Your Magical August Horoscopes For 2024 Are Officially In!

August Horoscopes 2024

Welcome to August 2024. Can you believe that we're already at the midsummer mark? Don’t worry. We still have plenty of time to enjoy summer, and as we continue to experience the courageous Leo season, why not try something you never dared to do? Let’s explore deeper and see what the stars have in store for you this summer, according to your August horoscope.

​Astrology Overview For Your August Horoscopes For 2024

Tanya Staton

This month brings the New Moon in Leo and Venus transitioning into Virgo on Sunday, August 4, granting us the space to explore love from a pure and discerning standpoint. The dark new moon is a lunar phase that involves fresh starts in bold and fiery Leo. It's a time to beautify yourself and rebuild your inner glow, perhaps with a spa day or some self-care, or to reinstate your creative passion and align more with your heart.

When the messenger planet, Mercury, is retrograde on Monday, August 5, communications or decisions slow down, encouraging us to reevaluate our relationshipsand inner thoughts. This period, though challenging, also brings the potential for positive changes and growth. Expect conversations to fire up as Mercury re-enters Leo on Wednesday, August 14, extending you a second wind in realizing your worth, learning your unique process to self-acceptance, and understanding how your life is playing out. It's a period to reflect, not react, stressing the importance of self-reflection before investing in future ideas.

There is magic in the air as the Mercury Cazimi happens on Sunday, August 18, granting subtle yet impactful messages to you. Whatever has transpired in your life lately, it will be a day to recalibrate and become more in tune with your intuitive self. Listen carefully – the Universe will answer.

The sky will be fully illuminated with a full moon in brilliant Aquarius on Monday, August 19. Observe how you felt last month during the second Capricorn full moon and analyze recent developments. Full moons generally ignite manifestation opportunities or the ability to surrender and let go of unwanted situations. This full moon in Aquarius will grant you the vision to reorient yourself and allow you to let go of old security and conform. It's time to be brave and decide what you truly want.

The sun moves into Virgo on Thursday, August 22, starting Virgo season. This raises themes of details and productivity in our daily lives. Over the next few weeks, you'll feel the need to do “something” or detox after Leo season. Give yourself permission to be imperfect, and try not to be hard on yourself if you are not perfect at work, home, or general. Begin this process by decluttering your physical space to help you feel more centered. In doing so, your mind will be laser-focused. The great news is Mercury Direct is happening on Wednesday, August 28, and the mental fog lifts and allows us to pick up from where we left off regarding plans or ideas. Assess what has unfolded for you these last few weeks since Mercury Retrograde happened, and examine the current state of your relationships or passions. Your confidence will build as the messenger planet speeds up in the next several days. Decisions have to be made.

The month closes when the love planet Venus enters her natural sign, Libra, on Thursday, August 29. These next few weeks will be peace-filled and collaborative for our love stories. Now that Mercury is direct and Venus is in her natural expression, it can be a great time to begin dating or rekindling your connection with your loved one.

Key Dates in August 2024


  • Sunday, August 4: New Moon in Leo, Venus enters Virgo
  • Monday, August 5: Mercury Retrograde
  • Wednesday, August 14: Mercury re-enters Leo (RX)
  • Sunday, August 18: Mercury Cazimi (Sun conj Mercury)
  • Monday, August 19: Full Moon in Aquarius
  • Thursday, August 22: Sun enters Virgo
  • Wednesday, August 28: Mercury Direct
  • Thursday, August 29: Venus enters Libra

August 2024 Monthly Horoscopes By Zodiac Sign

Grace Looney

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

August is about you leaving your comfort zone, with the New Moon entering your passion sector and the love planet Venus entering your 6th house of daily routines and self-care. Remember to know your limits, as you may feel inclined to bury yourself in your work. Take care of your body, and your momentum will be restored. Mercury retrograde will reawaken your old ideas and help you review your love story as it resides in your 5th house of romance and creative endeavors these next several weeks. What makes you smile and look forward to waking up in the morning? This month, you'll figure it out. Mid-August, the Mercury Cazimi will reignite a spark in your connectedness to life and enable you to plan your next steps. Wait it out until Mercury goes direct later this month. The Full Moon in Aquarius closes a chapter on your old aspirations and group connections. Are you ready to release your past patterns and live a new narrative? This is your chance. This month concludes with Mercury direct in your 5th house, enabling you to pick up speed with your creative endeavors and your love life. You have the green light now but plan accordingly. Finally, Venus in Libra graces your 7th house, breathing life back into your relationships while revealing ways to negotiate. It's a time to celebrate unions and learn how to collaborate reasonably.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

