25 Thoughts I Had While Rewatching "Gilmore Girls" At Lorelai’s Age Instead Of Rory’s

rewatching gilmore girls in 2023

Like many autumn-loving millennials, I grew up watching Gilmore Girls religiously, and I'm not embarrassed to say Lorelai and Rory had a major influence on my formative years. While my GG viewing journey began in my beachy Florida hometown, dreaming of small-town Connecticut vibes where it’s inexplicably always fall, I continued watching via reruns — and eventually Netflix — for the next two decades.

However, this year something shifted. Suddenly, I didn’t relate to Lorelai and Rory in the way I used to. Situations where I was previously 100% on their side (ahem, Mitchum), I see things more clearly (except the yacht situation — that was never cool, Rory!). Which makes sense, as my first viewing was around Rory’s age...and I’m now 32, Lorelai’s age at the start of the series. I’ve always heard that wisdom comes with age, so here are 25 thoughts I have rewatching Gilmore Girls as an adult.

Having A Baby At 16 (& Raising Her On Your Own) Is Huge

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It’s actually a pretty big deal — not just a funny one-liner. During my first viewing, it felt like teen pregnancy was everywhere in pop culture, and I didn’t fully comprehend why some characters made a big deal over Lorelai’s age while others just laughed along. But as a newly minted 32-year-old, I couldn’t imagine having a 16-year-old child right now! Let alone raising one very well from the time I was just 16 myself! Definitely impressive of young (and adult) Lorelai!

Lorelai Was Right To Turn Chris Down

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As a hopelessly romantic teen who desperately wanted a cute boyfriend, I thought love was all you needed. And I was extremely confused by Lorelai’s rejection of Chris’s proposal in the first season. He said he loved her and wanted to be a family — shouldn’t that be enough? But alas, he wasn’t ready for a commitment, and Lorelai knew it. Trusting your gut is a big part of growing up.

Max Medina Wasn’t *That* Great

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I always thought Max’s proposal was incredibly romantic. He did exactly what Lorelai wanted — 1,000 yellow daisies (definitely more than 1,000 TBH) and had a beautiful speech prepared, which he delivered….over the phone? It’s honestly pretty strange that he wasn’t there in person. Proposals are so personal, and his just felt disconnected. It’s no wonder Lorelai had trouble making up her mind!

Emily And Richard Aren’t As Mean As Lorelai Makes Them Out To Be

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Sure, they can be harsh and difficult, and they're clearly still hurt over the past. But so are Lorelai and Rory, whether or not the show wants to admit it. But this is life and all humans are flawed, and Lorelai isn’t the victim that I always believed she was.

Lorelai And Rory Are SO Codependent

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I always thought their relationship was perfect, but it’s honestly not too healthy for either of them. We know Lorelai’s emotional growth is stunted due to having to be an adult from a young age, but maybe their relationship explains why Rory isn’t as well-adjusted as she should be either.

Richard’s Attack On Dean Wasn't Malicious

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For years, I thought Richard was such a jerk for this, but as an adult...I can see his intentions are in the right place. We're all the sum of who we spend the most time with, so the company we keep is important. However, his delivery probably could’ve waited until after dinner.

Naming A Baby After Yourself Is Pretty Bad*ss

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Though it’s mentioned in the show a few times — often played as a joke or a quirky character trait — I kind of love that Lorelai went for it and named her baby Lorelai, too. Men have been doing this for years, and I wish more women would as well. It’s such a cool, forward-thinking choice, especially for a young girl in the 80's!

Pride Is Great...Unless You Let It Hinder Your Life

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Another example of Lorelai playing the victim: When she wanted a bank loan, Emily knew that Lorelei would need a co-signer and showed up for her despite their differences, without intentionally making her feel bad. Instead of accepting the help, Lorelai assumed her mom was out to get her (?) and almost cost herself the opportunity to get some much-needed funding, all because of her relentless insistence of doing it all on her own. The lesson? Don’t be so shortsighted and quick to assume.

Christopher Somehow *Always* Makes The Worst Decisions

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In season 2, he wasn’t being romantic by giving Lorelai the pearl necklace for her graduation, and I refuse to see this gesture as such. He was still dating Sherry, and that totally sent mixed signals.

A little later, when Christopher and Lorelai finally give it a go for real, he finds out Sherry is pregnant and decides to marry her instead. Let me just say...there's no universe where this was the right thing to do! Besides breaking Lorelai’s (and Rory’s!) hearts, he entered into a loveless marriage, doing a disservice to both Sherry and Gigi.

