13 Must-Follow Viners for New York Fashion Week

Sure, we love a good fashion-week street style photo or snapshots of runway looks, but sometimes we want to see the latest runway trends in motion. So instead of sitting through an entire runway collection video, why not watch little clips of the best looks instead? Say hello to Fashion Week Vines, our new BFF. The six-second videos are perfect for capturing looks as they come down the runway. And in just a matter of seconds, you can get a sense of a designer’s entire aesthetic and feel like you’re sitting front row right next to Anna Wintour. You’ll even get some behind-the-scenes action too! Get your smartphone ready and check out the top 13 Viners to follow for New York Fashion Week .

1. Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week: The official Vine of the event that everyone’s talking about, this is obviously a must-follow for the latest NYFW runway action. Get backstage access and a behind-the-scenes look into everything it takes to put on Fashion Weeks around the world.

2. Calvin Klein: Maybe we’ll keep a sneak peek of what Calvin Klein plans on sending down the runway and whether or not it includes Justin Beiber. We’re thinking it probably won’t, but we definitely want to be the first to find out.

3. Kirna Zabete: We’re sure this New York City boutique that specializes in cutting edge, high-end designers will be at NYFW scoping out the all the new wares for their store. Whether or not you can afford what they pick, there’s no denying that they have quite an eye for what looks good.

4. MTV Style: We can’t wait to see what the snarky folks behind this Vine have to say about the styles that will be premiering at NYFW. Whatever it is, it’ll be different than the other fashion Vines.

5. Marc Jacobs: The brand’s slightly quirky style definitely comes through in its Vines, and we just can’t get enough. We could stare at Marc Jacobs’ flamingos all day on loop.

6. Elizabeth Holmes: Elizabeth’s last Vine was of Kate Middleton. As style reporter for the Wall Street Journal, we’re thinking she’ll be getting VIP access to NYFW.

7. DKNY PR Girl: She hasn’t Vined in awhile, but with DKNY showing at NYFW, we’re thinking she might make a comeback. After all, she lives and breathes social media.

8. Lucky Magazine: While under the leadership of social-media maven Eva Chen, Lucky magazine has been all over digital media. We’ll be watching their Vine to see what commentary they have to add to all the fashion madness.

9. Eva Chen: Speaking of the EIC, her own social media outlets are a must-follow for anyone interested in fashion. She’ll definitely be covering the NYFW action using every platform at her disposal.

10. Sally Holmes: As Online Senior News Editor for ELLE magazine and an active Viner, Sally should have some strong opinions on NYFW. And when it comes to fashion, strong opinions are just what we’re looking for.

11. A Fashion Nerd: Amy Roiland has a style all her own, and we love seeing what outfits she puts together next. This fashion blogger is bound to have something interesting to say when it comes to Fashion Week.

12. Meagan Cignoli: Meagan takes Vine to the next level and has made a career of creating captivating Vines for some of the top fashion and beauty brands in the world. Her Vines show just what the new medium is capable of.

13. Paper Fashion: While she’s not a fashion blogger, editor or designer, Katie Rodgers is an amazing artist. Her stunning Vines are exactly what you want to watch when you’re in the NYFW mood.

Which fashion maven Viners do you follow? Let us know in the comments!

(Feature photo via Joern Pollex/Getty Images for IMG)

Whether she’s choosing the perfect ‘fit for a movie premiere, choreographing a music video, running a marathon, or sparking viral TikTok trends like “I don’t want it,” Anna Sitar brings authenticity, humor, and a genuine positivity to everything she does. It’s no wonder she has built a community of nearly 12 million followers on TikTok, or as she calls them, “friends,” and more than a million on Instagram.

Anna has always been passionate about staying true to herself and maintaining authenticity in her content creation. By doing so, she’s fostered a community that connects with her genuine self. Over time, she’s discovered various tools and techniques that help her share her best creative ideas with her audience. Anna attributes her ability to bring her creative visions to life in a way that represents her, to having full creative control when working with tools like Photoshop.


