Ayesha Curry Talks Life, Motherhood, and Her New Collaboration

On Mother’s Day, we get to celebrate the special women in our lives who seem to have it all under control, the women who magically keep things moving both at home and at work, the women who keep us happy and fed and generally functional: our mamas. Ayesha Curry is one such superwoman. In addition to being wife to NBA superstar Stephen (better known as Steph) Curry and mother to two adorable daughters (Riley and Ryan), she’s a seriously budding personality in the food world. You may have seen her Food Network show Ayesha’s Home Kitchen, been totally drawn into her addictive Instagram feed, or fallen down the uber-delicious rabbit hole of the amazing recipes she posts on her site. As if that wasn’t enough, Ayesha also recently published a cookbook (The Seasoned Life: Food, Family, Faith, and the Joy of Eating Well), launched a meal kit subscription box, and announced that her first restaurant will open later this year in San Francisco. Honestly, we need a nap just thinking about all of this.

To top it all off (yep, we’re still going), on May 14 (Mother’s Day, appropriately), Ayesha will launch Cheeky Baby — a line of reusable, high-quality plastic and silicone tableware for little ones — in collaboration with Cheeky. Think sippy cups, non-slip bowls, divided plates, silicone bibs, and more… all in adorable, soft shades, and decorated with sweet animal characters. The best part? For every piece of the Cheeky Baby line purchased (exclusive to Target), one meal is donated to a child in need through No Kid Hungry.

Luckily for us, Ayesha took some time out of her clearly chaotic schedule to talk about life as a boss mom, as well as the new Cheeky Baby products. Read on to learn more!

Brit + Co: What are the keys to your entrepreneurial success?

Ayesha Curry: Not putting a ceiling on myself has really helped — and setting goals, but not dwelling on them if they don’t happen. For me, it hasn’t been about working for those goals. It’s just been about working. It’s about putting forth my best effort every single day, and seeing what God has in store for me, but not focusing in on any one thing. When you focus on one thing, you don’t realize all of the other blessings that are happening. I make sure that I put forth my best effort and am working really hard to make myself better in everything that I’m doing every single day. That’s been a big key. I’ve also learned how to shake off the negatives that happen. The bad things have taught me to be resilient, so I can press forward and get better.

B+C: What lessons have you learned about how to shake things off? Has it gotten any easier to do that?

AC: No, it never gets easier. It’s really, really hard. I don’t want to sugarcoat things! When I get really stressed out or frustrated or something’s not going the way that I want it to and it feels like everything’s falling apart, I have to sit down, go on my Headspace app, and just breathe. Then, I’ll literally take out a sheet of paper and write down all of the positives that are going on with whatever it is I have my foot in at the time. I think it’s really important to always put things in perspective and to physically write down the ways that you can solve the issue. That works for me. As women, we tend to get really, really worked up over what’s really big in the moment, but it usually ends up being a small deal.

B+C: How do you manage all of your entrepreneurial projects with being such an active mom to two little ones?

AC: The first thing is lots of coffee. Also, lots of wine. (laughs) I literally have to schedule myself down to the second. It gets frustrating at times, but that’s kind of how it works for me. I’m a visual person, so I have to take a pen and paper and do it. What I’ve also learned is that it’s always quality over quantity. I suffer from chronic Mom Guilt, which I think a lot of people can relate to. As a mom, that never goes away. You’re always going to feel like you’re not good enough, you’re always going to feel like you’re not doing enough — but the truth is that you are. The important part for me has been to make sure that when I am with my girls, I’m disconnected and my phone is down and I’m spending quality time with them. I don’t try to work and play at the same time. It’s really about making sure that you divide the two and set aside the time for work, and then set aside the time to be a mom. You’re always going to have to worry and you’re always going to have guilt, but being able to separate your time and really focus on the kids fully and wholeheartedly is important.

B+C: In your nonstop schedule, how do you keep your priorities in check and stay ahead of your to-do list?

AC: This is repetitive, but I’ll go back to making lists! Visually crossing things off really helps me. You’re most likely not going to finish everything that’s on that list. Seeing everything that I actually did accomplish gives me peace of mind, so I’m not harping on what I didn’t finish. I keep perspective, though. My kids are healthy, I was able to feed my family that day, and everything’s okay… that makes me feel accomplished. Perspective is huge in my life. We’re all so blessed and we tend to look past all of the blessings and just look at the negative and what’s not right — instead of looking at what is right.

B+C: What is your favorite part about juggling your busy work life and family life?

AC: My favorite part about all of this is the adrenaline rush I get. When you really love what you do, the stressful times almost boost you up. Whether I’m in the kitchen developing recipes for the restaurant, or whether I’m at home or shooting [the show], I have these moments where the stress level is so high, and I feel like there’s not enough time to do anything that needs to get done. In those moments, my best self presents itself, because ultimately, I’m dealing with all of these hardships and stressors, and the fact that you’re able to get through and finish what you started is an accomplishment in itself. The high-stress moments and the adrenaline rush that comes with them is the best part of juggling everything and having a full plate.