Paris Was On To Something With Her Quest To Uncover The Dark Side Of Small Towns

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This was played for laughs, and as a tween in 2001, I thought it was ridiculous. However, in today’s climate...it’s not too difficult to imagine the dark side of a small town — despite how charming and idyllic it may look on the surface.

Emily’s Desire To Find A Maid She Likes Is *Sorta* Fair

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Yes, she’s not warm and fuzzy, but Emily Gilmore knows what she wants. I once thought she was a mean dictator, but her monologue in relation to the lawsuit clears it up: If you’re paying for a service, you demand that service (i.e. coach vs first class on a plane). If someone is working in your home, it’s all the more important to get the chemistry and personality fit right, as opposed to a traditional office environment.

Logan’s Family’s Opinion Of Rory Wasn't Too Far Off

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Although Logan’s family’s disapproval of Rory when they meet her at dinner is unexpected, it’s definitely not as out of the blue as I originally thought. Logan’s family knows Richard and Emily well, and they’re likely well aware of Rory’s career aspirations, which is the main point of contention. Although Logan’s mother and grandfather are extremely clear about this, Rory can’t get past thinking it’s a class issue. I will never not cringe at hearing her exclaim “but I’m a Gilmore?!?!” Whether we like it or not, compatibility of lifestyles and goals play a huge role in whether a couple has a successful future together — Logan’s parents were just looking out for him, misguided as they may have been.

Michum’s Offer For An Internship Was Thoughtful

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Rory initially rejects this very generous offer for a fantastic opportunity that will help further her career ambitions, all because she believes it wasn’t extended for the right reasons (out of guilt over the dinner). Mitchum’s response “So what? Life is full of opportunities….” is so spot on. It doesn’t matter why — just take advantage of what’s in front of you! Maybe if Rory wasn’t so uncomfortable using her connections, she would have been a more successful journalist.

So Maybe Mitchum Was A Little Right About Rory

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I so clearly remember being confused by how the Mitchum internship went down. But she’s Rory, how could she *not* have what it takes?! But now, as a college grad who successfully completed 14 internships during undergrad and has worked in communications for almost a decade, I completely understand where he’s coming from.

If you rewatch these episodes, you’ll see the light as well. In the scene right before Mitchum has the talk with Rory, he’s running an editorial meeting and she’s sitting in. He mentions the paper can find students (like Rory, who writes for the Yale Daily News) at local colleges (like Yale) to freelance for the paper, and Rory stayed silent. That was her moment to impress him by raising her hand and volunteering, and it was also the moment when he decided she didn’t have what it takes to be a journalist. Looking at it now, she was very clearly missing the drive; the “not knowing if she could speak up because she’s just an intern” schtick? Any budding journalist would have raised their hands so quickly for a shot at a byline on a real paper.

While all of Rory’s growth at the paper was great — learning names, getting coffee orders correct — she was essentially growing into a secretary, not a journalist. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s a very different skillset.

TL;DR she didn't have what it takes, he knew it, and he did her a favor (as she tried to do with the ballerina, however harsh it was.)

Rory’s Harsh Ballet Review Was Actually Symbolic

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Shortly after Rory returns to Yale, she’s tasked with reviewing a ballet performance. She hates the performance and decides to eviscerate the ballerina in her review, only feeling guilty *after* the she’s confronted. By the episode’s end, Rory realizes that truthful reviews are important and it’s better that the ballerina finds out now so she can pursue something else instead. This make sense, but for some reason Rory can’t seem to connect her harsh review with Mitchum’s, despite very recently being on the receiving end of a well-meaning (but harshly received) review. Effectively, Rory became the Mitchum, illustrating that she’s grown thicker skin and isn't afraid to hurt feelings when she needs to.

Luke Telling Rory That He And Lorelai Are Engaged Was...Off

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I wanted our girls to make up as much as the next serial rewatcher, but this was not it. Luke inserting himself in the middle of Rory and Lorelai during their fight and telling Rory that they’re engaged is so misguided and inappropriate. And then proceeding to flip out at Lorelai, because their fight is inconveniencing him? Let’s add Luke to the list of emotionally immature characters on this show.

Lorelai Planning The Entire Wedding In One Day Is SO Unrealistic

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As a tween this seemed normal, but as an adult who just spent two years (!) planning their own wedding, I can confirm it’s totally unrealistic.

