10 Crazy Workout Trends That Might Actually Work

Fitness trends come and go. However, as wacky as some of these moves may be, they’re sometimes based in solid principles. Whether you’re looking to shake up your current routine or start a brand new one in the New Year, these 10 workouts will have you flipping upside-down, shaking your booty and jumping off the walls. Pump up the jams, pals.

1. Aerial Yoga: Play possum and get your workout in at the same time. Aerial classes are popping up everywhere, including aerial dance and yoga. (via Glamour)

2. Barre: Barre is an effective fusion of ballet, yoga and Pilates, using micro-movements to sculpt your bod. In practice, it looks a little like organized thrusting… it can get pretty weird. The Barre3 app ($5 for iOS) is a cool way to get used to the moves before you do them in public.

3. Paddleboard Yoga: Yoga is hard enough. Paddleboarding is hard enough. But put them together and you have one of the craziest core workouts ever. (via Play Buzz)

4. Parkour: You might remember parkour from a failed attempt at a viral video by Andy and Dwight from The Office, but it’s actually a pretty great workout when you take it (relatively) seriously. (via My Modern Met)

5. Buti Yoga: A yoga class where you can shake your booty? It’s like a downward dance party. (via 303 Magazine)

8. Belly Dancing: Y’all know there are some weird stripper dancing fitness classes out there, but we prefer belly dancing because you can leave your platform heels at home. (via Marsfield News)

9. Trampoline Fitness: Never learned how to do a somersault properly? Here’s your chance to do one while flying through the air. (via Launch Trampoline Park)

10. Hula Hooping: Those hips don’t lie. Neither do those abs, those legs and those arms. (via Diets in Review)

Are you trying out any new workouts? Let us know in the comments.

Even if you weren’t exactly in line for the Olympic gymnastics team as a kid (another reason Simone Biles is so impressive, honestly), chances are, you look back on those days as ones of your peak flexibility. Like running, remembering things, and making new friends, bending gradually gets harder as you age. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to keep your flex! Here’s why you lose your bendiness — and how to get it back.

Why Your Flexibility Stalls

Brit + Co

As though going through puberty weren’t enough of a struggle, it’s also the time when you start to lose your natural flexibility. “No one is more flexible in their life than they are as a child,” says Dr. Leython Williams, a doctor of physical therapy at Athletico Physical Therapy. “However, during puberty, children often become temporarily less flexible. Some children have slow growth spurts, while others grow very quickly. This temporary decrease in muscle length/flexibility is a result of their bones growing faster than their muscles and tendons can stretch.”

Note that Dr. Williams refers to this particular loss of flexibility as temporary — meaning we can’t blame puberty for the fact our toes seem to be getting farther away every time we try to touch them.

Brit + Co

“There is no specific age when we wake up and our flexibility has ‘officially declined.’ However, it is a fact that as we age our flexibility decreases, which leads to decreased functional ability and mobility,” he explains. “As our bodies get older, we lose a small amount of flexibility as a result of the normal aging processes. There is loss of water in our tissues and intervertebral discs, increased stiffness in our joints, and a loss of elasticity in muscles and tendons. In our 20s and 30s, it is important that we develop a consistent static and dynamic stretching regimen to establish and maintain flexibility and range of motion more easily into our older years.”

That’s right: What you do now matters later. And this isn’t just about keeping up in yoga, Dr. Williams cautions. “It becomes imperative that we stretch regularly to decrease our likelihood of various injuries.” Jill Belland, co-founder of Barre Belle, agrees. “It’s easy to feel invincible if you’re young and injury free! Flexibility will reduce your risk of injury: What doesn’t bend will break. Increased range of motion, balance, and mobility are all linked to flexibility and contribute to overall strength and fitness.”

