4 Things You Can Do Now to Save Money for the Future

There are a lot of things you can control about your money. Budgeting, saving, having challenging financial conversations with your partner, making smart investments when you can… all of these savvy habits will contribute to setting you up for success. Frustratingly, though, not *everything* is within your ability to manage (sorry to all the control freaks out there!), and there are factors playing out in the world at large that impact how effectively we can meet our financial goals.

If you’re a millennial, it might seem like the odds have been stacked against you. According to a recent study from Bank of the West, 60 percent of millennials believe in the American dream — a comfortable home of their own, a life unburdened by debt, and the promise of retirement after a rewarding career — but that doesn’t mean that the circumstances of their first decade or so in the adult world have been particularly conducive to achieving it.

Woman managing her finances

“Millennials have drawn the short end of the stick so far when it comes to the market cycle, with many graduating from college and heading into a job market with little to offer them and record under-employment,” Ryan Bailey, head of Bank of the West’s retail banking group, says.

In addition to this subpar employment situation, millennials are paying down student loan debt after a bull market that would have been friendlier to them, and aspiring young homeowners were likely not ready to close on houses when housing prices and interest rates were low. Today, home buyers can’t deduct state and local property taxes from federal tax bills, according to Bailey.

Yeah, things have been pretty grim so far. But guess what? Generally speaking, they’re turning around! And given the fact that millennials still have plenty of years to plan for major milestones like home ownership, retirement, and the like, time can actually be an advantage to them now.

“Time is your new BFF,” Bailey says. “As hard as it is to get started, remember that your money has more potential to grow now than it ever will. Future you will thank you.”

Here are a few tips from Bailey that will help you make the most of this newfound time to benefit your financial future.

1. Get consistent. If there’s anything millennials have learned from the not-so-great financial circumstances they experienced in early adulthood, it’s that it can be nearly impossible to accurately time or predict the market. In order to establish a cushion for yourself and to ensure that you’re planning well for the future, set aside a fixed amount of your paycheck each month. With time on your side, this investment can really stand to grow! Your 401(k) could be a good place to start.

2. Try before you buy. You might be under the impression that owning a home is always the best option, which probably has you feeling rushed to make it happen. Resist the urge to hurry. According to the Bank of the West study, 19 percent of millennial homeowners say that their space doesn’t work well for them and 20 percent discovered damage after they moved in. When you have an abundance mentality with respect to time, you’ll be more likely to consider all factors before you decide to buy a home. This goes for other big purchases too. You don’t need to rush major investment decisions… nor should you.

3. Remember to account for expensive one-off purchases. “Here’s a secret,” Bailey says. “Adult finances are not hard, as long as you take stock of what you own and what you owe.” This includes random big-ticket purchases like wedding gifts and vacations. Budgeting is great, but if you don’t account for one-off expenses as part of said budget, it’s going to catch up with you. Balance those expenditures by tightening the purse strings elsewhere that month, or include a buffer for miscellaneous items in your regular budget.

4. Don’t live in denial about your debts. If you’re drowning in student loan debt or struggling to pay off old credit card bills, it can be easier to, well, not think about it. That’s not going to serve you well in the long run, though. Keep your debts top-of-mind and prioritize short-term debt with high interest rates first. The sooner you’ve settled these matters, the sooner you’ll be able to focus exclusively on what you want to save for and invest in going forward.

Rest assured that there’s hope for your finances. “It is important to keep in mind that, while time has worked against you so far, there is still plenty of it on the horizon and it can now work for you… if you take advantage of it,” Bailey advises. “Don’t let the past dictate the future. Making smart investment decisions will position you well to build the life you want to lead.”

How do you try to make time your friend when making big financial decisions? Tweet us @BritandCo!

(Photo via Getty)

Money doesn't have to be complicated, but our decisions can make things harder than they have to be. From dipping into our savings account for a shopping spree to running away from investing, we're always one step away from having an even weirder relationship with our finances. Plus, childhood lessons and our current mindset can affect how we view sticking with a budget.

It's something Tori Dunlap, founder of Her First $100K, sees often, prompting her to be an open book about the financial mistakes you're probably making as I type this. Ready to learn which money habits are lingering in your life like a toxic ex?

Keep scrolling to see which common mistakes are really holding your finances back!


1. Not automating your savings

When's the last time you actually put money in savings when you said you would? Let me guess: it went towards your fave Chick-Fil-A meal or the Valentine's Day decor you couldn't resist buying. This is a judge-free zone, so I'm not here to make you feel bad, but sometimes our best efforts to save money fall flat. Yet have no fear because there's a solution that stems from something you've been overlooking.

"One of the most common money mistakes is not automating your savings. If you’ve ever gotten to the end of the month and felt guilty because you didn’t save any money (or as much as you hoped), this is one thing you can do to help yourself out," says Dunlap. According to her, this looks like you taking the time to "set up an automated transfer from your checking to your savings, at least once a month." You could "set up the transfer on the first day of the month, maybe on the first and half-way through the month, whatever works for you."

