10 Breakup Books To Help You Heal From Heartbreak

breakup books

Watching your relationship crash and burn is crappy, but it turns out there's breakup books to help you heal from heartbreak! I wish I would've stuck my nose in one at the end of my last relationship because I thought the world was ending. I was unable to see any red flags just like Feyre in A Court of Thorns and Roses...Sigh.

It's likely you're experiencing your own "ah ha" moments now that you're not with your ex anymore, but it doesn't hurt to flip through a few breakup books to help you sort through any lingering emotions. And if you need a bit of escapism, there's a few fictionalized depictions of what happens after breakups for you to sort through as well!

P.S. Once you're done reading a few breakup books, you can start focusing on how to romanticizeyour summer!

Nonfiction Breakup Books & Journals


Win Your Breakup: How to Be the One That Got Away by Natasha Adamo

I may or may not have spent some time unpacking my last relationship during the beginning of my therapy journey. I was that scarred, but I learned that he wasn't always the common denominator of my issues. It was my low self-esteem that encouraged me to stay put and deal with things even when common sense told me otherwise.

Win Your Breakup: How to Be the One That Got Away is meant to stroke the embers of your curiosity if you're in the 'revenge' stage of your breakup. You know, the one where you're hellbent on either making your ex feel ten times worse than they made you feel or you want to prove that you're better off without them.

The thing is that you don't actually need to do that. You've already 'won' by no longer having an emotionally manipulative person — if that was your situation — in your life.

You'll learn how to not only understand your worth as an individual, but you'll also get a chance to understand the things that you will and won't tolerate in your next relationship.


Breakup Bootcamp: The Science of Rewiring Your Heart by Amy Chan

Relationship columnist Amy Chan knows all about the heartbreak that comes when your relationship ends, especially if cheating was the root cause of the breakup. Though she was torn over her ex-boyfriend's actions, she gained a new perspective once she realized she could use a painful moment as a positive catalyst towards a better life.

Since she's been through the wringer, Amy Chan wants to take you through her own version of Breakup Bootcamp. But, you won't be focused on your ex. No, this bootcamp is all about getting to root of your own habits using proven psychological methods to help you live your best life.


The Breakup Bible by Rachel A. Sussman, LCSW

Psychotherapist and breakup expert Rachel A. Sussman, LCSW is here to help you move on from a breakup or divorce. Based on her own experiences with clients, her 3-phase recovery process consists of Healing, Understanding, and Transformation techniques backed by the advice of other women who've been in your shoes.

She even helps you create something called a "Love Map" that sounds exactly like what it is.


The Breakup Workbook by Kendra Allen

While you're reading Win Your Breakup, Breakup Bootcamp, or The Breakup Bible, I highly recommend utilizing something like The Breakup Workbook to help you write down your thoughts throughout your healing journey.

It still offers you tangible advice, but it's followed by exercises like a "Detox Your Ex-Checklist" you can work on while you're recovering.


After the Breakup: A Self-Love Workbook by Tamara Thompson, LMFT

If you need another roadmap of sorts, After the Breakup: A Self-Love Workbook is a great option. It gives you a deeper look at your self-love journey while helping you process the way you approach life. More than that, you'll learn to redefine what it means to be your authentic self while reading the experiences of other people who've experienced breakups.


How to Heal from Heartbreak: A Breakup Journal by Carissa Potter and Vera Kachouh

This journal was written for everyone who knows chaotic and painful a breakup can be. It also acknowledges why they're not super easy to get over even when we say we're fine.

Think of this journal as your bestie who knows that you and your ex weren't perfect, but is willing to listen to you pour your heart out. Over time, you'll be able to recognize certain patterns you have so you can change them, and then you'll start working on having a healthier relationship with yourself.

Fiction Breakup Books 


The Break-Up Book Club by Wendy Wax

Jazmine, Judith, Erin, and Sara have bonded during their book club meetings though they're nowhere near the same person. However, it's their love of books and an ample amount of wine that they're able to realize their lives aren't what they hoped they'd be.

  • Jazmine may have a successful career as a sports agent, but she's knee deep in raising a child by herself.
  • Judith's kids have left the nest, but now she's wondering if she sacrificed too much in her marriage.
  • Erin's dealing with a wishy-washy fiancé who's no longer sure about what they want; and
  • Sara has a MIL (mother-in-law) from hell who takes every chance she gets to undermine Sara's worth.

Somehow these women find the strength and courage to make hard decisions that help them see that some things need to end before life gets better.


Fleishman Is in Trouble by Taffy Brodesser-Akner

Toby Fleishman is facing a dilemma after he and his wife decide to separate. His somewhat carefree life is upended when his former wife, Rachel, decides to leave the kids with him with no trace of where she's gone.

Now Toby has to figure out how to be a single father while managing a hectic career and a budding sex life. In his mind, he'd always been the one who held the glue together while Rachel's ambitions were always lofty.

But, time is proving that not everything has always been so easy to see for him. That maybe he's going to have to pay attention a little more if he wants to understand why Rachel made the decision she did.


When I Think of You by Myah Ariel

Kaliya Wilson's career feels out of reach no matter how much time she's put in as a receptionist at a popular film studio. You'd think they'd notice all her hard work by now, but apparently not.

