18 of the Most Colorful House Plants That Are Hard to Kill

easy house plants that are hard to kill

Nothing adds a splash of color to the home like fresh flowers, especially when you don't have a backyard or garden of your own. But if you're looking for something more permanent than a bouquet, it's time to explore the world of house plants. We've had a look at the many green plants you can add that will clean the air and brighten up the space, but now we're thinking about colorful blossoms you can grow in your own home (or on your front porch). And best of all, all of these plants are brown-thumb-proof, so plant without a care!


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Photo by Karen Cann / Unsplash

You might know these better as pansies, but there are more than 500 varieties in this wide-ranging family. These beauties normally pop up in the spring, but if you grow them in a cool, shaded area they should delay until summer. Try planting some in a window box or porch planter for a shot of color that'll make you smile.

Phalaenopsis Orchid

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Photo by Carmel Arquelau / Unsplash

Don't worry if you've left a trail of plant corpses behind you in the past: These are tough to kill. Low to medium light, warm temperatures and minimal watering will get you months of pretty petals.


Image via Wikimedia Commons

These pretty little flowers are low effort. That's because kalanchoe is actually a succulent that can survive in either full sun or partial shade.

Oxalis Purple Clover

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Get the right balance of light and temperature to produce these royal purple leaves with a unique shamrock shape. Medium light near a window should give you the best and brightest leaves.

Amethyst Flower

Image via Wikimedia Commons

This is another good one for a hanging basket in a warm, shaded area.


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Photo by Eugene Mykulyak / Unsplash

This sweet-smelling herb needs only moderate light. And bonus: The scent keeps pests away. Ahhhh, we feel calmer already.

Persian Shield

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Lots of shade combined with heat and humidity will be best for these quilted purple leaves.

Peace Lily

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Photo by Maria Eliz / Unsplash

They're serene and easy to care for, so it's easy to see why this is a popular flowering houseplant. But if you have kids or pets, beware: It's poisonous.


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Photo by Rob Pumphrey / Unsplash

They're practically unkillable, and they get these gorgeous purplish blossoms. The best part is, your kitchen to game is going to get a huge upgrade: Not only are the chives themselves delicious, you can cook with the blossoms too!

Christmas Cactus

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Okay, if you really think you're too hopeless to care for a houseplant, don't throw in the towel until you try caring for a cactus. Especially this one, which blooms around the holidays.

Purple Basil

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Not only is this jewel-toned take on the classic herb pretty, but it'll also come in handy spicing up your weeknight cooking. You can use it in any recipe where traditional basil is used, and it delivers extra flavor to boot.


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Photo by Severin Candrian / Unsplash

It's easy to see why these are nicknamed "peacock plants." Their variegated, tropical foliage spans from green to purple, and the unique pattern of the leaves does indeed recall peacock feathers. It may be a tad more fussy than other tropical plants, preferring shade or dappled light and some humidity, but the final result is well worth it.

Prayer Plant (Maranta)

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Prayer plants are another leafy option with plenty of distinct color and appealing leaf patterns. They're very easy to care for, though they do sometimes attract pests, something to keep an eye out for.


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Photo by Joydeep Pal / Unsplash

An intoxicating tropical plant with a waxy, red flower, anthuriums are definitely a scene-stealer. Because of this, anthuriums are popular cut flowers as well, but keeping one growing at home means more time to enjoy its beauty. Just be advised that this might not be the plant for you if you have children or pets: All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Shrimp Plant

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Named for its distinctive pink flowers, the shrimp plant is easy to care for so long as you place it in well-draining soil. If kept in a sunny spot, it may well bloom all year round.


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Photo by Padre_moovi / Unsplash

This South African plant has become sought-after due to its lovely orange-red flowers, which are reminiscent of hibiscus. They thrive in bright indirect light and don't mind if you forget about them occasionally.

Flowering Maple

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Surprising as it may seem, some varieties of maple actually make great indoor plants. As a small indoor tree or shrub, flowering maples make quite an impact thanks to their distinctively veined, multifaceted blooms.

Zebra Plant

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Shiny, appealingly zebra-like leaves make this an instant winner, but if you're willing to help the plant through a period of dormancy, you'll also find that super-saturated yellow blossoms appear like a crown atop this stunning plant.

Want more plant love? Follow us on Pinterest for inspo, and sign up for our newsletter for plant tips!

(Additional reporting by Emily Bihl)

This post has been updated.

My home is nearly clear of holiday clutter and that means I'm in major nesting mode. I returned from my holiday vacation with visions of crossing off my home decor to do list, including refreshing my daughter's vintage dresser (I already have the new pulls and walnut stain), repairing my favorite chair that my boyfriend's puppy used as a chew toy, painting my lower kitchen cabinets, and many other tasks. But I'm also on a budget (with design caviar dreams). So I'm taking it slow, looking at what I have around the house that I can rearrange to satisfy my nesting fix for free.

