How Not to Let a Night of Drinking Ruin Your Skin

wine and skincare

Alcohol is often associated with late nights and regretful hangovers. But drinking can also mean QT with your girlfriends and great skin. Say what now? As it turns out, alcohol isn't as bad for our complexions as we thought, so long as we consume a glass here and there — not a fishbowl with friends on a Friday night (oops!). However, just like our taste buds, our skin is picky about our liquor choices.

The Best Alcoholic Drinks for Your Skin 

Red wine might not compare to your sacred bottle of vitamin C serum, but it's not the worst thing that can happen to your complexion. According to Debra Jaliman, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City, it's the best boozy beverage to consume. "There are studies that one glass of red wine per day for women is good because it contains resveratrol — a known powerful antioxidant [with] anti-aging properties," she notes. And while she believes you can reap its antioxidant benefits by indulging in a glass of red wine, she says "much more resveratrol can be packed into skincare." Products formulated with resveratrol (or other polyphenols) have been known not just to slow down the aging process, but also reverse visible signs of aging — like pesky sun spots, fine lines, and wrinkles — too.

As beneficial as red wine can be, it's important not to go overboard. "If you have skin conditions such as rosacea, you should be careful as it may aggravate or trigger a flare-up," says Jaliman. On top of that, the sugar in alcohol can have a lasting impact on the skin's youthful appearance. "Alcohol also causes dehydration of skin, leading to pronounced lines between the eyebrows, droopy eyelids, [dry] skin, enlargement in pores, reddish skin tone, and deeper nasolabial folds," explains Alissia Zenhausern, a board-certified naturopathic physician in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Four Tips to Drink Your Way to a Better Complexion

While Zenhausern doesn't recommend we use red wine to achieve better skin, she understands the importance of a GNO and says some red wines — like organic ones — are better for beauty than others. Ahead, read her tips for choosing the best alcoholic bevvies for your skin.

1. Limit Drinking: "Drinking more than two glasses twice a week can actually interfere with the lining of your gut and can lead to gut inflammation, which can present itself on your skin," she adds. On top of limiting how many days a week you drink, Zenhausern also says to try not to drink two days in a row.

2. Be Picky: Drinking in moderation is one thing, but choosing high-quality alcohol is equally as important. Because of that, Zenhausern says to choose only the purest alcohols possible. "The United States allows grapes used for wine to be sprayed with Roundup," Zenhausern reveals. Roundup is a systematic herbicide that uses a chemical compound called glyphosate to kill weeds in crops. And while the Environmental Protection Agency does not consider the pesticide carcinogenic, those with concerns about non-organic products might want to steer clear and instead select an organic wine. In addition, Zenhausern says wines that come from outside of the United States — such as France — are safe because they do not spray their grapes with pesticides.

3. Avoid Beer: If you're not a red wine drinker, that's okay. However, beer is not the next best pick. Because it contains gluten, Zenhausern says it can trigger gut inflammation, which can easily turn into skin inflammation. If you can't resist, Zenhausern suggests opting for a gluten-free alternative like Green Dubbel Dark Ale or Stone Delicious IPA.

4. Drink Water: Since any alcohol — even one claimed to be the best for your skin — can dehydrate your complexion, Zenhausern says always drink at least one glass of water for every glass of wine. "This will help keep you hydrated and will prevent dehydration of the skin," she explains.

Do you have a favorite organic red wine? Tell us @BritandCo!

This post has been updated.

I thought my days of having painful period cramps were over after giving birth and getting an IUD, but last month proved me wrong. There was a time I could pinpoint the source of my bloating and other PMS symptoms, but I've stopped paying as much attention to what I eat lately...and things have gotten way off track.

Since I'm tired of suffering, I decided to reach out to Urologist Dr. Eric Margolis to how the food you eat can impact your period cramps. If you're wondering how Urologists can help with this issue, it's because they're trained to treat urinary and reproductive conditions (via Cleveland Clinic). Take it from someone whose had to see one before!

So let's get into all the top tips Dr. Margolis has to offer!

What causes cramps when someone is PMSing or on their period?

Polina Zimmerman

Consider yourself lucky if you don't struggle with PMS — I'd honestly love to trade places with you for a day. According to the Office on Women's Health, almost three in four women say they experience PMS, and the National Institutes of Healthnotes that one in ten women deal with painful period cramps every month. In other words, some of us are genuinely struggling to function without really understanding why we're in so much pain. What gives?

"Cramps, or dysmenorrhea, occur due to the release of chemicals called prostaglandins during menstruation. These chemicals cause the uterus to contract in order to shed its lining," Dr. Margolis says. What people tend to feel is the result of contractions" becoming "too intense," thus causing them to "cut off blood flow and oxygen to the surrounding muscle tissue, leading to pain." Dr. Margolis also wants you to know, "The higher the level of prostaglandins, the more severe the cramps are likely to be."

If that sounds painful, just know it is! I never thought about the actual process our bodies go through during menstruation, so understanding that better makes me want to be kinder to be my body. Still, does this mean cramps are normal?

Are period cramps normal?


Dr. Margolis says that period cramps are "a normal part of the menstrual cycle for many people." He explains that "mild to moderate cramps" typically occur towards the beginning of your period, as your uterus is contracting. IDK about you, but it's definitely nice to know that cramps are a part of the process and they don't necessarily mean anything's wrong. However, this doesn't mean you should ignore severe pain.

"If the pain is severe and disrupts daily life, it might indicate an underlying condition that requires medical attention," Dr. Margolis says. Only you know the level of pain you're able to handle monthly, but there are definitely some key factors that can help you identify what is considered "abnormal" when it comes to your period cramps.

When are severe period cramps considered abnormal?


"Severe cramps that are unmanageable with over-the-counter medications or last for an extended period may indicate underlying health issues," Dr. Margolis continues. Based on his experience, these conditions can be "fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)" which "often cause more intense pain."

