Krispy Kreme Has Released Limited-Edition Birthday Cake Donuts, and They’re *Insanely* Delicious

Even if you haven’t gotten on board the birthday cake recipes train yet, you probably know by now that the flavor is EVERYWHERE. There are birthday cake milkshakes and cake batter ice cream. There are even healthy cake alternative recipes for those who want to keep things light. And now, Krispy Kreme is *finally* joining in on the fun with a special, limited-edition product in honor of the company’s 80th anniversary: birthday cake Krispy Kreme glazed donuts!

You can already find these babies in select stores, but it’s likely that they’ll be even more widely available as we approach the company’s milestone “birthday” on July 13. So far, the birthday cake-inspired treats can be found in two different varieties: glazed whole donuts and mini crullers.

Though the company hasn’t made an official announcement as of yet, Instagram is already going collectively nuts over the donuts. Given how well birthday cake and vanilla ice cream go together, we absolutely recommend topping these bad boys with a scoop of good, old-fashioned vanilla bean ice cream and serving with a cup of coffee.

We don’t know about you, but we’re ready to celebrate.

Follow us on Pinterest for more of the latest food news and trends!

Hello, summer — it's been a while! As July approaches, it's time to dig into your horoscopes and all the exciting things you can expect this season. Energy abounds as you take in the pitter-patter of little ones and all their activities around the house, sip that new bubble tea from Starbucks, or ache for first dates and a fiery summer romance.

As Cancer season continues, it's a period for inner work, connecting intimately with loved ones — and most importantly, self-love. Exploring your ancestral roots, or deepening the bonds with family is the key to feeling at home this season. As you master these themes, you will feel more happy and at ease with yourself than ever.

With that in mind, here's what you can expect in your July horoscopes for 2024.

​Astrology Overview For Your July Horoscopes For 2024

Photo by Callie Bisset

This month, prepare for a passion-filled, fiery, and straightforward journey. The excitement starts with Mercury, as it enters the sign of Leo, promising zesty conversations. Brace yourself for interactions that can be either amicable or off the rails, as it may reveal a tone of self-centeredness if our egos are left unchecked. The new moon in Cancer will be a powerful moment for healing, revitalizing our hearts, and stepping on a new path involving our love story. Then, Pallas, the asteroid of strategy and achievement, goes direct in the Scorpio sign, offering us a chance to unravel the mysteries of situations and people and make informed future decisions.

Love and passion will then be on the radar as Venus enters Leo, and our creativity will flow seamlessly as we align with our confidence and vision.

Mars enters Gemini during the second half of July, infusing us with inspiration and an openness to trying new approaches to our goals. The full moon will then phase into Capricorn (again!), granting us the complete scope of all that we have built so far in our journey since the new year. Then, the Sun enters Leo, propelling us to explore our true happiness and fulfillment – romantically or personally. We will then become more pragmatic in our thought process when Mercury enters Virgo. Our ideas and ways of communicating our principles will be methodical and solid. July will conclude with Chiron retrograde, allowing us to review our past wounds and receive clarity on what is holding us back from healing.

Key Astrology Dates For Your July Horoscopes In 2024

Photo by Spencer Wirkkala

  • 7/3 Mercury enters Leo
  • 7/5 New Moon in Cancer
  • 7/9 Pallas stations Direct
  • 7/11 Venus enters Leo
  • 7/20 Mars enters Gemini
  • 7/21 Full Moon in Capricorn
  • 7/22 Sun enters Leo
  • 7/25 Mercury enters Virgo
  • 7/26 Chiron Retrograde

​An In-Depth Look At The Astrology For Your July Horoscopes In 2024

Photo by Alex Rusciano

July is an eventful month, filled with opportunities to ignite your passions and dive deep into self-reflection and reorientation. Here's a look at the key astrological events that will shape your journey this month:

On July 3, Mercury enters Leo, infusing your communication with confidence and creativity. It's a time to express your ideas boldly and with flair. Don't hold back — allow your charisma to shine through in every conversation.

The new moon in Cancer on July 5 offers a fresh start, especially in home and family matters. Set your intentions for nurturing and emotional security. Whether reconnecting with loved ones or creating a sanctuary at home, focus on what makes you feel safe and cherished.

July 9 brings the asteroid Pallas direct, clearing any mental fog and sharpening your strategic thinking. When you've been sitting on plans or ideas, now is the time to act. Use this clarity to tackle challenges through a different approach.