Here are easy, low-cost ways to upgrade your home in not a lot of time for not a lot of money.


New Pillowcases

I was ready to completely redo my daughter's room, until I realized that I had bedding stored away that would be perfect for her tween room. (I ordered her a dragon pillow at her request too). For my guest room, I decided to refresh with just pillowcases vs. a whole new sheet set. I adore this color palette from Anthropologie, and I'm in LOVE with all of the colorful options at Society of Wanderers.

Lulu & Georgia


I'm in love with this Sarah Samuel Sherman Painterly Stripe Wallpaper. I looked at more affordable options, but I decided I'm going to go with what I really want if I'm going to make a permanent commitment like this. Never settle when it comes to home decor is my motto! It's going in my small bath in the hallway so I only need one roll. For more affordable ideas, check out Rebel Walls and Chasing Paper's Peel and Stick wallpapers.


Cute Table Lamp

I purchased this Etsy lamp and it instantly made my entry console feel refreshed and kind of adorable. I thought about ordering two for my bedroom side tables, but my budget only allowed for one and I'm glad I managed a little restraint. One was enough. Magnolia's Farrah Table Lamp has a similar vibe. Here's a similar and affordable one from Amazon too.

DeVOL Kitchens

Painting Kitchen Cabinets

UK-based DeVOL kitchens are so dreamy and the perfect inspiration for a kitchen refresh. I painted my lower kitchen cabinets a dark blue five years ago and they are desperately in need of a refresh. I'm leaning toward this Benjamin Moore's Oak Grove color for an earthy look.


New Drawer Pulls

I bought my daughter's rough-around-the-edges vintage dresser a few years ago, but never got around to fixing it up. I bought these affordable wood drawer handles on Amazon and plan on sanding and staining it for a much-needed upgrade. Excited for this weekend's DIY!

Soil to Studio

Throw Pillows

I love the swoon-worthy pillows in this Soil to Studio collection. They are such an easy way to instantly upgrade your living or bedroom space without spending a ton of money. Quality vs. quantity! Greenrow also has fun cabana striped ones.


Vintage Art

Scouring thrift stores for art that you love is an affordable way to upgrade and personalize your space. Like the frame, not the art? Grab it and find affordable art on places like Etsy and Desenio for a colorful wall upgrade.


Picture Frames

Preserve your favorite 2024 photos in picture frames you can hang on the wall and leave on tabletops around the house. It's such a personal and lovely way to upgrade your space. You can DIY vintage frames or buy at places like Anthropologie and TJ Maxx.

Black Sheep White Light

Seat Cushions

Since my favorite desk chair suffered a puppy chewing attack, I haven't been able to find an upholsterer to mend the rope seating. Instead, I decided to buy a $50 sheepskin seat cushion and I love it! It's cozy and hides the eyesore underneath.


A Good Deep Cleaning

Sometimes a good deep cleaning can cure the nesting itch. Check out our 2025 Cleaning Guide for all the things you'll want to watch out for in your annual deep cleaning. A clean home feels like new.

West Elm

Refreshed Shower Curtain and Lining

My shower lining has seen better days. I'm going to try soaking it in the tub with vinegar or tossing in the washing machine on gentle cycle with warm water and a mild detergent. I don't currently have a curtain with it, so I may opt for this affordable one from West Elm, giving my bathroom a sweet little refresh.

W Concept

New and Clean Rugs

Whether you invest in a rug cleaner (I purchased this affordable one recommended by Wirecutter) or replace your old (dog-worn) rugs like I just did, there's nothing better than refreshing a clean room with a clean and/or new rug. While you're at it, upgrade your bath towels too!

Mustard Made

Get Organized

Organizing your drawers and closets is a great way to kick off the new year. These Mustard Made containers are cute and practical for everything from kids' toys to bathroom essentials.

Check out our online newsletter for more home decor inspo!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Landman fans, how we feeling? The first season of Taylor Sheridan's new drama came to a close on January 12 with the season finale, "The Crumbs of Hope," and it provided viewers with plenty of to think about as tensions between the cartel and M-Tex Oil came to a head — and one character suffered a potentially-fatal medical emergency.

Here's everything you need to know about the Landman season finale, including THAT (potential) character death.

What happens in the last episode of Landman?