Prior to my painful period cramps returning, I underwent Laparoscopy surgery in 2019 to rule out endometriosis as the culprit for unbearable cycles. My OBGYN didn't find that, but she discovered a large fibroid nestled in the side of one of my uterine walls which needed to be removed.

Some of the signs Dr. Margolis says you need to pay attention to are:

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Irregular periods
  • Pain during sex
  • Bleeding between periods

If you notice these symptoms, Dr. Margolis implores you to consult with your doctor about them. Truthfully, it took years for someone to take my pain seriously, so I also recommend you keep advocating for yourself if you're dealing with cramps that feel abnormal.

What's the worst thing to eat before your period?

Pavel Danilyuk

Here comes my favorite topic — food! I love eating all kinds of food, but I'm having to relearn how to balance hormones all over again. Between that and my digestive system, I know my undisciplined eating is the root cause of painful period cramps, but I've forgotten what I should be avoiding.

Dr. Margolis says, "Highly processed foods, sugar, and salty snacks should be avoided. They can increase inflammation, contribute to bloating, and worsen cramps. Caffeine and alcohol can also dehydrate the body and lead to more discomfort during menstruation."

I feel like your jaw just dropped in disbelief because most of the things that make periods so painful taste so good. I mean, who doesn't love snacks, coffee, and yummy cocktails? much as we may love or crave them, they're not always the best things to indulge in when we're already going through so many bodily changes.

What foods should someone eat to lessen painful period cramps?

olia danilevich

But, there's things we can do to lessen our chances of suffering every month. Dr. Margolis says, "Anti-inflammatory foods are particularly helpful for reducing period cramps." He says these include the following:

  • Leafy greens like spinach and kale, which are high in magnesium and calcium
  • Fatty fish such as salmon or sardines, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation
  • Nuts and seeds that contain magnesium, which can relax muscles and reduce pain
  • Fruits like bananas and berries, which provide antioxidants and potassium, aiding in muscle relaxation and inflammation reduction
  • Whole grains that are a good source of fiber and help regulate blood sugar, preventing spikes that may worsen cramps
We have a ton of healthy dinner recipes and a clean eating grocery list here! Hopefully if you start incorporating these into your diet, you can part ways with painful period cramps for good.

Is it actually possible to avoid sugar before and during your period?

Tim Samuel

Sugar is in a lot of things we eat and drink so I asked Dr. Margolis if there's a way to avoid it altogether. He says, "It’s challenging, but not impossible to avoid sugar entirely. Cravings for sugary foods often increase due to hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle." I don't know about you, but I always crave specific things like sugary juice, muffins, or cupcakes right before and during my period. It's like my brain knows they're going to cause more harm than good, but my hormones demand them.

As a replacement, Dr. Margolis believes "reducing sugar intake by opting for natural sweeteners like fruits or healthier alternatives like dark chocolate can help curb cravings." Also, there's more benefits to putting down the artificial stuff. "Cutting back on sugar may also help in managing inflammation and stabilizing mood and energy levels during your period," says Dr. Margolis.

In short, painful period cramps don't have to rule my life or yours, but it does require us to make a few diet changes. I've done it before and it starts with being consistent on a daily basis. I've talked about it before, but the food diary I used to keep truly helped me stay on track and pinpoint my triggers. It's worth trying if you're tired of being doubled over in pain each month!

We have even more wellness tips to help you live your healthiest life, so make sure to bookmark them when you need a little extra help!

Channing Tatum may have to hang up his sexy dancing skills because it looks like Chad Michael Murray is the new reigning champ in his new film, The Merry Gentlemen. You can tell it's going to be a Christmas movie, but we're not talking about Home Alone or Jingle All the Way here. This spicy film feels more like Magic Mike going on a sexy and romantic journey through a small town — which sounds like something we'd watch more than once.

We love watching Chad Michael Murray in Sullivan's Crossing, but we're ready to see him prance around our screens without a shirt, TBH. Here's everything we know about The Merry Gentlemen and what we can expect to see!

What's 'The Merry Gentlemen' about?

Katrina Marcinowski/Netflix

Written by Marla Sokoloff, The Merry Gentlemen is set to follow one former dancer's (Ashley played by Britt Robertson) journey to making sure the Rhythm Room — a "performing arts venue" — doesn't go defunct. It's owned by her parents, so she has personal ties to this small-town source of entertainment, coming up with the bright idea to surprise the community with an "all-male Christmas-theme revue."

Who's starring in 'The Merry Gentlemen'?

Katrina Marcinowski/Netflix

According to Netflix, The Merry Gentlemenwill feature a host of other faces! We'll see the following:

  • Chad Michael Murray as Luke
  • Britt Robertson as Ashley
  • Michael Gross as Stan
  • Marla Sokoloff as Marie
  • Maxwell Caulfield as Danny
  • Beth Broderick as Lily
  • Marc Anthony Samuel as Roger
  • Hector Rivera, Jr. as Ricky
  • Colt Prattes as Troy

When can we watch 'The Merry Gentlemen' on Netflix?

Katrina Marcinowski/Netflix

We'll be able to see Chad Michael Murray and more sexy shirtless men give us a show on November 20. We're not sure what it is, but there's nothing like watching Christmas movies right before Thanksgiving to get us in the winter spirit.

What have Chad Michael Murray and Britt Robertson said about starring in 'The Merry Gentlemen?'

Katrina Marcinowski/Netflix

We didn't think it was possible, but Chad Michael Murray was a little nervous about playing Luke. "I'd never danced professionally or trained by any means," he said (via PEOPLE). Though he has a thing for "going out and dancing," he's never done anything "to this level."

