“Dynasty” Recap: Blake Mows Down [Spoiler] With His Car

Dynasty is walking an interesting line with Fallon Carrington (Elizabeth Gillies), who cycles between being the protagonist and antagonist of the show. It’s refreshing to see the bold daughter at the center of the action — if this reboot were on CBS, for instance, the hero would obviously be Grant Show’s patriarch Blake Carrington — but Dynasty also needs to be careful not to let Fallon slide into being a caricature.

On the latest episode, “Company Slut,” Fallon veers dangerously close to that cliff in her interactions with stepmom Cristal (Nathalie Kelley). It’s fun to watch Fallon try to thwart her stepmother (who isn’t evil at all, just a little milquetoast so far) at every turn, especially because she is rarely successful in sabotaging Cristal’s life.

But her snide comments are so over the top in their cruelty that it just makes Fallon come across as a horrible person, when really she’s a character we should all be celebrating. Gillies is doing her best with what she’s given, but I wish the writing were just a bit sharper for her.

Anyway, over the course of the two women facing off with eight other Atlanta businesswomen to land a prestigious Woman of the Year cover from a local magazine, Cristal starts rehabbing her image in the wake of the sex tape release. She desperately wants to win the Woman of the Year title to help her image, but that award actually goes to Fallon — because she extorts her way into it. So Cristal “celebrates” with her by spraying her with Champagne. And then when her father finds out it was Fallon who leaked the sex tape, he kicks her out. Hopefully, that won’t last long, because the Carringtons really should be under one roof for maximum drama.

Meanwhile, even though Cristal doesn’t win, the magazine award nomination is a good start for her. However, the real battle is at Carrington Atlantic, where everyone is looking at her sideways after the sex tape.

Interestingly, Cristal finds an unlikely ally in a woman named Kylie (Ellen Wroe), who is not afraid to tell Cristal what people think of her — namely, that Cristal slept her way to the top. Cristal is bound and determined to prove otherwise, so she promotes Kylie to her old position as head of PR. Cristal likes it that Kylie had the good graces to stab her in the front (though I would argue that Kylie didn’t actually stab her anywhere, she was just being honest), whereas Deirdre was the woman who smiled to her face and then stabbed her in the back to the boss.

Deirdre puts on the “concerned employee” face to tell Blake that one of their biggest clients doesn’t like Cristal’s promotion — they’re pretty conservative and the sex tape probably offended them. At first, he caves to the pressure of maintaining an image and asks Cristal to take a step back, but eventually, he realizes the best course of action for his life, both personal and eventually professional, is to stand by his woman and weather the storm together.

All these good deeds inspire Cristal to talk to Claudia (Brianna Brown) to try to apologize for her affair with Matthew (Nick Wechsler) and for lying about it after his death. Claudia is having none of it, however, which is perfectly within her right. As she says, it’s not on her to assuage Cristal’s guilt.

And then, just when you think it’s a fairly normal hour of primetime soap, Dynasty kicks things up a notch by having Claudia come at Cristal with a brick and Blake subsequently run Claudia down with his car. It actually looks like an accident on Blake’s part, though he certainly was driving fast for a residential neighborhood.

So is Claudia dead and Blake embroiled in another scandal? Or will there be some twist where Claudia is seriously injured and ends up convalescing at the Carrington mansion? That would be a lot of fun.

Oh, and Steven (James Mackay) has an old flame come into his life: Ted DiNard (Michael Patrick Lane), a former boyfriend who was a drug addict and left Steven when Blake gave him hundreds of thousands of dollars to go away quietly. Ted wants back in Steven’s life, even if it’s only as friends, but then he goes and sleeps with Sammy Jo (Rafael de la Fuente), and the look on Steven’s face couldn’t be any more shocked if Ted had smacked him.

Sammy Jo claims it’s because he wants Ted to hire him, but that’s not a great way to get a job, SJ. I smell serious BS. Sammy Jo’s entire purpose on the show is to sow enmity. There’s no way he did that without even considering what it would do to Steven.

Odds & Ends

  • We learned a little bit about Anders (Alan Dale). Apparently, he was a little pickpocket as a young man, and Blake’s father, Thomas Carrington, offered him a job when he tried to pick the millionaire’s pocket. He’s been working for the Carringtons ever since.
  • “I take it you and Steven are no longer having sex. Hit the seven-day itch, no doubt.” — Anders to Sammy Jo
  • Cristal: “I refuse to work with backstabbers like Deirdre. At least Kylie front-stabbed me.”
    Blake: “Is that even a thing? I don’t think that’s a thing.”
  • After being kicked out, Fallon tries to make amends with Michael (Robert Christopher Riley) over the whole “using him” thing. But Michael is having none of it. He’s sick of Fallon’s fake apologies and he knows she’s only there because she doesn’t have a place to sleep (which is kind of a ridiculous argument, because Fallon could go get the fanciest hotel suite in town). But his point still stands about her insincerity, so he gives her the heave-ho.

