Your Aura Colors Say A Lot About You — Here's What They Mean

aura colors photos

"I love your aura." You may wonder what this means. We are now living in a time when we are beginning to wonder beyond the linear and physical reality of existence. The Age of Aquarius has been approaching these past years, encouraging us to look into spirituality and the collective consciousness. Our energy is precious – and learning about your aura can be the first stepping stone to level up your spirituality. Celebrities such as Emma Roberts, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Zosia Mamet have revealed their spiritual selves by promoting aura photography.

What are auras?

Getty/Aleksandra Konoplia

Auras are the unseen spiritual energy field surrounding all living things' bodies. They manifest as vibrations and colors throughout the body. Depending on what you are experiencing, it will manifest into the type of color filter around the body, revealing your spiritual and emotional self and state of wellness.

It is not always easily accessible to see auras, but it can be felt. Observe celebrities such as Taylor Swift or Beyonce. They have a magnetic yet powerful aura that swirls with creativity and prestige. Or suppose you are crossing paths with someone who gives off a warm and sunny persona. You can't help but smile. This indicates you are feeling or sensing their auric energy. The same also applies to those who store a negative vibe – only in this case, you decide (hopefully) not to engage due to the clashing of energies.

If you are an astrology lover like me, then there is a chance that you have invested time in learning about yourself, leading to non-stop Google searches. Learning about astrology can help you see things from an entirely new view because each zodiac sign holds strength and characteristics revealed in different aspects of energy and, best yet – self-acceptance.

How do I find my aura colors?

Lumi Pelinku

If you want to uncover your aura colors, one way is to get your aura photographed. A special camera, known as the Kirlian camera, captures your halo or colorful, energetic field using an electrified photographic plate. Or you can have a clairvoyant read your aura, and you will have a better idea about which parts of your birth chart you are in tune with your life story or address what needs work.

For example, five years ago, when I had my aura photographed, the most prominent colors in my energy field were bright red, green, and indigo. I was most in tune with my Mars, Venus, and rising sign. This was the time in my journey when I was unknowingly invested in my toxic relationship while over-compromising my individuality, which resulted in my Mars and Venus covering my indigo color. Last year, I took another photo of my aura that turned out burnt orange and murky while I still held on in the relationship. My indigo color was nowhere to be seen in my aura photo. This was a wake-up call and a red flag for me to realize what was in store for my well-being if I ignored my feelings about my relationship. Months later, and energetically depleted, I decided to part ways. Enlightening, isn't it?

Connecting with your aura will illuminate what part of your life needs attention. The colors of your aura correspond to one of the seven rays of the rainbow spectrum—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. With each life experience, traumatic or blissful, your colors are bound to change. It can appear clear and vibrant if you are on cloud nine or murky and dark if you are going through a tough time. The best part is that if you know this information, you can navigate past your life issues and figure out the core of your happiness, as each color has a theme.

However, everyone has a base color connected with their zodiac sign. Learning about your aura and what imbalances you will help you live a more authentic path in alignment with your sign.

Understanding your aura colors based on your zodiac sign

Getty/We Are


As the first sign of the zodiac, you are meant to step into the path of realizing the ability to initiate and set the tone of your success by being bold. The ram is notable for its ability to aim with its horns during conflict. Taking ownership of what you set your sights on will ignite willpower. You lead with great stride and confidence by emanating truth and authenticity behind your purpose. Hope and seeing life as a new conquest will help you see yourself through success.

Aura Color: Bright Red

You are the zodiac's spark of light radiating bright red in your aura. Red is the most primal and attention-grabbing of the colors. It connects with the Root Energy Center of the body, which stores your stability and security. This color embodies passion, sexuality, competitiveness, and persevering will – which are your major life themes. The ruling planet that is your support in this life is Mars, which adds fuel to your fiery spirit. This color adds momentum and confidence in pursuing your goals.

Imbalanced Aura

When imbalanced, Aries can hold an air of becoming overly authoritative, domineering, and untactful. To diffuse this tendency, this sign will have to shift the focus to the benefit of others instead of designating themselves as a priority.


As an earthy and patient being, you are a stabilizing energy force. You are legendary for persistence and known to take your time in moving. As the bull sign, you are granular in your energetic makeup and persevering. Your will is so strong that you do not lose yourself due to mental conflict, resulting in you connecting with the sensuality of life by living in the moment, which so many aspire to master.

Aura Color: Jewel Green

Green is the color of relaxation, abundance, and love. With your Venus-ruled energy, this color is linked to the Heart Energy Center, and it can help support you by living more consciously with your decisions involving love – or, on the flip side of that, transmuting jealousy. Green is often used as a supportive color in healing by enhancing feelings of balance and renewal. As the earthy sign, this color is associated with nature and growth.

Imbalanced Aura

If your aura is imbalanced, you may be prone to indulging in the extreme of earthly pleasures such as food, materialism, inflexibility, and sex. Observe your life logically and change your patterns to balance out these extremes.