But don't worry about getting things "wrong" because Dunlap doesn't think the amount you transfer has "to be a lot" because "even $20 means we're choosing progress." In her opinion, the very act of automating your savings means "you're doing the hard thing first!"

Yan Krukau

2. Overlooking high yield savings accounts

In addition to having an automated savings transfer, it also matters what kind of account you're putting your money into. I'm 100% guilty of going beyond a basic savings account as a broke college student because I was terrified I wouldn't understand the terms of what I was doing. Apparently I'm not the only one because Dunlap says we tend to overlook "ensuring that savings money is going into a high yield savings account. But, what is it?

"This is just like a normal savings account, but it’s going to earn you WAY more in interest. Basically, your savings are going to make you more savings," she shares. If you're scratching your head and need more information, we've got your back! Basically, "this is going to be the perfect account to keep your emergency fund in," according to Dunlap.

Instead of being limited to when you can access your funds (like a certificate of deposit or CD), she says "you can take your money out at any time, your money is insured," and "the partner" she and her team "recommend" doesn't have "fees" or "minimums." However, she warns "terms always apply, so check with your bank" before making a hasty decision.

Christina Morillo

3. Treating your retirement account as an investment

Full transparency moment: I didn't start paying attention to my retirement account until I left my prior job and had to roll the funds over. Even then, I thought I didn't have to focus on investments because I was sure my new IRA covered all the bases. Wrong! "...one of the biggest financial mistakes is believing the misconception that a retirement account itself is an investment–your IRA is not the investment, it's an account that HOLDS your investments," stresses Dunlap.

Her advice? "Don't just put money into a Roth without actually investing it. It’s a two-step process: make sure you transfer money into your account, and then buy investments with that money."

marissa gradei

4. Going into debt to enjoy yourself

I fear little treat culturesunk its teeth in us and hasn't let go. I'm a recovering shopaholic who puts things in my cart and empties it if I ever feel the urge to do some unhinged damage to my debit card. Still, there are other people who are still in the trenches of living a FOMO-life.

"We know Millennials and Gen Z-ers are more likely to splurge or go into debt for travel, events and entertainment than their generational counterparts–there’s nothing wrong with having a little fun money (plus, I don’t blame them after the pandemic), but we want to make sure we’re not going into debt or dipping into an emergency fund to make it happen," says Dunlap.

If there's something you really want to do, back away from the credit card and listen to Dunlap's suggestions first. She says, "For something like a big trip or a concert, I would suggest starting a sinking fund or a dedicated high-yield savings account. That way, you know you’ve saved that money for the exact purpose you’re using it for, and you get to protect your emergency fund and credit cards in the process."

Vlada Karpovich

5. Waiting too long to start a retirement fund

Be honest: do you have a retirement fund? If your answer is no, Dunlap is ready to have a heart-to-heart with you. "In addition to not investing, I see a lot of women waiting too long to start preparing for retirement," she says. It's so easy for Millennials and Gen Z to think our elderly years are far away, but that doesn't mean we can't start planning for them now.

Also, saving or investing your money while you have debt isn't a sign of irresponsibility. Dunlap says, "You may have heard that all of your debt needs to be gone before you start investing–sure, some of your debt needs to be gone." Of course she'd like to see "your high cost debt like credit card debt" lowered as much "as possible before you prioritize investing," but she doesn't want you to "wait too long to start investing because" you think your "other finances aren't perfect," you're clueless about next steps, or think you "need a billion dollars to get started."

All you have to do is try. "...you’ve got to start somewhere, and something is better than nothing," adds Dunlap.

Artem Podrez

6. Bypassing investing because you have limited information

Financial literacy is important, but you're not incompetent because you have limited information about investing. Dunlaps says she sees "people believing the misconception that investing means you’re just selecting individual stocks and taking a gamble on them." Though she agrees it's "an option," she wants you to realize it's "not the only one." So, what to do?

"You can also consider investing in index funds. Essentially, this is a group of companies or groups of stocks. So rather than putting all of your eggs in one basket, you’re putting your money towards something more diversified and low-risk, that’s going to be less of a gamble long-term," suggests Dunlap.It's actually something she likes and teaches about in Stock Market School. "...index funds made me a millionaire," she offers.

BRB, going to sign up so I can get my finances together once and for all.

Nataliya Vaitkevich

7. Shying away from budgeting because you don't want to be restricted

Friends, we can't keep running away from the "budgeting" word. It hasn't helped us, especially if we've been crying about sneaky expenses that are doing a number on our accounts. There's a reason we keep running from it though.