Then, the love planet Venus enters Leo on July 11, turning up the heat on romance and self-expression. This is the perfect moment to pursue your passions and indulge in life's pleasures. Plan a special date, dive into a creative project, or treat yourself — you deserve it.

For the second half of July, the war and motivator planet Mars enters Gemini on July 20, sparking curiosity and a surge of mental energy. Romantically, expect the conversations to flow with endless flirtation and fun. This celestial event encourages you to explore new ideas and take on multiple projects. You can engage in stimulating discussions and let your curiosity guide you, but be careful not to overextend yourself.

The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 will turn our attention to our goals and achievements. This is a great time to take a step back and assess where you stand. What needs reinforcing? What might you need to let go of? Use Capricorn's disciplined energy to commit to your long-term dreams with a clear and realistic approach.

Expect a second wind of fun and playfulness starting on July 22, marking the beginning of Leo season as the Sun moves into this vibrant sign. Welcome this period of passion and self-expression. This is the season to shine and showcase your unique talents. To embody the lion sign, celebrate yourself and level your confidence.

Get ready to fine-tune your thoughts and ideas as the messenger planet Mercury enters Virgo on July 25, granting you tangible results. This is a great time to organize your thoughts, plan meticulously, and refine your communication skills. Let your practical side take charge and guide you through any tasks.

This month concludes with Chiron retrograde beginning on July 26. These next few months will encourage reflection, addressing past wounds, and embracing your healing journey. Take this time to understand yourself better, grow with compassion, and begin your inner work that involves taking ownership of your life.

​Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your 2024 July Horoscopes



Step into your complete metamorphosis, Aries. Mercury and Venus are moving into Leo, and your 5th house will light up with passion and endless creativity. Expect your love life to feel more playful and exciting while your projects thrive. The new moon in Cancer signals a fresh start in your home life, encouraging you to create a cozy and secure environment. As Mars enters Gemini, your 3rd house will buzz with lively conversations and new ideas. It's a great time to network and share your thoughts, but focus on what excites you. The full moon in Capricorn highlights your 10th house, prompting you to review your career goals and giving you the perfect moment to launch any projects you've been working on. Lastly, with Chiron going retrograde in Aries, take this time for deep self-reflection and healing. Address any self-doubt and work on overcoming imposter syndrome, allowing yourself to move forward confidently. Over the next several months, embrace these changes and let them guide you toward a more fulfilled and empowered version of yourself.



Get ready to witness the shifts involving your home life, finances, and personal beliefs, Taurus. With Mercury and Venus lighting up Leo in your 4th house, your focus turns to family bonds and creating a cozy home atmosphere everyone enjoys. It's a perfect time to redecorate or host gatherings that bring joy. The new moon in Cancer energizes your 3rd house, sparking fresh ideas and deeper connections with your immediate surroundings. Use this time to communicate openly, start new projects, or reconnect with neighbors and friends nearby. Mars moving into Gemini amps up your 2nd house of finances, offering opportunities for increased income but reminding you to budget wisely and resist impulse buys. The full moon in Capricorn shines a light on your 9th house, urging you to review your beliefs and philosophical outlook. Consider letting go of old beliefs or finishing educational pursuits. With Chiron retrograde in your 12th house, delve into inner healing, addressing past hurts, and understanding your dreams for personal growth. Embrace these shifts for a more grounded and empowered you.



This month, Gemini brings change and growth in your ideas, communication, and immediate surroundings as Mercury and Venus enter Leo in your 3rd house. Get ready for lively conversations and new creative inspirations that energize your daily interactions. The new moon in Cancer lights up your 2nd house, signaling a fresh start in finances. It's a great time to focus on budgeting, increasing income opportunities, or investing wisely for future stability. With Mars entering Gemini in your 1st house, you'll feel a boost of confidence and assertiveness. Use this star power to pursue personal goals and assert your needs. The full moon in Capricorn highlights your 8th house, prompting a review of joint finances or intimate relationships. It's a time to release old habits and deepen trust in partnerships. With Chiron retrograde in your 11th house, focus on healing within friendships, networks, and long-term aspirations. Reflect on past dynamics and nurture connections that align with your growth. Embrace these opportunities for personal evolution and building stronger, more meaningful bonds.



