10 Embarrassing Questions You Don't Want To Ask Your Doctor, Answered

awkward health questions answered by a doctor

Do you still fold your panties and hide them under your clothes as soon as your doctor steps out of the exam room? If so, welcome to the embarrassed health club!

According to a survey by National Institutes of Health, 19 percent of women get embarrassed while at the doctor and 16 percent fear they're going to waste their doctors' time. My own embarrassment stems from uncomfortable sex ed classes and outdated beliefs about what "classy" ladies are supposed to talk about regarding their bodies.

Call me delusional, but I think it's time for us to start taking our health seriously by asking embarrassing questions that would make some of our grandmothers clutch their pearls. Some of my biggest health breakthroughs came from either asking things that made me blush or having my primary doctor ask if I'd been experiencing problems.

If you're still too shy, I'm standing on the front lines to ask Dr. Jennie Stanford, an Obesity Medicine Physician and medical contributor for Drugwatch,all of the embarrassing questions you've been wondering about.

My discharge has been thick and clumpy lately. What does that mean?


Contrary to what I learned when I was younger, discharge is actually normal and each vagina has its own natural smell. Still, not everyone knows what's considered normal and what indicates an issue. And, turns out, it's different for everyone.

Dr. Stanford says, "While they don’t always signal anything dangerous, changes in vaginal discharge could be your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. It’s worth considering the possible causes to rule out health conditions that may need to be addressed."

This isn't a reason to dislike your period, but she says your hormonal fluctuations could be why your discharge has changed. "Vaginal discharge can vary during different phases of the menstrual cycle," she says. "This is normal, as a result of hormonal changes and changes in the vagina, cervix, and uterus. You may notice a pattern of changes over time, so if there are deviations from what you consider normal, you may want to consult with a physician."

If you've ruled out your period, Dr. Stanford says that a change in your vaginal discharge could be related to intercourse. "Vaginal discharge may have a different appearance after intercourse, including amount, consistency, and possibly a small amount of spotting. This should clear over the next day or two," she says. But if you notice things seem persistent, it's time to reach out to your doctor!

Other things to make note of are the color, consistency, and odor of your vaginal discharge since vaginal and pelvic infections can affect them. "These can be bacterial, viral, or fungal causes. Specifically, a thicker, more clumpy-appearing discharge is most often associated with yeast vaginitis, or a vaginal yeast infection," says Dr. Stanford.

It's important to note that having a yeast, bacterial, or fungal infection doesn't mean you're not practicing healthy hygiene. She says, "This can be caused by taking antibiotics or other medications, eating certain foods, after oral sex, or as a result of using some personal care products. Be sure to mention this type of change in discharge to your physician, who can run the necessary tests and prescribe appropriate treatment."

Is it normal to have intense body odor after switching to a natural deodorant?

nam mau/Pexels

We've all heard that aluminum-free deodorant is the way to go, but there's one side effect that some people don't like: stinky armpits. And apparently, we can chalk it up to the lack of aluminum and other chemical ingredients that can mask underarm smells.

"Without the antibacterial agents in conventional deodorants, your skin microbiome will change [and] likely intensify," Dr. Stanford says. "This is one primary reason for increased odor, which may be intense."

You're likely not used to your au natural smell, which can be jarring, but it doesn't mean something's wrong with your body — unless the odor is intense for several weeks. In this case, Dr. Stanford recommends talking to your primary care physician or a dermatologist about other contributing factors.

Should I be douching to help clean my vagina?

Sora Shimazaki/Pexels

Sigh. Despite the fact so many of us relied on Summer's Eve growing up, Dr. Stanford says douching isn't generally recommended. "Vaginas have an optimal pH range, and they are designed to maintain that range in a method that has been described as a 'self-regulating' mechanism," she says. If you've heard your vagina knows how to take care of itself and scoffed, here's proof that it actually does.

