18 of the Most Colorful House Plants That Are Hard to Kill

easy house plants that are hard to kill

Nothing adds a splash of color to the home like fresh flowers, especially when you don't have a backyard or garden of your own. But if you're looking for something more permanent than a bouquet, it's time to explore the world of house plants. We've had a look at the many green plants you can add that will clean the air and brighten up the space, but now we're thinking about colorful blossoms you can grow in your own home (or on your front porch). And best of all, all of these plants are brown-thumb-proof, so plant without a care!


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Photo by Karen Cann / Unsplash

You might know these better as pansies, but there are more than 500 varieties in this wide-ranging family. These beauties normally pop up in the spring, but if you grow them in a cool, shaded area they should delay until summer. Try planting some in a window box or porch planter for a shot of color that'll make you smile.

Phalaenopsis Orchid

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Photo by Carmel Arquelau / Unsplash

Don't worry if you've left a trail of plant corpses behind you in the past: These are tough to kill. Low to medium light, warm temperatures and minimal watering will get you months of pretty petals.


Image via Wikimedia Commons

These pretty little flowers are low effort. That's because kalanchoe is actually a succulent that can survive in either full sun or partial shade.

Oxalis Purple Clover

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Get the right balance of light and temperature to produce these royal purple leaves with a unique shamrock shape. Medium light near a window should give you the best and brightest leaves.

Amethyst Flower

Image via Wikimedia Commons

This is another good one for a hanging basket in a warm, shaded area.


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Photo by Eugene Mykulyak / Unsplash

This sweet-smelling herb needs only moderate light. And bonus: The scent keeps pests away. Ahhhh, we feel calmer already.

Persian Shield

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Lots of shade combined with heat and humidity will be best for these quilted purple leaves.

Peace Lily

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Photo by Maria Eliz / Unsplash

They're serene and easy to care for, so it's easy to see why this is a popular flowering houseplant. But if you have kids or pets, beware: It's poisonous.


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Photo by Rob Pumphrey / Unsplash

They're practically unkillable, and they get these gorgeous purplish blossoms. The best part is, your kitchen to game is going to get a huge upgrade: Not only are the chives themselves delicious, you can cook with the blossoms too!

Christmas Cactus

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Okay, if you really think you're too hopeless to care for a houseplant, don't throw in the towel until you try caring for a cactus. Especially this one, which blooms around the holidays.

Purple Basil

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Not only is this jewel-toned take on the classic herb pretty, but it'll also come in handy spicing up your weeknight cooking. You can use it in any recipe where traditional basil is used, and it delivers extra flavor to boot.


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Photo by Severin Candrian / Unsplash

It's easy to see why these are nicknamed "peacock plants." Their variegated, tropical foliage spans from green to purple, and the unique pattern of the leaves does indeed recall peacock feathers. It may be a tad more fussy than other tropical plants, preferring shade or dappled light and some humidity, but the final result is well worth it.

Prayer Plant (Maranta)

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Prayer plants are another leafy option with plenty of distinct color and appealing leaf patterns. They're very easy to care for, though they do sometimes attract pests, something to keep an eye out for.


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Photo by Joydeep Pal / Unsplash

An intoxicating tropical plant with a waxy, red flower, anthuriums are definitely a scene-stealer. Because of this, anthuriums are popular cut flowers as well, but keeping one growing at home means more time to enjoy its beauty. Just be advised that this might not be the plant for you if you have children or pets: All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Shrimp Plant

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Named for its distinctive pink flowers, the shrimp plant is easy to care for so long as you place it in well-draining soil. If kept in a sunny spot, it may well bloom all year round.


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Photo by Padre_moovi / Unsplash

This South African plant has become sought-after due to its lovely orange-red flowers, which are reminiscent of hibiscus. They thrive in bright indirect light and don't mind if you forget about them occasionally.

Flowering Maple

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Surprising as it may seem, some varieties of maple actually make great indoor plants. As a small indoor tree or shrub, flowering maples make quite an impact thanks to their distinctively veined, multifaceted blooms.