HBD Cancer, your month's focus turns inward towards your closest relationships. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 2nd house, expect a positive shift in your finances and a boost in self-esteem. You'll feel more secure about your financial situation and confident in managing money wisely. The new moon in Cancer lights up your 1st house, signaling a fresh start in self-expression and personal growth. This is the period to embrace your true self and step forward with renewed confidence in all areas of life. Meanwhile, Mars entering Gemini in your 12th house stirs your dreams and intuition, urging you to reflect deeply on subconscious patterns and avoid rushing into major decisions. Take time to understand your inner motivations before making any big moves. The full moon in Capricorn illuminates your 7th house, prompting a review of partnerships. Evaluate the foundations of your personal and professional relationships and ensure they support your emotional and practical needs. With Chiron retrograde in your 10th house, focus on healing aspects of your career direction, leadership skills, and a sense of purpose. This introspective period offers opportunities to grow professionally and refine your ambitions. Use these cosmic influences to nurture your personal and professional goals with authenticity and resilience.



Get ready to turn up your solar radiance this month, Leo. It all begins with accepting your true self and stepping into your power. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 1st house, you'll embody confidence and attract opportunities as you express your authentic self without filters. It's your time to shine brightly and seize the spotlight. The new moon in Cancer in your 12th house initiates a phase of inner reflection and renewal, encouraging you to let go of subconscious beliefs that no longer serve you. Take this opportunity to clear your emotional baggage and embrace a fresh start from within. Mars entering Gemini in your 11th house sparks energy in your social circles and networks, igniting your outreach efforts and inspiring ambitious dreams. You can connect with like-minded individuals and pursue collaborative ventures that align with your aspirations. The full moon in Capricorn in your 6th house prompts a review of your daily routines and health habits. Focus on self-care and establish mindful practices supporting your well-being to increase your confidence even more. With Chiron retrograde in your 9th house, it's time to heal and expand your beliefs. Let go of old methodologies that no longer resonate and embrace processes that uplift and align with your inner growth journey.



This month, Virgo encourages introspection and growth. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 12th house, it's a perfect time to slow down and sift through your inner world, exploring your imagination and subconscious.The new moon in Cancer in your 11th house breathes new life into your social circles and long-term goals. Reach out to old friends, network, and revive aspirations that inspire you. Mars entering Gemini energizes your 10th house, stimulating your career direction with confidence and assertiveness. You can use this cosmic support to express your terms and advance your professional goals, but be careful about tempers or heated arguments. The full moon in Capricorn in your 5th house highlights your romantic connections and creative projects, clarifying what you've built and what needs refinement. Reflect on your progress and make adjustments to strengthen these areas. With Chiron retrograde in your 8th house, focus on healing your inner fears and insecurities. Engaging in inner work and energy healing will help you find the silver lining and attract serendipitous experiences.



Get ready to witness your dreams come to fruition this month, Libra. July brings vibrant energy to your professional and personal life. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 11th house, your professional networks light up, allowing you to shine your gifts and collaborate effectively. The new moon in Cancer in your 10th house boosts your career direction, encouraging you to take more responsibility and align with your long-term goals. Mars entering Gemini energizes your 9th house, inspiring you to broadcast your talents and engage with international pursuits. This may prompt travel plans or collaborations with people from different backgrounds, adding excitement to your life and ventures. The full moon in Capricorn in your 4th house prompts a review of your home life and family dynamics. You'll better understand your family structures and find the space to express your emotional needs. With Chiron retrograde in your 7th house, focus on healing partnerships and connections with others. This period offers the opportunity to address past unresolved issues, providing a healing balm to either mend relationships or move on.



July focuses on your work, dreams, and inner life, Scorpio. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 10th house, you'll feel confident sharing your gifts and pursuing your professional dreams. This is a prime time to launch new projects, name your terms, and implement your ambitions. The new moon in Cancer will phase your 9th house, inspiring you to follow a path that aligns with your passions and beliefs. Mars entering Gemini in your 8th house urges you to slow down and engage in deep inner work. Unresolved issues may surface, offering a chance for profound personal growth. This transit also spices up your intimate relationships, allowing deeper connections with your partner. The full moon in Capricorn illuminates your 3rd house, empowering you to vocalize a long-building message and revisit relationships with immediate family. Reflect on your communication patterns and the structures of your daily interactions to move forward more effectively. Finally, with Chiron retrograde in your 6th house, focus on healing your mind, body, and spirit. Listen to your body's needs and prioritize self-care to live more optimally and maintain balance in your daily life.