How to Get It Back

Brit + Co

When you’re a kid, flexibility comes naturally; when you’re an adult, you have to take responsibility for improving and maintaining it. “Peak flexibility age for adults can differ person to person and depends largely on their physical activity habits,” says Dr. Rachelle Reed, PhD, Pure Barre’s manager of training development and barre kinesiologist. “Notably, flexibility can be improved at any age when flexibility training is incorporated into a regular exercise routine. It’s important for adults to be strategic about including flexibility training into their workouts, because maintaining flexibility and physical function as we move into middle and older adulthood is associated with better quality of life and independent living.”

There’s no one flexibility standard everyone has to meet, Belland reassures: “There is no golden rule for what perfect flexibility is person to person, but there are simple markers such as touching your toes from a forward fold for hamstrings/lower back, or reaching for your hands behind your back, with one hand behind the head and the other behind the waist, for shoulder mobility. You don’t need to be a contortionist; moving around with fluidity in your everyday life and having good range of motion in your favorite activities without feeling pain or tension is a better way to gauge your own personal goals.”

Brit + Co

But where do you start if you want to improve your flexibility? Dr. Reed explains, “There are two main types of flexibility training that you should aim to incorporate into your routine: Dynamic stretching, where a stretch is performed by moving through a challenging but attainable range of motion several times in a row, and static stretching, where a stretch is held in a challenging but attainable position for a longer period of time (at least 10-30 seconds).”

How do you know how far to go? “Our muscles have a natural stretch reflex that prevents us from going too far into a stretch, which can also cause injury,” Belland tells us. “Aim to gently stretch through this reflex. The key to increasing flexibility is about time under tension: It takes around 20 seconds to ease through the stretch reflex. Reintroduce the stretch and hold it for 10 seconds longer, working up to one minute. The second time you introduce a stretch, the stretch reflex will diminish, allowing your body to get deeper into your stretch and also building better muscle memory.”

Brit + Co

If you’re still worried about injuring yourself — especially if you’ve been injured in the past — Dr. Williams recommends seeing a physical therapist for guided stretches. Belland reminds us that you don’t have to go to the gym or spend hours on stretching. “Stretch a little bit every day when you can fit it in after a workout or in front of the TV. If you just don’t think you’ll stretch on your own, getting to a yoga or a barre class is helpful if you need the accountability of a dedicated time and space.”

Speaking of the gym, just as your phys ed teacher told you, stretching is especially important before and after a workout. “Far too often active individuals begin their workouts without a dynamic stretch,” Dr. Williams says. “Dynamic stretching increases one’s range of movement and blood flow to soft tissues prior to physical exertion and/or sport performance. This type of stretching is vital in improving performance and reducing the risk for injury.”

But you don’t have to be an athlete to benefit — in fact, stretching is an important antidote to all that sitting those of us with desk-based jobs tend to do. “Sitting at your desk all day can lead to decreased flexibility in hip flexors and hamstrings by keeping them in a shortened position for a prolonged period of time,” Dr. Williams warns. “Consider a standing desk or work station or taking several breaks throughout your work day to stand up and stretch.”

Instead of looking back on your kid-level flexibility as a long-ago dream, mix in a little bit of stretching into your new daily routine — especially if you work at a desk! You might never get your legs behind your head, but your older self will thank you for it. Check out The Best Time to Stretch During Your Workout for more!

Lead image via Brit + Co.

This post has been updated.

Ahhh…Paris Geller. Where does one even begin with the best Gilmore Girl whose name isn't actually Gilmore? The woman we all came to know and love. The purveyor of backhanded compliments, deadpan humor, the quickest wit one can imagine and an absolutely ungodly work ethic. The sole character of the series who I would 100% watch a spin-off of, and love every minute. Sure — she once said that everyone around her needed to be sterilized immediately. And that Rory’s boyfriend offers “nothing to women or the world in general.” And that she can “scare the stupid out of you. But the lazy runs deep.”

She may, in fact, be the only character whose absurdity warrants such unhinged comments, and I am so here for it. You may be reading this because you too believe that Paris Geller deserves way more praise than she receives. Or you hate her. Or perhaps you don’t even know who she is. Regardless, allow me to delight you with the many — shall I say — unique musings of my favorite Gilmore Girls character, and explain exactly why Paris was not only what the cult-classic show needed, but the feminist icon TV needed, too.