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B+C: On the other hand, what do you find to be the biggest challenge that comes with the juggling act?

AC: It feels like there’s never enough time to sleep! When it is time to sleep, I always feel like I could be doing more. I try to make sure that I’m taking care of myself, even though I have two little (Riley and Ryan) and one big (husband Steph) human beings to take care of on top of myself. Plus, I have all of these other endeavors. It’s about making sure that I don’t forget about myself, and it’s about setting that time aside. It can be something as simple as taking your vitamins or drinking enough water or taking that time for yourself to just breathe or be.

B+C: When you do get that time for yourself, what’s your favorite way to spend it?

AC: I love to light a candle that smells really peaceful and run a bath. I’ll pour a glass of red wine. I love to just sit in there and either read a magazine or just close my eyes. It’s my favorite thing to do. The funniest part about that, though, is that I think I spend more time running the bath than I actually do in it. (laughs) It’s a whole therapeutic process.

B+C: How has being a mom helped you become a better entrepreneur?

AC: I’m capable of multitasking and juggling several different things at once. After I had my first daughter, I thought to myself, “What was I doing with my time before?” Having kids, I’m able to do more than I was before and still be a mom. That’s something that I think is so amazing about being a woman, in general. We have this ability to multitask and juggle and still manage to take care of the people around us. It’s a really beautiful thing.

B+C: What about vice versa — how has working on all of your endeavors made you a better mom?

AC: Being a mom has taught me a lot of patience, and to simply breathe. It’s helped me be a more calm, serene, responsible person.

B+C: One of the things people love about your blog and your show is the chance to see your family life in action. What’s it like being on the inside of that overlap between the professional and personal?

AC: Sometimes, it gets a little weird and intimidating. At the same time, my family is my whole existence. They’re the reason that I do everything, and they make me extremely happy. My family is why I started on this journey in the first place. When I had my first blog “Little Lights of Mine,” it was there as a vessel for me to share all of the things that brought light and positivity and happiness into my life. Obviously, my family is the biggest part of that. My journey with food is the second half of it. Food and family go hand in hand. My whole mission is to keep the family meal and the camaraderie of simply gathering around the table and eating together alive. With social media, everyone’s always on their phones, trying to capture the moment. You spend so much time trying to capture the moment that you never actually live a moment, because you’re trying to create one instead of just being. My whole mission with food and sharing these parts of my family is to try to encourage people to keep that tradition alive. When you’re eating together and enjoying really good food, that’s where memories are made, and that’s where relationships are built.

B+C: What was the inspiration for your new product line Cheeky Baby?

AC: When I came on with Cheeky Baby, I was looking for stuff for my youngest daughter, Ryan, who was a baby at the time. I was looking for plates, forks, transitional cups, and all of that. Everything was either so ridiculously priced or really, really cheap and would break apart or spill everywhere. It just wasn’t functional. When [Cheeky and I] approached each other through our partner No Kid Hungry, I was like, “Yes! Let’s do this!” I signed on with Cheeky before Cheeky Baby was even born! The inspiration was finding the balance between being functional and aesthetically pleasing for the parents, but also super cute and fun for the baby. For me, a lot of stuff on the market is a little bit intimidating. I’m a big neutrals girl, and I don’t like anything that’s too bright and too loud. The product is such a happy medium because all of the colors are so serene. At the same time, every piece tells a story and there’s a character involved for kids to connect with. Ultimately, though, the fact that Cheeky Baby is a one-for-one company is what inspired me the most. For every piece you buy, a meal is donated through No Kid Hungry. Not only are you getting what you need for your children, but you’re also giving back to children in need… and teaching your kids how to give back too.

B+C: What else should moms know about Cheeky Baby products?

AC: The line is available at Target, and the price point is so competitive with the other products there. I’m able to share this moment with all of my friends and family, because it’s just so affordable — but we’re not missing out on that quality. As a mom, the most important thing to me is that things are dishwasher-safe (laughs), so you can throw it in the dishwasher and you don’t have to worry about it.

B+C: How does mealtime in your house look with Cheeky Baby?

AC: Mealtime, for us, is chaotic. We’re trying to figure out the best thing possible to feed [the kids], but we also want it fast and easy. Mealtime is fun now because we use all of our Cheeky Baby stuff. We have drawers that sit low in the kitchen, and I put everything into those drawers. It empowers [Riley and Ryan], because I can say, “Okay, girls, it’s dinnertime. Go ahead and pick out which plates you want today.” Usually, they’ll fight over the plates, and it’s kind of adorable. But it empowers them because they’re able to make a choice and get excited about the meal they’re about to eat.