August unfolds with transformative energies, Taurus, urging you to focus on nurturing your emotional needs and embracing change. The New Moon in Leo lights up your 4th house of home and family, initiating a period of introspection and renewal in your domestic sphere. Simultaneously, Venus enters Virgo, gracing your 5th house of creativity and romance with harmony and inspiration, encouraging you to indulge in artistic pursuits and deepen heartfelt connections. Mid-month, Mercury retrograde prompts you to revisit past issues concerning home, family dynamics, or property matters. Use this period for introspection and resolving any lingering misunderstandings that affect your emotional security. Around the same time, the Mercury Cazimi provides clarity and fresh insights, helping you better understand your roots and what gives you a sense of belonging. What professional boundaries need to be set? This Full Moon in Aquarius towards the end of the month highlights your 10th house of career and public image, marking a culmination in professional matters. It's a period to release outdated career goals or public perceptions that no longer serve your growth. As Mercury turns direct by month's end, communication improves, and progress in domestic and personal matters accelerates. Venus entering Libra enhances your 6th house of daily routines and wellness, encouraging harmonious relationships at work and self-care practices.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

This month focuses on communication, learning, and expanding your horizons, Gemini. The New Moon in Leo lights up your 3rd house of communication and local interactions, encouraging you to start new projects, enhance your writing skills, or reconnect with siblings and neighbors. Feeling inspired to decorate your home space lately? Venus entering Virgo enhances your 4th house of home and family, attracting harmony and beauty to your domestic life. Mid-month, Mercury retrograde in Leo invites you to revisit past conversations, revise your communication style, and reassess your immediate environment. Take this time to clarify misunderstandings and refine your approach to learning and local engagements. The Mercury Cazimi mid-month helps you to articulate your thoughts and ideas more effectively and gain new perspectives regarding purpose or educational pursuits. The Full Moon in Aquarius towards the end of the month highlights your 9th house, marking a time of culmination in higher education, travel, or philosophical beliefs. It's a period for releasing outdated perspectives and embracing a broader worldview. As Mercury turns direct, communication flows more smoothly, and plans related to education or travel gain momentum. Venus entering Libra will energize your 5th house of creativity and romance, unifying harmonious relationships and inspiring artistic expression.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

August encourages you to focus on practical matters and emotional depth, Cancer. The New Moon in Leo lights up your 2nd house of finances and values, granting you to reassess your material resources and financial goals. Venus entering Virgo shortly after enhances your 3rd house of communication and learning, creating fun interactions with siblings and neighbors and inspiring you to solidify your intellectual pursuits. Mid-month, Mercury retrograde in Leo invites you to revisit financial strategies and reassess your values. Take this time to review your budget, reconsider investments, and clarify your financial priorities. The Mercury Cazimi mid-month incentivizes you to make informed decisions about your resources and personal values. The Full Moon in Aquarius towards the end of the month highlights your 8th house, marking a time of culmination in shared resources, intimacy, or personal growth. Are you ready to focus on your inner needs? It's a favorable period for releasing emotional baggage and transforming outdated narratives. By the end of the month, as Mercury turns direct, communication will improve, and financial negotiations or personal investments will gain traction. Finally, you'll feel more in your element as Venus enters Libra phases into your 4th house of home and family, extending support to your immediate family connections while beautifying your living space.

Alex Rusciano

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

HBD Leo! This month concludes your birthday season as it helps you pinpoint your self-worth, relationships, and communication. The New Moon in Leo ignites your 1st house, marking a time of personal renewal and setting new intentions for self-expression. There is magic everywhere, and your dreams will come alive as you hold to your authenticity. Venus entering Virgo shortly after enhances your 2nd house of finances and values, bringing harmony and stability to your material resources and self-worth. Mid-month, Mercury retrograde in Leo invites you to revisit personal goals, reassess your self-image, and reflect on your ambitions. Take this period to clarify your intentions and revise your approach to individual projects. The Mercury Cazimi mid-month facilitates better communication and helps you confidently assert your true self. The Full Moon in Aquarius towards the end of the month illuminates your 7th house of partnerships, concluding your partnership timeline. It's a period for evaluating relationship dynamics and releasing tensions or outdated patterns. As Mercury turns direct, communication improves, and personal initiatives gain momentum. As the month ends with Venus entering Libra, it enhances your 3rd house of communication and learning, extending peaceful interactions with siblings and neighbors and powering up your intellectual pursuits.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Happy birthday, Virgo! This month emphasizes introspection, personal growth, and practical matters, Virgo. The New Moon in Leo activates your 12th house, granting space for spiritual reflection, subconscious exploration, and letting go of old patterns that no longer serve you. Get ready to flex your manifestation muscles as Venus enters your 1st house of self-image and personal identity, brings harmony and beauty to your self-expression and appearance. Whatever you set your heart on, the Universe will grant your wishes. Have faith and trust in the process. Mid-month, Mercury retrograde in Leo invites you to revisit past issues, reflect on your inner journey, and reconsider spiritual practices or emotional healing. Take this time for introspection, dream analysis, and reconnecting with your inner self. The Mercury Cazimi mid-month allows you to understand subconscious motivations and find closure on past issues. The Full Moon in Aquarius towards the end of the month illuminates your 6th house of health, work, and daily routines, marking a completion time in these areas. It's a period for releasing unhealthy habits, improving work dynamics, or finding balance in your daily life. As Mercury turns direct, clarity returns to your inner thoughts and spiritual insights. Venus entering Libra enhances your 2nd house of finances and values, giving you an extra boost to your self-worth and promotion opportunities. Don't hold back, and value yourself.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