Like the wind, you spiral out in different directions with your communication and ideas. As the messenger of the zodiac, you enable the conversations to flow in others. As seen in the Twins, this air sign reveals the polarity in situations and bridges the gaps of missed information. You are here to share the truth, strengthen yourself by confidently speaking openly, relate to all walks of life by embracing diversity, and engage the mind and instill this in others.

Aura Color: Yellow

Yellow is the most polarizing of all colors. This color transmutes your moods and emotional needs and invokes productivity and movement. With Mercury as your ruling planet, your thoughts formulate your reality. Solar Plexus energy center becomes the driving force behind you finding empowerment in alignment with your ideas.

Imbalanced Aura

If experiencing imbalance, it can manifest in scattered ideas and fall prey to playing out the messages in their head, and have a hard time developing the context of their findings. Grounding is essential to help you balance this tendency and ensure the practicality and meaning behind your motivations.

More aura colors and their meanings

Getty/Justin Lambert


Naturally sensitive, you are here to establish your roots and build security in your relationships. Intuitive in nature, you are absorbent to the feelings of others and aim to extend empathy. Cancers are here to learn how to invoke self-care and safety to withstand the ebbs and flows of life while accepting help from others. Known to be compassionate and nurturing and possesses such camaraderie with humanity. You value tradition and have the talent for spreading wisdom to others.

Aura Color: Silvery White

White is the color in association with tranquility and surrender. However, it may be noted as an absence of color – quite the opposite. It stores all colors, like a spectrum. The Moon phases reflect your understanding of nature and experiences, and working with white helps you see and understand self-acceptance in alignment with your soul self.

Imbalanced Aura

With an imbalanced aura, you are prone to be excessively worried and become overly involved in others life problems, this leads to codependent routes in relationships. This stifling tendency can deplete your energetic capacity to build life as you see fit.


As the showstopper of the zodiac, you are the life of the party and child-like at heart. Even for Leos, who feel they are not outgoing, that spark hides somewhere. They lead by the heart and aim to immerse in their creativity. Leos are meant to stand on their pedestal, firmly holding their individuality. You generate your power by igniting and following through with your goals. As Leo instills hope, their inner radiance glows and inspires others to follow their dreams.

Aura Color: Orange

Orange combines the fiery energy of red with the optimism of yellow. With the Sun as your planetary guide, this color, too, emits the same effect of warmth, happiness, and high energy. Working with the color orange can curb procrastination and boost confidence to pursue your goals.

Imbalanced Aura

An unhappy Leo rarely goes unnoticed, and this is reflected in the aura. Imbalance manifests when you are not entirely accepted or feeling secure. To balance this out, look for the essential benefit of your life's work instead of surface-layered validation. This opens pathways for you to shine.


As the service-oriented sign, you are here to extend the purity of purpose while assisting others. They have a strong work ethic, and measuring up to their promise of crystal-clear delivery is guaranteed. Virgos are to live out a path of finding order in their lives and becoming comfortable with inevitable chaos. With a sensitivity to environmental imbalances and external influences, it is crucial for you to honor your body with wholesome foods, clear away self-deprecating thoughts, and be flexible to life's rhythms.

Aura Color: Blue-Green

Blue is a primary color associated with logic, honesty, trust, and communication, while green is associated with the grounding element of the earth. These two colors fused align with Mercury as your ruler planet. Working with these colors instills a laser focus to look at the minor details and modify anything to perfection.

Imbalanced Aura

Experiencing the darker shade of your aura can manifest in excessive perfectionism, self-doubt, and criticism. Once you learn the art of self-acceptance and humility while making mistakes, you will feel stronger and at peace when things go haywire.

What is your aura color?

Getty/We Are


Instilling balance within oneself while shifting the lens of the opposing forces of others is a part of your life purpose. You have a knack for challenging the status quo and aim to find justice and fairness in all aspects of life. Libra is also notable for their quest to find love. Attracting friendships or partnerships that challenge you will keep the spark alive. By having a natural gift of mediating amid conflict, you also desire to spread grace and beauty in the world.

Aura Color: Pink

Pink is associated with love, kindness, and compassion. Venus, your guiding planet, powers up your pink aura by supporting your mission to find beauty and love. Pink helps you connect with your heart center while boosting feelings of self-love.

Imbalanced Aura

An imbalanced aura manifests when you fall prey to codependent relationships or people-pleasing tendencies. Remaining in these scenarios to avoid confrontations dims your inner light and leads to delayed results in line with your goals. Mastering boundaries and sticking with assertion is vital for you to find balance.


Life is a rite of passage for you. Understanding the shadow and the light is not for the faint of heart, but as a Scorpio, you evolve and rise above life's trials. This stems from your psychic ability to see the darker depths of life and the shadows of others. The constant regenerating expression triggers inner conflict, but you emerge stronger as you learn to surrender to the process.

Aura Color: Indigo

Associated as the color of wealth, mystery, and spiritual awareness, you, too, hold these treasures within your auric field. With the shortest wavelength of light, this acts as a shield to your energy, protecting you from unwanted circumstances. Guided by the planet Pluto, this color extends support and boosts your connection to a higher level of awareness for creative flow and intuition work.

