25 Thoughts I Had While Rewatching "Gilmore Girls" At Lorelai’s Age Instead Of Rory’s

rewatching gilmore girls in 2023

Like many autumn-loving millennials, I grew up watching Gilmore Girls religiously, and I'm not embarrassed to say Lorelai and Rory had a major influence on my formative years. While my GG viewing journey began in my beachy Florida hometown, dreaming of small-town Connecticut vibes where it’s inexplicably always fall, I continued watching via reruns — and eventually Netflix — for the next two decades.

However, this year something shifted. Suddenly, I didn’t relate to Lorelai and Rory in the way I used to. Situations where I was previously 100% on their side (ahem, Mitchum), I see things more clearly (except the yacht situation — that was never cool, Rory!). Which makes sense, as my first viewing was around Rory’s age...and I’m now 32, Lorelai’s age at the start of the series. I’ve always heard that wisdom comes with age, so here are 25 thoughts I have rewatching Gilmore Girls as an adult.

Having A Baby At 16 (& Raising Her On Your Own) Is Huge

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It’s actually a pretty big deal — not just a funny one-liner. During my first viewing, it felt like teen pregnancy was everywhere in pop culture, and I didn’t fully comprehend why some characters made a big deal over Lorelai’s age while others just laughed along. But as a newly minted 32-year-old, I couldn’t imagine having a 16-year-old child right now! Let alone raising one very well from the time I was just 16 myself! Definitely impressive of young (and adult) Lorelai!

Lorelai Was Right To Turn Chris Down

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As a hopelessly romantic teen who desperately wanted a cute boyfriend, I thought love was all you needed. And I was extremely confused by Lorelai’s rejection of Chris’s proposal in the first season. He said he loved her and wanted to be a family — shouldn’t that be enough? But alas, he wasn’t ready for a commitment, and Lorelai knew it. Trusting your gut is a big part of growing up.

Max Medina Wasn’t *That* Great

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I always thought Max’s proposal was incredibly romantic. He did exactly what Lorelai wanted — 1,000 yellow daisies (definitely more than 1,000 TBH) and had a beautiful speech prepared, which he delivered….over the phone? It’s honestly pretty strange that he wasn’t there in person. Proposals are so personal, and his just felt disconnected. It’s no wonder Lorelai had trouble making up her mind!

Emily And Richard Aren’t As Mean As Lorelai Makes Them Out To Be

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Sure, they can be harsh and difficult, and they're clearly still hurt over the past. But so are Lorelai and Rory, whether or not the show wants to admit it. But this is life and all humans are flawed, and Lorelai isn’t the victim that I always believed she was.

Lorelai And Rory Are SO Codependent

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I always thought their relationship was perfect, but it’s honestly not too healthy for either of them. We know Lorelai’s emotional growth is stunted due to having to be an adult from a young age, but maybe their relationship explains why Rory isn’t as well-adjusted as she should be either.

Richard’s Attack On Dean Wasn't Malicious

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For years, I thought Richard was such a jerk for this, but as an adult...I can see his intentions are in the right place. We're all the sum of who we spend the most time with, so the company we keep is important. However, his delivery probably could’ve waited until after dinner.

Naming A Baby After Yourself Is Pretty Bad*ss

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Though it’s mentioned in the show a few times — often played as a joke or a quirky character trait — I kind of love that Lorelai went for it and named her baby Lorelai, too. Men have been doing this for years, and I wish more women would as well. It’s such a cool, forward-thinking choice, especially for a young girl in the 80's!

Pride Is Great...Unless You Let It Hinder Your Life

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Another example of Lorelai playing the victim: When she wanted a bank loan, Emily knew that Lorelei would need a co-signer and showed up for her despite their differences, without intentionally making her feel bad. Instead of accepting the help, Lorelai assumed her mom was out to get her (?) and almost cost herself the opportunity to get some much-needed funding, all because of her relentless insistence of doing it all on her own. The lesson? Don’t be so shortsighted and quick to assume.

Christopher Somehow *Always* Makes The Worst Decisions

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In season 2, he wasn’t being romantic by giving Lorelai the pearl necklace for her graduation, and I refuse to see this gesture as such. He was still dating Sherry, and that totally sent mixed signals.

A little later, when Christopher and Lorelai finally give it a go for real, he finds out Sherry is pregnant and decides to marry her instead. Let me just say...there's no universe where this was the right thing to do! Besides breaking Lorelai’s (and Rory’s!) hearts, he entered into a loveless marriage, doing a disservice to both Sherry and Gigi.

Paris Was On To Something With Her Quest To Uncover The Dark Side Of Small Towns

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This was played for laughs, and as a tween in 2001, I thought it was ridiculous. However, in today’s climate...it’s not too difficult to imagine the dark side of a small town — despite how charming and idyllic it may look on the surface.

Emily’s Desire To Find A Maid She Likes Is *Sorta* Fair

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Yes, she’s not warm and fuzzy, but Emily Gilmore knows what she wants. I once thought she was a mean dictator, but her monologue in relation to the lawsuit clears it up: If you’re paying for a service, you demand that service (i.e. coach vs first class on a plane). If someone is working in your home, it’s all the more important to get the chemistry and personality fit right, as opposed to a traditional office environment.

Logan’s Family’s Opinion Of Rory Wasn't Too Far Off

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Although Logan’s family’s disapproval of Rory when they meet her at dinner is unexpected, it’s definitely not as out of the blue as I originally thought. Logan’s family knows Richard and Emily well, and they’re likely well aware of Rory’s career aspirations, which is the main point of contention. Although Logan’s mother and grandfather are extremely clear about this, Rory can’t get past thinking it’s a class issue. I will never not cringe at hearing her exclaim “but I’m a Gilmore?!?!” Whether we like it or not, compatibility of lifestyles and goals play a huge role in whether a couple has a successful future together — Logan’s parents were just looking out for him, misguided as they may have been.

