10 Easy Ways To Avoid Burnout At Work, According To A Career Coach

10 ways to avoid burnout at dream job

Landing your dream job after crying over bowls of ice cream and a few cocktails feels like hitting the fulfillment lottery. Suddenly, those many nights spent wondering if your career goals would ever materialize seem like a thing of the past. I sympathize with you because I've been there and know what how it feels to wonder if your dreams will ever come true.

I'm also the first to let you know it's possible to give too much to your dream job because you're excited and think, "Doing what I love will never feel like work." Easy misconception aside, you'll hit a home run that leads right into a burnout hole.

How do you avoid getting burnt out from your dream job? Just refer to life and career coach Sally Anne Carroll, PCC of Whole Life Strategies!

What makes landing a dream job so exciting?

Alexander Suhorucov/Pexels

The moment you go from thinking about your dream job to actually landing it feels euphoric. You feel a mixture of "I FINALLY did it" and "I can't wait to get started" because you've wanted it for so long. Carroll offers a better explanation though.

"A dream job is often one that marries our strengths, values, and interests — so it feels meaningful and purposeful as well as presenting opportunities to grow and develop in ways that feel exciting," she says.

This doesn't mean all dream jobs are created equal. Carroll says, "Everyone’s definition of a dream job is a little different, but the idea of showing up every day to do work that feels personally impactful, challenging and fulfilling is really motivating for many of us."

What are some harmful ways people approach daily tasks within their dream role?


I'm ambitious which isn't bad, but I've been known to be so laser-focused that I forget to take care of my basic needs. It's my way of trying to convince myself that I have to accomplish 2-3 things on my to-do list before giving something else my attention.

"It’s natural to want to succeed in a dream role, but there can be a number of pitfalls to watch out for as you try to prove yourself in the role and work at a demanding pace. It’s just as important to manage your energy and your workload as it is to manage your time," Carroll reminds.

Here's some of the harmful things she says you can do without realizing:

  • Piling too much on your plate each day without a coherent plan to focus and prioritize on priorities
  • Always saying yes to additional workload or meetings without assessing your other commitments
  • Working too many hours, especially without breaks or adequate downtime to recharge, or feeling a need to be “on” 24-7
  • Placing your work to-do list ahead of your self care, sleep or other needs
  • Not communicating clearly about expectations, demands, feedback and needs with managers and co-workers

How can people recognize when they're overexerting themselves at work?

RDNE Stock project/Pexels

I'm beginning to think a lot of us are more introspective than we let on, but we may need help figuring out how to redirect ourselves. Carroll says, "Most clients I have worked with know on some level that they’re overdoing it. They feel the stress, and they may know that they need help in coping with it in healthier ways. But they often haven’t figured out how to unwind the situation that’s been created."

She suggests practicing self-reflection, priority and boundary setting, and often, self compassion and grace for yourself. I probably sound like a broken record, but I wholeheartedly believe we could be kinder to ourselves. Sometimes we place so much expectations on ourselves based on what society, family, or even our friends think.

Artem Podrez/Pexels

Carroll says, "Burnout isn’t always a situation of overexertion, however. Sometimes it’s a mismatch between the role and our values, ethics or needs, or toxic workplace situations that can feed burnout as well. And in those cases, you might not recognize it at first."

Unfortunately, toxic workplaces are far more common than any of us like and can add to the stress we place on ourselves to perform our duties well. This can cause us to lose sight of what's truly important to us at our core. Carroll says, "It’s important to identify your core stressors so that you can address those. Burnout is not always about being busy."

What are signs someone is experience burnout?

Mizuno K/Pexels

Knowing that doesn't mean you're still able to understand if you're experiencing burnout or not though. "Burnout can look many ways — you might find yourself feeling stressed more often or less able to deal with your stressors," Carroll says. "There may be tiredness leading to exhaustion, brain fog, not thinking clearly, or a feeling of running on fumes."

That's always my first sign that I'm feeling burned out. I prioritize sleep because it helps me function the way I'm supposed to, but being sleepy is different from feeling tired on a soul level. There have been times where my alarm has gone off in the morning before work and it feels like I have to drag myself out of bed.

Another indicator that could be experiencing burnout is by losing enthusiasm at your dream job. "You might also be losing interest in the work, feeling like you can’t keep up or that the effort is futile. Often I hear 'I just don’t feel like myself. I’m not usually like this,'" Carroll says.

What happens when burnout completely overwhelms someone even if they love their job?


This is the part that makes working at your dream job so difficult IMO. I've talked to people who love what they do, but can't find the motivation to keep performing at the high level everyone expects them to.

"Being in full burnout is a physical and mental crisis point. You may feel depressed, lost, numb, exhausted. Your physical and mental health suffers, as well as your joy and often this has an impact on your wider relationships," Carroll indicates.

There's nothing worse than snapping at the people you love because you're stressed and don't know how to communicate that it's because of your dream job. It can take a lot to admit things are tough because you may not want to feel like you're complaining about something you've always wanted.

How can someone have a healthy relationship with work while prioritizing their mental health?

Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels

Burnout is real, it doesn't have to be a permanent thing. One of The Sims 4 characters I was playing developed the 'workaholic' trait and it got to the point where even she came home with the burnout moodlet.

She only had 24 hours to change it before it started affecting the quality of her work so I had to find ways to help her relax. The only thing that truly helped was taking PTO and allowing her to unwind at a spa, spend time with her loved ones, and indulge in hobbies that had nothing to do with work. Eventually, I helped her get rid of the workaholic trait because it was causing more harm than good.

Though that's a simulation game, I can imagine this happens to people. We have to decide we're willing to change how we approach our dream jobs so we're able to still function in our daily lives.

olia danilevich/Pexels

Carroll says, "Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries — with ourselves and with others — is a key point. Even when it’s your dream job, even when it’s demanding, your work is still one part of the larger picture of your life. Start with what is firmly in your control and make changes there first — there may be workplace changes to consider, but that comes second."

She says this can look like:

  • Placing limits on working after hours
  • Setting technology boundaries
  • Being transparent about workload and priorities
  • Learning to say no
  • Reorganizing or blocking out parts of your schedule and potentially initiating new conversations with your leaders and colleagues where needed

What emotions might someone feel if they realize their dream job isn't what they expected?

Christina Morillo/Pexels

It's disappointing when certain things we thought we wanted aren't what we need or even like. It doesn't matter whether we're learning how to get over a crush or feel like our dream job has become a nightmare.

"When our dream job turns out to be less a dream than expected, it’s natural to feel disappointed, sad, disillusioned or even grief. Depending on the situation, there may be resentment and anger as well if the job was misrepresented, or self doubt and questioning yourself and your decisions," Carroll says.

It doesn't always feel good, but letting yourself feel whatever emotion or thought comes up will help you get through the breakdown of having a dream job that's not what you expected it to be. Carroll says, "It’s important that you allow yourself time and space to understand what you’re feeling and to process that before deciding what to do next. There may be ways to job craft a more fulfilling experience, or you might decide to look at alternatives."

How can someone pivot towards something different if they want to leave their dream job?

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Thinking about stepping away from your dream job in favor of telling burnout to take a hike? This is a judgement-free zone so just know you're able to do that if it makes sense to pivot in a different direction. However, Carroll does advise you to be mindful before making a potentially life-changing decision.

"The first step I always advise clients who want to step away from their role — dream job or not — is to assess the situation from a bigger picture before acting," she says.

  • Take the time to understand what you’ve appreciated most about the role, what you didn’t and what you’re complete with/longing for at this stage of your career. Take stock of what’s most important to you and what is fueling your desire for change.
  • Assess your strengths, skillsets, interests, and career values. A career coach can be a valuable ally to understand how you might you lean into these more as you decide where to pivot.
  • Activate your future by exploring new career roles that build on the foundation you have, but stretch you in the ways you desire and meet your larger life goals. Then do your homework. Go out and explore potential roles through research, networking, job shadowing and interviewing. Testing out your ideas helps you move forward with clarity and confidence before investing in a job search or retraining.

Your dream job doesn't have to end in detriment, but it's still important to know that burnout can happen no matter how much you love what you do. You're not incapable of doing your job just because you get tired and aren't able to do the job of 5 people every single day.

What matters is how well you're able to take care of yourself so you can show up in different areas of your life. And if you still want to give that dream job a chance or step away after you've taken time to catch your breath? That's okay.

Looking for more career advice? Be sure to follow us on Facebook so you never miss a thing!

Header image via olia danilevich/Pexels

It's a constant struggle to find a work tote that looks cute, fits a laptop, and is overall actually functional. Surprisingly, I've come across so many cute totes that are incredibly nice, but just aren't big enough to carry my massive laptop. Plus, a lot of them don't have pockets, so I'm always digging and on a never-ending search to rummage for my keys or phone. It's a hassle and a half, and I just want something that I can confidently wear that works when I'm on the way to work.

On a serious search for my dream work bag, I came across these amazing totes from Amazon. So, fret no more! The never-ending hunt for the perfect work tote is over — and comes with a few great deals, too. 😊


15.6 Inch Laptop Bag

This massive laptop bag is a whopping 15.6 inches, so it's sure to fit any laptop size that you have — easily. I love the super sleek, clean cut look of this leather option. And bonus points for it being super affordable at only $35 as well! It's currently on sale for 20% off, so I'd highly encourage to add this one to your wishlist!


Woven Tote Bag

One thing I love about this bag is not only the Bottega-esque woven detailing, but the additional pouch that comes with it! Pouches like this are my favorite accessory when I buy a tote — they help me keep everything close and easy to find! I'll just throw my keys, lip balm, makeup, and some pens, and I'm good to good! Easy to find, and no rummaging necessary!


Trendy Brown Shoulder Bag

This is Pinterest completely wrapped up in one bag. I've seen original Polène version all over my FYP countless times, and I'm sure you have too. Thankfully, this cheaper option from Amazon allows you to be on trend but on a budget. It's a bit smaller than our other bags, but it should fit any smaller-sized laptops or tablets.


