The 8 Best Ways To Navigate A C-Section Recovery, According To An OBGYN

c-section recovery

Before my sister announced she was pregnant again, I kept thinking about the process of giving birth and recovery. It seemed like it was such an odd thing to fixate on given my strong stance on waiting to TTC (try to conceive) until my son turns 5, but I guess I could sense someone close to me was expecting. That's not even the part that freaked me out though.

When my sister shared she's having a C-Section, I couldn't help but research recovery tips for this major procedure — I wanted to know how to help her heal. And I wanted other moms to know what they can do to help themselves, too! I reached out to Dr. Jillian LoPiano, OBGYN and Chief Health Officer at Wisp, to understand everything you need to know about C-Sections and how to recover from one!

What factors determine if someone will need a C-Section?


While some moms have vaginal deliveries and others go on to receive C-sections, it's important to know that one isn't 'better' than the other — all births are valuable and valid. The only question that matters in this case is, "What determines if someone needs a C-Section or not?"

"There are a number of maternal fetal factors both in the perinatal period and during labor that can cause a provider to recommend a C-Section. Common indications are baby position (such as breech position) or placental abnormalities are common indications," says Dr. LoPiano.

These abnormalities can be:

  • Placenta Previa
  • Placenta Accreta
  • Placenta Increta
  • Placenta Percreta

What resources do patients need before their C-Section?


No question is too silly to ask your doctor, but Dr. LoPiano says you should receive all the information you need regardless of the delivery method.

"If a CS [C-Section] is planned, or there is a known indication for this mode of delivery, then this would be discussed during prenatal care and at hospital admission," she adds.

From their your provider will go over the "surgery, indications, risks, benefits and alternatives through the process of informed consent." This is usually when you'll also receive recovery tips and what else you should expect.

What can patients and their support partners expect the day of a C-Section?

Amina Filkins

Even if you've watched every episode Grey's Anatomy or House, you may not know all the ins-and-outs of having a C-Section. To be clear, Dr. LoPiano says that delivering via a Cesarean means you'll be having "abdominal surgery" that's "performed in an operating room."

'If it is a planned procedure, the patient will arrive and be prepped for surgery with an IV, neuraxial anesthesia placement, and preoperative medications and fluids. The support partner can expect a briefing on the surgery and under most circumstances is allowed in the OR after anesthesia is deemed in place and adequate with mom and baby stable," she says.

For anyone who's not aware, what occurs during a C-Section?

Jonathan Borba

Unless you've watched demonstrations on YouTube, you could be clueless about how C-Sections are actually performed. Dr. LoPiano says, "An incision is made in the lower part of the abdomen and carried through to the uterus. An incision is then made in the uterus to deliver the baby and the placenta is delivered. The uterus is repaired and then each layer of the abdomen is closed in succession."

In other terms, there are literal layers to a C-Section, which is why it's considered a major surgery.

Are moms required to stay in the hospital longer after having this procedure?

Büşranur Aydın

I had the option of staying another 24 hours in the hospital after a vaginal birth, but I chose to leave after just one day left the hospital just one day — I was ready to sleep comfortably in my own bed. However, C-Sections have a little bit of a different timeline!

Dr. LoPiano explains, "In general uncomplicated vaginal deliveries are discharged home the next day or the day after. C-Sections are generally discharged on postoperative day 2 or 3 depending on mom and baby’s clinical scenarios."

How long does it take to recover from this procedure?

cottonbro studio

Postpartum recovery looks different for everyone, but the rules are a little different after you've had a C-Section. "Since it is abdominal surgery, no lifting beyond 5 pounds is recommended along with no exercise beyond walking for 6 weeks in order to allow all of the layers of the abdomen that were repaired to heal," says Dr. LoPiano.

This isn't the time to be superwoman and force yourself to get back to 'normal.' Even something like "returning to work or exercise after 6 weeks" should be taken at a pace you're comfortable with, according to Dr. LoPiano.

"However, this is strictly from a surgical standpoint. There are many factors that go into postpartum or 'fourth trimester' wellness that need to be addressed and most providers and advocates advocate for longer family leave for this reason," she says.

How can a mom's support village help her as she recovers?

William Fortunato

I will probably scream this from the mountaintops forever, but moms need as much support as they can get during postpartum. Not only is their body physically healing, but there's the drop in hormones that they have to deal with while learning to care for a newborn. Some things are instinctual, but that doesn't mean a mom should have to figure things out by herself. This mirrors what Dr. LoPiano says about the recovery period.

