20 Creative Activities That Have Actually Kept My Toddler Busy for More Than 20 Minutes

We're well into our second month of quarantine, and I think we've all learned some things — about ourselves, about our kids, about just how many things you can do with tape ;) At the beginning of our stay-at-home life I put together this post of a few ideas I had for keeping our 3-year-old busy. Now that it's been a few weeks, I thought I'd share the things that have actually worked!

Before getting to the activities, one game-changer that I know a lot of people have been doing has been a schedule or chart of activities. For us, I created this out to sticky notes so we can move certain activities around each day, and because my kid is 3 and can't read, I drew pictures that signify what each part of the day actually is. I had no idea how helpful this would be! She legit will say "let's check my list" to see if it's time for a snack or if it's time to do arts-and-crafts.

You can recreate most of these activities, crafts, and games using household items and DIY supplies. Hope this list helps you get through a few more 20-minute chunks of time :)

Window Painting Station: An amazing artist mom friend of mine Dev Heyrana has been doing a series of murals with her daughters, which inspired me to go larger scale with our daily art projects. I was nervous about paint getting all over the walls at the large scale so took it to the window instead. Taped up a few pieces of paper, draw a few flowers and plants in black marker, and let Anokhi get to work. We've done a mix of freestyle and coloring and, of course, so many rainbows.

Alphabet Game: Probably the invented activity that I'm most proud of because it legit lasted over a week! We usually played for two 20-minute chunks each day, and only stopped because we ran out of cut-outs to tape up. I put sticky notes up of each letter of the alphabet. Then I scavenged in my house for magazines and catalogs and cut out all sorts of things. (If your kid is skilled with scissors, they could take this task off your hands!) Set out of the pile of cut-outs and have your kid identify what each thing is, and what letter it starts with, then tape up under that letter. It's fun because she was able to practice her A,B,C's and learned lots of new words and concepts along the way.

Animal Bath Time in the Backyard: This is a classic I've seen a lot of people do their version of, but listing it anyway since it's been part of our weekly routine! We bring two big bowls or buckets outside and set up a station. Put the toy in the first bowl, then squeeze on soap and use sponges or brushes to make sure the toy is super clean. Then rinse in a second bowl, then place on a towel to dry. If only bath time for toddlers was this easy… ;)

Construction Paper Tunnels: When rolling a ball back and forth or sending a car up and down the hallway is losing its novelty factor, add paper tunnels! So easy, and at least 30 minutes of new fun. Found this idea on WhatShouldIDoWithMyKid.com. [Insert praise hands emoji]

Pom Pom Run: If you aren't following @busytoddler yet, you need to. This miraculous mama has SO MANY creative ideas for keeping your toddlers busy using household materials like tape, sticky notes, toilet paper rolls, and, yes, pom poms. The pom pom run is made using paper towel rolls and toilet paper rolls. Tape them up, drop the poms in, and let 'em run! It's fun to make a couple different runs so you can race the pom poms. I'll admit, this activity lost its newness appeal after a couple weeks, but then we created a new run (same materials) on a different wall and we were in business again.

Hand-Sewn Paper Creatures: I don't know about you, but I'm continuously impressed with my toddler's ability to learn and excel at brand new things. Case in point, sewing! I assumed this would be a super challenging task for her but she loved the task of bringing the plastic needle up through the bottom, down from the top, and so on. She had homework to make a banana slug, so I figured let's add sewing to her list of newly acquired quarantine skills. We painted two pieces of paper, then I cut out the pair out together, then used a hole punch to create holes along the outline of the shape. I used a couple pieces of tape to keep the pieces together while Anokhi sewed around the edges. We stuffed it with a few cotton balls, and voila, a paper banana slug is born.

Nature Treasure Hunt + Collage: Everyone loves a treasure hunt! At least a few times a week, we set out with a basket and collect leaves, moss, sticks, fallen flowers, petals, and so on. Then we get home and glue our favorite pieces to paper to create a collage. I've found that adding the art element after the hunt seems to keep Anokhi engaged more than just picking up pretty leaves.

Find the Rainbow: Related closely to the treasure hunt is the rainbow twist! I got this idea from internet friend Joya Rose who did this activity with her toddler. Draw a rainbow together, then draw each color in a little swatch. Then head outside and find all the colors!

