Feel Like You're Over-Spending? Now's A Great Time For A Mid-Year Financial Reset

Financial Reset

We've all been there — your wallet finally recovered post-holidays in the first quarter of the year, only for you to slowly creep into over-spend mode yet again as summer fun takes over. Those ebbs and flows are totally normal, but sometimes it just means you have to pause and take a moment for a little mid-year financial reset so you don't totally lose sight of your goals.

Tori Dunlap, author of NYT bestseller Financial Feminist and the money expert behind @herfirst100k, has some helpful tips if you're trying to get back on financial track. Instead of cutting off fun cold turkey, here's how you can take stock of what you have, readjust your goals, and still spend on the fun stuff while also putting your best financial foot forward. Here are three questions Dunlap wants you to ask during your mid-year financial reset to accomplish this!

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics

1. Were my financial goals reasonable?

Dunlap suggests that chances are...they weren't. Saving a million dollars in a month probably isn't realistic, and sometimes saving one hundred dollars in a month isn't either. It all depends on your circumstances — what you're bringing in (income) and what's going out (bills, cost of living, etc). Take note of what you're working with so you can adjust accordingly.

Photo by Joslyn Pickens

2. How do I need to optimize to be able to achieve those goals?

Sometimes you can make simple changes in your spending, but other times you may need to re-evaluate your money goals a little bit. Dunlap suggests asking, "What is the new goal that I need to set that is actually achievable?"

Sit down with your expenditures, actually find out what's left over from paycheck to paycheck after you pay your bills, and set your goals from there. Once you approach money in a way that makes sense for you, you're more likely to follow the plan.

Photo by Marcus Aurelius

3. What plan am I actually gonna do to achieve those goals?

Dunlap is adamant that "a goal without a plan is just a wish." And she's right! We can hope and dream for the million dollar savings account all we want, but if we want to make that happen, then we need to kick it into high gear with some action. Not just any action either — intentional, well-thought out choices that you can put in motion with the plan you set for yourself. This could include, but isn't limited to:

  1. Knowing what you're saving for — vacation, wedding, house, retirement, etc — and putting a name to it.
  2. Automating your savings by having a specific amount of your paycheck deposited right into your savings account.
  3. Setting a "going out budget" so you can still enjoy rooftop cocktails and other fun with your friends within reason and without overspending.

Looking for more money advice? Be sure to follow the conversation on Instagram!

Header image via Karolina Kaboompics

Working from home comes with a certain luxury that can be taken advantage of. Business casual wear gets replaced with comfy loungewear, slippers, and messy buns or scarves, while makeup may sit untouched for days on your vanity. It's truly amazing...buuuut sometimes we get a little too comfortable when it's time for us to hop on our next Zoom call.

I try to be mindful that I'm not doing anything annoying, but there have been times where my kiddo has shown his face during a team meeting or two. While I have a pretty understanding team (Editor's note: said team loves said child), I know not every job is okay with a kid popping in and out if they're in a meeting with important clients or executives.

Aside from kids on calls, there are a few other annoying things that have the potential to rub your co-workers or boss the wrong way. Jo Caruana, business etiquette consultant and CEO of the Finesse Group, shares some of the things you should steer clear of in the workplace — and I threw in a couple more for good measure! Here's to being a better coworker, kicking one bad habit at a time.

Ignoring the dress code if your WFH job calls for one, or if you're meeting a client virtually

Image via cottonbro studio/Pexels

Your remote job may not require you to wear business casual wear, but some people may not want to see you wearing an oversized tee or pajama shirt that has holes in it. This is especially true if you know important clients are going to be on a Zoom call. Caruana says, "Zoom attire (the "up-top chic, down below sweats" look made famous by Covid) is the go-to for many of us now, but it's important not to let standards slip below that if you're on calls with clients."

Her rule of thumb is to be mindful of what you're wearing even if you are at home. "If you wouldn't meet a client in your food-covered-hoodie IRL, I don't recommend you do it on Zoom either. As for internal meetings — that's up to you, your colleagues and company policy to decide, but I think it's still nice to respect the fact people have taken the time to meet you and to take your PJs off."

Multitasking to the point that you're not paying attention

Image via Artem Podrez/Pexels

You're not a terrible person if you're taking notes during a meeting because it's impossible to remember everything that's discussed. However, it can become an issue if you're overly focused on note-taking, what's going on outside your window, that project you're trying to wrap up, what you're going to eat for dinner, or what's happening on the latest episode of Bridgerton.

"Remember those early Zoom days when we were all so focused on not revealing ourselves that we actually paid attention? Today there's a good chance everyone on the call is simply nodding and smiling while actually getting through their to-do list in the background," Caruana says. Ironically this reminds me of a scene from Madagascar where the lead penguin says, "Just smile and wave boys."