Just when she starts to give up on her dreams, her ex Danny Prescott waltzes onto the scene. He's an even more popular director who seems to have it all together. Though they haven't seen each other in a while, Danny generously offers Kaliya a job. This requires her to trust him in ways she never thought she could after their breakup, but she finds herself slowly opening up.

However, sudden changes behind the scenes begin to push for her to choose between her heart and her career in the name of what's right.


Really Good, Actually by Monica Heisey

Maggie is trying to convince herself that life isn't a dumpster fire even though she has no money, is no longer married, and hasn't figured out what her graduate thesis will be. Determine not to let her divorce stall her life, Maggie decides to start filling that void with other things she may not have gotten a chance to do.

It's with the help of her academic advisor, new friend, and her hilarious group chat that she's able to find the support she needs to keep finding her version of happily-ever-after.

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Hello, summer — it's been a while! As July approaches, it's time to dig into your horoscopes and all the exciting things you can expect this season. Energy abounds as you take in the pitter-patter of little ones and all their activities around the house, sip that new bubble tea from Starbucks, or ache for first dates and a fiery summer romance.

As Cancer season continues, it's a period for inner work, connecting intimately with loved ones — and most importantly, self-love. Exploring your ancestral roots, or deepening the bonds with family is the key to feeling at home this season. As you master these themes, you will feel more happy and at ease with yourself than ever.

With that in mind, here's what you can expect in your July horoscopes for 2024.

​Astrology Overview For Your July Horoscopes For 2024

Photo by Callie Bisset

This month, prepare for a passion-filled, fiery, and straightforward journey. The excitement starts with Mercury, as it enters the sign of Leo, promising zesty conversations. Brace yourself for interactions that can be either amicable or off the rails, as it may reveal a tone of self-centeredness if our egos are left unchecked. The new moon in Cancer will be a powerful moment for healing, revitalizing our hearts, and stepping on a new path involving our love story. Then, Pallas, the asteroid of strategy and achievement, goes direct in the Scorpio sign, offering us a chance to unravel the mysteries of situations and people and make informed future decisions.

Love and passion will then be on the radar as Venus enters Leo, and our creativity will flow seamlessly as we align with our confidence and vision.

Mars enters Gemini during the second half of July, infusing us with inspiration and an openness to trying new approaches to our goals. The full moon will then phase into Capricorn (again!), granting us the complete scope of all that we have built so far in our journey since the new year. Then, the Sun enters Leo, propelling us to explore our true happiness and fulfillment – romantically or personally. We will then become more pragmatic in our thought process when Mercury enters Virgo. Our ideas and ways of communicating our principles will be methodical and solid. July will conclude with Chiron retrograde, allowing us to review our past wounds and receive clarity on what is holding us back from healing.

Key Astrology Dates For Your July Horoscopes In 2024

Photo by Spencer Wirkkala

  • 7/3 Mercury enters Leo
  • 7/5 New Moon in Cancer
  • 7/9 Pallas stations Direct
  • 7/11 Venus enters Leo
  • 7/20 Mars enters Gemini
  • 7/21 Full Moon in Capricorn
  • 7/22 Sun enters Leo
  • 7/25 Mercury enters Virgo
  • 7/26 Chiron Retrograde

​An In-Depth Look At The Astrology For Your July Horoscopes In 2024

Photo by Alex Rusciano

July is an eventful month, filled with opportunities to ignite your passions and dive deep into self-reflection and reorientation. Here's a look at the key astrological events that will shape your journey this month:

On July 3, Mercury enters Leo, infusing your communication with confidence and creativity. It's a time to express your ideas boldly and with flair. Don't hold back — allow your charisma to shine through in every conversation.

The new moon in Cancer on July 5 offers a fresh start, especially in home and family matters. Set your intentions for nurturing and emotional security. Whether reconnecting with loved ones or creating a sanctuary at home, focus on what makes you feel safe and cherished.

July 9 brings the asteroid Pallas direct, clearing any mental fog and sharpening your strategic thinking. When you've been sitting on plans or ideas, now is the time to act. Use this clarity to tackle challenges through a different approach.

Then, the love planet Venus enters Leo on July 11, turning up the heat on romance and self-expression. This is the perfect moment to pursue your passions and indulge in life's pleasures. Plan a special date, dive into a creative project, or treat yourself — you deserve it.

For the second half of July, the war and motivator planet Mars enters Gemini on July 20, sparking curiosity and a surge of mental energy. Romantically, expect the conversations to flow with endless flirtation and fun. This celestial event encourages you to explore new ideas and take on multiple projects. You can engage in stimulating discussions and let your curiosity guide you, but be careful not to overextend yourself.

The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 will turn our attention to our goals and achievements. This is a great time to take a step back and assess where you stand. What needs reinforcing? What might you need to let go of? Use Capricorn's disciplined energy to commit to your long-term dreams with a clear and realistic approach.

Expect a second wind of fun and playfulness starting on July 22, marking the beginning of Leo season as the Sun moves into this vibrant sign. Welcome this period of passion and self-expression. This is the season to shine and showcase your unique talents. To embody the lion sign, celebrate yourself and level your confidence.

