Nowadays, it’s totally normal to incorporate green or eco-friendly products in almost all aspects of your daily life, from all natural beauty products to chemical-free household cleaners and everything in-between. Me? I’m a sucker for anything all-natural. But for me, one area that I’ve had trouble converting over to is deodorant. I’ve wanted to love natural deodorants but every time I tried one — and I’ve tried a few — I dropped it as quickly as I picked it up. The reason? It didn’t work. Before getting too far into this, I have to tell you natural deodorant DEFINITELY WORKS, but there’s a caveat: you have to go through a small period of detox first. Trust me: I did it.

This process ended up being longer and more intense than I imagined, and then it sort of turned into the attempt to find the best of the best. So I tried a series of brands in all different mediums over the last six months. My experience seemed crazy until I spoke to esthetician Andrea Lembkey, owner of Dermaplus Skin + Body, who was able to explain a lot of what I experienced in a way that made so much sense. She mentioned, “Just like with the skin on the face, when you transition to all natural products, there can sometimes be a ‘purging’ stage. This is a result of all the toxins and pent-up bacteria releasing out of the skin. So you may have an initial transitional phase, but like we tell our clients trying new skin care, push through those first two weeks, the results will be worth it!” I couldn’t agree more. Below, I’m outlining the natural deodorants I tried below, including all the pros, cons and — yep — smell factors. It’s about to get real.
My first go at this little experiment was a recommendation from a guy I met on an airplane (random, I know, but whatevs). I started with Lavanila The Healthy Deodorant ($14).
Pros: I LOVED the scent, and the texture was really nice. It went on easy and dried like a powder but didn’t stain my clothes.
Smell Factor: While the scent of this stick deodorant was lovely, my scent was not so lovely, if ya catch my drift — and if you were around me during this trial, you would have smelled it too!
Cons: It didn’t seem to work well. The ONLY thing that I can say in its defense is that it was the very first one I tried, so it could have been the whole “purge phase” that Andrea Lembkey mentioned. Had I thought about it I would have tried it again — I mean flight guy swore by it, after all!
Should You Try It?: Yes! I say give it a go, but don’t judge prematurely. Give yourself a good month or two.
The next product I used was a deodorant I hadn’t seen yet, Meow Meow Tweet Deodorant Cream Baking Soda Free, Grapefruit ($14). It’s a cream you apply with your finger. So. Weird.
doTerra Natural Deodorant Stick
Pros: The tea tree scent is so yummy! Also, the tea tree essential oil helps soothe your skin, which helped with razor burn.
Smell Factor: Let’s be real, this did not work. I smelled like I just ran a marathon wearing Old Spice. Dang it, I SO wanted to love this deodorant, because I literally love every other product I’ve ever used by them.
Cons: Aside from it not working for me, it was really sticky — the whole day.
Should You Try It?: Even though I didn’t love it, I have friends who love it. I’m the type to say don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.
I had to try the Honest Company Deodorant Lavender Vanilla ($9) because I used their diapers, dishwashing soap, baby soap, dryer sheets… and I love them all.
Captain Blankenship Lime + Vetiver Deodorant
Pros: It. Smelt. Divine. Period.
Smell Factor: This one worked alright. It wasn’t my favorite, but it definitely wasn’t my least favorite either.
Cons: I would have to say that there wasn’t anything that stood out necessarily as a con. It worked for the most part. At this point, I was a pro at the whole use your finger thing, and it didn’t phase me like the first run did.
Should You Try It?: Yes! Also, go get a facial from Sarah if you’re ever in SF! Yes, I just plugged a friend’s salon, but trust me — your skin will thank me if you go see her :) You’re welcome.
This Schmidt’s Ylang-Ylang + Calendula Deodorant ($9) was sent to us to try out here at B+C, and I have to say it was a nice surprise and good timing during my all-natural deodorant testing.
Pros: If you haven’t smelled ylang-ylang before, you’re missing out! This is an essential oil that’s meant to work with your natural pheromones to bring out a sensual scent. So deodorant that smells sexy = SUPER PRO!
Smell Factor: This one got me. It’s a toss up between this and Meow Meow Tweet Deodorant Cream Baking Soda Free, Grapefruit ($14) as to which actually worked the best! I smelled amazing!
Cons: Absolutely no cons!
Okay, okay — so, technically I’m cheating a little, because this is also the same brand as the last one, Schmidt’s Bergamot + Lime Deodorant ($9), but I had to try the stick version as well as the cream one.
Pros: I didn’t have to use my fingers — yeah!
Smell Factor: I smelled oddly good! The lime is a scent I didn’t expect to like, but it really worked. Also big bonus, the first natural deodorant stick that worked well out of the bunch.
Cons: None! In. LOVE.
Should You Try It?: Heck yes! I loved this one too!
A very special shout out to our beauty photographer Kurt Andre for being my smell tester throughout this process! That’s true friendship, ya’all!