Zebra Plant

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Shiny, appealingly zebra-like leaves make this an instant winner, but if you're willing to help the plant through a period of dormancy, you'll also find that super-saturated yellow blossoms appear like a crown atop this stunning plant.

Want more plant love? Follow us on Pinterest for inspo, and sign up for our newsletter for plant tips!

(Additional reporting by Emily Bihl)

This post has been updated.

'Tis the season... for giving and getting things you (and your giftees) might not really need. With sustainability becoming a paramount concern for many and the drawbacks of overconsumption entering our collective consciousness, the idea of gifting thoughtful, handmade, and possibly even zero-waste gifts is becoming ever more appealing. The only problem? We're not all as handy as we might like to be. Don't worry though — you don't need to be an expert maker to craft these DIY Christmas gifts! From beginner to advanced, there's a homemade Christmas gift idea for giver and giftee alike.

1. Edible DIY Christmas Gift Ideas

Brit + Co

If you know your way around a kitchen, don't sleep on the opportunity to give your loved ones an edible gift. You know it'll get used (AKA eaten), and it's essentially a zero-waste gift-giving strategy.

We love making pretty desserts that work well as gifts, like this matcha yogurt bark, this peppermint bark, these super easy Christmas cookie recipes, and these edible gift ideas. Package them up with these creative gift wrapping techniques, or forego paper altogether and wrap them with a cute kitchen towel for a zero-waste approach.

2. DIY Craft Kits To Gift


If you're a complete beginner to DIY and handmade Christmas gifts, it might be smart to start out with a kit. A DIY kit allows you to fashion a thoughtful gift that shows your recipient just how much time and effort you put into giving them something special.

This DIY permanent jewelry kit is perfect for someone who wants to give their bestie a one-of-a-kind present this year. You can also DIY Christmas-scented candles, grow your loved one's birth month flower, or construct a super-cute tiny house to be displayed as kitschy decor.

3. Handmade Christmas Gifts

Photo By: Kaboompics.com

We love a good DIY. Our favorite presents are handmade Christmas gifts, and we've shared a ton of homemade gift ideas in our time.

A cute winter terrarium is perfect for the quirky decor lover in your life, while nothing brings the hygge vibes more than a hand-knit blanket. Give your favorite houseplant lover some gorgeous flora in one of these DIY cement planters, or embroider a pillow that'll add a cute touch of color to your bestie's home!

4. DIY Home Decor

Brit + Co

Speaking of your bestie's home, we've got plenty of ideas for DIY Christmas gifts you can give in the home decor category.

Spruce up a simple IKEA desk to give your work wife a WFH chair that's cute and from the heart. Make magazine wall art in your giftee's favorite colors to add a homemade, kitschy touch to their space. This Anthro-inspired DIY chandelier is another great option for artsy decor lovers.

A friend who loves hostessing will appreciate this pineapple cutting board, and someone who's into the beauty of organization will swoon over this DIY wall organizer.

DIY Jewelry

Brit + Co

Many of us adore jewelry, so why not give someone in your life a cute and colorful accessory this holiday season? These acrylic earrings are super colorful and adorable, while this DIY choker is '90s inspired and totally on-trend. We also love this geode statement necklace and this cute necklace made out of old tee shirts. Talk about sustainable style!

Love these DIY Christmas gift ideas? Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for gift guides, recipes, and other holiday inspo!

Brit + Co. may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

If there's one thing about Gilmore Girls fans you can count on, it's their passion. They love the quirky one liners, memorable moments, and are usually either Team Jess or Team Logan (sorry Dean...). Give any Gilmore Girls lover in your life the chance to transport themselves to Stars Hollow this holiday season — without having to make the trek to Washington, Connecticut or the Warner Bros. stage in Hollywood. These Gilmore Girls gift ideas are fun, thoughtful, and very cozy, which are also three hallmarks of the series itself! From a coffee mug that Luke Danes would approve of to the perfect gifts for Taylor Swift fans, this Gilmore Girlsgift guide will make you say "Oy with the poodles already!"

Keep reading for 24 Gilmore Girls-themed gift ideas for 2024.


The Third Gilmore Girl: A Memoir

Get all the behind the scenes info you could ever dream of when you pick up Kelly Bishop's new memoir!