Get ready to fine-tune your thoughts and ideas as the messenger planet Mercury enters Virgo on July 25, granting you tangible results. This is a great time to organize your thoughts, plan meticulously, and refine your communication skills. Let your practical side take charge and guide you through any tasks.

This month concludes with Chiron retrograde beginning on July 26. These next few months will encourage reflection, addressing past wounds, and embracing your healing journey. Take this time to understand yourself better, grow with compassion, and begin your inner work that involves taking ownership of your life.

​Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your 2024 July Horoscopes



Step into your complete metamorphosis, Aries. Mercury and Venus are moving into Leo, and your 5th house will light up with passion and endless creativity. Expect your love life to feel more playful and exciting while your projects thrive. The new moon in Cancer signals a fresh start in your home life, encouraging you to create a cozy and secure environment. As Mars enters Gemini, your 3rd house will buzz with lively conversations and new ideas. It's a great time to network and share your thoughts, but focus on what excites you. The full moon in Capricorn highlights your 10th house, prompting you to review your career goals and giving you the perfect moment to launch any projects you've been working on. Lastly, with Chiron going retrograde in Aries, take this time for deep self-reflection and healing. Address any self-doubt and work on overcoming imposter syndrome, allowing yourself to move forward confidently. Over the next several months, embrace these changes and let them guide you toward a more fulfilled and empowered version of yourself.



Get ready to witness the shifts involving your home life, finances, and personal beliefs, Taurus. With Mercury and Venus lighting up Leo in your 4th house, your focus turns to family bonds and creating a cozy home atmosphere everyone enjoys. It's a perfect time to redecorate or host gatherings that bring joy. The new moon in Cancer energizes your 3rd house, sparking fresh ideas and deeper connections with your immediate surroundings. Use this time to communicate openly, start new projects, or reconnect with neighbors and friends nearby. Mars moving into Gemini amps up your 2nd house of finances, offering opportunities for increased income but reminding you to budget wisely and resist impulse buys. The full moon in Capricorn shines a light on your 9th house, urging you to review your beliefs and philosophical outlook. Consider letting go of old beliefs or finishing educational pursuits. With Chiron retrograde in your 12th house, delve into inner healing, addressing past hurts, and understanding your dreams for personal growth. Embrace these shifts for a more grounded and empowered you.



This month, Gemini brings change and growth in your ideas, communication, and immediate surroundings as Mercury and Venus enter Leo in your 3rd house. Get ready for lively conversations and new creative inspirations that energize your daily interactions. The new moon in Cancer lights up your 2nd house, signaling a fresh start in finances. It's a great time to focus on budgeting, increasing income opportunities, or investing wisely for future stability. With Mars entering Gemini in your 1st house, you'll feel a boost of confidence and assertiveness. Use this star power to pursue personal goals and assert your needs. The full moon in Capricorn highlights your 8th house, prompting a review of joint finances or intimate relationships. It's a time to release old habits and deepen trust in partnerships. With Chiron retrograde in your 11th house, focus on healing within friendships, networks, and long-term aspirations. Reflect on past dynamics and nurture connections that align with your growth. Embrace these opportunities for personal evolution and building stronger, more meaningful bonds.



HBD Cancer, your month's focus turns inward towards your closest relationships. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 2nd house, expect a positive shift in your finances and a boost in self-esteem. You'll feel more secure about your financial situation and confident in managing money wisely. The new moon in Cancer lights up your 1st house, signaling a fresh start in self-expression and personal growth. This is the period to embrace your true self and step forward with renewed confidence in all areas of life. Meanwhile, Mars entering Gemini in your 12th house stirs your dreams and intuition, urging you to reflect deeply on subconscious patterns and avoid rushing into major decisions. Take time to understand your inner motivations before making any big moves. The full moon in Capricorn illuminates your 7th house, prompting a review of partnerships. Evaluate the foundations of your personal and professional relationships and ensure they support your emotional and practical needs. With Chiron retrograde in your 10th house, focus on healing aspects of your career direction, leadership skills, and a sense of purpose. This introspective period offers opportunities to grow professionally and refine your ambitions. Use these cosmic influences to nurture your personal and professional goals with authenticity and resilience.



Get ready to turn up your solar radiance this month, Leo. It all begins with accepting your true self and stepping into your power. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 1st house, you'll embody confidence and attract opportunities as you express your authentic self without filters. It's your time to shine brightly and seize the spotlight. The new moon in Cancer in your 12th house initiates a phase of inner reflection and renewal, encouraging you to let go of subconscious beliefs that no longer serve you. Take this opportunity to clear your emotional baggage and embrace a fresh start from within. Mars entering Gemini in your 11th house sparks energy in your social circles and networks, igniting your outreach efforts and inspiring ambitious dreams. You can connect with like-minded individuals and pursue collaborative ventures that align with your aspirations. The full moon in Capricorn in your 6th house prompts a review of your daily routines and health habits. Focus on self-care and establish mindful practices supporting your well-being to increase your confidence even more. With Chiron retrograde in your 9th house, it's time to heal and expand your beliefs. Let go of old methodologies that no longer resonate and embrace processes that uplift and align with your inner growth journey.



