Forget The “Two-Faced” Myth! These 4 Traits Make Geminis Awesome

gemini traits

Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac, has traits that add up to a unique blend of duality and adaptability. Born between May 21st and June 20th, Geminis are like the wind, their communication and ideas spiraling in different directions. They belong to the Air element, along with intellectual signs Libra and Aquarius. Governed by the communication planet Mercury, Geminis are endowed with sharp minds, quick wit, and a thirst for knowledge. This drives their constant quest for new experiences and information. As a mutable sign, their personality is adaptable to whatever life throws at them and is changeable. Their adaptability, curiosity, wit, and versatility are their notable quirks, sometimes leading to a dizzying fervor for others.

Geminis, as the messengers of the zodiac, are here to express ideas and purpose. They don't just strive to be open-minded but also desire to teach others to see things from different perspectives. Their aim is not just to share information but also to strengthen themselves by confidently speaking openly.

How Geminis See Life

Photo by Spencer Wirkkala/Dupe

For a Gemini, life isn't just a journey but a limitless adventure. With an insatiable thirst for knowledge and an unyielding curiosity about the world around them, Geminis live each day like the excitement of a child. They are free and detached from the outcome, seeing every experience as an opportunity to learn, grow, and expand their understanding of the universe. This vibrant and adventurous outlook on life is a key part of their personality.

Gemini's agile minds and versatile spirits equip them to navigate life's ever-changing currents easily. They thrive on variety and stimulation, constantly seeking new experiences and challenges to keep their intellect engaged. From intellectual pursuits to thrilling adventures, Gemini embraces life with open arms, eager to taste, touch, and savor all it offers.

At the core of Gemini's approach to life lies a profound recognition of the power of communication and connection. Geminis are natural-born communicators, effortlessly weaving words into intricate tapestries of thought and emotion. They thrive on lively conversation and spirited debate, cherishing the opportunity to exchange ideas and perspectives.

But beneath Gemini's outgoing exterior lies a deeper layer of introspection and contemplation. Geminis are not afraid to dive deep into their psyche, understanding the duality within themselves and the world around them. Although in meme culture, they are known to be two-faced —I am here to debunk this notion. Their nature and duality have to do with reminding us to learn how to tame our impulsivity and desires and bridge down the higher mind through communication and facts.

Geminis In Love And Relationships

Photo by Bethany Ferr/PEXELS

In matters of the heart, Geminis seek intellectual stimulation and emotional connection above all else. They value the depth of thought and shared interests in their relationships but also cherish their independence and freedom. For Geminis, love is a journey of mutual exploration and growth, where each partner can support and inspire the other to reach new heights of understanding and fulfillment.

They are drawn to partners who can engage them in meaningful discussions and challenge them to think outside the box. Nothing excites a Gemini more than the thrill of exchanging ideas and perspectives with someone who shares their curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

However, Geminis also value their independence and freedom. They need space to explore their interests and pursue personal growth, and they seek partners who respect and support their autonomy. In a healthy relationship, Gemini aims to feel free to express themselves openly and honestly, knowing their partner appreciates their uniqueness and cherishes their individuality. They also have an infectious and goofy energy that can stir up a lot of laughs from their lover. Appreciating their zany humor will score many points, but it must be genuine because they can read through a false façade from a mile away.

At the same time, Geminis are deeply affectionate and attentive partners. They enjoy showering their loved ones affectionately and expressing their feelings through words and gestures. Geminis are skilled communicators, adept at articulating their emotions and making their partners feel loved and appreciated.

But beneath Gemini's sociable exterior lies a deeper layer of complexity. Geminis sometimes struggle with commitment and may fear being tied down or restricted in their relationships. This often results in partnership dynamics that contain control issues or a lack of drive. They thrive on variety and stimulation and may be drawn to partners who can keep up with their ever-changing interests and passions.

For Geminis, love is a continued work in progress. They seek partners who can inspire them to reach new heights of understanding and fulfillment and are willing to accompany them on their quest for knowledge and self-discovery. With their quick wit, charm, and insatiable curiosity, Geminis approach love and relationships with fun and are eager to walk hand in hand with a partner who approaches life with an open heart.

