Folks, Father’s Day is coming up quickly and it’s time to start prepping your best puns, hamburger buns, and something fun! Start off the day with one of these 26 funny cards, perfect for the dad joke-lover among us.
1. Beatles Dad Card ($3): What dad doesn’t love the Beatles? This Sgt. Pepper-style card is an instant win.

2. To All My Daddies… Card ($6): Or, for the dad whose musical tastes skew a little more current, this card is a B.I.G. deal.
3. Dog Dad Card ($6): Dog dads unite! This one’s perfect for the guy who can’t stop fussing over his rescue pup.
4. Best Cat Dad Card ($3): Cat dads deserve some recognition too. Especially those with particularly mischievous furballs.
5. Good Dad Jokes Card ($3): Is there even such thing as a good dad joke? We love the sarcastic vibe of this card.
6. Gold Foil Father’s Day Card ($5): Sure, it’s snarky, but something about that luxe gold foil makes it feel extra-special.
7. Darth Vader Father’s Day Card ($5): We couldn’t resist making a Star Wars joke. It never gets old, right?
8. Emergency Dad Jokes Card ($4): In case he ever runs out or needs to refresh his stock.
9. Bohemian Rhapsody Card ($6): Why should “Mamaaaaaa” have all the fun? Let Freddie serenade your dad on his special day.
10. Old School Mix-Tape Card ($4): Is there anything cuter than this cartoon mix-tape? We don’t think so.
11. Yay Father’s Day Card ($4): It’s okay to throw just a liiiiittle shade while you celebrate.
12. Before Kids Card ($4): Who are we kidding, we know he wouldn’t trade it for the world.
13. Coolest Pop Card ($4): Get him amped up for summer fun with a little popsicle humor.
14. Disappointment Copper Foil Card ($5): One thing that’s not disappointing? This brilliant foil effect.
15. Father’s Day Flowchart ($3): If you’re feeling like Father’s Day is the right time to finally get him to confess you’re the favorite, this is the card for you.
16. Father’s Day Minivan Card ($5): Not all new dads adjust to the minivan life with such panache. Make him proud he pulled it off.
17. No Grandkids Card ($5): Let’s be honest, it’s easier to just say it in a card.
18. Pheasant Pun Card ($3): What is it about a pheasant wearing a necktie that’s so irresistible? Pun-loving dads will get a kick out of this one.
19. No Wedding Card ($4): You do you, single ladies. As if he’d think anyone was good enough for his little girl, anyway.
20. For Killing Spiders ($4): There are so many things to thank your pops for, but few things beat dealing with creepy- crawly spiders.
21. Favorite Child ($4): Shhh, we won’t tell anyone.
22. Not a Chicken ($5): You can always thank your dad for the things that you did not turn out to be.
23. Manly Stuff ($4): Remember when your dad made you help him redo all the kitchen cabinets? You’re welcome.
24. Bomb Pop ($5): We’re not sure why we haven’t seen more puns on “pops” on the Father’s Day card scene. Pops love puns!
25. Dad You Are Rad ($5): We have to give props to the rhyming stylings of this card.
26. #1 Dad ($4): Just be sure to accompany this card with an actual burger.
Are you ready to celebrate Father’s Day? Follow us on Pinterest for more party and gift ideas.
(Additional reporting by Emily Bihl)