This month revolves around friendships, creativity, and personal growth, Libra. The New Moon in Leo activates your 11th house, inspiring you to connect with friends, join groups, or pursue social causes that resonate with your values. Venus entering Virgo shortly after enhances your 12th house of introspection and spirituality, bringing harmony and peace to your inner world. Write your dreams in a journal. The Universe has a message. Mid-month, Mercury retrograde in Leo invites you to revisit social connections, reassess your involvement in groups or organizations, and reflect on your aspirations. Take this time to clarify your goals and reconsider your role within your social circle. The Mercury Cazimi mid-month creates better communication outlets with friends and clarifies your hopes for the future. The Full Moon in Aquarius towards the end of the month illuminates your 5th house of creativity, romance, and self-expression, signaling a time of culmination and fulfillment in these areas. It's a period for celebrating creative achievements, deepening romantic connections, or exploring new hobbies. As Mercury turns direct, communication improves, and social interactions become smoother. Venus entering Libra enhances your 1st house of self-image and personal identity, bringing harmony and beauty to your outward expression and enhancing your charm.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

August is full of lessons involving your career, home life, and social connections, Scorpio. It all begins with you learning how to set realistic expectations. The New Moon in Leo activates your 10th house of career and public image, marking a period for setting new professional goals and asserting your ambitions. The love planet Venus, entering your 11th house of friendships and community, brings harmony and enjoyment to your social interactions and group activities. Make new friends and reach out to networks if you have to. You'll get lucky. Mid-month, Mercury retrograde in Leo invites you to revisit career plans, reassess your professional goals, and reflect on your public image. Take this time to refine your strategies and reconnect with your ambitions. The Mercury Cazimi mid-month helps you communicate more effectively with colleagues and superiors and gain new perspectives on your career path. The Full Moon in Aquarius towards the end of the month illuminates your 4th house of home and family, marking a time of culmination and completion in these areas. It's a period for resolving domestic matters, releasing emotional baggage, or changing your living situation. By the end of the month, as Mercury turns direct, clarity returns to your career plans and professional aspirations. Your inner thoughts will begin to shift as Venus enters your 12th house of introspection and spirituality, creating inner harmony and encouraging self-reflection. Meditate and start to engage with your soul self to get traction.

Brianna Winston

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

This month revolves around knowledge, communication, and social connections, Sagittarius. The New Moon in Leo activates your 9th house of higher learning, travel, and philosophy, prompting you to plan new intellectual pursuits, expand your horizons through travel, or delve into philosophical studies. Venus entering Virgo shortly after activates your 10th house of career and public image, bringing attraction and creativity to your professional endeavors. Mid-month, Mercury retrograde in Leo invites you to revisit educational goals, reassess travel plans, and reflect on your beliefs and philosophical outlook. Take this time to refine your understanding, reconnect with your spiritual path, and explore new avenues of learning. As you learn to quiet the mind and listen intently, you'll get answers from the Universe. The Mercury Cazimi mid-month offers moments to articulate your dreams more effectively and better understand your beliefs and educational pursuits. The Full Moon in Aquarius towards the end of the month illuminates your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and local community, closing a chapter in these areas. It's a period for resolving communication issues, completing writing projects, or connecting with siblings. As Mercury turns direct, communication improves, and travel plans or educational pursuits gain momentum. Then, the fun begins as Venus enters Libra, which enhances your 11th house of friendships and social connections, reigniting future aspirations while encouraging you to assess your place with your networks.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

August will help you focus on reinvention, personal values, and career aspirations, Capricorn. The New Moon in Leo ignites your 8th house of transformation, urging you to delve deep into intimacy, shared resources, and personal growth. Any buried secrets or unspoken words will bubble up to the surface this month. Trust in your feelings and know that honesty is the best way to make room for healing. Venus entering Virgo shortly after enhances your 9th house of higher education, travel, and philosophical pursuits, bringing harmony and a desire for learning and broadening your horizons. Mid-month, Mercury retrograde in Leo invites you to revisit financial strategies, reassess joint finances or investments, and reflect on your deepest desires. Take this time for introspection, uncover hidden truths, and resolve any lingering financial issues. The Mercury Cazimi helps you better understand your motivations and make informed decisions regarding shared resources or intimate relationships. The Full Moon in Aquarius towards the end of the month illuminates your 2nd house of finances, values, and self-worth, marking a time of cultivating achievement in these areas. Celebrate your financial milestones, reevaluate your values, or make practical adjustments to enhance your financial security. By the end of the month, Mercury will turn direct, attracting improvement with communication, financial negotiations, or intimate connections will progress more smoothly. When Venus enters your 10th house of career and public image, you'll have a window of opportunity to express your ideas at work or launch successful endeavors confidently.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