I'd be lying if I said my mind doesn't drift during meetings sometimes, but it truly makes a world of difference when you're actively engaged during a work call. "I know it's tempting, but it is important to stay present on Zoom meetings, just as you would in-person. It's the only way you can avoid that dreaded moment when you are called on by your boss but have no idea what's going on," Caruana says. "Plus, it's only fair to give other people your time and attention if they've showed up to spend time with you. AND multitasking is never the most efficient way to get things done.

Using your social media voice during important Zoom and work calls

Image via Canva Studio/Pexels

Raise your hand if social media lingo has slipped into your everyday conversations. I can't tell you how many times I've said and written, "It's giving [blank]" or "It's the [blank] for me." I'm human, so I'm throughly capable of being influenced.

However, not everyone understands certain lingo, so it's best not to sprinkle them throughout your work calls. Not only that, but some 'jokes' have the tendency to fall horrifically flat. We've all been in a meeting where someone decides to recount a funny joke that's actually cringey.

"Yes, it's online — but that doesn't mean you should act like the comments section of a Twitter (sorry, X) thread. If you wouldn't communicate a certain way in person, then don't do it in a Zoom meeting. Oh and don't make inappropriate jokes," Caruana says.

Checking your phone or tablet for other incoming messages

Image via Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

I learned early on that people do not appreciate when you're on your phone while they're talking to you, but not everyone is aware of how this may come across. Caruana says, " Don't look at your smart watch to check your messages in clear view. It makes it look like you have somewhere more important to be!"

Drinking wine during calls

Image via Matilda Wormwood/Pexels

I wish I could make this up, but I've definitely heard an unpleasant story about a client appearing on a Zoom call with a full wine glass in their hand. Hopefully no one who works from home has done this during team meetings, but I thought it'd be a good idea to mention how awful that is.

We all love a good glass of wine, but I don't think our colleagues want to see us downing a full glass in the middle of the afternoon.

Smoking with your camera off

Image via Karolina Kaboompics/Pexels

It is with a heavy sigh that I'm typing this. My S.O. used to work from home and had daily Zoom meetings with his team. Although one of his co-workers usually kept her camera off, everyone could hear her lighting a cigarette and puffing into the phone. He said it's the most annoying thing to hear something blowing loudly into their headset while you're trying to debrief about various tasks.

Uh, I can only imagine and have a couple of thoughts. One, that's annoying. Two, that's just having bad manners. If you wouldn't light a cigarette in the middle of a conference room, I highly recommend you don't do it while you're on a Zoom call.

What are some of the annoying Zoom habits you've seen? Let us know in the comments!

Lead image via Matilda Wormwood/Pexels

30 years after "Run, Forrest, run!" entered the cultural consciousness, we're getting an unofficial Forrest Gump reunion! Robin Wright and Tom Hanks' new film, titled Here, brings the actors together with Forrest Gump director Robert Zemeckis. The movie is a sweeping look at life across hundreds of years, anchored in the same cozy living room. And if we're already emotional just from watching the trailer, we'll definitely need to bring tissues to the theater! Here's everything you need to know about the movie.

What is the new movie Here about?

CTMG/Sony Pictures

Based on the graphic novel by Richard McGuire, Here follows the story of multiple families across time, and explores the places — and homes — they inhabit. "The story travels through generations, capturing the most relatable of human experiences," according to an official synopsis of the movie, which is "a tale of love, loss, laughter and life, all of which happen right Here."

When is Here coming out?

CTMG/Sony Pictures

Here comes to movie theaters on November 15, 2024. With so much emphasis on family and home, this is going to be the perfect pre-holiday movie to watch with the people you love the most. Check out the rest of this year's Fall Movies to see what else is coming this year!

Who's in the cast of Here?

CTMG/Sony Pictures

Here stars Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Paul Bettany, Kelly Reilly, and Michelle Dockery.

Where is Here filmed?

CTMG/Sony Pictures

Here began filming at the end of 2022 in London, and director Robert Zemeckis revealed the camera stays in exactly the same place throughout the entire movie. “The single perspective never changes, but everything around it does,” he tells Vanity Fair. “It’s actually never been done before."

Check out the other 2024 movies coming out this year — and let us know your favorite Robin Wright & Tom Hanks movies on Facebook!

Lead image via CTMG/Sony Pictures

27 Dresses is a fun story until you think about how much Jane (Kathryn Heigl) spent for each and every one of those weddings. There are engagement parties, bridal showers, bachelorette parties, bridesmaid dresses, shoes, jewelry — I mean the list of costly responsibilities goes on and on and on. Imagine doing that 27 times.