Also, getting married in a church is an absolutely bizarre choice for someone who isn’t at all religious (as we learned in Sookie’s baptism episode). And why would she pick out Luke’s tuxedo, without him even trying it on?

I get that weddings are inherently “girly” and not Luke’s thing, but your partner should have some involvement in the planing process (at the very least, maybe get their opinion on the venue and tux?!). These are big financial decisions that should not be made alone (she put down non refundable deposits and booked dates before checking with him). I love Luke & Lorelai but upon rewatching, they were never on the same page — which is so evident here.

Dave Rygalski Was A Pathological Liar

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I used to think he was the perfect guy, and it took me a long time to see the light. Never forget how he jumped through all those hoops for Lane! But as an adult who has dealt with *many* too-good-to-be-true suitors, it’s shocking how easy it was for him to lie to Mrs Kim. I genuinely think Dave is a pathological liar, and definitely not someone you want to be with forever, which brings us to…

Zack Was Actually A Great Guy

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Truthfully, I always thought he was a loser who was obsessed with everything being “so rock and roll.” But he was actually always totally real and upfront about who he was, which is something that Mrs. Kim was able to respect despite their differences.

Richard Was The Real Villain Of Emily’s LASIK Surgery

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I fully expected to feel like Lorelai was in the wrong during my most recent rewatch (although she’s no angel here — you're mom can’t see, stop complaining and help her out!), but the real villain here is Richard. Who leaves their wife for a business trip after a botched eye surgery? He’s back at the firm by this point (a global company) and could have easily had someone else step in to take the meeting instead.

Rory Dropping Out Of Yale Wasn't The Worst Thing Ever

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As a teen, this seemed crazy. Why would Rory give up on her dream and throw her life away?! But as an adult who, like Rory, went through personal trauma during her college years, took time off, and eventually went back and finished school, I see things differently now. Success is not linear, and everyone’s path is different. When you’re that focused, it’s even more important to take a breather and recalibrate.

Mrs Kim’s Parenting Skills Shine When Lane And Rory Both Face Setbacks

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I love Rory and Lorelai’s relationship (it’s so similar to mine and my own mother’s!), but they didn't respect each other’s opinions when they disagreed. From Lorelai freezing Rory out after she wanted to give up and take time off of Yale (again, just a semester — and so not a big deal!) to Rory refusing to hear out Lorelai’s side and listen to her advice, this feels off for two people who love each other so much. Especially when juxtaposed with Lane’s and Mrs. Kim’s drama on-going in the same episode.

At the end of season 5, Lane also wanted to give up on her dream (being a drummer in Hep Alien) and move back home, but Mrs. Kim surprised us all by stepping up and proclaiming, “So you’re giving up? Then you are not the daughter I raised!” And she proceeds to help Lane and the band go on tour across the East Coast. Even if it’s not the vision Mrs. Kim had for her only daughter, she’d rather have a happy daughter than a miserable one who accepts defeat.

Lane and her mother always had a different dynamic than the other mother/daughter duos on the show. While they’re not as close as Rory and Lorelai, Mrs. Kim always had her daughter’s respect. It’s interesting how Lane and Rory both experienced setbacks and wanted to give up their dreams, but Mrs. Kim ultimately stepped up while Lorelai lost touch with her daughter for months.

Season 7 Christopher Was A CATCH

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Younger me hated Christopher for coming between Luke and Lorelai (really though, that was all Lorelai), but Christopher achieved excellent character development over the course of seven seasons. He truly gets Lorelai, from planning the perfect date to involving her in his life in a real way, which Luke was never able to do. They may not have been endgame but he was great for that moment in time.

The Abortion Convo...Er, Lack Thereof

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Lane gets pregnant at 22, and she explicitly says she isn’t ready for the baby and that there’s so much more she wants to do first before kids. Lane is a small town girl, so she may not have known her options, but she has a worldly best friend who’s sexually experienced, well-traveled, and Ivy League educated.

So what wonderful advice does Rory give her friend in distress? She assures her that she will be a GREAT mom and to stop worrying. This is uncomfortably tone deaf, and a real way that Rory failed Lane as a friend and fellow woman.

In a later conversation, Zach and Lane both agree that they’re broke, totally unprepared, and that “this baby sucks.” But they just decide to suffer through it and don’t discuss any other options.