"A lot of us associate a budget with restriction–the idea that in order to save money, you have to restrict yourself and keep a tighter budget. But if you treat money like a diet, it will inevitably fail," Dunlap points out. Here's a secret she wants you to know: "It’s not your fault that you’re not sticking to your budget, it’s just psychology! If you tell me I can’t have fried chicken, all I’m going to do is want fried chicken. Psychology."

Mikhail Nilov

Her point is that "a super restrictive budget just doesn’t work, it's not sustainable" because "your budget shouldn’t stop you from doing things." Instead, she feels "it should be the thing that allows you to do things comfortably." You know like buying those new pair of shoes without calculating if you're going to forfeit part of your cell phone bill.

Dunlap further says, "I’m not going to tell you to stop spending money, because that’s not the solution. I am just going to tell you to stop spending money on things you don’t care about." Her number one suggestion for "helping your budget" is to "establish 3 areas of your life where you get the most joy (ex. eating out, traveling, nesting)."

"When you review your budget, these are going to be the 3 areas you make sure your spending is in line with," she also says.

Porapak Apichodilok

8. Pretending your debt doesn't exist

How many of us are guilty of ignoring the credit card bill until we get our statement? According to Dunlap, that's a terrible idea. "The first thing is to make sure you know your numbers, and aren’t running from them–the only way to take control of your debt is by avoiding what’s called the Ostrich Effect.

This is when you avoid addressing and accessing a situation because you’re afraid of what you’ll find," she says. Wondering who the ostrich is in this situation? You are because you're keeping your "head in the sand." However, it's "so common when it comes to debt, but conquering it is the first step to making progress."

Next up? Get familiar with "tackling debt" by "building an emergency fund — regardless of how much debt you're in," says Dunlap. Even if things feel like they're going really well, she knows "life is inevitably going to throw you a few curve balls." Here's looking at you unexpected car crash that totaled my car last year.

"If you're not prepared for emergencies, you still need to find a way to navigate them–whether that’s dipping into your savings, using credit cards, or asking family and friends for help. We don’t want you to have to do that–we want you to have an emergency fund that you can use," she says. It "safeguards you from going into more debt in an already stressful situation," according to her.

Photo by: Kaboompics.com

After you've started building a nice emergency fund, she can't wait for you to use her "favorite debt handling method" called "the Debt Avalanche."

  1. Write down all of your debts, listing them from highest interest rate to lowest, and how much the minimum payment is on each.
  2. Calculate your total minimum payments to give you an idea of how much you need to pay every month to keep current.
  3. Start paying extra on the credit line with the highest interest rate. Keep paying the minimums on the rest. This process works best when you focus on one bill at a time.
  4. Once you’ve paid off the debt with the highest interest rate, move down the list to the next one and start paying whatever extra you can towards it each month.

Again, Dunlap doesn't want you to feel like you have to have a fail-proof system in place. "Start where you’re at — you’ll be amazed how fast that debt will start disappearing even with just an extra $15 – $20 a month."

Noted! How can I create attainable financial goals this year?

Mikhail Nilov

Now that you're ready to stop making financial mistakes, you can start thinking about your overall money goals for the year. Dunlap says, "One thing you can do to make your goals automatically more achievable is attach them to a mission. It’s one thing to give it a deadline and make it specific, but thinking about what achieving it actually means to you is going to drive you to accomplish it a little more."

An example she gives is you saying "'I will save my first $100K (specific) by the end of 2026 (timely)'," but she asks, "what does that mean to you, what does it get you? Why is important?"

Per her suggestion, "add your answer as a part of your goal statement." She says you could write something like "'because I want to have enough money to quit my toxic job (mission-driven).'"

Doing this "makes accomplishing your goal about more than the money, and reminds you why you're doing it in the first place," she says as her final piece of guidance.

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Millions of Americans tune into award shows like the Oscars, Emmys, Grammys, and Tonys every single year. Yet, you may not know that the Newbery Medal predates all of them — and this great literary honor historically celebrated and exulted some of your favorite childhood reads.

The latest Youth Media Awards took place on January 27, 2025, at the LibLearnX conference in Phoenix, Arizona. There, this year's Newbery Medal winner was officially announced. Keep reading to find out the exciting new winner!

Here's everything you need to know about the 2025 Newbery Medal winning book!

What is the Newbery Medal?


The Newberry Medal is awarded to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children on a yearly basis. The American Library Association (ALA) gave the very first Newbery Medal to Hendrik Willem van Loon, author of "The Story of Mankind," in 1922.

This honor, named after John Newbery, an English children's book publisher, ultimately became the world's first children's book award.

Since its inception, the Newbery Medal has been awarded annually by the Association for Library Service to Children. Numerous revered works have been given this honor, ranging from The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle in 1923 to Summer of the Swans in 1971 and The Tale of Despereaux in 2004.

Who won the 2025 Newbery Medal?

Erin Entrada Kelly

The honor was given to The First State of Being by Erin Entrada Kelly. The book, which came out on March 5, 2024, is set in 1999 and follows a 12-year-old boy named Michael Rosario, who is consumed by anxiety as he prepares for a potential Y2K disaster.