As to why he chose this role, Chad seems to enjoy a challenge. "When I see something and it scares the crap out of me, something in me says, 'Alright, well let's see what we can do.'" He has two thoughts — "'I'm going to fall flat on my face or have a lot of fun doing.'" If you ask us, that's the right spirit to have for a fun Christmas movie.

Britt Robertson was immediately drawn to the script and her role as Ashley. "When I read the script, I was like, ‘This is my kind of Christmas movie,'" she said (via Netflix). She also teased why she can't get enough of the cowboy appeal in the movie. "...I'm Southern...the hats, the boots. There's so much you can work with."

Don't ask us how long we've been drooling over this first look at Chad Michael Murray in The Merry Gentlemen because we're not ready to talk about it yet!

In the meantime, follow us on Facebook to make sure you don't miss updates about this sexy Christmas movie!

Social media's "hot girls have stomach problems" trend might just be a trend, but I'll gladly accept it. After all, I feel like I deserve some kind of redemption after ending up in the ER, and then again in urgent care, because of stomach pain. I've had stomach problems my entire life, but there was no way I was giving up pasta. Or cheese. What kind of 20-something do you think I am?! I'd decided my comfort foods were worth the discomfort they caused — until it got so bad I couldn't handle it.

I was constantly uncomfortable or in pain (to the point I couldn't pay attention to anything or anyone else), and I couldn't go a day without feeling like my insides were on fire. Apparently, this is not normal.

Now, after consulting with my doctor, I've changed my entire diet. And I'm shook to my core at how good I feel. Is this what all of y'all have been experiencing this whole time?! I am in no way a medical professional, nor am I claiming that these food swaps (plus eating smaller meals more slowly) is the only thing that's helped me. But if you're looking for recipes that will be easy on your tummy, or you're just looking to cut back on sweets, check out these healthy food ideas below. And check with your doctor if you're thinking of making some major swaps!

What foods are gentle on your stomach?

Brit + Co

Foods like toast, rice, bananas, eggs, applesauce, and oatmeal are known to be easy on your stomach. I had to do a lot of trial and error over the course of a few months, and have cut my diet back to safe foods I know will leave me feeling good.

I rarely drink alcohol (shout out to these delicious mocktail recipes!!!), and I have one coffee every six weeks or so, opting for a daily chai or matcha instead. Sugar's also proven to be a pain point, so I usually stick to dark chocolate. But the most surprising foods I've started to avoid are gluten and oats. All this to say, it's all about what works for you and your lifestyle.

My go-to healthy foods for stomach problems are sweet potatoes, broccoli, Greek yogurt, eggs, chicken sausage or grilled chicken, bell peppers, and rice. I also love the occasional ginger ale.

Sweet Potatoes + Broccoli + Chicken Sausage

Brit + Co

I will never go without sweet potatoes, like, ever again. I used to find them disgusting but they have become my saving grace on days my stomach feels awful. Whether I'm making fries, mixing them with other veggies, or turning them into vegan mac and cheese (yes, really), they're sooo versatile. One of my favorite recipes is roasting sweet potatoes and broccoli in the oven (I do 325 degrees for around 20 minutes), then adding in some cooked chicken sausage. I even add some ketchup and mustard on top for a deconstructed hot dog and fries!

​Vegan Mac and Cheese

Taryn Elliott/Pexels

This has been one of my go-to dishes recently, and I promise it's way easier to make than it sounds. I was inspired by this recipe from @itslivb, but since making it the first time, I've started eyeballing every measurement and adjusting the flavors. As someone who love pasta, this is one comfort food recipe that I can indulge in without feeling sick. All I do is boil cubed sweet potatoes until they're soft, then add them to a blender with nutritional yeast, salt, spices like garlic powder and onion powder, and cashews for a creamy consistency.

Gluten-Free Pasta

Brit + Co

As someone whose comfort food is pasta, you can imagine how sad I was when I realized gluten makes me feel awful. I've been on the hunt for the best gluten-free pastas around, and after making some less-than-ideal chickpea pasta recipes, I'm totally obsessed with Trader Joe's rice pasta. Trust me on this. I can't wait to try it in this creamy avocado pasta recipe!

​Grilled Chicken

Salt & Lavender

My taste buds have always loved chicken, and now that I've realized grilled chicken makes me feel so much better than fried chicken, my stomach does too! I always buy a bag of frozen chicken tenders so I can keep them until I'm ready to cook 'em up. After they've defrosted for a couple hours, I use this hack to remove the tendon, and then I'm ready to grill it! I'll eat grilled chicken with literally everything: pasta, sweet potato fries, a bunch of vegetables. I could eat it every day. Here's our ultimate guide toHow To Stop Grilling Dry Chicken For Good.



That being said, when I need to shake it up, salmon, shrimp, and other seafood are also great protein options. I just usually have to eat a little more to make sure I'm full. I'm dying to make These Flavorful Fish Tacos.

​Cooked Veggies

Brit + Co

Even though I definitely prefer raw vegetables, ever since I realized cooked veggies are easier to digest, I haven't gone back. Roasting a ton of peppers, sweet potatoes, and broccoli at the top of the week sets me up for a successful — and tummy ache-free — week of meals. This Vegetable Galette is calling my name (with a GF crust, of course).

Greek Yogurt & Strawberries

Life Of Pix/Pexels

I have the same breakfast every day: an egg and turkey bacon, either a chai latte or a matcha latte, and Greek yogurt and strawberries. I can't believe I never regularly ate Greek yogurt before, but now that I'm on the train, I'm never getting off. Sometimes when I want a little extra treat I add some chocolate chips, too! This dish helps fill me up without leaving me weighed down.

What's your go-to recipe on days you feel icky? Let us know in the comments and check out our Pinterest for more recipes!

