How To Improve Your Decision Making Process Based On Your Myers Briggs Type

making decisions based on MBTImaking decisions based on MBTI

Do you ever find yourself making the same mistakes when it comes to making decisions? Week after week, month after month, year after year... Perhaps it isn’t so surprising. Maybe you have a hard time deciding the "right" thing, or even making a decision at all. It can be difficult!

We all have a default decision-making style and process. This style comes to the surface when we are especially stressed out, or in a hurry – which always seems to happen when we need to make a really important decision.

So, how can you make better, more well-rounded decisions in 2023? The first step might be to look into your personality type.

You’ve likely heard about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment and know that your type affects certain aspects of your personality, like Extraversion and Introversion. When you need to make a decision you're likely taking in information first, and then deciding based on that information. This is where two personality type elements come into play: Sensing-Intuition and Thinking-Feeling.

Taking In Information

Photo by Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

Sensing and Intuition describe how you take in information.

People with a preference for Sensing rely on the direct evidence of their senses (hence the name), like what they see and what they hear. They prefer practical, factual information. They tend to focus on the details, and they trust their past experiences.

In contrast, people with a preference for Intuition want to see the big picture and how everything connects. They are less interested in specifics, and are more focused on the future than the past.

We all have a preference for either Sensing or Intuition. We can make ourselves "act against our type" when we need to, but it doesn’t always come easily.

Coming To Conclusions

Image via Philip Boakye/Pexels

Thinking and Feeling describe how we come to a conclusion, and make a decision.

People with a preference for Thinking prefer to make a decision based on logic, but those with a preference for Feeling prefer to take account of what’s important to them, their values, and how other people might be affected by the consequences of their decision.

A lot of us can do both — but we often prefer one side over the other, and we will be especially likely to adopt our "default mode" when we are short on time or under pressure.

When we make a decision, we tend to have personal bias. We concentrate on the areas that fit only our personality type and ignore the ones that don’t.

For example, my own MBTI personality code is INTP, meaning that I have preferences for Intuition and Thinking. I’ll tend to forget about (or ignore) all the useful questions that people with a Sensing or Feeling preference might ask (What are the facts? What is realistic? How will other people be affected?) and just look at the bigger picture and the logical pros and cons. I can miss important aspects that Sensing and Feeling preferences might pick up on.

So, if it’s an important decision, I’ll challenge myself to look at those Sensing and Feeling areas as well as my own so I can see the larger picture.

Here are some starter questions for you to ask yourself if you want to make sure you cover all of the bases, and avoid personal biases:

Questions For Sensing Types

  • What are the current facts?
  • What, specifically, isn’t working now?
  • What is working? (That likely doesn’t need to be changed.)
  • What past experiences (or the past experiences of others) can I draw on?
  • What’s realistically achievable?

Questions For Intuition Types

  • What is my ideal vision of the future?
  • What trends or patterns can I (or others) see?
  • What ideas can I come up with (or can we brainstorm)?
  • Is there a new, creative, innovative alternative?

Questions For Thinking Types

  • What is the objective analysis of the issue?
  • What assumptions am I making? Are they logical and objective?
  • Which ideas are the most logical and thought through?
  • What are the pros and cons of the best ideas?

Questions for Feeling Types

  • How does the issue impact on me and others?
  • Who needs to be involved?
  • How do I get a buy-in from other people?
  • What do people agree on?
  • How do I feel about this decision?

The Decision Making Process

Photo by Polina Zimmerman/Pexels

To make a thoroughly considered decision, here's some good steps to follow in order:

  1. Ask yourself the Sensing Type questions.
  2. Ask yourself the Intuition Type questions.
  3. Move on to the Thinking and Feeling questions.

But here’s the difficult bit — you need to spend the same amount of time on all four sets of questions to fully consider all aspects.

It can be helpful to time yourself with a stop watch or your phone's timer for each of the categories to prevent yourself from skimming over anything. Otherwise you'll hurry through the questions relating to the less preferred parts of your personality — and those are the exact areas that you may need to pay attention to.