August attracts shifts in your partnerships, self-discovery, and expansive opportunities, Aquarius. The New Moon in Leo activates your 7th house of relationships, creating a space for new beginnings or significant developments in your relationships -- business or personal. As Venus enters your 8th house of intimacy, transformation, and shared resources, it creates deeper connections and a desire for emotional closeness. Vulnerability and truth will enhance your connection. Mid-month, Mercury retrograde in Leo invites you to revisit relationship dynamics, reassess commitments, and reflect on your partnership role. Take this time to communicate openly, resolve conflicts, and clarify your personal needs within relationships. The Mercury Cazimi mid-month will enable you to understand relationship dynamics better and make informed decisions. The Full Moon in Aquarius towards the end of the month illuminates your 1st house of self-expression, giving you the spotlight. It's a time to embrace your individuality, assert your identity, and initiate personal projects or changes that reflect your true self. As Mercury turns direct, communication improves, and relationship matters or contractual agreements progress more smoothly. This month concludes with Venus entering Libra, gracing your 9th house of higher education, travel, and philosophical pursuits, extending opportunities for you to reach people internationally or explore new ideas and beliefs.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

This month highlights the need to focus on health, relationships, and spiritual reflection, Pisces. The New Moon in Leo activates your 6th house of health, daily routines, and work, urging you to prioritize self-care, establish new habits, and improve your well-being. Your body is a temple, and you'll thrive as you respect it. Love will be on the radar as Venus enters Virgo in your 7th house of partnerships, attracting harmony and cooperation to your relationships. Mid-month, Mercury retrograde in Leo invites you to slow down and enjoy the present moment. Revisit health routines, reassess work projects, and reflect on your daily habits. Take this time to address health needs, refine your work methods, and communicate effectively with colleagues or employees. The Mercury Cazimi mid-month will help you focus on your intentions regarding health or work-related issues and improve efficiency in your daily life. The Full Moon in Aquarius towards the end of the month illuminates your 12th house of spirituality, subconscious mind, and closure, enabling you to release the past and ignite inner reflection. It's a period for letting go of past emotional baggage, connecting with your spiritual practice, and finding closure on unresolved issues. As Mercury turns direct, your ability to articulate your ideas improves, and daily routines or work projects gain momentum. By the end of the month, your intimate life will be restored as Venus enters your 8th house of intimacy, transformation, and shared resources. This transit lets you focus on your inner needs while understanding what needs to evolve in your intimate connections.

Want to find out how astrology can be the guiding tool to self-acceptance and fulfillment? Click here and claim your free copy of Lumi's Beginner's Astrology Book.

Looking for your own astrology advice? Submit your questions for Ask Lumi here!

Header image via Bekah Beckman

Eclipse season is upon us once more, and this one promises to be unforgettable. This lunar eclipse in Pisces isn't just another cosmic event — it's a transformative experience that will unveil the hidden depths of our collective psyche and confront us with our unresolved karma. This celestial event will be happening on September 17th at 10:34 pm EST. As the veil between worlds thins, it is a rare opportunity to deeply connect with our personal and collective narratives. This lunar eclipse will extend a chance to dismantle outdated patterns and create a more authentic life path. Curious about what this celestial phenomenon holds for you? Read on to discover how this mystical lunar eclipse will influence your sign and what revelations are in store.

Why This Lunar Eclipse In Pisces Will Be Unforgettable

Cora Pursley

At 25 degrees in Pisces, this lunar eclipse signals a profound shift in our understanding of karmic patterns and personal growth. While full moons typically manifest endings and shifts, lunar eclipses amplify these effects tenfold. What makes this lunar eclipse promising is that we are granted a more straightforward path to review how we have been living our lives these last 18 years. This eclipse presents a powerful opportunity for releasing deeply ingrained negative thought patterns and gaining clarity on the necessary changes within ourselves. Expect a dramatic purging of old tendencies, illuminating the roots of our discontent and offering solutions for healing. Like all super full moons, this eclipse calls for release —embrace the chance to let go and move forward without looking back.

​What to Expect During This Lunar Eclipse

Emily Patnaude

This lunar eclipse will interact with Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, creating a dynamic cosmic landscape. The Moon's square to Jupiter will spark waves of idealism and fantasy, potentially leading to impulsivity. Ground yourself in the heart and soul of your decisions to avoid getting swept away. Meanwhile, the Moon's conjunction with Neptune will offer a chance to see beyond the immediate struggles, encouraging a broader perspective.

As many of us may feel dreamy and detached, grounding practices will be beneficial.

The Moon's supportive aspect of Pluto will help us embrace change and recognize that endings pave the way for new opportunities. Furthermore, the harmonious sextile with Uranus will inspire bold decisions and excitement about the future. If you've been contemplating a major shift in your life, now is the time to act on your heart's desires.

Over the next six months, the path to your ideal life will become clearer.

Though the current energies might feel chaotic, clarity will emerge by late October. For now, resist the urge to start new projects, manifesting practices, or make significant decisions.

Eclipse season is a time for stillness and observation.

The answers you seek will unfold in 2025, and this period of reflection and acceptance will pave the way for powerful changes. To support your journey, engage in a release ritual, energy healing, or sound bath. This is just the beginning — take the time to understand what needs to be done to attract better outcomes in your life.

​Which signs will be most effected during the lunar eclipse?

Cora Pursley

Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini (sun, Moon, or rising) fall within the 20-29 degrees. For the next 18 months, your life will begin to change for the better! Although it may sound daunting, consider this time an opportunity to tap into your main character energy. You are ready.