We're getting closer and closer to seeing a Freaky Friday2. The cat's out of the bag that the sequel treatment is confirmed and actually happening, and movie stars Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan have been increasingly vocal about the upcoming movie's plot. The dynamic duo, who you can see in 2024's Borderlands and Irish Wish, respectively, are expected to return as Tess and Anna, the mother and daughter that wake up one titular freaky Friday in swapped bodies.

Filming for Freaky Friday 2 finally began on June 24, and we finally have an official release date for the film! Here's everything we know about Freaky Friday2 so far.

Check Out The First Freaky Friday 2 Set Leaks

The first set leaks from Freaky Friday 2 are totally dreamy — and they also prove Anna's just like us, because who didn't go from emo-teen to boho-chic? Jamie Lee Curtis' Tess has published a brand new book, and based on her author photo, she's a lot more carefree than the last time we saw her! We also get a look at new cast member Julia Butters (who might be playing Anna's daughter?) and the internet's newest boyfriend, Manny Jacinto.

When is Freaky Friday 2 coming out?

Walt Disney Studios

According to Disney,Freaky Friday 2 is coming to theaters on August 8, 2025. This is definitely one of our most-anticipated movies of 2025 now!

Disney / Instagram

Disney posted this sneak-peek screen cap that we can only assume is from the movie. We truly can't wait to watch this sequel!

What is Freaky Friday 2 about?

Carlo Allegri / Getty Images

Freaky Friday 2 sees Anna with a family of her own, including a daughter and a future stepdaughter. According to a press release from Disney, "As they navigate the myriad challenges that come when two families merge, Tess and Anna discover that lightning might indeed strike twice."

"It's going to be a really freaky Friday," Lindsay Lohan told Good Morning America on June 27, 2024. "Much freakier than you would expect."

"[There's] a lot of love, a lot of fun, a lot of laughs," she continues.

Is Chad Michael Murray in Freaky Friday 2?

Presley Ann / Getty Images for Netflix

Yes, Chad Michael Murray is returning for the sequel!

"How great would it be to bring Jake back?" he teased during the Mother of the Bride premiere in May 2024. "If Jake's invited back, Jake will be there." Thank goodness they invited him back!

Freaky Friday 2 also stars Mark Harmon, Christina Vidal Mitchell, Haley Hudson, Lucille Soong, Stephen Tobolowsky, Rosalind Chao, Julia Butters, Sophia Hammons, Manny Jacinto, and Maitreyi Ramakrishnan.

Is the band Pink Slip going to be in Freaky Friday 2?

Carlo Allegri / Getty Images

Anna's pop-rock teen band, Pink Slip, is undoubtedly integral to the plot of the original Freaky Friday, so it'd be surprising to see a Freaky Friday 2 without fan-favorite jams like “Take Me Away” and “Ultimate.”

Via recently published interviews with Cosmopolitan, a fewFreaky Friday crew members spilled on whether or not we'll actually see the angsty band in the sequel.

Screenwriter Heather Hach clearly agreed that the soundtrack played a huge part in the movie's plot.

"You take out the band element and I don’t think Freaky Friday would be as popular as it is," she said. "It didn’t feel like a derpy Disney movie. The music was actually really good."

Jaclyn Pearson, PHD, the drummer for the band Lash (who wrote the ever-iconic song "Take Me Away"), teased that Freaky Friday 2 might revisit their discography.

"We contacted our record label because we heard there might be a sequel," she said. "We’ve got this whole back catalog. Maybe they could use another song for the film."

Producer Andrew Gunn seemed to suggest the same thing:

"We got a draft of a script for the sequel right before the writers’ strike, and it was really good. A writer came up with the most brilliant idea. It uses music and the band in a great way."

Are they making a Freaky Friday 2?

John Nacion / Getty Images for Paramount Pictures

Lindsay Lohan said on Andy Cohen's Sirius XM show that Freaky Friday 2 is really and truly happening! However, "I don’t want to say too much,” she said about the potential timeline.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the cast could be on set as early as summer 2024. In addition to Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis reprising their roles, Andrew Gunn and Kristin Burr will produce the movie, Elyse Hollander will write the script, and Ann Marie Sanderlin will executive produce. Nisha Ganatra will direct.

While Lindsay is looking forward to the story, she's “just excited to work with Jamie [Lee Curtis] again and see how much further we can take it," she tells PEOPLE. “We talk almost every other day in general, so I think we're going to have a lot of fun with this."

Are Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan friends?

Jamie Lee Curtis / Instagram

Yes, Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan are definitely still friends! In November 2023, Curtis shared an adorable Instagram selfie with Lohan, teasing the upcoming project. And after the writers' and actors' strikes ended, project promotion is slowly returning to light.

"YOU GREW UP and SO BEAUTIFULLY!" the caption reads. "Well, it's Friday, and the strike is over so hopefully, we can switch places again in the near future!" She also tagged Lohan and Disney, which teased the iconic ‘03 comedy in a fun way.

What has Jamie Lee Curtis said about Freaky Friday?

Allyson Riggs

Curtis — coming off some serious cinematic hits, Everything Everywhere All At Once and Halloween Ends — still retains a strong bond with Lohan, and hasn’t exactly been shy about her excitement towards circling back to Freaky Friday. Landing the original role and moving through production was undoubtedly significant to the actress: she cites her own success with Tess after taking on the job at the last minute, despite being booked and busy elsewhere.

“Had I had all the time in the world to prepare, I don’t think it would’ve been so good,” Curtis told the New York Times. “I just had to be in my body. I was also newly sober and I was able to have a community within the movie-work world. That was a big deal for me.”

What has Lindsay Lohan said about Freaky Friday?

Scott Everett White / Netflix

Lohan told the New York Times that she was ready and raring to tackle 2003’s Freaky Fridayback in the day after rocking a dual-role in 1998's The Parent Trap.