You're in for a transformative journey of self-discovery and deep connections, Sagittarius. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 9th house, your beliefs and higher self are set to flourish. Expect breakthroughs as you engage your mind and share your insights through broadcasting, writing, or teaching. The new moon in Cancer lights up your 8th house, urging introspection and nurturing intimate bonds; tapping into your heart center will guide your next steps. Mars moves into Gemini in your 7th house, sparking lively interactions with partners or colleagues—remember to listen as much as you speak to avoid misunderstandings. The full moon in Capricorn in your 2nd house marks closure on past financial matters, paving the way for a renewed sense of self-worth. As a result, Chiron retrogrades in your 5th house, prompting healing in creative blocks and matters of the heart. Embrace the purity of your passions for profound inner healing and growth. This month invites you to align deeply with your beliefs and emotions, guiding you toward clarity and empowerment.



This July brings a reflective journey as Mercury and Venus enter Leo in your 8th house, prompting you to delve into the depths of your financial dealings and intimate connections. Take this time to review and recalibrate, ensuring shared resources align harmoniously. The new moon in Cancer in your 7th house signals a fresh start in partnerships. Invest in mutual understanding and emotional connection to strengthen commitments. Mars in Gemini energizes your 6th house, boosting vitality at work, but be mindful of workplace gossip; focus on productive service instead. The full moon in Capricorn in your 1st house marks a personal milestone. Celebrate your growth, reconcile with your past, and move forward confidently. The asteroid Chiron retrograde in your 4th house calls for healing family wounds and fortifying your home base. Retreat inward, mend what needs mending, and lay solid foundations for your life's direction. Embrace this introspective phase to nurture your inner world and thrive.



This month promises a dynamic interplay of energies as Mercury and Venus enter Leo in your 7th house, igniting passion and creativity in your partnerships. Embrace this fiery influence to enhance connections and commit to ventures that reflect your unique identity. The new moon in Cancer in your 6th house brings awareness regarding your health and daily routines. Seize this opportunity to revamp work productivity and integrate sacred practices into your life to ensure balance. Mars enters Gemini in your 5th house, infusing romance and creativity with excitement. Plan social outings or indulge in creative projects to nurture these areas of your life. The full moon in Capricorn in your 12th house illuminates your subconscious, clarifying your life direction and patterns. Embrace closure by accepting the past and moving forward with acceptance and understanding. Meanwhile, Chiron retrograde in your 3rd house prompts healing around communication and self-expression. Strengthen your voice and believe in your ideas to confidently shape your vision.



Dear Pisces, July brings transformative energies as Mercury and Venus enter Leo in your 6th house, inspiring you to beautify your physical appearance and daily environment. Embrace a new health regimen and consider sprucing up your workspace to boost confidence. The new moon in Cancer in your 5th house heralds a time of creativity and self-expression. Take charge of your dreams and nurture romantic connections by prioritizing your authentic needs. Mars enters Gemini in your 4th house, stirring movement in your home life. Whether you're considering renovations or a change of residence, reflect on these foundational shifts before committing. The full moon in Capricorn in your 11th house signals closure in friendships or social circles. Use your energy wisely and avoid settling to prevent conflicts. In these next several months, Chiron retrograde in your 2nd house invites healing around finances and self-worth. Explore past patterns and family influences to uncover core wounds affecting your relationship with money. This introspective journey will empower you to redefine your values and cultivate a healthier financial mindset. This period of inner exploration will lay solid foundations for future abundance and personal fulfillment.

Want to find out how astrology can be the guiding tool to self-acceptance and fulfillment? Click here and claim your copy of Lumi's Beginner's Astrology Book.

For more astrology advice, be sure to Ask Lumi for advice, and follow the conversation on Facebook!

Header image by Spencer Wirkkala

Another day, another reason to discuss Sex and the City! During our umpteenth rewatch of the iconic series, we realized just how many famous faces and soon-to-be stars show up in scenes with our girls. So many, in fact, that it would be easier to list off the stars who didn’t appear on the OG show. While Sex and the City cemented Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristen Davis, and Cynthia Nixon as permanent fixtures in the cultural zeitgeist, it also served as a jumping off point for countless other stars we now know and love. Keep reading for all the SATC cameos you may have missed the first few [dozen] times around.

Justin Theroux as Jared in Season 1, Episode 7 "The Monogamists"


Early in the series, Carrie is already obsessing over Mr. Big and sensing troubled waters ahead. While she wants to be monogamous, he has a fear of commitment (and apparently communication as well, as Carrie found out they were seeing other people in the worst possible way). Enter Justin Theroux's Jared, an up-and-coming author and one of New York magazine's "30 Coolest People Under 30," which seems to be his entire personality.