"Generally, vaginal pH changes that are out of the normal range signal something going on," she continues. "Certain microbiota (bacteria, viruses, and fungi) make up the vaginal microbiome, which is part of a healthy vagina. Removing the microbiota that are designed to be there can allow more pathogenic (dangerous) organisms to take over."

Hearing it explained this way sets off alarms and bells in my head because it makes douching sound harmful. That's the thing though; it is. But, there is one thing you can do to help keep the area clean.

Dr. Stanford says, "As a general recommendation, rather than douching, shower and clean the vulva once daily with warm water and a non-irritating soap (or more often in certain conditions). Be sure to talk with your doctor about specific recommendations for you."

Is it normal to experience spotting after sex?

Miriam Alonso/Pexels

I thought it would be worthwhile to ask Dr. Stanford this question because I can only imagine how many other women experience this. She says, "It is common for women to spot (lightly bleed) after sexual intercourse. This can occur as a result of vaginal or cervical irritation, or even uterine cramping. In general, this is not problematic and should resolve within a couple of days at most."

I've found that when I do spot after sex, it's usually right before my period and it's usually gone after a couple of hours. I also don't notice an odor associated with it which is also a good sign.

"If it persists or if there are signs of other irritation or potential infection, see your doctor right away," insists Dr. Stanford.

Does the pull-out method really work?

Yan Krukau/Pexels

My sister's a Pharmacist and she says I'd be surprised to know how many people of all ages still rely on the pull-out method as a form of birth control. If you're a part of this crowd (either using it on its own or with other contraceptive), Dr. Stanford wants you to know a few things.

"The withdrawal method of PIV sexual intercourse is where the penis is withdrawn from the vagina prior to ejaculation," she says. "To discuss the effectiveness of contraceptive methods, it is helpful to consider the effectiveness with perfect use and the effectiveness with typical use, as they are often significantly different."

What does this mean? According to Dr. Stanford, it means you're going to have to commit to effectively utilizing this method during sex. "While perfectly using the withdrawal method can achieve success as high as about 95 percent (5 out of 100 cases resulting in pregnancy), the typical use success rate is more applicable at around 75 percent, and here is why.

It can be difficult to consistently withdraw prior to intercourse every time, and many people expel pre-ejaculate (ejaculate fluid released prior to orgasm). Because pre-ejaculate contains sperm, it can lead to pregnancy," she explains.

In other words, she recommends that you use a backup form of contraception because it's not always easy to...hit the mark every time.

I've been having sharp stomach pains, but my cycle went off last week. Is this normal?

Sora Shimazaki/Pexels

Stomach cramps can confuse anyone who's trying to get out of the land of period cramps. I've been there before and can usually pinpoint what's going on, but that's not always the case for others.

Dr. Stanford says, "Abdominal pain can result from a variety of causes, from gastrointestinal to pelvic/genitourinary to other causes in between. With menstrual cycle-related pain specifically, cramping is most common around menses, but it can also occur in other phases of the cycle, such as ovulation."

I've personally never experienced ovulation cramps and the one time I thought I was, turns out I was already pregnant. It was something that led me to reach out to my doctor and it was a good thing I did. Dr. Stanford recommends you reach out to your doctor if you notice sharp abdominal pain outside your period.

I'm breaking out in hives after shaving my legs. What's happening?

cottonbro studio/Pexels

Sometimes shaving is accompanied by cuts, bruises, and itchiness. If you find yourself dealing with the latter issue, it can be downright annoying.

"Dermatitis (or skin irritation) is common, and there are a variety of different types of dermatitis caused by a variety of conditions. Contact (or irritant) dermatitis results from something than comes into contact with the skin that causes irritation. Shaving can be a common cause," says Dr. Stanford.

While there's nothing wrong with shaving, she says it can also cause razor burn or irritation to hair follicles. "Hives are more often associated with an allergic reaction, which could be in response to other ingredients added around razors. Or, it could be a bigger issue, not directly related to shaving. Anytime there are concerns of hives, you should seek medical evaluation right away," she warns.