Nude Hobo Bag

I love a simple hobo bag given how effortlessly chic they are, and the color of this one is divine! It's a creamy, grey color which makes it perfect for that summer-to-fall dressing when you're struggling to finds ways to style your summer clothes for fall. By the looks of it, this simple bag could fit your every need, large laptops and all.


Marc Jacobs Tote Bag

Everyone knows it and loves it — the Marc Jacobs Tote Bag is always trending on social for being a great go-to bag for all things work, school, and travel. I personally love the idea of having a chicer option as your work bag to bring some fun into your day-to-day life. Plus, it really is functional!


Laptop Tote Bag

I must say, this bag looks like it could fit your whole life and organize it into nice, little compartments. It has a makeup bag (who doesn't need one of those?), as well as a shoulder strap so you don't get a bad back or sore arms from carrying it all day. It's cute, yet still has a lot of functionality — a necessity for any work tote.


Compartment Tote Bag

This plush, comfortable bag will be ideal for all my girlies that have a bit of a commute and need something that won't break your back — or the bank! It has multiple pockets lining the inside and out, so you can easily find anything you could ever need. And while it's not as traditionally chic or trendy, this is perfect for someone who's hitting the gym after their litany of meetings. Plus, it's only $37 and is also 20% off at the moment — so definitely add this to your cart while the sale is still going on!


Vintage Inspired Tote Bag

I love a good vintage-inspired anything — and something about this tote bag just does something to me. It looks so fun and whimsical, so opt for this bag if you're going for more of a cottagecore, heading-to-the-bookstore-after-work look! It's like wearing a graphic tee on your bag, injecting personality and quirkiness into your style!


Canvas Tote Bag

This super affordable $13 canvas tote bag is a go-to of mine. I love carrying canvas totes, because not only do they look very on trend (especially at the moment), but they're versatile enough to switch out from your work bag to your day bag. All you have to do is remove your work items when your get home, and voila! You have your daily bag ready to go. I love all the color options in this one too.


Carhartt Unisex Work Bag

Lastly, who doesn't love a good Carhartt item?! They will always be in style, especially this fabric and colorway above. I think this is great for anyone with more of an indie/alternative style. The pockets and compartments will be your best friend when organizing your laptop, notebooks, papers, and pens. I'm adding this one to my cart, as we speak!

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2023 proved to be one of the best years in television history, and one TV show everyone was talking about was the new season of The Bear. Not only did it provide even higher career stakes for all of our favorite chefs, but it also deepened the relationships, connections, and heart the first season gave us. And The Bear season 3 takes the drama a step further — and features an episode that somehow rivals season 2's "Fishes."

The Bear season 3 premiered in June 2024, and at the 2024 Emmys, the series won big! Here's everything you need to know about the new installment, and all their Emmy wins. Yes, chef! Check out the latest season 4 news too.

Did The Bear win any Emmys?


In 2024, The Bear won 11 Emmys (breaking its own record!). Ebon Moss-Bachrach won for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy, Liza Colón-Zayas won Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy, and Jeremy Allen White won the Best Lead Actor in a Comedy.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, so much," Jeremy said in his acceptance speech. "My heart is just beating outside of its chest...This show has changed my life. It has installed a faith that change is possible, that change is possible if you're able to reach out, you're really truly never alone. I thank this show."

"My beautiful cast, I love you forever," he continues. "I love to work with you, and I want us to be in each other’s lives forever. I love you so dearly.”

Watch The Bear Season 3 Trailer Now!


The Bear season 3 trailer gives us a peek at the brand new episodes, and unfortunately it looks like all is not well in restaurant land. As Carmy, Sydney, and the rest of the team work to solidify The Bear as a Chicago staple, tensions threaten to boil over. We get a glimpse at Carmy’s quest for a Michelin star, Fak trying to repair Claire and Carmy’s relationship, Sydney and Carmy exploring a partnership agreement, and Uncle Jimmy talking to Natalie about paying back his loan. I cannot wait for new The Bear episodes to hit Hulu this summer!

Are The Bear cast friends?

Image via Chuck Hodes/FX Networks

Yes, the cast of The Bear are all friends! In a recent profile with Vanity Fair(which dropped after THAT video of Jeremy Allen White & Ayo Edebiri at Wrigley Field went viral), Ayo Edebiri reveals that filming the pilot was almost "too enjoyable," and they weren't sure whether the show would be popular enough to continue.

“Work can be a very intimate thing and a very personal thing and a very emotional thing, and I think when you’re also in industries that are creative or creative adjacent, I think there’s something that also invokes feelings of passion,” she continues.

“We really enjoy each other in life, on camera and off camera," Jeremy Allen White says. "I have a tremendous amount of respect for her as a person, but also as an artist. And so I hope that sort of that kind of thing shines through on camera between Carm and Syd...Syd is always able to [deliver] something different to Carmy, and she’s usually right. And I guess I think Ayo is also usually right.”

“Also, boy’s got some beautiful blue eyes," Ayo says. "You know what I mean? Those are eyes you want to project onto.”

When is The Bear season 3 coming out?