While this was a bit part, it seems like Theroux remembers him, although not fondly so. The actor responded to a Vanity Fair Instagram poll, roasting himself by simply commenting "Jared" in response to the question "Who was the worst man on Sex and the City?"

Bradley Cooper as Jake in Season 2, Episode 4: "They Shoot Single People, Don't They?”


Before he was an A-lister, Bradley Cooper was a struggling actor who was ecstatic to have booked his first on-screen role in Season 2 as Jake, a charming suitor who meets Carrie after the infamous NY Magazine cover. It was part luck, part looks, and part skill — particularly his stick shift driving skills — that landed him the gig. The only problem? Our golden boy had lied to get the part, and couldn't drive stick at all!

Sex and the City director and writer Michael Patrick King tells the story best, recounting Cooper's casting on the And Just Like That...The Writers Room podcast: “Bradley Cooper — first job — said he could drive a stick to get the job because the character drove a Karmann Ghia. 4:00 in the morning, another Friday outside 14th Street and I said, ‘Bradley, this is where you drive, you take off.’ And he goes, ‘I can’t drive a stick.’ And so we fixed, changed, pivoted. Sarah Jessica’s character Carrie crawls out of the Karmann Ghia and walks herself home.”

Donald Trump as Himself in Season 2, Episode 8 "The Man, the Myth, the Viagra"


In what is probably the most random jump scare for first time and seasoned viewers alike, Donald Trump shows up as a business associate of Ed, the older billionaire that Samantha had her eyes on for a hot second. There are a few aspects of this appearance that make sense: the show is set in New York City, where Trump was a major business tycoon at the time; the corporate world was high-key obsessed with his book, The Art Of The Deal; and the girls were all looking for their own man in finance (IYKYK), with Samantha at one point referring to Mr. Big as "the next Donald Trump" (which she meant as a compliment). However, it's still a little wild that one of the presidents of the United States of America was on Sex and the City as nothing more than a plot device. Legend has it that he ad-libbed his lines to include a Trump Tower mention, which is kind of cool, I guess? Alas Donald, they could never make me like you.

Jon Bon Jovi as Seth Robinson in Season 2, Episode 13 "Games People Play"


After breaking up with Mr. Big (again), Carrie agrees to give therapy a shot. She meets Bon Jovi's Seth in the waiting room of her therapists office, and for some reason decides it would be a good idea to pursue things with him. He's charming and they hit it off, but they fail to communicate about what they want and need in their next relationship. We never see Seth again and Carrie never sees her therapist again, which is really a shame, because it looked like the sessions were helping her work through her issues, heal, and potentially make better decisions.

Justin Theroux (again) as Vaughn Wysel in Season 2, Episode 15 "Shortcomings"


Justin Theroux returns as a different, yet equally annoying suitor, named Vaughn Wysel (pronounced like "weasel," which I do not believe is a coincidence). His character here is once again a writer, this time of short stories, and becomes less mature as his screen time continues. Carrie likes him, but during a chance encounter with his family, she realizes she loves them so much more.

While Theroux looks completely different this time around, I've often wondered why they chose to repeat actors, especially just one season apart. Legend has it that the show was going through men so quickly, they were quite literally running out [of moderately to very attractive male actors, that is] and had no choice but to reuse one that they liked.

Valerie Harper as Wallis Wysel in Season 2, Episode 15 "Shortcomings"


While it's safe to say that no one was brokenhearted over the demise of Vaughn and Carrie's relationship, the real casualty of the episode is what could have been with Wallis, Vaughn's mother. A writer, documentary filmmaker, and sexual anthropologist, she is the mother figure and mentor that Carrie never got to have. Carrie only dated Vaughn for a few weeks, so there was nothing really keeping her from staying in touch with Wallis after this all blew over. It's not like Vaughn came around often, or even seemed to like his lovely family — so any potential run-ins with the ex would have been few and far between.

Eddie Cahill as Sean in Season 3, Episode 4 "Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl…"


After all the heavy drama with Mr. Big, Carrie is excited to meet Sean, a cutie in his twenties who makes her feel light and free. On an ice skating date, Carrie let's loose and allows herself to stumble — a playfulness she seems to have forgotten by the trapeze era (IYKYK). Ultimately, they call things quits when he comes out as bisexual and she just can't handle it.