Michum’s Offer For An Internship Was Thoughtful

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Rory initially rejects this very generous offer for a fantastic opportunity that will help further her career ambitions, all because she believes it wasn’t extended for the right reasons (out of guilt over the dinner). Mitchum’s response “So what? Life is full of opportunities….” is so spot on. It doesn’t matter why — just take advantage of what’s in front of you! Maybe if Rory wasn’t so uncomfortable using her connections, she would have been a more successful journalist.

So Maybe Mitchum Was A Little Right About Rory

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I so clearly remember being confused by how the Mitchum internship went down. But she’s Rory, how could she *not* have what it takes?! But now, as a college grad who successfully completed 14 internships during undergrad and has worked in communications for almost a decade, I completely understand where he’s coming from.

If you rewatch these episodes, you’ll see the light as well. In the scene right before Mitchum has the talk with Rory, he’s running an editorial meeting and she’s sitting in. He mentions the paper can find students (like Rory, who writes for the Yale Daily News) at local colleges (like Yale) to freelance for the paper, and Rory stayed silent. That was her moment to impress him by raising her hand and volunteering, and it was also the moment when he decided she didn’t have what it takes to be a journalist. Looking at it now, she was very clearly missing the drive; the “not knowing if she could speak up because she’s just an intern” schtick? Any budding journalist would have raised their hands so quickly for a shot at a byline on a real paper.

While all of Rory’s growth at the paper was great — learning names, getting coffee orders correct — she was essentially growing into a secretary, not a journalist. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s a very different skillset.

TL;DR she didn't have what it takes, he knew it, and he did her a favor (as she tried to do with the ballerina, however harsh it was.)

Rory’s Harsh Ballet Review Was Actually Symbolic

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Shortly after Rory returns to Yale, she’s tasked with reviewing a ballet performance. She hates the performance and decides to eviscerate the ballerina in her review, only feeling guilty *after* the she’s confronted. By the episode’s end, Rory realizes that truthful reviews are important and it’s better that the ballerina finds out now so she can pursue something else instead. This make sense, but for some reason Rory can’t seem to connect her harsh review with Mitchum’s, despite very recently being on the receiving end of a well-meaning (but harshly received) review. Effectively, Rory became the Mitchum, illustrating that she’s grown thicker skin and isn't afraid to hurt feelings when she needs to.

Luke Telling Rory That He And Lorelai Are Engaged Was...Off

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I wanted our girls to make up as much as the next serial rewatcher, but this was not it. Luke inserting himself in the middle of Rory and Lorelai during their fight and telling Rory that they’re engaged is so misguided and inappropriate. And then proceeding to flip out at Lorelai, because their fight is inconveniencing him? Let’s add Luke to the list of emotionally immature characters on this show.

Lorelai Planning The Entire Wedding In One Day Is SO Unrealistic

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As a tween this seemed normal, but as an adult who just spent two years (!) planning their own wedding, I can confirm it’s totally unrealistic.

Also, getting married in a church is an absolutely bizarre choice for someone who isn’t at all religious (as we learned in Sookie’s baptism episode). And why would she pick out Luke’s tuxedo, without him even trying it on?

I get that weddings are inherently “girly” and not Luke’s thing, but your partner should have some involvement in the planing process (at the very least, maybe get their opinion on the venue and tux?!). These are big financial decisions that should not be made alone (she put down non refundable deposits and booked dates before checking with him). I love Luke & Lorelai but upon rewatching, they were never on the same page — which is so evident here.

Dave Rygalski Was A Pathological Liar

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I used to think he was the perfect guy, and it took me a long time to see the light. Never forget how he jumped through all those hoops for Lane! But as an adult who has dealt with *many* too-good-to-be-true suitors, it’s shocking how easy it was for him to lie to Mrs Kim. I genuinely think Dave is a pathological liar, and definitely not someone you want to be with forever, which brings us to…

Zack Was Actually A Great Guy

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Truthfully, I always thought he was a loser who was obsessed with everything being “so rock and roll.” But he was actually always totally real and upfront about who he was, which is something that Mrs. Kim was able to respect despite their differences.

Richard Was The Real Villain Of Emily’s LASIK Surgery

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I fully expected to feel like Lorelai was in the wrong during my most recent rewatch (although she’s no angel here — you're mom can’t see, stop complaining and help her out!), but the real villain here is Richard. Who leaves their wife for a business trip after a botched eye surgery? He’s back at the firm by this point (a global company) and could have easily had someone else step in to take the meeting instead.

Rory Dropping Out Of Yale Wasn't The Worst Thing Ever

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As a teen, this seemed crazy. Why would Rory give up on her dream and throw her life away?! But as an adult who, like Rory, went through personal trauma during her college years, took time off, and eventually went back and finished school, I see things differently now. Success is not linear, and everyone’s path is different. When you’re that focused, it’s even more important to take a breather and recalibrate.

Mrs Kim’s Parenting Skills Shine When Lane And Rory Both Face Setbacks

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I love Rory and Lorelai’s relationship (it’s so similar to mine and my own mother’s!), but they didn't respect each other’s opinions when they disagreed. From Lorelai freezing Rory out after she wanted to give up and take time off of Yale (again, just a semester — and so not a big deal!) to Rory refusing to hear out Lorelai’s side and listen to her advice, this feels off for two people who love each other so much. Especially when juxtaposed with Lane’s and Mrs. Kim’s drama on-going in the same episode.

At the end of season 5, Lane also wanted to give up on her dream (being a drummer in Hep Alien) and move back home, but Mrs. Kim surprised us all by stepping up and proclaiming, “So you’re giving up? Then you are not the daughter I raised!” And she proceeds to help Lane and the band go on tour across the East Coast. Even if it’s not the vision Mrs. Kim had for her only daughter, she’d rather have a happy daughter than a miserable one who accepts defeat.