Then, one day, Michael encounters a teenager named Ridge, who stands out with his unusual clothing and strange way of speaking. It turns out that Ridge traveled back in time from the year 2199 with the help of his mom's scientific experiments following a dare from his siblings.

Michael is tempted by the opportunity to find out about the future. However, he realizes that his priority is helping Ridge return to his own time.

This feat represents Erin Entrada Kelly's second Newbery Medal win. She previously won the honor for the first time in 2018 with her book, Hello, Universe.

Along with this prestigious award, the committee also awarded Newbery Honors to other books deemed attention-worthy. These titles included Across So Many Seas by Ruth Behar, Magnolia Wu Unfolds It All by Chanel Miller, One Big Open Sky by Lesa Cline-Ransome, and The Wrong Way Home by Kate O'Shaughnessy.


While the Newbery Medal is perhaps the most famous children's book award, the ALA also recognizes outstanding literature across a variety of categories. These awards, including the Randolph Caldecott Medal, the Coretta Scott King Book Award, the William C. Morris Award, and the Michael L. Printz Award, are determined by committees of children's librarians and other literary experts.

This year, the Randolph Caldecott Medal was presented to Chooch Helped by Andrea L. Rogers and illustrated by Rebecca Lee Kunz. It's awarded to the most distinguished American picture book for kids.


Twenty-four Seconds from Now... by Jason Reynolds received the Coretta Scott King Book Award, which honors African American authors and illustrators who create exceptional books for both children and young adults. My Daddy Is a Cowboy, illustrated by C.G. Esperanza, won the Coretta Scott King Illustrator Book Award.

The William C. Morris Award, given to books by debut authors writing for teen audiences, was presented to Not Like Other Girls by Meredith Adamo. Finally, the Michael L. Printz Award, which recognizes excellent works across YA fiction, nonfiction, poetry, graphic novels, and anthologies, was awarded to Brownstone by Samuel Teer and illustrated by Mar Julia.

Order 'The First State of Being' Here!


The First State of Being by Erin Entrada Kelly

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Admit it: you rolled your eyes when your friend talked about scoring tickets to see Beyoncé'sRenaissance tour or Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour. You've probably even looked at her sideways when she's shared she pays 50% of her household bills because you don't think modern women should do that.

Whatever your reasoning is, you're aware that you have a habit of judging how your friend spends money and feel like you should stop. But friends shouldn't lie to each other, right? Eh, we've yet to see lying in relationships produce healthy results, but overstepping boundaries is just as worse. This is especially true if your friend doesn't always ask for your financial opinions.

Want to know why you keep doing it even though you're making your friend uncomfortable? Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Navjot "Navi" Hughesof Empower Mental Health has a few hints so pull up a chair to see what gives!

4 reasons you're lowkey obsessed with how your friends spend money

Jayda Anderson

1. You're using money as a way to compare yourself to your friend.

Seeing it worded like this sounds harsh and is sure to illicit the following responses:

  1. "Are you kidding me? I'd never do that!"
  2. "There's no comparison between my friend and I. I love them too much to do that."
  3. "It's not like I'm hurting my friend when I try to give them advice."

Even if you're not proud of it, there's a reason why comparison feels a embedded. Hughes says you're zeroing in on your friend's finances because of your "mindset." She further explains, "...we compare because money either separates you or brings you together. It's a social comparison because it's one of the most powerful tools to create the life you desire." This checks out if you and your friend are always talking about the kind of futures you want.

Here's the clincher: Hughes says, "Some are motivated by others, and some become jealous and hopeless."

Tima Miroshnichenko

2. The childhood lessons you learned about money are on full display.

Did you grow up hearing "money doesn't grow on trees" or "Anyone who doesn't save their money is being wasteful?" You may not think about it, but plays a role in how you look at other people's habits. Hughes says, "...judgment comes from our social upbringing. Some people have a scarcity mindset, so they hoard all their money." This could explain why you're less likely to spend money on things you consider frivolous while thinking your friend who does has lost a grip on reality.

The other side of this is being in a position where you didn't have to worry about money growing up. "If you are from a wealthier family, you know that money is a tool that flows." But, you're not off the hook from having negative opinions about others. You could still "judge others for not being smart and investing their money," according to Hughes.

Shaunna Levy

3. You may be jealous of your friend or annoyed with their complaints.

You can adore your friend while envying them for having the luxury to do whatever they want with their money. It's not to say they're truly in the position be carefree, but their ability to believe they'll be okay no matter what may make you see green. Then again, you may resent your friend for complaining about financial hardships they're in because of bad choices.

Like Hughes has mentioned earlier, there's so many reasons why everyone judges each other. She reiterates, "Usually, it's a place of jealousy," and it can show up differently based on your friend's circumstances.

