Here's What To Expect This Capricorn Season, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

capricorn season horoscope

Capricorn season seems tailor-made for the end of one year and the beginning of the next. With the archetype of Capricorn focusing on reaping what you sow, the progression of time, and the fruits of hard work, it's a great time to set your intentions for the year ahead and figure out what it will take to achieve your personal goals. The vibes of this particular Capricorn season, which will be dominated by Mercury retrograde and Mars' fiery energies, are sure to stir things up — which can be a beautiful thing, if you're aligned with your inner compass and paying attention to the messages the universe has to share with you. Here's what to expect this Capricorn season. As always, we recommend reading your Capricorn season horoscope for your rising sign... but you can read it for your Sun or Moon sign too, if you prefer.

Photo by Liza Summer/Pexels


Aries, as the holiday season reaches its peak and the New Year starts off with a bang, so will your career and public image. Capricorn season is a great time to focus not only on your job, but the public image you present both professionally and personally. The New Moon in Capricorn on the 23rd is a great time for planting some seeds related to these topics… be sure that you show up in ways that reflect your goals and ambitions, because the tone you set now will dictate how the next month or so will play out.

Mercury stations retrograde on the 29th, but it’s been building up for a while now, so you should already have some idea as to the ways in which you might need to review, backtrack, and attend to small details in your professional life. The retrograde might make it feel like that initial burst of career energy has petered out, but actually, it’s still possible to ride that wave and manifest all of your goals, provided you’re in it for the long haul.

You’ll get a mood boost and lots of support from your friends and family, especially after January 2nd. Take advantage of the Full Moon in Cancer on the 6th to celebrate at home with your loved ones and reflect on how they’ve supported you in recent weeks.

Around the 12th, if you’ve been noticing any extra tensions (or, from a more positive perspective, increased energy) in your interactions with siblings, extended family, neighbors, and other people you communicate with, they’re likely to reach a fever pitch, and perhaps a turning point. Additionally, as Mercury stations direct on the 18th, some of the small tasks and busywork you’ve been having to do in your career will start to lighten, and you’ll be able to move forward with more confidence.


‘Tis the season for philosophical musings, new ideas, and maybe even some travel, Taurus. You’re not a huge risk taker in any of those areas, but it’s likely you’ve been catching yourself making a few more mental leaps — and having even more confidence in your ideas — than usual. The New Moon in Capricorn on the 23rd is a great time to write down whatever thoughts come up for you. You’ll be spending a lot of time over the next few weeks honing your worldview, so putting pen to paper and keeping track of your thoughts and emotions will be particularly valuable this Capricorn season.

Mercury stations retrograde on the 29th, which will kickstart a period of reviewing whatever’s been on your mind. It’s possible that you’re feeling extra-thoughtful about how you want the new year to go, and how you want to be spending your time. Don’t be afraid to ask the tough questions: Examining why you want what you want — and how you can achieve it in a way that’s authentic to you — is extra important right now.

The good news is that while you’re waxing philosophical about what you want out of the new year, your career and overall life direction will see a temporary boost in good vibes, especially after January 2nd. The Full Moon in Cancer on the 6th is a good time to vocalize what it is you want, as your communicative skills will be graced with some extra oomph. By the 12th, if you’ve been noticing any challenges with regard to your income or possessions, you might start to see things begin to resolve. But continue to be careful: Let’s just say Facebook’s infamous motto ("Move fast and break things") would be terrible advice for you right now.

When Mercury stations direct on the 18th, it’ll be time to move forward with whatever knowledge and wisdom you’ve picked up over the last month or so. Enough mulling things over: It’s time to move forward.


Capricorn season kicks off on the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and the day when the Sun reaches its lowest peak height on its daily procession across the sky. These archetypal winter qualities — darkness, long nights, the sun’s descent into the “underworld” — are good representations of how this season might be feeling for you, Gemini. With the Sun transiting Capricorn, you’re likely to be going through a bit of an underworld journey of your own. Pay attention to topics like sex (orgasm is nicknamed petite mort, or “Little Death,” in French, after all), your tendency to lose yourself in others, and your reflections on your own mortality.

Once Mercury stations retrograde on the 29th, it’ll behoove you to be extra-cautious around paperwork, especially in regard to taxes, inheritances, and any joint financial decisions. Be sure to dot your is and cross your ts if you find yourself signing any contracts or making any agreements in these areas.

You may start to see some light at the end of the metaphorical tunnel after January 2nd, when you’ll enter a period in which topics like philosophy, spirituality, and travel become extra-sweet for you. Allow your travels, both mental and physical, to be your bright spot during a generally dark time of year. The Full Moon in Cancer on the 6th will be the culmination of a period of great effort, and it's possible that you’ll reap some financial reward for all your hard work.