John Hackston is a chartered psychologist and Head of Thought Leadership at The Myers-Briggs Company where he leads the company’s Oxford-based research team. He is a frequent commentator on the effects of personality type on work and life, and has authored numerous studies, published papers in peer-reviewed journals, presented at conferences for organizations such as The British Association for Psychological Type, and has written on various type-related subjects in top outlets such as Harvard Business Review.

Check out our Growth Goals By MBTI and How To Set Up Your Workspace By MBTI for more!

Features image by Ivan Samkov/PEXELS.

Your texting style says a lot more about you than you think it does. Whether you're still adding ellipses to every sentence, overusing silly little emojis, or insisting on a formal opener, certain habits can instantly date you when it comes to instant messaging. If you’re wondering whether your messages are screaming vintage millennial or classic Gen X, it’s time for a reality check on the texting quirks that give it all away.

Scroll on for the top 6 odd texting habits that subtly reveal your age.

Ivan Samkov / PEXELS

1. Using excessive emojis

Technology has advanced enough that we can infuse our messages with more emotion – but how much is too much? Oftentimes, using excessive emojis is a dead giveaway that you’re an older texter.

And even more so, using the “weird” emojis – or just the wrong ones given the context – are a telltale sign of your age.

For example, the “laughing crying” emoji (🤣) is now seen as outdated by Gen Z-ers, who most commonly prefer using the skull emoji (💀), meaning "I'm dead" (from laughing).

Uriel Mont / PEXELS

2. Sending outdated memes

Sending outdated memes is another obvious sign that you’re an older texter. Whether it’s the "I Can Has Cheezburger?" memes you die laughing at or reaction pics of evil Kermit, they’re just not ‘with the times’ these days.

The same thing goes for texting with outdated slang like “rad” instead of “cool,” or choosing not to abbreviate certain words like “you” to “u.”

Kaboompics / PEXELS

3. Every text is too formal

Older individuals might be more likely to use proper punctuation and capitalization in text messages, whereas younger generations often favor a more casual, abbreviated style.

If you’re still using an intro like “dear (name),” or “hello (name)” to introduce your text messages to people, just know it’s not necessary – the recipient is likely to have you in their contacts already, so they’re familiar with you!

Anna Shvets / PEXELS

4. Taking a long time to reply

Younger texters generally respond more quickly to messages (they’re always on that dang phone…), whereas older adults might take longer to reply. Though response time isn’t a huge factor in today’s ever-connected world, generally replying within the same day is a respectful move.

Vladislav Murashko / PEXELS

5. Not reacting to messages

The react feature has become super popular on messaging apps, allowing you to add a thumbs-up, heart, and much more to things other people send you. Younger texters tend to use the feature more, while older texters may forget it or not use it at all.

Kaboompics / PEXELS

6. Using ALL CAPS for emphasis

Though emphasizing your messages can be helpful, using all caps to do it is a subtle sign of your age. It can come across as anger, frustration, or shouting and add an unnecessary attitude to your texts! Younger people tend to use asterisks or lowercase for a more casual tone.

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One of the first (and most meaningful) decisions you'll make as a parent is selecting your little one's name. If you're drawn to rich cultural heritage, Italian baby names serve as stellar options that offer a blend of tradition, charm, and history.

So, whether you're of Italian descent or simply appreciate the beauty of the language, here are some Italian baby names that you can't go wrong with.

Scroll to see all the classic Italian baby names we can't get enough of in 2025!

1. Bianca

Yarenci Hdz

Bianca is a beautiful moniker for girls that means "white" or "pure." It's simple yet elegant, signifying innocence, freshness, and grace.

While it originated in Italy, this name has since become popular in numerous countries, including Brazil, Germany, and Romania. It also carries literary charm since it's linked to the character Bianca in Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew.

2. Carlo

Helena Lopes

With both Italian and German roots, Carlo is a distinguished name that actually means "free man." It has traveled across Europe due to its popularity, showing up everywhere, from the streets of Naples to the mountains of Bavaria.

It has a regal sound that carries a sense of freedom and strength. That's why Carlo is a great choice for parents seeking a name that embodies heritage and an adventurous spirit.