My anus has been itching really bad lately. What could be going on?

Alex Green/Pexels

It's embarrassing to talk about our bathroom habits, but that's one way to also see what's going on with our health. Dr. Stanford says the following reasons could explain why your anus is itching:

  • Under-cleaning, leaving residual stool or sweat
  • Over-cleaning, causing dryness and irritation
  • Poor diet, leading to irritation of substances in the stool
  • Allergic irritation to toilet paper, soaps, or other personal care products
  • A tear in the anal sphincter, called an anal fissure
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Inflammatory bowel disease, like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
  • Various types of infections (bacterial, fungal, worms)

"If anal itching persists, see your doctor to investigate possible causes," she implores.

No matter what I do, it seems like I always have bad breath. Should I switch toothpastes?

Cedric Fauntleroy/Pexels

This is another embarrassing question that you may not want to ask, but it's necessary to get to the root of what could be causing bad breath. "Halitosis (bad breath) can have a number of causes," says Dr. Stanford.

Some of the reasons are:

  • Poor oral hygiene (not brushing or flossing regularly)
  • Periodontal disease (gum disease)
  • Oral thrush
  • Dental caries
  • Ill-fitting dental appliances
  • Tonsil stones (tonsiliths)
  • Dry mouth (insufficient saliva)
  • Medications
  • Dietary components, like garlic, onion, other spices, coffee, alcohol, and others
  • Tobacco use
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Upper and lower respiratory infections

How often should I be urinating daily?

The Lazy Artist Gallery/Pexels

This is one of those things that's not really black and white. Dr. Stanford says, "This is a complex question with no one correct answer. Frequency of urination varies depending upon age, sex, activity level, other health conditions, current medications, hydration status, and other factors. Be sure to consult with a trusted healthcare professional to review factors specific to you."

Looking for more health tips? Learn how to balance hormones with our helpful guide!

Header image via MART PRODUCTION/Pexels

Whether you deal with acute or chronic inflammation, treating your body with some extra TLC via what you consume can really help soothe (and decrease) your symptoms. In addition to an anti-inflammatory diet, the unsung hero of fighting inflammation is tea! Teas are often packed with ingredients that tackle signs of inflammation. Keep reading to discover the best varieties for your needs.

What is inflammation?

Polina Tankilevitch / PEXELS

“At its simplest, inflammation is a protective response by the body. When the immune system detects an invader or an injury, the immune system, various blood proteins, and the cardiovascular system react to eliminate the problem,” says Stephanie Dunne, MS, RDN, IFNCP at Nutrition Q.E.D. “In other words, inflammation is a response to something harmful or damaged in the body.”

Symptomatically, inflammation can show up in numerous ways, including fever, sore throat, bruising and swelling, fatigue, mood swings, body aches, headaches, skin disorders, decreased thyroid function, and irregular bowel movements, to name a few.

What causes inflammation?

Kampus Production / PEXELS

There are two types of inflammation: acute and chronic. According to Dunne, acute inflammation is most commonly caused by an “invader or injury.” Acute inflammation sets in quicker than chronic inflammation, often presenting within minutes or hours. Causes of acute inflammation can include physical injury, infections, and hypersensitivities like allergic reactions.

“Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is much harder to identify and resolve,” says Dunne. “Chronic inflammation sets in slowly, sometimes taking months or years to take hold, and the signs are more subtle, less specific, and systemic.”

Causes of chronic inflammation include prolonged exposure to toxins, persistent infections, smoking, heavy alcohol use, over-exercising, chronic use of certain medications, and consuming foods that damage the digestive tract.

The lasting effects of chronic inflammation are much more severe than that of acute inflammation, too. Many conditions like Alzheimer's Disease, ADHD, autoimmune disease, diabetes, and depression have been linked in part to chronic inflammation.

How can I treat inflammation?