Image via FX/Hulu

The Bear season 3 is coming to FX and Hulu Thursday June 27, 2024. During the 2024 SAG Awards, Matty Matheson let us know that filming for season 3 is going "really well."

"It's just heads down, full hearts," he says. "We're just back in Chicago, weather's kind of nice. Big scripts, big scenes, cameras are on and we're ready." Until we get to see The Bear season 3, feel free to rewatch seasons 1 and 2 on Hulu — I know I will!

Who's going to be in The Bear season 3 cast?

Image via FX/YouTube

You can expect all your favorite The Bear cast members to return for season 3, including Jeremy Allen White, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Lionel Boyce, Liza Colón-Zayas, Abby Elliott, Matty Matheson, and Ayo Edebiri. And it's official: fan favorite guest star Will Poulter will be back for season 3 too!

Jeremy Allen White also told Deadlinethat he'd love to see another episode where “we can get as many (guest stars) to come back for one day,” just like the chaotic family Christmas episode of The Bear season 2.

Erin Jones on TikTok makes the fantastic point that bringing in another chef, possibly one from Carmy's past life, that shows interest in Sydney could help steer the romantic side of the show because it could help Carmy realize he likes her. I, for one, am totally here for Sydney x Carmy endgame, and while it's still up in the air, you simply cannot deny that Jeremy Allen White and Ayo Edebiri have incredible chemistry. (And I am still waiting on Ayo Edebiri to star in a romantic comedy!!)

Did The Bear win any SAG Awards?

Image via FX/Hulu

The Bear once again won big at the 2024 SAG Awards, winning for Comedy Series Ensemble, Male Actor in a Comedy Series, and Female Actor in a Comedy Series. During our Q+A with Inside Out 2's Ayo Edebiri, she mentioned the biggest lesson she's learned from Sydney is to embrace good lessons — not just the hard parts of life.

"You don't need to learn lessons from hard things or bad things, it's equally as important to learn them in wonderful moments, [even if] it sometimes might feel hard to," she says. Check out our interview here!

What is The Bear season 3 about?

Image via FX

In an interview with Variety, Jeremy Allen White revealed that after all of season 2 focused on Carmy and the gang opening a brand new restaurant, The Bear season 3 will feel more aligned with season 1.

"Now, in the third season, I think we’re going to go back to that functioning kitchen atmosphere that we had in the first," White said in the interview.

Now that the staff of The Bear has finished opening the restaurant, they're able to just run it!

"In January, I’m going to spend a fair amount of time getting together with some chefs," White continued. "There’ll be a menu set, I believe, that’s going to be for the restaurant in the third season. And I know that I’m going to start putting together that menu with different chefs and cooking and just trying to get prepared to do more of that stuff on camera."

Who are the Faks in The Bear?

Image via FX/Hulu

The Faks are family friends of the Berzattos. The two Faks we know best are the hilarious brothers Neil (Matty Matheson) and Theodore (Ricky Staffieri). Neil is always around to help Carmy and the gang fix something (because, naturally, something is always broken) and we hope he's around a lot more for The Bear season 3!

Did The Bear win any Emmy Awards?

Image via FX/Hulu

Yes, The Bear won a bunch of Emmys this past year, including: Outstanding Comedy Series, Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for Jeremy Allen White, Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series for Ebon Moss-Bachrach, and Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for Ayo Edebiri.

Who plays Carmen's mom in The Bear season 2?

Image via FX/YouTube

Natalie and Carmy's mom, Donna (who you can see in the season 2 episodes "The Fishes" and "The Bear"), is played by Academy Award winner, Jamie Lee Curtis.

Why is Carmy called Bear?

Image via FX/Hulu

Carmy's last name is Berzatto, so multiple family members are called different forms of "Bear" as a family nickname or term of endearment (like "Sugar Bear" or "Mikey Bear"). Carmy is most frequently referred to as just "Bear," and decides to name his restaurant The Bear.

Let us know what you want to see in The Bear season 3 on Facebook and check out the rest of our New 2024 TV Shows.

Lead image via FX/Hulu.

This post has been updated.

If you're heading back to the office, getting away from your workspace to enjoy a healthy lunch (in a cute adult lunch box, of course) could be good for your mental health. We know, sometimes it can be a challenge doing all the prep work, but maybe having a box this cute will inspire you to eat healthier and break away from your desktop. Here are some very cool lunch box options that will have you proudly packing abento box lunchto work or school. Bonus: Grab a reusable ice pack to throw in an insulated lunch bag, box, or cooler to really keep things chill.

Image via Modern Picnic

Modern Picnic The Large Luncher Purse Lunch Box ($189)

This purse lunch box doubles as a super cute accessory that features a rosy color to match your outfit and an insulated interior to keep your food cool.

Image via Pottery Barn Kids

Leak Proof Stainless Steel Lunchbox ($14, was $25)

With its streamlined design and small size, this stainless steel lunchbox will fit perfectly in your tote bag. The tight-fitting, handle-lock lid will prevent your fruit, pasta, or salad from spilling everywhere.