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So let’s start from the beginning. Paris Geller (played by Liza Weil) joined the GG crew in Season 1, right as Rory Gilmore (the show’s sort-of protagonist) walked into Chilton Academy, a private school where Paris was attending, for her first day. A far cry from Rory’s relatively timid and soft-spoken personality, Paris tore up the screen with her high-strung personality and immediate rivalry with Rory (Rory did not feel the same), who Paris viewed as the only candidate who could possibly challenge her spot at the top of the class standing. As the year progresses, the two become friends, which of course Paris still highly questioned.

The rest of their high school experience is plagued with repeated ups and downs, from Paris’s parents’ highly publicized divorce to their joint student government campaign and, most notably, Paris’s C-SPAN meltdown, courtesy of a Harvard rejection fueled by what she can only assume to be wide-spread knowledge that she lost her virginity. Despite losing the Valedictorian slot to Rory (which Paris comes to terms with after finding out Salutatorians tend to be more successful), Paris walks across the graduation stage and accepts her diploma from the school’s headmaster, to which she iconically quips, “no hard feelings.”


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Fast forward to Paris’s first year at Yale, a school she knew Rory was attending but had no intention of ever seeing again. Not to the surprise of Paris’s life coach, the two frenemies were placed together as suitemates, a pairing that ultimately served as a catalyst for lifelong friendship. Throughout college, Paris pursues pre-med and pre-law degrees, joins the Yale Daily News alongside Rory, dates an elderly professor (he passes away, leaving Paris to grieve), moves on with the editor of the Yale Daily News, Doyle McMaster, and potentially saves Rory from abandoning Yale forever by admitting to Lorelai that Rory is the only person who ever listened to her, challenged her and motivated her.

Paris then proceeds to become the editor of the Yale Daily News, a position in which her power-hungry tendencies took full-force, resulting in a forcible resignation, kick Rory out of their shared apartment, let Rory move back into their shared apartment (now with Doyle), be accepted to a slew of prestigious medical and law schools. She ultimately chose to attend med school and break up with Doyle, to which he refused, and tells Rory that they’re on their own but she can still do great things (Of course this doesn’t last, the two are meant to be best friends.)


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Somehow this doesn't even scratch the surface of the character of Paris. As you can tell, Paris is a fiercely loyal, protective woman who fights for herself to no end. She (literally) doesn’t care what other people think (so long as they’re not within her immediate circle) and never stops pursuing her dreams, no matter how many times she probably should have. She is the epitome of feminism in modern television — perhaps taken to an extreme — and serves as a necessary counterweight to Rory’s floundering sense of self.

So long as she keeps her need for perfectionism in check, Paris has one of those few personality types whose wild ambition and outspokenness is directly beneficial to her success, a success that she, and only she, can define. Sure, she has an exaggerated sense of self-importance, but when balanced by Rory’s soft-but-straightforward approach, Paris can quickly reset, reevaluate and move forward.


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That's the thing with Paris — she’s always moving forward. She doesn't get into Harvard? Tough. She takes a few days to wallow before considering her other options: Yale, Columbia and Princeton. She doesn’t know whether to choose med school or law school, so she takes stock of her bearings, reflects on her past dreams, and makes a clear, concise decision that she moves forward with.

Her brutally honest nature (both internally and externally) is exactly why Paris works. She’s generous when needed, comfortable with giving tough (and oftentimes tougher) love, is able to express vulnerability with the people she loves, doesn’t allow outside influences to affect her path and never let’s someone (especially a man) tell her she’s less than (*cough, cough*—Rory). For an early 2000s show, she showed women that there is power in education. There’s power in stepping away from a caretaker role. There’s power in expressing your opinion, no matter your age.

Image via WB

There’s no doubt in my mind that she’s inspired countless women over the years — after all, she’s inspired me! Even though she’s had her controversial moments, she’s always been a cheering voice for women, even if it’s behind her resting grimace. For these reasons, and so many more, I am hereby deeming Paris Geller the best of Gilmore Girls — the heroine, perhaps, and a feminist icon to all.

