Infographic: How to Turn Your Workspace into a Yoga Studio

If you work a desk job, you’ve probably read as many articles as we have about how bad sitting can be for your health. But have no fear, because with the invention of standing desks, bouncy exercise balls and offices that encourage exercise breaks, things aren’t nearly as bad as they could be. Still, if you aren’t fortunate enough to have one of these health breaks in your work place, there are ways you can stay fit despite sitting all day. This handy infographic from Officevibe has 17 desk stretches that will help you get zen during your 9 to 5.

Besides going for walks around (and out of!) the office and drinking lots of water, you should take one stretch break every hour. And don’t worry if you’re not sure how to move your muscles. This handy guide has everything you need to get started.

From the “Elbow Pump” and the “Knee-Jerk” to “I’m a Little Tea Cup,” these simple stretches help you get the blood flowing to important spots throughout your body, like your heart, lungs and core.

Of course, stretches aren’t a substitute for exercise, but they’re still an improvement over sitting still all day. Print out the handy infographic and put it at your desk for a constant reminder of how to work out the kinks in your neck, shoulders and back while you’re clocked in.

Then make sure to tell us in the comments how they help you out!

Making your space feel like you is an essential part to your daily routine, whether that's at home or in your office. The places where you spend most of your day can have a huge impact on your everyday mood and life, even if you work in a cubicle. I'm a huge advocate for decorating any space, so I thought I'd share some of my favorite decor ideas from Amazon to help inject a little sunshine and personality into your everyday work life. Whether you work in an office, a tiny corner cubicle, or at home (like me), I've got just the items for you!


Seenlast Lamp + Candle Warmer

I was gifted a lamp/candle warmer last year, and have been pleasantly surprised by how much I use it, and how much it transforms your space. It does a good job and making your desk feel that much more cozy, and at home. This essential will help make you feel at home even miles away at work.


Auelife Fall Candle Set

A fall candle needs to be lit at all times for me to have complete zen. If a fall-scented candle is lit, I can truly get through any day no matter how stressful. This one is a 4 pack, so you can enjoy all the fun scents while they also act as a cute, decor piece!


XXXFLOWER Plant Terrarium

Having real plants in your office can be a great step towards making your office feel more like home — or even cozying up your WFH setup — and have a more grounding energy. This may seem silly, but whenever I have plants or flowers around me, it just makes me feel more centered and at peace. So, I would highly recommend this cute terrarium as a decor piece on your desk to help you center yourself throughout the day!


MDOZQ Memo Board for Notes

One thing I always keep nearby when I'm working? A memo board of some kind to display notes from my husband, loved ones, or friends. This is another great way to have peaceful reminders if you ever get stressed during an intense work day!


Gannyfer Small Desk Organizer

A desk organizer does a great hob at categorizing some of your daily-use items while making them look more presentable at the same time. This one is one of my faves with home you can style it with all your most prized possessions. Add in your favorite books, knick knacks, and pictures for injecting some personality into your space!


AZLTC Book Vase

This vase is so practical and so adorable! Like I mentioned before, having real flowers or plants are a huge energy shift in your space, and this vase is insanely cute! I love how it livens up your space, while looking chic doing it! Grab this essential on Amazon for only $7... I repeat: $7! Such a steal.


Kootop Wireless Keyboard

Is anyone else on ASMR keyboard Tiktok?! Or is that just me... Because these click clack keyboards are actually my most recent obsession. I feel like they just help to make typing away at your computer seem fun. Plus, it looks oh-so-cute! This one's going home with me!


Jetec Photo Display

As you can tell from my note display tendencies, I'm a severely sentimental person, so I not only have notes of my loved ones, but also photos! In every office, cubicle, or desk I've ever had, there's always been a photo display of polaroids for those that I like to remind myself of on a daily basis! Another simple edition that will make all the difference to your space. Plus, it fills a lot of space and can make your office seem more full.


SKYDUE 360 Degree Rotating Desk Organizer

This desk has so many pros to it:

  • It is a great organizer to divide up pens, markers, and anything you need.
  • It rotates for easy access.
  • It looks super cute on your desk.
  • AND it's under $10.
What more could you want?!