To learn more about what is in store for your sign during this lunar eclipse, look to your sun, Moon, and rising sign horoscopes for insight.

Horoscopes For The Lunar Eclipse 2024 In Pisces

Brit + Co


Aries, your twelfth house is highlighted, urging you to confront hidden fears and subconscious patterns. Expect endings in old subconscious habits or unresolved emotional issues. Use this time for deep reflection and emotional release. Seek solitude through journaling or meditation to uncover and heal inner wounds. This clarity will help you shed outdated patterns and set new intentions for your future. Trust the process of letting go, as it leads to profound personal growth and a more authentic, empowered self.

Brit + Co


Taurus, the focus is on your eleventh house of social networks and aspirations. Significant changes are likely in friendships or group dynamics that no longer align with your true self. Evaluate and release toxic relationships or misaligned goals. Reflect on your social circles and their support of your authentic desires. Use this time to set new intentions for meaningful connections and pursuits. Allow these shifts to renew your personal growth and align with your core values.

Brit + Co


Gemini, your tenth house of career and public life is illuminated. Prepare for notable endings or adjustments in your professional path or public image. Outdated ambitions or roles may come to light, revealing what no longer serves you. Reassess your career goals and release any expectations that no longer fit. Engage in self-reflection to set new, authentic career intentions. This transformative period will help you align your professional life with your core values, leading to a more fulfilling career.

Brit + Co


Cancer, attention turns to your ninth house of higher learning, travel, and beliefs. Major shifts may occur in your philosophical outlook or educational pursuits. Letting go of outdated beliefs or goals that no longer resonate with your true self might be necessary. Use this time for introspection to reassess your values and long-term aspirations. Seek new perspectives and release limiting ideologies. Set fresh intentions for personal growth and exploration, aligning with your core values for a more fulfilling journey.

Brit + Co


Leo, expect significant changes in your eighth house of transformation and shared resources. Endings may arise in financial partnerships or intimate relationships that no longer support your growth. Necessary adjustments in power dynamics or emotional patterns may become evident. Address and process deep-seated issues or financial constraints. Utilize this opportunity for introspection to transform your approach to shared resources and personal power. Set new intentions for empowerment and renewal, fostering stronger, more supportive connections.

Brit + Co


Virgo, the focus is on your seventh house of partnerships and relationships. Significant endings may occur in your one-on-one connections that no longer align with your true needs. Insights into issues within your partnerships may prompt a reevaluation of relationship dynamics. Understand and address these relational patterns. Let go of connections that no longer serve you, and use this time for introspection. Set new intentions for creating balanced and empowering relationships.

Brit + Co


Libra, changes are coming to your sixth house of daily routines, work, and health. Significant adjustments may be needed in your job, habits, or wellness practices. Inefficiencies or health issues may come to light, requiring your attention. Assess and release outdated routines or unhealthy patterns. Make meaningful changes to your work-life balance and self-care practices. Set new, healthier routines and work goals that support your well-being, creating a more balanced and fulfilling daily life.

Brit + Co


Scorpio, your fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression, is under the spotlight. Expect significant endings in creative projects, romantic relationships, or personal interests that no longer resonate with your passions. This period may reveal what needs to be released to welcome new forms of joy. Reflect on these aspects of your life and let go of what no longer inspires you. Set new intentions for creative pursuits and romance, exploring fresh, authentic expressions of joy and individuality.

Brit + Co


Sagittarius, the spotlight is on your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations. Significant changes are likely in your living situation, family dynamics, or deep-seated emotional patterns. Clarity may emerge about what needs to be released for emotional stability. Address past familial issues or outdated home environments. Use this time for introspection and set new intentions for a supportive and nurturing home life. Welcome these changes to align with your emotional well-being and build a more harmonious domestic environment.

Brit + Co


Capricorn, attention shifts to your third house of communication, learning, and local connections. Expect significant changes in how you express yourself, your educational pursuits, or your interactions with your immediate surroundings. Outdated thought patterns or communication methods may come to light. Evaluate and release limiting beliefs or strained relationships. Use this time for deep reflection and set new intentions for clearer, more authentic communication. This transformative period will provide renewed mental clarity and more meaningful connections.

Brit + Co


Aquarius, your second house of finances, values, and self-worth is highlighted. Major endings are expected to be related to your financial situation or personal values. Outdated beliefs about money or self-esteem may need addressing. Review your financial habits and core values, letting go of what no longer serves your growth. Use this transformative period to reassess your financial goals and rebuild your self-worth. Set new intentions for stability and empowerment, aligning your resources and values with your true aspirations.

Brit + Co


Pisces, this lunar eclipse will be the starting point of a powerful change associated with your self and identity. With your first house activated, expect significant shifts in how you present yourself or your self-image. This eclipse may prompt a profound reevaluation of your identity and how you wish to be seen. Release old identities or behaviors that no longer reflect your true self. Use this time for deep self-reflection and renewal. Set new intentions for personal growth and self-expression, taking advantage of this transformative period to realign with your authentic desires and aspirations.