Gemini's Approach To Money

Photo by Karolina Grabowska/PEXELS

Gemini individuals approach money with pragmatism, curiosity, and adaptability. While they may not be as focused on material wealth as some other signs, they recognize the importance of financial security and the freedom it can provide.

Gemini's curiosity often leads them to explore different avenues of earning and managing money. They may be open to trying new investment strategies, exploring different sources of income, or experimenting with budgeting techniques. Their adaptable mindset allows them to quickly adjust to changing financial circumstances and make the most of any opportunities that come their way.

At times, Gemini's indecisiveness may manifest in their financial decisions. New and exciting ventures may tempt them, leading to occasional impulse purchases or investments. However, their quick minds and analytical abilities often help them evaluate the risks and rewards before making significant financial commitments.

Despite their occasional hastiness, Gemini individuals are generally responsible with their money. They understand the importance of saving for the future and may take a disciplined approach to budgeting and investing. They may also enjoy learning about personal finance and may seek out resources to help them make informed decisions about their money.

Gemini's approach to finances may vary depending on their partner's financial habits and values. They may be open to sharing financial responsibilities and working together to achieve common goals. However, they may also value their financial independence and appreciate having the freedom to manage their money as they see fit.

Geminis In Their Careers

Photo by George Milton/PEXELS

In their careers, Geminis thrive in dynamic and intellectually stimulating environments where their quick minds and versatile skills can shine. Blessed with a sharp intellect, natural charisma, and boundless curiosity, Geminis are well-suited for roles that require creativity, communication, and adaptability.

Journalism, writing, public relations, teaching, or sales are just a few examples of careers where Geminis excels. These professions allow them to harness their natural gift for communication and connect with others on a deep level. Whether crafting compelling stories, delivering engaging presentations, or inspiring others to take action, Geminis thrive in roles where they can express themselves freely and make a meaningful impact.

One of Gemini's greatest strengths is their ability to juggle multiple tasks and interests simultaneously. They are masters of multitasking, effortlessly balancing various projects and responsibilities. This versatility allows them to thrive in fast-paced environments where they can quickly switch gears and adapt to changing circumstances.

Geminis also has a keen eye for innovation and always seeks new and exciting opportunities. They enjoy exploring different career advancement avenues, whether pursuing further education, taking on new challenges, or launching their ventures. Their entrepreneurial spirit and willingness to take risks often lead them to success in their chosen fields.

In essence, Gemini individuals find fulfillment in careers that allow them to engage their minds, express their creativity, and positively impact the world around them. With their quick wit, charm, and insatiable thirst for knowledge, they embrace the challenges and opportunities that come their way, navigating their career paths with grace, intelligence, and an irrepressible spirit of adventure.

Want to learn the astrology basics and decode your birth chart? Take a look at Lumi's beginner's astrology workbook

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The beautiful thing about love is that it comes in many forms, so it's time for you to start thinking about a few friend date ideas to spend with your besties this summer. You know, the ones who've seen you cry after a bad breakup or cheered you on as you took a leap of faith to pursue your career goals.

Chances are that you've done the same for them and more — because friendships are layered — so why not celebrate each other? I mean romantic love is great, but it's okay to nurture your besties too!

Need a few friend date ideas to go on this summer? We've got your back with 8 things you'll love bringing up in your friend group chat!

Cayla Evans

Visit A Local Fair

When's the last time you and your friends visited a local fair? If you have to think about it, that means it's been a while and that's expected when your schedules are super busy. But, we think it's time to go back to the basics and let your inner kids play.

Whether you throw your hands in the hair as the ferris wheel goes around or decide to stuff your face with fair foods like funnel cake or smoked turkey legs, you're guaranteed to have a great time.

cottonbro studio/Pexels

Go Thrift Shopping

Instead of going to a crowded mall this summer, plan a friend date at one of your local thrift stores. There's always hidden gems if you're willing to look for them and all the eclectic pieces you find can make for fun stories.

Also, you may be able to find cute decor that ranges from kitschy to boho without having to spend over $100 (IYKYK).

Anna Shvets/Pexels

Take A Dance Class Together

Have you and your friends been looking for a fun way to work out after your Pilates class mishap? Tray taking a dance class together!

It's one of the best ways to stretch your muscles and move your body. Plus, there's music involved! We're a little biased, but we think dance classes tend to have the best tunes. If you're lucky, your dance class instructor may share some inspo for your at-home workout playlist!