B+C: When you’re not organizing meals for your littles ones, what are your favorite foods?

AC: I love Asian-inspired cuisine. It’s what I grew up with. My mom’s Jamaican, and Jamaican and Caribbean cooking have a huge Asian influence, so I love the mixture of that. I also love good old fashioned Italian.

B+C: What don’t know people know about you that you think would surprise them?

AC: I think people wouldn’t know that I’m a very nervous, shy, introverted person. I’m comfortable around family members, but around anyone else, I generally keep to myself. Also, I play the bass guitar. (laughs)

Are you excited to check out Ayesha’s Cheeky Baby line? Tweet us @BritandCo!

(Photos via Cheeky and @ayeshacurry)

Nicole Kidman is, as the kids say, mothering. She's giving fans plenty of movies and TV shows to pick from while we wait for the next seasons of Big Little Lies and Nine Perfect StrangersA Family Affair, Expats, The Perfect Couple (and the AMC intro, of course). Her steamy drama Babygirl, which hit theaters on Christmas Day 2024, is mixing work and pleasure. Pour yourself a glass of wine for this one, folks.

Scroll down to learn more about Nicole Kidman's Babygirl — including when you can stream it on Max.

Where can you stream Babygirl?


Babygirl will be streaming on Max starting April 25, 2025. That means you can watch THAT milk scene as many times as you want.

What is the plot of Babygirl?


Babygirl Plot

In Babygirl, Nicole Kidman plays powerful CEO Romy, who's struggling to hold her perfect persona together. Her marriage to Jacob has never provided with much pleasure, despite the fact he's caring and artistic. But when Romy immediately feels drawn to a young intern named Samuel, the two begin a torrid affair.

Filming scenes with Harris Dickinson got so intense, Kidman said she literally had to take breaks. “There were times when we were shooting where I was like, ‘I don’t want to orgasm any more,'” she told the Sun. “Don’t come near me. I hate doing this. I don’t care if I am never touched again in my life!”

But the fact the movie was made by women empowered Kidman — and gave her a sense of freedom. "Doing this subject matter in the hands of the woman that wrote the script, that's directing it and is a really great actress herself — we became one in a weird way, which I'd never had with a director before," Kidman says in a statement. "When you're working with a woman on this subject matter, you can share everything with each other.”

"I really decided in the beginning, I want to make a sexual film, just as sexual as all these films that I've always admired so much," adds writer-director-producer Halina Reijn, "but now I'm going to do it completely through female eyes. What does that mean and what does that look like?”


In our Brit + Co exclusive, Nicole Kidman revealed she "spent a lot of time in bed" with Harris while filming. (TBH, a job that requires you to hang out in bed sounds like a pretty good job to me).

"As soon as he walked in, I was like, 'Oh good, here's somebody who's gonna play with me," she says. "We spent a lot of time in bed. Hours would go by, and it was like you would step out of there and you would say, 'What just happened?'"

"From the moment [Samuel] sees her, he's attracted to her. He realizes there's someone at the height of their power," Harris adds. "There was an element of mystique that needed to be there for the exploration of the relationship."

When is the Babygirl release date?


Babygirl Release Date

Babygirl made its premiere at the Venice Film Festival, and then opened in theaters on December 25, 2024.

Who's in the Babygirl cast?


Babygirl Cast

The cast of Babygirl includes Nicole Kidman, Harris Dickinson, Sophie Wilde, and Antonio Banderas.

What has Nicole Kidman said about making Babygirl?

Amy Sussman/Getty Images

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Nicole Kidman revealed Babygirl is the most "exposing" film she's done because she's “made some films that are pretty exposing, but not like this.”

“It left me ragged," she says. "At some point I was like, I don’t want to be touched. I don’t want to do this anymore, but at the same time I was compelled to do it...This is something you do and hide in your home videos. It is not a thing that normally is going to be seen by the world.”

“I felt very exposed as an actor, as a woman, as a human being,” she continues. “I had to go in and go out like, I need to put my protection back on. What have I just done? Where did I go? What did I do?”

What does babygirl energy mean?


"Babygirl" is a term of endearment that's usually applied to a man (you've probably heard it describe Pedro Pascal or Paul Mescal). When someone is giving babygirl energy, they're kind, cute, and disarming. And considering Babygirl plays with power dynamics, we might just find ourselves guessing who the "babygirl" in question is up until the very end.

Watch The 'Babygirl' Trailer Here!


There were SO many moments in the Babygirl trailer that made our jaws drop here:

  • The thumb in the mouth
  • The pink skirt moment
Yeah, this is one you won't wanna watch with your parents, friends. 🥵 And even Nicole agrees! At the December 2 Gotham Awards, when People asked who moviegoers should bring to the theater with them, "Whoever you want to, but you can also watch it alone." Tea.

Are you looking forward to seeing Nicole Kidman onscreen again? We might have to wait until December to see Babygirl, but there are plenty of incredible Fall Movies coming our way.