As a teen with limited life experience, this made sense during my first viewing. But as an adult woman in a post-Roe v Wade world, I’m floored this storyline was ever approved without even the slightest mention of the A-word.

Judging Sherry Was Way Harsh

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Personally, I cringe every time Lorelai and Rory bring up the point that “mani-pedi-twice-a-week Sherry” can’t possibly be a good mom. I know she’s supposed to be the villain who “stole” Christopher from Lorelai —only for us to later see things through Christopher’s POV only — but these characterizations did not age well. Realistically, Sherry is a career-driven woman who screwed up and married a guy who’s an absent father to both of his children — and she finally decided to put herself first.

Looking for more Gilmore Girls hot takes? We've got you covered on everyone and everything to loving Paris and Logan...to not loving Rory. 😉

This post has been updated.

Amid the devastation of the LA fires, neighbors opening their homes to one another (like Hilary Duff housing Mandy Moore), internet users have found a new way to support people who have lost everything by streaming their old songs. When Heidi Montag's 2010 album Superficial hit #1 on iTunes, generating income for the popstar and her family, Gossip Girl fans called for another celebrity to get the same treatment: Leighton Meester (AKA Blair Waldorf) after she lost her home with husband Adam Brody.

Yep, in case you didn't know, Leighton Meester wasn't just an actress during her Gossip Girl days, she was also a singer! In addition to her role in Country Strong (which gave us the MASTERPIECE "Words I Couldn't Say"), Gossip Girl featured some of her music, like when the season 3 finale featured “Your Love's a Drug.”

Here's how fans are resurfacing Leighton Meester's old music right now!

Leighton Meester's fans include none other than Flavor Flav.


Stream @LeightonMeester Somebody to Love and use the song in yo TikTok’s 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

Hip-hop artist Flavor Flav posted his support of Leighton Meester's "Somebody To Love" on TikTok on January 15. "Starting to hype up my girl Leighton Meester and help her family recover from the fire," he says in the onscreen text. And he's not the only one who loves her music, because fans started flooding his comments with their favorite songs.

"Good Girls Go Bad still goes triple platinum in my house annually," one user commented, while another added, "Stream Heartstrings by Leighton Meester too."

A third TikTok user ended up offering their own (phenomenal) idea when they said, "Can someone put together a LA fire playlist (philanthropy edition) so I can stream it all week?" Literally let's do it. I'm listening to the songs over and over anyway.

And the best part is that Rolling Stone reports that Heartstrings is now at 21 on iTunes!

Leighton Meester released some incredible music in the '00s and '10s.


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Leighton Meester changed lives when she was a feature on Cobra Starship's "Good Girls Gone Bad" in July of 2009. This is quite literally one of the best pop songs of the decade — I never get tired of listening to it.

And she has some incredible features on her discography.


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Leighton Meester follows up "Good Girls Gone Bad" with a song alongside Robin Thicke in a very steamy music video that Gossip Girl would definitely be writing about.


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And in 2014, Leighton Meester released a full-length album called Heartstrings, which includes this title track. It's a little country, it's a little pop, and it's very addictive. It feels totally different than the Blair Waldorf vibe we'd come to associate Leighton with, and it's like a breath of fresh air.

Here's the full Heartstrings tracklist!

  1. Heartstrings
  2. Run Away
  3. Good for One Thing
  4. Sweet
  5. On My Side
  6. LA
  7. Dreaming
  8. Blue Afternoon
  9. Entitled

If you need me for the next few weeks, I'll be listening to all of Leighton Meester's music on repeat. Check out the latest news on Adam Brody & Leighton Meester's New TV Show Good Cop/Bad Cop.

The beauty aisle at Trader Joe's is not one I typically ever stop by, but as of late, the internet has totally convinced me to start shopping for Trader Joe’s beauty products. I was scouring the Trader Joe’s subreddit (as I love to do) and landed on a thread that was all about the grocer’s best beauty picks.

If you didn’t know by now, TJ’s sells everything from serums to hair care! Plus, oftentimes, they’re significantly cheaper than high-end name brands – for around the same formulas and quality.

Below, find 10 of the best Trader Joe’s beauty products recommended by die-hard shoppers!

Trader Joe's

1. Retinol Night Serum

Retinol can be a bit daunting when it comes to skincare, especially if you're a first-time user. This TJ's formula only contains 0.3% retinol, so it's fairly gentle. One expert Redditor swears by this $10 bottle:

“After working in a dermatology office, I swear by their retinol serum," they wrote. "It’s very similar to the $70 0.3% serum we sold. Also their triple antioxidant serum looks exactly like the one we sold for over $100. Luxury really is an illusion.”