Alexandra Zihlmann

Try A New Brunch Spot

If you and your friends are mad because your favorite brunch spot has started watering down its bottomless mimosas, it's time to search for a new one! Honestly, this is one of the best friend date ideas you can do this summer because food and tasty drinks always opens the door for amazing conversations.

We don't make the rules, but we sure live by them!

Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels

Have A Fun Photoshoot For Your Friend's Birthday

There's always that one friend in the group who swears they don't care about doing anything big for their birthday. You can respect their wishes by keeping things low key with a planned photoshoot that includes your closest friends!

You can go to a studio if you choose, but you can also set up a backdrop in your living room or backyard!

As for the friend who's celebrating their birthday, they'll cherish the fun photos you take.

Jordan Hunter

Enjoy A Concert In The Park

We just had to include an outdoor concert on our list of friend date ideas because they're the key to making core memories. Watching over people literally bond over music — from non-stop singing or dancing — is something we'll never get over TBH.

Casey Lawler

Explore A New Part Of Town

This is one of those friend date ideas where you don't have to spend money if you don't want to. It's more about finding new places to explore if you've grown tired of sticking to one side of town.

There's always new vintage spots, food trucks, shopping plazas, and bookstores to be found if you're willing to do a little hunting.

cottonbro studio/Pexels

Host Sip And Paint Party At Home

Not in the mood to be around people you don't know? Grab some art supplies and wine, call your friends up, and host your very own sip and paint party at your apartment.

It doesn't have to be a competition, just you and your friends laughing uncontrollably as you try to recreate an image.

Don't forget to romanticize your summer in between trying these friend date ideas!

Lead image via Madison Milliken

30 years after "Run, Forrest, run!" entered the cultural consciousness, we're getting an unofficial Forrest Gump reunion! Robin Wright and Tom Hanks' new film, titled Here, brings the actors together with Forrest Gump director Robert Zemeckis. The movie is a sweeping look at life across hundreds of years, anchored in the same cozy living room. And if we're already emotional just from watching the trailer, we'll definitely need to bring tissues to the theater! Here's everything you need to know about the movie.

What is the new movie Here about?

CTMG/Sony Pictures

Based on the graphic novel by Richard McGuire, Here follows the story of multiple families across time, and explores the places — and homes — they inhabit. "The story travels through generations, capturing the most relatable of human experiences," according to an official synopsis of the movie, which is "a tale of love, loss, laughter and life, all of which happen right Here."

When is Here coming out?

CTMG/Sony Pictures

Here comes to movie theaters on November 15, 2024. With so much emphasis on family and home, this is going to be the perfect pre-holiday movie to watch with the people you love the most. Check out the rest of this year's Fall Movies to see what else is coming this year!

Who's in the cast of Here?

CTMG/Sony Pictures

Here stars Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Paul Bettany, Kelly Reilly, and Michelle Dockery.

Where is Here filmed?

CTMG/Sony Pictures

Here began filming at the end of 2022 in London, and director Robert Zemeckis revealed the camera stays in exactly the same place throughout the entire movie. “The single perspective never changes, but everything around it does,” he tells Vanity Fair. “It’s actually never been done before."

Check out the other 2024 movies coming out this year — and let us know your favorite Robin Wright & Tom Hanks movies on Facebook!

Lead image via CTMG/Sony Pictures

Life is like a complex puzzle, isn't it? Examining all the pieces of our memories, experiences, and possibilities can, in time, turn into a beautiful masterpiece. Your weekly horoscope for June 24-30 reveals the missing piece of your life that you will finally grasp. Here's what each zodiac sign can expect this week as we continue our summer of possibilities!

​Your Weekly Horoscope Themes For June 24-30


This week, we are in for a journey of self-discovery and revelations. The messenger planet, Mercury, is currently in the sign of Cancer, and it will present clues on how to improve our current situation. The key is to align with your intuitive feelings and set aside logic. This concept may be challenging, but this new approach will enable you to step into your new and improved self.

It's all about analyzing your feelings and assessing your daily patterns.