"It is important that a mom’s 'support village' helps her along the way with physical and mental recovery from the surgery. Physical support can include incision care, helping take over physical tasks like carrying heavy items, massages, etc. In terms of mental support, encouraging bed rest and relaxation, treating mom to things she likes, and more [is essential]."

What's considered normal vs. concerning while a mom is recovering from a C-Section?

Polina Zimmerman

Even if a mom doesn't have a vaginal birth, she will still experience some bleeding. "The mother can expect bleeding from the vagina for up to 6 weeks, with it slowly becoming less over that course of time," Dr. LoPiano assures. But if you're experiencing excessive pain and bleeding, you should consult your OBGYN as soon as possible.

The other things she says are concerning are "fever, headache, blurry vision, chest pain, shortness of breath and other clinical parameters." She notes that these are usually explained to the mom as she's leaving the hospital because they serve as "red flags for complications reasons to return."

I encourage you to reach out to your OBGYN or primary care physician if you still have questions about C-sections and what you can expect. Creating a birth plan to understand and prepare yourself for what's to come is a great way to help get you ready for this next, very exciting chapter!

We also have tons of advice about foods to avoid eating when you're pregnant, hiring a doula and breastfeeding!

Header image Sarah Chai

Whether you deal with acute or chronic inflammation, treating your body with some extra TLC via what you consume can really help soothe (and decrease) your symptoms. In addition to an anti-inflammatory diet, the unsung hero of fighting inflammation is tea! Teas are often packed with ingredients that tackle signs of inflammation. Keep reading to discover the best varieties for your needs.

What is inflammation?

Polina Tankilevitch / PEXELS

“At its simplest, inflammation is a protective response by the body. When the immune system detects an invader or an injury, the immune system, various blood proteins, and the cardiovascular system react to eliminate the problem,” says Stephanie Dunne, MS, RDN, IFNCP at Nutrition Q.E.D. “In other words, inflammation is a response to something harmful or damaged in the body.”

Symptomatically, inflammation can show up in numerous ways, including fever, sore throat, bruising and swelling, fatigue, mood swings, body aches, headaches, skin disorders, decreased thyroid function, and irregular bowel movements, to name a few.

What causes inflammation?

Kampus Production / PEXELS

There are two types of inflammation: acute and chronic. According to Dunne, acute inflammation is most commonly caused by an “invader or injury.” Acute inflammation sets in quicker than chronic inflammation, often presenting within minutes or hours. Causes of acute inflammation can include physical injury, infections, and hypersensitivities like allergic reactions.

“Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is much harder to identify and resolve,” says Dunne. “Chronic inflammation sets in slowly, sometimes taking months or years to take hold, and the signs are more subtle, less specific, and systemic.”

Causes of chronic inflammation include prolonged exposure to toxins, persistent infections, smoking, heavy alcohol use, over-exercising, chronic use of certain medications, and consuming foods that damage the digestive tract.

The lasting effects of chronic inflammation are much more severe than that of acute inflammation, too. Many conditions like Alzheimer's Disease, ADHD, autoimmune disease, diabetes, and depression have been linked in part to chronic inflammation.

How can I treat inflammation?

Julia Sakelli / PEXELS

According to Varsha Khatri, RDN at Prowise Healthcare, modifying your plans for your diet, exercise, rest, and stress management can help decrease chronic inflammation. Dietary changes are a great place to start.

“The introduction of foods containing anti-inflammatory nutrients and the exclusion of pro-inflammatory foods, for instance, processed sugar and trans fats, is essential,” she says.

In addition to anti-inflammatory foods, drinking teas for inflammation is an easy way to keep you feeling your best in the day-to-day. Below, find the best teas our experts recommend for fighting inflammation!


Rishi Tea Turmeric Ginger Herbal Tea

Dunne recommends this turmeric and ginger tea because both turmeric and ginger contain strong anti-inflammatory properties. Combining them can pack a powerful punch, and this ready-to-go combo makes reaping the benefits of both ingredients super easy.


Traditional Medicinals Organic Stress Ease Immune Tea with Adaptogens

Dunne also likes this tea because it contains herbs and spices that support the adrenal glands and the immune system. Supporting both systems is necessary if you're looking to reduce inflammation.