Eddie Cahill was the love interest du jour for stylish blonde New Yorkers — he played Rachel's younger boyfriend Tag on Friends the following year. While he may have overstayed his welcome on the latter show, I was always a little sad that he didn't stick around on SATC longer.

Alanis Morissette as Dawn in Season 3, Episode 4 "Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl…"


At Sean's party, Carrie meets his highly incestuous — yet sweet — friend group. In a game of spin the bottle, she shares a kiss with Dawn, played by the inimitable Alanis Morissette. Personally, I'm proud of Carrie for stepping outside her comfort zone and going for it, but I could have gone without all the biphobic judgement.

While "Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl..." is a throwaway episode for many (it's very "of the times", and not in a good way), it serves as a shining example of one of Carrie's shortcomings that many fans have never quite been able to reconcile: for a sex columnist, Carrie doesn’t have a firm understanding of human sexuality and she is remarkably close-minded. So how exactly did she get this job?

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Debbie in Season 3, Episode 13 "Escape from New York"


Love them or hate them, the LA episodes are full of celebrities, with some playing themselves and others taking on in-universe roles. First, we meat Debbie, the junior development representative, played by the fantastic Sarah Michelle Gellar. Dawn is the one who invited Carrie to LA in the first place, because.... she's wants to turn Carrie's column into a movie!

Gellar is perfect as Debbie, which is lucky, especially considering this wasn't the SATC character she was originally going to play. However, fate (and scheduling conflicts) had other plans, and she was finally able to leave the set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer for a few hours to film SATC while the show was shooting on location in LA.

As a diehard Buffy fan, I like to think that Debbie is who Buffy would have become in an alternate universe, had she never moved from LA to Sunnydale...nor committed her life to slaying vampires.

Matthew McConaughey as Himself in Season 3, Episode 13 "Escape from New York"


When Debbie excitedly drops the news that there's a "big star" interested in producing the movie, our collective minds go anywhere exceptMatthew McConaughey. Carrie is a good sport, feigning some excitement and taking the meeting, but things go sideways once McConaughey identifies Carrie as the problem in the Carrie/Big relationship (which, fair!). In between hilariously questioning her ("What the f*ck is Carrie's problem?!") and pitching himself as Mr.Big, he also hits on her as some type of deranged method acting. Understandably, Carrie is about as freaked out as the viewers watching from the safety of their own homes, and she gets out of there as soon as she can. It's a fun cameo and TBH I would have loved to see his take on Mr. Big!

Vince Vaughn as Keith Travers in Season 3, Episode 14 "Sex and Another City"


When Carrie's press pass from the New York Sun doesn't work for an LA red carpet (ha!), Vince Vaughn's Keith comes to her rescue. He's an assistant who makes himself out to be a Hollywood power player, and Carrie doesn't see it until she's confronted with the truth in an unexpected way.

Vaughn is the type of celebrity we love to hate, and he has a highly punchable face, which makes him perfect for this role. That’s why seeing him get his ass handed to him by THE Carrie Fisher is absolutely iconic.

Carrie Fisher as Herself in Season 3, Episode 14 "Sex and Another City"


Just as quickly as he arrived, Keith's downfall sent him packing. We found out that he is not the successful agent of Matt Damon (ha!), but the assistant to Carrie Fisher (ha! ha!). Fisher enters at the end of the episode, admonishing her assistant's carelessness in bringing girls back to her home. While our Carrie tries to sheepishly buddy up to Fisher, she's having none of that.

Anti-Carrie fans love when Carrie Bradshaw gets put in her place by none other than Carrie Fisher (arguably the superior Carrie), who also assumes she's a prostitute.

Kat Dennings as Jenny Brier in Season 3, Episode 15 "Hot Child In The City"


Kat Dennings made her TV debut on a Season 3 episode, where she plays a spoiled preteen who enlists Samantha to help plan her Bat Mitzvah. A far fetched plot for sure, but Dennings plays her so convincingly — Jenny is the type of girl we would have been afraid of in middle school. She was only 14 at the time, and she wasn't even allowed to watch her own appearance when the episode came out, recounting how "My mom jumped up to turn it off!" on the Drew Barrymore Show.

Margaret Cho as Lynne in Season 4, Episode 2 "The Real Me"


Like the LA episodes, Season 3 sees Carrie's star continue to rise, and brings us another star-studded episode. First, we meet Margaret Cho's Lynne, a decidedly cool (if intimidating) industry friend of Carrie's. She invites Carrie to model during a fashion show, filled with "normal" people, and Carrie eventually becomes "fashion roadkill."