Emerson Miller/Paramount+

The last episode of Landman opens after Monty's (Jon Hamm) ruptured aortic aneurysm in episode 9 lands him in the hospital for a heart transplant...if they can find a new heart in time. (I'm getting flashbacks to Dan's heart transplant catastrophe in One Tree Hill). But based on the fact Monty flatlines and Cami (Demi Moore) and their daughters cry over his bed, things aren't looking hopeful.

Meanwhile, Tommy (Billy Bob Thornton) takes over as M-Tex Oil president, and as he works on smoothing things over between the cartel and the oil company, he gets kidnapped by the cartel, who also blow up an oil tank and drive a nail into Tommy's leg for good measure. But just when it looks like Tommy might meet his end, cartel leader Galino (Andy Garcia) wipes out the other members and helps him escape.

Billy Bob and Andy have actually been friends for awhile, but this is the first time they've acted onscreen together! "Andy is such a great guy and great actor, and when we did those scenes at the end of the last episode, it felt so good, because we kind of had us two old veterans going head to head,” Billy Bob Thornton told Variety. “It was quite an experience, and I have to say every moment of it felt real. Tommy’s dealing with someone now who is really smart. The other guys were hired to work for him, but now Tommy’s talking to the man himself. There are advantages and disadvantages to that. Since he is so smart, who knows what Tommy is going to get tricked into?”

How did Landman end last night?

Landman season 1 ends with Tommy returning home with a proposition (er, more like a friendly demand) from Galino that the oil business and the cartel become allies. After all, the cartel's interested in taking part in the industry — and seeing what it has to offer.

“The cartel and the oil industry are kind of these odd neighbors living side by side in West Texas,” co-creator Christian Wallace tells Variety. “Now Andy’s character is thinking he is going to make a change and utilize that proximity in a way that could benefit him.”

Hopefully Paramount+ greenlights Landman season 2 so we can see just what happens between Galino and Tommy in the future...and if Monty makes it out of the hospital alive.

What did you think about the Landman finale? If you're a Taylor Sheridan fan who's still reeling from those final moments — and the Yellowstone finale — check out 17 TV Shows Yellowstone Fans Should Watch Next.

Love is in the air – and, as it turns out, on the shelves at Target! We can always count on Target to have the cutest home decor pieces for every holiday, and right now, their Valentine’s Day decor is making us swoon. Target has everything you need to create a festive and cozy vibe (and for way less $!), whether you’re planning a romantic dinner, a Galentine’s Day party, or happily spending the season solo.

Get ready to fall head over heels for these 13 Target Valentine’s Day decor pieces that’ll help you celebrate the season, all for $10 or less.


Cherry Duo Valentine's Day Figurine

This $5 figurine gives us so much joy. It'd be perfect on your desk, bedside table, or car dash to keep the love flowin' this V-Day.


Metallic Hearts Wall Garland

Got a Valentine's party planned? This $10 wall garland is just the thing your space needs to feel a bit more festive.


Valentine's Day Disco Ball

Everyone needs a dash of disco in their life, and this $10 heart-shaped piece makes that possible. We'd keep this one up year-round!


Valentine's Day XO Love Pillow

It's not V-Day without a bunch of X's and O's! Decorate your space appropriately with this cutesy $5 pillow.


Coffee & Croissant Valentine's Day Figurine

This $5 decor piece would also make a great gift to give your partner, BFF, or just the person that completes you.


Light-Up Valentine's Day Hearts

These heart-shaped lights mimic conversation heart candies in the cutest (and cheekiest!) way with various sayings.


3-Wick Sugared Watermelon Candle

This candle makes the season even sweeter with a delicious sugared watermelon scent.


Featherly Friends 'Toots' Valentine's Day Decorative Object

Target's collection of cute spirited birds is everything. This lil' birdie comes complete with a love letter – ooh!


Red Lips Pillow

Need a smooch? This $10 pillow is just what your couch is craving!


Glass Heart Valentine's Candle Holders

Set the mood at the table with this adorable trio of candle stick holders in the perfect V-Day hues!


Cherub Valentine's Day Figurine

This glasses-wearing cherub would look so cute on your desk during the Valentine's season.


Pink & Red Taper Candle Set

These playful candle sticks come in squiggly shapes and are adorably dotted in tiny white hearts for the holiday.


XO Square Valentine's Day Pillow

Perfect for the sofa or your bed, this plush pillow will last your V-Day decor game for years to come!

Subscribe to our newsletter to shop more seasonal decor!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

It Ends With Us has quickly become the most memorable movie of Blake Lively's career after rumors of drama between her and costar & director Justin Baldonimorphed into a full-on legal battle. And after the feud was uncovered, the internet has spiraled over what Blake Lively's relationships with her other costars are like — and whether what's happening behind the scenes of her movies are going to delay them. Well, A Simple Favor 2 director Paul Feig had the perfect response to rumors that another feud between Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick caused Amazon to shelve the movie.