Stash Spice Dragon Red Chai Herbal Tea

Cinnamon, ginger, and clove are all considered anti-inflammatory, and this herbal tea includes them all. If you enjoy drinking chai, this caffeine-free version will deliver that familiar flavor all while helping your body combat inflammation!


Tazo Green Tea

Drinking green tea consistently can not only help decrease inflammation, but improve your cardiovascular health and metabolism, which can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

The contents of green tea, such as catechins with EGCG, have been confirmed to alleviate and protect tissue from damage owing to inflammation," says Khatri. "These substances also serve as free radical scavengers and fight the chronic inflammatory status."


Traditional Medicinals Organic Ginger Tea

Ginger is rich in gingerol, which can help reduce general swelling (including arthritis and sore muscles) and relieve an array of digestive issues. It's also pretty tasty, too, so you can enjoy sipping it any time.


52USA Rooibos Organic Tea

"Rooibos tea has antioxidants like aspalathin and nothofagin which are present in plants and rooibos, and are believed to have anti-inflammatory effects," says Khatri. "Such antioxidants can mitigate the activity of pro-inflammatory substances and therefore, chronic inflammatory diseases may be effectively managed."


Yogi Comforting Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is one of the best teas for inflammation to drink before bed. It has relaxing and soothing effects, thanks to apigenin, which primarily tackles inflammation in the gut. If you deal with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other digestive disorders, you'll find some nice relief from drinking chamomile tea.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

After 2 hours worth of coffee runs, approximately 47 minutes of suffering an intense sugar rush, and a spout of indigestion I’ll certainly be regretting later, I’ve found the best PSL— and it's likely not what you think.

Pumpkin spice season started excruciatingly early this year, with chains like Starbucks, Dunkin', and Krispy Kreme popping out with their fall menus starting August 12. Now that fall is finally setting in in my neck of the woods, I don’t feel entirely out of character ordering a PSL. Hence, a taste test was born.

Meredith Holser

I traveled to four of the most popular coffee chains that got ahead of the PSL game this season: Starbucks, Dunkin’, Krispy Kreme, and Dutch Bros. Not only did I set out to find the best-tasting PSL (though taste is a huge factor), I also wanted to see how they measured up in terms of price. Coffee is not always cheap these days! Scroll on to discover the best PSL you can order, according to my taste test.

Meredith Holser


Order: Tall hot PSL

Cost: $5.75

If there’s one thing I can count on from a Starbucks PSL, it’s comfort. Maybe it’s the nostalgia in me, but that first sip is always soothing. Starbucks’ classic PSL is perfectly sweet, but there’s not a ton of spice. I do really enjoy how creamy the pumpkin spice flavor is – likely because they use a thick pumpkin sauce as opposed to a syrup.

I ordered a hot PSL in a tall size for my taste test (because I knew my stomach couldn’t, well, stomach three more standard-sized PSLs), though I wished I had requested a grande. Larger sizes at Starbucks are crafted with more espresso, so I didn’t get a ton of coffee notes from the tall swig that only had one shot. After a solid 5-minute sip session, I have to grant Starbucks’ PSL 3.5/5 stars. The lack of a caffeinated coffee punch and a wild abundance of orange (the drink’s color is quite jarring) left me no choice but to knock off some points.

Meredith Holser


Order: Small hot PSL

Cost: $5.19

Dunkin’s PSL is definitely worth skipping. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a Dunkin’ girly through and through (their Dunkalatte is bangin’), but upon first sip of their PSL, I gagged – I can’t lie. Their PSL is way too sweet and literally just tastes like syrup. Transparently, I tasted a lot more vanilla than pumpkin flavor (and a hint of candle fragrance), which was disappointing, given the drink is literally called Pumpkin Spice Latte.

I felt like I needed to take a big breath and touch grass after drinking it. To top it off, the little espresso I detected the drink tasted very bitter and burnt. For the money I spent, I can definitively say it’s not worth it. It’s gonna be 1/5 stars for me, thanks!

Meredith Holser

Dutch Bros

Order: Small hot PSL

Cost: $4.85

Next on my taste test was Dutch Bros. I don’t often make a beeline to this coffee chain, but I was pretty loyal to them in college (for the Cocomo alone), so my hopes were fairly high. I ordered a small hot PSL – and it was definitely pumpkiny. Concerningly pumpkiny, even. Their pumpkin flavor read more savory than sweet in my opinion, which I think could offer a fun and refreshing sip when you’re tired of downing super-sweet drinks.