3. Isabella

Gustavo Fring

With roots in the Hebrew name Elisheva and the English variation Elizabeth, Isabella carries a sense of grace and reverence. It means "devoted to God" and has remained popular for centuries as a favorite among royals and celebrities.

Plus, its connection to the Italian word "bella" makes it an even more fitting and timeless pick for a beautiful little girl.

4. Alessio

Jonny Pinto

This strong yet graceful Italian name means "defender" and encourages little boys to stand up for what they believe in. As a shorter form of Alessandro, it also has a melodic flow and a distinct, stylish sound.

Alessio's Italian roots make it a wonderful option for those who want to honor their heritage with a classic name that stands the test of time.

5. Francesca

Catalina Carvajal Herrera

Francesca has both German and Italian roots. It's likely derived from the Old Germanic word "franko," which means "Frenchman," but it also connects to the Italian name Francis and translates to "free."

This gives Francesca a sense of independence and individuality, encouraging self-expression and freedom. Moreover, it's associated with St. Francis of Assisi and the Franciscans who embraced humility and love for all living things.

6. Lorenzo

Goda Morgan

With origins in Latin, Italian, and Spanish, this name means "from Laurentum" or "from the town of bay trees." Lorenzo has a connection to nature that's elegant and rich in historical significance.

As a variant of Laurence, it has been a beloved name in Southern Europe for centuries. Lorenzo's lasting appeal is partly thanks to its association with influential figures, such as Lorenzo de' Medici, the Florentine Renaissance prince, and the name's appearances in Shakespearean plays.

7. Luciana

Thomas Ronveaux

Luciana is a feminine name with Italian roots that means "light." It's derived from the Latin word "lux," which signifies brightness.

Naming your daughter Luciana is the perfect way to honor her as a shining presence in your life. This pick symbolizes warmth, joy, and hope while delivering a soft sound.

8. Matteo

Hanna Auramenka

Lastly, Matteo is a charming and masculine name with origins in both Italian and Hebrew, meaning "gift of God." As the Italian version of the classic Matthew, it carries a more romantic flair.

This name also has a lively, energetic vibe and offers the cute nickname option Teo. It's a timeless choice with meaningful symbolism that doesn't sacrifice modern style.

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While shopping at Costco can feel like a total treasure hunt, you might just be making some major shopping mistakes along the way that put your membership at risk. If you’re looking to keep your grocery budget in order and discover only the best that Costco has to offer, you’ll want to keep reading for the most common mistakes to avoid when shopping there.

Before you embark on your next trip, here are 7 mistakes you don’t want to make at Costco.


1. Going in without a plan

Costco is huge, so going in without a plan or a grocery list can turn overwhelming pretty quickly. If you’re not the type to get overwhelmed, then you probably get super excited about all Costco has to offer instead – and while it's so easy to go shopping-crazy and buy large quantities of items there, you should be strategic about what Costco items you’ll actually use, when you’ll use them, and more importantly, how to store them all when you get home!


2. Assuming all prices are good

This one is a big no-no, especially if you’re watching your budget. Just because something is at Costco doesn't always mean it's the best deal! Smaller quantities or sales at other major grocery stores can be cheaper per unit, so make sure to check the posted unit price at Costco to ensure you're getting the best value.

Engin Akyurt / PEXELS

3. Skipping the gas station

If you’re paying for a Costco membership, you don’t want to skip the gas pump! Costco’s gas prices are often significantly lower – so it’s worth filling up before (or after) each shopping trip. The same principle goes for more of Costco’s additional services like travel discounts, optical care, hearing aids, and the auto shop.


4. Avoiding free samples

Sorry, but you’re simply crazy if you don’t indulge in free samples! Costco;’s free sample booths can be a great way to try new products before fully committing to bulk purchases. Plus, they can be a nice power-up during your shopping trip!


5. Shopping in peak hours

If you also despise people-y grocery shopping trips, you’re going to want to avoid visiting Costco during peak hours. Costco can get extremely crowded, especially on weekends and weekday evenings. If you can pull it off, shop during off-peak hours (early mornings on weekdays) to avoid long lines and congested aisles.