YETI Daytrip Packable Lunch Bag

Image via Amazon

YETI Daytrip Packable Lunch Bag ($109)

Fold it up or down depending on how much you plan on storing, this Yeti lunch bag keeps your warm lunch hot and your cold sandwiches cold.

Image via Amazon

Kate Spade New York Portable Soft Cooler Lunch Bag ($35)

This tote says stylish lunch all over it. The insulated lining helps keep your food and bev fresh for hours while it's easy to wipe clean.

Bento Lunch Box

Image via Etsy

Bento Lunch Box ($47)

This is not your grade school lunch bag. This compact lunch box is sleek and features three inner compartments for you to store your breakfast, lunch and even a snack.

Image via Tillys

JANSPORT Lunch Break Honey Lunch Box ($14, was $22)

The Lunch Break has an insulated interior to keep foods warm or cold plus an angled zip opening so it can lay flat so you can use it as a tray!


CALPAK Insulated Lunch Bag ($48)

Taking your lunch to work doesn't have to remind you of your elementary school days anymore because this insulated lunch bag is as stylish as it's functional! It has exterior pockets that'll safely house your drinks, utensils, and snacks all while being lightweight.

It's also water-resistant so accidental spills don't stand a chance against it. All you have to do is spot clean it by wiping it, but you can always secure your lunch by pulling the drawstrings to close it!


VLM Insulated Lunch Box ($12)

You may have been making no-cook meals, but this sturdy lunch box is for the days your leftovers are from a hearty meal. It has enough room to carry your lunch, drinks, fruit, and more because of the mesh pockets attached to it.

The premium PEVA material helps safeguard it from spills while the aluminium foil lining maintains the temperature of your food. To clean it, all you need is a wet cloth or baby wipe!

Unlike the prior lunch box, this one has a detachable shoulder strap so you can slide it on your shoulder as you're racing out your front door.

Image via Amazon

BentoHeaven Premium Bento Box ($30)

Pretty and well-designed, this Bento setup is completely leak-proof and also really cute (we love the bamboo). But our favorite aspect may be the free lunch notes that come along with the box. Whether you’re packing lunch for your kids, an S.O., or yourself, write a little note to put a smile on their face. Even if it’s your own!

Image via Amazon

BALORAY Lunch/Tote Bag ($10)

This lightweight tote bag is made with a waterproof and dirt-proof cotton and is roomy enough to fit your lunch as well as a whole day’s worth of snacks. The stylish stripes also allow it to be repurposed for an everyday tote or makeup bag.

Image via Amazon

MIER Adult Lunch Box Insulated ($24, was $35)

If you’re someone who likes to have both cold and hot food for lunch, this roomy insulated two-leveled lunch bag will help you keep those items separate. There’s a top “dry” section and a bottom leakproof compartment, and it also comes with a handy shoulder strap.

Image via Amazon

Kate Spade New York Lunch Tote ($30, was $32)

Keep it classy with this understated but refined lunch tote. We think polka dots make everything better.

Image via Amazon

Graben Stadium Approved Clear Lunch Bag ($17, was $22)

This lunch bag is great for bringing lunch to work during the week, and for packing all the kiddos' favorite snacks during the weekend. The heavy-duty strap provides support, and it's got plenty of space for lunch *and* dessert.

Image via Amazon

Bentgo Salad Stackable Lunch Container ($15, was $30)

The perfect way to travel with salad, this container has separate compartments for all of your toppings. It also comes complete with a matching fork for a very stress-free lunch break.

Image via Target

Fulton Bag Co. Upright Lunch Bag ($16)

The crush-resistant Fulton Bag Co. Upright HardBody Lunch Box is sturdy and practical and keep food cold by the time lunchtime rolls around.

Image via Herschel

Herschel Supply Co. Pop Quiz Lunch Box ($35)

For Herschel bag fans, this lunch box has a soft insulated main snack compartment that easily wipes clean of your favorite fare.

Image via Hydro Flask

Hydro Flask 5 L Insulated Lunch Bag ($45)

Keep your lunch cold for hours with this sleek, modern lunch box from one of our favorite water bottle makers.

Image via Amazon

FIT Strong & Healthy 3 Compartment Glass Meal Prep Containers ($25)

Prep your lunch ahead of time with these 32 ounce picks that divide up your food and keep it contained. They're great for organizing your fridge and for maximizing space in your lunchbox.

Image via Amazon

HOMESPON Reusable Lunch Bag ($8)

Simple and stylish, the reusable lunch bag is also roomy enough to fit an entire's day worth of food and then some.

Image via Amazon

4 Tier Indian-Tiffin Stainless Steel Medium Lunch Box ($24)

Take a modern twist on a classic design with this tiered set inspired by century-old vessels from northern India. The interlocking tins are perfect for your multi-course lunch.


Tirrinia Insulated Lunch Box ($15, was $22)

Lunch boxes should be durable like this one! Designed by Tirrinia, it's made of 600D Oxford cloth and has thick foam padding as well as insulation in it. That alone tells us your food, snacks and water bottle will be securely kept in one place.