What's your take on Paris Geller? Let us know in the comments, and sign up for our email newsletter for more pop culture musings!

Header image via Netflix, Warner Bros

This post has been updated.

I’m a fairly active person. I enjoy hiking in the mountains, hot girl walks, dripping sweat at pilates, and working on my defense skills in boxing. I have yet to find runningincredibly enjoyable, like the people my age rapidly signing up for marathons, but I’ll indulge in a solid 3-mile jog about once a week. So when I was asked to join a wellness weekend in the Bahamas with actress Gwenyth Paltrow’s media brand, Goop, I thought it’d be a breeze. For the most part, it was. Emphasis on ‘for the most part.

Olivia Bria

Goop's wellness retreat in the Bahamas.

Wellness is an umbrella term — it looks and feels different to each individual person. Despite the fact that I just named five exercises I attempt to partake in weekly — life gets busy! — I really try to branch out of my usual workouts, due to both the need for a challenge and a general interest in looking for new ways to move my body. What are my most recent exercise acquisitions? Breakdancing, hot yoga, and, well, getting TORCH’D. Goop booked us with celebrity trainer, Isaac Boots, to add the last workout to that list.

Boots has a long roster of celeb clients: Vanessa Hudgens, Kelly Ripa, Jessica Chastain, Gwenyth Paltrow (of course!) and more. I’ve always been a bit envious of how the celebrities of today are able to build at-home gyms and call for private sessions in a flash. Yet, beyond the affordability aspect, I’ve been more curious on how they become so fit — diet and personal chefs aside — with such busy schedules.

I found out in the Bahamas. And the workout is not as easy as it looks.

Isaac Boots

Isaac Boots, Gwenyth Paltrow's celebrity trainer.

Boots first created virtual at-home sessions to teach TORCH’D classes during the pandemic, with the main premise of the workout focusing on the flow of body resistance, dance conditioning, and targeted repetition with the intention of burning fat. We — the other gal pal journalists and influencers on the trip — were set to complete two morning classes, both Saturday and Sunday. I, unfortunately, missed my connecting flight on Friday and wasn’t able to make it to the Saturday class due to a series of unfortunate travel events (let’s not rehash it, for my sake). But, after talking to the girls who were able to attend that morning session, it seems that the only thing I missed was waking up really sore on Sunday. My quads thanked me for that missed flight.

Olivia Bria

The group Torch'd workout class at Goop's Bahamas retreat.

Group fitness is also something I’ve gotten used to over the years, especially when moving to LA where it's common practice, but going into workouts that I’ve never done before is intimidating. Exercising in front of others, especially when you aren’t familiar with the form of exercise, can be a particularly vulnerable activity.

Therefore, before attending the 45-minute TORCH’D session, I searched for the workouts online to study them a little. I’ll admit, I didn’t think they looked that difficult. But boy, was I absolutely proved wrong. Keep in mind that the Sunday session was outdoors, and although on a shaded rooftop with a stunning ocean view, the Bahamas was in the middle of a heat wave. I already didn’t stand a chance against my already innately sweaty and red-faced self during any form of physical movement.

Isaac Boots

Isaac Boots, Gwenyth Paltrow's celebrity trainer.

Boots started the music — an upbeat, EDM like tune — to get us moving to the rhythm.

We began with small movements like arm circles and donkey kicks, pulsed for a bit, and then went ‘double time’ (AKA we picked up our speed). Those rotations would continue throughout the workout. It was during the pulsing portions of the workout where I really felt it target my biceps, triceps, and glutes. A burning sensation formed in my upper arms and legs several times, making it hard to keep going. There were a few instances when I had to take a quick break to get back into it. It was during those breaks when I noticed I wasn’t the only one taking a breather.

As I’ve grown sick of my mundane daily gym routine, I’ve noticed that having fun while I workout is a priority. Boots’ liveliness and charisma matched with his eagerness to teach really helped me get out of my own head (I have the tendency to become frustrated and want to quit during certain moves.)