Julia Sakelli / PEXELS

According to Varsha Khatri, RDN at Prowise Healthcare, modifying your plans for your diet, exercise, rest, and stress management can help decrease chronic inflammation. Dietary changes are a great place to start.

“The introduction of foods containing anti-inflammatory nutrients and the exclusion of pro-inflammatory foods, for instance, processed sugar and trans fats, is essential,” she says.

In addition to anti-inflammatory foods, drinking teas for inflammation is an easy way to keep you feeling your best in the day-to-day. Below, find the best teas our experts recommend for fighting inflammation!


Rishi Tea Turmeric Ginger Herbal Tea

Dunne recommends this turmeric and ginger tea because both turmeric and ginger contain strong anti-inflammatory properties. Combining them can pack a powerful punch, and this ready-to-go combo makes reaping the benefits of both ingredients super easy.


Traditional Medicinals Organic Stress Ease Immune Tea with Adaptogens

Dunne also likes this tea because it contains herbs and spices that support the adrenal glands and the immune system. Supporting both systems is necessary if you're looking to reduce inflammation.


Stash Spice Dragon Red Chai Herbal Tea

Cinnamon, ginger, and clove are all considered anti-inflammatory, and this herbal tea includes them all. If you enjoy drinking chai, this caffeine-free version will deliver that familiar flavor all while helping your body combat inflammation!


Tazo Green Tea

Drinking green tea consistently can not only help decrease inflammation, but improve your cardiovascular health and metabolism, which can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

The contents of green tea, such as catechins with EGCG, have been confirmed to alleviate and protect tissue from damage owing to inflammation," says Khatri. "These substances also serve as free radical scavengers and fight the chronic inflammatory status."


Traditional Medicinals Organic Ginger Tea

Ginger is rich in gingerol, which can help reduce general swelling (including arthritis and sore muscles) and relieve an array of digestive issues. It's also pretty tasty, too, so you can enjoy sipping it any time.


52USA Rooibos Organic Tea

"Rooibos tea has antioxidants like aspalathin and nothofagin which are present in plants and rooibos, and are believed to have anti-inflammatory effects," says Khatri. "Such antioxidants can mitigate the activity of pro-inflammatory substances and therefore, chronic inflammatory diseases may be effectively managed."


Yogi Comforting Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is one of the best teas for inflammation to drink before bed. It has relaxing and soothing effects, thanks to apigenin, which primarily tackles inflammation in the gut. If you deal with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other digestive disorders, you'll find some nice relief from drinking chamomile tea.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

The moment we met Brooke Davis (played by Sophia Bush) in the second episode of One Tree Hill, I knew I'd love her. I didn't realize, however, that she'd become one of my favorite TV show characters of all time. The CW series, which ran from 2003-2012, turns 21 on September 23, and it's widely regarded as one of the best teen dramas. In addition to centering relationships, the angst of coming of age, and Carolina Basketball, One Tree Hill stands apart because of how poetic its story is. Haley, Lucas, Peyton, Brooke, and Nathan all wrestle with growing up in a relatable and emotional way. And Brooke far and above becomes the best part of the show as she evolves from stereotypical mean girl to fashion designer to mom and business owner.

Warner Bros. Television/The CW

She's complicated, sassy, and, unlike a lot of other female characters, far from one-dimensional. At the beginning of the series she intentionally makes questionable decisions — like lying about being pregnant with Lucas' baby in season 1 or making fun of the fact Peyton had two dead moms by season 3 (I still can't believe this, TBH). But as Brooke matures, she finds she finds strength in her vulnerability. And before she helped land her attacker Xavier in prison, became a mother, and reopened Karen's Café, a single moment solidifies Brooke as THE One Tree Hill character for me: the photo project.