Build an Epic Fort: Turns out, you can actually build a new fort EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Take it to the next level with swaddle blanket room dividers, chip clips to add in lots of fabric layers, and so on. Have fun with it, and then build it again. And again. And again :)

Music Time with DIY Drums: Who doesn't love banging a wooden spoon on whatever they can find? We made our own drums using formula canisters and adhesive wallpaper. You could easily use contact paper, or even construction paper or magazines with glue. Fill them with beads to turn them into shakers, rotate between the plastic top and the metal bottom as surfaces to drum on, and so on. I'm not pretending it's rocket science here, it's good old DIY drums.

Printmaking with Random Materials: Acrylic paint plus anything plastic = makeshift printmaking! In this example, I took some plastic packaging and brought it outside to our painting station. We swirled colors together and then pressed paper over each "bubble" and made prints! If you try this with bubble wrap, you can create really fun dot patterns.

Rainbow Sponge Painting: I picked this idea up from the B+C archive, and it's been a huge hit around here. Squeeze colors onto a sponge, then paint across a big piece of paper to create rainbows, colorful stripes, and more.

Build a Restaurant, Then Cook In It: Two for the price of one! Building blocks are obviously a daily staple at this point, and all little humans love faux cooking. To get more out of each of these regular activities, I encouraged Anokhi to build a restaurant out of blocks, cook in her kitchen, and serve the food she made at the restaurant. It lasted for an HOUR. For real. At one point she urgently told me she needed oven mitts, and luckily the socks I was wearing also happened to be oven mitts! (Parenting is a forever improv act, amirite?)

Feeding Baby Sister: As heart-melting as it is borderline insane, we cut up a bunch of blueberries or spaghetti and have Anokhi feed each piece one by one to her 8-month-old sister Indira. Cuteness overload. A dinner without interruptions. Bliss.

Rainbow Color Sorting Wall: Related to the alphabet wall is the rainbow wall! I put stripes of washi tape on the wall, then cut all sorts of colorful things out of magazines. Color sorting is pretty basic, but Anokhi was into the fact that she could find things and put them up on her own, and then graduated to being able to find colors in magazines and cut them out herself.

Gardening Clean-Up: If you haven't turned your child into a landscape designer / weed puller / petal pusher yet, the time is now. Kids love getting dirty, putting things into piles, and sweeping!

Daily Coloring Pages: In the past couple weeks, I've taken to creating a daily coloring page for Anokhi that she works on in the morning after breakfast. I tape a big piece of paper to the counter, draw a few shapes or creatures and then let her run wild with it. It's hard to keep up daily, but if you like doodling it's sort of a nice thing to zen out on after the kids go to bed. Anokhi is always surprised and delighted by the new things she gets to color.

Washi Tape Road: This is another classic that has more legs than I ever thought it would. And the Magnatile village is where all the cars rest, obviously.

Dance Run: I don't know if this is an activity worth sharing but you know, it's a crowdpleaser so here it is. We put on loud music and dance and run back and forth over and over again in the house. The combo of dancing and running makes it feel like a race. A lot of high fives are shared. Chasing ensues. And we usually listen to Song 2 by Blur.

Nap Time for Everybody: Is my daughter the only one obsessed with making everything in our house take a nap? She makes us rest, puts blankets on us, and then sits there like a tiny babysitter. She also puts many of the objects in our house down for nap all over the place. This seems to be a universal obsession with toddlers, so use it to your advantage.

Alright y'all, time for another treasure hunt ;) Share your go-to activities with us @britandco (and me @anjelikatemple!).

Whether your passion is in fashion, music, home decor, or something entirely different, we all love sharing our unique POV on social and with friends. Now, with the new free Photoshop mobile app for iPhone (with Android on the way), editing photos, crafting mood and vision boards for a goal-setting 2025, or simply exploring your creative side with photography and design is so easy and so fun. You can literally use it anywhere!

Check out the new Photoshop mobile app editing and design features!

Adobe Photoshop

We've tinkered with Photoshop’s image editing and design tools, such as layering, masking and the popular Firefly-powered Generative Fill, for work and play and they are just as pro-grade as the desktop version but so simple to use on the go. You can work on the same projects across devices, and access Adobe Stock library of hundreds of thousands of free assets. Not a quote "designer"? The app makes it easy for anyone to explore and create.