This month, Virgo encourages introspection and growth. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 12th house, it's a perfect time to slow down and sift through your inner world, exploring your imagination and subconscious.The new moon in Cancer in your 11th house breathes new life into your social circles and long-term goals. Reach out to old friends, network, and revive aspirations that inspire you. Mars entering Gemini energizes your 10th house, stimulating your career direction with confidence and assertiveness. You can use this cosmic support to express your terms and advance your professional goals, but be careful about tempers or heated arguments. The full moon in Capricorn in your 5th house highlights your romantic connections and creative projects, clarifying what you've built and what needs refinement. Reflect on your progress and make adjustments to strengthen these areas. With Chiron retrograde in your 8th house, focus on healing your inner fears and insecurities. Engaging in inner work and energy healing will help you find the silver lining and attract serendipitous experiences.



Get ready to witness your dreams come to fruition this month, Libra. July brings vibrant energy to your professional and personal life. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 11th house, your professional networks light up, allowing you to shine your gifts and collaborate effectively. The new moon in Cancer in your 10th house boosts your career direction, encouraging you to take more responsibility and align with your long-term goals. Mars entering Gemini energizes your 9th house, inspiring you to broadcast your talents and engage with international pursuits. This may prompt travel plans or collaborations with people from different backgrounds, adding excitement to your life and ventures. The full moon in Capricorn in your 4th house prompts a review of your home life and family dynamics. You'll better understand your family structures and find the space to express your emotional needs. With Chiron retrograde in your 7th house, focus on healing partnerships and connections with others. This period offers the opportunity to address past unresolved issues, providing a healing balm to either mend relationships or move on.



July focuses on your work, dreams, and inner life, Scorpio. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 10th house, you'll feel confident sharing your gifts and pursuing your professional dreams. This is a prime time to launch new projects, name your terms, and implement your ambitions. The new moon in Cancer will phase your 9th house, inspiring you to follow a path that aligns with your passions and beliefs. Mars entering Gemini in your 8th house urges you to slow down and engage in deep inner work. Unresolved issues may surface, offering a chance for profound personal growth. This transit also spices up your intimate relationships, allowing deeper connections with your partner. The full moon in Capricorn illuminates your 3rd house, empowering you to vocalize a long-building message and revisit relationships with immediate family. Reflect on your communication patterns and the structures of your daily interactions to move forward more effectively. Finally, with Chiron retrograde in your 6th house, focus on healing your mind, body, and spirit. Listen to your body's needs and prioritize self-care to live more optimally and maintain balance in your daily life.



You're in for a transformative journey of self-discovery and deep connections, Sagittarius. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 9th house, your beliefs and higher self are set to flourish. Expect breakthroughs as you engage your mind and share your insights through broadcasting, writing, or teaching. The new moon in Cancer lights up your 8th house, urging introspection and nurturing intimate bonds; tapping into your heart center will guide your next steps. Mars moves into Gemini in your 7th house, sparking lively interactions with partners or colleagues—remember to listen as much as you speak to avoid misunderstandings. The full moon in Capricorn in your 2nd house marks closure on past financial matters, paving the way for a renewed sense of self-worth. As a result, Chiron retrogrades in your 5th house, prompting healing in creative blocks and matters of the heart. Embrace the purity of your passions for profound inner healing and growth. This month invites you to align deeply with your beliefs and emotions, guiding you toward clarity and empowerment.



This July brings a reflective journey as Mercury and Venus enter Leo in your 8th house, prompting you to delve into the depths of your financial dealings and intimate connections. Take this time to review and recalibrate, ensuring shared resources align harmoniously. The new moon in Cancer in your 7th house signals a fresh start in partnerships. Invest in mutual understanding and emotional connection to strengthen commitments. Mars in Gemini energizes your 6th house, boosting vitality at work, but be mindful of workplace gossip; focus on productive service instead. The full moon in Capricorn in your 1st house marks a personal milestone. Celebrate your growth, reconcile with your past, and move forward confidently. The asteroid Chiron retrograde in your 4th house calls for healing family wounds and fortifying your home base. Retreat inward, mend what needs mending, and lay solid foundations for your life's direction. Embrace this introspective phase to nurture your inner world and thrive.



This month promises a dynamic interplay of energies as Mercury and Venus enter Leo in your 7th house, igniting passion and creativity in your partnerships. Embrace this fiery influence to enhance connections and commit to ventures that reflect your unique identity. The new moon in Cancer in your 6th house brings awareness regarding your health and daily routines. Seize this opportunity to revamp work productivity and integrate sacred practices into your life to ensure balance. Mars enters Gemini in your 5th house, infusing romance and creativity with excitement. Plan social outings or indulge in creative projects to nurture these areas of your life. The full moon in Capricorn in your 12th house illuminates your subconscious, clarifying your life direction and patterns. Embrace closure by accepting the past and moving forward with acceptance and understanding. Meanwhile, Chiron retrograde in your 3rd house prompts healing around communication and self-expression. Strengthen your voice and believe in your ideas to confidently shape your vision.



