Your bedroom was at one time a tidy oasis where you could unwind and unplug from your digital addictions. But between pet hair, dust bunnies, food stains and lurking scents that you’ve gone noseblind to over the years, that once immaculate reputation of your room has probably become tarnished. Fortunately, Wimdu has put together a handy infographic with effective, eco-friendly tips to clean your room and restore sanity to your sanctuary.
1. Freshen Up:You don’t have to burn the midnight oil to freshen the air in your bedroom. A natural, chemical-free concoction of simple everyday ingredients like lavender essential oil, lime juice and baking soda can create a fresh, inviting ambiance when mixed and sprayed into your room.
2. Dust Off: We all have blinders on when it comes to the dust bunnies and dust kangaroos that build up on our blinds. Wimdu recommends the tried-and-true solution of vinegar and water placed in a clean, damp sock to help bite the dust. Choosing vertical or roller blinds can help minimize future dust accumulation.
3. Get Wired Up: Don’t freak out when your radiator panels collect dust. Put those unused wire coat hangers to work to siphon out dust trapped between the radiator panels.
4. Go to the Mattresses:Dust mites may love to live it up in your mattress, but they can’t handle a cocktail of vodka and water. Sprinkle the mattress with baking soda and then spray the mattress evenly with your homemade spirits. You’ll be in good spirits when you rid your room of allergens and get a peaceful night’s rest again.
5. Have a Good Hair Day: You don’t have to split hairs to remove pet hair from your bedding. Daily disposal of pet hairs with a dampened dishwashing glove can clear your sinuses and your sanity.
6. Don’t Leave the Glass Half Empty:We all have that friend who gives you the evil eye if you don’t use coasters at his or her home, but it is actually a good measure to prevent water rings on a bedside table. However, if you prefer to rebel and go without coasters, a simple white toothpaste can be rubbed onto water rings to remove them without damaging the surface of the wood.
7. Soak It All Up: If you make a splash wherever you go, your carpet probably bears the stains. Turn your nose up at those toxic, chemical carpet cleaners and choose Wimdu’s natural alternative for stain removal. Simply mix vinegar and water in equal parts, spray it and then use a sponge to soak up those stains and splashes.
8. Break the News: You don’t have to go on a paper chase to clean your mirrors and windows. Use crumpled old newspaper to help wipe them down with a vinegar solution. Once your windows are crystal clear, you can recycle the newspaper and shout the good news from your window.
9. Be a Pencil Pusher: If you’re haunted by scuff marks on white walls or oily stains on light switches, take heart: An ordinary pencil eraser can be used to erase the past and restore the pristine walls and other surfaces in your room.
Do you have any other cleaning tips? Let us know in the comments below!
(Infographic via WIMDU)