Lane and her mother always had a different dynamic than the other mother/daughter duos on the show. While they’re not as close as Rory and Lorelai, Mrs. Kim always had her daughter’s respect. It’s interesting how Lane and Rory both experienced setbacks and wanted to give up their dreams, but Mrs. Kim ultimately stepped up while Lorelai lost touch with her daughter for months.

Season 7 Christopher Was A CATCH

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Younger me hated Christopher for coming between Luke and Lorelai (really though, that was all Lorelai), but Christopher achieved excellent character development over the course of seven seasons. He truly gets Lorelai, from planning the perfect date to involving her in his life in a real way, which Luke was never able to do. They may not have been endgame but he was great for that moment in time.

The Abortion Convo...Er, Lack Thereof

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Lane gets pregnant at 22, and she explicitly says she isn’t ready for the baby and that there’s so much more she wants to do first before kids. Lane is a small town girl, so she may not have known her options, but she has a worldly best friend who’s sexually experienced, well-traveled, and Ivy League educated.

So what wonderful advice does Rory give her friend in distress? She assures her that she will be a GREAT mom and to stop worrying. This is uncomfortably tone deaf, and a real way that Rory failed Lane as a friend and fellow woman.

In a later conversation, Zach and Lane both agree that they’re broke, totally unprepared, and that “this baby sucks.” But they just decide to suffer through it and don’t discuss any other options.

As a teen with limited life experience, this made sense during my first viewing. But as an adult woman in a post-Roe v Wade world, I’m floored this storyline was ever approved without even the slightest mention of the A-word.

Judging Sherry Was Way Harsh

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Personally, I cringe every time Lorelai and Rory bring up the point that “mani-pedi-twice-a-week Sherry” can’t possibly be a good mom. I know she’s supposed to be the villain who “stole” Christopher from Lorelai —only for us to later see things through Christopher’s POV only — but these characterizations did not age well. Realistically, Sherry is a career-driven woman who screwed up and married a guy who’s an absent father to both of his children — and she finally decided to put herself first.

Looking for more Gilmore Girls hot takes? We've got you covered on everyone and everything to loving Paris and Logan...to not loving Rory. 😉

This post has been updated.

The White Lotus season 3 is finally on its way, and it is, without a doubt, one of my most-anticipated 2025 TV shows. And we finally have an official release date! The new 8-episode season is coming even sooner than I could have hoped for, and there are plenty of sexy surprises in store.

In addition to the highly-anticipated return of Natasha Rothwell's Belinda, we're also going to meet characters played by Carrie Coon, Walton Goggins, Sarah Catherine Hook, Jason Isaacs, Parker Posey, Patrick Schwarzenegger, and Aimee Lou Wood. Talk about a stacked cast! I can't wait to watch the new episodesnext year but the first teaser will definitely hold us over.

Here's the first teaser trailer for the next season of the show — and The White Lotus season 3 release date!

'The White Lotus' season 3 trailer teases both pain and pleasure.

The White Lotus season 3 is coming February 16, 2025. This season we're headed to Thailand (after season 1 took us to Hawaii and season 2 took us to Italy), but amidst the stress-management meditation and incredible food, our cast is dealing with plenty of secrets, testing their limits throughout their week-long vacation.

"Everyone runs from pain towards pleasure," says the teaser trailer voiceover. "But they get there only to find more pain." The montage of late-night parties and unsettling shots like Parker Posey staring down the camera (and someone grilling a live crab until it catches on fire??) have me convinced The White Lotus season 3 is going to serve us an insane helping of both pain and pleasure.

We also get shots of Patrick Schwarzenegger lounging by the pool, Jason Isaacs taking a paranoid stroll through the jungle, and a coupled-up Aimee Lou Wood and Walton Goggins celebrating the fact their vacation didn't kill them.

And creator Mike White says 'The White Lotus' season 3 is going to be bigger than ever.

We know that The White Lotus season 3 is going to be the biggest season yet, thanks to interviews with the creator and crew. “It’s going to be a supersized White Lotus,” creator Mike White said in an interview with EW. “It’s going to be longer, bigger, crazier. I don’t know what people will think, but I am super excited, so at least for my own barometer, that’s a good thing…I’m super excited about the content of the season.”

And he's not the only one. Natasha Rothwell told PEOPLE that "White Lotus is going to give you a run for your money.”

"It's an excellent season and people are going to be very pleased," she continues. There's always something special about a third season thanks to the combination of familiarity and brand-new adventures, and the seductive intrigue The White Lotus season 3 is already proving my point.

Season 3 is always my favorite season of a show — especially considering Gilmore Girls Season 3 Is Simply The Best, And No TV Show Has Matched It Since. Check out our weekend email send for more TV news.

Blake Lively is as multifaceted as they come. She's an actress who has starred in titles like Gossip Girl, A Simple Favor, and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (plus It Ends With Us). She's the founder of Betty Buzz, which has a variety of non-alcoholic mixers that taste just as good on their own as they do with liquor. And, she's also a mom. Lively has been outspoken about protecting her children from the paparazzi, making rare public appearances with them for events like her husband Ryan Reynolds' Hollywood Walk Of Fame Ceremonyandcozy date nights.

When Lively and Reynolds seemingly announced the birth of their fourth child last year, we melted. Here's everything you need to know about Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively's kids.

Is Taylor Swift friends with Blake Lively's kids?

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Yes, Taylor Swift loves Blake Lively's kids! The family has shown up to the Eras Tour multiple times, and most recently supported the popstar at her concert in New Orleans, Louisiana. Blake and Ryan were joined by oldest daughter James (who looked amazing in a Reputation-inspired 'fit), and I can't believe how much James and Blake look alike! She's truly her mini-me! At the Philadelphia show of the Eras Tour, which Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively attended, Taylor said hello from the stage.