This post has been updated.

Summer rom-coms are so back! A24 confirmed on March 4 that Celine Song's Materialists, starring Dakota Johnson, Chris Evans, and Pedro Pascal, is coming to theaters this June and I cannot contain my excitement. The new movie follows a matchmaker (Dakota) who finds herself torn between two romantic prospects. If that's too dramatic for you, girl, I'd be happy to take your place.

Here's the latest update on Materialists starring Dakota Johnson, Chris Evans, and Pedro Pascal.

Watch the 'Materialists' trailer now.

I watched the Materialists trailer four times before writing this because I just couldn't stop soaking it in — and I didn't want to miss a single detail. Of course, we get the story of Lucy (Dakota Johnson) a matchmaker, who finds herself torn between the perfect man (Pedro Pascal) and her ex (Chris Evans), who's still dreaming of "wrinkles and children that look like you," a line that will be playing in my head on REPEAT because OH MY GOSH.

But just like director Celine Song's acclaimed Past Lives, every single detail of the movie translates the emotion in the story. Dakota Johnson has an effervescent grace and masters the screen every time we see her, while Pedro and Chris don't even have to open their mouths to break my heart; their eyes say it all. The color grade and film quality are soft and romantic, which totally matches the delicate situation this trio finds themselves in; both men fall for Lucy and it looks like our matchmaker has to figure out how to avoid breaking anyone's heart — including her own. "Delicate" by Taylor Swift, anyone?

But overall, the movie teases that sometimes, there are no bad decisions, just really hard ones. And if I got all that from the Materialists trailer, I can't wait to see the full movie...even if it's going to be totally devastating. And I have a feeling I'm going to be seeing it more than once.

Is Materialists out yet?

Materialists will premiere in theaters June 13, 2025. After Past Lives became THE summer movie in 2023 (and absolutely wrecked my roommates), I know Materialists is going to be the perfect June watch.

What is the plot of Materialists?

The movie follows Dakota Johnson's character, a matchmaker in New York City who falls for the perfect man, but can't seem to let go of her ex. Given the fact the first poster for the movie includes "save the date" and looks like a wedding cake, I'm wondering if we'll see all three characters cross paths at a wedding...

Who's in the Materialists cast?

The Materialists cast has some incredible names leading the movie, and when I asked Dakota Johnson about working with Pedro Pascal and Chris Evans, she teased how much she enjoyed working with them. "They're both big idiots and I love them," she told Brit + Co exclusively at her Daddio premiere. Here's a breakdown of their roles:

  • Dakota Johnson as Lucy: a perpetually single matchmaker who finds herself torn between the perfect man and her ex.
  • Chris Evans as John: Lucy's ex who hasn't been able to let her go.
  • Pedro Pascal as Randy: a handsome stranger who changes Lucy's life forever.

Where was Materialists filmed?

Materialists was announced in February of 2024, and filming began around New York City by April. Filming wrapped in June.

I love spring and summer shoots because the movie's going to have so much life and energy in every single shot. Plus Dakota's sundresses are totally giving Brooklyn gal — and I'm dreaming of prancing around the city in a dress as soon as the weather warms up!

Are you as excited for Materialists as I am? Let us know your favorite rom-coms in the comments and check out the latest news on Madelyn Cline's new romance movie for more!

Adding a new member to your family (and picking out the perfect baby name) is already a magical experience, so why not look to the stars for inspiration?

Astrology and constellations have been sources of wonder throughout history. And whether you're drawn to the beauty of celestial bodies, the mystique of zodiac signs, or just appreciate the night sky, there's a cosmic name fit for your little one. Here are some of our favorite stellar baby name options.

Scroll to see our favorite celestial baby names for 2025!

1. Aurora

Анна Иванова

Rooted in Latin, Aurora means "dawn," symbolizing new beginnings and endless possibilities. It evokes images of the breathtaking aurora borealis or the dazzling natural light display that can be seen near the Earth's poles.

In Roman mythology, Aurora was also the goddess of the sunrise, so this name carries an ethereal, almost magical quality. Perhaps that's why it was chosen for Disney's Sleeping Beauty.

2. Orion

Sheena Policarpio

Orion is a strong celestial name that has both mythological and astronomical significance. With Greek roots, it means "hunter" or "rising in the sky."

In Greek mythology, Orion was a hunter and the son of Poseidon, who was said to be placed among the stars by Zeus, creating the striking constellation we see today. As one of the brightest and most recognizable formations, Orion represents power and adventure.

3. Celeste

Foden Nguyen

This name exudes elegance and celestial beauty. Latin in origin, Celeste means "heavenly" and calls to mind the vast night sky, packed with shimmering stars.

It's a popular pick in French and Italian cultures and carries an air of grace. Celeste is well-suited for a little girl with a curious spirit, encouraging her to shoot for the stars.