Warner Bros. Television/The CW

In season 4, episode 13, "Pictures of You," the students at Tree Hill High are paired up for a photo project to help them get to know each another better. Brooke gets paired up with Chase (Stephen Colletti), and after admitting she lied about a test because she worried she wasn't good enough for him, Brooke reveals just how inadequate she feels. This is such a shocking conversation to watch as a viewer because at first glance, Brooke has it all: she's popular, she's wealthy, and she's gorgeous. But knowing someone so seemingly invincible feels that way made me feel seen.

Chase ends up taking Brooke's yearbook photo with "not smart enough," "not talented enough," "not pretty enough," and other insecurities written across the projector. And even though these horrible thoughts literally cover Brooke's skin (which is exactly how my insecurities feel sometimes — obvious and visible), she looks into the camera with the tiniest smile.

Warner Bros. Television/The CW

"That scene was so personal to me," Sophia Bush revealed to Buzzfeed. "That was something that I had opened up to our writers about in my own life. I remember when I read that script, I felt so ashamed. I felt so exposed reading it on the page. I remember feeling so embarrassed and being like, 'Oh my god, I was having a conversation about motivation for characters, and they're using it. I don't know if this is okay.' It was my first lesson that if you can be courageous enough to open the thing that you're most afraid of, people won't back away from you; they'll lean toward you and say, 'Wow, you, too?' To create that for our audience and to begin to learn that for myself as a young woman was really a profound experience. That was a big one."

Warner Bros. Television/The CW

This moment solidifies Brooke as a character we all love simply because it's so relatable. And seeing how Brooke reclaims her worth based on the fact that she's enough on her own, that her value doesn't depend on how much she has to offer, makes me feel more empowered every time I watch it.

"People are gonna label you," Chase says in a voiceover of the scene. "It's how you overcome those labels, that's what matters." And I think that's what One Tree Hill — and Brooke Davis — is all about.

Warner Bros. Television/The CW

Great news for One Tree Hill fans: Sophia Bush (and Brooke Davis) are returning to our screens! Read up on The Latest One Tree Hill Sequel News to find out more.

Lead image via Warner Bros. Television/The CW

Comforting meals don’t have to contain meat to stick to your ribs, and this chickpea-based vegan curryproves it. Its main ingredients are healthy and inexpensive, and each lends the dish a special flavor: sweetness from tomatoes and cinnamon, savory spice from chickpeas and cumin, and richness from onions and coconut milk. The ingredients are common enough to find at most grocery chains, though it would be even more fun to shop at a local Indian market for the curry powder and, without a doubt, impulse buys like fresh naan and mango lassi!

Scroll on for a vegan curry recipe so delicious and nourishing, you’ll look forward to the week’s worth of leftovers as soon as you take the first bite!

Ingredients for Vegan Chickpea Curry

Sara Cagle

  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 medium yellow onions, chopped
  • 14 ounces canned tomatoes, drained
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 16 ounces canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 package baby spinach
  • 13.5 ounces canned coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1 lime
  • Cooked rice

Directions for Vegan Chickpea Curry

Polina Kovaleva / PEXELS

1. Add the coconut oil to a deep pan over medium-high heat.

2. Add the onions, tomatoes, salt, and pepper to the pan, and stir. Reduce the heat to medium and cook the mixture until tomatoes release their juices and the onions soften, for about 10 minutes.

Alesia Kozik / PEXELS

3. Stir in the chickpeas, garlic, curry powder, cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cayenne pepper until well combined. Add spinach, coconut milk, and flour, and stir again. Bring the curry to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 10-12 minutes.

4. Remove the curry from heat, top with lime juice, and serve over rice with naan.

Follow us on Pinterest for more quick, easy, and healthy recipes! You just may find your new favorite meal to make this week!

Recipe adapted from Jessica in the Kitchen.

This post has been updated.

Once fall hits, all I want to do is cozy up in a blanket and settle into my final form: couch potato. But nevertheless, life goes on, and I have meetings, dinners, and dates to attend. My favorite pieces to pull from my closet for this time of year are sweater dresses, hands-down, because they literally feel like I'm wearing a blanket (but I still look put-together). From thick knits to light n' breezy materials, Amazon has a ton of sweater dresses worthy of your cozy seasonal wardrobe. Scroll on for 10 styles I will absolutely be stocking up on to look and feel my best!