Want to learn more about this auspicious Lunar Eclipse? Join Lumi LIVE on September 15th for an insightful astrology event held remotely! She will dive into the Lunar Eclipse's impact on each zodiac sign and experience a sound bowl healing session to help you realign and recharge. Don't miss this chance to connect with the cosmos and yourself. Click this link to learn more!

Looking for more astrology advice? Be sure to submit your questions to Ask Lumi here!

Header image via Brit + Co

The world could use more kindness than we've seen lately because it feels like there's a lot of Mean Girls energy circulating online and in real life — and I don't mean by way of hilarious Tina Fey-written jokes. It's become cool to be disregard everyone else's feelings, but we can hear the cries for kindness behind each snarky attitude we encounter.

Realistically, there's no way we can combat the lack of kindness in the world with quotes, but we're sure these 16 reminders can help us remember to show grace to ourselves and others.

Brit + Co

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about." —Wendy Mass

Brit + Co

"Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty." —Anne Herbert

Brit + Co

"You can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness!" —Anne Frank

Brit + Co

"Deliberately seek opportunities for kindness, sympathy, and patience." —Evelyn Underhill

Brit + Co

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members, a heart of grace and a soul generated by love." —Coretta Scott King

Brit + Co

"Shall we make a new rule of life from tonight: always to try to be a little kinder than is necessary." —J.M. Barrie

Brit + Co

"The words of kindness are more healing to a drooping heart than balm or honey." —Sarah Fielding

Brit + Co

"Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud." —Maya Angelou

Brit + Co

"We are all neighbors. Be kind. Be gentle." — Clemantine Wamaryia

Brit + Co

"You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens." —Louise L. Hay

Brit + Co

"Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference." —Barbara De Angelis

Brit + Co

"Kindness is always in stock." —Katy Perry

Brit + Co

"Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference." —Amelia Earhart

Brit + Co

"Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you." —Princess Diana

Brit + Co

"Be kind to yourself so that you can be happy enough to be kind to the world." —Misha Collins

If you need help being kinder to yourself, we have 45 self love quotes that'll steer you in the right direction.

Header image via Sophie Mijnlieff

Welcome back, Upper East Siders. When the leaves turn orange and coats start to be brought out of storage, it’s a sure sign that Gossip Girlseason is upon us once again. And what better way to ring in fall than to figure out which iconic Gossip Girlcharacter you are based on your zodiac sign?

I’ve typed twelve of the Upper East Side’s most familiar faces based on a combination of their official birthdays and the personalities they exhibit throughout the show. A lot of the time, the two happen to be perfectly aligned (I’m convinced Blair’s birthday was chosen on purpose). Strap on a headband and your cutest stilettos; it’s time to walk down Fifth Avenue and meet your Gossip Girl astrological match. XOXO, Brit + Co.

Warner Bros. Television

Aries: Jenny Humphrey

As the first sign in the zodiac, Aries is full of unbridled optimism. Jenny Humphrey thought she could be Constance’s new queen bee, get away with cutting school with a full-time internship, and launch a highly successful fashion career as a high school sophomore — that’s pretty much the definition of blind optimism. Jenny’s spunky, outspoken, and unafraid to ruffle a lot of feathers to get what she wants. Her red-hot spark is something to be admired.

Giovanni Rufino

Taurus: Dan Humphrey

Dan Humphrey may have the keen analytical eye of a Virgo, but he’s got the taste for luxury of a Taurus. He prides himself on being down to earth, yet he can’t resist getting close to that famed Upper East Side glamor. He’s stubborn when it comes to love, which may explain why he keeps going back to Serena time and time again. Some may call it silly; Dan calls it stable.

Warner Bros. Television

Gemini: Georgina Sparks

You’ve got to hand it to Georgina — she knows how to transform herself into whoever she needs to be whenever she wants. She can be a total darling at one minute and deliciously wicked the next. Geminis like her are more than just “two-faced,” though; they’re also quick-witted, restless, and spontaneous. It’s what makes them so fun to watch.

Warner Bros. Television

Cancer: Nate Archibald

Nate is the Golden Retriever of the Gossip Girl boys. He’s popular, laidback, loyal, and compassionate. This rich boy next door wears his heart on his sleeve and is always willing to lend a hand to a friend in need. But don’t take advantage of this crab’s kindness. If you do Nate dirty, he’ll protect himself behind his tough outer shell, and it’ll take a lot to regain his trust.

Warner Bros. Television

Leo: Serena van der Woodsen

There’s only one zodiac sign iconic enough for the Upper East Side’s "It" Girl: Leo. Serena craves being in the spotlight – so much so that she’s been known to act a little wild just for some attention. She’s also incredibly warm and loyal to those she loves (until she feels threatened). Her magnetic presence lights up any room she walks into, just like you, Leo.

Warner Bros. Television

Virgo: Dorota Kishlovsky

Blair’s ride-or-die maid, Dorota, is a Virgo. Her moral compass might not always align with Blair’s schemes, but her sharp mind plays a crucial role in helping them succeed. She’s a supportive, hardworking friend who always has others’ best interests at heart and never hesitates to take action on their behalf.