4. Phoenix

I. Metodiev

Phoenix is a powerful gender-neutral name that embodies transformation and resilience. Greek in origin, it refers to the legendary bird that is reborn from its own ashes, representing renewal.

It also has celestial significance since Phoenix is a minor constellation in the southern sky and the name of a robotic spacecraft sent to explore Mars.

5. Lyra

Norman Milwood

Lyra strikes a perfect chord between mythology, music, and the cosmos. With Greek roots, the name means "harp player" and is closely tied to the legendary lyre of Orpheus, whose music was said to enchant all who heard it.

In honor of this mythical instrument, the Lyra constellation was placed in the night sky, adding a celestial touch to this melodic name. It's a beautiful choice for parents who appreciate both music and mythology.

6. Sirius

Foden Nguyen

Sirius has Greek roots and means "glowing" or "scorcher," a fitting tribute to the brightest star in the night sky. Known as the "dog star," it's part of the Canis Major constellation and has guided stargazers for centuries.

This name is bold and fiery and symbolizes leadership, ensuring your little one will stand out in the world.

7. Nova

Catalina Carvajal Herrera

With roots in Latin, Nova means "new," making it apt for a fresh start and a bright future. In astronomy, a nova is also a powerful stellar event where a star suddenly bursts into incredible brightness.

While it has been used as a given name since the 19th century, Nova has gained popularity in recent years, especially in Scandinavian countries. It has undeniable cosmic charm and can celebrate a child who brings light into your life.

8. Archer

Boko Shots

Last but not least is Archer, a dynamic name that signifies strength, precision, and determination. With roots in Latin, French, and English, it means "bowman" and was originally an occupational surname for skilled archers in the Middle Ages.

Archer is also linked to the Sagittarius constellation, which is depicted as a centaur wielding a bow. This name has both timeless and modern appeal and comes with adorable nickname options, like Archie.

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Alright, let's get grounded, loves! ✨ This week's tarot reading kicks off by tuning us back into Mother Earth, especially with those seasonal vibes in full swing. Think of it: as the world around us shifts, so are we, darlings! It's all about recognizing that deep-rooted connection – we're part of this planet, after all, and underestimating that link is a no-go. The big takeaway? Change is coming, whether you're waving hello or hiding under the covers. But trust us, leaning into it is where the magic happens and things flow so much easier. We're talking subtle "micro tweaks" in your everyday, prompting a little soul-searching about what this new season means for you. What are you ready to switch up? What's staying? Just remember, it's a gradual glow-up, not an overnight makeover. Tapping into that holistic connection with the Earth? That's your secret sauce for ease, purpose, and all-around good vibes. It's all about feeling connected, finding your purpose, soaking up the joy, and bringing it all together. You've got this — so let's get into your tarot reading!

Scroll to see your weekly tarot reading for March 17-23!

Page of Cups:

Okay, first up in our cosmic download is the dreamy Page of Cups! This card is all about tapping into your inner confidence and those sweet, sweet feelings. Think of it as your permission slip to chase what your heart desires – as long as you're not stepping on anyone's toes (including your own!), and honestly, who cares what anyone else thinks? The adorable fish in the cup? That's the universe dropping unexpected opportunities right in your lap when you're just being your authentic self and following your joy. Yes, effort and intention are still part of the equation, but aligning with what lights you up can seriously unlock some magical joy, abundance, freedom, and peace vibes. This week, let's make it a mission to pump up that passion and confidence within ourselves so we're living a life that truly feels like us.

The Moon:

The next card is the mystical Moon! This one's all about those shifting phases, telling us that the change we've been craving? It's practically here this week! But heads up, babes, it's gonna require a healthy dose of self-trust and building up that inner confidence to actually create and welcome it. The Moon also shines a light on that little flutter of fear that can pop up with the unknown – totally normal! But the cosmos is reminding us that change is already happening all around, just like the moon's cycles and the Earth's seasons. To really ride this wave, we gotta get cozy with being uncomfortable. Remember that power mantra: "nothing changes if nothing changes"? It's your reminder that you've got the power to shape your own path, and that means embracing the new. The reading also nudges us to get super clear on who we are and what we truly want, because floating around without direction? Not the vibe. Implementing changes, whether they're big leaps or tiny tweaks, that align with our most confident and brave selves – guided by those amazing feelings, that spark of excitement, pure joy, and that inner soul voice? That's the secret sauce for unlocking some serious ease.