Replying to @laurenashleygibbs ask and you shall receive 👀 spooky season is upon us so unleash that creativity with @Photoshop !! Update or download Photoshop using the link in my bio. #AdobePhotoshopPartner

10 million new friends

Anna first learned about Photoshop in high school. It fueled her passion for bringing her creative visions to life. Then, at the beginning of her grad school career, an exciting new opportunity to express herself came along when a friend told her about this new app called TikTok that was blowing up.

Anna was getting a masters in film and television production in Los Angeles, which, she says, “was a full 180 switch” after graduating in 2019 with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.

“My mom and dad always instilled in me that you should take chances while you're young,” says Anna, who has always had a passion for multimedia.

She started playing around and making content on TikTok that felt natural to her creativity and sense of humor. Six months later, COVID hit, and she was sent back home to Michigan to study online.

“I was like, ‘you know what? I should really try this TikTok thing,” Anna recalls. It marked the beginning of her journey to establish herself as a content creator and commit to producing content consistently on the platform. She started doing fashion and makeup GRWM videos, and. music became a big inspiration for her during this. “I would create morning musicals where I make a music video out of my morning routine. Then, I started making these “I don't want it” videos,” she recalls, which ultimately took off as a major social trend.

While she says she was “mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared to be some director's assistant for the next 10 years,” before she knew it, she had over 10 million friends on the app.

“It was such an incredible way to not only connect with people, but to share creativity and feel so freely self-expressive too. I'm so happy to be here,” she says. “TikTok reignited that creativity that I had as a kid,” she told us.


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It’s all about the (creative) process

Anna admits that she’s not really a planner. “My mom always jokes, ‘I get my best ideas when I'm sleeping,’ and I feel the same way,” she says. Her creative process always starts with whatever inspires her when she wakes up in the morning. Then she’s able to turn a creative idea into something that’s fun and silly and resonates with her audiences. And that’s why she works with tools like Photoshop, the ultimate image editing and design app, that lets her bring her creativity to life at the speed of her imagination whenever and whenever her inspiration strikes.

“Photoshop allows me to just have such creative freedom. It's such a powerful app and allows me to not only have precision and creative control, but it lets me bring ideas in my head to life. I love that it's something that connects all of us,” she says.

She’s able to take a photo or video and elevate it in a way that makes it even more beautiful and powerful than it was before. Photoshop can be used in so many ways during the creative process beyond photo editing – creating mood boards to kick off the creative process, graphic design for marketing and even for storyboards for videos. Photoshop has a diverse set of features that help with inspiration too. So what is her latest obsession with Photoshop?

“I'm obsessed with making collages – that's my new little love right now in life,” she says. When we spoke, she was getting ready for a spec shoot, and using Photoshop to put all of her ideas in one place, making sure colors worked well together and idealizing and expanding images. She was focused on building the flow of her video through inspirational imagery, so she could execute the perfect setups, fashion, theme and a plan to film her video. As a creator, she doesn’t just shoot and post, but loves to get creative with tools like Photoshop to bring a larger concept to life. “I love that I have an app that just allows me to expand further from just taking a photo and posting it on Instagram versus really bringing different ideas to life,” she adds.

Anna Sitar

Social media Dos and Don’ts

Anna is known for herrefreshing down-to-earth personality – you can feel it throughout her content. She’s really just herself and living her best life.

“Authenticity is an absolute DO,” she says. But that doesn’t mean you have to focus on just one aspect of yourself. “People often say to try to fit into a niche and I disagree. I don't think you should make content that's catered toward one idea. I think that YOU are the exciting idea, and everything that you have – all of these passions and things that you love – are a mosaic of what makes you creative,” she adds.

Another major DO? Finding the creative tools that most authentically support your content creation process. As an avid Photoshop user from a young age, Anna has continued to utilize the app for creative design across her channels to create content that is undeniably HER, without limits.

For all the chatter about posting multiple times a day to gain an audience, you might be surprised by Anna’s Don’ts. “You make your best content when you feel creative and when you feel like posting and making things that you're enjoying. If you're in a creative block, one, two, three days of rest are actually only going to benefit you in the long run,” she says. And along the lines of authenticity, “don't feel the need to make what everybody else is making to make something good,” she adds.

Adobe Photoshop tips and tricks

Anna has had a passion for photography since childhood. “I loved making little home movies out of our family vacations, and I grew up really loving photography,” she says. Photoshop is a tool that seamlessly fits into her life as a professional and in her day-to-day.