Mars has been retrograde in Gemini for a while now, giving you a huge energetic capacity (and also the potential for burnout and injury). When Mars stations direct on the 12th, it may be tempting to spring into action and jump back into beast mode. Try to exercise some restraint so you don’t overburden yourself or expend all of your energy at once.

When Mercury stations direct on the 18th, you’ll notice that some of that dark, underworldly energy starts to feel less oppressive, and it’ll be time to move forward into Aquarius season and closer toward the light.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels


It’s time to cozy up, Cancer. Grab a snuggle buddy and get ready to Netflix and chill, because Capricorn season is going to be highlighting your personal one-on-one relationships, especially those with significant others and committed romantic partners. With the spotlight shining on this area of your life, Mercury’s retrograde phase (which begins on the 29th) may see exes walking back into your life, old wounds being resurrected, and old patterns resurfacing. It’s time to pay close attention to what the universe is asking you to revisit when it comes to your interpersonal relationships (these journal prompts may help). If you're single, this still applies to you: Notice how these themes may be playing out with besties and business partners.

Starting around January 2nd, you’re going to have some extra-special juiciness flowing in some relevant areas: primarily, your sex life and any joint financial agreements. Make the most of it! By the time of the Full Moon in Cancer on the 6th, the spotlight will turn away from your relationships with others and back toward you for a little while; soak up the attention and notice what comes up for you, especially in topics related to your physical appearance and body.

If you’ve been struggling with your mental health lately — or simply putting more effort than usual into your therapy sessions or spiritual endeavors — expect to see a shift around January 12th. Be kind to yourself, as this has the potential to be emotionally and energetically draining. A lot of self-care will be required.

Mercury stations direct on the 18th, when all those issues you’ve been facing around your close personal relationships may begin to resolve. Notice what areas of your life start righting themselves around this time; this will be a clue as to the broader lessons you need to internalize as Capricorn season rounds out.


Do you have your New Year’s resolutions picked out yet, Leo? Chances are your daily routines have been on your mind… and if not, they should be. The New Moon in Capricorn on the 23rd is the perfect time to set some intentions for what you want to achieve this year, especially in matters like healthy habits, daily routines, work tasks, wellness, and nutrition. Basically, the tiny decisions that impact your long-term well-being.

The only issue is that by the 29th, Mercury will have stationed retrograde, throwing a wrench into your plans. If you find this to be true for you, don’t let it get you down: The key to working with Mercury retrograde energy is to allow it to show you what plans, decisions, and habits need revisiting. Pay attention to what you need to be more realistic about; Mercury will show you if any of your resolutions are bound to fail. If so, simply adjust them so they’re more realistic and well-suited to you.

A major blessing this month is that starting around January 2nd, you’re in for a time of love, peace, and general cuteness in all your closest relationships (think SOs, besties, and business partners). Tell the important people in your life how much you love them.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 6th may stir up emotions and be trying on your mental health; it’ll be a good night for you to stay home, take a bath, light a candle, and do some deep breathing exercises.

Around January 12th, any conflicts or outstanding difficulties you’ve been having with friends and alliances may start to turn a corner. There’s a chance you’ve been a busy little socialite lately, with lots of energy to put into networking and meeting new people. Feel free to proceed as planned if that’s working for you, but recognize if and when it’s time to take a break from socializing.

By January 18th, you’ll start noticing that it feels like a better time to put those healthy resolutions into practice. The good news is, if you’ve been paying attention throughout Mercury’s retrograde phase, you’ll be perfectly suited to head into 2023 ready to rock those New Year’s resolutions.


Virgo, we hope you’re ready to party this holiday season, because as the Sun transits the sign of Capricorn, you’re going to notice that fun, hobbies, creative projects, and — if you’re a parent — your children are going to be spotlighted. If you’ve been in a creative rut (once again, we have journal prompts for that), the New Moon in Capricorn on the 23rd will be a great opportunity to try something new. Sign up for a class, start a new hobby, or plan to have some fun in the bedroom with a chosen co-creator.

Enjoy it while you can, because by the 29th, Mercury retrograde may rain on your parade in these areas a little bit. That doesn’t mean the seeds you planted on the New Moon aren’t going to grow into something beautiful; it just means you’re going to have to revisit your approach and do your due diligence around the intentions you’ve set. Starting on January 2nd, you’ll get some extra juju around topics like health, fitness, and routines (and even mundane work projects), so the more your new hobby can incorporate these topics, the better.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 6th is an extra-good time to party, or to reflect on how your network has been supporting you over the past month or so. Enjoy the culmination of your social endeavors with a group of like-minded friends.