The Hanged Man:

Okay, last but definitely not least in our reading is the intriguing Hanged Man! Now, this card is all about that "in-between" space – you know, that transitional period where you might feel a little paused or even stuck, even though things are moving behind the scenes. But don't fret, darling! This card is actually encouraging you to embrace that pause, like a cosmic red light giving you a chance to check your internal GPS before hitting the gas again. Think of it as a moment for contentment, practicing patience, and even a chance to tweak your direction if needed. The Hanged Man is your gentle reminder that big changes take time, so don't stress if you're not seeing instant results. This phase is all about trusting the universe's timing and understanding that you're in a transition, moving from point A to point B. So, even if it feels a little slow, know that momentum is building! Use this time to your advantage – optimize, check in with your soul self, and follow those little breadcrumbs of joy, excitement, and curiosity. You're exactly where you need to be right now!

Watch Your Full Weekly Tarot Reading Here!


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Come back next week for another reading! Until next time! ✨

Looking for more tarot & astrology advice? Be sure to sign up for our newsletter!

We've done a lot of traveling these past few years since Covid and as such, our editors have put together a list of our traveling essentials that are MUST HAVES on your next trip. We guarantee there is something on this list that will you're missing currently and you'll be so, so glad you bought it. It's crazy how the simplest things can make the biggest difference. Make your next vacay the most seamless one yet!

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

A TSA-Approved Bottle Set for Your Toiletries and Skincare Essentials


If you're all about efficiency and convenience, this travel set is absolutely essential. Not only will it let you go past security quickly and smoothly, but with various bottles and jars you can fill up with your favorite products, it also saves you from the hassle (and expense) of purchasing individual travel-sized bottles.

See it on Amazon

This Linen Romper Is The Most Versatile Travel Outfit


We're obsessed with any outfit that is comfortable and can fit any setting. This linen tie romper is the perfect easy outfit to throw on in the morning before heading out to any activity which is why its made our list of must-have essentials for any jet setter.

See it on Amazon

This Makeup Palette with All Your Beauty Essentials


This Laura Geller New York palette includes a bronzer, two highlighters, blush, and three eyeshadows, all in stunning neutral tones to give you a pretty, glam finish in one compact package.

See it on Amazon

This Tote is the Perfect Carry-On Bag


This tote is super roomer and sturdy, and it has a sleeve on the back that lets you slide it over the handle of your suitcase, which is literally a weight off your shoulders.

See it on Amazon

Ziploc's Reusable Travel Bag


Ziploc is a household name, and they've seamlessly made their way into travel. These reusable travel bags have the same ziploc design but are thicker and stronger than traditional bags. They're discreet but easily seen through, making them great for makeup, toiletries, and even electronics.

See it on Amazon

Stay Cool with a Handheld Fan


If you’re going somewhere hot, you’ll be grateful for this handheld fan that’ll provide relief. And that’s not all – it’s also a power bank and flashlight, so it’s great value for the money.

See it on Amazon

An All-in-One Moisturizer Stick to Keep Your Skin Nourished


Why lug around a suitcase full of products when you can simplify your beauty routine with this moisturizer stick? It's not just a moisturizer; it's also a neck cream, an eye cream, a makeup base, and a lip balm all rolled into one sleek stick. It's ultra-hydrating and packed with collagen and other anti-aging goodies to keep your skin feeling smooth and youthful, making it the perfect low-maintenance beauty product for everyday use.

See it on Amazon

This Linen Shirt Is A Laidback Necessity


Everyone needs a classic linen shirt in their wardrobe, no matter where you're going. Throw this lightweight button down over swimsuits as a coverup, or tuck it into shorts for a relaxed, laidback style.

See it on Amazon

A Travel Pillow to Keep You Comfy


If you’re often traveling, you need a trusty travel pillow that lets you grab some quality sleep on the way, improving your comfort and posture to prevent any neck and shoulder pain. Plus, it comes with a free eye mask and earplugs.

See it on Amazon

Hassle Free Disposable Laundry Sheets are Here to Make Travel Easier


Tired of lugging around heavy laundry detergent for your trips? Well, say goodbye to that hassle with disposable laundry sheets. Lightweight and TSA-friendly, these sheets are the perfect travel companion. Get ready to make life on the go a whole lot easier.

See it on Amazon

A Compact First Aid Kit for Emergencies


You never know when you’ll need something from a first aid kit, especially when you’re traveling to a brand-new place. This one is super compact but comes with 66 essential medical supplies that’ll be able to handle any sort of scrapes.

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Hair Ties That Look Like Cute Bracelets


These hair ties are designed to look like cute, layered bracelets, but they can also pull your hair up. Reviewers love how many ties come in each pack and the multiple color combinations to choose from — all with impressive hold for all hair types.

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Stay Comfy In This Lounge Set


This sage green matching set is our go-to plane outfit. We need something that is comfortable and functional to get us to the very, let's face it, uncomfortable experience of an airplace. An outfit that you can roll out of bed in and still look cute is definitely an outfit that has earned space in your suitcase.

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A Flat Water Bottle Takes Up Less Space


Not only is this flat water bottle ideal for traveling since it doesn’t take up much space in your bag, but it’s also lightweight and has a wrist strap, which means you can easily take it on the go when you’re exploring new places.