"If your friends travel and you can't afford it, it creates discontent," she uses as an example, but "if your friends complain about not having money and bad spending habits, you may be annoyed and frustrated because their habits don't align with their perceived values," she adds.


4. You're unable to handle the same criticism you're dishing out.

It's easy to judge others for doing something we think isn't right, but it's harder to accept the same vein of criticism. Hughes says people who consistently critique their friends' spending habits wouldn't have a hard time paying attention to their own choices if they were genuinely seeking "expert guidance on how to manage money instead of avoiding it."

For example, you could feel envious of the friend who has a good relationship with money while you're always spending it as soon as you get paid. "Some people cannot hold on to cash because they don't feel they deserve it. It's the subconscious programming that prevents them from making changes," says Hughes.

Emma Ripperdan

Here's what to do if you're truly concerned about your friend's finances

Approach the topic delicately

Sometimes we love to pose aggressive interventions with our friends because we "know" them. While this may work in some cases, it could backfire if you're adding to the guilt they're already feeling.

"If they ask for feedback or they complain in a moment, you can get curious and ask questions that allow them to realize their mistakes," suggests Hughes. Don't go thinking this is your shining moment to make your friend change, however.

"Ultimately, it's up to that person to receive feedback. If they don't want the input, it's best not to express your opinion as it doesn't impact you..." Hughes remarks.

Pavel Danilyuk

Here's how to set a firm boundary with a friend who can't keep their opinions to themselves

If you've found yourself on the receiving of constant opinions about how you spend money, we know you're annoyed. We're irritated for you because invasive questions or thoughts about money can ruin a longstanding friendship!

You can say something like, "While I appreciate your concerns, I will figure this out". You must take control of the conversation and be assertive if others are crossing a boundary. This usually reflects a lack of boundaries in relationships beyond finances- so chances are your relationship already lacks boundaries.

Need more money tips? You'll love browsing our articles about budgeting, saving money, and more!

This year’sspring and summer fashion trends are shaping up to be a stylish mix between beloved classics and newer forays into playful patterns and colors – think remixed boho pieces and trendy jeansalongside fresh springtime greens and summer-ready ginghams! I’m already so excited to get my warm-weather wardrobe going with some of these trends. No matter your personal style, you’re gonna love these spring and summer fashion trends, too.

These 5 upcoming fashion trends are set to define spring and summer 2025 in the most stylish way!

1. Lacy Boho

Free People

Free People Jae Knit Top

Boho feels like it’s been around forever, but we’re sure to see an uptick in all things lacy and frilly this year.

American Eagle

American Eagle Chiffon Bell Sleeve Ruffle Blouse

Where floral styles might have shined in years prior, more femme pieces will be huge in spring and summer 2025.


By Anthropologie Lace Godet Maxi Slip Dress

Inspired by the resurgence of handcrafted aesthetics, lacy boho pieces like flowy maxi dresses, crochet tops, and ruffled blouses create an effortless, yet ethereal look that’s also ideal for warm weather days.

2. Athleisure As Everyday

Girlfriend Collective

Girlfriend Collective White Jane Boat Neck Tank

Athleisure isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, though practical pieces are starting to be worn more commonly as fashion staples.


Halfdays Sophia Leggings

Brands are beginning to craft garments like leggings, hoodies, and workout tops with luxe fabrics and tailored fits, making them that much more elevated.

Old Navy

Old Navy Extra High-Waisted StudioSmooth Skort

This trend reflects the demand for fashion to be both functional and stylish, which is important, no matter your personal style!

3. Skinny Jeans

Free People

Levi's 501 Skinny Jeans

That’s right – skinny jeans have made quite the quiet comeback to fashion for 2025! That isn’t to say looser, baggier denim fits aren’t just as trendy, but if you wear skinny jeans, your outfits will have a unique effect and place you ahead of the trend wave.

Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie & Fitch High Rise Super Skinny Ankle Jeans

Of course, it all depends on how you style ‘em – I personally love the look of pairing them with either tall boots or mesh ballet flats.


AG Mari Mid Rise Slim Straight Leg Jeans

The everlasting return of Y2K-inspired fashion and the need for streamlined, classic pieces are definitely fueling the skinny jean revival.

4. Pistachio Green

Abercrombie & Fitch

The A&F Madeline Textural Crew Sweater

Pastels are still springtime’s BFF, but shades of pistachio green are making their debut in a bigger way this year as a nice alternative to those expected pinks and yellows.


Endless Rose Strapless Textured Column Midi Dress

This soft, muted green tone exudes a calming, natural vibe that’s just plain fun to wear!


Baggu Medium Nylon Crescent Bag

If you don’t want to go all-out in green, you can also easily accessorize with sunglasses, purses, and jewelry.

5. Gingham


Reformation Petra Linen Low Rise Pedal Pusher Pants

Gingham is truly timeless, but we're going to be seeing a whole lot more of it come summer 2025. More and more retailers and designers are getting playful with the pattern, putting out pieces with larger prints or even wacky colors – and I adore it!