Warner Bros. Television

Libra: Lily van der Woodsen

Lily is the definition of luxury. She’s a woman of high class with high tastes, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. But her elegance isn’t the only thing that makes her a Libra. She’s also got Libras’ hallmark ability to charm a room and get along with nearly everyone, which comes in handy when cleaning up her daughter’s (and her own) messes. Aesthetics are everything, so she’ll take a rain check on the emotional soul-baring, ‘kay?

Warner Bros. Television

Scorpio: Blair Waldorf

Cunning, romantic, ambitious, and sensitive: Blair Waldorf carries these traits with the pride of carrying a Birkin bag. Blair is canonically a Scorpio, and the sign couldn’t be more fitting. She’s highly strategic and calculating, which makes reaching her goals and exacting revenge on her enemies that much more satisfying. She places a high value on sex and love and is willing to wait as long as it takes for a man who meets her extremely high standards.

Warner Bros. Television

Sagittarius: Rufus Humphrey

Rufus’s birthday is December 7, making him a Sagittarius. He definitely lived up to the fun-loving nature of his sign during his rock ‘n’ roll years, but as he got older, he chilled out a lot more. As long as he has his art gallery, his guitar, and his daydreams about things finally working out with Lily, he’s all set. Play some Lincoln Hawk and make some waffles in honor of your GG twin, Sag.

Warner Bros. Television

Capricorn: Chuck Bass

Blunt yet smooth-talking Chuck Bass was born on January 19, which makes him a Capricorn. He certainly embodies the stereotypical hard-working nature of the sign; he’s a businessman first and a teenager second. His party-boy ways are actually in line with the fun, often hidden side of Capricorn, as is the loyalty he reserves for those lucky enough to be let into his inner circle.

Warner Bros. Television

Aquarius: Vanessa Abrams

As a social justice-loving Aquarius, Vanessa’s actively trying to make the world a better place. She doesn’t tolerate anyone’s BS, especially from anyone who lives on the UES, and she isn’t afraid to tell them to their face. She’s got a strong moral compass, a drive to tell the truth, and a strong appreciation for the arts, all three of which are highly important to Aquariuses.

Warner Bros. Television

Pisces: Eric van der Woodsen

Eric van der Woodsen is probably the most easygoing character on Gossip Girl. All he’s ever wanted is for everyone to get along. He often pushes his own needs and concerns aside for the sake of his friends and family, as Pisceans tend to do. At his best, Eric is witty, supportive, intuitive, and wise.

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Header image via Warner Bros. Television

Sometimes the skincare world can seem a bit daunting and overwhelming. There are soooo many different products with so many people trying to sell them with promises that it will "change your skin for life." And while that might be the case occasionally, it's often not.

But what are the products you can actually trust? I like to shop smarter by actually looking at the ingredients first — and one ingredient I know can really works wonders when it comes to fine lines and wrinkles is retinol. And while, I know that this is a trusted ingredient, I need to do some research into it. Which is exactly what I did when speaking to Dr. Hannah Kopelman, a dermatologist at Kopelman Aesthetic Surgery. She gave me a full breakdown of what retinol really is and the best retinol products you can actually trust. So without further ado, let's get into it!

What is retinol?

Andrea Piacquadio

Retinol is a powerful ingredient that can help target fine lines and wrinkles! When talking to Dr. Kopelman, she explained that it's a derivative of vitamin A, one of the most effective ingredients in skincare for promoting cell turnover, boosting collagen production, and improving skin texture.

It's an ingredient that is incredibly powerful, so you want to make sure you start off slow, using it every other night or every two nights to start, and build up your tolerance. Dr. Kopelman says it's best to start with a lower concentration if you're new to retinol to avoid irritation!

What are the benefits of retinol?

cottonbro studio

Retinol can have so many benefits from helping with: fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration, uneven skin tone, skin texture, and more! Dr. Kopelman says that it's ability to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and even out skin tone makes it a go-to in anti-aging routines. It also helps in clearing acne by keeping pores unclogged, making it beneficial for a wide range of skin concerns. As a dermatologist, Dr. Kopelman says that she often recommends retinol serums to patients who are looking to maintain or achieve younger-looking skin.

Shop The Best Retinol Products Here!


RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream

Dr. Kopelman recommended this product because it's a great affordable option that’s effective at targeting deeper wrinkles and improving skin texture. You'll notice that not only will your fine lines be disappearing, but also the texture or discoloration on your skin. This one attacks multiple problems at once, which is why it's a fave for so many.


Differin Adapalene Gel 0.1%

Looking for another affordable option? Look no further than this incredible $14 gel! This was another recc from Dr. Kopelman! She says that this over-the-counter retinoid is great for both acne treatment and anti-aging, as it works to unclog pores while encouraging skin regeneration.


Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair Retinol Oil

This product is extremely beloved by many, as you can see from its staggering almost 10,000 reviews. Dr. Kopelman says that this drugstore favorite is budget-friendly that's gentle enough for beginners, while still offering great anti-aging benefits. It is more concentrated to you're able to use an appropriate amount without worrying about it being too harsh!