Alan Cumming as Oscar in Season 4, Episode 2 "The Real Me"


Before Carrie can model, she must get styled by Dolce & Gabbana (as one does). Alan Cumming's Oscar is the fantastic D&G stylist, who Carrie proceeds to yell at backstage when he makes a last minute change to her outfit. A 10/10 cameo!

Kevyn Aucoin as Himself in Season 4, Episode 2 "The Real Me"


Kevyn Aucoin was a prominent and influential makeup artist at the time, and he appeared backstage with Carrie before the show. While she was nervous about the change in direction, he assured her that she would look great. What many fans might not be aware of is that Aucoin was a major get for the show, regularly appearing in the pages of Vogue and working with A-list stars, eventually becoming the highest paid celebrity makeup artist. He's also the man responsible for bringing face contouring to the mainstream (he literally wrote the book on it!) and Kevyn Aucoin Beauty remains in business today.

Heidi Klum as Herself in Season 4, Episode 2 "The Real Me"


Still unsure about her appearance, Carrie takes one more look at herself in the mirror before stepping out on the runway. Heidi Klum apparently feels the same, popping up right behind Carrie, who's noticeably shocked that a beautiful model could experience self-doubt. Heidi tells Carrie, "Let's go!" and she never looks back.

Lucy Liu as Herself in Season 4, Episode 11 "Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda"


Lucy Liu pops up as herself in an episode where she enlists Samantha to be her new publicist (because Samatha represents celebrities now too, apparently). They bond over tipping well, having class, and being real - but things quickly unravel when Samantha decides she wants a Birkin bag and uses Liu's name to get one. Side note: remember when Birkins were only $4,000?

Candice Bergen as Enid Frick in multiple episodes, beginning with Season 4, Episode 17 "A Vogue Idea"


Candice Bergen's Enid pops up a few times as Carrie's Vogue editor in SATC and later, the movie. At first, they butt heads, when Carrie receives unexpected feedback on her first draft. Apparently, Vogue is a little more discerning than the New York Star. However, Enid and Carrie soon find common ground, and come to enjoy a friendly — yet professional — relationship. Fun fact: Bergen's real-life daughter, Chloe Malle, is also an editor at Vogue!

Chandra Wilson as Police Officer in Season 5, Episode 1 "Anchors Away"


Before she began saving lives as Dr. Miranda Bailey, Chandra Wilson was a humble NY police officer. She spotted Samantha hanging up flyers after being wronged by Richard, and in a moment of female solidarity, allowed her to continue. While we only have Wilson's unnamed character for a short scene, this iconic exchange will live on forever:

"Ma'am, it's against city law to deface public property."

"This man said he LOVED me and I caught him eating another woman's p--sy!

"Carry on, ma'am."

Heather Graham as Herself in Season 5, Episode 6 "Critical Condition"


When Carrie is out with the girls, she meets Nina, who instantly clocks Carrie as Aidan's terrible ex and makes the face. Carrie then obsesses about this for the rest of the episode, culminating in a run-in with Carrie, Stanford, Nina, and (for some reason) Heather Graham in the park.

TBH I never loved Heather Graham's guest appearance. Besides Graham oddly not being able to convincingly play herself, it just always felt very random, with less thought put into the writing than other celebrity sightings. As it turns out, her cameo wasn't always part of the plan, with Graham telling Cosmopolitan: "That's my favorite TV show of all time! I'm so excited that I got to be on it. Nadia [Dajani, the infamous face girl] was good friends with Michael Patrick King."

So there you have it — she called in a favor to a friend, the real-life Nina, who is apparently just as well-connected as her fictional counterpart. Maybe she's not that bad after all?

Jennifer Coolidge as Victoria in Season 6, Episode 3: "The Perfect Present"


By Season 6, Sex and the City was a well-oiled machine. The writing was quick, the storylines were top-notch, and every episode stood well on its own. This was especially true when Jennifer Coolidge pops up as Victoria, a handbag designer fresh off her divorce and fresh out of talent. She invites the girls to her "Purse Party" and delivers a trio of instantly quotable one-liners:

"Because of that f---er, I've discovered I'm Fendi!"

"Do I look like a f---ing department store?!"