(Photos via The CW)

Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley) is back for another season of snooping and stalking in New York City, and thanks to the new You season 5 trailer, we know exactly when this new TV show is returning. In addition to showing us characters from the past like Guinevere Beck (Elizabeth Lail), Love Quinn (Victoria Pedretti), and Marienne Bellamy (Tati Gabrielle), Joe straight-up says goodbye to the one person who's always been there: you. Yep, Netflix went there.

“Every season they manage to find new space to make it interesting and relevant,” Penn Badgley told Tudum. “And this season, I think somehow coming back to where it started allowed for it to just become grounded in the way that it needs to also have this kind of spectacular finish.”

Here's the latest update on Penn Badgley's You season 5.

The You season 5 trailer teases the beginning of the end.

The official You season 5 trailer talks about a universal truth: the fact that love tests us. (Gosh, don't I know it.) And TBH, it kind of just reemphasizes that Joe is cuh-razy.

We also get a look at his new love interest Kate, and hear that this "is the last time" Joe's going to be tested. Run girl!!

"Hello, you. Do you remember me? Cause I remember you," Joe asks in the You season 5 teaser, over shots of New York City and Mooney's Books. "Here we are together again, back to where it began."

"A lot has happened these many years together," he continues. "Identities, cities, loves, complications." The trailer is a walk down memory lane for viewers and for Joe as he remembers Beck, Love, and Marienne — and locking them up. Plus some fights and escapes he made along the way.

"All that led me here to now, to where I as always meant to be," he says. "And the one constant, the one thing that has always been there for me, is you. You who have been there the whole time and will be there with me to the end. Goodbye, you."

Okay, this is totally giving me Black Mirror, metaverse vibes, especially since Joe's in his creepy underground bunker with all that blue lighting. I have chills down my spine just watching this!

Is season 5 of You coming out?

Yes, You season 5 is dropping on Netflix April 24, 2025.

We've been waiting for new episodes since season 4 premiered in 2023, but the writers and stars have been planning Joe's ending for much longer. "We have some ideas that we've been talking about pretty much from the beginning," Sera Gamble told EW when she was showrunner in 2023. "It's really the debate about what kind of justice would be fair and appropriate for a guy like Joe. And then do we believe that he would get that kind of punishment? My short answer is like, maybe not from the American system. But there might be other ways. So that's the stuff we're talking about."

But whatever these writers and directors have up their sleeves, Penn Badgley promises You season 5 will come to a "perfect" conclusion. “I would love for people to just be like, ‘Wow, it’s over and I feel good and I don’t want to watch it again,'" he told Harper's Bazaarin March of 2023. And honestly, a perfect ending is all TV fans can hope for these days, right?

Who's in the You season 5 cast?

The final season of You stars Penn Badgley, Madeline Brewer, Anna Camp, Charlotte Richie, and Griffin Matthews.

Are you excited for the final season of You? I cannot wait to see the way Penn Badgley and Netflix bring the show to a close. Follow us on Facebook for the latest You season 5 news — and updates on all your favorite TV shows!

This post has been updated.

Every Gilmore Girls rewatch gives us new details to love about Lorelai, Rory, and town of Stars Hollow: Lorelai's amazing sense of style, the cozy fall setting, and all the underrated characters we know like the back of our hands. But there are also plenty of moments in the series' 7-season run that fans don't like at all. Here are just a few.

Keep reading for the 10 worst moments in Gilmore Girls, from Rory's multiple affairs to Lorelai just up and ditching Max.

1. Rory sleeping with Dean while he was married to Lindsay.

Warner Bros. Television

The end of season 4 marks one of the first big plot points Gilmore Girls fans hate. Rory loses her virginity to Dean, who (for some reason) she calls "my Dean"...despite the fact he's married to Lindsay. It's a huge moral lapse and shows that Rory genuinely thinks she can always get her way.

2. Rory's affair with Logan in 'Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.'

Saeed Adyani/Netflix

You'd think Rory would learn her lesson after hooking up with Dean blew up in her face...but apparently not because in A Year in the Life, she's having an affair with an engaged Logan. Come ON y'all, what are you doing!?

3. Rory dropping out of Yale & stealing a yacht.

Warner Bros. Television

While we're on the topic of Logan and Rory, her impulsive decision to drop out of Yale and commit theft in season 5 (after Logan's dad tells Rory she doesn't have what it takes to be a good journalist) nearly derails her entire life.

4. Lorelai and Rory's rift.

Warner Bros. Television

There's really a butterfly effect in place here because after Lorelai learns Rory drops out of Yale, they have a huge falling out...and barely speak for months. The fact that the entire TV show hinges on Lor and Rory's relationship, and their love for each other, makes this one of the worst Gilmore Girls moments.