One funny detail about Ryan Reynolds' kids that I love is when he mentioned the girls finally realized Taylor Swift was a popstar. "I think what's most exciting for them is that for the longest time they just thought Taylor's just like an aunt, like a friend of Mommy and Daddy that's very, very close, almost family," he tellsThe Jess Cagle Show. "And then they went to a concert one day and were like, 'Ohhhhh, this isn't a hobby.'"

For Super Bowl Sunday in 2024, Blake Lively joined Taylor Swift to support beau (and KC Chiefs tight end) Travis Kelce. "Last week I left my kids for the first time ever," she says on Instagram. "I took pictures upside down and had no clue. I treated a friendship bracelet like a Flat Stanley for my husband like I didn’t realize it wasn’t ‘07. I borrowed more jewelry than the skeleton in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. And I went clubbing. Now I know what my episode of TheTwilight Zone would look like."

How do Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively prioritize their kids?

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At the end of September, Ryan Reynolds revealed how different parenting seems to be now than when he was a kid. "Parents today are so different. We're so soft," he said at HubSpot’s INBOUND tech conference (via People). "I don't yell. I grew up with like — it was nuts, it was an improvised militia.”

“Now it's like, I can go look at all my resources for parenting and remind myself how to be perfectly compassionate,” he continued. "Something I love about [conflict resolution], and I know this is not very fancy, but what I love about it is that you can meet somebody where they are, and you don't have to be right or wrong...You can disagree and still connect."

Blake Lively recently joined an episode of her Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants' costar Amber Tamblyn's Further Adoand revealed the one unbreakable rule she made with Ryan Reynolds.

“When Ryan and I got together, we made a rule not to work at the same time,” she says. “So that we could always prioritize our personal life...That takes working really hard when we're not. Just like financial planning and sustaining that; it takes balance.”

I love that Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are serious about their family life, and that they have identified what works for them and are sticking with it.

What is the name of Blake Lively's 4th baby?

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Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds' fourth baby is named Olin, which he revealed during the July 22 premiere of Deadpool & Wolverine!

Before Ryan chose to reveal the name, he appeared on the Today show and made a cheeky joke about it after the hosts urged him to spill the beans. He said, "We always wait for Taylor to tell us what the child's name will be. We'll say this: we're still waiting."

What are Blake Lively kids ages?

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for Michael Kors

Blake Lively's kids are all under 10. James is 9 (turning 10 on December 16), Inez is 7 (turning 8 on September 30), Betty is 4 (turning 5 on October 4), and Olin turned 1 in February.

What gender is Ryan and Blake's fourth child?

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On July 26, Ryan Reynolds confirmed that he and Blake Lively's fourth baby, born in February 2023, is a boy in an Instagram video supporting mental health charity Walking 4 Hope. Speaking with founder John Bell, who struggled with suicidal ideation after the 2020 loss of his son Jake, Reynolds says, “I want to share with you that I, too, have a son...Boy, John, if I love him one-tenth as much as you love Jake, I’ll feel like I’ve done a pretty d—mn good job.”

Considering how adorable James, Inez, and Betty are, I can only imagine how cute Blake Lively's son is!

How many children do Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have?

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Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively have four kids. They welcomed their third daughter in 2019, making this new addition to the family their fourth child.

Did Blake Lively have a 4th baby?

Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for American Cinematheque

Blake Lively posted a pic on Super Bowl Sunday in 2023 showing what appears to be a post-baby body with the caption "Been busy."

Lively confirmed her fourth pregnancy in September 2022 when she arrived at her Forbes event in NYC cradling a baby bump and by posting her own personal photos on Instagramhoping that "the 11 guys waiting outside [her] home for a 🦄 sighting will leave [her] alone."

How old was Blake Lively when she had her first child?

Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Michael Kors

Blake Lively was 27 when she gave birth to her first daughter, James, in December of 2014.

Why did Blake Lively name her daughter James?

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The couple decided to name their daughter James after Reynolds' late father. While the name connects both James and Reynolds to his father, it also gives Lively the chance to bond with her daughter over having historically male names. "I liked having a boy's name," Lively said on Good Morning Americain 2015. "I thought I'd pass it on."

Their third daughter Betty's name is a tribute to Lively's late father. We didn't know the name of the couple's third baby until Taylor Swift used all three names in her 2020 album folklore. Swift also used James' voice at the beginning of her 2017 track "Gorgeous"! Does that mean we'll hear one of Ryan Reynolds' children in Reputation (Taylor's Version)? I hope so!

What has Ryan Reynolds said about raising their kids?

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In a conversation with Hugh Jackman ahead of Deadpool & Wolverine, Ryan Reynolds opened up about how his family has helped his anxiety. "I think it makes it better because your focus is less on yourself and more on your kids," he says (via People). "I love that I've had anxiety because when I see my kids experiencing some of that, which is probably genetic, I know how to address it in a way that is compassionate, that actually allows them to feel seen. I know that I can't just fix it. And I can communicate all that stuff to them and with them. I'm always grateful for it."

Per People, Ryan Reynolds has also made it clear he and Blake are wholly invested in the kids' daily lives. The doting husband and father enjoys the moments of "walking them to school and walking them back" as it deepens their bond. More than anything, Ryan and Blake's main goal is to make sure they teach their kids how to be introspective with Ryan saying "the thing we sort of hang our hat on the most is self-awareness with our kids."

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However, that doesn't mean Blake and Ryan don't absolutely love being parents. "We're very excited [and] we wouldn't do this four times if we didn't love it," he says in an interview with CNBC's Power Lunch. "Everybody's doing great. Everybody's actually doing fantastic. I think if we hadn't figured it out by now, I think we'd be in deep, deep trouble."

"It's a zoo over here," he jokes. "This is my office here, this is where I'll probably — to be honest, I'll probably spend the rest of my life in here."

We love how much energy Ryan and Blake are pouring into their kids. It's always beautiful when parents are able to be present with their kids and teach them how to be present with themselves. Ryan Reynolds has also mentioned how having daughters "has been such a ride." Since he comes from a family of all boys, having daughters is something that was beyond his wildest dreams! “I love being a girl dad,” Ryan tells Access in 2020. “I have three daughters, which I never in a million years would imagine.”