Hot Topic

Loungefly Gilmore Girls Icons Mini Backpack

I was absolutely gagged the first time I saw this backpack. Tiny pizza slices, both the Luke's Diner and Chilton logos, AND the gazebo? I need this, like, right now.

Sunday Best

Sunday Best Peggy Sweater

Consider this white cable knit sweaterthe Rory Gilmore sweater for the season. I cannot stop wearing mine. It's super soft and the perfect medium weight (meaning you won't be cold but you also won't feel weighed down). It's also not itchy at all. I love wearing it with jeans, or tucked into trousers or a skirt.


Cotton Baseball Hat

For a more subtle nod to the fashion on the show, a blue baseball cap gives major Luke Danes vibes without having to walk around wearing Gilmore Girls merchandise. Wear it with a crewneck and oversized coat now (hello '90s "It" girl!) and a tee shirt come spring.

Book of the Month

Book of the Month

Channel your inner Rory with the Book of the Month subscription service. The cool part about someone else picking out the books is that you'll find titles — and authors — you didn't even know to look for.


Espresso Martini Statement Earrings

It wouldn't be an episode of Gilmore Girls without a cup of coffee, or a martini at one of Richard and Emily's Friday night dinners. Combine the two iconic beverages with these statement earrings! They're bold, they're quirky, and they'll be the talk of all your holiday parties.


Stars Hollow "Autumn Festival" Travel Poster

Nothing screams Stars Hollow like a festival, and this autumnal poster celebrates the best parts of small town life. Whether you choose to display it in a gallery wall or on a bookshelf, you'll feel like you're coming home every time you look at it.


Luke's Diner Mug

With a Luke's Diner mug, you can pretend you really are in Stars Hollow. Bonus points if you're also having a big stack of pancakes!


Gilmore Iced Coffee Glass Cup

If you're more of an iced coffee fan, even in the winter (I wonder what Luke would have to say about that?), grab a glass with a super cute design. Not only do I love that Rory and Lorelai are featured in the design, but the color palette is beautiful, too!


Gina White Poodle

Getting your little into the Gilmore Girls spirit? They definitely need a lovable stuffed dog. Again I say, "Oy with the poodles already!"

Handker Bandanas

Colorful Bandana

For another low-key nod to the ultimate BFF's, grab a bandana in your favorite color (like this one that uses untreated, non-GMO cotton!). In true Y2K fashion, Sookie and Lorelai wear bandanas throughout the show, so this is a super fun way to incorporate their style into your own closet this winter.


Dragonfly Necklace

A delicate dragonfly necklace is a beautiful layering piece that will add summer cheer to the dreariest of winter days and remind you of Dragonfly Inn at the same time. The fact that dragonflies represent new beginnings is just the cherry on top.


Gilmore Girl Eras Shirt

Have you been binging Gilmore Girls during the day and watching Eras Tour TikTok livestreams at night? This T-shirt has your name written all over it. My personal favorite detail is that Kirk is in the debut square.


Stars Hollow Christmas Festival Sweatshirt

There's nothing like layering a turtleneck, a crewneck, and a bunch of jewelry for a trip to your corner coffee shop, so swap your go-to crewneck for this festive Stars Hollow one! The gazebo is instantly recognizable for Gilmore Girls fans and just looking at the design makes me want to say, "I smell snow."


Gilmore Girls: Complete Series Collection

One of my favorite Christmas presents in recent years was the full Gilmore Girls DVD set. This 42-disc DVD set has every single episode and even more hours of unaired clips, behind the scenes features, and episode commentaries. I'm geeking out just thinking about it.


Gilmore Girls: The Official Cookbook

Gilmore Girls recipes are always delicious, and always pretty easy (after all, Lorelai and Rory basically only eat takeout and Luke's!). The official cookbook will let you put your own spin on the food you seen onscreen, and then you can have a truly meta experience by eating your meal while you watch the Gilmores eat theirs.


Gilmore Girls: Trivia Deck and Episode Guide

Tried-and-true Gilmore Girls fans will love diving into this trivia book. Because this game (which features 200 questions) has an 88-page episode guide and goes through every. Single. Episode. Worth it!