Imbalanced Aura

As the sign with its fair share of intensities in life, you have a gift of persevering. However, your inability to change your ways or views can result in a murky aura and, therefore, block opportunities to invite joy into your life. Embracing change and new opportunities leads to empowerment and soul fulfillment.


As the archer sign, they are on the path to spreading their joyful experiences and helping others see the silver lining even when things appear bleak. Their expansive and bright auras can stretch out to the heavens, and when they learn to bridge this connection down to earth, they can find their stroke of luck. They are here to bridge the philosophical connection from their past experiences by breaking free from the primal nature of ego expression. Teaching and empowering others is a part of their soul's fulfillment.

Aura Color: Gold

Governed by the sign Jupiter, its expansive energy extends a stroke of luck in whatever you set your heart on. In connection with your gold aura, this planet infuses you with the ability to absorb information. It is also the color of independence, confidence, and motivation. Working with gold will allow you to go after your dreams while remaining levelheaded.

Imbalanced Aura

When you experience disappointment with your goals not being met, you lose faith, leading to an imbalanced auric field. This in itself can close you off from life and its opportunity. Aiming to see the big picture and becoming receptive to other ideas can lead to fulfillment and a rebalanced aura.

Zodiac aura colors continued

Getty/Glen Pearson


As a Capricorn, you are the zodiac's powerhouse and capable of achieving your goals. Honing in on instilling structure while embracing discipline will ensure success in life. You are here to mark upon the world by reaching heights of success that align with your passion honorably. As you tap into your ability to rise above the physical pull of greed and live by authenticity, it will inspire many to step into their light.

Aura Color: Violet

Your auric field extends a pull of prestige, honor, and respect. Guided by the planet Saturn, it instills the need to preserve humility while igniting strength to power through obstacles. Violet helps you find your purpose while finding solutions to unresolved issues.

Imbalanced Aura

Capricorns within the materially driven path lead them to isolation and constant suspicion of others' motives. If you are disconnected from your energy, your emotive ability will be nonexistent, resulting in living on autopilot. Honoring everyone as your equal will instill trust in life and lead to a clean auric field.


Your purpose is to live an exciting life filled with innovation and to be a service to humanity. Their brilliance and intellectual capability come at lightning speed due to being one of the most innovative signs of the zodiac. Becoming involved in a cause greater than yourself drives you towards your soul's fulfillment. The ability to reinvent oneself is not easy, but as the water bearer sign, you can ease into changes better than any other sun sign.

Aura Color: Electric Blue

With an electric blue aura, you are infused with wisdom and innovation that inspires people in your life. This color invokes energy, action, and excitement for your future vision while extending support to see through your vision. With Uranus, the future-oriented planet, as your guide, you are given access to information that helps humanity evolve to a better place.

Imbalanced Aura

Your pure and absorbent aura can absorb an overflow of information from people you connect with. The nature of the groups, negative or positive, can result in a murky aura. Remembering to honor your individuality and holding ground with your sense of self will enable you to discern your connections while keeping your aura pristine.


As a Pisces Sun, you are here to find groundedness while extending wisdom. You hold an archive of information within your consciousness that is otherworldly and yet archaic. Your sign can read into the auras of those you connect with by just feeling or strictly intuition. You are on this path to freely share divine wisdom while extending the lessons for others to understand the importance of unconditional love and acceptance. Since you hold etheric baggage of past lifetimes, your role in this lifetime is to learn how to surrender karmic ties and to live more in the present.

Aura Color: Pastel Purple

This shade of purple is tethered to the higher realms of existence, helping you coordinate your understanding of how life works in the present moment. It is magical and infuses you with the ability to draw in information and creatively utilize it. With the mystical planet Neptune as your planet, it powers up your ability to extend wisdom and empathy to each person you meet.

Imbalanced Aura

With an imbalanced aura, you can fall victim to disconnecting from reality and lose yourself in the pain of others and your own. You may feel lost and unmotivated in life if you do not practice discernment and personal awareness. Human connection and letting others know about your fears and insecurities can help you feel more in control and grounded.

Traveling has the power to open our minds and transform the way we view the world. From experiencing different cultures and traditions to meeting new people from other walks of life, every trip you take offers an opportunity to broaden your perspective.

Now, people can have different driving forces behind their wanderlust, whether it's wanting to connect with others or simply enjoying the thrill of adventure. Even so, the zodiac might play a role in shaping our travel tendencies.

Certain signs are naturally more curious and love to explore new horizons. That's why there are eight zodiac signs most likely to be world travelers.

Scroll to see which zodiac signs are most likely to travel!

Brit + Co

1. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

There's no doubt that Sagittarians are the ultimate world travelers. They're free spirits with an insatiable curiosity and a constant desire to go beyond their familiar surroundings.

Since this sign is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth, it makes sense why Sagittarians thrive when they're experiencing new things. Travel isn't just about the destination for them, either. They truly enjoy the journey and love diving into the unknown.