He mentioned his newest child in June of 2023, when he announced his new series Bedtime Stories. "The idea for a show made to help everyone fall asleep was born the same day as my fourth child," he says on Instagram.

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The Deadpool actor also offered some parenting advice on Amanda Hirsch’s hit podcastNot Skinny But Not Fat. "Embrace the chaos,” he tells Hirsch. "[Blake] always says, ‘They're all under our roof right now. The whole family's under our roof right now. We have them all.’ And that is a fleeting thing. Not an infinite resource, you know?”

While Reynolds understands firsthand how overwhelming parenting can feel, he also doesn't wish away this time with four young kids: “Just say, ‘Think about what you would give in 40 years or 30 years to come back and enjoy this one moment.’"

Besides this, Ryan knows their kids' childhoods don't mirror his or Blake's. However, he's not trying to place a huge emphasis on that because he wants them to have "as normal a life as possible" (via Page Six).

"I try not to impose upon them the difference in their childhood to my childhood or my wife’s childhood," he said (via The Hollywood Reporter). "We both grew up very working class, and I remember when they were very young, I used to say or think, like, ‘Oh God, I would never have had a gift like this when I was a kid,’ or, ‘I never would’ve had this luxury of getting takeout,’ or whatever."

In his eyes, he doesn't feel like it's the kids' responsibility or "bag of rocks to carry" because they're full of "gratitude" and "have a strong sense of empathy." That's how he knows he and Blake are "doing an OK job" as parents.

How has motherhood affected Blake Lively?

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Blake Lively opened up about how Ryan Reynolds and she monitor screen safety for their kids, which is definitely something top-of-mind in 2024. “This is not an ad. I get nothing out of this. I just love @tappityapp,” she said of the STEM-focused educational app. “It’s engaging, informative, fun and they care about safety."

She also jokes that she's learning new things right along with her kids! But, no matter how educational or fun an app is, Blake Lively also emphasizes the importance of engaging with her kids' devices: "I’m always triple checking any kids app constantly for safety because that’s my responsibility not an app’s, but I do LOVE this one.”

Despite its fun and funny moments, the actress has admitted being a mom is hard, but she did it with her signature dry sense of humor. “BettyBooze at your service," she wrote in an Instagram Story announcing the new brand. "These are recipes I’ve been making for loved ones for years. But I have 4 kids now. And I’m tired. So here they are. In a can."

Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for American Cinematheque

However, Blake Lively absolutely loves motherhood, and says in a 2022 interview with Forbes that having children has made her feel more comfortable in her own skin. "Once I had children, that just became even more profound because my time was even more precious, but also I think having children for me made me feel so much more in my skin," she says. "I never felt more myself or at ease in my own body or more confident — not to say that there aren't a bevy of insecurities coming at me a million times a day, but I just feel incredibly settled."

Speaking with People in 2021, Lively also explains how important it is that her children see her accomplish things outside the home. "I want to be as present of a mother as humanly possible and I want them to feel my presence, but I also think the best way to be the best mother is to show them that you can have a life and have a passion and have an identity outside of just being a mother," Lively says.

While she acknowledges that motherhood is all-encompassing, and it looks different for everyone, she knows that having your own identity is very important. "Teaching them that they can maintain themselves and that everything is possible [is crucial]," she adds.

When did Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have their daughters?

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Gabrielle's Angel Foundation

Blake Lively's children were all born in the last 10 years. Blake Lively's daughters are James, Inez, Betty, and her fourth child is named Olin! Their fourth baby's name was announced during the premiere of Deadpool & Wolverine. Blake gave birth to James in 2014, while Inez was born in 2016. Lively gave birth to Betty in 2019 and Olin in February of 2023.

Do Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively's kids have nannies?

Jamie McCarthy / Staff

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds' children don't have a nanny. "I feel like I could sometimes have a bit of a short fuse, but there's just been this weirdly endless supply of patience," Ryan told GQ in 2015. "I have no problem waking up five times in the middle of the night and changing diapers, and as exhausted as you get, I have this stupid grin on my face all the time."

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This story has been updated.

Yellowstone season 5B is here! Twisters might have been THE summer movie of 2024, but the western vibes aren't going away, even after the Glen Powell movie has left theaters. The second half of Yellowstone season 5 returned to Paramount November 10 and it did not disappoint. 16.4 million viewers tuned into the premiere over a variety of networks — making it the most-watched season premiere in the show's history.

And it's a major season for one very specific reason: Kevin Costner isn't returning as John Dutton. The star decided to exit the series after season 5's eighth episode premiered in January 2023, but as big of a change is this is, Costner is still an executive producer on the series, giving it a familiarity fans will appreciate.

Yellowstone has always been dramatic, but in the Yellowstone season 5 first look, you can just feel the tension from fan favorites like Beth Dutton, Monica Long, and Kayce Dutton. And no wonder: the Duttons' family drama is coming to a head, and it looks like someone might not make it out alive. Read up on everything you need to know about the new season of Yellowstone, and check out why Paramount+'s New Drama Landman Is Perfect For Yellowstone Fans.

Keep reading for everything you need to know about the final season of Yellowstone.

What happened on the finale of Yellowstone?


Yellowstone season 5 had two major themes: save the ranch and avenge John Dutton's death. And the Yellowstone finale saw both of those things happen in their own way. Kayce sells the property to High Chief Thomas Rainwater at $1.25 an acre (the price when his ancestors took it) on two conditions: his family stays in their home, and the land will never be developed or sold to anyone else.

And after John's funeral (where Beth literally tells his casket she'll avenge him), Beth runs off to Jamie's house, gets into a brutal fight, and stabs him in the heart before moving to start a peaceful (?) new life in Dillon, Montana with Rip. I guess all's well that ends well?

Is this the last season of Yellowstone?