Mercury will be in a supportive position with the marriage and commitment asteroid, Juno, on June 24. If you've been going through challenges in your relationship, this is an ideal day to express your thoughts and ideas with your romantic partner. The moon is now decreasing, so it's also a great opportunity to let go of the past and move things forward with mutual understanding and peace.

The messenger planet continues to reign this week as Mercury faces Ceres in opposition on June 25. Ceres is the asteroid that represents motherhood and the way you nurture. On this day, it would be ideal to extend self-compassion if you feel out of sorts involving your early experiences with nurturers or caregivers. Allow yourself a day of grace and self-love to help you feel more centered and confident regarding your next steps.

Now, things will make sense as Mercury gets harmonious with Saturn on June 26! Although this exchange can be transactional and business-like, you can expect results and traction involving long-term plans. You will seamlessly complete tasks and have the confidence to set your goals. Remember to speak about your next steps if others are involved.

Sir Mercury continues its move, meeting Chiron, the wounded healer, in an intense position on June 28. This planetary event can present that nagging little voice that deflates your mojo if you feel insecure about your next steps. Try not to let your past missteps project your future dreams. Push through and hold on to the possibility of succeeding.

Remember that positivity can magnify just as rapidly as the negative – choose a side.

June 29 will extend a cosmic boost as you learn to power up your self-worth. The love planets Venus and Mars will be in a supportive formation, extending cosmic support for you to receive love and devotion. Mercury will extend serendipitous encounters or events as it meets Uranus in a supportive position. With the planets Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Uranus working together, it will be an ideal day to take chances and explore the unknown with an open heart. Schedule a date night or go out and meet new people.

The possibilities are endless.

Key Dates For Your Weekly Horoscope

Cora Pursley

  • 6/24 Mercury sextile Juno
  • 6/25 Mercury opposes Ceres
  • 6/26 Mercury trine Saturn
  • 6/28 Mercury square Chiron
  • 6/29 Venus sextile Mars, Saturn Rx, Mercury sextile Uranus

​Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your Weekly Horoscope

Brit + Co


Focus on nurturing your home environment and deepening connections with loved ones, Aries. Have heartfelt conversations that strengthen bonds — even if those conversations can feel tough at times. Invest in creating a cozy space that supports your well-being and financial stability. All of this adds up to create more possibilities for balance and harmony in your life.


Dive into learning and expanding your mind, Taurus. Engage in conversations that inspire and teach you something new. Read a new book. Watch a documentary. Assert yourself confidently in pursuing your goals and making your voice heard. This will ultimately set you up for greater success both now and later in your life.


Take charge of your finances and reevaluate what truly matters, Gemini. You can still spend your time, money, and energy on things that count — but just make sure that you're doing just that. Communicate your needs clearly and make decisions that align with your values. Find joy in activities that restore your inner peace and creativity.

Brit + Co


It's your time to shine! Express your ideas and pursue your dreams, Cancer. Connect deeply with others who support your aspirations, be they friends, family, partners, collaborators, or otherwise. This week, you are empowered to initiate positive changes in your personal and professional life. It's your astrological season, so use this cosmic energy to perpetuate your ultimate dream life.


Introspection can help you gain clarity and recharge your emotional batteries, Leo. While you have plenty of big energy to bring to the table, take this time to pause and reflect instead of going all out. Trust your instincts as you make decisive moves toward your career goals. Display your inner strength and lead with authenticity in everything you do.


Collaborate with like-minded individuals and enjoy the synergy of shared goals, Virgo. Showcase your talents and ideas within your community. This week, expand your network and seize opportunities that align with your vision for the future. And just remember that people want to help you — you don't have to push through alone.

Brit + Co


Elevate your career aspirations and confidently present your ideas, Libra. You can strengthen and better your professional relationships this week through clear communication and strategic networking. Pursue your passions and deepen meaningful connections that bring fulfillment. Don't be afraid to go after what you want!


Open yourself to new perspectives and broaden your horizons through learning and exploration, Scorpio. Engage in conversations that challenge and inspire you. Rekindle excitement in your relationships by sharing adventures and deepening emotional connections. You can let your walls down.


Focus on self-care and nurturing routines that promote well-being, Sagittarius — and not just face masks and bubble baths. Dive deep into personal growth opportunities and embrace transformative experiences. This week, establish balance in your life and cultivate habits that support your holistic health.

