So if you didn’t know, rainbow grilled cheese is now a thing, and it will forever be a part of our lives. This recipe will take a little more time than a normal grilled cheese, but once you have your colored cheese sauce you can whip out endless ROYGBIV sandwiches for all of your BFFs in under three minutes. Biting into this rainbow goodness plays some mind tricks at first, but then you realize you’re at ease in a savory (unicorn) heaven :) Goodbye boring grilled cheese — we don’t need you anymore.
— 2 slices of bread
— 5 Tablespoons of butter
— 3 cups of milk
— 1 Tablespoon of salt
— 2 cups of Cheddar cheese
— 1 cup Monterey jack cheese
— 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
— 1/4 cup of flour
— food coloring
1. Mix butter, milk, cheese, flour and salt in a pot and let melt over medium heat. Stir constantly to avoid burning.
2. Pour melted cheese into four small containers and add in food coloring. Stir until combined.
3. Spoon colorful cheese onto buttered bread. Place second piece of bread on top and grill over medium heat.
4. Dive into that grilled cheese like the true unicorn that you are ;)
Melted cheese sauce is maybe one of the first things I learned how to cook. Weird? Probably! But it has never failed to disappoint me. I learned from the American Girl Mix-It-Up Cookbook ($19). (Which is now maybe an antique?) You can’t go wrong with this recipe — try different cheeses, but just make sure they are white.
Mix butter, milk, cheese, flour and salt in a pot. Melt the cheese over medium heat and keep stirring until it is velvety smooth. This is the step where you might need to add more milk or more flour to either thin or thicken the cheese sauce.
Separate the cheese into four smaller bowls and say goodbye to boring old white cheese. Add in a dot of food coloring and stir until combined.
Butter one side of your bread and then add dollops of colored cheese.
Place your second piece on top and let it sizzle on the stove until golden brown.
Cut into the grilled cheese and get ready to be amazed.
Goodbye normal grilled cheese, we will never eat you again. #sorrynotsorry
DIY Production and Styling: Kelly Bryden
Photography: Kurt Andre