Adobe Photoshop

Here are just some of the amazing features:

  • Create unique images and designs by combining, compositing and blending images with tools like selections, layers and masks
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  • Remove flaws like the Spot Healing Brush to brush away distractions in seconds
  • Use Gen AI tools like Generative Fill and Generative Expand to easily add new elements to designs and quickly edit photos
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  • Add, replace and create with a vast library of hundreds of thousands of free Adobe Stock assets

Adobe Photoshop

The Generative Fill tool is a total game changer. Remove photo bombers or unwanted distractions from your background to achieve the perfect shot every time. You can also drop Photoshop files into Adobe Express for free to add animations, music, schedule social posts across all major platforms and so much more.

Adobe Photoshop

It's truly our favorite new app of 2025. Download it now and tap into the endless designs that elevate your photos and fuel your passions this year. Happy designing!

Subscribe to our newsletter for more creative ideas!

The 2000s were a wild time for movies. It was an era of debatable fashion, even more questionable humor, and films that, looking back, we can't believe ever made it past a pitch meeting.

While certain movies from this nostalgic period remain classics, others haven't aged very well. Whether they're filled with problematic tropes or outdated stereotypes, here are the 10 cringey 2000s movies that wouldn't stand a chance in Hollywood today.

Scroll to see all the super cringe 2000s movies we wouldn't see today...

Summit Entertainment

1. Twilight (2008)

When Twilight premiered in 2008, it became an instant sensation and sparked a cultural obsession with supernatural romance. However, while it left an undeniable mark on pop culture, this film has some major underlying issues.

Once viewed as swoon-worthy, Bella and Edward's relationship feels problematic in hindsight. He was controlling, exhibited stalker-like behavior, and gaslit her into believing that she imagined his supernatural abilities.

Add in the fact that Edward is technically over a century old when Bella is a high schooler, and it's clear why Twilight might not resonate with audiences the same way in 2025.

Universal Pictures

2. Knocked Up (2007)

Directed by Judd Apatow, Knocked Up was initially well-received despite heavily leaning on outdated gender stereotypes. The movie follows responsible and career-driven Alison, who is forced to navigate an unplanned pregnancy with slacker Ben.

Even though Knocked Up delivers plenty of laughs, it also portrays women, especially Alison, as rigid and joyless. Katherine Heigl, the lead actress, criticized this, too, saying the film "Paints the women as shrews, as humorless and uptight, and it paints the men as lovable, goofy, fun-loving guys."


3. Norbit (2007)

This movie might've showcased Eddie Murphy's ability to transform into multiple characters, yet Norbit is still more cringeworthy than comedic. The portrayal of Rasputia, an over-the-top and domineering woman whose character is built around fat-shaming jokes, is particularly offensive.

Moreover, Murphy also plays Mr. Wong, a wildly stereotypical caricature of an elderly Chinese man.

20th Century Fox

4. Shallow Hal (2001)

Shallow Hal may have set out to deliver a message about inner beauty, but it really missed the mark. Again, this film relies on fatphobic humor, with Gwyneth Paltrow's character serving as the target of the jokes.

It arguably reinforces stereotypes about weight and attractiveness, and Gwyneth (who wore a fat suit) actually called the movie a "disaster" in 2020.

Columbia Pictures

5. White Chicks (2004)

Featuring over-the-top humor and absurd disguises, White Chicks was a hit in 2004. Nonetheless, it's a tired portrayal of women as materialistic, shallow, and obsessed with their looks.

The premise involves two FBI agents posing as socialites during a Hamptons weekend, and it was always meant to be ridiculous. Even so, there are certain scenes that are especially questionable, like when an athlete at the club attempts to spike a woman's drink.

Universal Pictures

6. Brüno (2009)

Brüno was intended to be a bold satire, Sacha Baron Cohen's specialty, but it crosses the line of edgy humor. He plays an exaggerated, flamboyant Austrian fashion journalist, and the mockumentary was meant to expose homophobia.

Despite that, the movie incorporated a lot of outdated gay stereotypes and might've reinforced the notions as opposed to challenging them. In fact, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) representative Rashad Robinson called the work "problematic in many places and outright offensive in others."

New Line Cinema

7. Wedding Crashers (2005)

Wedding Crashers revolves around two men who lie their way into weddings to manipulate women into sleeping with them. At its core, the film's plot is unsettling and questionable.