Geri Halliwell as Phoebe in Season 6, Episode 10 "Boy, Interrupted"


Geri Halliwell — aka Ginger Spice, looking notably less gingery than the last time we saw her — pops up as Phoebe, a friend of Samantha's. We don't know much about Phoebe, except that she believes the absolute coolest place to be in all of Manhattan is The Soho House, which I guess is on par for a recent NYC transplant. This is very of the times (we have so many more options now!) and her acting is less than stellar, but I love the Spice Girls so much that I really don't mind. And you shouldn't either, because this is the episode that brought us the infamous Annabelle Bronstein.

Kristen Johnston as Lexi Featherston in Season 6, Episode 18 “Splat!”


Kristen Johnston appears as Lexi Featherston in the penultimate episode of the series, where she plays an aging party girl who's desperate for a cigarette. Lexi has conned her way into a swanky uptown party, and is excited to see her old pal Carrie. However, Carrie has already outgrown that phase in her life, best evidenced when Lexi is desperate for a lighter and Carrie has already quit smoking. Lexi declares that "New York is over!" and "I'm so bored I could die" before falling out a window to her death.

For some reason, Carrie decides that the problem is New York City and not her own choices, namely the people she surrounds herself with. Growing up is a part of life, and sometimes you outgrow people, while others grow with you. It's all perfectly normal and definitely not a reason to run away to Paris with a strange Russian man.

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The rumors are true – Starbucks just made a second summer debut with a brand-new lineup of drinks and food items! Joining the permanent menu are 3 new sips (plus some unique innovations with their cold foams and sweet creams) and 2 snacks (one savory, one sweet), and they look so good.

Starbucks is keeping the cool stuff coming with these new menu items that rival what other chains, like Dunkin', are up to. Scroll on to see the entire Starbucks summer part 2 drop!


NEW! Melon Burst Iced Energy Drink

First up on the new summer menu are the Iced Energy Drinks. They're oh-so sparkling and sugar-free! One's flavored with melon, and the other with citrus.

The Melon Burst Iced Energy Drink (red) features notes of melon and cucumber that mix with Starbucks' Passion Tango tea.

NEW! Tropical Citrus Iced Energy Drink

The second flavor (orange) highlights flavors of passionfruit and citrus that blend with a slightly minty green tea.

These all-new energy drinks are only available or order in a venti (20 oz) size. The Melon Burst contains 180 mg of caffeine, while the Tropical Citrus contains 205 mg of caffeine. So, these new sips will definitely help you wake up!


NEW! Frozen Tropical Citrus Iced Energy with Strawberry Puree

This frozen iteration of the new Starbucks energy drinks will only be available exclusively in the Starbucks app for a limited time, so now's the time to try it out. It blends the Tropical Citrus Energy Drink flavor with ice and strawberry puree to make the perfect drink to order on those *especially hot* summer days.

A venti size has 205 mg of caffeine, similar to a grande (16 oz) Starbucks cold brew.


Caramel Vanilla Swirl Iced Coffee

Starbucks also dropped something for the die-hard iced coffee fans. Highlighting their new iced coffee blend, the new Caramel Vanilla Swirl Iced Coffee includes shots of caramel syrup and Vanilla Sweet Cream.


NEW! Non-Dairy Vanilla Sweet Cream + Sweet Cream Cold Foam

Next up, Starbucks introduced two new non-dairy takes on some of their most popular drink customizations: sweet cream and cold foam! The new Non-Dairy Vanilla Sweet Cream + Sweet Cream Cold Foam items are now officially available to order year-round in any of your fave orders like cold brews and iced coffees.


NEW! Egg, Pesto and Mozzarella Sandwich

This fully vegetarian breakfast sammie is now part of the Starbucks breakfast menu. It stacks a fluffy layer of a cage-free egg with kale and basil pesto, topping it all off with mozzarella cheese in between a toasted cheddar and onion bun. Yummm.


NEW! Blueberry Streusel Muffin

A step up from their OG blueberry muffin, this new take is finished with a textured cinnamon streusel topping.


New Summer Drinkware

Starbucks' drinkware is always popping off, but these new summer selections are especially cool. Plus, there's an all-new exclusive lime green Stanley Quencher! 👀


New Artist Collaboration Series

Starbucks' latest artist collaboration with Ananya Rao-Middleton manifests in three super vibrant cups, including a bottle and hot tumbler! As a traumatic brain injury survivor, Ananya uses artwork to express her experiences as a woman of color living with multiple sclerosis.

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