Brit + Co

2. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Another travel-hungry zodiac sign is Gemini. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellectual pursuits, Geminis are curious, appreciate variety, and are constantly on the lookout for new experiences.

Travel affords them the perfect opportunity to learn about fresh ideas. Plus, this sign is flexible and adaptable, meaning Geminis can easily immerse themselves in different environments.

Brit + Co

3. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarians are known for having progressive mindsets and a deep desire to explore new ways of thinking. So, this sign tends to be drawn to destinations that challenge their point of view.

As an air sign, Aquarians also adore connection and will often seek out meaningful interactions with locals while traveling. They like to learn and find inspiration in unique corners of the world that others may overlook.

Brit + Co

4. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces are fueled by their imagination and emotional depth, so they seek out destinations that nurture their creativity and offer a sense of peace.

For this sign, which takes a more spiritual approach, travel is a way to escape the mundane to recharge and dream. Whether they opt to visit a quiet coastline or a remote forest, Pisces are inspired by nature and reflection.

Brit + Co

5. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries view traveling in a much different light. Because they're ruled by Mars, they relish excitement and action, like thrill-seekers.

This sign loves trips that get their energy pumping and gives them an adrenaline rush, ranging from skydiving and cliff-jumping to mountain climbing. Aries are independent and spontaneous and appreciate adventures that push them both mentally and physically.

Brit + Co

6. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Next up is Cancer, a water sign that takes a more sentimental approach to traveling. They like familiarity and forging deep emotional connections, so they are drawn to destinations that hold some form of personal significance.

Cancers prefer to bond as opposed to explore, whether that's by visiting extended family or learning more about their heritage roots.

Brit + Co

7. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leos, who love to live their lives in the spotlight, are a different story. They're all about luxury, which extends to their travel style.

This sign looks for places that match their high energy, like cities or high-end resorts. Since Leos have an eye for glamour, their trips usually revolve around fashion, art, or overall indulgence.

So, one thing is certain: going on a vacation with a Leo will be anything but boring.

Brit + Co

8. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Finally, despite Capricorns being known for their ambitious nature, they enjoy traveling (when it works alongside their drive for success).

This sign prefers to visit destinations that are steeped in culture or history as a way to enhance their personal and professional lives. Capricorns also value a balance of leisure and productivity, so they may create itineraries to get the most out of their time away from home.

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Get excited, because Trader Joe’s just brought back a seasonal flavor of one of their most beloved frozen desserts. Mini-sized and perfect for mid-day – or, let’s be real – midnight snacking, the Hold The Cone ice cream has gracefully returnedwith the taste of none other than coffee! Yum. TJ’s fans are already running to their nearest stores to grab a box (or two!), so you're definitely going to want to grab this limited-time item before it runs out.

Scroll on to discover more about the Coffee Bean Hold the Cone! Mini Ice Cream Cones from Trader Joe’s.

Trader Joe's

Trader Joe’s Hold the Cone! Mini Ice Cream Cones category includes classics like strawberry, chocolate, and chocolate chip, but a newcomer just joined the lineup: coffee bean! The cones are truly a cult-favorite item amongst shoppers, including myself!

Trader Joe's

According to Trader Joe’s, the Coffee Bean Hold the Cone! Mini Ice Cream Cones feature mini chocolate sugar cones lined with a “chocolatey” coating that are then packed with a rich and “strongly flavored” coffee bean ice cream.

Trader Joe's

Chocolate and coffee is a truly stunning food combo, so coffee and dessert lovers will adore this new iteration. Additionally, their small size makes them absolutely irresistible for snacking sessions – I could honestly eat the whole box in one sitting.


TJ’s fan account @traderjoesobsessed shared the returning find with their Instagram followers, and it was an instant hit among those who know and love ‘em, and people who have never tried the cones before.

“Yassss my favorite flavor!!!” one person commented.

“I will be buying two boxes tomorrow,” another declared.

“I don’t understand why this is a seasonal flavor!” someone else pointed out.


One box of the Trader Joe’s Coffee Bean Hold the Cone! Mini Ice Cream Cones is just $4, and that guarantees you 8 mini-sized ice cream cones to share – or keep all to yourself.

You can find this new drop in between TJ’s freezer aisles next to so many more sweet finds like the Blood Orange Mochi and the Speculoos Cookie Butter Ice Cream. I’m craving ice cream already!

Subscribe to our newsletter to discover more epic Trader Joe's products + new items!

Love may be blind, but is it written in the stars? Season 8 of Love Is Blind premiered on February 14, with 32 hopeful romantics putting their hearts on the line in the ultimate social experiment.

Sagittarius women and Taurus men dominate the cast this season, but they're not the only ones hoping to prove love transcends first impressions. Let's dive into the zodiac signs of each cast member. Their astrological profiles might reveal something about their journey to "I do."

Scroll to find out every zodiac sign for the Love is Blind season 8 cast!


Aries (March 21 – April 20)

There are only three Aries on the reality show this season: Britanny, Monica, and David.