5. Literally anything to do with Lorelai and Christopher.

Warner Bros. Television

Christopher is the ultimate Gilmore Girls villain, and he proves over and over again that he won't be there for the Gilmore girls. And that's what makes Lorelai constantly returning to him — especially when someone as constant and caring as Luke is RIGHT THERE — so frustrating.

6. Rory being a horrible journalist.

Warner Bros. TV

Not having pitches prepared and falling asleep while listening to a source? You know what...maybe Mitchum was right and Rory really doesn't have what it takes to be a journalist.

7. Rory missing Lorelai's graduation.

Warner Bros. Television

After Lorelai sacrificed so much for Rory, GG fans agree that Rory choosing her mom's graduation day to visit Jess in New York (when she could have chosen any other day) is one of the worst Gilmore Girls moments. And not only did she miss the ceremony, she lost Lorelai's present too!

8. Jackson's vasectomy disaster.

Warner Bros. Television

When Melissa McCarthy got pregnant in real life, Amy Sherman-Palladino decided to write it into the show...and decided that Jackson would lie about getting a vasectomy and then get Sookie pregnant. Such a strange and icky plotline that viewers are not fans of.

9. Luke hiding April from Lorelai.

Suzanne Hanover/Netflix

Gilmore Girls lovers all agree that Luke is one of their favorite characters...and that the way he handles learning he has a daughter leaves something to be desired. Plus, Luke hiding April's existence from Lorelai? I understand where the Reddit user who considers the plot "unnecessary and lazy" is coming from.

10. Lorelai ditching Max ahead of their wedding.

Warner Bros. Television

Max was genuinely such a good guy (not to mention the fact he proposes to Lor with a thousand yellow daisies!!!), which makes the fact she randomly ghosts him ahead of their wedding so much worse.

11. Lane getting pregnant.

Saeed Adyani/Netflix

First off, let me say that of course there's nothing wrong with wanting to start a family. But GG fans have always felt frustrated by the fact all Lane wanted was to be drummer, then had to shelve those dreams for a bit when she learned she was expecting. Why couldn't she have her cake and eat it too?!

What's your pick for the worst Gilmore Girls moment? Let us know on Facebook!

Considering the popularity of Spencer and Alex's relationship in 1923, it might surprise you to know Julia Schlaepfer was nervous to bring the "special" story to life with actor Brandon Sklenar. "I was a little nervous because I was like, 'This is such a big universe and I want [fans] to love it as much as they love 1883 and Yellowstone,'" she tells Brit + Co exclusively.

Here's what Julia Schlaepfer had to say about Brandon Sklenar, Alex and Spencer, and Harrison Ford in Brit + Co's exclusive 1923 season 2 interview.

Julia Schlaepfer says filming '1923' with Brandon Sklenar felt like a "secret."

Emerson Miller/Paramount+

"Brandon [Sklenar] and I, when we were filming [season 1] in Africa, we would talk all the time about how it felt like we were making this really secret little indie movie together because we were so separate from the rest of the cast," she says. "Everything was so new to us, we were in Africa, and so it kind of felt like a secret. It felt like a very personal thing."

She didn't quite realize just how special 1923 was until she finally got to see the show's opener. "I'll never forget actually, [when] our producer Michael Friedman showed us the opening credits for the first time," Julia adds. "We were in Malta and we were doing the swimming sequence and he was like, 'I have to show this to you guys because I don't think you know how special it is.'"

"Our names pop up right after Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren and we all, like, cried together, and I think I was like, "Oh, this is so exciting and big,'" she continues. "It's been so special and I'm really glad that the fans like it."

But for the new episodes, Julia Schlaepfer and Brandon Sklenar "barely" saw each other.

Yep, after countless fan edits, I can confidently say fans love Alex and Spencer — but (to my utter heartbreak), Julia teases we'll see way less of her and Brandon onscreen together this time around after season 1 split up their characters in the finale.

"It was very separate," she says of filming the upcoming episodes. "I mean, we block shot as well, so we were all kind of coming in at different times to film, but no, we did not [see each other a lot...Season one we spent all our time together, this season we barely spent any time together. It was very much like, suddenly we were ripped apart. But that's what the characters are going through."

Now, this is a huge tease for what to expect from 1923 season 2 (and might even be a spoiler) because some fans' biggest question is: When are Alex and Spencer going to reunite?! Unfortunately, it looks like it'll take a bit before we see them together again.

Even though it was an "odd" and "isolating" thing, and a "totally opposite experience" from filming the first season, Julia says the split "works for the characters this season, you know. It was very helpful as an actor because that's what they're going through as well."

Fans can expect to see a whole new side to Alex in '1923' season 2.