You can't detach the shoulder strap, but you don't need to. It has a rotatable and detachable buckle that helps you avoid any discomfort.

Image via Amazon

BUILT Gourmet Getaway Soft Neoprene Lunch Tote Bag ($9, was $10)

This colorful neoprene tote is compact, machine-washable, and insulated.


Fit & Fresh Laketown Lunch Box ($15)

Your sandwich boxes will fit nicely in this lightweight lunch bag. It also comes with a side bottle holder and compartment for utensils.

Image via Wal-Mart

Sistema 1.1 Liter To Go Split Lunch Box ($9)

If you don't care about having a stylish lunch box, that's okay! This mini lunch box keeps things simple by offering a modular design that separates your sandwich from any fruit or snacks you want to eat at your desk.

Image via Amazon

LunchBots Large Trio Stainless Steel Lunch Container ($35, was $38)

Forget those soggy bread balls you get when you wrap your sandwich in plastic wrap — this box promises you the perfect sandwich every time. This metal lunchbox is a great container for smaller meals and snacks like crackers and cheese or celery and peanut butter.


Stanley The Legendary Classic Lunch Box ($55)

Stand out with a vintage lunch box roomy enough to hold lunch for two. There's even a metal bracket just inside the lid that can keep your full-size Stanley Vacuum Bottle or Mug secure.

LunchBots Duplex Insulated Lunch Bag

Image via Amazon

LunchBots Duplex Insulated Lunch Bag ($27, was $30)

Gray and pink is a classic color combo and an insulated liner ensures everything stays cold. We also love that it’s big enough to carry your lunch as well as utensils and a bottle of water or two.

Image via Amazon

OmieBox Bento Box for Kids ($46)

This hard plastic box boasts a game-changing, vacuum insulated bowl that promises to keep cold yogurt cold and hot soups hot. There are also several leakproof compartments. Although, for those of us unwilling to give up our PB+J, the bowl can be removed for a sandwich spot.

Image via Amazon

Kipling New KICHIROU Lunch Bag ($71)

Those extra long work days require extra snacks. This bag comes in a variety of colors and is big enough to hold several shifts’ worth of snacking.


Loobu 52 Oz To Go Salad Container ($10)

If you're only taking salad to work for a week, you don't need to worry about looking at traditional lunch boxes. Instead, feast your eyes on this salad container!

You'll get a salad bowl, 3 compartment topping trays, dressing container, leak proof lid, and a spoon!

Image via Walmart

ECOlunchbox Three in One Classic Stainless Steel Food Container Set ($59)

This plastic-free stainless steel set of three containers fits perfectly together so you can take three dishes on the go. Basically, you can put a sammie (or other main course) in the largest container, and two sides in the smaller ones.

Image via Amazon

JarJackets Silicone Mason Jar Protector Sleeve ($25)

Pack these cute and yummy Mason jar lunches safely with these colorful protector sleeves.

Image via Walmart

Life Story To-Go Salad Bowl Container ($18)

You’ll never have to eat a soggy salad again with this incredible container. Not only does it keep your greens fresh, but it also comes with a separate container for dressing and a fork which both snap into the lid.

Image via Igloo Coolers

Igloo Luxe Lunch Tote Cooler Bag ($48 was $60)

This functional cooler bag is great for keeping your cold drinks and salads cold due to its MaxCold insulation. The exterior is also made of vegan leather so it's sustainable!

Image via Dick's Sporting Goods

Nike Futura Sportswear Lunch Tote ($38)

Toss your heels under your desk and slip into your comfy sneakers before grabbing this sporty lunch tote for lunch in the park.

Image via Corckcicle

CORKCICLE Baldwin Boxer Lunchbox ($48, was $60)

Take this sleek lunchbox to work and your scheduled yoga sessions once you clock out!

Image via Ban.do

ban.do Lunch Bag ($30)

This lunch bag is the perfect match for the person who can't stop making charcuterie boards. It has the cutest quilt design and contrasting blue zippers that make it easy to open and close.

We don't suggest stuffing this mini lunch bag though! It has just enough room for fruit, an oatmeal packet, yogurt, and a small sandwich!

Image via Williams Sonoma

Bentgo Prep Deluxe Multimeal Bag ($40)

For the busy girl who needs a ton of snack options in between breakfast and lunch, Bentgo's multimeal bag is a dream come true. It can hold up to five meals that you've packed in different Bentgo containers.

Your food will be insulated for up to 8 hours and you'll be able to store everything from napkins to utensils inside!

Image via Kohl's

JanSport Big Break Insulated Lunch Bag ($22)

This lunch bag will probably remind you of one of the cute backpacks we've found for school and office, but that's the point! It's another spacious option that'll keep your food warm or cold, plus the exterior pocket will hold any extra lunch supplies you need.

Image via Packed Party

Packed Party Bring On The Fun Insulated Confetti Cooler Bag ($42)

This pretty confetti cooler bag will remind you of the last-minute getaway you and your besties took before heading back to work. Aside from it's mermaid-inspired look, it's designed to stash your lunch without compromising it's temperature or taste.