“I threw myself into everything: accents, green screens, playing two people,” said Lohan. “So I felt comfortable after that. Freaky Friday felt different because I was going through all of the phases of a 16-year-old [but playing a character who was a year younger]. This was the era of Avril Lavigne and punk, and I wanted to experience it. We did white stripes in my hair.”

The fame Lohan endured at a young age didn’t always leave a positive effect, and it’s been a hot second since we’ve seen her fully emerge back into the spotlight. The star’s been busy since – she moved to Dubai, manages her overseas businesses, got married, and recently welcomed motherhood. After all that, Lohan remains eager to act again – and thankfully in a second Freaky Friday.

“Jamie and I are both open to that, so we’re leaving it in the hands that be,” Lohan told NYT. “We would only make something that people would absolutely adore.”

It sounds like Curtis is ready, too. "As I went around the world with Halloween Ends, people wanted to know if there was going to be another 'Freaky Friday.' Something really touched a chord. When I came back, I called my friends at Disney and said, 'It feels like there’s a movie to be made.'"

Who's writing Freaky Friday 2?


Elyse Hollander is writing the sequel for Freaky Friday.

Who is directing Freaky Friday 2?

Jamie Lee Curtis / Instagram

Nisha Ganatra is directing Freaky Friday 2. She’s directed TV episodes on shows like The Mindy Project, Shameless, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Dear White People. Ganatra has also done directorial work in movies like The Hunters, Late Night, and The High Note.

Disney will be distributing the Freaky Friday sequel.

Sign up for our newsletter for more entertainment news, and check out how Chad Michael Murray's Role In The Freaky Friday Cast Almost Went To Jared Padalecki!

Header image via Walt Disney Studios

This post has been updated.

If you're getting a jump on your holiday shopping this year, you're in luck! We've rounded up the best beauty picks under $50 that are bound to be the hottest gifts of the season. Whether you're shopping for a skincare lover, makeup fanatic, or someone who just loves a little pampering, these budget-friendly beauty finds are sure to top every wishlist.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

An Eyeshadow Pallet With Complimenting Colors


This two-in-one eyeshadow palette is ideal for creating an autumn-themed sunset effect. It features a matte burnt orange shade that pairs beautifully with shimmery gold. With various color combinations available at an affordable price, you can easily pick up more than one.

See it on Amazon

A Lip Oil That Comes in Neutral and Deep Shades


Keep your lips hydrated and glossy with this lip oil. This nourishing formula is packed with plant-based oils that deliver a high-shine finish while protecting your lips from the season’s chilly air.

See it on Amazon

A Gel Sleeping Mask for Hydrated, Clear Skin


This gel sleeping mask refreshes, hydrates, and refines pores while you get your beauty sleep. This is a mask that delivers visible results. One reviewer says, "My skin is glowing & hydrated better than anything else I've ever used. The smell is wonderful! Unfortunately I've gotten very skeptical & cynical about products that promise you so many wonderful things but never seem to live up to those promises.....HOWEVER, this product really does do what is advertised and I'm so happy with the results!"

See it on Amazon

A Cream Eyeshadow in the Perfect Fall Shade


Elevate your eyes with cream eyeshadow. It has a gold shimmery formula that can even double as a highlighter. Its radiant finish shines in the light, giving your lids and cheekbones a soft, autumnal glow.

See it on Amazon

Makeup Mousse That Will Cut Down Your Getting-Ready Time


Simplify your makeup routine and give your skin a bronzed glow with this makeup mousse. It features a 4-in-1 formula that functions as a primer, foundation, concealer, and powder, with buildable coverage that easily hides dark spots and redness.

See it on Amazon

This Lipstick That Every Woman Wants


If there was one Amazon product I would choose to sum up the most viral beauty items that hit the For You Page on Tiktok this year... It would have to be this Charlotte Tilbury pillow talk lipstick that made the internet lose their minds. I don't know if it's the sexy, soft pink color that has been making everyone go wild or the long-lasting lip stain it makes, but whatever it is... we are absolutely loving it and all your Tiktok friends will too!

See it on Amazon

A Lip Combo Set Inspired by Fall


This chestnut lip combo set has all the steps you need for a stunning fall lip look. It includes three separate pieces with dual-ended lip liners and lipstick combos. They’re stunning when worn alone with a matte finish or can easily be layered with a shimmery gloss.

See it on Amazon

A Cinnamon Lipstick That Works as a Liner


Dark and dramatic lip colors are a fall essential, and this lipstick is a perfect choice. Priced affordably at just $5, it comes in multiple stunning shades. Its non-tacky formula works as both a lipstick and liner, and you can easily layer gloss on top for added shine.

See it on Amazon

An Eyeshadow Stick With a Built-in Brush


Swipe on a pop of color with this eyeshadow stick. It has a long-lasting cream-to-powder formula that blends like a dream. It's an easy way to add a touch of warmth to your fall makeup.

See it on Amazon

This Rice Toner Gives You Glass Skin


Korean skincare does it again: Get the coveted glass-skin look with this milky rice toner. With plant-based ingredients, this daily toner helps balance the skin's water and oil levels for the perfect amount of glow.

See it on Amazon

This Primer Is Better Than a Filter


Instantly make your skin firmer and tighter with this Peter Thomas Roth primer. It immediately gives you firming results that help to make your foundation look like a professional applied it.

See it on Amazon

Maybelline Just Dropped These New Shadow Blocks in a Stacked Eye Shadow Trio


These newly dropped Maybelline Shadow Blocks are great if you wear the same shadow look regularly or you need something compact for travel. Each block comes with three different shades which all work together for an overall look. They are really user-friendly and not overly pigmented so great for everyday use.

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A Milani Eyeshadow Palette With Deep Purple Tones


This Milani eyeshadow palette features perfect purple-toned autumn colors to create stunning eyeshadow looks. It includes both shimmer and matte shades to make any eye color pop. With a total of six colors, ranging from deep purple to light pink, this palette has everything you need for a fall-inspired look.