Aside from that, it features gay stereotypes, a racist grandmother, and scenes that blur the lines of consent. All that being said, t's obvious why this movie wouldn't fly today.

New Line Cinema

8. The Notebook (2003)

The Notebook is still one of the most favored romance movies of all time, so this may be an unpopular opinion, but some of its most iconic moments are more disturbing than anything.

There's no denying that Noah and Allie's love story is passionate, but his relentless pursuit of her is borderline manipulative. Remember when he threatened to let go of the Ferris wheel if she didn't go on a date with him?

Plus, once they actually get together, their relationship is filled with constant fighting, including scenes when Allie hits Noah. Female-on-male violence has traditionally been glossed over in films, but today, Hollywood is moving away from these problematic depictions.

Paramount Pictures

9. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)

This movie follows advice columnist Andie Anderson, played by Kate Hudson, who wants to write an attention-grabbing piece. She finds Ben Berry, an advertising executive who's arguably creepy and manipulative.

While How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days may be a classic rom-com, it relies on gender stereotypes that can feel more offensive than humorous now.

Paramount Pictures

10. Mean Girls (2004)

Finally, we can't forget about Mean Girls, one of the most iconic teen comedies of the 2000s. Sure, it's filled with endlessly quotable lines and a sharp take on high school cliques, but it also has relentless body-shaming.

Many of the scenes would hit differently in today's more body-positive era, making Mean Girls a more cringey watch in 2025.

Looking for more movie & TV news? Be sure to follow us on bFacebook!

A nursery can say a lot about a momma's style. It's where you can play around with childlike imagination, show off your design sensibilities, and put all your love, hopes, and dreams for baby on display. Plus, all your maternal energy has to go *somewhere* before baby arrives. To help you get things started, we've scrolled through the web and Instagram to find the most inspiring baby's rooms— from whimsical and charming to modern and edgy — you're bound to go gaga for at least one.

Find your favorite nursery below and get nesting!


"We're seeing a shift from the traditional pastels to more gender-neutral, earthy tones," says Amanda Leigh, cofounder of LA-basedHouse of Rolison. "Soft sage greens, warm taupes, and muted terracottas are becoming popular, creating a calming yet sophisticated environment." Accents like a crib canopy are a perfect way to incorporate these colors!

Kids n Cribs

Classic patterns are back in for nurseries. The plaid rug, floral wallpaper, and Namesake Liberty 2 Piece Nursery Set with farmhouse spindle legs are all on trend for 2025.


"I’m still big fan of moss that is a cooling unisex color and acts as a gentle and inviting background for natural blonde tones of wood accents and furniture," says Natália Severdia, founder and principal designer of Bay Area and Lake Tahoe-based Interior Studio Natália. This Etsy Watercolor Forest Wallpaper is such a cute take on the color for a nursery!

Crate & Kids

Supermodel and entrepreneur Jasmine Tookes and her husband, Juan, redesigned their nursery with Crate & Kids The Design Desk to create a warm and modern nursery for their daughter. The pink and green is a lovely combo for 2025.

Sandberg Wallpaper

"There’s also a resurgence of deep blues paired with natural wood accents, offering a serene yet stylistic vibe," says Taylor Hahn, cofounder of House of Rolison. This Sandberg Starry Sky Wallpaper is ADORABLE, unexpected, and a sign of richer tones to come.


So long traditional pastels: A camel-colored curtain panel complements that greens and browns in this nursery designed by Babyletto. I just love how this Babyletto Bondi Crib compliments the colors!

Oilo Studio

Colors like taupe and nature-inspired colors like moss and sage create a serene and peaceful nursery. "Earthy tones like warm beige, soft taupe, and muted terracotta are also gaining popularity for those looking to create a more grounded, gender-neutral space," she echoes. A nursery glider, like this one from Oilo Studio Nola, is a fantastic way to incorporate these tones.


Muted colors paired with a deep Bordeaux paint on the ceiling makes a stunning impact in this nursery design from Nestig. The earthy Willow Crib is such a nice way to ground the more colorful room.

Pottery Barn Kids

A nature-inspired wallpaper like this forest one from Pottery Barn Kids is just enough to make a nursery feel soothing and beautiful. It's peel-and-stick backing makes it simple to hang, and it has a convenient wipe-clean finish.


Deep, rich hues are leaving traditional pastels behind. This burgundy-colored Bondi Cane 3-in-1 Convertible Crib embraces this trend with its bold, sophisticated tone, making a striking yet timeless statement in any nursery.