So, your social life and extra-curricular activities all look promising… but how’s work been going, Virgo? If you’ve been experiencing some flare-ups, roadblocks, or challenges in your career — all accompanied by extra energy and a strong drive to solve your problems — it’s time to start cautiously looking toward the future. Starting around the 12th, you’re going to start getting some forward movement in these areas, though the general themes you’ve been experiencing aren’t going to fully resolve themselves until a few months from now. When Mercury stations direct on the 18th, you’ll start reaping the rewards of that new hobby you started, so allow that activity to be your outlet for the time being.

Photo by Alena Shekhovtcova/Pexels


Have you set up your home in a way that refuels you and brings you peace? The topics of home, family, and even your ancestry are going to take center stage this Capricorn season, so now’s the time to focus your efforts on setting up a beautiful home base for yourself.

When Mercury stations retrograde on the 29th, it may spotlight some issues around the house that need addressing. Is it as simple as revisiting your interior decor or fixing an appliance, or do you need to address underlying issues with the people who’ve shared your home over the years (aka, your parents, grandparents, roommates, or partner)? Be careful not to make the mistake of believing that everyone shares your priorities or sees the world the same way.

If things are challenging at home, look to your hobbies and creative endeavors as a source of joy (and yes, if you’re a parent, your kids count as “creative endeavors”). Come January 2nd, Venus will be bestowing you with some beautiful energy around all things fun and creative, so make the most of this transit by getting out of the house, making something lovely, or trying something new.

Another place you’re likely to see your efforts being rewarded is at work. By the time of the Full Moon in Cancer on the 6th, you’ll probably start to see the extra hours you’ve been putting in start to pay off, whether monetarily or through a boost to your reputation.

Remember what we said earlier about not assuming others have the same worldview as you? There’s a chance you’ve been a bit pushy with your ideas over the last couple of months. Pay extra attention to the importance of honoring others’ perspectives around 12th, as this tendency in you may start to reach its peak. If you can remain equanimous and avoid any tendency to preach, you might be able to ride out the potential for arguments or clashes over points of view… at least for a couple of days.


Given that it begins right on the Winter Solstice and near the beginning of a new year, Capricorn season is always a good time to set intentions. For you, Scorpio, that may mean working on your relationship with your surroundings, such as your neighborhood, people you interact with on a daily basis, and even your siblings. As you’re considering what these topics mean to you, focus on your communication style and how you approach these parts of your life — do you need to work on your ability to express yourself in your day-to-day interactions? Do you have healthy ties with your siblings, cousins, and neighbors? Or do these relationships need a little bit of work?

When Mercury stations retrograde on the 29th, it will kickstart a period of reflection around these issues. To make the most of this time, be very careful with what you say. It may be a good idea to communicate through the written word (aka text, email, and even old-fashioned letter writing) rather than face-to-face, because you’ll be able to take the time to fine-tune your language and think through what you want to say. Some advice you’ll want to heed: If you’re upset with someone, write down what you want to say, and then give yourself a day or two before sending it through. If you’re speaking in person, tell them you need to step away to gather your thoughts before responding.

Around January 2nd, you may start to appreciate the comforts of hearth and home as a refuge from any communication struggles you may be experiencing. It’s a fantastic time to upgrade your decor, reorganize your space, and generally create a beautiful, cozy vibe for yourself at home.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 6th can be a great time to book a trip (or take a trip)... just be wary of the potential for travel delays, as Mercury will still be retrograde.

A longer-term theme that’s been playing out for you has involved extra energy, but also potential frustration, around topics like sex and other peoples’ money (such as mergers, inheritances, and taxes). These themes aren’t going to go away any time soon, but you should notice some forward motion in these areas after Mars stations direct on the 12th. Meanwhile, by the time Mercury goes direct on the 18th, it should be clear what lessons you’ve needed to internalize around your communication patterns, siblings, and neighbors. Carry what you’ve learned with you as you move forward.


Sag, the focus for you this month will be on your income and possessions, but also your values and the things you prize as important (whether material or immaterial). The New Moon in Capricorn on the 23rd will be an important time to notice what you need to work on in these areas. If, for example, there’s a new possession you need to save up for, the New Moon will be a great time to set a budget and start saving. If it’s your internal values that need revisiting, use this time to set some intentions around what changes you need to make to ensure you’re living in alignment with what’s important to you.