SkinCeuticals Retinol 0.5 Refining Night Cream

While the aforementioned product is for beginners, this one is definitely more intermediate — so be aware! Dr. Kopelman let us know that this is a potent option that’s excellent for more experienced retinol users and offers a concentrated dose that works overnight to smooth fine lines and wrinkles. Plus it's currently on sale for $71 compared to it's normal $90!


Laneige Firming Retinol Cream

This is a retinol that I use on a pretty consistent basis before I go to bed. You only need a tiny dot of this stuff for it to work its magic. So, it ends up lasting quite a long time! You'll notice your skin is firmer and tighter than when you went to bed! Definitely a great beginner product, if you're new to retinol. Just make sure to use no larger than a pea sized amount!

Summer Fridays

Summer Fridays Midnight Ritual Retinol

I've been using this Summer Fridays Midnight Ritual Serum since it came out, and I've loved it ever since! It's seriously one of those products that I'm always trying to stock up on — it's basically my holy grail of retinols. Not only does minimize the appearance of any wrinkles or fine lines I may have, it also significantly improves my skin texture as well. One of my ride-or-die products!


Biossance Retinol Night Serum

This night serum in sure to firm any fine lines or wrinkles, while allowing you to wake up with the most glowing skin due to the squalene in it. I love products with squalane, because of how incredibly hydrating and moisturizing they are. The squalana + retinol together is a match made in heaven.


Kate Somerville Overnight Retinol

This anti-aging overnight serum is supposed to be used before you go to bed, so it can really soak into the skin to penetrate the skin barrier. It has retinol and vitamin C to really firm the skin and tighten it, so you can wake up feeling glowy and youthful!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations

Header image via Laneige

No matter how you feel about Kim Kardashian, her beloved underwear and shapewear brand, SKIMS has some of the coziest loungewear essentials I've ever worn. I originally tried the Maternity High-Waisted Brief 2-Pack during my second trimester and fell in love with how supported my growing baby bump was. And when I was recovering during postpartum, I consistently relied on the Cotton Rib Legging.

But as much as I love SKIMS, the pieces can be pricey. Though I've definitely found they're worth it, I'm all for saving money on a good Amazon dupe. So, instead of shelling out a ton of cash to cozy up this fall, here are some incredible SKIMS dupes that are perfect for autumn.



Soft Lounge Long Slip Dress ($80)

This lounge dress is great for the days you want to lounge in bed without feeling restricted by pants, or if you wanna put on an effortlessly chic — but totally comfy — look for you next BFF date. It's one of SKIMS' bestselling dresses that glides over all your curves and it comes with shoulder straps you can easily adjust.



REORIA Women's Basic Sexy Lounge Slip Long Dress ($30)

But, who wants to pay $80 for a dress? The cost has honestly kept me from adding that cozy little number to my cart.

LUCKILY, this bodycon dress has a 4.5 rating on Amazon and only costs $30! You'll get the same effect as the dress above without the shocking price. Both dresses are made out of over 90% modal fabric, with only a little bit of added spandex for stretch, so you're getting virtual the same exact experience for much less.



Stretch Cotton Rib Leggings ($56)

I talked about these leggings before, but I can't help but mention them again. Although I just complained about paying $58 for a dress, I gladly purchased these for my postpartum body. They're incredibly soft and have a nice stretch that doesn't feel like they're cutting off my circulation.

Amazon Dupe


Casual Work Out Set ($20)

But, you can buy this cute workout set that features the cropped tank top and matching leggings that are similar to what SKIMS has on-site! The biggest difference is that the Amazon leggings are made of mostly polyester, whereas the SKIMS leggings are mostly cotton. That means the SKIMS pair will likely be more breathable and less likely to snag or pill. Still, this is a great deal for more than half the price.



Outdoor Midi Thigh Bodysuit ($80)

I technically refer to this as a romper, but that's neither here nor there! This bodysuit replaced my maternity body shapewear once I realized I'd gone up a few sizes, and it's been in my closet ever since.

It does have a snug fit, so you may want to go up a size to get a little more room.



Yoga Workout Romper ($15)

Frankly, this workout romper fits better thank the SKIMS option, IMO — and it's nowhere near $80. In my experience, the bodysuit is true-to-size, unlike its SKIMS counterpart, which was definitely an added bonus.

It could be me, but the nylon and spandex blend seems to feel better on my skin too! That being said, this option doesn't have any cotton in the blend, so it may not be as breathable.



Soft Lounge Mock Neck Dress ($92)

Similar to SKIMS' bestselling tank dress, this option is just too good for fall! It has the same amazing slinky texture that customers love, and it can easily be worn to lounge around at home, or dressed up for an evening out! I can totally picture it with a leather jacket and some black tall boots!



Casual Mock Turtleneck Dress ($20)

But you don't need to spend $92 to get the look. Though the color options are different, both dresses are made of mostly modal fabric (with some spandex for stretch). Customers love this dress because it's "super comfortable" and is made of "great quality."

I'm not against buying anything from SKIMS — like I said, I have plenty of times before — but I think it's okay to buy dupes when you're on a budget! Based on my personal experience, I can barely tell the difference between my SKIMS and Amazon pieces, so that should say a lot!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Header image via SKIMS