“I think when people think Photoshop, they think, ‘oh my gosh, I have to be doing these major changes to whatever I'm creating.’ But the truth is, I really do use it for everything from my Instagram post for my podcast page to giving a photo a different color scheme, or resizing or creating a little collage to inspire whatever I want to do next,” she says.

While talking about her community, Anna mentioned how much her Instagram community loves the black and white posters she creates withPhotoshop. “Even for the simplest tasks, the first app that I reach for is Photoshop. I really enjoy having an app that makes me feel like I can have my creativity at my fingertips. It has so many uses beyond just being a tool for elite creatives. It really is a great app for day-to-day life as well,” she adds.

Anna Sitar

Finding inspiration as a creator

As a creator, it can be easy to live your life online. Anna avoids that way of life and it makes her content even stronger for it. “When you're on a phone all the time and creating content, it's so easy to get lost in filming 90 percent of your life, and filming every time you go to a coffee shop, every time you have a hang out with a friend, every time you wear a good outfit that you're proud of. But my greatest inspiration comes from actually what I'm truly firsthand living and not documenting my life. And then the lessons that I learned and the things that I see and the value that brings to my life is only further elevating the content that I make,” she says.

Anna’s advice

If you’re someone who aspires to have a creative outlet, Anna has some advice for you.“Even if it's little baby steps that you take a photo every single day, or you make a video every single day, or you brainstorm every single day, I think action is the best way that you're going to learn,” she says.

Anna also recommends doing what she does, tinker with different tools and apps, this helps make her content shine. “You can learn so much by just testing out different features to edit photos, different ways to expand and add text and ways to make your creativity really come to life,” she says

“I think the best advice is to play and do what makes you happy."

Thanks Anna! Learn more about how Adobe Photoshop empowers big and small businesses to create without limits.

Numerous rumors about potentially-contaminated Girl Scout cookies have been floating around, and Girl Scouts of the USA is finally addressing them.

Sources reported the presence of toxic metals and glyphosate in the popular cookies and noted that it poses “profound ethical and public health concerns.” Here’s what Girl Scouts had to say.

Scroll on to learn more about what’s going on with the latest Girl Scout cookie contamination news.

Girl Scouts of the USA

The idea that Girl Scout cookies might be contaminated first arose in December 2024 when GMOScience and Moms Across America released a joint-commissioned reporttitled “Danger in the Dough: Unveiling the Toxic Contaminants in Girl Scout Cookies.”

The report found that 100% of the Girl Scout cookie samples they tested were positive for glyphosate and toxic metals and 88% of samples were positive for all 5 toxic metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury), with significant percentages of the samples testing positive for cadmium and lead.

Girl Scouts of the USA

In the report, both groups said that the continual sale of Girl Scout cookies poses “profound ethical and public health concerns,” and slightly called out Girl Scouts of the USA for not allocating more money towards “better ingredients."

The GMOScience and Moms Across America report also cited a lack of government oversight when it comes to food safety and that entities like the FDA and EPA “have not fulfilled their commitment.”

Girl Scouts of the USA

Despite the reports about contamination, Girl Scouts of the USA says Girl Scout Cookies are “safe to consume.” In an official statement, they assured the public that their cookies comply with FDA and EPA food safety standards. They also noted that heavy metals are not purposefully added to their cookies.

Girl Scouts of the USA

Girl Scouts of the USA made sure to note that “environmental contaminants” like heavy metals and glyphosate can occur naturally in soil, though in very small, trace amounts.

The FDA verified this, saying naturally-occurring heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury are just a “reality about our food supply.”

Girl Scouts of the USA

Girl Scouts of the USA highlighted that their cookie suppliers “continue to ensure the integrity of [their] recipes and the safety of all Girl Scout Cookie products in accordance with federal regulations and Global Food Safety initiative standards.”

Girl Scouts of the USA

The real issue at hand is not just Girl Scout cookies – it’s that our frameworks for food safety have plenty of wiggle room for toxic metals and chemicals to be present in our food.

In fact, it’s become so common that we tend to forget all about it – likely why cookie lovers were up in arms about the contamination news.