Urban Outfitters

Kimchi Blue Renee Smocked Maxi Dress

Gingham pants, dresses, tops, and accessories will be hot this year, and no matter how you wear it, you'll be putting on a look that’s undeniably nostalgic and youthful.

Subscribe to our newsletter to discover more of 2025's fashion trends!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

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An Eyeshadow Palette Full of Shimmery Shades


Create versatile frosted looks with any shade in this eyeshadow palette. With nine different colors and a perfectly shimmery formula, you’ll have everything you need to master any frosty eye look.

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Cast Spells With This Holographic Nail Polish


Embody Elphana down to your nails with this brilliant green nail polish. The lime green color has a holographic quality, so it glimmers and sparkles with zest as you move in the light. You'll have witchcraft at your fingertips.

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Cream Eyeshadow With a Reflective Effect


Cream eyeshadow is perfect for a long-lasting look that won’t crease throughout the day. This one offers intense, metallic shimmer in a range of shades, giving you vibrant color that stays put.

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Liquid Eyeshadow With a Holographic Look


This liquid eyeshadow transforms your look based on the lighting. Its highly pigmented color and iridescent finish create a holographic effect that shifts beautifully as you move.

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An Eyeshadow Palette With 10 Ultra-Pigmented Colors


This cool-toned eyeshadow palette has a blend of frosty silvers, blues, and iridescent shades to create a frozen look with a modern twist. The smooth formula ensures long-lasting shimmer and high-pigmented color.

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This Glow Skin Balm is a 4-in-1 Wonder Cream


The Missha Glow Skin Balm is a four-in-one skincare wonder. It works as a primer, moisturizer, morning mask, and illuminating cream, leaving a dewy, luminous finish that lasts all day.

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Rock Sparkly Lips With Catkin Tinted Lip Balm


How would you like to wear sparkly lips that feel like you're channeling the essence of Glinda herself? This tinted lip balm from Catkin is going to be one of your new favorites. Infused with color-reviver technology that adapts to the pH of lips, this tint reveals a custom glow for up to six hours. Featuring Phytosterols, Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil, Limnanthes Alba Seed Oil, Mint Essential Oil, and Vitamin E, this balm offers both custom color and lip care.

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Eyeshadow Pens for a Multi-Dimensional Look


Color your eyelids effortlessly with these eyeshadow pens. They come in three different shades that work well together or worn alone as shadow or liner. You can choose a couple of different color combinations to best complement your eye color.

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A Plumping Lip Gloss You Can Get in 6 Colors


This lip gloss adds a sheer wash of color with a hint of shine, enriched with vitamin E for hydration. It will leave your lips looking plump and fresh with the most gorgeous shimmer.

See it on Amazon

An Award-Winning Finishing Powder With Light to Medium Coverage


This powdered foundation comes in a wide range of shades and self-adjusts to your skin tone for a seamless match. Praised for its matte finish that resists caking or creasing, it’s a go-to for achieving a flawless look at any age.

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Steal the Limelight With This Eye Shadow Palette


This eyeshadow palette is all about that bright and light lime green. It features nine shades, including chartreuse, olive, sage, pistachio, and glittery options to make you shine. And with a sparkly black color, you can create moody, dark looks, too.

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This Foundation Will Become A Go-To


Not only does this Foundation have a smooth and easy application process, but it also works to provide you with the coverage you need without sacrificing the luminosity. It's reliable for all skin types, offering a lightweight option that doesn't compromise perfection.

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A Moondust Eyeshadow With a Reflective Shine


Add a touch of sparkle to your eyes and cheeks with Urban Decay’s Moondust eyeshadow. Its iridescent formula mixes fine shimmer and soft metallics, creating a multidimensional effect that enhances any look.

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A Liquid Glitter Eyeshadow That Makes a Statement


This liquid glitter shadow brings a high-impact sparkle with a single swipe. The quick-drying formula stays put, creating a frosty, shimmery finish that lasts all night.

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A Shimmery Eyeshadow You Can Also Use as a Highlighter


Nothing beats products that do it all, like this eyeshadow. Its creamy consistency makes it easy to blend, whether you're applying it to your eyelids or using it as a highlighter on your cheekbones.

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Build an Army in Maybelline Eyeshadow


Elphaba's army of monkeys may have been an accident, but you can create fierce army-inspired looks with this green eyeshadow. The commanding dark green can be used to create subtle Elphaba styles or layered on for a loud look.

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This Milky Toner Brightens Dull Skin


This lightweight milky toner uses rice water, niacinamide, and ceramides for deep hydration while brightening dull skin. It has a non-sticky finish and contains soothing ingredients that calm any irritation.