I now understand now how a lot of celeb women — like Gwenyth — exercise with time constraints. Workouts like Torch'd are simple and tough, but effective at toning all the right places. While I would 10/10 recommend this class to anyone, I (and my sore muscles) definitely encourage you to take a rest day (or two) afterwards. 😉

Looking for more exercise tips? Be sure to follow us on Facebook so you never miss a thing!

Header image via Olivia Bria

Okay let's just address the elephant in the room: no, I didn't love Nobody Wants This, despite the fact I'm a massive rom-com fan. (Don't worry, I absolutely still jumped on the Adam Brody Hot Rabbi train). After its premiere on September 26, 2024, the show racked up 10.3 million views in its first week, and quickly got renewed for season 2. But despite the insane popularity, I really didn't like it as much as I thought I would.

That's not to say I hated the show. There were definitely moments that gave me butterflies (hello INSANE first kiss!), and I enjoyed moments with Joanne and Morgan almost more than the rest of the series because they reminded me how much chaos my sister and I get into. Plus, as a victim of the abysmal online dating scene, I did appreciate the way the show emphasized how much dating can suck right now.

And that's the best thing about art — it's supposed to make you think and analyze and feel. And I definitely came away from Nobody Wants This with some interesting feelings.

Here's my very-subjective take on Nobody Wants This...and why I don't really get the hype.

1. ​I don't really see myself in Joanne.


As someone who took solace in books and TV shows from an early age (a silver lining to the isolation of homeschooling), I've always felt drawn to characters that simultaneously make me feel seen and inspire me to be a better version of myself. But Kristin Bell's Joanne in Nobody Wants This left me feeling alienated rather than included.

I'm naturally quieter and more timid in large social situations so Joanne's brash, sharper edges caught me a little off guard — and honestly reminded me of past party environments I really didn't enjoy. "In my opinion Joanne is a generic, predictable character of a baddie who hides her insecurities behind the attitude," @niemownikomu says on Reddit.

But even though Joanne and I are so different, I was very touched by the contrast between her larger-than-life personality and her fear that romantic partners would be turned off by her independence. I definitely get that.

2. ​Teasing a romance between Morgan & Sasha is totally inappropriate.


One detail that honestly pissed me off about Nobody Wants This was the will-they-won't-they between Morgan and Noah's married (!!!) brother Sasha. Romanticizing cheating on your spouse is never hot or spicy to me, and I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief when creator Erin Foster announced season 2 was ditching that would-be relationship.

3. ​It's way too early for Noah to be in a new relationship.

Stefania Rosini/Netflix

@the_yv_edit on TikTok made an entire video about Noah's red flags, revolving around the idea that a back & forth and up & down romance might be entertaining, but it'll drain you in the long run. And one opinion that kept coming up in the comments was that Noah shouldn't even be thinking about starting something with Joanne. "Him jumping into the relationship was the first and biggest red flag," one user says.

​4. Noah either doesn't do that much in 'Nobody Wants This'...


One more thing that @the_yv_editpointed out was that Noah doesn't actually do anything that extraordinary for her. He walks her to her car after the dinner party in the pilot, and they have great communication (thank goodness, I'm all for romanticizing great communication), but that should be the bare minimum people!! Plus did we just gloss over the fact he literally hid her when she came to camp?!

5. Or he goes WAY overboard.


And when Noah does ditch her at camp, and Joanne leaves for her work dinner, he winds up at the restaurant (sweet)"but then HE SHOULD HAVE LEFT. Not pulled out candles, commandeered a table, and done the Shabbat ritual in front of her CLIENTS," lizzardmuzic says on Reddit. "I was cringing the whole time and thought it would be an issue, but I guess it was supposed to be a huge romantic gesture? I'm pissed. Everyone in this sub thinks Noah is too perfect, but I don't like him much. If anything, I think they wrote Joanne too perfect."