Trader Joe's

2. Ultra Hydrating Gel Moisturizer

Trader Joe's tapped their "favorite" high-end skincare producer to create this $9 pot of gel moisturizer. It's "packed" with aloe leaf juice as well as green tea, birch leaf, and milk thistle extracts to help soothe the skin, while "holy grail" ingredients like sodium hyaluronate help to truly lock in moisture.

Several Redditors compared this affordable TJ's formula to expensive alternatives like the Peter Thomas Roth Water Drench Moisturizer ($58) and the Biossance Balancing Gel Moisturizer ($54). 👀

Trader Joe's

3. Daily Facial Sunscreen

This SPF got endless praise on Reddit. Its formula is far from "thick" and "sticky" – that is, according to Trader Joe's. It's translucent, oil-free, fragrance-free (sensitive skin-havers rejoice!), absorbs quickly, and leaves a silky matte finish. Oh, and it's only $9. Sounds perfect, right? Here's what shoppers have to say:

"I love it and I have gone two very hot summers without getting a sunburn!” one person said.

“A lot of sunscreen leaves a weird white cast on my (darker) skin but this one is perfect,” another noted.

“I've been using this for like a decade," one more user wrote. "The SPF 15 isn't enough if I'm going to be in the sun all day, but for office days it's perfect. I have sensitive skin and it doesn't break me out.”


4. 100% Pure Jojoba Oil

Someone noted that this jojoba oil "takes off waterproof mascara like nobody's business.” I love to hear it!

Trader Joe's jojoba oil is super versatile, too. You can easily use it as both a cleanser and moisturizer: cleanse clogged pores, remove makeup, and moisturize your hair and scalp with just a few drops! Since a little goes a long way, I'd say $15 a bottle is well worth it.

Trader Joe's

5. Ultra Moisturizing Hand Cream

Trader Joe's Ultra Moisturizing Hand Cream is notorious for being a dupe of L’Occitane's Shea Butter Hand Cream. One Redditor noted that it easily compares in terms of the formula: TJ's version also boasts 20% pure shea butter and coconut oil to nourish dry skin. They also highlighted the fact that "the scent for the basic versions is identical.”

While L’Occitane's hand cream costs $30, TJ's tube is only $5. A steal!

“The hand cream is so good!" another user said. "I have a tube in my car, in my bag, at my office, etc.”

Trader Joe's

6. Supreme Hydrating Eye Cream

Trader Joe's sells eye cream?! Okay, now I need to go. TJ's notes that this $6 tube contains many "sought-after" ingredients like hydrolyzed marine collagen, coenzyme Q10, Manuka honey, hibiscus extract, and almond, argan, rosehip, and marula seed oils to soften and soothe the under eye area. It's also supposed to be extra-rich and creamy without weighing your skin down!

A couple Redditors couldn't say enough good things about it:

“I can’t praise the eye cream enough. It’s very moisturizing and does a fantastic job keeping my eye area hydrated in the dry air," one person said. "I’m 35 and I have very little wrinkles, I use it twice a day. I’ve used very high end eye creams before and while yes they were nice, I feel like TJ’s one does the job for me at this age.”

“My skin is so dry that my eyelids get flaky often, this helps more than anything else by far," another commented. "Sometimes I use it on my whole face when it’s really sensitive.”

Trader Joe's

7. Cleansing + Conditioning Hair Wash

“The Cleansing + Conditioning Hair Wash is the GOAT for my hair!" one Reddit user wrote. "I used to buy expensive cleansing conditioners and the TJ’s one is honestly way better (at least for my hair!)... it makes my hair super soft and healthy feeling but I don’t get super greasy!”

This $5 product replaces the need for a two-step hair care routine (AKA shampoo and conditioner) by combining both of 'em. It's made without detergents, sulfates, parabens, or silicones, so your hair's natural oils and moisture are not lost. It's essentially a co-wash, which can help you cut down on how often you need to wash your hair, all while hydrating dry strands and taming frizz!

Trader Joe's

8. Hyaluronic Moisture Boost Serum

I am a ride-or-die fan of The Ordinary's hyaluronic acid serum – it always adds that extra boost of hydration to my dry winter skin and never irritates it, either. Based on Trader Joe's shopper's recommendations, I'm gonna have to try their similar $9 serum out ASAP.