Anrabess Long Sleeve Oversized Cable Knit Sweater Dress

Anything with a chunky cable knit is a perfect fit for fall and winter. Case in point is this adorably comfy sweater dress that features long sleeves and the ideal mini length to pair with tall boots!


Saodimallsu V-Neck Long Sleeve Sweater Dress

This is a totally work-ready sweater dress. The contrasting trim, collar, and buttons polish up the piece a bit, and since it's meant to be form-fitting, it hugs your figure in the most flattering way. It also comes in 5 more colors to suit your personal style!


Zesica Waffle Knitted Sweater Dress

The waffle knit texture on this sweater dress feels so comfy, you'll want to wear it all season long. As opposed to other cozy sweater dresses, this pick also has a playful tie-waist to cinch you in and add some flair to your 'fit.


Oyoangle V-Neck Sleeveless Knitted Short Sweater Dress

This sleeveless sweater dress is the perfect contender for fall and winter layering. It'll work well over a light turtleneck or button-down blouse, especially if you need more coverage amidst the chilly weather. The front side features two adorable pockets for stowing away small essentials, too!


Anrabess Long Sleeve Tie Waist Sweater Dress

This chocolate brown color is gonna get me every time! It's a great seasonal hue to sport during the fall and winter months, plus, it wears well with everything. I'd pair this pick with some black riding boots and an oversized denim jacket for an easy (and very comfortable) outfit formula.


Lillusory Mock Turtleneck Sweater Dress

The puff sleeves and turtleneck on this thick-knit sweater dress will come in handy on cold days. For even more coverage (while still looking cute), layer this style over some tights or thermal leggings and slip into your fave loafers or boots. Easy peasy!


Wiholl Long Sleeve Midi Dress

This sweater dress wears a little lighter since the material is thinner than most, but that just sets you up for total comfort and freedom of movement as you go about your day. The leg slit is super timeless and lets your look air out a bit. You can easily style this item up or down depending on the occasion!


Zesica Backless Pullover Sweater Dress

Oh, elegance! I love the off-the-shoulder look with this sweater dress. It definitely feels like the perfect contender for a fall date night. This design has a wrap dress effect that's polished off with a cute tie waist that you can use to shape your look even more. Pair it with a pair of tall boots, and you're set!


LookbookStore Square Neck Sweater Dress

This is a great basic sweater dress, but it still holds some flair to set your look apart, thanks to the leg slit and femme square neckline. The sleeves are slightly flared, too, adding a dash of playfulness! This basic black color is a must if you're building out your capsule wardrobe since it's easily wearable with a whole array of colors.


Saodimallsu Striped Sweater Dress

Polo stripes are everything, and this sweater dress is covered in 'em. The plunging v-neck and button-down details on this pick make it feel more formal, and you could even wear it as a longline cardigan if you choose to leave the buttons undone. You can also shop 5 more cute colorways if this red and white combo isn't your exact style.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Everyone deserves a little self-care, and you can create your perfect at-home spa day with these 37 carefully curated self-care essentials designed to pamper and rejuvenate. These must-have items span from luxurious face masks to soothing bath products and help you transform your space into a serene retreat. Relax and indulge without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

Use These Shower Steamers for Ultimate Relaxation


You have probably seen bath bombs taking the world by storm, but if you're not a bath person, you can't really use them. However, with these shower steamers, you can let the steam spread their essential oils to keep your skin happy and hydrated and your mind relaxed.

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Cleanse Your Skin Using These Bath Bombs


Skincare and relaxation often go hand in hand, and that's what we love most about these bath bombs. If you are a bath person, you will love setting these in the water and letting the soap and essential oils spread all over your skin. They are nourishing and relaxing.