Brit + Co


Strengthen partnerships and collaborations through mutual understanding and respect, Capricorn. Assert your desires confidently in both your personal and professional relationships. Express your creativity and pursue passions that bring joy and fulfillment. While your determination at work is admirable, just be sure to bring some devotion to what excites you elsewhere.


Organize your daily life efficiently and prioritize your health and happiness, Aquarius. You have so many big, wonderful ideas, so don't let them get lost in the messiness of life. Communicate openly at work and create a supportive environment. Find peace and stability by designing a harmonious living space that meets your needs.


Embrace your creativity and express yourself authentically through artistic pursuits and heartfelt interactions, Pisces. Your big feelings can safely exist without overwhelming you or others when you channel them here. Connect with your community and build meaningful relationships. This week invites you to follow your passions and create moments of joy and connection.

Looking for your own astrology advice? Submit your questions for Ask Lumi here!

Header image by Grace McCuistion

Black Panther remains one of the most iconic Marvel movies, and continues to stand apart from the rest of the superhero genre. We were over the moon when Black Panther: Wakanda Forever reunited Shuri, Okoye, Nakia, and Queen Ramonda in 2022, and ever since the credits rolled, we've been eagerly anticipating their return. Well, thanks to actress Letitia Wright, it looks like we could be seeing more of Shuri (and hopefully the rest of the cast) soon.

During an appearance on The View on June 26, Letitia Wright expressed just how much the character of Shuri means to her. “Let’s just say I would like to continue with Shuri,” she says. “She’s one of my favorite characters. Such a blessing, honestly. I kid you not, I’m so grateful for her.”

While MCU movies like an unnamed fifth Avengers movie (2026) and Avengers: Secret Wars (2027) are coming up, fans are also hoping to see Letitia return as Shuri in a third Black Panther movie. When The View's Sunny Hostin asks the actress about Black Panther 3, Letitia responds, “There’s a lot to, a lot to — a lot coming up.”

Annette Brown/Marvel Studios/Disney

The cast of Black Panther 2 faced some challenges while making the movie. Lead actor Chadwick Boseman passed away from a private battle with colon cancer in 2020, and even after production on the film started, Letitia Wright faced an injury that delayed production for a few months.

Letitia says that remembering Chadwick helped her through recovery. “I thought a lot about his perseverance and his relentlessness just to keep going no matter what life was throwing at him," she says. "I just thought, like, ‘If my brother could make it, you know, I can get back on set and finish the job.’ So, I just carried that panther spirit with me.”

Are you excited to see Letitia Wright (and Shuri) return to the MCU? Check out 14 Female Superheroes We Love To Watch Save The World for more!

Lead image via Marvel Studios/Disney

With bills to pay, project deadlines and a growing to-do list, it can be hard to keep your house in order. But research shows that cluttered environments are tied to higher levels of stress. Luckily, there are simple ways to make your home feel more zen without a ton of effort. From stylish ways to clear clutter to embracing organic materials, check out these 15 mindful decorating tips for creating a space where you can sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Purge Once. Edit Often.

Photo by Charlotte May

There’s a reason why Marie Kondo's KonMari method was such a huge hit — because it works. To create a mindful space, you need to master the magic of tidying. Surround yourself with things that you love and get rid of non-essentials that are cluttering your space. The result: a cozy, comfortable home you love.

Focus On Negative Space With Low Furniture


If something about one of your minimalistic rooms feels off or cramped, you might need to focus on the proportions of your furniture. Tables, a sofa or a bed that are just a few inches too high can greatly disrupt a room’s visual flow. The design trick: Buy low furniture like this gorgeous CB2 Cantar Ivory Velvet Upholstered Bedfor a cozy and simple look.

Stick With A Neutral Or Soft Color Palette

Dacotah Studio

When decorating a minimalist interior, it’s all about creating a clean base. Clean light walls can open up a space and make it feel airy, like this stunning kitchen by LA-based Dacotah Studio(see our full feature here). Soft, nature-toned pieces in beige, tan and green are also soothing and easy on the eyes. Decorating within a neutral color palette also gives your home that instant, pulled-together look. That plus calming vibes? It’s a win-win.

