer Lopez shared some photos, and some lyrics from "Dear Ben, Pt II", to Instagram. "One year ago today," she says in the caption. "Dear Ben, Sitting here alone / Looking at my ring ring / Feeling overwhelmed / It makes me wanna sing sing / How did we end up here / Without a rewind / Oh my / This is my life...Jennifer"

Image via Dunkin'

February 11, 2024 — Ben Affleck And Jennifer Lopez Star In A Super Bowl Commercial

Following Ben Affleck's iconic, viral photos with his Dunkin' coffee, the couple starred in Dunkin' Donuts' 2024 Super Bowl ad — in addition to Matt Damon, Jack Harlow, and Tom Brady. The commercial features Ben and his friends coming into the studio while Jennifer records her newest album This Is Me Now... — a move that is not well received.

Image via Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for 20th Century Studios

February 26, 2024 — Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Reveal Why They Originally Split Up

"Ben and I, we broke up three days before our wedding," J.Lo recalled in her new documentary The Greatest Love Story Never Told. "We had a big wedding planned—14 ushers and bridesmaids—and three days before, we just crumbled under the pressure."

"For all those years, it was really hard because I didn't just feel like I lost the love of my life, I felt like I lost the best friend that I ever had," Jennifer continues. "I've made it through. I've made something good of my life. I'm proud of that."

Image via Momodu Mansaray/Getty Images

May 15, 2024 — Rumors Swirl About Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's Alleged Divorce

Though Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have reconnected, there have rumors that their marriage may be in trouble. A source alerted InTouch Weekly that there have been obvious signs that something is wrong for a while.

"The writing is on the wall – it’s over," the source claims before saying, "They’re headed for a divorce – and for once, [Ben’s] not to blame!" The source believes the two have a lot of love for each other, but that they're jus too different to be together.

TMZ has also reported that Ben seems like he hasn't been living at home — yikes! He was photographed leaving going to and coming from a L.A. home without Jennifer. It's also being reported that he's been allegedly spending the night there.

But, TMZ also pointed out that the pair are still wearing their wedding rings so it's hard to say if there's any merit to the breakup rumors. Until Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck actually give a statement, I'm going to cross my fingers and hope for the best! And we're not the only ones — 13 Going on 30's Jennifer Garner (who was married to Ben Affleck from 2005-2015) “is encouraging Ben to work on his marriage to Jen,” according to an Us Weeklysource. “She fully supports their relationship and wants nothing more than for him to be happy.”

Also, Jennifer Lopez wants us to really mind our business. People reported than an actress was not feeling a pushy reporter's question about her marriage and didn't have a problem letting them know. She was promoting Atlas with her co-stars when said reporter asked, "Is your divorce with Ben Affleck real? These rumors?"

Though her co-star Simu Liu expressed his disdain for the questions first, Jennifer quickly said," You know better than that." This lets us know that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are well aware that people are talking about their marriage.

Image via Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for 20th Century Studios

Still, this hasn't stopped insiders from talking about what's going on behind closed doors. One even reached out to People to say, "They’re still living separately," and "She’s back in L.A. for tour rehearsals. She seems okay. She’s very focused on work." The outlet even reported that the couple are in fact living apart and have been seen on several occasions without each other.

While I know some people could care less, I remember when Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck first started dating so to see them struggling again feels a little painful. I'm trying to keep hope alive, but they ultimately know what's going on in their relationship. If they do choose to separate, that's a choice we'll all have to respect.

Image via Will Heath/NBC

May 31, 2024 — Jennifer Lopez Cancels Her "This Is Me" Tour

At the end of May, Jennifer Lopez revealed she was cancelling her summer tour to spend time with family. Her newsletter (via Variety) reveals that “Jennifer is taking time off to be with her children, family and close friends." (Refunds will be distributed through Ticketmaster automatically; third party purchase sites need to be contacted).

“I am completely heartsick and devastated about letting you down," Jennifer continues in the newsletter. “Please know that I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t feel that it was absolutely necessary. I promise I will make it up to you and we will all be together again. I love you all so much. Until next time…”

Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

June 21, 2024 — Ben Affleck Discusses Family Life With Jennifer Lopez

In a newly released interview with Kevin Hart, Ben Affleck showed a rare vulnerability that we don't often see. The two chatted about several things during the Season 4 premiere of Hart to Heart, but it was Ben's admission that he has "resting hard face" (via Entertainment Tonight) that caught our attention.

Though there have been theories about why Ben often looks like he'd rather be somewhere else than dealing with paparazzi, he made it clear why he's not always smiling when the cameras are on him. "I also don't like a lot of attention...people see me [and] they're like, ‘Well, this dude always mad…’ Because somebody has their camera and sticking to my face.”

Ben even mentioned a time when he, Jennifer, and their kids were trying to make it to a play while walking through Times Square. Though he knows fans are going to be excited to see them, it's obvious he's not thrilled when their kids are subject to that kind of pandemonium.

"We get out with her, all the kids, through Times Square, and the s--- was like f---in’ feels like hundreds of people and now screaming," Ben explained (via People).

Andrew Toth/Getty Images for Netflix

July 20, 2024 — Jennifer Lopez Throws A Bridgerton-Themed Birthday Party

Jennifer Lopez celebrated an upcoming birthday milestone this weekend by hosting a party the Ton would've loved to attend. She spared no expense as it's reported she had "horse-drawn carriages" on-site (via Glamour).

She also posted a few selfies on Instagram to share her excitement about the special day. "Today is gonna be a great day 🤍🙏🏼 Happy Saturday everybody ☀️," she wrote as her caption.

Though other guests — including Jennifer's mom — attended the Bridgerton-themed soirée, a source made special note of Ben Affleck's absence (via People).

They've yet to confirm the status of their relationship, but it seems they're giving each other space.

Matt Winkelmeyer / Staff

August 20, 2024 — Jennifer Lopez Files For Divorce With No Prenup

After months of rumored separation between the two, it seems that Jennifer Lopez has finally filed for divorce from her husband, Ben Affleck, after 2 years of marriage. Many speculated their separation this year, but since Lopez was spotted multiple times with Affleck’s kids, it seemingly put those rumors to rest. But after this filing citing their separation date as April 26, 2024, it seems like any outing was due to those close relationship over the years, and because of Lopez and Affleck’s kids being friends.

TMZ reported about Lopez’s filing, stating that there is “indeed no prenuptial agreement.” This means that they split everything 50/50 from their 2 years of marriage. While TMZ says that the two are not on speaking terms, hopefully the two can seek some peace in this situation in the future!

August 31, 2024 — Jennifer Lopez Is Moving On

She may be heartbroken, but Jennifer Lopez knows the key to getting over an ex is moving on. She cryptically acknowledged her eventful summer with the largest picture carousel I've seen on Instagram in years and looked great in most of her candid shots.

She kept her caption lighthearted by writing, "Oh, it was a summer" and was essentially met with rounds of applause from fans. One person even called her, "AN UNBOTHERED Queen!"

Even if that only scratches the surface of her emotions, it's clear Jennifer believes "Everything is unfolding in divine order" per the second picture in her carousel.

What's your favorite Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck moment? Check out The Latest On Taylor Swift And Travis Kelce's Relationship and The Latest News On Blake Lively And Ryan Reynold's Kids for more of your favorite celebrity couples!

Lead image via Amy Sussman/Getty Images

This post has been updated.