See it on Amazon

This Body Fragrance Has Millions Of Fans


You will smell irresistible after one spritz of this Body Fragrance that is at the top of everyone's "most-wanted" list. Whether you're prepping for a day out or setting the mood for a cozy evening, this mist is a light, yet luxurious option that is going to gain you compliments wherever you are headed.

See it on Amazon

A Milky Toner That Promotes Glass-Like Skin


Sometimes, makeup remover and cleanser aren't enough, and that's why adding this milky toner to your routine is absolutely essential. It helps remove any leftover product or oil, promoting a refreshed and hydrated complexion.

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This Face Oil Feels Like Luxury


A good face oil can really add that "wow" factor to your skin regimen, and this honeysuckle and turmeric face oil will work wonders. Use it with a gua sha or face roller to hydrate and plump skin while aiding in lymphatic drainage. Trust us, your skin will have never looked healthier!

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Remove Sebum and Blackheads With This Tool


This adorable tool was made to clean out your pores with just a few sweeps. The Tako pore scrubber pulls out impurities to leave your skin looking and feeling clean and bright.

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A Niacinamide Serum That Addresses Enlarged Pores


Give your skin complexion that you'll love and feel confident about with this niacinamide serum. It will help shrink the visibility of your pores and provide relief for redness and any discolored areas on your face. It has a sensitive skin-friendly formula that you can use daily without irritation.

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Goodbye Beauty Blender, Hello Foundation Brush


A lot of the girls are saying that the Beauty Blender is out and they are switching back to foundation brushes to blend their cream products. If you're done with the sponge, then this is a great brush to try out.

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A Skin Tint to Prioritize Hydration


Keep your skin moisturized and glowing with this skin tint. Infused with hyaluronic acid to help diminish uneven skin tones, it offers full coverage that can easily be used as a primer or foundation on lightweight makeup days.

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A Three-for-One Lip Plumper Set


Why purchase one product when you can get three for the price of one with this lip plumper set? It comes with three shades that will naturally plump your lips and give them a glossy glow. It includes a light-colored gloss, a neutral tone, and a dramatic pink that can be accentuated with your favorite lip liner.

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A Pink Corrector for Your Undereyes


Neutralize dark under-eye circles and cool tones with this pink corrector. It imparts a radiant pink glow that blends seamlessly with your blush. The long-wearing, crease-resistant formula ensures a flawless look throughout the day.

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A Lipstick With a Gorgeous Deep Pigment


Incorporate a dramatic red lip into your makeup routine this season with this cranberry red lipstick. Its vibrant color complements fall tones, and the long-lasting formula minimizes the need for reapplication.

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This Super Serum Will Give You Super Skin


Olay always knows just what our skin needs, am I right? The cult favorite drugstore brand just released this 5-in-1 Super Serum that will have you instantly hooked. With niacinamide, Vitamin C, collagen peptide, AHA, and Vitamin E, this magical formula improves texture, firmness, evenness, hydration and smoothness all at once. It'll leave your skin feeling refreshed, hydrated and healthy for a glow that others will notice immediately.

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This Complexion Stick Can Cover Anything


Conceal your blemishes while also correcting the color with this complexion stick that is infused with turmeric and hyaluronic acid. This medium coverage tool creates a natural finish that will feel as good as your skin will look. It's a must-have to touch up throughout the day.

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This Rice Water Spray Is Incredible For Hair Health And Growth


You may have heard of the incredible benefits of rice water for your hair. Not only does it work to increase hair shine and strength, but it can also promote growth. This new spray has proved popular with customers due to its incredible smell and fantastic results. Some reviews say they saw results in less than a week.

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This Cushion Foundation Blurs Your Imperfections


A satin finish is just one product away with this cushion foundation that has the internet in a frenzy. This foundation is infused with an anti-aging serum, bringing a radiant finish to your skin with each use. It's easy to apply and creates a timeless look that everyone will love.

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This TULA Skin Care Eye Balm is the Worst Nightmare of Dark Circles


Dark under eyes don't stand a chance. I absolutely adore this TULA Skin Care Eye Balm after long nights and the accompanying rough mornings. This eye balm cools, soothes, and brightens even the most stubborn of dark under eye areas. Small and lightweight, this eye cream is great for traveling or just a quick refresh on the go. If you want a truly cooling experience, keep this eye balm in you fridge overnight.

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Dewy or Don't We?


Anastasia Beverly Hills has done it again with this incredible setting spray, Dewy Set. The shimmering formula gives you beautiful, hydrated, healthy-looking skin, whether you use it to set your makeup or you use it on naked skin. Because the Peach Fuzz look isn't just for those who love a full face!

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The Perfect Lipstick for Every Skin Tone? Clinique Almost Lipstick Is Going Viral.


Everyone's been talking about Clinique Lipstick and its ability to look good on every skin tone. When two sisters with completely different looks tried it out for themselves, they were both amazed. This versatile shade can be dressed up or down to suit any makeup look.

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A Lip Stain That Plumps and Hydrates


Opting for a lip stain is a great way to avoid frequent reapplications throughout the day. This lip stain has a long-lasting formula that plumps your lips with moisturizing ingredients. Available in a variety of colors, you can choose from single packs or buy a two or three-pack for added convenience.

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A Hair Mask for a Deep Repair


This keratin protein-infused hair mask is perfect for repairing and strengthening fine hair. It helps banish split ends, leaving you with healthy, flowing strands. Plus, it nourishes your scalp to promote healthy hair growth.

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A Plumping Lip Balm That Matches Any Liner


Hydrate your lips and make them appear naturally fuller with this plumping lip balm. Available in a variety of colors, from deep reds to sheer pinks, you can easily apply a similarly toned eyeshadow to complete your look.