Mercury will station retrograde on the 29th, further highlighting these themes in your life. Pay attention to what roadblocks come up and what plans are foiled over the next couple of weeks — they will be good indicators of what needs to be adjusted over the course of Mercury’s retrograde period.

Venus moves into Aquarius on January 2nd, which will bring some extra goodness to topics like your neighborhood, communications with others, and short-distance travels (think errands, brunch dates with your sis, and grabbing lunch with coworkers). If you’ve been meaning to take a few days off from work to enjoy a staycation, the period from January 2nd through the end of the month would be a great time to do it.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 8th may be an interesting time for you. Secrets may be revealed (whether your own or someone else’s), great sex may be had, and it’s even possible someone will even loan you some extra cash or give you a monetary gift.

Over the last few months, Mars has been retrograde in Gemini, which for you may have created some extra tension in your intimate relationships. This can play out as either passion or conflict… both are equally possible, and probable. But when Mars stations direct on the 12th, it’s likely to serve as a turning point for all of this energy. It’s up to you whether it plays out as extra energy and vitality, or heated arguments.

All of this, of course, is happening over the backdrop of Mercury’s retrograde period, so it’ll be important for you to take all of this information and filter it through the lens of whether or not you’re living in alignment with your values. By the time Mercury goes direct on the 18th, if you’ve been paying attention, you should have the wisdom you need to move forward with a better focus on your personal goals.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels


It’s your time to shine, Cap, as the Sun shines its light on your appearance, your identity, and the way you show up in the world. This Capricorn season will be the perfect time to switch up your style, play with new makeup, and start a workout routine that will leave you feeling healthy and fit. Set your intentions on the 23rd, as the New Moon in Capricorn will set you up for success.

Keep in mind, however, that because of Mercury’s retrograde movement through Capricorn (which begins on December 29th), you’ll want to be careful about anything you have to truly commit to. Any semi-permanent decisions you make (like changing your hair color, for example) are likely to be walked back later, so it’s best to avoid them altogether for now. Play with lighthearted, low-lift upgrades instead. You’ll get a boost after January 2nd when it comes to your money and possessions, so a little splurge here and there on new styles could be super fun and fruitful — but keep your receipts, just in case.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 6th will be ideal for spotlighting relationship patterns with your S.O. or bestie. If things are good, on the night of the Full Moon, they’ll be even more sweet. If you and your partner have been struggling, your issues will be clearly spotlighted, and it’ll be time to make some decisions about where to go from here.

In addition to all of this, you’ve probably been experiencing a lot of extra activity in topics like your health, wellness, and mundane routines. If your usual daily rituals have become a major grind (or work is getting in the way), make sure to incorporate calming self-care practices, especially around the 12th of January. Hang in there — while work and routines are likely to remain tough for a while longer, we’ve arrived at a turning point.


This is going to be an important time of year for your mental wellness and self-care, Aquarius. You’re probably not bad at carving out time for yourself, but it’s going to be important to find a balance this Capricorn season. While self-care can mean cozy nights in, it can also mean connecting with friends, a therapist, or another trusted advisor. Don’t shut yourself in too much as the weather gets colder.

Mercury retrograde begins on the 29th, and for you, it might not feel like your typical Mercury retrograde. Rather, the themes that may arise will have to do with more elusive topics, like your dreams, your subconscious desires, and your mental and spiritual well-being. It’ll be vital to take care of your nervous system (avoid coffee, consciousness-altering substances, and variations of dieting or fasting), and get plenty of rest.

On the 6th, the Full Moon in Cancer will put some additional emphasis on your health and well-being. If you’ve been doing your work by reaching out to your therapist, confiding in friends, eating well, and getting your zzzs, you’ll see these efforts bearing fruit in the form of *not* having a nervous breakdown. If you’ve been ignoring your well-being, the consequences are likely to start showing up around this time.

While you’ve probably been super-passionate about your hobbies and creative endeavors lately, there’s a chance that you’re burning yourself out. This is also true for your kids, if you’re a parent. Remember that taking time to rest and recover is just as important as striving to achieve.

By the time Mercury stations direct on the 18th, you’ll start feeling less mentally foggy and like you’re starting to retreat from the depths of your own mind.


Whether you’re socializing in person or being extra online this winter, Pisces, chances are you have the potential to expand your network this month. Not only will you be out of your shell (potentially uncharacteristically), but your social circle could see some serious mixing up during Capricorn season. If you find that you need a whole new friend group altogether, start reaching out to others and attending meet-ups around the time of the New Moon on the 23rd. But hold off on making any serious decisions around who to befriend until after January.