6. Forgetting bags or storage bins

Longtime Costco members may already know this, but if you’re new to the Costco life, it’s important to remember that Costco doesn’t provide traditional shopping bags. It’s a good idea to bring your own reusable bags or have storage bins (like boxes) prepped and ready in your car for easy loading and unloading. Oftentimes, though, Costco will supply the boxes from emptied products.


7. Skipping the food court

The Costco food court offers some of the cheapest and most filling meals around. We could eat there every day of the week, TBH. When you take the $1.50 hot dogs and $3.99 chicken bakes into consideration, that’s pretty good. Don’t miss out!

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Nothing screams springquite like pastel hues, but right now, butter yellow is hot. This season’s crop of dresses is definitely embracing the shade in the best way possible! From breezy sundresses to flirty slips, these butter yellow beauties are simply perfect for donning spring’s “it” color. If you're looking to refresh your wardrobe with a color that feels effortlessly chic, these 12 picks are a must-see!

Scroll on for our 12 favorite stylish butter yellow dresses you can shop now!


J.Crew Cotton Poplin Zip-Up Shirtdress

This shirtdress has the perfect laid-back vibe for your spring weekend 'fits, though it's still polished enough that you could turn it more formal with heels and a sophisticated jewelry stack.


Wild Fable Drop Waist Mini Sundress

This Target dress has our full attention! The drop waist is undeniably flattering on all body types, plus the butter yellow shade is right on point. All for $30?! We're here for it.

Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie & Fitch Premium Linen Drop-Waist Belted Maxi Dress

This strapless maxi is ideal for this year's Easter plans, as a wedding guest dress, or as a getup for a garden party! The attached belt pulls the look together perfectly.

Urban Outfitters

Amy Lynn Puffball Midi Dress

Along with butter yellow being a huge trend in today's fashion, bubble hems are equally as cool. Combine the two with this adorable tie-strap dress that supplies a super femme feel.


Petal & Pup Aliyah Cotton Eyelet Maxi Dress

The breezy cotton material this dress is made of makes it so comfy to wear all day long. What's more is it boasts an adorable eyelet pattern for added spring flair! The square neckline is also extremely flattering and will draw all eyes toward you.

Banana Republic

Banana Republic Knit Midi Dress

Inspired by ballet fashion, this "subtly stretchy" midi dress pulls you together without being overly restrictive. The sheer skirt is luckily lined with a mini-length slip that ensures coverage as you move!


Anthropologie The Tilda Slip Dress

For a fuss-free slip dress, this silky pick from Anthro is the way to go. It's super sleek and chic, so you can dress it up or down with ease. From comfy sneakers to elevated heels, you'll be lookin' oh-so fab!

Free People

Free-est Taking Sides Maxi

The tiered design on this maxi moment is downright whimsical. We'd wear it to a springtime picnic or happy hour to feel like instant royalty! Plus, it's made of cotton, so you won't have to worry about losing that easy, breezy fit you love.

Urban Outfitters

AFRM Vienna Asymmetric Ruffle Maxi Dress

Hello, ruffles! This butter yellow dress is practically covered in 'em, perfect for formal occasions and dinner dates.


Wild Fable Flutter Short Sleeve Maxi A-Line Dress

How dreamy! This maxi that's fitted with flutter sleeves has such a playful and femme effect, which is heightened by the cutie bows atop the shoulders. This pick is another excellent choice for an Easter dress, but it's easily timeless enough to don all spring and summer long!


WAYF Cara Floral Cap Sleeve Linen Blend Midi Dress

If solids aren't quite your style, this midi is covered in floral motifs to help you embrace the blooms of spring even further. The lace linings around the hem and neckline are irresistibly cute, too!

Free People

Free-est Onda Drop-Waist Long-Sleeve Mini

The combo of the drop waist and three-quarter-length sleeves on this marvelous mini dress lend it such a romantic feel, which is ideal for date nights and cocktails with the gals. We'd let the squared neckline shine by wearing this with our hair up and some kitten heels for added cuteness!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Festival fashion has always been about making a statement, but some trends are best left in the past. Remember the good old days of flower crowns and dip-dyed denim? We hate to break it to you, but certain Coachella staples are starting to feel more costume-y than a cool-girl outfit. If you want to keep your festival looks fresh as ever, it’s time to retire these “outdated” trends and make room for something new.