One shopper said it's "light and hydrating. I have dry skin and it really makes a difference.”

Another user shared that they "use it every morning and night after [they've] washed [their] face.”

TJ's says this formula is water-based, unscented, never tested on animals, and non-comedogenic. In addition to moisturizing hyaluronic acid, it includes 1% sodium hyaluronate, which can penetrate the skin even deeper to provide much-needed moisture.

Trader Joe's

9. Brazil Nut Body Butter

Fan of the Sol De Janeiro Brazilian Bum Bum Cream's scent and nourishing effect, but not the nearly-$50 price tag? Trader Joe's famed Brazil Nut Body Butter seems to measure up pretty well for a mere fraction of the price. The tub of body butter itself is typically a seasonal item, but you can still snag it now in this delicious-smelling body care trio for $13.

TJ's fans are nuts for this product (pun fully intended):

“Brazil Nut body butter is one of the best body lotions I’ve ever used,” someone said.

“Brazil nut body wash and butter body are amazing!" one person wrote. "I bought like 4 tubs of the body butter.”

“Yes. It smells amazing and the texture is fantastic,” another user agreed.

“I still have two full tubs in my stash to hold me over until whenever the next seasonal body butter is available :),” one more Redditor shared. Yep, I'm grabbin' this one ASAP.

Trader Joe's

10. Marula Facial Oil

Marula oil offers insane hydration to dry skin. It also has antioxidant properties that can help even out your skin's tone and texture! While brands like Credo Beauty and Drunk Elephant sell similar marula oil formulas for $55+, TJ's version goes for $7 a pop.

The grocer says it's "light-textured and not greasy," which can definitely be hard to find in a skincare oil.

“The $7 marula oil is SO AMAZING I will never buy the Drunk Elephant stuff again even though I love that brand," one user offered.

“Recently started using the marula oil after using my (non TJ, don't love theirs) retinol and I feel like it has been a huge game changer and has given me a great glow," another person said.

Subscribe to our newsletter to discover more amazing Trader Joe's products!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley) is back for another season of snooping and stalking in New York City, and thanks to the new You season 5 teaser, we know exactly when this new TV show is returning. In addition to showing us characters from the past like Guinevere Beck (Elizabeth Lail), Love Quinn (Victoria Pedretti), and Marienne Bellamy (Tati Gabrielle), Joe straight-up says goodbye to the one person who's always been there: you. Yep, Netflix went there.

“Every season they manage to find new space to make it interesting and relevant,” Penn Badgley told Tudum. “And this season, I think somehow coming back to where it started allowed for it to just become grounded in the way that it needs to also have this kind of spectacular finish.”

Here's a breakdown of that brand new You season 5 teaser.

"Hello, you. Do you remember me? Cause I remember you," Joe asks in the You season 5 teaser, over shots of New York City and Mooney's Books. "Here we are together again, back to where it began."

"A lot has happened these many years together," he continues. "Identities, cities, loves, complications." The trailer is a walk down memory lane for viewers and for Joe as he remembers Beck, Love, and Marienne — and locking them up. Plus some fights and escapes he made along the way.

"All that led me here to now, to where I as always meant to be," he says. "And the one constant, the one thing that has always been there for me, is you. You who have been there the whole time and will be there with me to the end. Goodbye, you."

Okay, this is totally giving me Black Mirror, metaverse vibes, especially since Joe's in his creepy underground bunker with all that blue lighting. I have chills down my spine just watching this!

Is season 5 of You coming out?

Yes, You season 5 is dropping on Netflix April 24, 2025.

We've been waiting for new episodes since season 4 premiered in 2023, but the writers and stars have been planning Joe's ending for much longer. "We have some ideas that we've been talking about pretty much from the beginning," Sera Gamble told EW when she was showrunner in 2023. "It's really the debate about what kind of justice would be fair and appropriate for a guy like Joe. And then do we believe that he would get that kind of punishment? My short answer is like, maybe not from the American system. But there might be other ways. So that's the stuff we're talking about."

But whatever these writers and directors have up their sleeves, Penn Badgley promises You season 5 will come to a "perfect" conclusion. “I would love for people to just be like, ‘Wow, it’s over and I feel good and I don’t want to watch it again,'" he told Harper's Bazaarin March of 2023. And honestly, a perfect ending is all TV fans can hope for these days, right?

Who's in the You season 5 cast?