Girl Scouts of the USA

GMOScience and Moms Across America echoed this exact sentiment in their report, calling for the development of organic and regenerative farming to eradicate potential contamination altogether.

They also called on Girl Scouts of the USA to play a larger role in “transforming our food and farming system.”

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We live in a "post your relationship so we know it's real" landscape, and I'd be lying if I said it hasn't made me wonder if there's a larger conversation to be had about it. Some people don't feel the need to post their romantic partner while others share their relationships in a way that rivals the best celebrity couples.

Everyone's different, but it's not not unheard of to question your partner's devotion if they're not posting you on Instagram. You may feel justified in your anger because "so and so" are always in cute pictures and videos together on social media — but are your feelings valid? The best person to answer this is licensed therapist Suzette Bray, LMFT. She has over 25 years of specializing in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and she's seen this topic come up plenty of times during sessions with clients, so grab a pen and paper to take notes!

Why do people want to share their relationship status with others?

Afif Ramdhasuma

My sister used to ask me this question when I was in my 20's, and I always looked at her like she had two heads growing. I couldn't fathom the idea that people wouldn't want to talk about their relationship online because it felt like everyone was doing it. I mean, a study from Pew Research Center shows 8 in 10 people on social media see relationship posts, so it clearly wasn't outrageous to think it was normal.

But, that still doesn't answer why people are drawn to sharing cute little updates about their partner or relationship. Luckily, Bray has a good indication of what drives people to give others a sneak peek into their lives. "People share their relationship status for all kinds of reasons. Some want to mark their territory — nothing says 'back off' quite like a cute couple selfie! Others are just excited and proud of their partner and want to share the joy," she says. That stems from people's "need for a sense of belonging or to receive positive reinforcement from others," she adds.

But, this doesn't necessarily make people weird. It's just human nature that makes us act the way we do. "We as humans are just hard wired to seek connection, and broadcasting our connections, makes us feel more accepted and secure in our social lives."

Should couples have conversations about their social media expectations?

Katrin Bolovtsova

I don't care how hot you think someone is, you're going to have to learn how to communicate with them. It's true even if your chemistry is off-the-charts because healthy relationships don't fall out of the sky. They're built via honesty, respect, forgiveness, and other important factors.

Before assuming your partner is or isn't okay with you posting about your relationship, Bray is 100% convinced you should talk things through. "Social media is still in the wild west of relationship etiquette, and without discussions, assumptions about 'correct' behavior can run wild," she hints. For example, you could be happily posting about your partner only for someone to point out that they're not following you on social media.

"Some people are super private, while others practically live their lives online. Misunderstandings happen when expectations aren't laid out so talking about it can prevent messiness in the long run," Bray observes.

If two people have gone on a couple of dates, should one of them be upset if the other isn't publicly talking about them?

RDNE Stock project

So, you swiped right on Tinder or Bumble, and you had a few amazing dates with one of your matches. Before you start publicly declaring your love for them, Bray wants you to reconsider. "Hold on! It's just a few dates! Let’s pump the brakes. The early stages of dating is not the time to make grand social declarations," she declares. As someone who tried to 'date' people from Tinder, those first few dates aren't a guarantee that you've found the love of your life.

"Posting someone on social media can feel like a big step to some people so expecting that level of public commitment too soon might be too much pressure. If you’re already thinking, 'Why haven’t they posted about me yet?' after two dates, it might be a good time to check in with yourself about where those expectations are coming from," advises Bray.

I've recovered from my former, "Is he the one" obsession so also take it from me — see where things go first and then refer back to question #2!

Is it a red flag if someone doesn't post their partner on social media?

Budgeron Bach

It would be so much fun if we personally had Dustin Poynter, the flag guy, from TikTok helping point us in the right direction — but this is one of those things that errs on the subjective side. Though Bray doesn't feel it's necessarily healthier to keep your relationship private, she thinks "context matters." "Some people are just more private or feel weird about social media in general," she says.

But, that doesn't mean certain behaviors don't warrant a few eyebrow raises. She notes," If someone is super active on social—like posting about their dog’s morning routine and every cupcake they’ve ever had—but doesn't ever mention their partner, it could create a need for a deeper conversation." Before you feel justified about grilling your partner — as satisfactory as that may feel — take a second to breathe.