Gilmore Girls: At Home in Stars Hollow

TBH, I think kids books are great for book lovers of any age. The art and simple storytelling really get my creative juices flowing. At Home In Stars Hollow will make you (or a family member or friend) love Gilmore Girls in a whole new way!

Cande Craft Company

Stars Hollow Scented Candle

This all-natural soy candle has every scent a Gilmore Girls fan will love: coffee, sweet cream, and vanilla. It's cozy and balances sweet and bitter in a really intoxicating way.


Lorelai and Rory Gilmore Plush

Okay, I'll be honest. I want these plushes for myself! The design is a hilarious nod to the season one episode "The Lorelais' First Day At Chilton" and even features a tiny coffee mug and tiny book!

Rock Em Socks

Gilmore Girls Socks

Now that we're in knee-high boot season (which I FINALLY bought), I like to wear super fun, colorful, and chaotic socks. Grab a pack of Gilmore Girls socks to take some Stars Hollow magic with you no matter where you go.


Gilmore Girls Themed Blind Date with a Book

For this bookish blind date, you'll receive a Rory-themed read, a tea bag, a bookmark, and stickers. You really can't go wrong.

Favorite Child

Stars Hollow Books Tote Bag

Carrying your favorite books in a tote bag with the Stars Hollow Books logo feels like it's meant to be.


Have I Told You This Already?: Stories I Don't Want to Forget to Remember

Lauren Graham's collection of essays will give you a glimpse behind the curtain as she offers thoughtful stories about life, aging, and the industry.

Which gifts from this Gilmore Girls gift guide will you be buying for your friends (or yourself)? Let us know in the comments!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

The recent trend toward warmer hues like burgundy, terra cotta, olive, and brown, has had me rethinking my blue-leaning home. I've been sprinkling in things like pale pink pillowcases, a burgundy throw blanket, and olive green rug, and loving my warmer aesthetic. But then Amanda Leigh and Taylor Hahn, of celeb-loved design firm House of Rolison, stopped me in my redecorating tracks with their latest bathroom renovation.

Take a look at this stunning blue bathroom renovation that I can't get enough of — plus tips on how to transform your own space!

Nils Timm

In the middle of an earthy 1940s Spanish Colonial home, this stunning cobalt blue bath alcove feels like a refreshing, bold and unexpected moment of calm. And I'm obsessed.

"Historically, Spanish-style homes did incorporate deep blues and greens and we wanted to honor that as well as just a fun play on words given the iconic street name, Bluebird Ave," says Amanda. I love that homage. Once a closet, the bath's arch opening creates a tucked-in feeling around the tub with Zia Tile in Night Blue as the dramatic facade.

Nils Timm

"We made sure to wrap the home in windows, which brought the landscaping into the color palette giving us the opportunity to mix greens, blues, reds and dusty olives into the design," says Taylor.

The pair took a fresh take on Spanish design while keeping the home's soul intact. A deep low-profile sofa sets the tone for its elevated yet warm and casual vibe. "We appreciate structural and architectural integrity while allowing every room to tell a story," says Amanda.

Nils Timm

Each room feels like a chapter in a book, woven together with earthy tones, Spanish Colonial charm, and sleek contemporary design. “We love to play around with various monochromatic palettes," adds Amanda. "Generally people stray from cold colors and right now burgundy and reds are trending, which fall very heavily on the warm scale. We found a way to compliment both."

Nils Timm

The design duo, who are also engaged!, used Viola marble throughout the home to add unique texture, a bold statement, and an organic feel.

Nils Timm

The rich hues create an old-world feel throughout, including in the master bedroom's lounge area. Black-framed windows and elements with darker tones pair perfectly with warm woods and the dramatic stone featured in the kitchen and bath.

Nils Timm

The result is a soothing palette designed for sleep, rest, and relaxation. The fireplace adds a cozy touch, while the room's connection to the outdoors creates a harmonious vibe.

Nils Timm

The rustic and moody dining room is the perfect counterbalance to the sunny outdoors of the Hollywood Hills home. I’m in love with the cozy intimacy of a round dining table, which draws everyone together vs. apart at the center.