It's always hard to say goodbye to a beloved show, but despite reports that Yellowstone would end with season 5, it looks like we could be getting a Yellowstone season 6 after all. Deadline confirmed that negotiations are happening for a potential continuation, which would focus on Kelly Reilly's Beth and Cole Hauser's Rip.

Reilly told Entertainment Weekly ahead of the season 5 premiere that "Beth is more like a wild animal this season than ever. When I read the scripts, it made me think [that] she is, for the first time, maybe afraid she will lose it for [her dad]."

"It's dark, brutal and desperate stuff — gaining power, losing it, defending and fighting," she continues. "It's bloody and at times beautiful in how it breaks them into their core selves." The setup for a potential season 6 will totally depend on how season 5 ends — and how it affects Beth, Rip, and the rest of the family.

Is Kevin Costner in Yellowstone season 5 part 2?


No Kevin Costner is not in the second half of Yellowstone season 5, and we find out the fate of his character John Dutton immediately. When Beth and Kayce find John dead in the bathroom, Beth immediately suspects foul play and blames it on Jamie. Well, Kevin is finally speaking on his character's end, and told The Michael Smerconish Programon November 11 that he actually didn't know the show had premiered the night before.

“I’m going to be perfectly honest. I didn’t know it was actually airing last night,” he says. “That’s a swear-to-God moment. I’ve been seeing ads with my face all over the place and I’m thinking, ‘Gee, I’m not in that one.’ But I didn’t realize yesterday was the thing...I heard it’s a suicide, so that doesn’t make me want to rush to go see it.”

But even if Kevin isn't over the moon about watching his character die, he doesn't have any bad blood with the writers. “They’re pretty smart people,” he continues. “Maybe it’s a red herring. Who knows? They’re very good. And they’ll figure that out.”

Well, the actor told Entertainment Tonight that he STILL hasn't seen the season 5 premiere as of November 17. “I didn’t watch it, so I don’t really have any thoughts about it,” he said. Due to delays from the writer's strike, and a tug-of-war between Paramount saying Kevin couldn't film new episodes and Kevin saying creator Taylor Sheridan took too long to write the scripts, the actor chose to leave the series, reportedly in part to promote his Horizon movie franchise.

“I gave this thing five seasons,” the actor told The Hollywood Reporterthis summer. “I was really happy to do it. And I don’t need drama. So, let’s just take that drama away, let’s take the guessing [away]. The fans have been way too good to me. And my obligation is to go on and continue to make things that mean something to them.”

How many episodes are in Yellowstone season 5?

Yellowstone season 5 part 2 features 6 episodes, meaning that Yellowstone season 5 will have a total of 14 episodes. Here's each episode title and release date:

  • Episode 1: "One Hundred Years Is Nothing" on November 13, 2022
  • Episode 2: "The Sting of Wisdom" on November 13, 2022
  • Episode 3: "Tall Drink of Water" on November 20, 2022
  • Episode 4: "Horses in Heaven" on November 27, 2022
  • Episode 5: "Watch 'Em Ride Away" on December 4, 2022
  • Episode 6: "Cigarettes, Whiskey, a Meadow and You" on December 11, 2022
  • Episode 7: "The Dream Is Not Me" on December 18, 2022
  • Episode 8: "A Knife and No Coin" on January 1, 2023
  • Episode 9: "Desire Is All You Need" on November 10, 2024
  • Episode 10: "The Apocalypse of Change" on November 17, 2024
  • Episode 11: "Three Fifty-Three" on November 24, 2024
  • Episode 12: "Counting Coup" On December 1, 2024
  • Episode 13: "Give the World Away" On December 8, 2024
  • Episode 14: "Life Is A Promise" On December 15, 2024

See our interviews with the 'Yellowstone' cast!

@britandco Who run the world ?! #kellyreilly#yellowstone#bethdutton#tv#tvshow#premiere#nyc#newyork♬ original sound - Brit + Co

Wendy Moniz spilled on working with everyone's favorite lady Kelly Reilly (Beth Dutton).

@britandco John Emmet Tracy told us all about filming the final season of #Yellowstone 🐴 #johnemmettracy#ellissteele#nyc#redcarpet#premiere#newyork#newyorkcity#fyp♬ original sound - Brit + Co

While John Emmet Tracy gave us the best advice for dealing with crazy families during the holidays!

@britandco You’re welcome 😌 #yellowstone#cowboy#cowboyboots#fashion#premiere#fyp#ianbohen♬ original sound - Brit + Co

And we couldn't pass up the opportunity to ask Ian Bohen the best way to take off cowboy boots ;).

What is Yellowstone season 5 about?


Yellowstone Season 5 Plot

The series introduced us to the Duttons, a powerful family in charge of America's biggest contiguous cattle ranch. Every season has been gritty and powerful, and in the fifth season, we've seen John become Montana's governor and make Beth his chief of staff. But with Jamie trying to take the power away from his dad, the Duttons are fighting each other like we've never seen — especially when Jamie and Beth start considering how to get away with murder.

Luke Grimes recently told Entertainment Weekly how pleased he is with the finale, and Kelly Reilly revealed creator Taylor Sheridan actually told her the ending to the series while they filmed season 1.

“I read the last episode the day before we started filming,” Luke says. “I couldn't be happier. I think it's a perfect ending for the show for every character. It's just a testament to what a good writer Taylor is, and it's a very, very profound, beautiful ending. I can't wait to sit down and watch it one day.”

Is Yellowstone season 5 part 2 out yet?


Yellowstone Season 5 Part 2 Release Date

Yes, Yellowstone season 5 part 2 premiered on Paramount November 10, 2024. You can watch new episodes every Sunday.

The series filmed in Montana during the summer of 2024.

Who's in the cast of Yellowstone season 5?