Britanny is 35 years old, works as a partnership executive, and relishes new experiences, which is why she relocated to Minneapolis. Meanwhile, Monica is 28, a digital marketer, and describes herself as family-oriented, wanting her partner to "feel like another family member."

David, the only male Aries, is a 33-year-old medical device salesperson who, contrary to what his job might suggest, hates superficiality and "too much Botox."

This zodiac sign is known for its boldness, passion, and unwavering determination when it comes to love. They have strong and adventurous personalities that could bring excitement and maybe even a little drama to Love Is Blind.


Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

There are four male Tauruses in the cast this season, including Alex, Daniel, Joey, and Mason, as well as one female, Casandra. So, ladies first! Casandra is 30 years old, a hairstylist, and believes that the "ultimate green flag" is a good sense of humor.

Moving over to the men, Alex is 29, works as a commercial real estate broker, and plays a ton of instruments, including the guitar, piano, bass, violin, drums, and clarinet.


Daniel, on the other hand, is a 30-year-old sales account executive who was actually a former Gerber baby model. Finally, Joey is a 35-year-old physician associate, and Mason is a 33-year-old cinematographer.

Tauruses are known for their loyalty and appreciation for the finer things in life. This group can bring stability (or maybe even some stubbornness) to the season.


Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

There's just one Gemini on Love Is Blind this season, but she shouldn't be overlooked!

Tiera is 34 years old, employed as a marketing strategist, and values the "old ways" of dating. In fact, she even ditched dating apps in hopes of meeting her beau-to-be in the real world.

Geminis are witty, adaptable, and curious. Tiera's mindset and adoration of traditional romance could bring a refreshing mix of charm and depth.


Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Only two men are Cancers on Season 8. First up is Andrew, a 27-year-old realtor who wants to connect with someone on a deeper level, saying, "I'm someone who is constantly searching for answers to not always the simplest questions. I'm looking for someone who is willing to go on that journey."

Brian, a 30-year-old wine bar owner, also bears this zodiac sign and hopes to achieve a better work-life balance with his future significant other. He's also most complimented on his smile.

Cancers are very emotional, intuitive, and devoted partners who seek meaningful connections and a strong sense of home. With Andrew's introspective nature and Brian's desire for balance, these two water signs may spark some sentimental moments in Love Is Blind.


Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Watch out: there are two Leos on Season 8, and they could try to steal the spotlight.

Madison is a 28-year-old artist who admitted her most stable relationship has been with her French bulldog named Henri. The pup even has his own Instagram. Meanwhile, Adam is a 33-year-old co-owner and fashion director who traveled to six continents by the time he was only 13.

This zodiac sign is confident, charismatic, and loves being adored. As fire signs, Madison and Adam will surely inject the show with some passion, excitement, and perhaps a touch of drama.


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Season 8 has no male Virgos, only two women. Ashley is 28 years old, works as a client success manager, and has previously been told by past partners that she's "a bit too much."

"I'm not willing to sacrifice my excitability. I really just want a partner that can embrace that fully," she said.

Then there is Kylie, a 28-year-old medical student who's "very religious" and wants to find a husband who shares her values.

Virgos are intelligent, practical, and deeply devoted, hence why they make thoughtful and committed partners. Ashley and Kylie seem like they'll approach love with both passion and purpose.


Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Just one man and one woman are Libras in the latest Love Is Blind installment. Meg is a 31-year-old oncology nurse who's free-spirited, goofy, and can be a little "air-headed" on occasion. On the other hand, Ben is 28 years old, works as a developer, and admits to being competitive. Even so, he doesn't like seeing others get excluded.

"I have kind of a sixth sense for that and love to just bring people in and make them feel included," he explained.

As charming and social peacemakers, Libras appreciate harmony in relationships. Meg and Ben embody this zodiac sign's balance between fun and fairness.


Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Tom is the lone Scorpio in Season 8. He's 38 years old, works as a management consultant, and is a native of Brazil. However, he was raised in Minnesota and calls himself a "fitness fanatic." Now, he wants to channel his determination and commitment into a lifelong relationship.

This zodiac sign is intense, passionate, and deeply loyal. Tom is clearly disciplined and desires a lasting connection so he can bring depth, focus, and a touch of mystery to the table.

Oh, and Nick and Vanessa are Scorpios, too! They even share the same birthday — November 9!


Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21)

Lauren, Molly, Vanessa, and Yemi are all Sagittarians seeking love this season. For starters, Lauren is 31 years old and works in educational sales, but her past relationships haven't lasted longer than six to nine months. She's seeking a partnership that lasts the test of time.

Next, Molly is a 30-year-old executive assistant who owns her own home, and Vanessa is a 31-year-old media planner who's actually a classically trained ballerina. The final Sagittarian woman is Yemi, a 30-year-old product sales manager. She's independent and successful in her career, so she wants an ambitious man who helps her grow.


There are just two male Sagitarrians: Brad and Scott. Brad is 35 years old, works as a dentist, and hopes to find a "best friend" who's easy to talk to. As for Scott, he's a 34-year-old project manager who's been described as a "golden retriever" and has a close bond with his loved ones.