Nils Timm

This deep red-hued bedroom hints to the home's Spanish influence while still feeling fresh and contemporary.

Nils Timm

House of Rolison's best bathroom renovation advice?

"Don’t be afraid to get a little weird! Have fun with it. We always say “cool or too weird?” Which is really an homage to how we look at them," says Taylor.

Amanda adds: "To us, a bathroom is like a pop of color or texture to a bedroom. It’s like the jewelry of the space. Use paint, wall texture, paneling, Roman clay, wainscoting et cetera to give the walls some movement. Pick stones that you like for no other reason than because you like them. You may have to trial and error complimenting colors, but it’ll come together. Bathrooms are an easy place to get creative and take risks."

Nils Timm

Each bedroom does feel like a reflection of the bathrooms, telling its own story but feeling cohesive to the space. I love this pop of reddish-brown in a sphere pillow paired with the striped bolster in an otherwise neutral space.

Nils Timm

The era of all-white homes is clearly fading. Drenching walls in rich color while balancing them with lighter tones creates a look that feels warm and welcoming rather than stark and cold.

Nils Timm

Thoughtful details, expressed by collaborator Olive Ateliers, like a three-light floor lamp in the reading nook, vintage artwork, and stone pots add character and charm to create an inviting guest room.

Nils Timm

The bar area in its own intimate nook complements the kitchen with the same bold marble and similar chain pendant.

Nils Timm

I spy a pop of blue tile near the pool in the backyard too!

Nils Timm

The dramatic entryway arch sets the stage for the style and character of the home's stunning interior. Thanks Amanda and Taylor for sharing this beautiful space, and congratulations!

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Angelina Jolie has always been mother — but she's also a literal mother to six kids whom she clearly cares about fiercely. Since she first adopted Zahara, Maddox, and Pax to giving birth to Vivienne and Knox, it's always been evident that her children are her entire world. While she rarely talks about her children (especially given her highly contested divorce at the moment), Angelina shared a little slice of her feelings on motherhood, insights on her children, and more with Good Morning America.

Here's what Angelina Jolie had to say about her kids — including which one of them is the most private!


- YouTube

Angelina opened up about her feelings for her family while chatting about her new movie Maria with Good Morning Americaon November 21, 2024. Host Michael Strahan asked Angie about if there's anything she loves as much as her character loves singing, and she replied that it's her "motherhood."

"It’s my happiness. You can take everything else away from me," she said. "I could — nothing else matters."

When asked about her sons' involvement in Maria, Angelina explained that despite their involvement behind the scenes, they're very uninterested in a life in the spotlight. She said, "None of my children want to be in front of the camera. They're quite private."

Angelina elaborated, "Shiloh's extremely private. They weren't born with privacy, so I hope they can have that."

This interview comes after Angelina and Knox attended the Governor's Awards with her on November 18, 2024. His rare appearance shocked so many — including Brad. Daily Mail reported that Pitt found the timing "suspicious."

The source said, "'She is trying to get under his skin after his recent win and using Knox to do so is odd. Knox wants nothing to do with Hollywood and has no communication with Brad."

Despite the weirdness, the source also said, "He [Brad] believes that, in time, his children will come back into his life."

How many kids does Angelina Jolie have?

Angelina Jolie has six children. She adopted Zahara, Maddox, and Pax, and later gave birth to Vivienne and Shiloh. She shares her children with Brad Pitt, most of whom aren't on good terms with him at the moment.

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Just how expensive is it to have a baby in 2024? One woman sharing her experience on social media has sparked a much-needed conversation about financial transparency when it comes to starting (or growing) a family.

Josephine Anderson, who posted a video on her Instagram @fosterthevalley, outlined the costs of her uncomplicated vaginal birth, and TBH, it was shocking.