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A Powder Highlighter in a Warm Shade


If you're going for more of a golden frost look, this highlighter will be perfect for you. It has a pearl-like shimmer in a warmer tone that will complement any skin tone. It's even great for adding to your eyelids to make them pop.

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A High Pigmented Liquid Eyeshadow


This liquid eyeshadow adds shine to your eyes that lasts all day. Its metallic sparkle comes in a variety of shades, perfect for complementing any frosted look.

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Get a Taste for Glass Skin With This Discovery Kit


This discovery kit has all you need for beautiful glass skin. This includes a four-step routine: a hydrating gel cleanser, a wild dew treatment essence, a glass skin refining serum, and a matcha pudding antioxidant cream, all in travel sizes so you can test them first.

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This Glitter Eyeshadow Is Fast-Drying


The metallic pigments of this liquid eyeshadow will give your makeup a multi-dimensional finish. Wear alone or apply over bold color for a big look. It's hypoallergenic for sensitive skin, plus it's fast to dry.

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Full Face Makeup Palettes


LAURA GELLER NEW YORK's Party in a Palette Gift Set has been featured in Oprah's 2023 Favorite Things list and offers four full-face makeup palettes that are travel-friendly and perfect for beauty enthusiasts.

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Protect Yourself With This Rich Sunscreen


Despite being so thick, this sunscreen absorbs well into the skin, giving you SPF 40 protection against harmful rays. The daily sunscreen smoothes evenly onto the skin, leaving you with a glassy finish.

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This 2-in-1 Moisturizer Brightens Dull Skin With Apricot Extract


This velvety-pressed serum uses apricot extract and niacinamide to enhance your natural glow. Working as a serum and moisturizer, this two-in-one cream moisturizer brightens dull skin and evens skin tone.

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Refine and Renew Skin Overnight With YUNI Beauty Face Serum


How would you like to wake up with Glinda's glowing skin? You're going to love this face serum from YUNI Beauty. This restoring overnight face serum features bakuchiol, a natural alternative to retinol that smooths and refines without irritating side effects, and biotic actives that help optimize skin to enhance its naturally protective surface environment.

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This Lipstick Has a 3D Shine


Ensure your lips look luscious with this high-shine lipstick. It comes in a range of tones but the pale pink feels so retro cool. Plus, the shimmer formula is creamy on the lips and won't dry them out.

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This Foundation For Your Dream Skin


This Foundation is the secret to that flawless dewy skin that everyone and their mother have been raving about. Its exclusive puff applicator ensures a smooth, long-lasting finish, promising that you have the most flawless makeup look that can make it through the night.

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This Glass Skin Refining Serum Brightens and Firms Skin


With peach at its heart, the Peach & Lily's Glass Skin Refining Serum brightens, firms, hydrates, and calms your skin with its silky, lightweight formula. The clean serum is to be used twice a day to improve signs of photo-damage.

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Illuminate Skin With Saie Mini Glowy Super Gel Lightweight Illuminator


This Saie mini glowy super gel lightweight illuminator will be your secret to illuminated and glowing skin that is Glinda-approved. Wear this illuminator alone, under foundation as an illuminating and hydrating primer, or wear it over any makeup look for super dewy, glass skin.

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This Foundation Powder is Iconic


There's no such thing as oily skin in the summertime when you have this foundation powder that allows you to minimize your pores and control your oil like never before. This product will leave a matte finish on your skin, ensuring you're always picture-perfect throughout the season.

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This Moisturizing Cream Uses Snail Mucin to Boost Collagen Production


This anti-aging moisturizing cream uses snail mucin to firm up the skin and boost collagen production. It dramatically reduces the appearance of wrinkles, leaving you with smooth skin.

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This Korean Sheet Mask Plumps Up Your Skin


This Korean sheet mask is packed with eight-layer hyaluronic acid and niacinamide to plump up your skin and give you a dewy complexion. The glass skin face mask is infused with low molecular collagen, improving skin elasticity.

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A Highlighter Stick for Your Face and Body


For an effortless icy glow, this highlighter stick glides on smoothly, leaving behind a soft, dewy finish. It adds a frosted shine to your cheekbones and cupid’s bow for that perfect winter touch.

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Keep Your Makeup on All Day Long With This Glowy Fixing Spray


This fast-drying spray will give you a dewy finish as it adds a subtle shimmer. Use it as a primer or a setting spray. It keeps your makeup in place all day, and users love it. One five-star fan wrote: "Works so well; it dries quickly, and my makeup does not move after I use this. It makes it so dewy looking. After I use this and apply my highlight, it shines so well."

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A Highlighter With an Intense Pigment


Every frosted look needs a diamond-like sparkle, and this highlighter delivers just that. Available in a range of shades, it lets you choose your level of radiance. For maximum shine, go with the pearl white; for a more subtle glow, try a champagne or gold hue.