Scroll on to discover 7 Coachella and festival trends that were once everything to the fashion community, but have since fallen out of style.

1. Studded Denim Shorts


One Of A Kind High Waisted Studded Shorts

Studded denim shorts were everywhere in the early 2010s, thanks to festival fashion legends like Kylie Jenner and Vanessa Hudgens. They were truly so edgy, but the excessive embellishments have since fallen out of style.


Levi's Baggy Dad Jorts

If you want to go the denim route for a festival ‘fit, you’re better off rocking high-waisted designs or baggy jorts for a more current feel.

Urban Outfitters

Silence + Noise Mona Studded Shoulder Bag

To channel the good old days of festival fashion, you could totally bulk up your Coachella ‘fits with cute studded accessories like hats or purses!

2. Combat Boots


Amazon Essentials Lace-Up Combat Boots

Combat boots – you know the ones! They were once the go-to footwear for grungy festival looks, but along with not being super practical for all-day wear, they just add an unnecessarily bulky vibe.


Tecovas The Beth Boots

Instead, cowgirl boots are the “it” shoe to wear to festivals like Coachella. They’re way more comfortable and go with everything from denim shorts to flowy mini dresses!

3. Fringe Tank Tops


Fringe Beaded Tie Dye Top

Remember when everyone and their mothers were chopping up their tank tops with fringe hems? We definitely participated in this festival-inspired trend, even tying little plastic beads onto the strands. Oh, take us back!

Urban Outfitters

Urban Outfitters Zolli Embroidered Open-Back Fringe Halter Top

Fringe tank tops were most certainly a symbol of the boho aesthetic that was so big in the 2010s, but they’ve now been eclipsed by sleeker styles.

Free People

We The Free Fringe Out Vegan Suede Jacket

If you still want to embrace the Coachella nostalgia at your next festival, try out a fringy poncho or jacket or a purse for something a little more low-key.

4. Flower Crowns


Sun Flower Headband

Nothing screams ‘early Coachella’ more than flower crowns, but this trend came and went so quick. Flower crowns became so overused that they became cliché – LOL.

Free People

Free People So Silk Bandana

Luckily, you can still achieve the carefree vibe without having to put one on! Opt for chicer hair accessories like hair clips, bandanas, or bows. Plus, braided hairstyles can totally replace the need for anything excessive.

5. Gladiator Sandals


Vintage Foundry Pruitt Sandals

Oh gosh, we totally regret that these were even a fashion trend. Gladiator sandals – especially the knee-high, lace-up versions – were huge at one point, but they’ve since lost their appeal due to their impracticality. Not only are they hard to walk in, they take literal years to put on and take off, and can cause weird tan lines if you’re standing out in the sun for a festival.


Teva Flatform Mevia Sandals

These days, chunky platform sandals or cowboy boots are more the norm when it comes to festival fashion.

6. Crochet Dresses


ASOS Monki Crochet Knitted Mini Dress

While crochet absolutely still has a place in festival fashion, the fully-crocheted maxi and mini dresses that were once all the rage now feel a wee bit overdone – and too closely tied to the ever-popular boho aesthetic of the past decade.

Urban Outfitters

Motel Fulvia Ruffle Trim Slip Mini Dress

Instead, rock some sheer mesh dresses, flowy slip dresses, or lace-trimmed pieces that offer a more modern take on lightweight festival dressing.

7. Tie-Dye Everything

Los Angeles Apparel

Los Angeles Apparel Tie Dye Baby Rib Halter Top

Tie-dye was another huge festival trend. From shirts to shorts, everything was seemingly covered in the pattern around the 2010s. The visually heavy prints now feel pretty costume-like, compared to today’s more-refined festival fashion. Earthy tones and minimalist patterns feel more appropriate for today’s trends.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.