When Mercury goes retrograde on the 29th, you may begin to notice confusion, disagreements and miscommunication in your social circle. There’s a chance you could be playing the role of mediator yourself, and if so, tread carefully: The potential is high for mix-ups and misunderstandings.

Despite some of the drama around your friends and social networks, you’ll probably be in high spirits, especially after January 2nd. Don’t let anyone else’s baggage weigh you down. Enjoy the coziness of the season and revel in your current state of optimism.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 6th will shine some light on the creative endeavors and projects you’ve been working on. There’s a chance you’ll be recognized for your efforts and talents around this time, or that you’ll feel empowered to express yourself authentically. Just be a little bit cautious, though, as Mercury is still retrograde and there’s still a potential for misunderstandings and needing to walk back what you’ve said.

If you’ve had to put some serious effort into your home and living space lately, be prepared for things to get even more intense around the 12th. The potential for items to break and tempers to flare is still going to be strong for the next couple of months. When Mercury goes direct on the 18th, things should start clearing up in your social life, so use the opportunity to get out of the house and take a breath of fresh air.

Love this Capricorn season horoscope? Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for more astrology, wellness, and lifestyle hacks!

After only two episodes of Only Murders in the Building season 4, Hulu renewed the series for season 5! I'm so excited that the show breaks a recent pattern of cancelling shows after the third or fourth season, giving us more time with our favorite characters, and I'm not the only one.

"Here we go again… my favorite set family. I’m coming home!" Selena Gomez says in an Instagram post, while the official Only Murders account made their own post, saying, "We had our lawyers call business affairs. Turned the 4 into a 5. #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding is coming back for Season 5!!"

Here's everything you need to know about Only Murders in the Building season 5, coming to Hulu soon.

What is Only Murders in the Building season 5 about?

Patrick Harbron/Disney

Only Murders in the Building Season 5 Plot

We finally got our first details about Only Murders season 5 — and we're going in a direction I totally didn't expect. When Sofia visits Mabel and Charles in the season 4 ending, and asks them to find her missing husband, she's disappointed when they turn her down. And since Téa Leoni just joined the season 5 cast, it looks like she's not taking no for an answer.

“I think she’s the great tease at the end of the finale and a little bit of an intriguing bump forward,” co-creator John Hoffman says in an interview with Deadline. “She’s an extension of the little news report in Episode 9 that Mabel makes note of at the hospital. [Sofia] is the wife of the Dry Cleaning King of Brooklyn, and maybe a couple of dry cleaning outlets in Manhattan, as well, we may come to know...It’s a world opened up potentially that we haven’t talked about too much yet in New York, so she holds a lot of intrigue.”

Patrick Harbron/Hulu

New York's underground is a wild space that we haven't really seen on Only Murders yet so I know we're in for one very interesting season — because if this show is going to go there, they're going to go there.

Executive producer Dan Fogelman told The Wrapwe can look forward to “another big fun mystery the writers have been cooking up," while Hoffman has gone on the record saying the new episodes will “hit on some very current things going on within New York, specifically very relevant things that are happening in the city right now.”

When is Only Murders in the Building season 5 coming out?

Patrick Harbron/Hulu

Only Murders in the Building Season 5 Release Date

According to The Wrap, Only Murders is looking to begin production on season 5 in March of 2025. Considering we've had a new season over the last four years (with season 1 in 2021, season 2 in 2022, season 3 in 2023, and season 4 in 2024), we're expecting to see season 5 in 2025. Stay tuned for the official Only Murders in the Building season 5 release date.

Who's in Only Murders in the Building season 5?

Eric McCandless/Disney

Only Murders in the Building Season 5 Cast

The cast of Only Murders in the Building includes Selena Gomez, Martin Short, and Steve Martin. Téa Leoni will also return as Sofia Caccimelio, whose husband Nicky has gone missing.

According to Dan Fogelman, “we can expect more big guest stars that’ll probably be announced sooner rather than later,” he tells The Wrap.

Season 3 featured Ashley Park, Paul Rudd, Meryl Streep, and Jesse Williams, while season 4 stars Streep, Eugene Levy, Eva Longoria, Kumail Nanjiani, Desmin Borges, Siena Werber, Lilian Rebelo, and Molly Shannon.

"I am so grateful that I have been surrounded by human beings that make me better, challenge me, remind me day after day that every moment is a gift," Selena Gomez says about working with Martin and Short. "That’s my pure joy. I thank god for the era I’m in. It’s been the best yet."

Will there be an Only Murders in the Building season 5?