At this point in the taste test, I was tweaking hard from all the sugar and caffeine I had consumed, but the depth of flavor with Dutch Bros’ PSL ultimately impressed me. The best part was I wasn’t missing out on the espresso at all! The espresso was extremely prevalent even in the small-sized drink. I’m not sure I would order it again since my nearest Dutch Bros is 20 minutes from home, but it certainly earned my stamp of approval. That’s a 4/5 star rating for you, Dutch.

Meredith Holser

Krispy Kreme

Order: Small hot PSL

Cost: $2.59

I fear that Krispy Kreme is a true underdog when it comes to breakfast and coffee, especially their PSL. Krispy Kreme’s PSL tasted scarily similar to Starbucks, though it wasn’t as devilishly sweet. After sipping on it, I can confidently say I absolutely prefer this less-sweet version. I was honestly so shocked at how good it was – I sat in my car with my jaw dropped for a good moment. For only $2.59, I felt it was too good to be true. The drink was hot, fresh, and flavorful, and the low price made it all the better. Krispy Kreme’s pumpkin flavoring wasn’t extremely in my face, though I still got the pumpkiny effect that’s perfect for the season. If you’re a ride-or-die Starbucks fan, you need to make your way to Krispy Kreme. Trust me. I’m granting it 4.5/5 stars – and we have a winner, baby!

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The winter blues are over non-existent today because Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson are Hollywood's newest parents! Not only that, but marriagemay be in the cards for the couple! While we know a picture isn't always worth a thousand words, it's hard not to buy into the romantic way they interact with each other in paparazzi snaps.

After Suki announced she and Robert are expecting their first baby together, we knew it was only a matter of time before engagement rumors started flying. No matter where you stand on the love and marriagevs. happily singledebate, we're absolutely over the moon for this sweet couple!

Here's everything we know about Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattison's new journey!

What did Suki Waterhouse recently say about her family?

Dimitrios Kambouris

Suki Waterhouse can't stop gushing about her family! She showed up in style on the 2024 MTV VMA's red carpet and said Robert Pattinson is "the greatest" at being a dad to their 6-month-old baby girl (via Access Hollywood). Though he was working, Suki happily brought their daughter with her and had fun "showing her around New York City" prior to her red carpet appearance. As far as little one's personality, Suki disclosed that "She has such a sweet nature," and she's enjoying watching it unfold.

How does Suki Waterhouse feel about motherhood and her relationship with Robert Pattinson?

Suki Waterhouse is learning how to manage being a first-time mom who also has a career — two things that aren't easy to balance whatsoever. One of the things she shared with British Vogueis that she realized how much pressure moms are under. "Every mum’s morality is in question so much, not just from yourself, but from society," she said. "Everyone’s projecting something onto you. That’s an insane thing."

The one thing she observed about Robert Pattinson is how he seems to be adjusting to fatherhood. She said, " [he's] the dad I could have hoped for...It’s an actual love story."

Concerning their love story, Suki's song "To Love" from her upcoming album Memoir of a Sparklemuffin celebrates what it means to find your person. She said, "I had a very clear feeling of being like, ‘Oh, wow, Rob and I have been together six years and I’m still really into this.'" For Suki, all that seems to matter is, "This love and having a family and having a little world."

Someone bring us another box of tissues because this sounds so sweet!

Has Robert Pattinson made a public statement about his daughter?

Francois Durand/Getty Images

Robert usually doesn't share too many details about his personal life, but there's no hiding from the joy of being a first-time dad! He recently attended the Dior Homme Menswear Spring/Summer 2025 fashion show in Paris (via People) and looked just as amazing as we remember seeing him in public.

Thanks to a short clip a fan posted to X, we're finally able to know how Robert feels about #dadlife. Though you have to really listen to hear what's he saying, there's no mistaking that he's loving life.

"[Having a baby] makes you feel very old and very young," he said with a smile that reached his eyes. "She's so cute...You know, I'm amazed by how quickly their personality comes. So even at three months, I'm like, 'Oh … I can kinda see who she is already.'"

Did Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson secretly get married?

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Remember those whispers about Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson's engagement? Well, the couple is now rumored to have secretly gotten married already!

According to a source, they've been riding the marital bliss wave for some time. "The capper on that transformation has been for them to finally get serious about starting a family and spending the rest of their lives together. Official PR announcement or not, Rob and Suki are a married couple," they revealed to In Touch Weekly.