The financial breakdown of her experience (with Cigna for insurance):

  • Routine office visits (including 2 ultrasounds): $1,266
  • Labs: $3,440.81
  • NIPT genetic testing: $15,319.36
  • Anatomy scan: $1,270
  • RhoGam: $360
  • Hospital for mom: $23,722.10
  • Hospital for baby: $7,402.80
  • OBGYN for delivery: $5,000
  • Epidural: $5,720
  • Breastfeeding support: $2,589.78
  • Pediatrician: $209
That all racks up to a whopping total of $66,299.85. After insurance was factored in (her deductible was $3,000 while her max out-of-pocket for in-network expenses was $11,000), the total cost for her uncomplicated vaginal birth was $4,788.98. Forbes Advisor reports the average cost of having a baby in 2024 is $2,854.


Josephine’s video warranted thousands of comments, most of which were appalled by the costs of her experience:

“This needs to be shared in SexEd classes,” one commenter wrote.

“The US medical system is BROKEN,” another said.

“And people are still confused why more women are choosing to remain child free… we literally can’t afford it,” another user commented.

Mart Production / PEXELS

Brit + Co spoke with Wendy Colson RN, IBCLC and CEO/Founder of BOOBIE Superfoods to gauge if Josephine’s costs were typical for the care she received. Colson has significant insight into how insurance works not only from an employer’s perspective, but from personal experience as a patient with breast cancer.

“The $4,788.98 net amount she mentions is realistic given that her deductible was $3,000. If she had chosen a plan with a $1,000 deductible – which is a common ceiling for good coverage – the same scenario would have cost her around $2,789,” Colson said. “The video highlights the importance of understanding what you're getting with an insurance plan, especially when you anticipate major life events like childbirth.”

Sarah Chai / PEXELS

Colson primarily attributes unanticipated costs for medical care (like in Josephine’s case) to patients that choose their insurance plans with, well, no real plan.

“Many [people] opt for the [plan] with the lowest paycheck deductions without fully evaluating the benefits,” Colson said.

There’s often a tradeoff between paying less per paycheck and receiving your desired benefits: for example, if you elect to contribute less money towards your insurance per paycheck, you may end up paying more out of pocket for things like doctor’s office visits and prescriptions.

“Making an informed choice is key to saving money in the long run,” Colson continued. “In short, it's crucial to consider both the immediate costs (like paycheck deductions) and the potential future costs (like deductibles and copays) when choosing an insurance plan.”

Anna Shvets / PEXELS

Another major cost Josephine mentions in her video was 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave, which cost her a total of $18,000 (in lost income).

Per the passing of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in 1993, moms have a legal right to up to 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave. The U.S. Department of Labor notes that the act was designed to help employees balance their work and family responsibilities, accommodate the legitimate interests of employers, and promote equal employment opportunity for men and women.

Matilda Wormwood / PEXELS

It all sounds great until you realize the time off is indeed unpaid, which doesn't really aid in the amount of money parents end up owing after all is said and done in the pregnancy and childbirth processes.

Only 13 states plus the District of Columbia offer paid maternity leave. When you compare the United States’ laws to that of other industrialized nations, they don’t exactly measure up.

Colson says Sweden’s maternity leave policy is “one of the most generous,” offering 390 days of paid parental leave (shared between parents) and 80% of wages covered for a significant portion of the leave. In Germany, mothers are entitled to 14 weeks of maternity leave plus a tax-free, income-based allowance straight from their insurance provider.

Jonathan Borba / PEXELS

Though it’s likely that US laws will never be that generous in terms of paid maternity leave, there are a few things you can do to make the blow of medical costs hurt a little less, says Colson.

“My advice is to be your own advocate,” she says. “If you’re planning to have a baby, start by understanding what your state provides in terms of paid leave to avoid surprises after delivery.”

To keep the cost of having your baby (if you’re planning to have one) transparent and free of surprises, Colson recommends:

  • Asking your physician’s office for a detailed breakdown of insurance billing codes, including:
    • Office visits
    • Lab work
    • Epidural (and the anesthesiologist’s separate fee)
    • Hospital admissions
    • Specialist consultations during admission
    • Optional procedures like circumcision, if desired
  • Email the insurance billing codes to your insurance provider, who can help calculate your out-of-pocket costs and deductible

“Having a baby is priceless,” Colson says. “By planning ahead – understanding your insurance options, healthcare costs, and available benefits – you can ensure peace of mind and focus on what truly matters: your growing family.”

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