Patrick Harbron/Hulu

Yes, Only Murders in the Building has been renewed for season 5! On September 4, Variety confirmed the next installment will have 10 episodes, just like the seasons before it. The latest season premiered on Hulu August 27, and will last until October 29 (just in time to try out an Only Murders Halloween costume!)

Just like the season 3 ending set up season 4, we'll have to wait for the October finale to figure out what kind of mayhem Mabel, Oliver, and Charles will get into next season. "We hope you like it!" Selena Gomez says in the Only Murders in the Building account's announcement, while Martin Short adds, "How exciting is that?"

"We're so exciting to be coming back," Steve Martin says. We're excited too!!

Check back here for the latest Only Murders in the Building season 5 news and check out the other new TV shows coming in 2025.

This post has been updated.

If you've been on the internet at all since Stranger Things premiered, there's a good chance you've witnessed how Millie Bobby Brown simply cannot catch a break. As a young girl, the actress (who plays Eleven on the hit Netflix series) was criticized for talking too much in interviews (then criticized for being silent the next year), and as she's gotten older, there has been endless conversation about her marriage, her sense of humor, and most recently, her makeup and body during The Electric State's press run. And she just called the press out — by name.

Here's what Millie Bobby Brown had to say to those body shamers after The Electric State premiere.

Haters flooded Netflix's Instagram comments to criticize Millie Bobby Brown's look.

Videos from the February 24 premiere of The Electric State immediately went viral — and not just because everyone asked directors Joe and Anthony Russo about Avengers: Doomsday. Throughout the movie's press run Millie Bobby Brown has been leaning into the Britney Spears 90s glam of it all, but while she's looked amazing the whole time, both press and Instagram users went out of their way to criticize her red carpet photos.

"babe you’re 21 not 41, jeez it’s so sad beautiful girls getting work done to look twice their age and bad," one user commented on Netflix's official Instagram.

"She looks like a mid aged woman with that hair style and dye," said another user, while others called her "tacky" and "old."

Although if you ask me, it's tearing women down that's tacky. And Millie Bobby Brown weighed in on the comments.

And Millie spoke out on the hate.

Millie Bobby Brown posted a reel to Instagram on March 3 to speak out on the criticism. This video breaks my heart, not just because of the content itself, but because you can just see in her eyes how tired she is. If I was constantly receiving hate from millions of people — no matter what I did — I'd be tired too!

"I started in this industry when I was 10 years old. I grew up in front of the world, and for some reason, people can’t seem to grow with me. Instead, they act like I’m supposed to stay frozen in time, like I should still look the way I did on Stranger Things Season 1. And because I don’t, I’m now a target," she says in the video, going on to discuss "the articles, the headlines, the people who are so desperate to tear young women down."

After naming some of the articles' headlines, and their authors, Millie goes on to say that "this isn’t journalism. This is bullying."

"The fact that adult writers are spending their time dissecting my face, my body, my choices, it’s disturbing," she continues. "The fact that some of these articles are written by women? Even worse. We always talk about supporting and uplifting young women, but when the time comes, it seems easier to tear them down for clicks."

Since Stranger Things premiered in 2016, Millie Bobby Brown has proven that she marches to the beat of her own drum. "Disillusioned people can’t handle seeing a girl become a woman on her terms, not theirs. I refuse to apologize for growing up. I refuse to make myself smaller to fit the unrealistic expectations of people who can’t handle seeing a girl become a woman," she says. "I will not be shamed for how I look, how I dress, or how I present myself."

"We have become a society where it’s so much easier to criticize than it is to pay a compliment. Why is the knee-jerk reaction to say something horrible rather than to say something nice?" she continues. "If you have a problem with that, I have to wonder—what is it that actually makes you so uncomfortable? Let’s do better. Not just for me, but for every young girl who deserves to grow up without fear of being torn apart for simply existing."

Check out how Sydney Sweeney Responded To Her Bikini Body Shamers for even more empowerment.

Everyone has a social butterfly in their life; that person who has an undeniable knack for lighting up a room as soon as they walk in.

They thrive in social settings, have energy that's almost infectious, and somehow manage to keep the festivities going all night long.

While general charisma is one possible factor, astrology suggests that certain zodiac signs are just naturally gifted at stealing the spotlight and bringing people together. So, here are the eight signs most likely to be the life of the party.

These highly social zodiac signs are naturally bubbly and know how to have fun!

1. Leo

Brit + Co

It's hard to miss a Leo showing up at a party. These fire signs don't just attend gatherings; they command them.