Yellowstone Season 5 Cast

The cast of Yellowstone season 5 includes Kelly Reilly, Wes Bentley, Luke Grimes, Kelsey Asbille, Brecken Merrill, Finn Little, Cole Hauser, Gil Birmingham, Wendy Moniz, Mo Brings Plenty, and Bella Hadid.

Where can I watch season 5 part 1 of Yellowstone?


The first half of Yellowstone season 5 is now streaming on Peacock.

Are you excited for Yellowstone season 5 part 2? Read up on The First Cast Member For Yellowstone's 2024 Spinoff, The Madison for more about our new favorite universe.

This post has been updated.

And just like that, Yellowstone season 5(and, well, the entire show) is over. The Yellowstone finale premiered on Sunday, December 15 and we finally got answers to major questions we've had since part 2 premiered on November 10. And, of course, it wouldn't be Yellowstone without some insane plot twists — and a bloody death that left me squirming. Before we reunite with Beth and Rip in their new spinoff(and in their new home, hello!), let's take the time to say goodbye to these very complicated characters we've come to love.

Here's everything that happened in the Yellowstone series finale.

The 'Yellowstone' Ending, Explained


The Dutton family has been reeling since episode 9, "Desire Is All You Need," opened with the death of patriarch John Dutton (Kevin Costner). Despite the fact it appeared to be a suicide, Beth (Kelly Reilly) believes Jamie (Wes Bentley) is responsible — and she vows to make him pay.

Meanwhile, Kayce (Luke Grimes) offers the Yellowstone land to High Chief Thomas Rainwater (Gil Birmingham) at $1.25 an acre (the price when his ancestors took it from the Natives of Broken Rock). He just has two conditions: Kayce, his wife Monica (Kelsey Asbille), and their son Tate (Brecken Merrill) get to stay in their home, and Yellowstone can never be developed or sold to anyone else. Thomas agrees and the two men exchange pocket knives after drawing blood to finalize the agreement.

What did Beth whisper to the casket?

The Dutton family finally has a service for John, where Beth once again promises to avenge her dad. After laying a white rose on his casket, Beth leans down and whispers, "I will avenge you," then leaves the service. (And this is totally not the point, but she looked amazing in her black dress).

Before Rip can stop her, Beth changes clothes & takes off for Jamie's house, and attacks him as soon as she lays eyes on him. It's a vicious back and forth of Beth dousing him with pepper spray, Jamie punching her in the face, Beth hitting him with a crow bar. Jamie gets the upper hand, and for a moment it seems like Beth's not going to make it out alive, but before Jamie can kill her (and after she reveals they sold Yellowstone to the reservation), Rip rushes in.

But it's not Rip who ultimately ends the fight — no, Beth does that all on her own by stabbing Jamie in the heart. I guess that proves he had a heart after all? Rip takes Jamie's body to the Train Station and sets his car on fire, while Beth's call to 911 covers all their bases...and sets Jamie up to take the blame for both John and Sarah's (Dawn Olivieri) deaths.

What was the ending of Yellowstone?

Despite some brutal scenes that bring us to the end of Yellowstone, the final moments are actually quite touching. I was more than happy to see Ryan and Abby finally reunite — and for Ryan to ditch farm life to join her on tour. Now she can serenade him from the stage every single night!

1883's Isabel May got the job of a lifetime because not only does she narrate 1923 but she also narrates the end of Yellowstone, tying each series into a larger Yellowstone universe (and making me a little emotional, honestly.)

Kayce, Monica, and Tate embark on a new adventure as a family with cattle for their own land while Beth and Rip take time to soak in the empty Dutton family home we've all become so familiar with. It's a touching moment that also lets viewers reminisce about the time we've spent with the Duttons. And before the credits roll, Beth and Rip breathe in their new home in Dillon, Montana...but while it's peaceful for now, I'm sure their spinoff will bring plenty of new challenges.

What did you think of the Yellowstone ending? Are you excited for Beth and Rip's spinoff? I'm really hoping Monica and Kayce make an appearance! Check out 17 TV Shows For Yellowstone Fans for what to watch after you finish the finale.

It's officially the last week of Sagittarius season, and it begins with Mercury stationing direct and the full moon in Gemini. On one level, the energy is full speed ahead. It's time to finish the holiday shopping, baking, and get on with the merry-making. Venus, the planet of love and our values, forms a beneficial trine to Jupiter, which will leave us feeling an abundance of love and joy. Make sure to take time to express heartfelt gratitude and love whenever possible. This wonderful energy is perfect for the holidays, and we will likely be in a social, festive mood. Whatever we put out into the world will come back in an amplified way.

Wanna know what that means for your weekly horoscope? Let's check it out!

Scroll down to find your weekly horoscope for your sun & rising signs!

olia danilevich

While the overall vibes are buzzing right now, there's still a need to slow down, as Mars will be retrograde until February 24, 2025. Working with this energy over the next few weeks and months is critical. Mindfully pursuing goals, staying calm while frustrated, and using our determination and power for the best possible outcomes are part of the lessons while the planet of action is in this retrograde phase. There are nuances depending on where transiting Mars lands in your chart and where Mars was when you were born, but in general, it's a time to be extra careful, harness your energy wisely, and act upon ideas and opportunities to further your personal evolution.

Diana Agapova

This week, the Sun squares Neptune, and despite the energetic feeling of the season, it might be difficult to find motivation and enthusiasm for work. If you can take time off, do so. Tap into the dreamy energy to create something beautiful, whether it's to finish your holiday crafts or to host a gathering to let those you love know how important they are to you. Use music, lights, and candles to inspire and create a loving mood. Be aware that there is a tendency to see things through a rose-colored illusion. Make sure you're honest and upfront in all your dealings to avoid misunderstandings.

Pavel Danilyuk

On December 21, the Sun moves into Capricorn. The winter solstice marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Most ancient civilizations celebrated this occasion. Stone structures like Newgrange in Ireland were built with an alignment to the solstice sunrise. The indigenous Zuni tribe dances in gratitude for the abundance of the year. St. Lucia’s Day in Scandinavia celebrates light overcoming darkness by lighting candles. Devise your own ritual or adopt and modify what has been done in the past. Creating new traditions around ancient celestial happenings can be a wonderful way to celebrate the season.