These adventurous and free-spirited singles balance a mix of ambition with a longing for deep connections. They could bring spontaneity and a few bold moves to Love Is Blind.


Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

Mo is the sole male Capricorn in Season 8. He's a 35-year-old property manager who actually learned English as his third language and hopes to find someone who's trustworthy and values his big heart.

Amanda, Sara, and Virginia are the three female Capricorns. Starting with Amanda, she's 43, works as a district retail manager, and really wants a real-life meet-cut. Sara is a 29-year-old oncology nurse who's seeking a goal-oriented significant other. Lastly, Virginia is 34 years old, employed as a healthcare recruiter, and has endured draining situationships.

"Still showing up and wanting love is my hugest accomplishment because it's really easy to become jaded," she admitted.

This zodiac sign is ambitious, practical, loyal, and focuses on long-term goals. Whether this season's Capricorns are looking for trust, stability, or a fresh start, they'll bring determination and resilience to Love Is Blind.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

Benji, a 26-year-old entrepreneur and realtor, is the only Aquarian in Season 8. He's bounced around over the last seven years as a "huge traveler," but now, he's hoping to settle down with someone who checks all of his boxes.

His dream partner is spontaneous (with the ability to plan) and pushes him to try new things (while also making him feel comfortable).

Will Benji find everything he's looking for? It's unclear. Nonetheless, Aquarians are innovative and forward-thinking, so Benji's curiosity could lead him somewhere unexpected.


Pisces (February 20 – March 21)

Last but certainly not least is Pisces, the sign home to one woman and two men this season. Let's begin with Taylor. She's a 32-year-old colonoscopy nurse who lost herself in previous relationships and wants to "love fearlessly and wholeheartedly" again.

As for the men, Devin is a 29-year-old youth director/coach who built a basketball training business and hopes to find a woman who supports him from the sidelines. Meanwhile, Hugo is a 30-year-old marketer who enjoys escaping the mundane and wants a woman who matches his spontaneous spirit.

This zodiac sign is romantic and intuitive. Viewers can expect some empathy and creativity from the Pisces on Season 8 of Love Is Blind.

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With an acting career that spans over four decades, Tom Hanks (born Thomas Jeffrey Hanks) is revered as one of the most beloved and well-respected actors in Hollywood. Whether he’s portraying a lovable man-child in Big or voicing a trustworthy cowboy sheriff doll in Toy Story, the now 68-year-old actor and filmmaker has managed to capture the hearts of audiences around the world, solidifying himself as an American cultural icon. Aside from having many prestigious awards under his belt, Hanks’ impressive acting catalog includes a movie or two that is an absolute must-watch. (Ahem, I’ve watched You’ve Got Mail more than a dozen times, but who’s counting?)

From Cast Away to Apollo 13, here’s a list of the best Tom Hanks movies everyone should watch at least once—if you haven’t already!

1. Forrest Gump

Paramount Pictures

One of the most memorable quotes from this widely-praised classic comes from Forrest Gump himself, where the titular character repeats a phrase often used by his late mother: “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

That’s just one of the inspirational lessons you will take away throughout the film. Serving as an adaption of Winston Groom’s 1986 novel of the same title, Forrest Gump follows an Alabama man who doesn’t let his intellectual shortcomings stand in his way. From fighting on the front lines of the Vietnam War to captaining a shrimp boat, Forrest Gump is living his life to the fullest.

But he yearns to be with his childhood love, Jenny, who goes on to live a troubling life. Not only was Forrest Gump a box office success (garnering a whopping $678.2 million worldwide during its theatrical run, btw) but it was admired by critics and fans alike, earning an 8.8 out of 10 rating on IMDb and a 75 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. While this Tom Hanks movie has faced some controversy over the years, its redeeming qualities make it one of the most iconic movies of the 90s.

2. Toy Story


Woody is the true definition of best friend goals. Woody’s unwavering fearlessness and ability to go to infinity and beyond for Andy (AKA his owner) and his fellow toys is quite endearing. It’s hard to picture anyone other than Tom Hanks voicing the iconic vintage doll. From the moment Woody is first introduced on screen, Hanks brings a story of charm and je ne sais quoi to the character that can’t be replicated.

While the Toy Story movie franchise consists of four movies (with a fifth movie currently in the works, ICYMI), the first Toy Story movie will always be a fan favorite, earning an 8.3 out of 10 rating on IMDb and a perfect 100 percent score on Rotten Tomatoes.

3. Philadelphia


Moving, poignant and unforgettable. Those are the three words that describe Hank’s phenomenal (and don’t forget Oscar-winning!) performance in 1993’s law drama Philadelphia. Meet Andrew Beckett, a lawyer working at a prestigious law firm in Philadelphia. In a desperate attempt to save his career, he keeps his HIV diagnosis and homosexuality a secret from his co-workers.

However, an employee discovers his secret, and as a result, Beckett is let go from the law firm. Angered by the firm’s decision, Beckett enlists the help of a Black lawyer named Joe Miller (played by Denzel Washington) and sues his former employer for discrimination.