The final season of You stars Penn Badgley, Madeline Brewer, Anna Camp, Charlotte Richie, and Griffin Matthews.

Are you excited for the final season of You? I cannot wait to see the way Penn Badgley and Netflix bring the show to a close. Follow us on Facebook for the latest You season 5 news — and updates on all your favorite TV shows!

Neighbors are funny. I'll occasionally have a quick chit-chat with mine as we cross paths by our mailboxes, and our conversations always seem to revolve around the same three topics: the weather, upcoming vacations, and home upgrades. My latest landscaping project got a few nods of approval — even from my least neighborly neighbors. The tree encroaching on their solar panel? Not so much. But hey, they notice, and there’s something undeniably satisfying about earning that neighborly thumbs up.

Here are 25 budget-friendly home upgrades that will impress your neighbors!


Update Your House Numbers

This is such a simple fix that delivers a big impact. Update your house numbers to something a bit more modern, like these Etsy House Numbers, and you'll feel an instant refresh to your exterior.


Give Some Landscaping Love

You can start small here, add a tree, a shrub, some grasses, but adding greenery that matures over time will enhancing your yard’s overall aesthetic and the value of your home. Take cues from your lifestyle too. Sod might be the ideal choice for running, playing, and family fun. Live in a dry climate? Opt for drought-tolerant plants and decorative rocks to create a low-maintenance, water-efficient landscape.


Paint Your Door

A fresh coat of bold or classic color on your front door can instantly enhance its curb appeal, and surprise your neighbors in a good way.


Add Outdoor String Lights

These are pretty affordable and so charming in trees and on fences, creating a cozy vibe for your outdoor space.


Install Window Boxes

This has been on my home bucket list since traveling around Charleston, S.C. I love a good flower box display, whether it's colorful perennials or varying shades of greenery. Check out these affordable Wayfair Planter Boxes.

West Elm

Replace or Paint Your Mailbox

A rusty old mailbox is not giving guests the best first impression. A sleek new mailbox, like this West Elm Mailbox, or a fresh coat of paint can make a big difference.


Update Light Fixtures

Swap out dated porch lights and install solar pathway lights for a fresh look and more inviting space.

Arian Fernandez

Install Shutters

There's something so classic and European about shutters. Affordable, decorative ones can add charm and dimension to your windows.


Pressure Wash Your Exterior

Have you spotted those IG videos of people pressure washing their homes? So mesmerizing! Wash off those cobwebs and layers of grime with an Electric Pressure Washer. A clean driveway, siding, or patio can make your home look like new.

Solo Stove

Add a Fire Pit

Build a simple and stylish fire pit with pavers or bricks or shop for one like this modern wood-burning fire pit from All Modern or this option from Solo Stove for a cozy gathering spot.


Build a Garden Path

Use gravel, stepping stones, or wood chips to create an elegant walkway to your home.

Studio McGee

Hang A Wreath

It doesn't need to be December for you to hang a natural wreath on your door. A seasonal or year-round wreath, like this one from Studio McGee, adds warmth to your home’s entryway.


DIY Raised Garden Beds

Build a raised garden bed for under $50 with our guide or shop for these lovely cedar ones on Eartheasy. Come spring you'll have plenty of space to plant vegetables and herbs and flowers.


Add A Bird Bath

A bird bath, like this Wayfair Pedestal Birdbath from Kelly Clarkson Home, is a great way to support your local wildlife and pretty up your front yard.


Paint or Stain Outdoor Furniture

Outdoor furniture gets weathered throughout the year if not protected. Before spring comes, spruce up your outdoor furniture with paint, or a sand and wood stain to give your front yard a polished look.


Paint or Stain Your Fence

Refreshing an old fence with a new coat of paint or stain will absolutely get neighbors talking.


Upgrade Your Door Hardware

Is your door handle looking a bit dated or worn? Replace old doorknobs, locks, or handles with more stylish and modern options, like this Entry Door Handle.


Add Planters To Your Porch

Planters welcome your guests and frame your porch in an inviting way. Find plants you love and make a great first impression with beautiful planters.

Evelyn Paris

Paint or Tile Your Stair Risers

Paint your stair risers in a fun contrasting or complementary color to your home, or if you want to invest a little more time and money add a decorative tile. I did this with a tile inspired by my trip to Portugal and get compliments all the time! You can also find peel-and-stick floor tile for outside porches.