Leos are confident, charming, and entertaining, thriving on attention and drawing people in. They have an inherent warmth that helps people feel welcome and a flair for the dramatic. So, this sign has a way of making any celebration feel larger than life.

2. Aries

Brit + Co

Aries are full of energy and enthusiasm, meaning they are captivating in high-energy environments where they can take the lead and keep the momentum going.

This sign also doesn't retreat from a challenge, whether that's starting up a game with other partygoers or rallying the crowd for an impromptu adventure. Aries are both confident and spontaneous, which is irresistible in social settings.

3. Gemini

Brit + Co

Geminis can work a room with ease, bouncing from one conversation to the next like it's no problem at all. They're charismatic, quick-witted, and curious, which keeps things exciting.

This sign always has a clever joke or good story up its sleeve. But perhaps most importantly, they never make anyone feel left out and can adapt to any group.

4. Sagittarius


Sagittarians have the ability to turn even the most ordinary get-togethers into full-blown parties. They have a huge sense of adventure and boundless optimism that makes them almost magnetic.

Moreover, this sign never tends to sit still and is always up for trying something new. It's this fearless enthusiasm that helps others let loose, too, and embrace the moment.

5. Aquarius

Brit + Co

Aquarians have quirky personalities and fresh ideas. Their unpredictable energy makes no two nights ever feel the same.

This sign loves to keep things interesting, whether by stirring up debates or sharing shocking stories. Aquarians are also open-minded, which allows them to connect and relate to people from all walks of life.

6. Libra

Brit + Co

Do you have that "safe space" person you gravitate toward during social gatherings? They might be a Libra.

This sign can easily make any function feel welcoming and warm. They're socially graceful and able to bring all sorts of people together to ensure everyone feels included.

Libras might help smooth over awkward moments, check in on others, or put together the perfect party playlist. Regardless, their love for balance helps every gathering feel like a good mix of lively and laid-back.

7. Pisces

Brit + Co

This sign is extremely intuitive and emotionally intelligent, which is great for making other guests feel seen and understood. Pisces can share an uplifting story of their own or lend an ear to someone in need.

Either way, they help create a loving atmosphere where people are sure to spark meaningful connections.

8. Taurus

Brit + Co

Finally, Tauruses know that a great party isn't just about the people. Rather, it's about the experience.

This sign has an eye for ambiance and makes sure every single detail, from lighting to music and food, is on point. Aside from hosting, they also made great attendees who appreciate the finer things and love to soak up the moment.

Want more zodiac sign content? Find your weekly horoscope and more astrological insights on Brit + Co!

Only two states in the United States don't observe daylight saving time, observing standard time year-round: Arizona and Hawaii. After all, they argue, these states already get plenty of sun. The other 48 states – AKA the rest of us – will spring forward our clocks by one hour on Sunday, March 9, at least for now. It's been reported that it's on the table for abolishing. While it's my favorite time of year (who doesn't love the longer days?), it comes with some not so good health news. Let's get into what you can expect this daylight saving time!

Here are 12 wacky facts you may not know about daylight saving time.

Canva Studio

1. Most of us are saying it wrong.

The correct term is actually "daylight saving time" — singular, not plural. Despite common usage, "saving" is used as an adjective describing the act of conserving daylight, not a plural noun.


2. The time change has been linked to more hospital visits.

The American Heart Association found that the time change showed an increase in cases of heart attack and stroke. A scientific study found a rise in cases of Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), a condition that resulted in irregular heartbeats with symptoms like chest pain, dizziness, and fatigue. The increase was more prevalent among women and occurred only during the spring daylight saving time shift, not with the fall clock change.


3. There are more car accidents during this time.

Losing an hour of sleep can also impact your road safety. A study found that the spring daylight saving time transition increases the risk of fatal traffic accidents in the U.S. by 6 percent.

Andrea Piacquadio

4. DST can increase your cortisol and stress levels.

Losing sleep and disrupting your body’s natural rhythm can do more than just leave you feeling groggy — it can actually spike your cortisol levels, the hormone linked to stress. Research shows that sleep deprivation and circadian misalignment can trigger an increase in cortisol, along with inflammatory markers and cytokine imbalances. Since cortisol and inflammatory proteins are released in response to stress, chronic elevations could contribute to long-term health issues.


5. We're at higher risk of depression.

Many people report mood disturbances during this time, but for those with bipolar disorder, the effects can be particularly destabilizing. For instance, a 2020 study found that the change impacts mood disorders, depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. An Australian study revealed a significant increase in male suicide rates in the weeks following the start of daylight saving time, compared to both the weeks after the return to standard time and the rest of the year.