From the talented ensemble cast to the film’s underlying message of social injustice and prejudice, Philadelphia is an absolute must-watch from beginning to end. And the ratings speak for themselves: Philadelphia has a 7.7/10 on IMDb and 81 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

4. ​Big

20th Century Fox

If you ask me, Big is like the big brother to 13 Going on 30 and 17 Again. Directed by Penny Marshall (who you may recognize from the TV sitcom Laverne & Shirley!), Big follows a 12-year-old boy named Josh Baskin, who wishes he was “big.”

One day, he wakes up as an adult. However, Josh longs for the days of childhood. But what makes this film so great? Hanks brings such a childlike innocence to the role that you can’t help but smile whenever he appears on screen. Whether he’s playing with toys or gleefully playing a sonnet on a life-size piano keyboard with his feet, Big makes you feel an enchanting sense of nostalgia, where you can think back to a time when life was so carefree and being a child wasn’t a distant memory. Also, it has a 7.3/10 rating on IMDb and a whopping 98 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

5. Sleepless in Seattle


As someone who has watched Sleepless in Seattle more than once, I can’t say enough how much this timeless rom-com deserves a spot on this list. From the undeniable chemistry between Hanks and Meg Ryan to the talented ensemble cast, this is a movie I put on whenever I’m in the mood for a genuine, heartwarming romance. What’s not to love?

Following the death of his wife, Sam Baldwin and his son move to Seattle for a fresh start. One night, Jonah calls into a radio station to find his dad a new wife. While driving late at night, a journalist named Annie Reed is listening to the same radio segment and she falls for Sam, but—get this—she’s engaged.

Unable to get him off her mind, Annie takes a leap of faith and writes to Sam, asking him to meet up on top of the Empire State Building on Valentine’s Day. If that doesn’t scream romance, then I don’t know what does. Though Sleepless in Seattle received a 6.8/10 rating on IMDb and 75 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, it remains one of my fave Nora Ephron films and Tom Hanks’ swoon-worthy portrayal of Sam is chef's kiss.

6. ​Cast Away


If you were questioning Tom Hanks’ range as an actor, just put on Cast Away (which has a 7.8/10 rating on IMDb and 88 percent on Rotten Tomatoes) one time and you’ll see for yourself. I mean, the man is acting alongside a volleyball named Wilson for most of the movie, for crying out loud.

Hanks is a force to be reckoned with in this film, where he plays a FedEx executive who survives a plane crash and becomes stranded on a deserted island. As he fights to survive, he dreams of one day reuniting with a person he holds near and dear to his heart: his soon-to-be fiancée.

7. ​Saving Private Ryan


The first time I watched Saving Private Ryan was in Social Studies class. Middle school, to be exact. Set during WWII, Saving Private Ryan follows Captain John Miller and his regiment as they embark on a journey to locate Private James Ryan, whose three brothers have been killed in combat.

This movie will stick with you after the screen fades to black and the end credits roll. And Hanks’ ability to capture Captain John Miller’s sincerity and valiantness with so much authenticity was nothing short of spectacular. But that’s not the only reason why it deserves a spot on everyone’s watch list. While it’s certainly not an easy watch, this film tells an impactful yet inspiring story about resilience, loss, and the disastrous conditions of war. Not to mention, it has an impressive 8.6/10 rating on IMDb and 94 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. Need I say more?

8. ​Catch Me If You Can


What do you get when you put Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio in a crime-action comedy? Catch Me If You Can, that’s what! Serving as a live adaptation of Frank Abagnale Jr.’s autobiographical book of the same name, Catch Me If You Can revolves around the young conman, who becomes the most successful bank robber in the history of the U.S. before the age of 19.

Frank has done it all: he’s worked as a doctor, a lawyer, and as a co-pilot for a major airline. In a cunning game of cat and mouse, FBI Agent Carl Hanratty (played by Hanks) tries to bring Frank to justice, only for Frank to be one step ahead. It garnered an 8.1/10 rating on IMDb and a 96 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. And don’t even get me started on Hanks and DiCaprio being the ultimate on-screen duo.

9. ​Apollo 13

Universal Pictures

“Houston, we have a problem!” If you heard this iconic phrase before, I bet you didn’t know that it came from the 1995 docu-drama Apollo 13. Aside from its stellar ensemble cast, the film was also praised for its accurate retelling of the Apollo 13 lunar mission.

The year is 1970. A crew of three astronauts boarded a NASA spacecraft in hopes of landing on the moon. When an oxygen tank explodes during their mission, the crew must find a way to survive and make it safely back to Earth. Not only is it regarded as one of the best movies of all time, but it also received praise from critics, earning a 7.7/10 rating on IMDb and a 96 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

10. Splash

Buena Vista Pictures

Last but not least: Splash. Sure, the plot may be a bit cheesy. But it has everything that makes an '80s rom-com great. Strong chemistry? Check. Quirky humor? Oh, there’s a lot of that! Splash follows a man who's reunited with a mermaid that saved him from drowning 20 years ago.