Lamicall Green Phone Stand

If you're someone like me, and needs to have your phone on standby for any various reasons like making calls, answers emails, or simply watching clips for work, then this phone stand is a life saver! It can charge your phone, all while sitting up right for easy viewing access. I like to have this by my computer whenever I'm working!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Ready to ditch the overwhelm and step into your power? This week's tarot reading is packed with good vibes, from tapping into your intuition to manifesting some serious abundance. Plus, we're talking self-worth, community connection, and remembering that you are the queen (or king!) of your own life. Let's dive into your weekly tarot reading and make some magic happen!

Scroll to see your weekly tarot reading for February 11!

Frances Naudé

Queen of Swords

This week's reading emphasizes intuitive action and prioritizing what truly matters. The Queen of Swords encourages us to lead from an intuitive space, especially amidst a potentially busy week. It's about identifying "glass balls" (high-priority items) versus "plastic balls" (less urgent tasks) and acting accordingly. Don't get distracted by the busyness, but rather make aligned decisions based on your highest self. This is a time for action, but not forced action. Start moving forward, even if it's just one step.

Frances Naudé

Four of Cups

The Four of Cups advises us to expand our perspective. While focusing is important, we shouldn't get so hyper-focused that we miss other opportunities or solutions. If things aren't flowing, take a step back and consider if there's a different approach. Are you pushing for something ego-driven, or is it truly aligned with your desires? This week calls for revisiting those manifestation questions: What do you want your life to look like, and how do you want it to feel? Remember, you are the leader of your own life, and you don't need to explain your choices to anyone.

Frances Naudé

Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles focuses on self-worth and community. It's a reminder that every role you play is valuable and important. Whether you're a parent, a worker, or anything in between, give yourself grace and appreciate your contributions. Avoid comparing yourself to others, as everyone's journey is unique. Also, nurture your connections with others this week. Reach out to friends, family, or your community for support and connection.

Frances Naudé

Queen of Pentacles

Finally, the Queen of Pentacles highlights abundance, particularly financial abundance. Believe that you are worthy of abundance, and practice mantras like "I am abundant" and "Abundance flows to me with effortless ease." If you've been having ideas, explore them further, as they may be the key to financial abundance. Ensure that your energy exchange matches your compensation. Be open to receiving abundance in all its forms, whether it's money, time, help, or energy. Where are you feeling lacking? Flip that on its head and focus on what you are ready to receive. This week is about believing in your ability to create and receive abundance. Finally, this week is a good time to soften where we can, leaning into nurturing ourselves and others, love, sensuality, joy, art and beauty.

Watch Your Entire Weekly Tarot Reading Here!

- YouTube

Come back next week for another reading!

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We've been known to geek out on how your MBTI personality type affects your dreams, stress levels, friendships, and love life. But it can also impact how you work in more ways than one. Knowing your type can help you learn more about yourself and how you work best with others, and ultimately help you achieve your career or entrepreneurial goals. With the help of the career coaching team at FlexJobs, we're exploring how your MBTI results can help you design a better and more productive office space no matter if you're remote, hybrid, or in full-time office mode. Get ready to change the way you work for the better.

ISTJ ("The Logistician")

Jessica Arends

Orderly and dutiful, ISTJs thrive in a traditional workspace and do best when they progress slowly up the ladder, achieving their goals in good time and measure. These dedicated thinkers bring a certain harmony to their workplaces, since their chief goal is to create a smooth, stable operation.

For ISTJs, a highly structured office is best. They thrive when there's a place for everything, and the furniture is sturdy and reliable. However, these slow-and-steady workers may benefit from unexpected details, so don't be afraid to wear that kooky sweater or take on a project you're not so sure about.

INFJ ("The Advocate")


INFJs are a unique blend of emotion and concrete action. As seekers of harmony and justice, INFJs likely have many fans around the office (meaning tons of visitors who may not be welcome when you need to recharge).

Give yourself the ability to shut the world out by installing a cubicle privacy door in your space, setting your remote communication tools off, or by asking team members to schedule meetings ahead of time. When you set up your workspace, feel free to scrap the traditional desk/chair/filing cabinet arrangement for something that better suits your unique preferences. Don't worry — with your intuition and innate sense of balance, you're bound to find the right setup!

INTJ ("The Mastermind")

Collov Home Design

You could just as easily nickname this type the "bookworm," since INTJs have an ingrained thirst for knowledge and highly cerebral pursuits. If you fall into this personality type, you'd do well to curate a library of professional reading that tickles your intellectual curiosity. Keep these books in your office where you can access them in one of your many retreats from the rest of the team.