Dear Pisces, July brings transformative energies as Mercury and Venus enter Leo in your 6th house, inspiring you to beautify your physical appearance and daily environment. Embrace a new health regimen and consider sprucing up your workspace to boost confidence. The new moon in Cancer in your 5th house heralds a time of creativity and self-expression. Take charge of your dreams and nurture romantic connections by prioritizing your authentic needs. Mars enters Gemini in your 4th house, stirring movement in your home life. Whether you're considering renovations or a change of residence, reflect on these foundational shifts before committing. The full moon in Capricorn in your 11th house signals closure in friendships or social circles. Use your energy wisely and avoid settling to prevent conflicts. In these next several months, Chiron retrograde in your 2nd house invites healing around finances and self-worth. Explore past patterns and family influences to uncover core wounds affecting your relationship with money. This introspective journey will empower you to redefine your values and cultivate a healthier financial mindset. This period of inner exploration will lay solid foundations for future abundance and personal fulfillment.

Want to find out how astrology can be the guiding tool to self-acceptance and fulfillment? Click here and claim your copy of Lumi's Beginner's Astrology Book.

For more astrology advice, be sure to Ask Lumi for advice, and follow the conversation on Facebook!

Header image by Spencer Wirkkala

Much like its main characters, The Buccaneers hit the Apple TV+ scene with flash and fervor. We fell in love with the St. George sisters, longing to see them find romance and (more importantly) true happiness by any means necessary. We embraced each girl in all their messy, shocking, period drama glory. We watched until the very end, desperately wanting more! And after the popularity of the first season, it's no wonder the network renewed this dreamy show for a second season.

Keep reading to learn more about Apple TV+'s renewal of The Buccaneers!

Note: This contains spoilers about season one's finale!

When did Apple TV+ announce season two of The Buccaneers?

Apple TV+

Kristine Frøseth, Alisha Boe, Josie Totah, Aubri Ibrag and Imogen Waterhouse in "The Buccaneers," now streaming on Apple TV+

Apple TV+ announced the renewal of The Buccaneers in a press release on December 19, 2023.

When is "The Buccaneers" season 2 coming out?


They're just living that life. #TheBuccaneers Season 2 is underway.

The Buccaneers Season 2 is officially in production, but there's still no word of a premiere date! What we do know is that Apple TV shared this exciting BTS clips of our new favorite Regency Era stars having the time of their lives.

It's just the boost we need to get through another week!

Who's returning for Season 2?

Apple TV+

Kristine Frøseth as Nan St. George and Guy Remmers as Theo

Josie Totah, Imogen Waterhouse, Barney Fishwick, Aubri Ibrag, Guy Remmers, Kristine Frøseth, Josh Dylan, Mia Threapleton, and Alisha Boe are going to reprise their roles! If you need a refresher, here's who they're playing:

  • Josie Totah as Mabel Elmsworth
  • Aubri Ibrag as Lizzy Elmsworth
  • Kristine Frøseth as Nan St. George
  • Imogen Waterhouse as Jinny St. George
  • Barney Fishwick as Lord James Seadown
  • Guy Remmers as Theo
  • Josh Dylan as Lord Richard Marable
  • Mia Threapleton as Honoria Marable
  • Alisha Boe as Conchita Glosson

How does Katherine Jakeways feel about the series' renewal?

We had the opportunity to speak with series creator Katherine Jakeways,and she shared her enthusiasm about creating such a riveting new period drama. Now that The Buccaneers is renewed for another season, she told Apple TV+, "We know season one left audiences desperate to know what’s next for our buccaneers, so I’m absolutely delighted to have the opportunity to explore the further adventures of this smart, joyful, messy sisterhood.”

What did Apple TV+'s Europe Creative Director say about the new upcoming season?

In the same press release, Jay Hunt admitted, "...we’re excited to be working with Katherine Jakeways and The Forge again on the next adventure for Nan and her friends." If you ask us, it sounds season two of The Buccaneers is off to a great start!

Has a plot for the second season been revealed?

Not yet, but we're absolutely sure it's coming in the new year!

What happened in the season finale of The Buccaneers?

Image via Apple TV+

Imogen Waterhouse and Kristine Frøseth in "The Buccaneers," now streaming on Apple TV+

Viewers watch as Nan St. George took a step back in order for her sister Jinny to have a chance to be happy. This leaves her in the position to move forward with her marriage to Theo, Duke of Tintagel, but it appears she her birth mother may be closer than she realized. Our other characters — like Mabel and Honoria — are left to decide how they want to live their lives as well.

It was a shocking cliffhanger and we can see why fans are thirsty for more.

Where can I watch "The Buccaneers" Season 1? 


The Buccaneers — Official Trailer | Apple TV+

All eight episodes of The Buccaneers are available to stream on Apple TV+. Just be sure to bake a few warm dessert recipes and grab a glass of wine to have while you binge watch them.

For more entertainment news, be sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter!

Lead image via Apple TV+

This post has been updated.

July movies never fail to be as bold, bright, and colorful as 4th of July fireworks (and thank goodness). Now that we've fully entered the summer months, it's time for popsicles, bathing suits, and fresh produce — and apparently, cowboys, minions, and superheroes. Here are the summer movies you totally need to add to your watchlist for July 2024, especially on days it's too hot to go outside!