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This Curling Headband Seems Too Good To Be True


Take your beauty sleep to staggering new heights with this curling headband. It helps you create heatless curls with hardly any effort on your part, and the finished result will leave you speechless. Don't believe us? Take a peek at a few photos from the over 1,000 perfect five-star reviews to see what this thing is capable of.

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This Plumping Oil Is Unbelievably Affordable


No need to spend a fortune on a plumping lip oil, because this rising bestseller is only $3. This hydrating, color-changing formula leaves lips feeling moisturized and visibly plumper for a luscious look. One reviewer says, "This cheap lipstick creates such a gorgeous shiny mirror looking rich shine! I haven't had a lipstick with such a gorgeous shine."

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This Mask Uses Watermelon Enzymes


Not only does watermelon smell incredible but the enzymes in this mask can work to gently exfoliate the skin, and even promote cell turnover. Reviews say the cooling sensation of the mask feels so refreshing on the skin, and it's perfect for use overnight.

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This Brow Pencil Can Give You Flawless Eyebrows


Want flawlessly arched brows? Consider utilizing this brow pencil, which offers unparalleled precision for sculpting brows (no wonder why they have become such cult favorites).

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An Eye Gel to Enhance Your Morning Routine


Remove any puffiness and dark circles the second you wake up by applying this eye gel. It infuses hyaluronic acid and caffeine into your under-eyes to hydrate and minimize the puffiness or swelling that commonly occurs in the morning.

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An Autumn Spice Pallet With 9 Colors


Create a gorgeous eyeshadow look that matches your favorite fall colors with this autumn spice palette. It features brown, orange, and pink tones to add a warm touch to your eyeshadow. Finish it off with brown mascara and a winged eyeliner for full glam.

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A Cream Eyeliner That Comes in Multiple Shades


There's no better time than fall to experiment with your eye makeup looks, and this cream eyeliner is the perfect way to do it. It’s great for adding a pop of color as a winged eyeliner or for lining your waterline to match your eyeshadow.

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Lip Gloss That Comes in the Best Shade for Fall


Dark lip combos are going to be a huge trend this season, and this Mac lip gloss is the perfect way to achieve it. It comes in a gorgeous cranberry color and features a non-sticky formula with lasting shine.

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Level Up Your Shower With This Hydrating Body Oil


Why go for basic body soap when you can opt for this deeply hydrating multi-oil body wash? Made with glycerin, plant-derived squalane, and linoleic-rich oils, this luxurious cleanser feels like a retreat while nourishing your skin with every wash.

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A Liquid Blush and Bronzer for a Warm Finish


Keep your face looking refreshed and vibrant with this liquid blush and bronzer. Combining two products into one, it gives your complexion a warm glow. Available in a variety of colors, you can choose from both pink and brown tones.

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This Pearlessence Rosehip Facial Oil


This oil has rosehip oil, which works wonders for the skin as the retinoids can prevent blackheads, reduce inflammation, and reduce inflammation. The Vitamin C in the formula can calm the skin, and customers say it smells amazing.

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This Rosemary Spray To Upgrade Your Hair Care


If you've been scrolling on TikTok then you've definitely seen this Rosemary Spray that has a ton of different benefits. Whether used for dietary, skin, or hair purposes, users might appreciate its organic and pure formulation that is guaranteed to provide your skin, hair and body with a ton of benefits.

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A Kabuki Brush Set to Nail the No Makeup Look


Make sure you have all the tools you need to nail the no-makeup look. The Bamboo Synthetic Kabuki Brush Set includes all you need and comes with a makeup bag and a sponge.

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The L'Oreal Lumi Glotion for a Moisturized and Glowing Base


Starting off your makeup routine with L'Oreal Lumi Glotion ensures your look lasts every single day. This product combines a highlighter and bronzer to prep your skin for the rest of your makeup, but it’s also stunning when worn alone.

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This Beauty of Joseon Red Bean Pore Refreshing Mask Clears Pores


Get ready to change your skincare routine by introducing this red bean pore refreshing mask by Beauty of Joseon to your life. This wash-off mask made with red bean effortlessly removes dead skin cells and banishes blackheads, leaving your skin feeling silky-smooth as soon as you rinse it off.

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A Cream Blush Stick You Can Use Multiple Ways


With this cream blush stick, you can ensure your lips, eyes, and cheeks match. It has a multi-use formula with a matte finish, allowing you to easily add shine with a highlighter and gloss. It’s available in a variety of tones that will complement your fall makeup.

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This Glow Skin Balm Is the Ultimate Multitasker


Get yourself a product that can do it all — a.k.a. this 4-in-1 glow skin balm. This hydrating formula acts as a primer, moisturizer, morning pack, and illuminating cream for the ultimate dewy look.

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A Set of Epsom Salts for a Relaxing Bath


There's nothing more relaxing and pampering than a bath at the end of a long day. These epsom salts take your wind-down routine up a notch by providing a luxurious, spa-like experience in the comfort of your own home. Use the lavender salts to relax, or add a scoop of the honey almond salts for a restorative experience that soothes tired muscles and delights your senses.

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Get Kissable Lips with Maybelline New York Super Stay Vinyl Ink Longwear No-Budge Liquid Lipcolor Makeup


Glossy and long-lasting. You'll get seriously kissable lips with this Maybelline New York Super Stay Vinyl Ink Longwear No-Budge Liquid Lipcolor Makeup. I absolutely swear by this product, and soon so will you. The shade "Royal" is a deep wine red, and seriously sexy for a night out. This makeup is made to last through the day, but if you want to know my hack, I put on a first layer, blot, and then reapply to maximize long wear.