Image via Etsy

So Soul Design Name Custom Insulated Lunch Bag ($19, was $50)

Customize your very own insulated lunch bag with this cute design! It has a waterproof lining that protects against any sauce that may leak from your lunch and it has drawstrings that make opening it super easy.

Now that you've found the perfect adult lunch box, it's time for happier lunches!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Header image via CALPAK

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If you're kind of over feeling tweaked from caffeine mid-morning (and ultimately crashing in the afternoon), maybe it's time to make the switch to drinking caffeine-free drinks. Whether you're aiming to drink less caffeine, no caffeine, or just aren't able to drink it, there are plenty of options out there – starting with caffeine-free Starbucksdrinks: naturally, the chain has endless order combos that don't necessarily give you that insane boost of energy.

Find your next order with these 25 caffeine-free Starbucks drinks below. In the mood for something refreshing? Check out these 13 Caffeine-Free Beverages You Can Buy Or DIY!

Caffeine-Free Cold Drinks



Starbucks' lemonade may be caffeine-free, but it still packs a punch with a zesty sip.

Blended Lemonade

You can also order the lemonade blended, which combines the drink with ice for a slushy consistency. This is one of the easiest caffeine-free Starbucks drinks to order!


Peach Lemonade

For something sweeter, order the Starbucks lemonade with a splash of peach juice!

Blended Peach Lemonade

You can also get the Peach Lemonade in a blended version for an icier feel. This caffeine-free Starbucks drink is perfect for summertime.


Strawberry Lemonade

If you aren't keen on the peachy flavor, then Starbucks also has strawberry that you can add to lemonade to keep it caffeine-free.

Blended Strawberry Lemonade

Try ordering this beverage blended for a fun twist on the classic caffeine-free Starbucks drinks!



This one feels like a no-brainer, but not many people know that you can order straight-up cold milk (whole, 2%, skim, almond, oat) from the Starbucks register. If you're craving it on the go, you know where to find it.

Caffeine-Free Teas


Passion Tango Tea

The Starbucks Passion Tango Tea comes iced and brings forth flavors from apple, hibiscus, and lemongrass for a vibrant (non-caffeinated) bev! You can also order this caffeine-free Starbucks drink with a splash of lemonade for a very juicy balance.


Mint Majesty Tea

The herbal teas at Starbucks are free from caffeine, and our #1 fave is the Mint Majesty. It's used to make the Honey Citrus Mint Tea (AKA the Medicine Ball), providing a nice aromatic mint feel compared to other caffeine-free Starbucks drinks.


Peach Tranquility Tea

The Peach Tranquility is a bit on the sweeter side, and provides a great opportunity to warm up during the colder months.

Caffeine-Free Frappuccinos


Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino

Vanilla bean powder, milk, and ice are blended to create this whipped cream-topped Frapp. It's still sweet, but nixes the caffeine entirely.


Caramel Ribbon Crunch Crème Frappuccino

This Frappuccino flavor is similar, except it's quite strong on the caramel, and has some interesting crunchiness to it from the little caramel bits that they shake in. Dessert-y caffeine-free Starbucks drinks FTW!


White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino

Additionally, you can order a crème Frappuccino with white chocolate (or more popularly, white mocha). You can also order this pick with regular mocha for a tasty caffeine-free Starbucks drink.


Caramel Brulée Crème Frappuccino

This Frapp is flavored with one of the best seasonal syrups, Caramel Brulée, and gets topped with whipped cream and little bruléed bits for a yummy caffeine-free Starbucks drink.


Peppermint White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino

Skip the caffeine rush and aim for a full-on sugar rush with this minty Frappuccino. Like the White Chocolate Crème one, you can also swap the white mocha for regular mocha.


Chestnut Praline Crème Frappuccino

Spiced praline crumbs adorn this frozen bev that's featured on the Starbucks winter menu.


Strawberry Crème Frappuccino

This fruity yet creamy Starbucks caffeine-free drink gives you a dose of strawberry puree and sweet cream.

Caffeine-Free Hot Drinks


Hot Chocolate

The Hot Chocolate and White Hot Chocolate are both easy and comforting caffeine-free Starbucks drinks to refer to during the winter.

Peppermint Hot Chocolate

You can also order the hot chocolates with peppermint syrup for even more spirited caffeine-free Starbucks drinks.


Milk Steamers

Grab any kind of milk that Starbucks carries hot for a comforting, caffeine-free sip.


Vanilla Steamer

The Vanilla Steamer is just hot milk with vanilla syrup for that extra dose of flavor.

Chestnut Praline Steamer

You can get any Steamer with any sort of syrup, but the Chestnut Praline is a fan-fave when it comes to caffeine-free Starbucks drinks.

Sugar Cookie Steamer

The Sugar Cookie Steamer with almond milk is an elite Starbucks caffeine-free drink.


Steamed Apple Juice

Alternatively, order steamed apple juice for a less dense hot drink.


Caramel Apple Spice

This underdog drink is apple juice enhanced with cinnamon syrup, whipped cream, and a caramel drizzle.

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Images via Starbucks.