Add Front Porch Seating

Classic Adirondacks, modern rocking chairs like these Wayfair Rocking Chairs, and swing chairs can make your yard more inviting and useful. I had a total mom win when I saw my daughter reading outside in our new Adirondack chairs.


Add a Trellis

This doesn't have to be major, but a small trellis around your door can make a big impact come spring when the flowers bloom.


Wash Your Windows

This is a low-cost way to make your home literally shine.


Hide Trash Bins

Hide any eyesores like trash bins and HVAC units with a privacy screen with a planter for flowers and vines.


Add New Mulch

Clear any weeds and refresh your mulch to instantly tidy up garden beds.


Decorate For the Seasons

Making your entryway festive for the seasons can bring joy and cheer to your neighborhood all year long. This Etsy Doormat is so cute for Valentine's Day!

Check out our online newsletter for more home decor inspo!

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My best friend and I recently had a 3-hour conversation about navigating love in our 30s, coming to the conclusion that our prior breakups helped us become clearer about what we want in love. After we said our good-byes, I started thinking about questions worth asking yourself when you're single.

Unlike some people who tell you not to worry about love when you're not coupled up, I think it actually does help to have an idea about the kind of person and relationship that'll fit in your life when the time comes. I wish it wish it were this easy, but the perfect situation isn't going to fall into your lap — because it doesn't exist. Even now, I'm still learning about myself and my fiancé as we experience life together.

So are you single and trying to understand what you actually want out of your love life? Here are some questions you should ask yourself!

Here are the questions to ask yourself while you're in your single era!

Ivan Samkov

1. Start with questions that focus on you

Either you agree with clichés or you don't. As annoying as they can be, hearing someone tell you to get to know yourself while you're single shouldn't be. It only gets sticky when people tell you that you'll never find love while on your self-care journey. We can agree to disagree with that.
So, what kind of questions should you be asking yourself to get to know your inner workings better?
  • Who do I think I am?
  • What are my favorite qualities about myself?
  • Do I have any habits I want to change?
  • Would I date myself if I were a different person?
  • How do I pour love into myself?

George Milton

2. More questions to ask yourself about who you are

Other questions you can ask yourself can have something to do with your morals or boundaries. It's a way for you to understand areas of your life that you may not always think about everyday.

  • What do I value in life?
  • What kind of boundaries have I set (or need to put in place)?
  • Do I spend a lot of time focused on other people?
  • Do I have religious beliefs?

Vlada Karpovich

3. Think about if you want to be single or in a serious relationship

Once you have a better understanding of who you are, think about the kind of romantic love you'd like to have in your life. There's a chance you're not even interested in a serious monogamous relationship right now and that's okay. The point is to get clear about what you do want.

Start asking:

  • Am I okay with being single or do I feel pressured to settle down?
  • Do I care more about dating several people or choosing one person to romantically connect with?
  • Is there a reason I wouldn't want a long-term relationship?
  • Is it hard to be vulnerable whether I'm looking for something short-term or long-term?

Yan Krukau

4. Revisit past flings and relationships

Though tempting, this isn't a confirmation that you should call the ex you've been thinking about. Rather, take the time to revisit what you think did or didn't work.

  • What brought me joy about prior flings or relationships?
  • Was there mutual respect between myself and former romantic partners?
  • Did I or former partners feel possessive of each other?
  • Did I ever feel afraid for my safety in prior relationships?

Gustavo Fring

5. Allow yourself to be curious about the kind of partner you're attracted to

I'm not asking you to 'listen and judge' yourself for who you're typically attracted to. We all have our reasons why certain people make our hearts race even if said people aren't the greatest for us in the long run. This is the time to be curious about who you're drawn to and why.

  • Am I drawn to people's physical appearance first or their personality?
  • What kind of qualities am I attracted to overall?
  • Have I ever ignored red flags because I thought someone was attractive?

Anna Pou

6. Think about the kind of long-term relationship you'd like to have

Ready for something serious? There's still some questions you should ask yourself before jumping into something new.

  • Am I capable of trusting someone new?
  • How do I want to feel in a new romantic relationship?
  • What are my goals if I decide to pursue a long-term relationship?
  • How would I like to handle potential disagreements in my new relationships?
  • What are my dealbreakers?

These questions may seem like a lot, but it's a way to help you understand how you want your love like to look. Also, there's a possibility you could encounter scenarios that may not fit under these questions because life can be full of surprises. All that matters is you're able to have a better understanding of who you are and what you want in 2025.

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