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Steam Your Eyes With This Mask


We hold a lot of stress and tension around our eyes, especially because we spend a lot of time looking intensely at screens causing eye fatigue. With these disposable steam masks, you can give your eyes a full steam treatment and help those muscles relax.

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These Eye Pads Are Great for Puffiness


If you have noticed that your undereyes are puffy or you feel like you are more bloated than normal, using fruit to cool down the skin around your eyes can reduce that puffiness. With these eye pads that are fruit-infused, you can reduce that puffy area easily.

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Take Care of Your Hands and Feet Using Gloves


We often forget to give our hands and feet some tender love and care despite the fact that we use them the most. With these moisturizing gloves, you can put them on your feet or your hands to nourish and hydrate the skin and keep it moisturized.

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Reduce Undereye Bags Using These Masks


These under-eye masks are actually lifesavers. If you have struggled with under-eye bags from lack of sleep or stress, you will love these masks. You simply apply them right under your eye and let them rest there for the required time.

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Relax in the Bath With This Pillow


This bath pillow is one of those products you never knew you needed, but it will change your life. Simply put the pillow in the bath and relax against it while you sip your wine or read a good book.

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This Bath Soak Will Nourish Your Skin


Having relaxing bath soaks and salts on hand is always a great idea if you take a bath as part of your self-care routine. This bath soak will keep your skin fresh, scrubbed, and nourished as you go about your day.

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Keep Your Lips Plump Using These Masks


Lip masks are growing in popularity all over social media as the latest and greatest skincare product. The secret is that they actually are. Using these lip masks keeps your lips happy, healthy, moisturized, and nourished so they will look their plumpest.

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Use This Headband Set to Wash Your Face


You've probably seen these soft headbands on social media and wondered what they were for. These soft headbands keep your hair away from your face as you wash it or do your skincare and makeup routine. Plus, the wristbands keep water from running down your arms.

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Cool Your Skin Using a Full Face Ice Mask


One of the best ways to calm and regulate your nervous system is to use something to cool down your face. With this full face ice mask, you can instantly cool yourself down and calm yourself down at the same time.

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This Spa Kit Provides Quick Self-Care


Sometimes, we don't have enough time in the day for a full self-care routine, and that's okay. With this 15-minute spa kit, you can do a few face, foot, hand, and hair masks to feel your best as quickly as possible.

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Pamper Your Feet With a Heated Foot Bath


Your feet are often forgotten about when it comes to day-to-day care. With this foot bath, you can show your feet some love for all the hard work they do for you.

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Reduce Fine Lines and Puffiness With An Ice Roller


As we said before, cooling down your face is one of the best ways to regulate your nervous system. However, another benefit to cooling your skin is reducing fine lines and wrinkles, which is why we adore this ice roller. Keep it cold and let it do the work, and you roll it on your skin.

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Soothe Yourself With This Essential Oil Diffuser


Essential oils like lavender have been proven to help regulate your nervous system and calm your emotions. With this essential oil diffuser, your entire home can smell like a garden of relaxation.

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Roll Your Skin to Improve Circulation


Similar to the ice roller, this jade roller and gua sha set also uses the same technique to roll onto your skin. This set is designed to be room temperature and roll on your skin to improve wrinkles, puffiness, and redness.

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Get Rid of Blackheads Using a Steamer


This facial steamer is the latest technology to help you improve your skin health and reduce or eliminate blackheads. You simply set it up in front of your face and let it blow the steam around you, helping to unclog your pores.

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Mix up Your Skincare Using This Set


A mixing bowl set is a must if you are interested in more natural skincare methods. Many people make their own face and hair masks or buy premade ones and mix them later — with this mixing bowl set, you will be all ready to go.

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Get a Dream Pedicure With This Foot Soak Set


Your feet deserve all the love and care they can get, and you can give them that with this foot soak set. It has a foot soak, foot files, and cuticle removers so that you can have a fantastic pedicure right from home.