Bray would prefer you work to understand "why they don't post, rather than assuming your partner is keep you a secret." If you discover the latter to be true, follow your instincts and let that person go because you don't deserve that!

Do you think it's healthier for couples to keep certain aspects of their relationship private?

Fábio Carvalho

Everyone has a different view of what makes a romantic relationship healthy, so this is one of those things Bray says, "absolutely depends on the couple" because some "genuinely enjoy sharing their lives online." You've probably seen your share of couples who make cute content together whether they're married or not. I'd be lying if I said I don't specifically keep up with a few whose content makes me smile.

But, other couples may not be interested in sharing their relationship online because they "want to be private and keep the relationship free from the judgements or opinions of others," according to Bray. That's not to say they have something to hide, though. Instead, think of it as a personal preference.

"As long as both partners are on the same page and it’s not a source of tension, it’s all about finding the balance that works for them. If it starts to feel like a performance for likes rather than genuine connection, though, that’s where it can become problematic," Bray reminds.

How can someone bring up their partner's posting habits without sounding accusatory?

Timur Weber

You may feel eager about posting about your partner while they're less enthusiastic and this could make you feel upset. It's easy to jump to conclusions when you're already upset, but Bray feels "tone is everything." Ironically, she suggests something I've heard in therapy sessions and that's "to be curious, not confrontational." Hopefully this stopped you in your tracks if you were ready to give your partner a piece of your mind.

"You can say something like, 'Hey, I’ve noticed we haven’t shared much about each other on social media? What’s your take on sharing stuff about us online?' It’s important to frame it as a mutual exploration of rather than a demand for a public declaration," Bray points out.

What would you tell someone who wants to emulate couples who consistently post content together?

Vlada Karpovich

We've all seen couples who we think have the cutest relationship, even though we've never met them before. As much as you may admire a couple, Bray thinks it's a "slipper slope" if you want to try to recreate their online moments. "I’d encourage someone to focus more on what makes their own relationship feel fulfilling, rather than chasing #couplesgoals," she encourages.

However, this isn't a sign that you're not supposed to ever share anything about your partner or relationship! "If posting together feels fun and real, go for it! But if it starts feeling like a performance or that you are in competition with other couples, it's probably good to take a step back," she warns.

Also, keep in mind that social media doesn't show you every single moment of couples' lives so don't worry about trying to look picture perfect based on a 30 second to 30 minute video.

If you feel that your partner doesn't post you enough on social media, talk to them before launching into an angsty rant because your assumptions might not always be right. I wish someone would've shared this advice 10 years ago, but all that matters is knowing you don't have to let being upset about your partner's lack of relationship posts be the reason your day is ruined.

The problem arises when your partner doesn't seem receptive to talking about your concerns because dismissive or evasive attitudes are a no-no!

We have more relationship advice if you're looking for more romantic tips and tricks!

The Kansas City Chiefs suffered a Super Bowl tough loss on February 9, 2025, and there's one major thing on everyone's mind now — is Travis Kelce retiring? The subject's come up multiple times throughout the 2024-2025 NFL season, but much like his brother Jason the previous year, Travis hasn't given a definitive answer on the matter. Amid everything from Taylor Swift wedding rumors to starring TV roles (anyone else watch Grotequerie?!), the Chiefs tight end definitely has a lot going on right now. Could all this — plus an overall great football season, sans the Super Bowl loss — add up to the end of his NFL career? Here's what we know so far.

Scroll to find out everything we know about if Travis Kelce's retiring.

On February 12, 2025, Travis Kelce opened up about his potential retirement on the New Heights podcast. "I know everybody wants to know whether or not I'm playing next year, and right now, I'm just kicking everything down the road," he said. "I'm not making any crazy decisions."

Travis shared that the Super Bowl loss a "tough pill to swallow" and a "tough reality," but also noted that the Chiefs team is focused on "being there" for each other in the aftermath.

"I'm gonna take some time to figure it out. And, I think I owe it to my teammates that if I do come back, it's a wholehearted decision," he said. "I'm not half-a--ing it, and I'm fully here for them."