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This Sweet Mini Dress Just Looks Like Summer


Whether you're planning a honeymoon or a getaway with the girls, you'll love having this adorable white mini dress in your suitcase. It's perfect for nice dinners out or taking photos at the beach, and you'll love the pretty ruffle detailing, open tie back and puff sleeves. This reveiwer shares, "I put this dress on and fell in love with it!!! Material is light and breathable."

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A Flat Extension Cord to Charge All of Your Devices


Let's face it: vacation rentals normally don't have the best and most convenient outlets. That's why this flat extension cord is a great item to have on hand while traveling. It features three regular outlets as well as two USB and two fast-charging USB-C ports, allowing you to charge all of your devices with a single plug. It provides you with more flexibility in using your cords and offers additional plugs for convenience.

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All You Need is this Backpack.


Air travel is a breeze when you have the perfect carryon bag. And this backpack is the answer. With plenty of space for all your things and TSA approval, you can't go wrong. Get ready to take off in style.

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Get A Good Night's Sleep With A Mini White Noise Machine


Drown out the world with this Mini White Noise Machine to get the best sleep of your life. Its small compact design is perfect for traveling and it features 15 different sound options that will lull you to sleep.

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A Cordless Hair Straightener You Can Use Anywhere


You never know if there are going to be enough outlets to use all of your hair tools while you're on the go, especially if you're traveling internationally and don't know if the voltage will line up with your hair tools. This cordless hair straightener is perfect for bringing with you on vacation because you can charge it up before you leave and use it the entire time you're away.

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Be Prepared for Unexpected Rain Mini Umbrella


This umbrella has great coverage and a strong frame while folding down compactly enough to fit in your handbag. You can be kept dry on a rainy day, and it can also keep you cool in the sun, so it’s very versatile.

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Travel Hygienically With A Self-Sterilizing Toothbrush Cover


Upgrade to a hygienic travel toothbrush case that goes beyond simple protection by sterilizing toothbrush bristles. This innovative case promotes oral hygiene through its sterilizing function, ensuring your toothbrush remains germ-free, offering peace of mind along with convenience on your travels.

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Dream Sweetly Anywhere With This Neck Pillow


Experience unparalleled comfort with the ultra-soft memory foam neck pillow, your ideal companion for long flights. Designed to provide support and ease, it rolls up compactly for effortless transport, ensuring you arrive at your destination refreshed and ready to explore.

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Safely Store Your Curler With A Travel Pouch


Travel worry-free with your styling tools in the heat-resistant silicone travel pouch. Capable of withstanding temperatures up to 450 degrees Fahrenheit, it ensures your hot tools can be safely stored immediately after use. Plus, it doubles as a styling mat, protecting surfaces from heat damage.

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TSA Approved Bags Are The Clear Choice for Travelers


Traveling is a breeze when you have the right bag. TSA Approved Bags are essential for getting through security quickly, but you can make it even easier by opting for a clear bag. Showing that you have nothing to hide can help you get to your destination faster, so why not choose the Perfect Bag for your next trip?

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A Foldable Hair Dryer You Can Take on Your Carry-On


This small negative ionic hair dryer has a foldable handle that makes it very easy to travel with. But what’s really cool about it is the fact that it keeps a constant temperature that won’t overheat and damage your hair, keeping it hydrated and frizz-free, and even giving it a shiny boost.

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Shave Smoothly On The Go With Gillette Venus Snap Razor


Travel light and safely with the compact travel razor, designed for efficiency and safety. Its protective snap-shut case prevents accidents while ensuring other toiletries stay clean, making it an ideal choice for travelers seeking a close, smooth shave without the bulk of traditional razors.

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A Manicure Set to Keep Those Nails Pretty


This manicure set is so compact it could even fit in your pocket. Yet, despite being conveniently small for travel, it's packed with a whopping 12 tools you need to keep your nails looking perfectly presentable, from clippers to scrapers. Plus, it has a pretty pink color scheme that's just too cute to miss.

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Deodorant Wipes to Keep You Feeling (And Smelling) Fresh


You get 50 individually wrapped deorant wipes in this package, so you can use them whenever you need a refresher, whether on the plane or a day out exploring. They're made with natural ingredients and come in various lovely scents to suit your preferences.

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Step Comfortably With Travel Slippers


Elevate your travel comfort with cozy slipper socks, your new flight companions. These plush socks not only offer warmth and coziness in varying cabin temperatures but also come with a travel pouch for effortless packing. A sensation, they ensure your feet remain snugly wrapped in comfort, hot or cold.

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These Travel Containers Make Traveling With Liquids Easy


Lugging around liquids can be a major hassle while traveling, but with the help of these nifty travel containers, it's no longer a problem. Make sure to have the perfect portion of liquid stowed away with ease.