Now, as an adult, he falls in love with the mermaid after she ventures onto dry land to find him. However, their perfect love story is cut short when a scheming scientist tries to expose her secret to the world. Now, I know what you’re thinking: This movie has a 6.3/10 rating on IMDb and it somehow received a 95 percent on Rotten Tomatoes (with an audience rating of 65 percent.) But Splash is an overall good time. If you’re looking for a chuckle or two, you’ll get it with Splash. (And can I just say that Tom Hanks is so charming and funny in this film?!)

What’s your favorite Tom Hanks movie? Did we miss one on the list? If so, let us know in the comments and read up on the 10 Cringy 90s Movies That Would Never Be Made Today for more!

I don't know whether to treat my period acne as guests or annoying pests. I'm familiar with balancing my hormones, but even that seems to be a great mystery when painful breakouts appear on my forehead or chin. Even relying on a face wash fromFarmacy Beautyisn't always a match for their stubbornness.

But esthetician Danielle Gronich wants to dispel the idea hormonal acne's impossible to treat. Plus, she's exposing the truth about ingredients that could be causing flareups 👀. Known as The Acne Guru, Gronich has over 10 years of experience treating cystic acne, and is the founder of both the San Diego Acne ClinicCLEARSTEM Skincare.

Ready for our acne to be in great hands?

Scroll to learn The Acne Guru's top 4 tips for treating stubborn hormonal breakouts

What's the biggest myth about hormonal acne?

Taylor Nicole/Dupe Photos

I love relying on TikTok to find cute matcha drink recipes to remake, but I know some of the skincare advice shared on the app shouldn't be followed. But there's one thing in particular Gronich isn't a fan of.

"The biggest myth about hormonal acne is that you have to be on birth control in order to solve it. This myth is all over social media, but I believe it comes from the medical world not really understanding hormones and having to rely on prescriptions to override them."

Would you believe me if I told you she's not wrong? I've been on birth control off and on since I was teenager, but I've yet to see it get to the root of my acne problem!

What are different types of hormonal acne?

Anna Nekrashevich/Pexels

Did you know not all hormonal acne stems directly from your period? According to Gronich, "there are many different triggers" for it with "the most common ones being stress and high sugar or processed foods" because they "impact our hormones." However, that's not all!

"Also extremely common is PCOS, estrogen dominance, progestin-related acne from certain birth control controls like the hormonal IUD, and then there is another type of hormonal acne caused by the vitamins and supplements we take," she adds. Going a step further, Gronich says "certain vitamins and supplements can spike testosterone or interfere with other enzyme processes that throw off our hormones."

I guess this is why my doctor always recommends I consult with her before taking random tablets so I'm not disrupting anything in my body!

Why do I see breakouts on my forehead, cheeks, or chin sometimes?

Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels

Remember the face mapping tool we were introduced to years ago? There's truth to them which is why Gronich created a Pore-Clogging Ingredient Checker for you to get more insight about what you're putting on your skin. But back to what your breakouts are trying to tell you!

Given Gronich's experience, she knows "different areas of the face can represent different parts of the body." She sees "hormonal acne most on the chin and jawline" because "we have the deepest hair follicles there." Want to know what this means for our body's reaction to certain foods and products?

"Dairy has insulin-like growth factor hormone so many people who consume dairy regularly get hormonal acne right on their chin. Some people are taking too much vitamin B 12 which throws off their hormones and you see it on the jawline," she says.

Then there's our relationship with using a ton of beauty products. Gronich is firm about telling "people to remove pore-ingredients from their skin care ad makeup" because "acne that's all over your face" is the direct result of "something that's being put all over your face." Not being aware of what we're using "will flare with our PMS cycle, so we accidentally think it's hormonal," accodring to her. But nope!

" can also just be caused by those hidden pore-clogging ingredients," she states.

Okay, how do I treat what feels like hormonal acne?

Yan Krukau/Pexels

No matter your skin type, there's a few ingredients you can use to treat hormonal acne over time. "People can treat their hormonal acne with mandelic acid, and spot treatments like sulfur," Gronich shares. She also says, "Benzoyl peroxide can be a useful tool as well but must be used carefully so as not to over strip the skin. Don't take this advice lightly because I accidentally created more issues when I used this haphazardly.

If you don't want to use Benzoyl peroxide, she says you try "ice rolling." The amount of times you can use this tool depends on your skin type. "...if you are oily, you can use these treatments every day."

How do I treat dark spots left over from hormonal acne

Ron Lach/Pexels

Gronich's tips for treating dark spots are making me rethink my shower habits because I've been doing the opposite of what's considered helpful for my skin. She says, "Avoid using hot water in the shower as it continually inflames the skin and further damages the delicate scar tissue!" Furthermore, you can "use anti-inflammatory products," according to her.

"Serums that contain hyaluronic acid can be very helpful, as well as gentle massaging to activate circulation which stimulates our wound healing response in the skin. Red light therapy can also be fantastic for scarring, along with professional micro needling treatments," she remarks.

The best things you and I can do are being mindful of what we eat, supplements we take, and what we put on our faces. Also, a lot of patience goes a long way when treating hormonal acne.

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