6. The 'Nobody Wants This' ending left me more stressed than hopeful.

Saeed Adyani/Netflix

This is probably my Type-A oldest daughter realism kicking in, but I can't stop thinking about the end of Nobody Wants This. Considering romantic chemistry only lasts a few years, giving up your life-long dreams to see if a relationship works out really stressed me out. "It was very enjoyable. I just think in reality when the heat cools down as it inevitably does in these kind of relationships somewhere in his life he would truly regret his choice!" Reddit user Artistic_Incident569 says.

But that's what Nobody Wants This is all about right? Taking huge risks and turning your life upside down for love. And I'll admit that that in and of itself is pretty romantic.

What did you think about Nobody Wants This? Let us know what you're excited to see in season 2 on Facebook and read up on 5 Shows That Are (Almost) As Good As Nobody Wants This for even more.

When people hear I've never seen Love Actually, the reactions are all generally the same: genuine shock. It's not that I purposefully avoided the beloved Christmas movie — I just never really got around to watching it. I had to make room for my annual The Holiday rewatch! But this year? This year, I decided to change all that by finally popping on this pop culture phenomenon. And honestly, I was left with so many questions...

Here's every unhinged thought and question I had while watching this cult classic Christmas movieLove Actually fanatics, please send answers ASAP!

Scroll down to see the 25 questions I had while watching Love Actually for the first time!

Universal Pictures

1. Is it just me, or is it totally wild to mention 9/11 at the very beginning of a Christmas movie?!

I understand this came out in 2003, so it's not too far removed from 9/11, but there's something off about bringing that up at the start. The message is sweet — people reached out to those they loved on that terrible day — but it's also incredibly sad. I'm not saying every moment of a holiday movie needs to be happy, but goodness gracious this is a depressing way to set the tone.

2. Why is Jamie's girlfriend wearing a turtle neck in bed?

Oh...oh, that's why. I mean she had to think that would be a dead giveaway that she didn't plan on resting during her "cold." I've never once put on real clothes when I was sick — I'm in pajamas 24/7! Although, I guess she also didn't plan on wearing much of anything later on...regardless, weird choices all around.

3. Who would honestly think it's a good idea to call a total stranger their "future wife" out of nowhere?

Listen, I get that Colin Frissel is supposed to be the erratic, kooky character who just wants to find love here, but I really don't understand his tactics. Instead of actually trying to get to know any of these women, he fires off these wild comments without a second thought. And then he has the audacity to say that British women are too stuck up to like him? Sorry, dude, but maybe you're just too inconsiderate and unaware to pull any British women — and most women in general.

4. Could Keira Knightley be any more beautiful?!

Okay, I know this isn't a plot point or anything, but holy moly! She looks truly angelic when she walks in for the wedding. No wonder Mark is head over heels for her!

Universal Pictures

5. Does it feel like people are dressed awfully casually for a wedding? (I'm looking at you, Sarah)

Maybe 2003 was a more casual time, maybe daytime British weddings are super chill. I'm not sure what the reason would be, but I couldn't get past how casually dressed the wedding guests were for Juliet and Peter's wedding. Sarah's hat alone was enough to throw me off, TBH.

6. Wait, was this one of the first flash mobs? I'm not even kidding.

I actually had to Google this, but apparently flash mobs did really get started in 2003. So while Mark's surprise for Juliet and Peter isn't the first, it's certainly on-theme for the time!

7. Did he actually just put that food he ate BACK on the tray?

This is genuinely a germaphobe's nightmare — it's me, i'm the germaphobe. Seriously, though, Colin has got to work on his manners if he really wants to find someone to date him. I'm very confused how he thinks this behavior would attract anyone.

8. Have Liam Neeson's eyes always been this blue?

Again, not a plot point, but very distracting. I mean those babies are bright!

Universal Pictures

9. What is Professor Snape doing here?!

I kid, I kid. But seriously, his voice takes me back to Harry Potter immediately.

