There are beds that let you and your bunkmate customize the firmness on your respective sides and even pillows that will nudge your snoring sleeping beauty over to quiet their congested chorus. But what if you guys fall asleep in totally different ways? Maybe you like soft ocean sounds and maybe they like to drift off, counting sheep to loud rock music. There’s a solution and it’s not bunk beds (although we know of some cool ones) it’s Dreampad, a dreamy pillow that plays music only YOU can hear. Rock on! Without bugging your bed bud.
This pillow isn’t a big ol’ fluffy iPad, it actually doesn’t need headphones, just for you to snuggle down to Sleep Town with a music-playing device connected to it. We know you’re like, WHAT?! So let us explain…
Dreampad uses a special technology to send vibrations to the bony area around the middle and inner ear, which is a natural conductor like the rest of our bones. The area is also connected to the part of our nervous system that facilitates our relaxation response. Ahaaa! The technology was actually first developed to help children catch Zzz’s who have anxiety and difficulty falling asleep.
The sleeper is thin enough that you could use it more like a topper on your current pillow of choice or even cover it with a pillowcase. It’s made to work whether you sleep on your back, your side, your stomach, even on your hand, though we assume you can hear it best while you’re on your side. A good night’s rest courtesy of Dreampad rings in at $179 and comes with five music programs you can download like “Tranquil Landscapes” and “Seaside Strings” — but we won’t tell if the sweet sounds of Taylor Swift carry you into lala land. And your partner won’t know either.
Do you have trouble sleeping? Would Dreampad be the answer to your probs? Share below!