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I L-O-V-E season 3 of Bridgertonin all its friends-to-lovers, springtime, romantic glory, and I'm already thinking about Bridgerton season 4. I'm a sucker for any storyline about siblings, and the Bridgertons are some of my favorites. We've been speculating that season 4 of Bridgerton would follow Benedict and his love interest Sophie, or Eloise's love story, and on July 23, Netflix finally confirmed which sibling the series would cover next. Here's everything you need to know about season 4 of the hit TV show. And check out everything you need to know aboutThe Bridgerton Season 3 Ending!

Your First Look At 'Bridgerton' Stars Yerin Ha & Luke Thompson

Gavin Bond/Netflix

Yerin Ha and Luke Thompson are already getting to know each other ahead of Bridgerton season 4 filming. And Yerin is loving every minute. "I don’t think there are enough words in the dictionary to describe what it’s like joining the family, but I’m just very, very grateful, and everyone’s been so welcoming with open arms," Yerin Ha tells Shondaland. "It’s been a lovely experience so far."

"And it’s yours now too," Luke adds before Yerin says, "Ours. It’s our family." I'm crying!

And after teasing the next installment will be the perfect mix of reality and fairytale, Yerin describes Sophie's journey like a prism. "Like when the light comes in, and then it goes into a rainbow," she says. "I’m using that as a metaphor for the character of Sophie for before she meets Benedict and after."

Will there be season 4 of Bridgerton?


Yes, we're getting a Bridgerton season 4! The senior season of the Shondaland show will follow An Offer from a Gentleman, which revolves around second-eldest son Benedict (played by Luke Thompson). While Anthony and Colin are now happily married, Benedict isn't sure he wants to settle down — until his mother's masquerade ball introduces him to a Lady in Silver he can't stop thinking about.

In an interview with the LA Times, showrunner Jess Brownell revealed one major change. "We always live in this perpetual spring in Bridgerton, but we’re playing around with the idea of fall...for the first time," she says. "Some of that is about story and some of it is, honestly, just for practical reasons because we’re shooting in the fall. It’s still going to be just as lush and colorful, but just more in those warm fall colors instead of the pastels. There will still be some pastels, so it won’t look like a totally different show. I’ll give you that." It's giving Gilmore Girls and I'm more than happy with that!

Season 4 is already in rehearsals, which includes dance lessons for Yerin Ha and Luke Thompson! “I’ve only stepped on Yerin’s toes once, which is good,” Luke says in an interview with Tudum.

The dance lessons have been “really special and very vulnerable,” according to Yerin. “The dancing is like an extension of their emotions, and a way for them to connect."

Who's in the Bridgerton season 4 cast?

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Variety confirmed on August 16 that Yerin Ha (Halo) will star in Bridgerton season 4 as Sophie Baek! Bridgerton season 4 will also star Luke Thompson as Benedict Bridgerton, as well as Luke Newton, Nicola Coughlan, Jonathan Bailey, Simone Ashley, Claudia Jessie, Hannah Dodd, Will Tilston, and Florence Hunt as the rest of the Bridgertons + their spouses. Plus, Harriet Cains, Nicola Coughlan, Jessica Madsen, and Bessie Carter!

Michaela is played by Masali Baduza, who fans had originally thought was playing Sophie. You might recognize the actress from movies like The Woman King and Slumber Party Massacre. "They never disappoint, casting geniuses," one Reddit user says.

When is Bridgerton season 4 coming out?

Image via Liam Daniel/Netflix

Considering part one of Bridgerton season 3 is hitting Netflix May 16, 2024, we definitely won't see season 4 of Bridgerton for awhile. So far, there have been two years in between each season, so I'm expecting season 4 to start streaming in 2026. And showrunner Jess Bronwell agrees.

"We are working to try and put the seasons out more quickly, but they do take eight months to film and then they have to be edited, and then they have to be dubbed into every language,” she told The Hollywood Reporter. “And the writing takes a very long time as well, so we’re kind of on a two-year pace, we’re trying to speed up but somewhere in that range.”

How many episodes will season 4 of Bridgerton have?

Image via Liam Daniel/Netflix

Considering all three seasons of Bridgerton so far have eight episodes each, we can expect Netflix to keep up that pattern. Having the same number of episodes each season means the pace and arc for each Bridgerton sibling will be equal, making it a much more balanced watching experience! Plus, eight siblings, eight episodes, eight seasons.

Will Bridgerton have all 8 seasons?

Image via Liam Daniel/Netflix

Yes, Bridgerton will have all 8 seasons, one for each Bridgerton sibling — at least, that's the plan. "This being a family of eight children and there being eight books, I would love to be able to focus and really tell stories and love stories for all the Bridgerton siblings. For each character, for sure," showrunner Chris Van Dusen tells Collider.

After Bridgerton season 4, I'm most interested to see youngest sibling Hyacinth's love story play out! Seeing her arc throughout all eight seasons, especially mirrored with the way her brothers and sisters evolve over the course of the show, is going to be the perfect way to wrap this series up.

What are you looking forward to the most for Bridgerton season 4? Follow us on Facebook for more TV show news!

Lead image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images

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