OMG, how cute is this news?? A PR statement is always nice to have, but I'm willing to settle for the fact the couple is living life while raising their precious daughter on their own terms. Clearly, I just love love in all forms so whether they're actually married or not won't change how much I'm rooting for Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson!

What exciting news did Suki Waterhouse share during her Coachella set?

And she covered oasis?! 💗🤭 she’s such a queen #bellaswan #edwardcullen #jacobblack #twilight #newmoon #fading #sukiwaterhouse #old #young #foryourpage #yp #blowup #viral #love #watchit #blowthisup #tvshow #movie #twilightsaga #animated #moviesaga #pregnancy #baby #gender #girl #omg #mother #itsagirl #women #oasis #concert #coachella #2024 #queen

Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson were spotted at Coachella on Friday in preparation for the former's amazing performance! A fan page shared several candid shots of the couple walking around on Instagram and we're living for Suki's fur coat moment. Only she could make her outfit look effortlessly cool.

But, one of the best moments during her Coachella set is the beautiful way she announced the gender of her and Robert's baby. In this awesome TikTok video, Suki can be seen smiling as she talked to the crowd. "I don't know if some of you know, but I've had some pretty big life changes happening this year...and I've been very lucky to have my own little amazing lady and meet the love of my life," she said.

This means Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson are officially on #TeamGirl 💕!

What has Suki Waterhouse said about her postpartum experience?

Suki Waterhouse/Instagram

Suki Waterhouse took to Instagram to share how she's been doing since giving birth and gave her honest opinion about her postpartum journey so far. She can seen wearing an oversized cardigan, what appears to be a nursing bra, and a pair of Frida Mom Disposable Underwear. She wrote, "the fourth trimester has been… humbling! the postpartum period has been filled with exhilarating joy, so much laughter, tears, soo many hormones! I’m proud of everything my body has achieved and proud of the kindness and grace I’ve given myself during this recovery period. 💕ootd: @fridamom pants!"

People applauded her for being so honest about postpartum with @juliemic79 commenting, "Thank you for being so real about what we go through after we deliver our precious angels. The hormones, the sleepless nights., the sheer joy and wonder of how such a little human can make your heart burst. It's a journey, take the time and heal and enjoy..."

We wish her continued healing and support!

Have Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson revealed their newborn to the public?

Suki Waterhouse/Instagram

Up until recently, Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson's lips were sealed about the arrival of their newborn. However, Suki shared an adorable pic of her holding their precious baby on Instagram with the caption, "welcome to the world angel ❤️." Singer Halsey wrote "ROCKSTAR MOM!" while Paris Hilton typed, "Congratulations love! So happy for you both!🥰" Amazon Prime is even spotted in Suki's comments!

Plenty of Suki's fans left their own sweet messages too! User @mischa.moo wrote, "Child’s gene pool is made of gold omg," which sums up how we feel.

Did Suki Waterhouse give birth?

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

Congratulations are in order for Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson because they've welcome their first baby together! The new parents kept the details of baby's birth under wraps, but DailyMail shared exclusive images that showed they recently enjoyed a nice family outing while Robert pushed their newborn in a baby stroller.

We hope they're adjusting to the arrival of their baby and that Suki has all the support she can get during the postpartum period!

Why did Suki Waterhouse turns heads at the 75th annual Primetime Emmy Awards?

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

People shared that Suki Waterhouse practically floated on the red carpet while wearing a custom-made red Valentino gown that showed off her growing baby bump. She looked ethereal as the camera caught several angles of her face and the cut-out portions of her gown that revealed her and Robert Pattinson's baby.

Funnily enough, the gown had to be altered before it fit her frame perfectly. She said, "I was really excited about this look, Valentino...but it didn't even — like, I had to hold it. The fitting was just me holding it to my. body, so they had to really...redesign this dress to make it fit the bump."

As far as we're concerned, it all worked out in the end! Honestly, we love that more mamas are choosing to redefine their maternity style.

Where have Suki Waterhouse and Robert been spotted recently?

Suki Waterhouse/TikTok

Whether they were trying to be incognito or not, fans spotted the couple getting ready to make a detour to St. Lucia. One fan account on X speculated they were going on a "babymoon" to celebrate their unborn child.