Despicable Me 4 — In Theaters July 3, 2024

Image via Illumination

Despicable Me 4 is one July movie I cannot wait to watch in theaters. In this sequel, Gru and his family are up against a new villain, voiced by Barbie's Will Ferrell. The whole gang is back together for this new installment, and this time, they've got a new baby Gru Jr.! Watch the Despicable Me 4 trailer here.

Despicable Me 4 hits theaters July 3 and stars Steve Carell, Pierre Coffin, Steve Coogan, Miranda Cosgrove, Joey King, Will Ferrell, Sofia Vergara, and Kristen Wiig.

Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot — In Theaters July 4, 2024

Image via Angel Studios

Sound of Hope is based on the true story of Reverend and Donna Martin, who spearheaded a movement in East Texas to place foster kids with loving families. With their compassion and drive, they help find homes for 77 children that were deemed difficult-to-place. Watch the Sound of Hope trailer here.

Sound of Hope hits theaters July 4, and stars Nika King, Demetrius Grosse, Elizabeth Mitchell, and Diaana Babnicova. Letitia Wright is executive producing.

Space Cadet — On Prime Video July 4, 2024

Image via Prime Video

Emma Roberts' Rex has always dreamed about going to space. When she submits a doctored application, and gets into NASA's astronaut training program anyway, she has to figure out how to survive the program without her directors figuring out her secret.

Space Cadet is on Prime Video July 4 and stars Emma Roberts, Tom Hopper, Poppy Liu, Gabrielle Union, Kuhoo Verma, Desi Lydic, Sebastián Yatra, Yasha Jackson, Andrew Call, Troy Iwata, Josephine Huang, Dave Foley, Sam Robards, and Joshua Harto.

MaXXXine — In Theaters July 5, 2024

Image via A24

Mia Goth is back as Maxine, and this time, she's going to Hollywood. Everything is glitz and glam, until Hollywood's newest stars start turning up dead and Maxine realizes her past secrets are threatening her future. Watch the MaXXXine trailer here.

MaXXXine hits theaters July 5 and stars Mia Goth, Elizabeth Debicki, Moses Sumney, Michelle Monaghan, Bobby Cannavale, Halsey, Lily Collins, Giancarlo Esposito, and Kevin Bacon.

Fly Me To The Moon — In Theaters July 12, 2024

Image via Apple TV+

This July movie is set during the Apollo 11 moon landing and follows marketing expert Kelly Jones, who's tasked with fixing NASA's public image. Meanwhile, launch director Cole Davis is quite literally just trying to get the mission off the ground. Watch the Fly Me To The Moon trailer here.

Fly Me To The Moon hits theaters July 12 and stars Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, Nick Dillenburg, and Anna Garcia.

Longlegs — In Theaters July 12, 2024

Image via NEON

FBI Agent Lee Harker welcomes the challenge of being assigned to an unsolved serial killer case. But when the case takes a turn for the occult, he's horrified to learn he shares a personal connection with the killer. Watch the Longlegs trailer here.

Longlegs hits theaters July 12 and stars Maika Monroe, Nicolas Cage, Alicia Witt and Blair Underwood.

My Spy The Eternal City — On Prime Video July 18, 2024

Image via Prime Video

Veteran CIA operative JJ and his 14-year-old stepdaughter Sophie are in Rome for a high school choir tour, when a nuclear plot targeting the Vatican interrupts their trip. Watch the My Spy The Eternal City trailer here.

My Spy The Eternal City hits Prime Video July 18 and stars Dave Bautista, Chloe Coleman, Kristen Schaal, Flula Borg, Craig Robinson, Billy Barratt, Taeho K, with Anna Faris, and Ken Jeong.

Twisters — In Theaters July 19, 2024

Image via Universal Pictures

After wooing us in Anyone But You, Glen Powell is back for the star-studded Twisters. This July movie is a standalone sequel to the original 1996 Twister, but has enough disaster and adventure that it doesn't feel like a duplicate. Hold on to your cowboy hats! Watch the Twisters trailer here.

Twisters hits theaters July 19, 2024 and stars Daisy Edgar-Jones, Sasha Lane, Brandon Perea, Glen Powell, Anthony Ramos, and Maura Tierney.

The Good Half — In Theaters July 23, 2024

Image via Utopia

I absolutely loved this movie when I saw it at the Tribeca Festival last year, and I can't wait to see it again. Nick Jonas stars as writer Renn, who returns home for his mother's funeral. Before he reconnects with the family he's been avoiding, he meets a charming stranger on the plane — and everything changes. Watch The Good Half trailer here.

The Good Half is in theaters Juy 23 for a limited run, and stars Robert Schwartzman, Brittany Snow, David Arquette, Matt Walsh, Nick Jonas, Alexandra Shipp, and Elisabeth Shue. Utopia is partnering with Fathom Events to release the film in theaters July 23rd and 25th with exclusive virtual Q&A with Nick Jonas, Robert Schwartzman and special guest moderator Kiernan Shipka.