Horoscopes for Sun and Rising Signs

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

You might feel like retreating from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Allow yourself to be inspired by your intuition and make time for quiet contemplation. You'll probably be more interested in engaging in a private spiritual practice with a few close loved ones rather than going to a large holiday gathering. It's a good time to honestly evaluate your life’s direction. This might feel disorienting and a little confusing. Practice patience (not easy for an Aries!) and trust that this period of time will put you in touch with a more authentic and spiritually aligned version of yourself.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

The challenge is to combine your big dreams with a practical plan of action. Are you supported by a solid community of collaborators to help manifest your ideas? It's important to be clear with your cohorts and work cooperatively toward a common goal. If you're the leader, make sure you lead with compassion and aim to lift everyone in the group, utilizing the unique skills of each participant. If you find yourself doing most of the work, re-evaluate the plan so that there is more reciprocity. There is an opportunity for creative and spiritual growth in the community. Just make sure everyone is benefiting in one way or another.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

You might feel a shift in your attitude about your career. This could feel disorienting if you have built your ego around success in the workplace. It's a good time to evaluate whether you have created a false persona and to adjust for better alignment with your more authentic self. If you have access to a mentor, ask for guidance as you navigate toward a more honest approach to your career. Courageously make any changes that will better reflect your positive and cooperative tendencies. Practice self-compassion and realize this could be a foggy, confusing time. Be honest with yourself about what is important as you explore a new way to be in your professional life.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Connect with your spiritual center. You might feel as if there is a veil of illusion testing your trust in the unknown or unseen. Your intuition is keen and will be an asset as you navigate this hazy period of time. Go with the flow of life and let go of any need to control the outcome. This will create a sense of freedom. Release your ego needs and surrender to a higher sense of humility and compassion. Hone your meditation practice, devote yourself to music, and engage in anything that brings peace to your heart. The love energy will flow around you and those you cherish.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You're in a phase to uncover the depths of your subconscious mind. What you reveal has the potential to transform you in profound ways, connecting you to your intuition and power. It's essential to communicate clearly, especially in matters involving finances. Refrain from borrowing money from friends or close associates. Reassess your spending habits and explore creative ways to increase your income. Financial independence will lead to a sense of freedom and autonomy, which will allow easier access to your inner intuition. This week marks the beginning of a period of self-awareness that will align you with your essence. Approach it with an open heart.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 21)

You might be idealistic and only see the potential in your relationships. If you ignore reality, miscommunications and heartache are likely. It's important to be clear in all your exchanges. Make sure you're grounded and don’t get carried away with fantasies. If a loved one is ill, you'll likely feel a deep connection as your compassion is strong. You'll excel as a caregiver in this case. Be sure to practice self-care and keep in mind what you need as you establish healthy boundaries. Unconditional love is available, but you must take care of yourself as you extend that love to others.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 22 – October 22)

Are you taking care of yourself? Your daily habits and routines are important. Make sure you're keeping your immune system healthy, as you'll be more sensitive to illnesses and infections. Sleep well and eat nourishing foods. Tune into your body for clues about your best approach to health. Moderation and mindfulness are key. Engage in a holistic approach and don’t neglect your mental and spiritual health. You might find yourself compelled to acts of service for others. Be sure you're taking care of yourself and have realistic boundaries in place before committing to helping others.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Your imagination and creativity are heightened. Harness your artistic expression with tangible projects. Use your intuition and inspiration to guide you. Be on the lookout for opportunities to express your creativity. You'll likely be super sensitive, and your emotions might be hard to control or define. This is not a time to intellectualize what you're feeling. Instead, translate your emotions into opportunities for self-understanding. You'll benefit greatly by working with a professional guide, whether a counselor or someone you can collaborate with on an artistic level.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

It's likely you're experiencing profound shifts in your internal world. Maintain a sense of peace and tranquility at home, as these shifts might cause you to feel unbalanced. There might be changes in your family dynamics. Let go of old patterns and roles that no longer serve you or your family. It's essential to establish boundaries with your loved ones. Clear and compassionate communication is necessary to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. Take advantage of opportunities to express your newfound internal understandings, and you'll experience deeper connections. Spend time in nature and commit yourself to activities that keep you grounded and connected to the Earth.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Open yourself up to a more fluid state of mind. If you're accustomed to relying on your intellect, this is a chance to experience a more integrated way of being. Engage in activities that expand your consciousness and connect you to realms of spiritual understanding. You may have a desire to express your creative side in a new way. Allow yourself to experience life without knowing exactly where you're going, and trust that the process unfolding inside you will lead to a deeper understanding of yourself. Cultivate an inner gentleness and kindness as you continue on your path to greater self-compassion.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

This is a time to reassess your values. The material possessions you own may conflict with your spiritual needs. It's easy to become distracted or weighed down by your belongings. Take this opportunity to honestly evaluate what truly matters to you. If you find yourself overly focused on external, tangible indicators of success, consider shifting your attention to inner growth and spiritual fulfillment. Simplifying your life and prioritizing what aligns with your deeper values will create a sense of freedom and clarity, allowing you to connect more authentically with yourself and others.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Your intuition is heightened, and you may find yourself drawn to imaginative and creative pursuits. Allow your inner vision to guide you as you explore new ways to express yourself artistically or spiritually. However, be mindful of boundaries, especially in relationships. You have a natural inclination to give selflessly, but it's essential to balance this with self-care. Avoid overextending yourself emotionally or physically. Tap into the dreamy, compassionate energy of the season to strengthen your inner peace and connection to higher truths. This is an excellent time for introspection and for nurturing your unique gifts.

Looking for a more thorough reading? Reach out to Tina at SevenSistersAstrology.com!

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