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Portable Chargers So You Won't Get Stranded With a Dead Phone


There's no telling how many functional outlets you'll run into during a travel day or in a new city, but you can prepare yourself to never run out of battery with this set of portable chargers. They come in a pack of two, each with fast-charging technology that provides up to 17 hours of charge time. You can even check the battery percentage of your backup charger by looking at its digital screen.

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Do You Wish You Could Take Body Wash With You Everywhere You Go?


Suppose you're traveling for an extended period of time and can't bring enough body wash with you through TSA? Worry no more - these body wash packets have got you covered. No matter where you go, you can now take your favorite body wash with you.

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Block Out Noise with these Comfy Ear Plugs


If you’re very sensitive to noise, these ear plugs are a godsend. You’ll be so thankful for them when everyone else is being tortured by the token crying baby and you’re unbothered and off to dreamland.

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Compression Has Never Been Easier


Pack your clothes into these compression cubes and allow the dual-zipper design to do the rest. Each bag is lightweight, nylon, and water and dust resistant. The second zipper locks in the compression, keeping everything compact and organized.

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A Light Up Mirror That Fits in Your Personal Bag


This little mirror makes last-minute touch-ups on the plane or mid-day sweat checks out and about so much easier. It has double-sided LED lighting with three warmth settings to best suit your surroundings. And with one side being 10X magnified, you can make sure every little hair is perfectly in place.

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A Mini Bluetooth Keyboard to Get Some Work Done Abroad


If you need to do some work while on holiday, take this Bluetooth keyboard that you can connect to your smartphones and tablets. It’s super compact and portable since it folds up to half its size, and it even has a built-in touchpad that makes it even more convenient. While it’s a bit on the pricey side, it’s definitely worth it, and you’ll quickly earn all that back (and more!) if you can efficiently work on your holiday with less baggage.

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No More Motion Sickness Woes With These Patches


Don't let motion sickness get in the way of your travel plans. With these patches, you will have no more motion sickness woes.

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Universally Fitting Silicone Bottle Covers


If you're not a fan of switching to smaller travel-size bottles but still want to prevent any leaks inside your suitcase, these silicone bottle covers are perfect for you. They have a universal shape that can fit over any full-size toiletry item to ensure there's no mess when you open your suitcase. It comes in a pack of eight, so you'll have one for each item.

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Stay Organized With This Shoe Bag


Keep your shoes separated from the rest of your luggage to prevent any dirt from getting on your clothes with this shoe bag. Each bag holds three pairs of shoes in a separate pouch, similar to a packing cube, with material designed to contain all dirt and debris inside the case. It also features a slot on the back to fit over your suitcase handle if you want to keep it outside of your bag as well.

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A Portable Water Flosser You Can Take Anywhere


Keep your teeth and gums healthy even on the go with this rechargeable water flosser. It comes with four flossing tips and three cleaning modes to ensure thorough cleaning. Plus, it comes with a handy travel pouch so you can bring it with you wherever you go. No wonder it's been trending on TikTok!

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This Travel Pouch Keeps you Safe from Thieves


If you’re a bit paranoid about losing your cards and money, you’ll love this travel pouch that hooks to the front or side of your bra, keeping your essentials hidden from view. And don’t worry, it’s super comfy, and it’s washable.

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Use Your Personal Earphones On Flight With This Bluetooth Device


For those who don't want to use the provided headphones during a flight, we've got something for you. This Bluetooth Device plugs right into the headphone jack on the plane and lets you use your wireless headphones to watch in-flight entertainment.

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Toothpaste Tablets for a Fresh Mouth


These toothpaste tablets are a better alternative for travel that toothpaste tubes since they’re more convenient. You’ll be able to brush your teeth anywhere since they don’t even need water, and they also don’t produce a lot of messy foam that you need to spit out.

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These Eye Masks That Revitalize Tired Undereyes


These Grace & Stella eye masks help to reduce puffiness, dark circles, eye bags, and wrinkles, ensuring that your eyes look drop-dead gorgeous even after long hours of travel or late nights enjoying yourself on your vacation.

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A Sand-Away Mitt That's Quick and Easy


Don't mess around with communal showers or baby powder hacks you found online; use this convenient mitt to remove all the sand from your skin instead. Its patented design quickly wipes away every last grain of sand, keeping your car clean and your sanity in check.

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Organize Your Toiletries In This Toiletry Bag


Organize your travel essentials with ease using the convenient toiletry bag. Its thoughtful design includes a center compartment for upright storage and flat side pockets for additional items, complemented by transparent pockets for visibility. This toiletry bag is a traveler's ally in maintaining organization and accessibility.

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A Tiny but Impressive Bluetooth Speaker


This ultra-portable speaker fits in the palm of your hand with room to spare. While it’s small, its volume and bass are mighty, so you can enjoy music and podcasts on the go. It even comes with a carrying case to make things easier, and it has a battery life of five hours.

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