Deadpool & Wolverine — In Theaters July 26, 2024

Image via Marvel Studios/Disney

Deadpool & Wolverine is going to be one of the craziest Marvel movies yet. Not only is Loki's TVA involved and the cameo rumors continue to grow (Taylor Swift, please make an appearance!), but Hugh Jackman is almost sure to finally bring the X-Men into the MCU for good. Watch the Deadpool & Wolverine trailer here.

Deadpool 3 hits theaters July 26, 2024 and stars Morena Baccarin, Emma Corrin, Brianna Hildebrand, Hugh Jackman, Stefan Kapičić, Matthew Macfadyen, and Ryan Reynolds.

The Fabulous Four — In Theaters July 26, 2024

Image via Bleecker Street

When three lifelong BFF's learn their college girlfriend is getting married, they travel to Key West for the trip of a lifetime.

The Fabulous Four is in theaters July 26 and stars Susan Sarandon, Bette Midler, Megan Mullally, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Bruce Greenwood, and Timothy V. Murphy.

Which July movie are you most excited for? Let us know in the comments, and check out the June Movies you can watch this month.

Lead image via Universal Pictures

Due to the hot summer sun, I like my makeup and skincare to feel light and not too cake-y — and that's exactly where my favorite french girl beauty brands come in. The quintessential "french girl" look is effortless, natural, and seemingly barely there, meant to enhance your given gorgeous features with just a few light extra touches. With that in mind, I accumulated my top favorite beauty brands from skincare to makeup to show you everything you need to get that effortless, french girl look that we're all aiming for this summer. Straight from your pinterest board to real life, here are all of my favorite products.


Typology Tinted Serum

Want that natural, french girl skin? This tinted serum is the key! It's vegan and made with squalane, aloe vera, and vitamin C, which is essential for hydrated and healthy looking skin with a bit of tint for coverage. I love a tinted serum because they're somewhat dual purpose, both giving your skin coverage and making it healthier.


Rouje Beauty Beach Waves Hair Set

I've shopped from Rouje (founded by Jeanne Dumas, french style icon) for quite a while, and their pieces never miss! Alongside their exceptional fashion selection, they've launched a beauty section that's just as good! This hair set with hairspray, hair oil, a chic comb, and makeup bag couldn't get any cuter. This is how you get the messy, texturized, french girl hair that's all over pinterest! I couldn't be more obsessed!


Rouje Beauty Blush and Highlight Palette

Another Rouje Beauty item, because this palette will be essential to getting that natural, dewy french girl skin! And it has everything you need in one palette. You have a lip color, blush, and highlighter to give you a glass-skin glow! It's an all-in-one product that I adore.


L'Occitane Almond Shower Oil

I must confess...I have a serious addiction to this product. It's an almond shower gel that smells like heaven. L'Occitane is an OG french brand that's made in the South of Francenear Provence, and this gel has to be an absolute favorite of mine. It starts off as an oil that emulsifies with water to make a shower gel, and it smells absolutely phenomenal. This is a product I use every single day without fail. Fair warning: you will definitely get addicted to it too.


Caudalie Elixir Spray

I've used this spray for over a decade, and no I'm not exaggerating. Caudalie is a french beauty brand that I use religiously, and I've tried almost every product — none of them disappoint. This spray is a daily ritual for me, every morning and every night. It has this fresh scent and cooling mist that relaxes you, making you feel so refreshed. Plus, this spray acts as a toner and really works as a great base for your skincare. A 100/10 french brand for me! Xoxo, a devoted Caudalie stan.

Violette FR

Violette FR Bisou Balm

This brand was started by Violette, a young french woman who was the Creative Director of Makeup at Guerlain at only 33 years old. Needless to say, she has quite a trusted resume in the beauty industry. This brand, Violette FR, is one I used often. I love their skincare products, and have heard raving reviews of her makeup as well. This Bisou Balm is the key to a tinted lip with some color and hydration! This is the quintessential french style — some coverage, but never too much!

Violette FR

Violette FR Bisou Blush

Want rosy french-girl cheeks? This bison blush is just the thing you need! This would be the perfect travel size item to throw in your bag to touch up your cheeks and lips on the go!


Avene Eue Thermal Spray

I had to add another spray because this is a french girl must-have! I keep a travel-size in my purse and spray it whenever I feel like I need some touch-ups or hydration. I love this french brand, and always stop at the pharmacy in France to grab plenty of their products to take home.


Embryolisse Moisturizer

This moisturizer is one of my favorites I've ever used! It's so rich and thick, and it works as the best primer to sit under your makeup. Almost every french girl beauty tutorial I've seen swears by this moisturizer, so definitely run to pick this one up on Amazon!


Bioderma Micellar Water

And now we have the last step in our beauty routine: makeup remover! This is seriously such a go-to when it comes to removing makeup and getting it all off. I've been using this for years and it really is one of the best makeup removers and micellar waters. An essential in your french girl routine!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Header image via Violet FR

Queen Latifah is one of the Black women who made watching Livin' Single an anticipated event in my household. Prior to producer and screenwriter Mara Brock Ali's Girlfriends, I remember watching Latifah's character (Khadijah) run the helm of the fictitious Flavor magazine. I didn't know it then, but seeing her navigate having a career, roommates, friends, and romantic relationships gave me a taste of what comes with adulthood.