In terms of decor, opt for flexible furniture, such as a convertible standing desk that will suit your need for freedom in your workspace. Choose colors that are soothing, with geometric patterns that work with your highly strategic mindset. And make sure that everything stays orderly — there's nothing an INTJ hates more than a chaotic desk!

ISFJ ("The Nurturer")

Collov Home Design

ISFJs are natural helpers, but they have a tendency to underestimate their own contribution to office culture. Therefore, they might benefit from displaying evidence of their achievements on their office walls — perhaps hanging an award or the race bib from a completed marathon.

Take time selecting your furniture when you set up your workspace, since you tend to perform best when everything feels welcoming and nothing is overlooked. And remember to book some time for learning when you start a new project. Nurturers like to approach new tasks with a hands-on attitude, so you'll need some room in your schedule to really dig into the details.

ISTP ("The Virtuoso")

Annie Spratt

Decorating for you means finding the perfect balance between order and quirkiness. With your out-of-the-box approach to life, you thrive in spaces that both allow you to express your unique blend of boldness and freedom and provide an enclosed retreat for private tinkering. Look for unusual, stimulating colors, like peaches and mint greens, but keep the furniture sleek with a slim profile that doesn't intrude on your thinking. And make sure to add some tactile desk toys — it will give you something to fiddle with while you wait for the perfect solution to drop out of the sky!

ISFP ("The Artist")

Ella Jardim

If you're an ISFP and you're reading this, you've probably already put a lot of thought into your office's setup. As sensual, visual people, ISFPs thrive on aesthetics — but that can also make them a little overly sensitive to what's going on around them. ISFPs should therefore strive to separate themselves from busy atmospheres, choosing instead spots near a window, where they can be drawn in by the natural ambience.

No windows in your office? Choose some soothing furniture, like a desk in blonde wood, and top it with plants or a small tranquil waterfall. Anything beautiful and peaceful is your milieu.

INFP (A.K.A. the "Idealist")

Lucija Ros

Dreamy and emotive, INFPs seek harmony and fairness in the workplace. This type needs a soothing, calming space to retreat, where they can recharge and reflect on their next move. If you can, choose an office space that's set away from the hustle and bustle of the main room. INFPs may have trouble becoming inspired by traditional office decor with its focus on function. Instead, you should try to integrate your personal passions into your office, choosing pieces that are fair trade, for instance, or that weave in natural elements.

INTP (A.K.A. the "Architect")

Kinga Cichewicz

INTPs adore playing with ideas and exploring — no wonder some of the world's renowned scientists fall into this personality type. These are the folks who are so creative and logical they can come up with the theory of relativity (Einstein is one of their more celebrated members), but will often abandon their coffee mid-sip in the throes of a new theory. A well-ordered space, with highly efficient shelving and organization systems, will suit this type well. But make sure to include a miscellaneous file — and a nook for doing more unordered thinking — for when the creative bug sets in.

ESTP (A.K.A. the "Entrepreneur")

Andrea Davis

ESTPs are having quite a moment these days. These rule-breakers love to think outside the box and are the kind you'd see chatting about "disruption" and "failing forward." Therefore, they need an energetic workspace that captures the boldness and risk-taking that inspires them.

Charged colors, like electric blue or bright orange, with unexpected accents — a curved desk, for instance, or an unusual piece of artwork — will keep this type running on all four cylinders. Just don't go for anything too fussy. With your preference for rapid change, you'll likely be reorganizing often.

ESFP (A.K.A. the "Performer")


Expressive and vocal about your opinions, you probably take no issue redecorating your office as you see fit. But as a caring, compassionate person, you love to reach out to friends around your workplace too, so don't be afraid to ask them for their advice! Seriousness is for the other personality types to worry about, so go ahead, grab that fabulous bulletin board and that dramatic desk chair. Just make sure you don't get too caught up in decorating—after all, you still have actual work to do!

ENFP (A.K.A. the "Campaigner")

Kris Gerhard

Blessed with natural charisma and an energetic spark, ENFPs are passionate about their ideas and bring the fun at the office happy hour. In their workspaces, they need decor that will refill their nearly never-ending cup of joy. But they could probably also do with some simplifying as well, since these types hate routine tasks and view organization as a form of drudgery. Keep your filing system as simple as possible to avoid the blahs and allow you to focus on what you care about: new ideas.