10. How is it okay for Harry to ask Sarah about her love life — and royally interject in it like that — as her boss?

Don't get me wrong, I know people make friendships outside of work and talk frankly with their coworkers. But suggesting she tell Karl she wants "lots of sex and babies" with him? Yeah, that's definitely HR-report worthy in any workplace literally ever. Rein it in, Harry.

11. Are they allowed to say whatever they want on British radios?

Speaking of just saying inappropriate things at relatively inappropriate times, Billy — and the hosts for that matter — really are pretty crass! I'm not a prude by any means (ask my friends), but I was shocked at what they said on live air. I guess it keeps things interesting?

12. WHO flirts with their boss so blatantly like that?

Mia, most simply put, is BOLD AF. She openly flirts with Harry in the office, literally spreads her legs in front of him at her desk, and asks to dance during a slow song at their company holiday party while his wife is literally right there. I wanna know her backstory because these are wild choices. She doesn't even try to be secretive!

Universal Pictures

13. Why don't Karen and Daniel end up together? They seem to share the most real, authentic love.

Honestly, I love platonic love, so I don't wanna take that away from them. However, there is a part of me that things Karen and Daniel could be the best couple. They seem to truly get each other in a way most of the other actual couples don't. But I guess that's on the purity of friendship?

14. At what point are we supposed to care about Billy?

This singer just really seems like a jerk, and he truly isn't compelling in the least. (And this is coming from someone who loves Bill Nighy!)

15. Oh my god, did they actually just say what I think they did about those dolls?

Needless to say, we would never get a line like this today. I'll leave it at that.

16. Would Jamie's book actually be salvageable at all after flying into the lake?

I need someone who used typewriters a lot to tell me how durable those typed pages would actually be. Would the water totally ruin the ink? Wouldn't the pages stick together irreparably after you took them out of the water? Literally what is he gonna do to finish this thriller? As a fellow writer, I'm stressed on his behalf.

Universal Pictures

17. Why didn't Mark just tell Juliet he was filming these shots as a gift for his best friend?

Boom, problem solved. Instead, he acted like such a weirdo and made it so clear he was in love with her.

18. Did Mark actually tell Juliet just to show herself out of his apartment?

As if he couldn't make it weirder...

19. I'm not trying to be rude, but how is Harry hot enough for Mia to be throwing herself at him like this?!

Who you find attractive is so subjective, but to risk your job and someone's marriage for Professor Snape? Maybe it's his power, maybe it's his elusive (very clearly Scorpio) nature. Whatever it is, I'm just not seeing it. Sorry girly!

20. How many times will Laura Linney play a woman with a brother named Ben in the midst of a mental health crisis?

Ozark, anyone?

Universal Pictures

21. What happens AFTER Juliet kisses Mark?!

I seriously don't know how they move forward normally after this confession and subsequent kiss. First of all, the confession was totally unfair to Peter. How is Mark gonna hold this in all this time, only to blow it all up after they're already married? And then for Juliet to kiss him? Is she giving him a false hope? Does she really like him? Do they keep this a secret? Is this all they need? Honestly, this left me with more questions than answers.

22. Is Billy trying to come out? Or is he saying he platonically loves his manager?

I'm honestly so confused. He called Frank the love of his life, and I just can't tell. (Especially after that awkward hug?)

23. Isn't it a little wild for Jamie to ask Aurelia to marry him? Couldn't they just date first?

I am definitely not blaming him for his girlfriend cheating on him, but I'm sure that level of quick intensity landed him here to begin with. Like come on dude, maybe get to know a girl first! (Still, these two are very sweet — one of the actually compelling couples in this story!)

24. Is that Denise Richards?!

At least her jacket's on correctly here... 😂

25. Why is this movie so SAD?

While I loved seeing Sam and Joanna, John and Just Judy, and the Prime Minister and Natalie find their happy ending, for a Christmas movie, there's ultimately not a lot of happy holiday spirit here... Maybe it's just me, but it feels like a total bummer for most of the movie! BRB while I pop on The Holidayinstead.

Looking for more pop culture hot takes? Be sure to follow us on Facebook for more!