With more than two decades of acting under her belt, it's time that we paid our respects to Queen Latifah's rom-com legacy. Partially without her, I wouldn't have known it was possible for diverse Black characters to have funny, love-filled adventures that aren't always rooted in trauma. While those stories deserve to be told, Queen Latifah helped show me that Black people aren't monolithic. That shared experiences and perspectives or backgrounds can exist within our culture.

But, don't just take my word for it. Here's 6 of Queen Latifah's movies that I think you should binge watch before the month is over!

MGM Studios

Beauty Shop

In Beauty Shop, Queen Latifah plays Gina Norris, a widowed hair dresser with a young daughter. She initially works at an upscale salon, but decides to quit when she can no longer stand her toxic environment. Deciding to open her own business, she experiences a series of ups and downs during the hiring and renovation process. But, time eventually finds her finding great success as a beauty salon owner and she even finds love again.

I love watching Beauty Shop because I have fond memories of listening to older women's conversations at the hair salons I used to go to. Actually, I still remember my favorite hairstylist's name — Ms. Tanya — who had a personality similar to Gina in Beauty Shop.

IMO, it's one of the most commercially accurate depictions of what happens in hair salons. Not only that, but it humanizes those who are in the beauty industry.

Paramount Pictures

Last Holiday

Besides Beauty Shop, Last Holiday is my second favorite Queen Latifah rom-com. She immerses herself into the world of Georgia Byrd — a painfully shy woman who works in the cookware department of a large retail store — and makes viewers believe that's exactly who she is. She even has a huge crush on her co-worker, but she's too afraid to say anything to him.

It's an incredible movie because we get to see Georgia spend time being in the background of her own life until a scary diagnosis causes her to live life to the fullest. She travels to the Czech Republic and begins indulging in things she never allowed herself to. From dressing in the finest designer clothes to BASE jumping, she learns what it means to do things that scare you.

If you're wondering, OF COURSE she finally admits her feelings to her crush! In fact, he's there to support her when she decides to open her own restaurant towards the end of Last Holiday.

While finding love is always fun, I love the other messages in this movie like not waiting for the perfect moment to enjoy life and being careful not to judge a book by its cover.

Searchlight Pictures

Just Wright

As Leslie Wright, Queen Latifah is a no-nonsense physical therapist. As successful as she in her career, Latifah's character can't get out of the friend zone. Still, she moves on and buys a home that she ends up sharing with her close friend Morgan.

The two are polar opposites because Morgan only cares about being the token wife of a successful NBA player. She eventually gets her wish when Morgan meets one of the New Jersey Nets top basketball player, Scott McKnight. He's immediately intrigued by Morgan's deceptiveness and hastily proposes to her months later.

After an accident that threatens Scott's career, Leslie becomes his physical therapist and doesn't cut him any slack. Eventually the two discover they're interested in each other and begin to become closer after Morgan decides she's not cut out for helping him recover.

This movie stands out to me because we've often joked about putting men in the friend zone, but I like to think we're all familiar with how it feels when our crush doesn't like us. So, seeing this successful, talented, and gorgeous woman decide not to become embittered by her initial lack of a love life is inspiring.

It doesn't hurt that she eventually secures a high-paying role AND a flourishing love life with someone she never intended to fall in love with.

Searchlight Pictures

Brown Sugar

Brown Sugar doesn't center the character Queen Latifah plays (Francine), but she does serve as the literal definition of a supporting actress. In the movie, she plays the cousin of Sidney (Sanaa Lathan) and consistently encourages her to admit how she really feels about her best friend Dre (Taye Diggs).

While her love life isn't the main focus, Francine notices that Cavi (played by Mos Def), an artist Dre is working with, is too shy to truly initiate something romantic with her. Ever the confident woman, she asks him on a date and all ends well.

Universal Pictures

Girls Trip

Queen Latifah's character Sasha is more focused on trying to secure clients to help her mounting bills than she is about dating — but she does recognize that her best friend Ryan Pierce (Regina Hall) is married to a cheating, narcissistic man. This causes tension between the two because they're each hiding the nature of what's truly going on with them, but they eventually are able to piece together their friendship.

What makes this movie partially a rom-com is because we see each other ladies — Ryan, Sasha, Lisa (Jada Pinkett Smith), and Dina (Tiffany Haddish) — come to terms with their own version of love. Sometimes it just happens when you're having fun at a music festival with your best friends.

Sony Pictures

The Perfect Holiday

Last but not least, The Perfect Holiday is a feel-good Christmas movie where Queen Latifah plays an angel called Mrs. Christmas. She and Bah Humbug (Terrance Howard) work behind the scenes to orchestrate whether Benjamin (Morris Chestnut) and Nancy (Gabrielle Union) will be able to find romantic love in each other.

It's one of those fun Christmas movies that the entire family can watch, especially if everyone loves seeing how much frenzy the winter holiday can cause for people — and how much joy it can bring in the end!

Looking for more movies to watch? Be sure to follow us on Facebook so you never miss a recommendation!

Lead image via Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for Netflix