Wedding events aren't just a casual affair anymore either — the financial obligations for wedding guests and bridal parties continue to rise steadily. According to a 2023 study from The Knot, the average cost of a bridesmaid's dress is $130. Business Insider reports that you can expect to spend $1,200 for bachelorette parties on average. Just being a wedding guest alone has an average price tag of $580, according to another study by The Knot. Suddenly, from your dress to the destination bach to the delicate (and likely expensive) stemware you got the couple as a gift, you're potentially spending thousands of dollars on a wedding that's not even your own.

And while you likely love the bride asking you to be in her wedding party very much...is there a way you can politely decline? Especially if you're trapped for cash or trying to save for a major financial goal? HerFirst100k's Tori Dunlap would like to think so! And it doesn't have to be this friendship-altering event either. With Dunlap's tips, you should be well on your way to the happy couple's good graces without paying an arm and a leg to earn it.

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics

When turning down a bridesmaid offer, Dunlap suggest using the "sandwich method" here — AKA saying something complimentary, giving the bad news, and ending on another positive, complimentary note. Seems simple enough, right?

She suggest saying, "I'm so excited for your wedding! Thank you so much for thinking of me! I am so honored. However, at this time I really can't afford the commitment of being a bridesmaid, but I would love to support you in any other way I can."

With this phrasing Dunlap says you're accomplishing three key things:

  1. Setting expectations
  2. Validating the friendship
  3. Maintaining your own financial boundaries
In doing this, you're ensuring that you've done and said everything you can kindly and upfront so that you don't leave the bride on the hook or disappointed. This should keep your relationship in tact — and if it doesn't, that maybe says more about the situation than your polite decline. Regardless, now you don't have to worry about going into debt for someone else's wedding, so you're able to spend mindfully and maintain your personal finance goals.

How would you decline being a bridesmaid? Let us know in the comments, and follow the convo on Facebook!

Header image via Caleb Oquendo

Black Panther remains one of the most iconic Marvel movies, and continues to stand apart from the rest of the superhero genre. We were over the moon when Black Panther: Wakanda Forever reunited Shuri, Okoye, Nakia, and Queen Ramonda in 2022, and ever since the credits rolled, we've been eagerly anticipating their return. Well, thanks to actress Letitia Wright, it looks like we could be seeing more of Shuri (and hopefully the rest of the cast) soon.

During an appearance on The View on June 26, Letitia Wright expressed just how much the character of Shuri means to her. “Let’s just say I would like to continue with Shuri,” she says. “She’s one of my favorite characters. Such a blessing, honestly. I kid you not, I’m so grateful for her.”

While MCU movies like an unnamed fifth Avengers movie (2026) and Avengers: Secret Wars (2027) are coming up, fans are also hoping to see Letitia return as Shuri in a third Black Panther movie. When The View's Sunny Hostin asks the actress about Black Panther 3, Letitia responds, “There’s a lot to, a lot to — a lot coming up.”

Annette Brown/Marvel Studios/Disney

The cast of Black Panther 2 faced some challenges while making the movie. Lead actor Chadwick Boseman passed away from a private battle with colon cancer in 2020, and even after production on the film started, Letitia Wright faced an injury that delayed production for a few months.

Letitia says that remembering Chadwick helped her through recovery. “I thought a lot about his perseverance and his relentlessness just to keep going no matter what life was throwing at him," she says. "I just thought, like, ‘If my brother could make it, you know, I can get back on set and finish the job.’ So, I just carried that panther spirit with me.”

Are you excited to see Letitia Wright (and Shuri) return to the MCU? Check out 14 Female Superheroes We Love To Watch Save The World for more!

Lead image via Marvel Studios/Disney

With bills to pay, project deadlines and a growing to-do list, it can be hard to keep your house in order. But research shows that cluttered environments are tied to higher levels of stress. Luckily, there are simple ways to make your home feel more zen without a ton of effort. From stylish ways to clear clutter to embracing organic materials, check out these 15 mindful decorating tips for creating a space where you can sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Purge Once. Edit Often.

Photo by Charlotte May

There’s a reason why Marie Kondo's KonMari method was such a huge hit — because it works. To create a mindful space, you need to master the magic of tidying. Surround yourself with things that you love and get rid of non-essentials that are cluttering your space. The result: a cozy, comfortable home you love.

Focus On Negative Space With Low Furniture


If something about one of your minimalistic rooms feels off or cramped, you might need to focus on the proportions of your furniture. Tables, a sofa or a bed that are just a few inches too high can greatly disrupt a room’s visual flow. The design trick: Buy low furniture like this gorgeous CB2 Cantar Ivory Velvet Upholstered Bedfor a cozy and simple look.