Add Minimal Texture

Design: Urbanology Designs | Photo: Matti Gresham

To keep a room from feeling cold or bland, add texture. Shop for soft throws, throw a sheepskin over your desk chair and lay down a fluffy wool rug. Your space will look put-together and cozier than ever.

Get Rid Of Most Mirrors

Joshua Smith Design | Photo: Lance Gerber

In feng shui, mirrors are said to bounce off energy, which can cause you to feel restless. There have even been studies that show mirrors could trigger stress and anxiety. While we love how a mirror can make a space look larger, it’s probably best to remove them from your bedroom, living room and kitchen. Instead place mirrors behind closet doors or limit them to the bathroom.

Choose Natural Materials

Design: Urbanology Designs | Photo: Mike Davello

While minimalism is all about perfecting the “less is more” approach, there’s a chance your interiors might feel cold and sterile. Invest in pieces of natural or raw materials such as wood, marble, hides, clay and cork. The uniqueness of earthy materials adds character and warmth to your abode.

Embrace Natural Light

Photo + Design: Klein Agency

A simple mindfulness exercise is to wake up when it’s light out and sleep when it’s dark out to maintain a healthy sleep rhythm. Get rid of curtains and tear down walls that block windows to maximize the amount of light that comes in. Letting natural light fill your home brings the outside in and allows you to get the best rest possible.

Let Your Space Speak For Itself

Photo by Gül Işık

There are so many ways to decorate a home, but before you begin drilling and filling up the shelves, really take time to understand and appreciate your space. Whether your home has traditional molding, modern kitchen cabinets or a quirky layout, your home’s bones are the foundation for building upon. You might find that many of your physical possessions don’t complement your space. Work with what you have (and not against it) to create a home that is unified.

Keep Surfaces Clear And Tidy

Design: Arterberry Cooke

This is where being mindful isn’t just about aesthetics. De-cluttering a messy surface looks amazing and feels amazing too — think of it as a mind and spirit detox. Clear and tidy desks, tables and kitchen countertops on a daily basis so you can start every day fresh with clarity.

Use Stylish Storage

Design: Bungalowe | Photo by Gavin Cater

We know. It’s hard to get rid of all of your clutter. Paper, art supplies, makeup brushes, laundry — the list of stuff that accumulates (and you can’t always get rid of) goes on. Consider getting rid of trash cans entirely in rooms that don’t absolutely need them. Or, use pull-out and built-in garbage and recycling bins to free up floor space. Keep office and cleaning supplies organized with pretty baskets and containers, and find creative ways to store your hair and beauty products. With so much stuff, stylish storage is key to making your home organized and tidy. We love how LA-based design team Bungalowe created custom storage with shelving in this bedroom (see the full feature here).

Keep Cords Out Of Sight

Photo + Design: Klein Agency

To make your home (and mind) feel clear, hide everyday eyesores like power strips, routers and laptop chargers by thinking vertically. Manage your electrical cords by purchasing desks with shelves for power strips, attach cords to the back or bottom of your desk with these Blue Key World Cable Clips ($7) or create a charging station drawer. There are so many ways to hide cords, and you can get as creative as you like!

Set The Tone With Soft Lighting


In addition to installing dimmer switches to set a relaxing mood, task lighting (your table and floor lamps) should be warm and atmospheric. Layer the light with wall sconces like CB2's lovely and affordable Astr White Onyx Wall Sconce and some candles, and your space will feel extra intimate and cozy.

Make Your Bed Every Morning

Design: Arterberry Cooke

As tempting as it is to rush out the door in the morning, leaving your bed unkempt can set the tone for the day. Making your bed forces you to slow down and set a healthy pace for the day. For more style, splurge on beautiful linen sheets that’ll motivate you to tidy your bed every morning.

Treat Yourself To Quality Towels

Piglet In Bed

Consistency in fabrics like your sheets and towels can make a room look instantly pulled together. Refresh your bathroom with 100% cotton, OEKO-TEX-certified towels like these striped ones from Sand Shell Pembroke Stripe Cotton Towels from Piglet In Bed that have a cool vintage vibe.

Let The Outdoors In With Florals And Plants

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya

With clean, minimalist style, it’s even more important to bring a little bit of life into your space. Think of caring for a plant as a daily exercise in mindfulness. Bonus: Florals and plants instantly create an inviting atmosphere too.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Header image courtesy of CB2