Despite not confirming their plans, Suki Waterhouse posted a series of photos on TikTok that revealed she and Robert were enjoying a vacation. The first photo in the carousel showed her wearing a cute bikini while her precious baby bump is on full display. If that wasn't cute enough, she chose Lana Del Ray's song "Margaret" to accompany the photos.

It could be a cryptic nod to their engagement rumors because the lyrics at the end of the song are, "Like Hollywood in me, that diamond on your ring. The soul that you bring to the table. One that makes me sing."

When did Suki announce her and Robert's baby news?

While performing at the Corona Capital Festival in Mexico, Suki shocked concert-goers at the beginning of her performance. A fan account posted a clip on X where she could be heard talking about distracting the crowd from a very obvious baby bump. She said, "...I'm not sure it's working" while working the stage in a sparkly mini dress and faux fur coat.

How long have Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson been dating?

Time flies fast because it's been more than a few years since Suki and Robert became a couple. People reported that it was rumored they began dating in 2018. However, the couple kept their relationship private — good thinking — for a while.

When did Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattison make their official debut?

The Hollywood Reporter shared that the couple appeared at the Dior Men's Fall show last December. They looked stylish and romantic as they walked the red carpet, which is how we've continued to see them.

What recent projects have Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson worked on?

Besides performing at the Corona Capital Festival this past weekend, Suki Waterhouse recently appeared as Karen Sirko in Daisy Jones & The Six this year. As stated above, Robert Pattison's last major project was The Batman.

There's not an official due date for Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattison yet, but I'm just excited to learn they're expecting a sweet little baby. Be sure to watch this space for more updates!

How do you feel about Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson's baby announcement? Let us know in the comments!

This post has been updated.

Header image via Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

Upon scrolling through H&M's countless new arrivals, I found some of the greatest dresses that I couldn't wait to share! This season is seriously good — there are so many on-trend, good quality, affordable pieces that are ideal for every occasion this fall. So after scrolling through the hundreds of options, I narrowed it down to 13 perfect fall dresses that are sure to be your new fave outfits this autumn. Get ready to hit 'add to cart' because you won't be able to resist these flattering, trendy items!


Knit Sweater Dress

A basic, knit dress is a staple that will carry you through the fall season given all the various ways to style it! One of my favorite looks for a dress like this is to pair it with knee high boots and a thick, wool trench coat! This one will be sure to make you look like a chic, cold-weather style icon! Love this one!


Long Chiffon Dress

Bring on the boho chic fall — I'm all about it! I can't wait to buy dresses like this to live out my ethereal, fall dreams! This dress is whimsical, but it doesn't feel too out there to wear to dinner with your in-laws! I love the neutral color, paired with the flowing sleeves and cut. Definitely will be a popular pick this season!


V Neck Dress

Everything about this look screams fall to me, from the unique floral pattern to the flowy boho sleeves to the overall fit itself. I can already see it on Pinterest paired with the perfect knee high boots and socks. Definitely grab this one if you're wanting to go for that effortless, chic look!

This dress quickly sold out, so be sure to sign up for restock notifications!


Burgundy Mini Dress

This burgundy mini dress is a great example of how fall style does not have to be boring or one-note! You can play with the typical autumnal color palette through textures, prints, and interesting designs. This dress has a busy print that is super fun, and it allows you to go simple with the accessories, yet still make a statement! Not into this particular pattern? There are three others to choose from to suit your needs!


Embroidered Dress

Another gorgeous boho look, but mini style! The puff sleeves give off an airy vibe, and the embroidery add a subtle unique element to the design. If you really wanna double down on the western vibes that are so boho adjacent, I love this dress styled with some cowboy boots, similar to the above look!


Tie-Belt Dress

Nothing says "fall" like a classic shirt dress! These are a great go-to when you've gotta get ready for work in a snap, or for when you're bopping from the farmer's market to brunch with the girls. A shirt dress like this is truly so versatile, and super flattering! This earthy green tone is essential for your fall wardrobe this year, so be sure to grab it ASAP!


Red Knit Dress

Red is the "it" color of the season — specifically, this bright, ruby red color. So, if you're looking to make a statement, then opt for this striking red knit dress, and make sure to accessorize with some chunky jewelry as shown above! Already adding this one to cart as we speak!


Tie-Belt Crêpe Dress

Again, I just love an autumnal floral pattern! This dusty blue color paired with the lovely flowers on the flowy maxi silhouette are stylish and airy and exactly what you need for the boho chic fall look! Plus, the tie waist is so flattering, giving a nice shape to this loose style.