Even though Alex is on her own, it was important to Julia that she still have that "sparkle" we all love. "It was about digging deep and finding a more scrappy side to her," she says. "It was tricky because I didn't want to lose Alex's sparkle, I didn't want to lose the vivacious, happy side of her, but she's going through something completely different. So bringing the core of who she is and what she stands for and how deeply she loves and how bravely she lives combined with, you know, the fear and the determination was, it was a really great challenge as an actor. But yeah, we see a lot more grit from her this season, I would say."

And not only does Julia love Alex's grit, but she's inspired by her ferocity.

"Since starting season one, I'm like, 'I have to live like that,'" she says. "She follows her happiness like so fiercely and I was like, 'Why aren't I doing that? What can I do to bring more joy to my life and to live as honestly as she lives?' I've learned a lot from her."

Read up on The 1923 Season 1 Ending, Deaths, & Betrayals, Explained before season 2 premieres! And check out our interview with actress Michelle Randolph, where she teases we'll finally "fill in some blanks" in the Dutton family tree!

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Spring is my favorite time of year not only for the warmer temperatures, but because it signals a much-needed change in my wardrobe. Where heavy coats and turtlenecks were once in rotation (or, let's be real, t-shirts and sweatpants), light layers and flowy dresses come out to play.

Even in light of this transitional time, I still find myself reaching for boots to pair with any and every outfit I put together! There's a perfect pair of spring boots for you, too, whether you like a Western-inspired look or a more practical walking boot.

Scroll on for the best of this season's spring boots to step out in utter style!


Dingo Harlee Moto Boots

An easy way to transition moto boots from winter to spring is to snag 'em in a lighter color, as opposed to an all-black pair. These mid-calf boots from Dingo have all the classic details (that go with every outfit!), from the hooped harness to the top buckle.


Frye Campus Boots

You can also never go wrong with this beloved boot from Frye. The light, banana-colored leather is quite literally the perfect hue for wearing with everything in your spring wardrobe!


Madewell The Darcy Ankle Boots

If taller spring boots don't speak to your style (or your comfort levels), ankle boots are the way to go! This sleek, pointed pair comes in a handful of colors – for spring, opt for lighter shades, but if you're shopping for an all-season boot, black will never fail.


SeaVees Bolinas Off Shore Boots

These 100% waterproof natural rubber boots will come in super handy on rainy spring days! They're extremely easy to put on (thanks to the pull tabs) and walk in since they're fashioned with a memory foam footbed.


Tecovas The Cassie Boots

Western wear is one of my personal favorite fashion trends, so I will always support cowgirl-esque boots like these for any season – but these could look so stunning with a swingy spring dress! The sheen of these leather cuties ultimately make them more fashion-forward than your typical Western boot, plus they're comfy enough to wear on a night out.


Dingo Anarchy Leather Booties

These adorable booties give the moto energy your spring 'fits are craving, all without the restriction of a traditional tall boot! While you could shop 'em in black, brown, or olive, this rustic red color might just be exactly what you need to infuse a bit of color into your spring looks.

Free People

Free People Hybrid Harness Boots

Okay, yes! These boots are downright dreamy. Not quite a full boot, they boast hints of clogs and loafers, too, offering a playful preppy look – just the energy we all need for the new season! I would style them with some socks, a mini skirt, and light sweater to step out on the town this spring.


Rothy's The Classic Boots

Rothy's boots are ideal for the commuter or just the comfy shoe-lover. Fashioned with a bespoke insole, they offer "unbelievable, cushion-like comfort" with every step. Plus, the material is made with a bit of stretch for added room. This leopard print pair would make the perfect statement shoe for springtime, though they also come in a few other solid colorways.

Urban Outfitters

Steve Madden Rocky Buckled Tall Boots

If your personal style leans more edgy, you're likely already in love with these buckled boots. Though they make a perfect match for baggy or cuffed jeans in the wintertime, you should totally show off the whole shoe for spring by wearing them with a mini skirt or dress!


Matisse Sienna Western Boots

These Western boots are everything! The floral stitching recalls spring in the most stylish way, plus, thanks to the solid black colorway, you'll be able to pair them seamlessly with the rest of your wardrobe.

Urban Outfitters

Hunter Micah Lug Sole Rain Boots

It can be a real challenge to balance style and practicality when ti comes to spring boots. Luckily, with these Hunter boots, you don't have to sacrifice either. The lug sole and waterproof outer can easily tackle rainy terrain while the cushioned footbed ensures comfort along the way.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Whether your passion is in fashion, music, home decor, or something entirely different, we all love sharing our unique POV on social and with friends. Now, with the new free Photoshop mobile app for iPhone (with Android on the way), editing photos, crafting mood and vision boards for a goal-setting 2025, or simply exploring your creative side with photography and design is so easy and so fun. You can literally use it anywhere!

Check out the new Photoshop mobile app editing and design features!

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