- YouTube

During the 2025 Super Bowl, Travis only made four catches, resulting in a gain of 39 yards — his "lowest postseason output since 2019" according to The Athletic. Still, USA Todayreported that he broke Jerry Rice's record of 35 career Super Bowl catches. However, it was pretty clear that even a record-breaking performance wasn't enough to bolster Travis's mood.

The football star didn't hold a larger post-game conference, but he noted that they "haven't played that bad all year" and said that the Chiefs "couldn’t get it going offensively" to a few reporters. He acknowledged, "You don't lose like that without everything going bad," before leaving for the night.


Still, Chiefs quarterback, Patrick Mahomes was asked about what comes next for Travis's career. "I'll let Travis make that decision on his own," Patrick said. "He's given so much to this team and to the NFL, and he's been such a joy, not only for me to work with, but for people to watch."

Mahomes notes Travis "still has a lot of football left in him" and that he "always makes plays in the biggest moments." He said, "But I know he still has a love for the game, and he’ll get to spend some time with his family and make that decision on his own."

Patrick reassured everyone, "He knows he’ll come back here with open arms. We love that guy not only for the football player, but for who he is every single day."


Travis made his way to the suite with Taylor and his family after the tough Chiefs loss. It was a stark contrast from his "fight for your right to party" vibes of last year, so we hope we was able to find some comfort among his loved ones. And as for if Travis is actually retiring, we'll definitely keep an eye out for what he says and does next. 👀

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We can always count on our favorite streamers to give us the best content, like, ever. In addition to The Best New TV Shows Coming To Netflix In February, there are some truly stellar titles on Max this month — including a few you can already watch! We might have to wait a few more months for The Last of Us season 2, but these new TV shows make that wait a little easier.

Here are the 8 best TV shows on Max in February 2025.

1. The White Lotus Season 3 — Stream on Max February 16, 2025

Fabio Lovino/HBO

Start your spring break early by joining the new White Lotus cast in Thailand. This season, which debuts new episodes every week at 9PM EST, explores all things pleasure and pain, and trust me: you'll be on the edge of your seat the whole time.

The White Lotus season 3 stars Leslie Bibb, Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, Carrie Coon, Parker Posey, Patrick Schwarzenegger and Blackpink’s Lisa Manobal.

2. Eyes on the Prize III: We Who Believe In Freedom Cannot Rest — Stream on Max February 25, 2025

Daily Express/Pictorial Parade/Archive Photos/Getty Images

This 6-episode docuseries tells the story of the racial justice communities and leaders working today, following the birth of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s.

3.The Pitt — Stream new episodes on Max every Thursday

Warrick Page/Max

This entire 15-episode drama takes place over the course of a single shift at Pittsburgh Trauma Medical Hospital’s emergency room, broken down into 15 one-hour segments. I'm hooked!

The Pitt stars Noah Wyle, Tracey Ifeachor, Patrick Ball, Supriya Ganesh, Fiona Dourif, Taylor Dearden, Isa Briones, Gerran Howell, Shabana Azeez, and Katherine LaNasa.

4. Baylen Out Loud — Stream new episodes on Max every Monday


This new TV show follows Baylen Dupree, who's making her way through love and life in West Virginia with extreme Tourette Syndrome.

Baylen Out Loud stars Baylen Dupree.

5. 90 Day: The Last Resort — Stream all episodes on Max now


These 90 Day duos are facing reality while at a group couples retreat — and they have to figure out if they're going to continue their happily ever after or go home on their own.

90 Day: The Last Resort stars Ed Brown, Yara Zaya, Angela Deem, Jovi Dufren, and Kalani Faagata.

6. The Takedown: American Aryans — Stream all episodes on Max now


This documentary show follows the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas over the last 20+ years — and the murder of a young woman that changes everything.

The Takedown: American Aryans is directed and produced by Neil Rawles.

7. The Fall of Diddy — Stream all episodes on Max now


True crime fans will want to tune into this series, which examines the allegations against rapper and executive Sean Combs.

8. The West Wing — Stream on Max now


Get your old school TV kick with the OG political drama, which follows the lives of the people working inside the White House.

The West Wing stars Martin Sheen, Rob Lowe, Allison Janney, John Spencer, Bradley Whitford, Janel Moloney, and Richard Schiff.

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