Boucle Jacket Dress

Did someone say, "Tom Ford-era Gucci" — because this is definitely it! This kind of boucle dress that gives off a jacket vibe is just the style I'm going for this fall! Plus, the burgundy bag shown above is a great cheaper alternative to a lot of Gucci's newest arrivals! I plan styling this one with some heeled slingbacks for a sophisticated look this season!


Fine Knit Dress

French girl fall is always in style, and I can't wait to recreate some inspired looks for the aesthetic! Starting off with this collared knit dress here, I would style it with the quintessential French shoe: heeled Mary Janes! Make sure to add some French girl beauty products for the full look!

This dress quickly sold out, so be sure to sign up for restock notifications!


Rib Knit Dress

In case you're wanting to invest in some classic, staples for the fall, this knit green dress is just for you! Knit dresses are a daily essential for me in the fall — they can take me straight from work, to a night out, or a casual dinner at a restaurant. They're extremely versatile, and very comfortable to wear; even all day!


V Neck Dress

I'm loving all things burgundy this season, and this dress caught my eye for the luxe style and shape of the dress. It has a beautiful cut that hugs the body, and gold detailing at the shoulders for a high-end look that will have people thinking it's way more expensive than it is. This is sure to be your new date night dress — and even makes for a great wedding guest dress! — for the coming months!

This dress quickly sold out, so be sure to sign up for restock notifications!


Sheer Tie Neck Dress

Obvi, we had to add another bohemian option since it's so in style right now. This dusty blue color is really love is for the season, too — perfectly breaking up the reds and clays and burnt oranges you've already stocked up on. I love this dress styled with black boots like above. I honestly can't wait to start incorporating these boho vibes into my wardrobe all season long!

This dress quickly sold out, so be sure to sign up for restock notifications!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations

Think of the most quotable movies you know, and there's a good chance The Devil Wears Prada makes the list. Meryl Streep's Miranda Priestly is just that iconic. The Academy Award-winning actress perfected the movie's balance of biting edge, style, and hidden vulnerability to create a character that is one in a million — and it looks like we could see even more of her thanks to a new The Devil Wears Prada sequel in the works!

News of the sequel first broke in July 2024, right after Emily Blunt actually said the cast would be "good" without a sequel and simply cherishing the first movie. Well it looks like we need to head back into our closets for all the cerulean belts and Chanel boots we can find. Here's everything you need to know about The Devil Wears Prada 2!

Is the original cast returning for The Devil Wears Prada sequel?

MJ Kim/Getty Images

While both Emily Blunt and Anne Hathaway have agreed in the past that it makes sense for Andy's story to end with the first movie, Emily recently teased her return during the American Institute for Stuttering Gala on September 16. “It’s cool,” she tells People.

“I just wanna get some good eye makeup going again,” she continues, before joking that maybe her character Emily will come down with another stomach flu. “I’m hoping for that.”

Anne, however, isn't sure what the story would look like in the modern digital age. “I don’t know if there can be [a sequel],” she said on a 2022 episode of The View (via Deadline). “I just think that movie was in a different era. Now everything’s gone so digital and that movie is centered around the concept of producing a physical thing and it’s just, it’s just very different.”

“Sometimes things should be cherished and preserved in this bubble and it’s okay,” Emily Blunt told Josh Horowitz in February 2024 (via People).

Is there The Devil Wears Prada 2?

20th Century Fox/Disney

Yes, it looks like we're finally getting a The Devil Wears Prada sequel! The original movie came out in 2006, and fans have hoped for another installment ever since Andy ditched Miranda in Paris.

The OG movie's screenwriter Aline Brosh McKenna is reportedly back for round 2, as is director David Frankel and producer Wendy Finerman, according to Deadline.

What book is the sequel to Devil Wears Prada?


The second The Devil Wears Prada book is called Revenge Wears Prada: The Devil Returns — and there's a good chance this will become the second The Devil Wears Prada movie! The book follows Andy, who's finally at the top of her game. She's a successful magazine editor, she's engaged, and her relationship with Emily is better than ever. But when Miranda Priestly makes a grand return, she flips Andy's life upside down...again.

Stay tuned for more news on The Devil Wears Prada sequel and read up on This Deleted Scene from The Devil Wears Prada Will Completely Change the Way You See Miranda Priestly for more.

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