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This Eyeshadow Stick is a Gem


Make every morning a breeze when you add this eyeshadow stick to your daily makeup routine. This shadow also comes with a built-in sharpener, allowing you to apply on the go. With a ton of different shades to choose from, you can't be disappointed.

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Get Your Glow On No Makeup Days With This Vitamin B9 Cream


This Vitamin B9 Cream is great for no-makeup days. It gives you a natural but radiant look. The primer is packed with hyaluronic acid, bamboo water, and niacinamide, keeping your skin hydrated and giving a fresh, clean finish.

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These Toner Pads Are Fueled by Molecular Collagen That Gets Deep Into Your Pores


These toner pads use 10 percent collagen water, which absorbs super fast, and they use low molecular collagen, which is so tiny, allowing it to travel deep into your pores so you can improve elasticity.

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Sacheu Lip Liner Stay-N-Peel Lasts All Day


Don't let your lips fade throughout the day. This Sacheu lip liner stay-n-peel is going to give you pink lips that are designed to last. You'll love how this will make you feel like Glinda all day long. Infused with lip-loving ingredients, hyaluronic acid, and Vitamin E, this liner nourishes your lips while giving you plump-looking and defined, luscious lips.

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This Cleanser Gives You a Deep Clean Without Stripping Away Your Moisture


Clean your face without stripping away its moisture with this radiance cleansing balm. The hydrating cleanser gives you a deep cleanse, removing makeup, sunscreen, dirt, and more without irritating your skin.

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This Colostrum Protein Face Mist Is Packed With Probiotics


Use this colostrum protein face mist, which uses five different probiotics and hyaluronic acid, to give yourself a poreless, smooth skin base. Prep your face and use it to set your makeup to keep your skin hydrated for a flawless appearance.

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This Peripera Ink Glasting Lip Gloss Gives You High-Shine


High-shine lip gloss without any stickiness? Yes, please. Get perfectly Glinda pink lips with this Peripera ink glasting lip gloss. This lustrous, pigment-packed lip gloss looks as good as it feels. It glides on instantly, offering glassy radiance for fuller-looking, hydrated lips.

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Get Healthy-Looking Skin With This Kombucha Cream Essence


This kombucha cream essence is made with kombucha tea, which is made from fermented black tea and is full of probiotics and vitamin B that keep your skin healthy. This potent vegan formula uses ingredients such as Camellia Sinensis Leaf Water and Extract, plus Schisandra Chinensis Fruit Extract.

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This Brow Pencil Can Give You Flawless Eyebrows


Want flawlessly arched brows? Consider utilizing this brow pencil, which offers unparalleled precision for sculpting brows (no wonder why they have become such cult favorites).

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This Radiance Dual Essence Uses a Triple Snail Complex for the Ultimate Glow


The Advanced Snail Radiance Dual Essence has two different essences, with one that boosts elasticity and hydration. The cream essence helps improve your skin’s barrier and gives it a radiant glow. It uses a triple snail complex with land snail, black mucin, golden shell mucin, and niacinamide.

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Get More Out of Your Skincare Products With This Glow Device


This glow device helps you get the most out of your skincare routine by improving absorption, elasticity, and the appearance of pores. It has a microcurrent mode to improve the appearance of fine lines and a derma shot mode to firm up skin. This gadget also pairs with an app with easy-to-follow routines to find your glow.

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This All-in-One Scrub Gently Buffs Away Dead Skin


This all-in-one cleanser leaves your skin feeling refreshed and polished with its Korean Pink Aloe Vera Water that hydrates and calms the skin. The mungbean and soybean scrub uses super fine powder particles that gently buff away dead skin, making way for smoother skin.

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Liquid Eyeliner With a Hint of Shimmer


Complete your frosted look with this shimmering liquid eyeliner. Available in a range of colors—or a variety pack for endless options—it adds the perfect touch of sparkle to match any eyeshadow.

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This Overnight Mask Will Leave You With Super-Hydrated Skin


This Korean overnight mask will leave you with super-hydrated, glowing skin. It's packed with niacinamide, squalane, and a probiotic-derived complex; it works while you sleep to hydrate and strengthen your skin’s moisture barrier deeply.

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This Ceramic Cream Uses a Secret Ingredient for Ultra-Hydration


The TIRTIR Ceramic Cream has a secret ingredient, polyglutamic acid, which holds 10 times more water than hyaluronic acid to give you ultra-hydration. It's also formulated with olive oil, macadamia seed oil, and 12 plant extracts to soothe and nourish your skin.

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This Eye Brightener With Instant Results


This eye cream combines the long-term benefits of hyaluronic acid and shea butter to soften and brighten your skin over time while also acting as a medium-coverage concealer for instant results. Its pink tint neutralizes the blue tones often visible under the eyes.

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A Concealer Infused With Hyaluronic Acid


Brighten and conceal with this lightweight illuminating concealer. The waterproof formula has a medium coverage while adding a subtle glow to highlight and refresh your under-eye area.

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