ENTP (A.K.A. the "Visionary")

Slava Keyzman

As "big picture" thinkers, ENTPs tend to overlook the finer details, such as organization. For these idea-oriented types, challenges are motivating, so if you can view the cleaning as a problem that needs to be solved, you'll likely have much better results. Use unconventional solutions — an unusual, eye-catching shelf, or a standing desk with rolling walls — or just give yourself the freedom to work in a new coffee shop or restaurant, if that's an option. Just keep it flexible, and remember: everything is reversible!

ESTJ (A.K.A. the "Executive")

James McDonald

As you might guess by their moniker, ESTJs thrive on order and tend to follow the rules. They're also hard-working and moral, so they don't like to be weighed down by trivial details. Therefore, if you fall into this category, you'll do best with clean, unfettered decor that doesn't really push the envelope.

Think "oval office" and get inspired by the mixture of traditional luxury and executive prowess. And make sure to add an extra seat for visitors. With your reputation for leadership and community organization, you're sure to have more than a few office drop-ins!

ESFJ (A.K.A. the "Caregiver")

Dawid Liberadzki

You know that one chatty coworker who's always game for a quick conversation? If you're an ESFJ, it's probably you! You love working with people and view meetings as more than just work — they're a chance to entertain, too.

Give yourself enough room to invite people in when the mood strikes, while still maintaining the order and organization in your space. Go for practical, utilitarian pieces, like a rolling white board, that can help you lead a group meeting and keep your thoughts together.

ENFJ (A.K.A. the "Giver")

Nirzar Pangarkar

Generous and collaborative, an ENFJ is the very definition of a "people person." Therefore, they prefer spaces that are hospitable, inviting, and comfortable, and thrive in spaces that are energetic and novel (think "startup with bean bag chairs and wall murals.").

Choose pieces that are punchy and will start a conversation, but still maintain a sense of order in your space. Whatever you do, make sure there's plenty of room for collaboration. In fact, you may even want to share your office, if that's a possibility. ENFJs are one of those rare types who actually enjoy open plan offices, since they allow them to easily do their work in teams. If you work from home, try out coworking spaces and coffee shops.

ENTJ (A.K.A. the "Commander")

Gabriel Beaudry

You like to brag that you've never been bested by a car salesman, and that's because you enjoy the challenge of negotiating. With your commanding presence and dominating personality, you need decor that's just as domineering — and maybe even just the slightest bit intimidating. Pick out the biggest desk you can get and a plush leather chair to capture that ambience of control.

But don't forget to allow your sensitive side out once and awhile, too. A few gentle touches, like a photo of your dog displayed on one of your shelves, will go a long way to humanize you to your fellow teammates.

Know your Myers-Briggs personality type? Share your workspace with us @BritandCo!

This post has been updated.

Lead image viaKarolina Grabowska/Pexels

The countdown to Easter has (somehow) already begun, and aside from cute pastel-colored outfits, lavish Easter dinners (or brunches!), and adorable bunny decorations, my personal favorite part about the holiday is indeed all the Easter candy.

Though grocery store aisles are currently packed with Valentine’s Day treats, it won’t be long before everyone’s gearing up for Easter. Since you obviously want to stuff your friend’s and family’sEaster baskets with the best candies around, we’ve got the scoop on when Easter candy will hit shelves this year!

When does Easter candy come out? Read on for the answer, plus some of my favorite sweets you need to try this year.

When does Easter candy come out?

Kaboompics / PEXELS

Good news for Easter candy fans: you can find a good selection on shelves right now. That’s right – popular Easter candy brands like Peeps and Cadbury notoriously release their seasonal goodies as early as January!

Things really ramp up after Valentine’s Day is all said and done, so you’ll start to see a wider selection post-February 14.

What are the most popular Easter candies?


Per a study conducted by DoorDash last year, the “most popular” Easter candies include Reese’s Eggs, Cadbury Creme Eggs, Starburst Jelly Beans, Hershey’s Kisses, Lindt Milk Chocolate Bunnies, and Peeps, among others.

Where can I buy Easter candy?