6. Benjamin Franklin first suggested the concept.

He didn’t technically invent daylight saving time (as some have reported), but he did conceive the idea a century before it was credited to George Vernon Hudson, a New Zealand artist who formally proposed it in an 1895 paper. Benjamin Franklin observed that if people in France adjusted their schedules to sleep when it was dark and wake with the sunrise, they could save hundreds of francs on candles — making artificial lighting less necessary.

Andy Feliciotti

7. There's already buzz to make DST permanent.

The Sunshine Protection Act is a proposed U.S. law aiming to make daylight saving time permanent, eliminating the need to change clocks twice a year.

Anna Shvets

8. Farmers actually fought against it.

Contrary to popular belief, farmers have never supported daylight saving time. In fact, they opposed its implementation and, in 1919, an agricultural lobby even pushed for its repeal.

Max Vakhtbovycn

9. We may actually consume more energy because of it.

While many believe daylight saving time conserves energy, research suggests it may actually do the opposite. A University of California-Santa Barbara study indicated that daylight saving time might increase consumption. A 2017 study in the International Association for Energy Economics Journal further supports this idea, noting that longer daylight hours can lead to more air conditioning in summer and heating in cooler months.

Federico Respini

10. Daylight saving time was extended in 2007.

First started in Germany, the U.S. adopted daylight saving time in 1918 and standardized it across the country with the passage of the 1966 Uniform Time Act, which gave the federal government oversight over the time change. It originally called for the last Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October. President George W. Bush’s Energy Policy Act of 2005 extended it from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November, starting in 2007.

Bhargava Marripati

11. About 70 countries observe daylight saving time.

Countries like Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, and those in the European Union observe daylight saving time either nationwide or in select regions. Meanwhile, most African and Asian nations — including India, China, and Japan — opt out of the time change entirely.

Kaylah Matthews

12. You can beat the clock.

Despite the health risks and safety concerns of daylight saving time, you can take steps to combat fatigue and adjust within a week. Here are B+C's 5 Best Ways to Beat Daylight Saving Time Fatigue.

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TV viewers are feasting thanks to Hulu. Not only are we getting five seasons of Only Murders in the Building in five years, but we've also gotten a new season of The Bear every year since 2022.

If you watched the Oscars, you were probably tuned into the best dressed stars and Emma Stone's great BFF moment (and maybe even caught moments between Hollywood's new It couple Andrew Garfield & Monica Barbaro) but there's one thing you might have missed: the first footage of Ayo Edebiri in The Bear season 4!

Here's a breakdown of that clip from The Bear season 4 starring Ayo Edebiri and Ebon Moss Bachrach.

@rottentomatoes Ayo Edebiri in our first look at #TheBear Season 4. #rottentomatoes#tv#tvshow#tvtok#firstlook#hulu#fx#teaser#ayoedebiri#jeremyallenwhite♬ original sound - Rotten Tomatoes

A commercial during the Oscars surprised us with a new clip from The Bear season 4. It's pretty straightforward, but it finally addresses something I've known from the very beginning: the staff of The Bear restaurant are a family, y'all!!

"Sometimes I feel like your work family is part of your family family," Sydney says, while clips Richie, Marcus, Luca, and Sydney's dad play in the background. After all that drama at the end of season 3, not to mention the fact that Sydney accidentally stumbled upon a new job opportunity, this definitely looks like a job interview to me.

Maybe Sydney does go through with the interview for a new restaurant, but when she learns they don't approach staff life the same way, she realizes that, despite its (many) flaws, The Bear is her true family. We haven't even gotten a full episode and I'm making myself emotional!

One question I've had from the very beginning of the series is whether we'll see Sydney and Carmy couple up. And actors Ayo Edebiri and Jeremy Allen White finallyaddressed the rumorsduring season 3's press conference.

“There was no talk in the rooms about any romantic implications,” Jeremy said. “[Carmy's] not the best communicator, but he will often make a sort of grand gesture like that to try and communicate to Syd or the kitchen or whomever."

“He’s got a lot going on in his mind all the time, and people aren’t always aware of exactly what’s going on," he continued. "You’ll see, obviously, how that affects Carmen and Syd’s relationship, but I think Carmen’s trying to welcome her in a little bit was the point of the partnership agreement.”

“Carmy is somebody that I think she’s really looked up to, but now is sort of in the thick of doing business with,” Ayo added. “It’s, I think, a lot more chaotic than she might have idealized before they really started working together.”

Check out The 8 Best TV Shows To Watch On Hulu This Month for more amazing shows to stream once you've rewatched all of The Bear.