When it comes to Fridays, we’re all about happy hour. And what’s happy hour without booze? Not happy hour at all! We’ve already shown you our favorite cozies from all over the web, and now it’s time we turn our attention to flasks. You… flasked for it? Okay, that was bad – let’s just get to the flasks.
1. Getting Loaded ($20): I mean, it’s a tech pun that involves getting loaded? We’re in.
Donut Flask
3. Shot Flask ($25): It’s a flask… and a portable shot glass? Or the best drinking invention ever? Or both?! We love it.
4. The Original Disposable Flask ($15 for 3): This set of disposable flasks is great for nights when you need to pre-game on the go.
5. Flask Bangle ($225): Leave it to Cynthia Rowley to turn a bangle into a flask. A tough sell at $225, but it’s definitely on our wish list.
6. Notebook Flask ($24): Love the look of those old school composition notebooks, but not up for taking notes anymore?
7. Portable Canvas California Flask ($18): We’re in love with this rustic looking canvas option celebrating California!
8. Flask Tie ($25): That’s right. A flask… in a tie. Genius, especially at a beer and wine only holiday party. Loving their tagline, “Don’t be the guy with the cup of water.” Ridic.
10. Stanley Classic Flask ($22): The classic flask for outdoorsy folks, we love the timelessness of just about anything made by Stanley.
11. Drinkman Hip Flask ($14): Um, it’s a flask that looks like a walkman. Your ’80s party just called!
13. iFlask ($25): We’ve covered this before, but it’s too good not to revisit. It’s a flask that looks exactly like an iPhone. Sip out of the headphone jack and be on your way.
14. Double Sided Binocular Flask ($13): This might be our favorite pick on the list. I personally experienced the convenience and novelty of the double binoc flask at a music festival last year, and am forever changed.
15. Stay Sharp Flask and Waxed Canvas Case ($148): This cheeky option from Best Made comes with a gorgeous canvas case as well.
16. Antique Glass Flask with Pewter Cup ($56): A bit of a relic, this antique flask is glass covered in sumptuous leather and with a removable pewter cup. Brilliant!
17. Ceramic Flask ($75): This gorgeous piece might not be the most durable flask on this last but it is likely the fairest one of all.
18. Krylon Spraycan Flask ($20): We’re definitely on Team Spray Paint, and Krylon is one of our favorite brands. This vintage graphic makes us smile.
20. Handmade Copper Flask ($150): Another flask on the more serious side, this beautiful piece would make an awesome gift for someone who loves a good bottle of booze.
22. Pretzel Flask ($55): And the award goes to… this insanely awesome pretzel flask!! How is this real and why don’t we have it yet?
Bonus: Mini Liquor Bottle Ankle Concealer ($11): This last bonus is not a flask at all but we found it while searching for awesome flasks. It’s an ankle strap that lets you store mini bottles of booze!!