Polina Zimmerman / PEXELS

You can buy Easter candy at most big grocery stores like Target, Costco, Sam's Club, Walmart, and Kroger, plus drug stores like CVS and Walgreens. Trader Joe's and Dollar General also sell some yummy Easter treats every year!

What is the #1selling candy at Easter?


Per the same DoorDash study, Reese’s Eggs are the #1 selling candy at Easter – and I must agree! Aside from Cadbury Mini Eggs (the ones coated with a delicious candy shell) and Lindt bunnies (can you tell I'm a chocolate fiend?), Reese’s Eggs are my go-to Easter treat.

When does Easter candy go on sale?

Pavel Danilyuk / PEXELS

The day after Easter is typically when Easter candy goes on sale and you can buy it for a discounted price. This year, Easter falls on April 20, so you can expect Easter candy at your local grocery store to drop in price on April 21!

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Do you feel like you've mastered your Sunday to-do list and want to try your hand at living your best life, for real? Good because we're on the same page — and we've been thinking about what that looks like. Is it uninterrupted moments where you get to read historical fiction or swatch the best foundations for your complexion? What about the bliss you feel when munching on a tasty snack from Trader Joe's?

While it's easy to share our opinions, we thought it'd be more rewarding to give you science-backed tips for what'll make you feel satisfied each day. Ready for all the details?

Keep scrolling for all the ways you can become a more satisfied person everyday!

How many people are satisfied with life?

Kelly Mcglone

We have bleak news to share: only 44% of people in the U.S. are happy with their lives (via Gallup). That's less than half of the people we may pass during our Starbucks and T.J. Maxx runs! What gives? According to the same study, everything from economic statuses to religion seem to play a factor in daily satisfaction.

If you ask us, it doesn't take rocket science to know people who are able to afford their bills may not be as stressed as someone who has to choose between putting gas in their car or getting something to eat. Still, there have to be some easy ways to be satisfied in your day-to-day life, right?

Here are some simple tips you can try ASAP!

Scarlette Alexandra De Gregorio

1. Focus on reducing your stress

We often talk about the impact stress and burnout can have on us, but that doesn't mean everyone is taking steps to eliminate what causes them. Another Gallup study revealed 49% of people are experiencing raised cortisol levels which is much higher than it's been in prior years. You may be thinking that your job or relationship are the sources of your stress, but we'll never flat out tell you to give up on them.

Our suggestions are to:

  1. Take stock of how you feel about your job, relationship, finances, etc.,
  2. Ask yourself what you need to thrive in different areas of your life.
  3. See how you can create boundaries that lessen the chance you'll over-extend yourself in life.

Aditi Gorasia

2. Breakup with "doom scrolling"

We saw you try to skip over this section as soon as you saw "doom scrolling," but we need you to pay attention. It's not doing you any good and this is coming from people who are chronically online for a living. A Media Consumption Trend Report shows that the average person spends at least 6 hours everyday looking at "some type of media." The most popular platforms are Facebook and YouTube which doesn't surprise us!

Based on other findings in the study, there's a huge indicator that do this contributes to "poorer" mental health and you don't need that! We know you want to be as informed as possible, but don't let FOMO keep you chained to negative posts and articles all day.

Grace McCuistion

3. Look at the bright side of things

Does life feel bright right now? Probably not, but that doesn't mean you deserve to live in a cycle of stress, anxiety, and depression. We're not shy about our own mental health struggles, but we're also unafraid to talk about how adopting a gratitude practice helps us get through our days.

We're not saying this will magically eliminate bad moments, but it will ground you when you start asking yourself "what if" questions.

Cora Pursley

4. Understand you're not meant to be a one-person island

We think individualism is beautiful, but not at the expense of shutting everyone out because you think you can do everything by yourself. None of us are meant to be alone 24/7, but there's been a growing loneliness epidemic that's swept through the U.S.

In 2023, a study by U.S Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy pointed out that there was a 5 hour decrease in household family interactions along with spending less time with friends per month. It was also discovered that the less time we spend with others impacted our health worse than "smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day."

If you're thinking, "I just can't trust anyone," we want you to know we understand you've been hurt by people you were once vulnerable with. But, it's impossible to do everything in life by yourself even if you think you've been doing a great job so far. Not only does your health depend on opening your heart to others again, so does you overall satisfaction with life!

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