Here's exactly what A Simple Favor 2 director Paul Feig had to say about Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively's relationship.

Paul Feig offers a very promising update on 'A Simple Favor 2'


- YouTube

When a viral tweet claimed that Amazon had indefinitely delayed A Simple Favor 2 because of a feud between Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick, director Paul Feig stepped in to clear up the rumors.

"Despite glowing test screenings, Blake Lively’s refusal to promote—amid her messy legal battle with Justin Baldoni—and growing tensions with Anna Kendrick have derailed the sequel," X user Eric B tweeted on January 10. "Anna is furious. Paul Feig is disappointed. Hollywood is in shock. This isn’t just a movie—it’s an implosion."

"This is total BS. Sorry," Feig said in his retweet that same day. "The movie is finished and coming out soon. Don’t believe anything you read on social media these days."

And Anna Kendrick says reuniting with Blake Lively was "lovely."

Anna Kendrick also spilled on reuniting with Blake Lively, claiming that working together felt "a little bit like riding a bike."

"She lives on the East Coast, I live on the West Coast, so we don't get to see each other often," she told PEOPLE. "But it was lovely, and I think that those characters have such weird chemistry that it's so fun to just get the gang back together."

We don't know many details about the plot just yet but we do know it involves a destination wedding — and Blake Lively's Emily in a very fancy wedding dress. Stephanie and Emily "head to the beautiful island of Capri, Italy, for Emily’s extravagant wedding to a rich Italian businessman," according to the movie's synopsis (via People). "Along with the glamorous guests, expect murder and betrayal to RSVP for a wedding with more twists and turns than the road from the Marina Grande to the Capri town square."

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Check out The Best Blake Lively Movies to get ready for A Simple Favor 2.

Are you anxiously waiting for new TV shows to debut this year? Me too, particularly Meghan Markle's series With Love, Megan (January 15). But, we at Brit + Co have the perfect buffer that'll hold you over — revisiting the '90s.

Instead of trying to cram the likes of Dawson's Creek or Sex and the City into one weekend, we have the best show you should watch based on your zodiac! We've already made cozy plans to curl up with a cute blanket from T.J. Maxx so we can watch endless reruns of the shows associated with our signs, and we hope you join us!

Scroll to find the '90s show that perfectly matches your zodiac sign!

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Bold, fearless, and always ready for a fight, Aries will love Buffy's courageous spirit and kick-ass attitude. She's got all the makings of a fire sign who means business.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Friends

Taureans appreciate stability and comfort. Friends offers warm, familiar characters and a cozy, sitcom vibe. If you really want to tap into this vibe, call your besties and have an impromptu watch party!

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Felicity

Curious and ever-changing, Geminis will relate to Felicity's journey of self-discovery and her endless quest for knowledge. There's also the inevitable complicated relationship Felicity has with Ben and Noel that's hard to resist.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Moesha

Cancerians are nurturing and empathetic. They'll connect with Moesha's family-oriented values and emotional depth. Though she didn't get everything right, Moesha always tried to remedy things whenever they went wrong — just like a true Cancer.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 - August 22): Beverly Hills, 90210

Leos love the spotlight and drama. 90210 delivers glamorous characters, high-stakes situations, and plenty of over-the-top moments.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): The X-Files

Virgos are analytical and detail-oriented. The X-Files offers a perfect blend of mystery, science, and a touch of the paranormal. What's not to love?

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 - October 22): Sex and the City

Libras appreciate beauty, balance, and social connections. Sex and the City explores love, friendship, and fashion in a stylish and sophisticated way.

P.S. We won't be shocked if some of you discover you're more of a 'Charlotte' than a 'Carrie.'

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Charmed

Intense and passionate, Scorpios will be drawn to the supernatural world of the Charmed Ones, filled with dark magic and powerful sisterhood.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Adventurous and optimistic, Sagittarians will enjoy the Fresh Prince's witty humor, vibrant personality, and knack for getting into trouble.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Dawson’s Creek

Ambitious and disciplined, Capricorns will appreciate Dawson's intellectual pursuits and the show's exploration of complex relationships and coming-of-age themes.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Daria

Quirky and independent, Aquarians will identify with Daria's unique perspective and her ability to see through societal norms. It's also not surprising that Daria has what some call a 'black cat' personality because Aquarians can have a dry sense of humor that's borderline sarcastic.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Sabrina, the Teenage Witch

Dreamy and imaginative, Pisces will love Sabrina's magical adventures and her ability to navigate the challenges of adolescence with a touch of magic.

Revisit your weekly horoscope to see if our predictions for your zodiac came true this week!