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Get The Longest Lashes Ever With This New Mascara


Who doesn't want gorgeous long lashes? Forget the extensions and get this new Surreal Extensions Washable Mascara from Maybelline's Falsies line. This 2-in-1 lengthening and volumizing formula will have everyone thinking you're wearing false eyelashes, minus the hassle of actually wearing them. One reviewer raves, "This mascara has surpassed all others!!! It truly makes my stubby little lashes look a lot longer! And because it’s waterproof it doesn’t smear— yet comes off easily... I’m excited to finally have longer lashes and not just thicker ones!"

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This Lipstick Really Lasts for 16 Hours


Finally, a lip color that really does last all day. The Maybelline Super Stay Vinyl Ink can last for up to 16 hours. Giving your pout a gentle and alluring tint.

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This Anua Serum Achieves Glass Skin


This serum gives you that glass skin appeal without the grease. It contains tranexamic acid, which can brighten the skin and improve the signs of hyperpigmentation.

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These Popular Collagen-Boosting Under-Eye Masks


Elevate your spa night to new heights with this delightful set of pretty pink eye masks by Grace & Stella. With 24 pairs of collagen-packed, vegan, and cruelty-free eye masks, your self-care routine will be nothing short of luxurious. It's no wonder they are Amazon's Choice for eye masks, earning a stellar 4.4-star overall rating from a loyal and enthusiastic fan base. Trust us, these eye masks are a Prime Day deal that will make your eyes sparkle with delight.

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A Collagen Mask That Works Overnight


Apply this hydrating collagen mask before bed to wake up with beautiful, glass-like skin. It works to minimize the appearance of pores and boost elasticity as it absorbs overnight, and it even has a different color and texture in the morning.

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The Maybeline Sky High Mascara That Has Gone Viral


You never truly understand the hype around a viral product until you try it so thats why I tried this Mascara. The Maybeline Sky High Mascara lengthens lashes so well and does not flake or smudge at all, there is no doubt that this affordable mascara can compete with the more expensive brands. Looking through the 82,000 reviews on Amazon you can understand how this product is an internet sensation as it loved by thousands!

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This All-In-One Balm Heals Everything


I don't pretend to understand it, but this all-in-one healing skin cream truly does it all. From restoring dry, cracked skin, to healing eczema and burns, to improving acne and redness, this magical formula is one you'll always want to have on hand. Reviews are filled with miracle stories like this one: "I have had a scrape on my foot for over 2 weeks that is now healing after two applications of this. This stuff is for real and is worth every penny!"

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Deep Skin Detox At-Home


Enjoy the deep cleansing and relaxation of a steam facial right at home with the nano facial steamer. Add water, press a button, and enjoy up to twenty minutes of constant, high-powered steam that will detox your pores and leave your skin looking and feeling its best.

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This Snail Mucin Moisturizer Will Give You The Best Glow


Don't sleep on snail mucin. This Korean skincare secret blew up on TikTok in the form of COSRX's Snail Mucin serum, and now this 92% snail mucin moisturizer is sure to follow. This all-in-one repair cream helps reduce redness, promote lasting hydration, and repair damaged skin for an overall healthy glow. This reviewer raves, "I promise you won't be disappointed!! It really works! My skin is super hydrated, and even has a glow to it!"

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This Moisturizer Cream With Snail Mucin


If you've been scrolling on #BeautyTok then you already know about this Moisturizer Cream that is a K-beauty superstar known for its healing and rejuvenating properties. Its 97.5% snail mucin formula is a gift to the skin, offering day and night repair that's cruelty-free. Welcome a new era of snail-kissed, radiant skin.

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A Brown Mascara to Compliment Warm Eyeshadows


Brown mascara is a summer trend that's expected to get even more popular this fall. It’s perfect for giving your lashes a natural, defined appearance and blends well with warm eyeshadows. This one features a clump-resistant formula to keep your lashes looking beautiful and feathery.

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The Trendy Skincare Headband for Your Night Beauty Routine


You've probably seen them on TikTok or Instagram, as these bubble headbands are still trending everywhere. This Skincare Headband from Amazon also comes with a pair of microfiber wristbands that prevent water from running down your arms and drenching your countertops so you can comfortably apply your beauty products.

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This Hydrating Liquid Blush Has a Buildable Color


This liquid blush is a sheer formula to give you a natural flush of color with a watercolor finish. It also hydrates and plumps your skin with hyaluronic acid. The buildable creamy blush can be blended with your fingers.

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A Multi Stick With a Gorgeous Shimmer


There's something about a multi-purpose makeup product that makes us feel excited about our beauty routine. This multi stick can be used as an eyeshadow, blush, and lip color, and the subtle shimmer is oh-so-pretty. The cream-to-powder formula makes it ultra-blendable and featherlight, so it's comfortable to wear all day. One reviewer says, "This product has quickly become a staple in my makeup routine, and for good reason."

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These Hair Capsules Transform Your Hair


Strengthen your hair and reduce frizz with these nourishing hair serum capsules made in Italy. Each plant-based capsule provides a boost of amino acids, leaving your hair silky, smooth, and strong.

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This Tanning Mist Will Give You the Perfect Bronzed Glow


Just because summer is ending doesn't mean your tan has to! This gradual self-tanning mist gives you the most subtle, natural-looking glow while hydrating and refreshing skin with every spritz. This top reviewer writes, "This is the most amazing face tanner!!!! I get out of the shower, mist my face, go to bed, wake up, and look bronzed!! Do it all again the next night. My face looks great; the product doesn't 'orange' as it fades."

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Add Some Radiance to Your Face With These Drops


This Korean skincare essential is designed to hydrate your skin and add radiance. What does that mean? It means that your skin has a bit of a glow. Your healthy skin will look youthful and hydrated every time you use these fantastic drops!

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Keep your lips hydrated with the lip glow balm


For lips that look as good as they feel, try this Lip Glowy Balm. This convenient balm provides powerful hydration, locking in moisture longer and leaving your lips feeling soft and silky. That way, you can give them their best pout to go with their most natural glow!

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