EMMA HOPP PHOTOGRAPHY on Instagram: “I have had several requests to share our nursery, and it’s just about done! I’ve been nesting hard core and just have a bit more organizing…”

Balance an overall minimalist design aesthetic with a wallpaper that's eyecatching, not overwhelming.


Tiggy's Nursery & Home on Instagram: “🐘 S A F A R I T H E M E 🦓 Does your nursery have a theme? Add some color with our awesome selection of modern and colorful wall stickers!!…”

Storybook-like wallpaper gives this safari-themed nursery a whimsical feel.


Wiola on Instagram: “Przyszła jesień wiec nareszcie znalazłam czas by dodać małe co nieco do pokoju Gnieweczka 😉 wiec na dobranoc pochwalę się dzisiejszymi…”Maybe you can tell by the amount of in-belly somersaults that your little one is going to be adventurous? This mountain theme is perfect for a wild child.


@babyletto on Instagram: “🌅 this sunset color palette 😍 • #babyletto Hudson crib + Kiwi recliner • 📷: nursery designed by mama @stormybeaty 🧡”Lookin' to raise a boho babe? Tassels, indigenous-inspired prints, and a nature mural are the ways to go.


Plum + Sparrow | Moses Baskets on Instagram: “Taking nursery style notes from @mrskmarino😍 The layered rugs and those sweet hanging plants behind the chair!! So perfect 🙌🏼⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ .⠀…”If you're going from plant mom to the real deal, consider creating a garden wall or keeping your fave potted greenery in the nursery.


N i c o l e on Instagram: “A black wall is bold but a black nursery wall was a design risk. One that gave me the confidence in my design choices that I may not have…”

Black paint might feel taboo for a baby's room, but when done right, it can seriously pay off as a cool design choice.


Tiggy's Nursery & Home on Instagram: “Beautiful blues @annekarolinee 😍💙 .⠀ .⠀ #babynursery #nurserydecor #nuseryideas #nurseryinspiration #babycushion #babypillow #nurserytheme…”Let your fave characters serve as inspiration for the whole design (we spy a few familiar faces here).


Project Nursery on Instagram: “There's just something about a beautiful, classic nursery! We're here for the floral-meets-check design. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ Design:…”

Forgo trends, and go for a classic design with preppy patterns and lots of southern charm.


the brickies wife. on Instagram: “wolfes room is here // after 20months of life, he finally has a bedroom that isnt just a cot and rug 😅 and i am obsessed, his new…”

A baby with an edgy name deserves an equally edgy nursery...right Wolfe?


The Paper Party Company - Lisa on Instagram: “Thanks for all the love on my new logo yesterday, it really does mean the world 🖤 There’s still 20% off everything in my Etsy store with…”

Add magic to any nursery with starry embellishments and quirky accents.


Soren's House on Instagram: “Sunday inspiration! Just the most beautiful nursery from @jayne.s.davies 🖤 • • Tap for details 💫 • • #nurserydecor #nurseryinspo…”Don't want to commit to an all-dark look? Paint on a scallop half-wall design, and accessorize the top half with plenty of personality.


Tara ⋒ on Instagram: “Boho meets vintage 🌿”Why not let your crib sheets steal the show? Sidenote: We can't get enough of this eucalyptus mobile!


Lonny on Instagram: “Like a regular nursery but a little more @gucci. 👀💕🙌🏽 A perfectly plush retreat designed by @tamaramageldesign.”

Go full-on high design with a gorgeous artsy wallpaper and luxe furnuture.


Nancy Nguyen on Instagram: “Weekends mean extra snuggles, extra kisses, but never extra sleep anymore 😴”

You know you designed a cozy nursery when it becomes the pup's new napping spot.


Lana Dmitruks on Instagram: “Can you spot Caras little eye peaking through the crib. 😂😍 She finally had her first nap in the crib ..on her own like the big girl that…”

If Joshua Tree National Park were a nursery...why not take inspo from your favorite vacation spot?


Mini & Stil on Instagram: “Danke euch vielvielmals für all die lieben Kommentare und Likes zu meinem Bild gestern! Ich bin ganz entzückt 🤭☺️❤️ Apropos…”Double a decorative shelf as storage space, and you've got a nursery as functional as it is cute.