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Use a Body Brush for Skin Renewal


Body brushes have taken social media by storm. From ASMR videos to skincare routines, these brushes are pretty versatile. You can use them across your body to help rejuvenate your skin and exfoliate in places you may not have before.

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This Facial Scrub Is Everything You Need


Exfoliating your skin is one of the best ways to keep it happy and healthy, especially if you have extremely oily or dry skin. With this facial scrub you can keep your facial skin bright and happy.

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Remove Calluses With This Pumice Stone


A pumice stone is a great thing to keep in your home to help with foot care. It works to scrub off your dead and excess skin while removing calluses and foot corns as well.

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Get a Massage Right From Your Couch


If you have been dreaming of a hot stone massage but weren't sure how to do one from home, Amazon has a product for that. This hot stone massage kit will solve all your woes, and you can use it from the comfort of your very own couch.

See it on Amazon

Massage Your Face Using This Light Therapy Tool


Having a good face and neck massager in your home is never a bad idea because we hold most of our stress and tension in our necks, faces, and shoulders. With this massager, you can release that tension quickly and easily so you can go about your day.

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Remove Calluses Easily Using a Gel


This callus gel is a great way to remove calluses on your feet quickly and easily. All you have to do is soak your foot in warm water and scrub your feet with the gel applied, and it will remove your calluses in minutes.

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Find Time to Meditate With This Breathing Buddah


Meditation is one of the best ways to quiet our minds and take care of our mental health. With this breathing buddah, you can follow guided breathwork meditations easily and efficiently, too. Plus, he's super cute!

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Release Tension in Your Feet Using a Massager


If you work on your feet all day, the last thing you probably want to do when you get home is massage your feet. With this foot massager you can simply place your feet in and let it do all the work.

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Roll This Massager to Release Tension


This rolling massager is a great way to release tension easily. The rolling motion helps push out the lactic acid in your muscles, which releases the tension you've been building up.

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Moisturize and De-Stress Using a Massage Oil


Speaking of massages, sometimes you need to nourish and moisturize your skin before getting one. This massage oil can be rubbed onto your skin before or during your massage to get all that goodness into your skin.

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Use This Spray in the Shower to Relax


If baths aren't your thing and shower steamers aren't speaking to you, try this shower spray. You spray the essential oils in your shower and let the heat steam it up so you can get the most of the oils in your skin.

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Use This Hydro Spa in Any Bath Tub


Taking a bath can be a wonderful way to relax, and if you have a normal tub, you don't get to use the jets the fancy tubs have. With this hydro spa, you can bring the jets to you! Pretty much any tub will allow for the attachment, so you can have jets at home.

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Keep Your Hands Happy Using a Balm Kit


This essential oil balm kit is a great way to take care of your hands and skin. You simply mix your cocktail of skincare up in the gloves provided and slip your hands into them to soak in those essential oils.

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Cleanse Your Face Using These Scrubs


A good facial scrub is always a good idea when you're talking about self-care because it helps exfoliate and cleanse your facial skin. With this facial scrub you can simply pull one pad out and get to work.

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This Full Body Scrub Will Leave You Refreshed


Speaking of scrubs and scrubbing, this salt scrub is for your entire body, and it's one of the best out there. You can scrub your entire body with the salt to release tension, exfoliate your skin, and massage your muscles as well.

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Take Care of Your Nails With Cuticle Oil


One thing that is often overlooked when doing your nails is caring for your cuticles. With this cuticle oil, you can ensure that you are taking care of each nail by simply applying the oil and rubbing it in.

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Fall Asleep Faster Using a Neck Mask


This neck mask is designed to heat the back of your neck and release any muscle tension stored there. When we release our neck tension, we let go of the stress we built up there and are able to sleep easier.

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Make Your Skin Shine With This Mud Mask


Using a deep sea mud mask like this one is proven to make your skin shine bright and feel cleaner than it has in a long time. By using a face mask, you reduce redness, remove blackheads, and moisturize your skin.

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