Stick With A Neutral Or Soft Color Palette

Dacotah Studio

When decorating a minimalist interior, it’s all about creating a clean base. Clean light walls can open up a space and make it feel airy, like this stunning kitchen by LA-based Dacotah Studio(see our full feature here). Soft, nature-toned pieces in beige, tan and green are also soothing and easy on the eyes. Decorating within a neutral color palette also gives your home that instant, pulled-together look. That plus calming vibes? It’s a win-win.

Add Minimal Texture

Design: Urbanology Designs | Photo: Matti Gresham

To keep a room from feeling cold or bland, add texture. Shop for soft throws, throw a sheepskin over your desk chair and lay down a fluffy wool rug. Your space will look put-together and cozier than ever.

Get Rid Of Most Mirrors

Joshua Smith Design | Photo: Lance Gerber

In feng shui, mirrors are said to bounce off energy, which can cause you to feel restless. There have even been studies that show mirrors could trigger stress and anxiety. While we love how a mirror can make a space look larger, it’s probably best to remove them from your bedroom, living room and kitchen. Instead place mirrors behind closet doors or limit them to the bathroom.

Choose Natural Materials

Design: Urbanology Designs | Photo: Mike Davello

While minimalism is all about perfecting the “less is more” approach, there’s a chance your interiors might feel cold and sterile. Invest in pieces of natural or raw materials such as wood, marble, hides, clay and cork. The uniqueness of earthy materials adds character and warmth to your abode.

Embrace Natural Light

Photo + Design: Klein Agency

A simple mindfulness exercise is to wake up when it’s light out and sleep when it’s dark out to maintain a healthy sleep rhythm. Get rid of curtains and tear down walls that block windows to maximize the amount of light that comes in. Letting natural light fill your home brings the outside in and allows you to get the best rest possible.

Let Your Space Speak For Itself

Photo by Gül Işık

There are so many ways to decorate a home, but before you begin drilling and filling up the shelves, really take time to understand and appreciate your space. Whether your home has traditional molding, modern kitchen cabinets or a quirky layout, your home’s bones are the foundation for building upon. You might find that many of your physical possessions don’t complement your space. Work with what you have (and not against it) to create a home that is unified.

Keep Surfaces Clear And Tidy

Design: Arterberry Cooke

This is where being mindful isn’t just about aesthetics. De-cluttering a messy surface looks amazing and feels amazing too — think of it as a mind and spirit detox. Clear and tidy desks, tables and kitchen countertops on a daily basis so you can start every day fresh with clarity.

Use Stylish Storage

Design: Bungalowe | Photo by Gavin Cater

We know. It’s hard to get rid of all of your clutter. Paper, art supplies, makeup brushes, laundry — the list of stuff that accumulates (and you can’t always get rid of) goes on. Consider getting rid of trash cans entirely in rooms that don’t absolutely need them. Or, use pull-out and built-in garbage and recycling bins to free up floor space. Keep office and cleaning supplies organized with pretty baskets and containers, and find creative ways to store your hair and beauty products. With so much stuff, stylish storage is key to making your home organized and tidy. We love how LA-based design team Bungalowe created custom storage with shelving in this bedroom (see the full feature here).

Keep Cords Out Of Sight

Photo + Design: Klein Agency

To make your home (and mind) feel clear, hide everyday eyesores like power strips, routers and laptop chargers by thinking vertically. Manage your electrical cords by purchasing desks with shelves for power strips, attach cords to the back or bottom of your desk with these Blue Key World Cable Clips ($7) or create a charging station drawer. There are so many ways to hide cords, and you can get as creative as you like!

Set The Tone With Soft Lighting


In addition to installing dimmer switches to set a relaxing mood, task lighting (your table and floor lamps) should be warm and atmospheric. Layer the light with wall sconces like CB2's lovely and affordable Astr White Onyx Wall Sconce and some candles, and your space will feel extra intimate and cozy.

Make Your Bed Every Morning

Design: Arterberry Cooke

As tempting as it is to rush out the door in the morning, leaving your bed unkempt can set the tone for the day. Making your bed forces you to slow down and set a healthy pace for the day. For more style, splurge on beautiful linen sheets that’ll motivate you to tidy your bed every morning.

Treat Yourself To Quality Towels

Piglet In Bed

Consistency in fabrics like your sheets and towels can make a room look instantly pulled together. Refresh your bathroom with 100% cotton, OEKO-TEX-certified towels like these striped ones from Sand Shell Pembroke Stripe Cotton Towels from Piglet In Bed that have a cool vintage vibe.

Let The Outdoors In With Florals And Plants

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya

With clean, minimalist style, it’s even more important to bring a little bit of life into your space. Think of caring for a plant as a daily exercise in mindfulness. Bonus: Florals and plants instantly create an inviting atmosphere too.

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Header image courtesy of CB2