@helenepetitvillage on Instagram: “- Le Nid #4 - . La chambre est prête enfin, il me semble. Même si nous n'avons pas encore forcément les équipements, les jeux, etc ... il…”

Alexa, turn on nature sounds. It's the only thing this forest-inspired nursery is missing.


Mini & Stil on Instagram: “Nach meinen Kindern liegt jetzt auch noch mein Mann flach und ich habe vor lauter Heiserkeit komplett die Stimme verloren 😷 Ich hoffe, dass…”Proof that navy works for both girl and boy nurseries.


♡ Manuela ♡ on Instagram: “Könnt ihr euch noch an das Kinderzimmer Styling vor ein paar Wochen erinnern? 🌿 Ich hab einen super tollen Kinderzimmer Auftrag bekommen 😍…”

A table and chairs serve as a great place for tea parties, crafting, and sneaking in some work while the little one sleeps.


Jordyn Hadwin on Instagram: “Having a girl is SO fun!!! Found this amazing little ottoman on @offerup last week and I’m obsessed 🙌🏻 it matches perfectly with her…”

Our love for all things rattan is alive and well, and the best part? It goes with everything, so you really can't make a bad design move with it.

Even if you didn't binge watch all of Nicole Kidman's The Perfect Couple when it premiered in September 2024, there's a very good chance you saw footage of Nicole, Dakota Fanning, Meghann Fahy, and the rest of the cast dancing on the beach on social media. The Netflix show, which got 75.1 million views after its premiere, follows Amelia, whose wedding into the affluent Winbury family — until a dead body appears on the beach. While the series was originally billed as a limited series, Netflix reportedly just decided to extend it into an anthology series. Here's everything we know.

Netflix is reportedly turning Nicole Kidman's The Perfect Couple into an anthology series. Here's what we know about season 2.

Netflix's 'The Perfect Couple' season 2 is following another Elin Hilderbrand novel.


Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that The Perfect Couple is getting the American Horror Story treatment; we're getting a brand new story with a brand new cast for season 2. But one thing that would remain the same is its Massachusetts setting.

If Netflix does go through with a second season, The Bear co-showrunner Joanna Calo would reportedly adapt Elin Hilderbrand's Swan Song.

The 2024 book revolves around the beloved Richardson family, whose life in their $22 million Nantucket home is more than affluent. With their parties, yachts, and overall lives, they put "keeping up with the Joneses" to shame — until their mansion burns down and their most essential employee goes MIA.

Who's in 'The Perfect Couple' season 2 cast?

Seacia Pavao/Netflix

We don't have an official cast list for Swan Song yet, but it looks like Nicole Kidman would return as executive producer. The Swan Song characters include:

  • Bull Richardson, a wealthy movie producer who moves to the island of Nantucket.
  • Leslie Richardson, Bull's wife who woos everyone with parties.
  • Ed Kapenash, Nantucket's Chief of Police.
  • Colleen Coyle (“Coco"), an aspiring screenwriter.
  • Fast Eddie, a real estate agent.
  • Blond Sharon, the local gossip.

When is the show coming out?

Seacia Pavao/Netflix

Considering we don't have an official greenlight yet, we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves. But if Netflix chooses to move forward with the series, there's a good chance we could see it in 2026.

You can watch all of The Perfect Couple season 1 on Netflix now!

Here are the best Tana French Mystery Books For The Girls Who Binged The Perfect Couple. Add them to your TBR now!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Just like green cocktails, shamrock-inspired treats, and incorporating Baileys and Guinness into just about any dish, serving corned beef recipes on St. Patrick's Day is part of Irish-American tradition. But just because it's expected doesn't mean it has to be boring.

Here are 18 brand new ways to eat corned beef that you've probably never tasted before!

Corned Beef Brisket

Brit + Co

To get you started with these corned beef recipes, here's our guide to cooking the ultimate St. Patrick's Day feast. You can use this to inform the rest of recipes, or stick to the basics! The brine features ingredients like salt, brown sugar, peppercorns, and ginger. As good as it is fresh, dressing up the leftover sandwich however you see fit might just be the best (and most unique) part. (via Brit + Co)

Guinness BBQ Corned Beef & White Cheddar Sliders

Dixie Chik Cooks

When you want to make an American dish even more American, you barbecue it! This beer-based BBQ sauce has to be tasted to be believed. (via Dixie Chik Cooks)

Corned Beef Tacos with Beer-Battered Fries

Half Baked Harvest

This Mexican-American-inspired riff on the original is epic. And the creamy Greek-yogurt cabbage slaw is like nectar of the gods. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Cheesy Naan Reuben Pizzas with Thousand Island Drizzle

The Curious Plate

It was only a matter of time before some enterprising American chef took the humble reuben and turned it into a pizza. TBH, we'll eat anything with naan in it. (via The Curious Plate)

Reuben Poppers

The Beach House Kitchen

This crazy-good concept takes the grilled Reuben and whips it up, popper style. These make perfect food for snacking. (via The Beach House Kitchen)

Irish Nacos with Beer Sauce

The Salty Marshmallow

If you're looking for some over-the-top pub food, check out these Irish nachos. Instead of tortilla chips, it calls for thinly sliced potatoes and the queso is a homemade cheddar-beer sauce! (via The Salty Marshmallow)

Reuben Stuffed Potato Skins

Cooks With Cocktails

This one's for the gluten-free folks in the house. What better vehicle for all those yummy reuben stuffings than a crisp potato jacket that's simply oozing melted cheese. (via Cooks With Cocktails)

Corned Beef Grilled Cheese

Spicy Southern Kitchen

If you like emphasis on cheese, this one's for you. This sammie is spilling over with thinly sliced corned beef, caramelized onions, and oodles of melty Fontina cheese. What's not to love? (via Spicy Southern Kitchen)

Reuben Po’ Boys

The Cooking Bride

The original Louisiana po' boys were stuffed with either fried seafood or thinly-sliced beef, so this sammy is an American original in more ways than one. Stuffed with bourbon glazed corned beef, this corned beef sandwich is topped with a vinegar-based cabbage slaw that really pops. (via The Cooking Bride)

Spicy Reuben Chowder with Brown Butter Rye Croutons

The Curious Plate

If there's such a thing as *leftover* corned beef at your house, lucky you! For the rest of us, a cabbage chowder like this one topped with just a pinch of corned beef crumbles totally satisfies the craving. Pro tip: if you really have zero St. Paddy's leftovers, bacon crumbles will taste just as good and no one at the table will be the wiser. (via The Curious Plate)

Reuben Eggs Benedict

Crunch Time Kitchen

Those new to cooking will love that this is a beginner-style eggs Bennie. Corn the beef yourself (click through for the recipe) — or you could just pile on some corned beef and sauerkraut from your local deli and it will be just as good. (via Crunch Time Kitchen)

Corned Beef Breakfast Hash

Fed & Fit

This one's for all the clean eaters in the house. This corned beef hash is made with all wholesome ingredients — as if you needed a second reason to celebrate! (via Fed & Fit)

St. Paddy’s Corned Beef Burgers with Irish Cheddar Cheese

The Curious Plate

These burgers made of a combo of ground beef and corned beef mixed with Guinness are practically worthy of Irish-American sainthood. To be sure, even St. Patrick himself would give 'em three clovers up. (via The Curious Plate)

Reuben Waffle Fries

Melanie Makes

This version of a Reuben casserole takes it up a notch with crispy waffle fries. The cast iron skillet ensures that the fries stay crunchy while the cheese melts into every crevice. (via Melanie Makes)

Slow Cooker Corned Beef & Cabbage Sliders with Guinness Mustard

The Cookie Rookie

The meat for these sliders comes together easy peasy in your slow cooker or crockpot. This is one dinner tray that's guaranteed to come back to the kitchen licked clean. (via The Cookie Rookie)

Hot Reuben Dip

Culinary Hill

Anyone in your family who loves Reuben sandwiches will love this dip. You'd best make two and place one at each end of your dinner table — to avoid the inevitable traffic jam when everyone lines up behind this. (via Culinary Hill)

Reuben Sliders

Countryside Cravings

These hearty sliders on ciabatta bread are sure to be a fave, but why wait? They'd be equally great at your next family dinner, movie night, or an evening flying solo. (via Countryside Cravings)

Corned Beef Hash, Cajun Style

Chili Pepper Madness

The good thing about slow cooking your own corned beef is you might just have enough left over the next day to make hash for breakfast. This version takes it to the next level, with spicy peppers, Cajun seasonings, and hot sauce that runneth over. (via Chili Pepper Madness)

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This post has been updated.